The Boys

By Cameron Maxx

Published on Jun 14, 2012



This story is a work of FICTION. While actual people and/or events may inspire some characters and situations, no implications are intended or should be drawn. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental.


Copyright 2011-12 All original material contained here within is copyrighted by the authors, Cameron Maxx and Eric Ziggler, and may not be reproduced in any form without express written consent. The Nifty Archive is granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, and non-cancelable license to display this work.

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This is a fantasy story about Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin from TNA wrestling and the band The High Crusade. My co-author and I affectionately refer to Alex and Chris as, "the boys" in conversation, hence the title of this story. Hope you enjoy chapter two!


The boys pulled their white rental SUV into the performer's lot behind the TNA arena. Alex was behind the wheel, having driven from the hotel. It was just before 2:00 in the afternoon when they arrived and the Florida sun was high in the sky. Pulling into an empty spot in a row filled with other anonymous rental vehicles, he shifted into park and looked at Chris.

"You ready?" he asked.

Chris looked at him and smiled. "I guess I have to be."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Chris said and looked away for a moment. He thought for a moment then turned back to Alex. "I just wish we could spend our anniversary somewhere a little more romantic than in the ring, I guess."

"Hey, listen to me," Alex said before reaching over and taking Chris's hand in his own. He squeezed it gently. "I know it sucks we have to be here and work today. But, we've got all next week alone and on vacation ... just you and me, okay?"


"And," Alex started then leaned over and kissed his boyfriend passionately, full on the lips. "As long as I'm with you," he continued after breaking their kiss, "as long as we're together then I'm happy and it's a good anniversary!"

Chris broken into a huge smile, his eyes twinkling. "You can be very sweet sometimes, you know that?"

"I do."

"And a rather charming fellow, too!" Chris said and leaned over kissing Alex again, the tip of his tongue gently tracing his lips. As they kissed, Chris ran his hand up Alex's inner thigh to his crotch and massaged his dick through the jeans.

"Hey, hey!" Alex said, pulling his head back and grabbing Chris's wrist, moving his hand away. "Save it for tonight, buddy."

Chris laughed. "Okay, okay. Fine! You're no fun," he accused in a pouting tone.

"Mhm," Alex said and opened the door, swinging his feet out onto the ground. "Come on, horndog! Let's go. We've got asses to kick!"

Chris hopped out of the of the passenger's side of the car and shut the door. Walking around to the trunk and lifting it open he took their luggage out then slammed the lid shut. Meanwhile Alex had already walked into the arena and was greeting their fellow wrestlers. Chris rolled his eyes; if there was one thing his man could do it was talk, and talk and talk some more. It wasn't unusual for them to be there for an hour after a show while Alex said goodbye to everyone. He walked in where Alex was already chatting it up with Mick Foley and walked past them to the match board.

Checking to see who they were wrestling for the evening, he saw they'd be going up against Generation Me, Max and Jeremy Buck. He sighed in discontent knowing with those two it would not be an easy night. But Alex and he were the tag team champions and a light match was never in the cards. They had worked very hard to get to where they were and were not going to give that up now.

Alex had finished his talk and walked over to where Chris was standing. "So who's going to get destroyed tonight?" he asked then looked at the board. "Gen Me again? Jesus, we really need some fresh opponents!"

Chris nodded his head in agreement and began walking to their locker room. Alex turned, caught up with him, and slapped his ass.

"Who's the horndog now?" he laughed.

"Still you!" Alex retorted.

They got to the door of their locker room and pushed it open. Walking inside and slinging their bags down onto the nearest bench Alex bent down to retrieve his work out clothes and change but Chris had other thoughts on his mind. He walked up behind his man and wrapped his arms around his waist and began gently kissing the back of his neck. Chris's hands had found their way to the front of Alex's jeans and had begun unbuttoning and unzipping them, but Alex had moved his hand away.

"Babe, we can't fool around right now. We have to go work out the details of our match and we've got to get ready for that meet & greet before the show." Alex said.

"But Alex," Chris whined, "we've wrestled those guys a hundred times. We don't need to practice anything! And there's a meet and greet after the show. People can meet us then." As he spoke he slid his hand back down and into Alex's boxers, taking his dick in hand. He wrapped his fingers around it, squeezing gently, and felt it begin to harden and throb despite Alex's protests. "Come on big boy, I'm horny and I want this in me now!"

Alex laughed despite himself, ""Big boy! Big boy? Really?!" but still pulled Chris's hand out of his pants. "Thanks for the flattery but the answer is still no. We've got a show to do. You know that."

Chris mumbled under his breath and said "Fine! You always win." and slide his pants off before putting his basketball shorts on.

"Yes I do. I always win because I'm the best" Alex replied then he smiled and threw his shirt at Chris. "Let's get out there and get to work."

Chris laughed and trailed behind the man.

Practice went well. Very well actually. Both teams figured out all the spots they had wanted to do and were able to come up with a very good match that they thought was going to send the fans home happy. After practice, the boys headed over to the table at the far end of the arena that was set up for the meet and greet. They were scheduled to be there for a half hour before the show and a half hour afterwards. Taking their seats behind the table, the ushers allowed the first of the fans to make they way forward.

"Hey, there!" Chris said and flashed them his biggest smile. Alex, as always watched his boyfriend work the crowd and was amazed to see how people responded to his open and easy demeanor. The ladies in particular really seemed to like him, a fact which never failed to irk Alex even though he knew it was silly to feel that way.

Alex smiled and nodded, signing the fans stuff after Chris had. He was friendly but never as chatty or as quick to smile with the public as his partner was. This continued for 30 minutes or so, each other them greeting fans, autographing, and posing for pictures. Without even realizing he was doing so, Alex kept a protective eye on Chris. The vast majority of the people they met were perfectly normal and nice, happy to be meeting the wrestlers. But there were always one or two that wanted to get just a little too close or make a creepy, inappropriate comment. Those were the people that made him uncomfortable and the reason he kept that loving eye on Chris. The thought of being separated from him if he was in any danger, not being by his side for even a moment, gave Alex a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach and made him nauseous.

When their time at the autograph table was done TNA's Thursday night Impact taping had already begun. Their match was scheduled near the end of the show so they had about an hour to change, shower, and get ready before being in the ring. They waved one last time to the fans still in line then headed back to their locker room.

Alex was the last one in and closed then locked the door behind him. "That was a good signing," Chris commented as he started to undress.

"Yeah, not bad."

"You're always so grumpy after a meet and greet!" Chris laughed, pulling his pants down and dropping them on the floor.

"I am not," Alex replied as he raised his arms and pulled his shirt off over his head. "I just don't like the weirdos."

"Well, then you should be happy. No weirdos there tonight," Chris said. He was now wearing only the tight, black briefs they wore under their tights when they wrestled and was looking at Alex as he finished undressing.

Stepping out of his pants, Alex too was now down to nothing more than the same black briefs his boyfriend was wearing. "Nope, no weirdos! I was just, you know. Those things bore me. I'm not good talking with all those people like you are."

"No, but you can chat for hours with everyone backstage. Just babbling on for hours..."

"Shut the hell up!" Alex cut Chris off, poking him in the tummy to emphasize his point.

Chris laughed and jumped back. "Hey, hey!!"

"What?" Alex said, feigning innocence.

"You know what!" Chris accused, rubbing his tummy. "No need for that."

"Are you gonna shower or not?"

Chris raised an eyebrow, "Wanna join me?" he asked and winked.

"No I do not want to join you," Alex said firmly. "I know you and what you'll try and do if we're in there together. Now go wash your sweaty balls!"

"Whatever!" Chris said and turned, pulling the briefs down over his hips and stepping out of them. "Your loss, buddy." He walked away then turned and stepped into the shower. Alex watched his sexy ass until it disappeared then heard the water start a moment later. He smiled. He loved Chris fiercely and couldn't stop the smile that spread over his face whenever he thought about his best friend and partner.

Alex sat on the bench and listened to the water and the sound of Chris's voice as he began to sing in the shower. He chuckled and mumbled, "Dork!" under his breath. His boyfriend was many, many things but a great singer he was not. Not that he minded; he thought Chris's terrible singing was just as cute as everything else about him.

He let 10 minutes or so pass, allowing Chris to think he would be showering solo. In the meantime he had discarded his own briefs and was slowly stroking his now very hard dick. He sat naked, thinking about the surprise he had in store for Chris as the precum leaked out; he took it on his fingertip then tasted it on his tongue. After a moment more, he rose and walked down the hall towards the shower. He smiled as he followed the sound of Chris's off key warbling, his very firm dick leading the way.

Stepping into the little space just outside the shower, Alex stopped and looked through the fogged up glass door into the roomy stall. Chris had his back to the door, the water cascading over his wet hair and down his back. Opening the door quickly and closing it quietly behind him, Alex now stood only inches behind him. The water splashed onto his naked chest and torso and he was soon dripping wet. He watched the water running down Chris's lightly muscled back before it rolled over his smooth, firm ass accenting the shape of the man's hips. Unconsciously licking his lips, Alex moved forward and wrapped one arm around Chris's chest as the other slid around the lowest part of his stomach and pulled him back against his own chest. His hard dick pressed against his lover, fitting comfortably in the tight crack between the two perfect globes of his ass.

Chris exhaled sharply and his body tensed in Alex's embrace, "Holy shit!" he exclaimed. "Jeeze, you scared me."

But Alex did not respond. Instead he began kissing along Chis's shoulder blade, licking and sucking his way up towards his neck. The hand wrapped around his chest moved to the muscle over his heart, caressing the smooth skin there and lightly pinching and toying with the suddenly hard nipple. His other arm moved lower and he cupped Chris's balls in the palm of his hand, lifting them and rubbing them gently. Alex reached the nape of his neck and softly nipped at the sensitive skin there, sending erotic shivers down Chris's spine and making his cock began to grow.

Alex's assault on his senses caused an immediate reaction in Chris who leaned his head back and rested it on his boyfriend's shoulder. "Mmmm, Alex..." he moaned as his body melted against the other's and he pushed his ass back, moving it over the rigid dick pressed against him.

Kissing his way up Chris's neck, Alex made his way to his ear. He used just the tip of his tongue to trace the delicate inner curves making Chris moan more and shudder against him. His mouth found Chris's earlobe and began to suck on it and then nibble. As one hand continued to rub and massage his boyfriend's chest, Alex moved his other arm around to Chris's ass and used his hand to gently spread his legs open a bit. Then his fingertips began exploring, sensually tracing up Chris's inner thighs before slowly moving in between his cheeks. Two fingers moved up and down his crack, playing lightly over his tight opening each time they passed. Chris pushed back on the fingers, wanting them to touch him there again and his own cock was now fully erect and leaking precum onto the shower's floor where the swirling water washed it down the drain.

Using the soap and water, Alex began to push a finger into Chris. Feeling his hole open for the finger, Chris pushed back again and felt the digit sink deeper into him. His moved his ass back and forth, ever so slightly fucking himself on Alex's finger that was now buried all the way inside him.

"More," Chris pleaded. His eyes were closed and his head still rested on Alex's strong shoulder.

"You ready for another one?"

"Yes..." came the breathy reply.

Alex worked a second finger into Chris, feeling his lover's tight opening relax and dilate for him. He began fingering Chris deeply now, pulling both fingers almost all the way out before shoving them back in. Each time he pushed them in they grazed over Chris's prostate, making him shiver with pleasure and his cock throb over and over again.

"Fuck me," Chris moaned. "Fuck me now, baby. Please, I need it."

"Don't worry, love," Alex whispered in his ear. "You'll get it but only when I'm ready to give it to you. When I'm ready to fuck this hot, tight ass I will."

As the last words left his mouth, Alex roughly shoved a third finger into Chris feeling the hole pulse and stretch around his fingers. Chris grunted but didn't protest; there was just the hint of pain as Alex shoved the third finger into him, but he felt wonderfully full. The three fingers inside rubbed, stroked, and massaged his sensitive inner walls all the while scraping over his spot firing millions of nerve endings and making him gasp and involuntarily push himself back harder on the invading digits. His own arms were outstretched, hands curled into fists of pleasure and pressed hard against the shower wall.

Just when Chris didn't think he could bear it anymore, when his cock was painfully hard and screaming for release, he felt Alex pull the fingers from his ass and his hand moved up his back, pushing him forward slightly. At the same time one of Alex's feet moved between Chris's and gently moved them apart. Knowing what was to come and the position his boyfriend wanted him in, Chris gladly assumed it. He bent slightly at the waist and spread his legs, presenting his open and willing ass for Alex. His palms were pressed flat against the tiled wall supporting his weight as he awaited that lovely ache of being slowly impaled by Alex's hard dick.

Positioning the head of his leaking, throbbing dick against Chris's hole, Alex slowly rubbed it back and forth over the pulsing entrance. He watched as his precum spread over his boyfriend's opening. It was a sight that he always found so very sexy, knowing he was about to be inside that amazing ass. Knowing that Chris not only allowed him in, trusted and loved him, but wanted and needed to feel him inside just as much as Alex needed to be connected to him in that intensely intimate way. His own dick was an inch or two longer than Chris's, and quite a bit thicker, but he couldn't care less. He found his lover's body, cock, and ass flawless. Chris was beautiful to him in every way and he longed for him whenever they were apart.

Alex put his hands on Chris's shoulders and pushed his hips forward. Feeling the thick, flared head of the dick pushing into him, Chris sighed and then inhaled sharply as his hole first began to stretch open for Alex then submitted and allowed him in. Alex gripped his boyfriend's shoulders tightly as he continued sliding his hard dick into that tight ass, going slowly but not pausing as he took what was his. Chris moaned as he was stretched and filled; he shuddered as first the ridge of the cock head and then the shaft caressed and grazed over his spot, pushing deeper and deeper. He looked down to see his own cock as hard as it could be and dripping precum.

Bottoming out, his smoothly shaven crotch pressed against Chris's stretched hole, Alex stayed motionless for a moment. Then, with his dick still buried completely to the base, he began to pivot his hips ever so slightly. As he did, his hard shaft stretched Chris's hole even more and the head ground against his prostate. Chris moaned and pushed his bottom further back, the sensations radiating from his ass causing his mouth to drop open and his knees to weaken. If it weren't for his hands on the wall and Alex still gripping his shoulders, he thought he might actually collapse.

Alex began to slowly pull his dick out, leaking precum into Chris's gripping ass. Pushing back in again, he felt his boyfriend tightened and pulse around his hard length. The soap and precum were just enough lube and Alex soon found a steady rhythm, pulling almost all the way out before pushing in again, fucking Chris and making him moan. Each time he hit his lover's spot, Chris would gasp and his cock would throb.

"Mmmm don't stop, babe," Chris begged breathlessly. "It feels amazing."

"You like me inside you?"

"Yes, I do..."

"Good!" Alex said, sounding pleased, and picking up the pace slamming into Chris faster now. One hand slid up Chris's back, tracing his spine to his neck before reaching his hair. He ran his fingers through the wet hair then grabbed it in his fist and pulled it back. Chris moaned and instinctively arched his back, causing his ass to tighten down on Alex's thrusting dick.

Chris reached back and gripped Alex's ass trying to get him in deeper. Even though he had felt it a hundred times before, Chris still loved having Alex's dick inside him. He looked down to see his own hard cock bouncing and dripping precum as Alex slammed into him over and over. Chris could see the veins popping out of his throbbing cock and he flexed his muscles, squeezing his boyfriend's rigid dick. He moved both hands back to the wall to steady himself as he got closer and closer to the edge. Each time Alex pushed in, rubbing over his prostate, tremors would wrack his body and his balls begin to pull up and tighten. It felt amazing and little shots of precum now pumped from his cock over and over like mini orgasms building up to a huge release. Chris could feel the familiar tingle swelling inside him; no cum was ever as good as the ones that Alex fucked out of him.

Alex was getting close and could tell Chris was, too. The hand that was in Chris's hair yanked back again, forcing his head up as Alex moved his other hand from his boyfriend's waist to his chest and began tweaking and pinching his hard, sensitive nipple. When he did, Chris threw his head back and moaned louder than ever. The pressure of Alex's dick buried deep inside him, that wonderful full feeling, was too much. The extra sensations of pleasure now coming from his overly aroused nipple was his undoing. His orgasm overtook him and his untouched cock exploded. His load shot out of him and splattered against the shower's tiled wall.

"Uhhhh, oh fuck..." he groaned. More and more cum shot out each time Alex fucked into him. He could feel the hard dick inside him hit his spot and then his own cock pump out more cum. His hands curled into fists and his whole body shuddered as he came.

Alex could see his boyfriend's thick, creamy load on the wall as it started to slowly run down the tile. "Oh, shit. Oh, God ... Chris that's so fucking hot," Alex said. Breathing hard now, so close, he buried himself as deep as he could in Chris's ass and then all but screamed as his hot seed began to shoot into his lover. Chris groaned again, feeling the warmth spreading in his ass, consuming him. Alex clung to his boyfriend as his orgasm crashed over him like a wave. Load after load shot into Chris, filling him up.

As they both recovered, catching their breaths, Chris moved his hands off the wall and slowly straighted up so that his back pressed against Alex's smooth chest. Without thinking, Alex wrapped his arms around him, holding him close. They were still connected in the most intimate way, Alex's dick still deep inside Chris. Moments like these, when they were both physically and emotionally joined, were the moments they lived for.

Chris turned his head and kissed Alex gently on the cheek. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you," Alex answered softly. " much."

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