The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Mar 26, 2022


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 30

In the basement of the Goldstein Center, there were now weight machines, and they were preparing the wall across from the doors leading in to the room for a Basket Ball Hoop. That wouldn't take too long to install, and Tanner watched as they finished the preparations for the day. It was the weekend coming up, and that Friday afternoon was cold and rainy.

As Tanner watched the workers work, he thought over what Caleb had told him while he and Dakota sat with him and Sarah the evening before telling the two of them about his and his family's confrontation with Principal Howard.

"I don't like any of this," Tanner said once they finished telling the story. "This punk clearly doesn't care about anyone other than the image of the school, as well as his own self."

"I agree," Sarah added. "I'm worried that he's not going to do anything, and it'll be too late when he does act if something more happens."

"I'm worried as well," Caleb responded. "I'm just hoping that things don't get worse than they already are."

"I'm hoping the same thing as well," Dakota said.

As Tanner thought over this conversation, he hoped that things might get better, but he didn't have much hope. He then put these thoughts out of his mind as he watched the workers gather up their tools, then after they left for the day, Tanner made sure the lights were turned out, and then he locked the doors to the basement. Once that was completed, Tanner went home for the evening.



Dakota and I were in our room at my house. We would be at my house for the weekend although we would make the usual couple of visits over to his house to visit with Sarah and Tanner at some point, and we were both looking forward to that.

As we sat on the edge of the bed after I closed the door to our room, I held Dakota in my arms as he held me and we shared a long and deep kiss. We hadn't had much time to really be alone since things were wrapping up for Christmas Break, and so we had been extremely busy with trying to get assignments completed as well as the last few tests completed, not to mention the studying we all were doing for all of it.

Dakota and I would find a little time to talk, as well as cuddle. We also did a couple of quick Blow Jobs, but it wasn't the long and drawn-out love-making sessions that we had become used to, and totally loved, but it was something that got us through the day. I knew though that Dakota was looking forward to us having enough time to really take our time with having sex once everything wrapped up before the holiday break, and I was looking forward to it as well. Fortunately for this weekend our homework was complete, as well as were the exams we had to do. We then had the up-coming week, then our holiday break would be here! I was excited about that, as was Dakota and the other boys as well.

After we separated, my phone rang. I looked at the display, and saw that it was my mom. She let me know that she and dad would be going out with friends, but that they would also be working late. They would be working until 6:00 P.M., and then would be out with friends for probably two or three hours, so probably wouldn't be home until 10:00 P.M.. She went on to say that we could heat up left-overs, or order out somewhere. I let her know that we would be alright, then we finished the call.

I put my phone on the bed-side table, and told Dakota what she had said. He smiled, and we hugged once again.

"What would you like for dinner later on?" I asked as Dakota kissed my cheek, then my neck.

"That's later," he answered. "You need to be focused on what's happening currently."

While he said that, he was moving my shirt, and I knew he wanted it off. I helped him with removing it, and then we were helping each other out of the rest of our clothes, and now we were naked as we wrapped our arms around one another and lay back on the bed passionately kissing, and slowly rubbing our erect cocks together. It felt so good, and I was more than ready to make love with my boyfriend that afternoon!

"I want you so bad Dakota!" I moaned as he thrust his tongue in my mouth.

Our tongues moved against one another, and it felt good feeling that while feeling our cocks rubbing together at the same time!

"I want you so bad as well Caleb!" Dakota replied when he broke the kiss.

We then took turns kissing one another all over our chests, stomachs, and then we took turns sucking and licking each other's nipples, and that got ne even hotter for him, and him for me as well!

It didn't take us long to have our mouths wrapped around one another's cocks, and we alternated between sucking up and down the length of one another's shafts, and then licking as well as sucking on each other's balls, then deep-throating one another for a while, and then we both came damn near at the same time, and I loved when that happened!

After we made out for several minutes, we fell asleep in one another's arms for a while.



Micah and I got back to the house after we finished our work-out at the gym close to our house. We had been working out after school for a couple of weeks at that point, and it was showing as well. We had also been getting closer in other ways as well.

We used the restroom that was within the room we shared, and so we were naked around each other a lot of the time when changing from clothes to towels, and I caught Micah sneaking glances at me a few times, and I did check him out a few times as well. I could tell he loved my seven-inch long cock, and the big low-hanging sack in which my balls rested, and I figured he'd love making me feel good between my legs sometime. I was beginning to get more and more comfortable with the fact that I was gay, and then a few days ago things changed for us.

After we got home earlier that week on Monday and got out of our work-out clothes, I let Micah shower first, then I got mine. I was extra horny that day, and I could see that Micah's cock was hard as he wrapped his towel around him.

Once finished with our showers, I lay on the bed just in boxers, and Micah came over and asked if he could lay next to me. I agreed, and we lay there silent for a few minutes.

I was used to Micah lying next to me, as he slept with me every night starting shortly after he came to stay with Heather and I. He had awakened from several nightmares about two nights in a row the second week of being with us, and I invited him to sleep beside me, and though he would lay beside me, he would toss and turn for a few minutes, then sometimes I could feel him shaking clearly from bad memories, and I would take him in my arms. This calmed him down, and he fell immediately asleep, and I told him after a couple of times of him sleeping in my bed with me that he could continue sleeping in bed with me, and he immediately agreed.

This gave us the opportunity to get visually familiar with each other's bodies, and as I would hold him close, I quickly fell in love with the silkiness of his skin, as well as how good he smelled. He seemed interested in the hair covering my arms, as well as the light dusting of hair in the center of my chest, and I loved how he staired at it from time to time.

Returning to where I was currently, I saw Micah looking over at me, and I turned to look at him as well. I then reached out gently drawing him closer to me. I ran my fingers over his shoulder, then brushed them lightly over the backs of his shoulders, as well as lightly brushing his side up and down. He sucked in breath through clenched teeth, and moaned audibly!

"Oh wow, that gives me chills when you do that Eric!" Micah said softly.

He moved closer, and his hardness was resting against mine. He started to move away, but I put a hand on his lower back stopping him. I then put my face just inches from his.

"You don't need to do that," I said as I eased him back against me, and pushed against him gently enough so that he could feel my hardness. "I think we both know how we feel about each other, and I'm definitely interested in doing things if you are."

"Oh yeah!" Micah said, then shivered as I leaned in, and lightly sucked on one of his nipples. "Oh! That feels so good! No one has ever done that to me before!"

"I've never been with a guy before," I said as I looked in to his eyes. "I really want my first time to be with you."

"I've not been with a guy either," Micah replied. "I also want you to be my first as well!"

We then shared a few kisses, then were readying ourselves to do more, then we heard the door at the front of the house open, then close. We dressed quickly, then greeted Heather. We hadn't had much of a chance to revisit that for the past few days, but now since Heather was going to be working at least until 6:00 P.M., that Friday evening, that gave Micah and I the chance to see where things might go.

After we put our work-out clothes in the washer, we went naked to our room, and after I got the door closed and locked, I waited for Micah to let me know if I could use the shower first, or at least ask if I wanted to go first, or something like that. He surprised me though by reaching for me, and his lips pressed gently against my cheek, then the other one. I wrapped my arms around him, and he pressed hard against me, and wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"I hope we can pick up where we left off a few days ago!" Micah said as he thrust against me. "I've wanted you for a long time, and you smell so good after you've worked out!"

"Thanks!" I said smiling as he nibbled on the side of my neck, then sucked on the area below my ear which gave me chills, and made my cock harden even more and twitch rapidly! "You actually smell amazing after you work out as well!"

We got on the bed, and Micah was all over me kissing, licking and sucking all over my chest, nipples, sides and then he moved to my thighs licking, sucking and nibbling up and down the insides of them! I was in absolute Heaven, and I never wanted him to stop!

"Oh yeah Micah!" That feels so good!" I yelled. "Keep doing that!"

He did for a while, then moved to my cock where he licked up and down all of the sides of it, then he pulled back the foreskin, and licked all over the exposed head of it! This excited me even more, and I was thrashing around on the bed and yelling how good it felt! He continued on with this until I couldn't stand it any longer, and he kept it up even for a few seconds longer, and then he began bathing my balls with his tongue! That felt great as well!



I breathed in deeply after bathing Eric's big hairy balls for several minutes! I loved his manly and strong musky sent, and smelling him made me feel closer to coming at that point! I sucked on his balls for several minutes after taking in several deep breaths of his smell, then I released his sack from my mouth, then slowly slid my mouth down over his cock that was leaking precum like a broken water hose! He moaned loudly when I began sliding my mouth further down over his shaft, and began fighting my gag reflex. I felt the last of my reflex ease, and now I was massaging the head of his cock with the back of my throat, and Eric was yelling my name, and also saying how good it was, and how amazing it felt!

I continued sucking up and down on his hard flesh, and then I let him take over, and while I held on to his ass cheeks, he began fucking my mouth slowly at first, then he began holding my head while he fucked in and out of my mouth, then after a while I tapped two times on his hip which was our way of us letting one another know to stop for a moment.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"I'm doing really well!" I replied. "I stopped you so I could see if you'd like to have me lay on my back like you are now, but with you kneeling over me fucking my mouth like that? It would be like you were fucking my ass, which I plan to have you do very soon whenever or if you feel comfortable to do that."

"All of that sounds good!" Eric agreed, and we switched positions, and now I was on my back, and Eric was getting on his knees which were on either side of my head.

His cock went in my mouth, and he began thrusting in and out slowly at first, and I lightly brushed his balls with my fingertips which I hoped had the desired effect, and it did. He went faster, and slightly harder!



When Micah brushed his fingertips against my balls, that only made my need and lust for him burn hotter! I was now fucking his mouth with total abandon, and I hadn't ever felt anything like this before! It was more pleasure than I had ever known before, and it was so amazing that it was starting to feel more good than I could handle, as well as becoming more stronger than I could handle!

I continued pumping in and out of his mouth, then I felt my orgasm building slowly, then it was upon me! My cock hardened, and I was just barely able to get out that I was about to come! Then my cock was hardening even more, and I was blasting mouth-full after mouth-full of my hot creamy cum in to my lover's mouth!



The first shots of Eric's hot and salty cum surprised me, and I swallowed them down as quickly as I could, then savored the rest of them! They tasted amazing, and I loved their strong and salty flavor as I swallowed them down!



I came a couple more times, then my orgasm was easing up slowly! I hadn't ever had an orgasm that good before, and it was amazing! After I removed my cock from Micah's mouth, I got on the bed beside him, and after we exchanged a few deep kisses, I began loving Micah's body as he had done to me.

I licked and sucked all over his silky smooth skin, and I spent a long time bathing his balls with my tongue, as well as sucking on them for a long time as well! I then began sucking his cock like he had with me only a few short minutes ago!

He tasted amazing, and I loved the salty taste of his precum, and I also loved the silky softness of his cock as I sucked up and down on it! It was so silky, and was absolute Heaven in my mouth!



No wonder guys went crazy about getting their cocks sucked! This was more amazing than I ever thought it could be! Eric was making me feel things I hadn't ever known a guy could ever feel, and knowing that it was him doing it made it all the more special! I just lay there enjoying his hot wet mouth as it sucked up and down on my hard flesh, and then I could feel my orgasm approaching!



I could feel Micah's cock hardening even more now, and I figured that he was getting close! He told me so, and then I moved so that he could fuck my mouth as I had done with his just a few minutes before!

"Oh fuck Eric!" he screamed. "I'm close, I'm so fucking close! Oh fuck! Oh Shit! Oh this feels so good! Oh Mother Fuck, here it comes! I'm going to come!"

His cock exploded in to orgasm, and I swallowed down the first couple of blasts, then savored the last few before swallowing them like he had done with me a few minutes before! He tasted amazing, and his cum was thick, as well as salty and creamy! I couldn't get enough of it, and I knew I would be wanting more!

After his orgasm eased up, we lay down beside each other, and we wrapped our arms around each other while deeply kissing for several minutes!

"That was amazing!" I said after we shared another kiss.

"It truly was!" Micah replied. "I want to do that with you always Eric!"

"I want that as well Micah!" I responded. "You're an amazing lover, and I want to do this with you always!"

"I feel the same way Eric!" Micah agreed. "I don't want to do any of this with anyone except you!"

We kissed a couple more times, then got up to shower, and get dinner.



After Dakota and I made love that afternoon, we had dinner, but quickly returned back to the bedroom to have sex for as long as we could hold out. We were completely hungry for each other, and we lay in bed seconds after closing the door, and our clothes were off just as quickly! We lay there wrapped in each other's arms kissing passionately, and we took turns sucking on one another's nipples, kissing all over each other's chests, stomachs and each other's sides!

I then decided to push things when I moved between Dakota's legs, and I began licking and sucking on the area behind his balls. He smelled good, and he had his natural sent mixed with the sent of the soap we both had used after our shower we got, and that was after the first time we made love that day once home from school.

"That feel so good Caleb!" Dakota yelled as I continued using my mouth on the area behind his balls.

I did that a couple more times, then slid my tongue further back, then began licking up and down the length of his crack, then I began sliding my tongue all around the opening of his hole!

"Oh yeah!" he yelled. "That feels so good Caleb! I love that!"

I kept that up, then began pushing my tongue inside him, and after a moment I was Tongue-Fucking his hole, and I was wondering if this would end with my cock being deep inside him that evening!



As Caleb used his mouth on my ass, I was surprised, and pleasantly so! Whenever I had heard of guys doing that part of sex with one another, I had thought it was disgusting to think about much less even do, but now I was loving it! I wanted it, and found that I couldn't get enough of it!

"Oh Caleb!" I yelled! "Keep doing that! Keep fucking my Boy Pussy with your tongue!"

Talking dirty like that was also getting me hot, and though a small part in the beginning, now it was all of me that hoped that he would finish that night of sex with him fucking me, and filling my hole with his hot creamy cum!



I kept eating my love out, and I did this until I had to stop to come up for air! After a moment of getting enough air, I went back to it for a few minutes, then stopped, and looked in to his eyes. I wondered if he knew what I wanted.

"I know what you want Caleb!" Dakota said. "Put your big cock deep in my Boy Cunt and fuck me as hard as you can!"

His dirty talk almost made me come right there! I made sure he was sure, and then I asked if he wanted me to use a condom.

"No," he replied. "I completely trust you my love!"

I got the lube out of the nightstand, and coated my cock in it, then put some in Dakota's hole. I began also loosening him up with one finger, then working until he could take two fingers added to that.

"Do you feel like you're ready?" I asked as I moved him on to his stomach which was how he said he wanted to be fucked when we had talked about it a while back.

"I'm totally ready for it Caleb!" he answered looking back at me. "Fuck me, do it hard!"

"Anything for you my sweet lover!" I replied, and we kissed deeply!

I slowly pushed the head of my cock inside of him, and I immediately saw why guys loved this! I continued pushing in to him gently, and he was moaning in total pleasure! After I slid in a little more, I could feel the whole length of my cock sheathed in his hot tight hole! It felt better than anything I could ever imagined, and I had to work really hard to not lose my load right there!

"Oh fuck!" I said through clenched teeth! "Fuck you're so tight! I've never felt anything like this before my lover! You feel so warm and tight on my cock!"

"You feel so big and hard inside me babe!" Dakota said breathing heavily, and I could feel him working hard at not exploding right there same as I was!

I began moving in and out of him, and I did it slowly, and was pulling out enough so that just the head of my cock was inside his hole, then I'd push back in, then I did this a couple more times before I began sliding in and out of him at a steady pace now! Movement inside him was easier now, and he was moving along with me as I began fucking him a little faster as he told me to do so!

It felt more amazing than I ever thought anything could! His hot and wet hole wrapped tightly around my cock, as well as the sounds it made when I moved it in and out of him, then the sounds of our bodies slapping together as we made contact drove me totally crazy!



I loved everything about what we were doing! Caleb's cock moving in and out of me felt great as well as sounded good with the moist sounds it made, as well as the wonderful sounds of his body as it made contact with mine as we fucked! I loved the loud slapping sounds that we made, and I loved the feeling of his big balls hitting my cheeks and insides of my thighs, as well as the feel of his cock as it hit my prostate again and again sending lightning bolts of pleasure crashing through me that soon became more than I could take, but I still never wanted them to stop!

"Oh yeah Caleb!" I screamed! "This is so fucking great!"

"I love this too!" he yelled back as he held me tightly as he went harder and faster with his fucking!

I then turned my head so I could press my mouth to his armpit where I licked and sucked, as well as breathed in deeply! That smell added to everything else drove me even more crazy for him!



Everything was getting stronger, and when Dakota licked, sucked and breathed in the sent of my armpit, then the other, it made me even hotter! I was getting close, and I began fucking harder!

"This is so good my love!" I said as I began nibbling on the back of his ear, and then nibbling on the backs of his shoulders! Then I licked under his ear, and then continued talking. "It's amazing! I've had my cock in that hot little mouth of yours, and now I got it wrapped tightly inside you, and am getting to feel how good it feels as I fuck it in and out of your hot tight Boy Cunt! It's so fucking hot, and so dam good!"

"Yeah, Caleb!" Dakota yelled. "Fuck my hot wet Boy Cunt! Fuck it good! Fuck it hard! Oh, I love you, and being your cock-hungry Bitch that you're fucking your big hard cock in and out of right now!"

"Fuck!" I screamed "I'm coming!"

It hit me hard, and without warning as I got harder and faster! Cum exploded deep inside Dakota's guts as I slammed in to him, and I was totally over-taken by my orgasm, and to call it being over-taken was really an under-statement! I felt over-powered by my orgasm, and I could feel Dakota's hole clenching around my cock over and over again as I fucked and blasted load after load of hot cum deep inside him!



Caleb fucked me harder, and it was pure primal lust driving him in and out of me, and the same that drove my own orgasm as I came hard without touching myself! We moaned loudly, and as Caleb kept coming, his body was pressed down on mine pressing me down on the bed making me unable to move as we both came harder than we ever had before!

Caleb's come over-flowed finally as he shot out the last few spirts, and it flowed over my balls, and in between my thighs! I loved that, as well as how he was pressed against me which held me down! With me letting him know that it turned out like that after we finished fucking that evening, and after telling him that that's how I would always want it to be, he would go on to fuck me hard, and hold me down tightly as we would both come, making me feel totally under his control, and unable to move which made my orgasm, as well as his even more strong and powerful!



We finished coming, and after my cock softened and I slowly pulled out, we lay in one another's arms kissing gently, then I looked in to my lover's eyes.

"I love you so much Dakota!" I said. "My love for you gets deeper and deeper as we continue being with each other!"

"I love you too Caleb!" he replied. "I love you more and more every day, and that love grows deeper as we continue being in each other's lives! I always want to be with you, and I don't ever want to picture my life without you in it!"

"I never want to picture my life without you in it either my love!" I answered. "You make my life complete, and I love you more than anything in this world!"

"I love you more than anything in this world as well Caleb!" he replied.

We kissed a couple more times, and after cleaning up, we fell exhausted in to bed, and fell asleep seconds after as we lay in each other's arms. That was the best night of our lives!

Author's Notes

I hadn't had the boys in much of any sexual situations for a while, so wanted to give them a chance to enjoy each other, as well as the readers a chance to see them enjoying each other. I hope everyone enjoys this chapter, and the quality time the boys spent with their respective boyfriends. As for Devin and Tyler, they'll get their own scene in the next chapter, and I hope everyone likes what I do with that as well.

I hope everyone is having a good evening, and has been having a good weekend as well. I hope also, that everyone is staying safe, and I'll see all of you in Chapter 31.

Next: Chapter 31

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