The Brady Bunch

By moc.loa@kaerFnevaR

Published on May 3, 2004


I did not write this story and I am not sure who did. But, if you like this story, you can e-mail me aty (or AIM ME at RavenFreak as I am online most nights after 9pm) Thanks.

  • Nels ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

It was a crisp fall Saturday morning. Mike slammed the gate shut on the family station wagon, stood up and inhaled deeply in the fresh air. "Ah," he thought, "what a great day to go camping."

He called out to his kids, at least, to the three that were going. "Hey, troops, let's shake a leg. I want to be on that mountain by noon."

The glass door into the den slid open, and Bobby dashed out, football tucked under his arm. "Okay, Dad, let's go!" he cried. He nearly ran his father over, but Mike sidestepped neatly and caught the 11-year-old around the waist and swung him around. "Okay, sport, take it easy."

Peter appeared next, loaded down with fishing equipment. He was in serious danger of hooking his eye with a dangling fishhook, but Mike grabbed the pole, pinning the line down with his palm. "Watch it there, son," he cautioned. "I thought I warned you about these things."

"Sorry, Dad," the youth apologized, "Gosh, I didn't mean to..., I'm sorry." Peter turned red and ducked into the car. At 13 he was turning clumsy already, and to appear less than adequate in his father's eyes was horrifying to him. Peter hero-worshipped his father unabashedly. His greatest fear in life was that he would somehow disappoint the 38 year old architect.

Finally, Cindy appeared, moving sedately past her swing set, a small toy suitcase in one hand and a doll tucked under the other arm. She tried to appear nonchalant, unlike her rambunctious brothers, but she couldn't conceal the excited bounce to her step, which Mike noted appreciatively as she passed. He caught himself watching the little wiggle of her ass, then shook his head to clear it. "Steady on, old boy," he told himself, "not only is she 10, but she's your daughter." Well... step-daughter, a nasty little voice in the back of his mind smirked.

At 16, 15 and 13, Greg, Marsha and Jan all felt too old for "camp- outs", and so elected to stay home with their mother, Carol, who had to attend a PTA seminar. Of course, Alice the housekeeper would be home, too.

So with a light heart and (thankfully) a not-too-crowded car, the four set off for the California foothills and a local camp spot the Brady Bunch had been frequenting for years.


Later that (proverbial) evening..... Carol had called and told Alice that she had decided to attend the PTA banquet that evening as well. "Don't wait up," she said, "I'll probably get in very late."

"Okay, Mrs. Brady," Alice chirped. The thought of Carol's absence excited her at first, then she remembered that Mike was up in the mountains. "Shit," she thought, "a perfect opportunity for us to fuck up a storm and he's hanging with the babes in the woods. Looks like it's dildo time tonight."

She briefly considered Greg. He was quite a piece of meat and, if genetics had anything to do with it, was probably well-hung, as well. But it would be extremely risky, so she decided against it. He was young and hung, probably had his fill of high school chicks to ball. He wouldn't want a 50-ish plain Jane like her. Not like his dad Mike, whose unresolved Oedipal complex had found a warm and receptive home in Alice's bed. Plus if she came on to Greg and he blabbed to Carol... well, that would be the end of the cushiest job she ever had.

So she resigned herself to a lonely night. Sighing, she finished cleaning up after dinner, shut off the kitchen light and retired to her own bedroom off the kitchen.

If Greg had but known her intentions, he would have been waiting for Alice in that bedroom, eagerly nude. Contrary to what the family thought, Greg was NOT slipping it to every girl in school. His "cool" act deserted him in the trenches, and every time he got into it with a girl he lost control and slammed it to her as fast and hard as he could. His reputation as a poor lover had gotten around, and even the freshmen were getting to be a little stand- offish.

Frustrated and highly oversexed, Greg felt he could fuck anything with a pussy. Alice would have been welcome company. But, ignorant of that score, he sat alone in HIS bedroom, morosely beating his meat over a dog-eared Penthouse. Suddenly, he heard one of his sisters in the bathroom that all the kids shared. It had to be Jan, since Marsha was out on a date and Cindy was up in the mountains. He padded swiftly and silently to his bedroom door, locking it and shutting off the light. Then, with his cock lolling out of his pajama bottoms, he carried a chair over to the bathroom door and stood on it.

The remodelling which had opened the bathroom onto this bedroom had left a thin crack above the doorjamb where the molding didn't meet the drywall. Greg had noticed the light shining against his ceiling as he lay in bed one night and discovered the crack the next day. He had patiently enlarged it a bit at a time when no one was around until it offered a panoramic view of the bathroom, but had never had the opportunity to use it before tonight. Now he stood on the chair and gazed down into the lit room.

The tub/shower was to his left, and the shower was running. The door to the girls' room was directly across from him. On his right stood the vanity and sink, with a mirror above it and the toilet on the other side of it, against the wall next to the door. Jan was standing on the throw rug in the middle of the room, and was in the process of shucking her jeans.

Greg almost fell off his chair. His younger sister was in her bra and panties, her long blonde hair cascading down her back. He hadn't paid too much attention to her tits in the past, since they couldn't compare to Marsha's big jugs, but Jan's were very nice- sized and probably would grow bigger. He caught a nice view of them as she unhooked and dropped the bra. They were mostly cone- shaped with a slight droop which would become more pronounced as they filled and rounded out. The nipples, erect from the cool autumn temperatures, jutted proudly up at an angle from small, neatly circular areolae.

He only had a quick glimpse of a sparse golden bush before Jan hopped into the shower. He turned around, sat down on the chair and let out a long whooshing sigh. His cock was fully erect, and he stroked it lazily, almost absent-mindedly, as he concentrated on the image of his sister in his mind's eye. It would be nice to slide his dick into that little golden nest. He picked up the pace of his stroking, but wanted to time it so he was looking at her naked body when he did cum. She would have to get out of the shower and dry off. Maybe she'd stay nude as she got ready for bed!

A short time later, Greg heard the shower stop. He quickly turned around and hopped back up on the chair. Sure enough, Jan was standing facing the mirror, vigorously toweling off her lithe body. Greg shifted his vantage a little to catch her reflection and so get a straight-on view of her crotch. He was not disappointed, because Jan gathered her long hair up in the towel, stood up straight and, with her arms over her head, began drying her hair. This pushed her burgeoning breasts out proudly, and displayed all of her pussy mound to the mirror and Greg's fascinated gaze. Only briefly did he notice that Jan's gaze was fixed on herself as avidly as his was, but his lust-fevered brain didn't register the thought.

All too soon, Jan lowered her arms and shook her hair out. Then she picked up a thick-handled tortoise-shell hairbrush (a gift from her parents last Christmas) and began luxuriantly brushing out her long honey-blonde hair.

After a few minutes of this, Jan put the brush down on the vanity, then put on her glasses. Greg began to quicken his stroke, fearing the show was about to end. But instead of gathering up her laundry and going back to her room, Jan was just standing there, watching herself in the mirror. Then, quite deliberately, she wet her fingertips with her tongue and began tweaking and rubbing her nipples!

Again, Greg nearly fell of his chair as his knees turned to water. He also almost came. But he wanted to prolong his own pleasure as long as possible, so he stopped jacking off and placed his fingertips on top of the door molding.

Inside the bathroom, Jan was clearly transporting herself to another world. The stimulation had brought a deepening blush to her nipples, her chest and her cheeks. Soon she was rubbing both tits wholesale, massaging, cupping and pinching, as her breaths became shorter. She continued to watch herself in the mirror, but every so often would shut her eyes and loll her head back in shivery excitement.

Finally, one hand dropped down to cup her pussy, and she visibly shuddered. Greg grabbed his own cock, and started rubbing slowly again. But Jan did not continue her own massage for very much longer. Instead, to Greg's ever-lasting delight, she grabbed the hairbrush, planted her ass on the throw rug and, with legs splayed lewdly open directly in Greg's view, slowly shoved the thick handle into her slick pussy!

That was it, Greg came in huge spurts all over his side of the door. Yet even after his mind-blowing cum, his dick stayed rock hard at the sight before him. Jan was now holding the brush in both hands, humping her hips up off the floor, plunging the 5 inch handle in to the hilt. Incongruously, her glasses were still on her face, and had slipped down her nose, giving her an air of naughty innocence. She angled the brush up so that it would contact her clit with every stroke in or out. The handle was ridged with big, smooth bumps so that it wouldn't slip from your hand. Those bumps now contacted Jan's clit individually on every stroke, beating a brain numbing tattoo which quickly sent her over the edge. Head thrown back and mouth open in a silent scream of passion, Jan came. For an entire minute, she held this rigid pose, and Greg was afraid she'd stopped breathing or had burst a blood vessel in her head. Then, with a great, gulping sigh, she relaxed against the tile floor.

After a few minutes catching her breath, Jan opened her eyes. Greg flinched as she seemed to look straight into his eyes. "She couldn't..." he thought, "could she? But no..."

But yes, because Jan hitched up on one elbow, crooked a finger at her brother and said calmly "Come on in, Greg, it's unlocked."


An astonished Greg Brady actually did fall off the chair this time. With a thud he landed on his heels on the deep shag carpet of his bedroom, then his knees gave way and he sat down hard on his ass. Slightly dazed but unhurt, he blinked at the light as Jan slid the door to the bathroom open, pushed aside the chair he'd been standing on and rushed into his room.

"Oh, Greg, are you okay?" she asked anxiously as she knelt down next to him, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that to you."

"I'm okay," Greg said, then shook his head, "but how did you know?"

"Peepholes go both ways, silly. You were never as careful about the plaster dust as you thought you were, but I cleaned it up for you. I was watching you jack off before and decided to give you a show. My, you've got a nice cock."

Greg's mind still couldn't comprehend the sudden turn of events. But his dick knew what to do when Jan laid her cool hand on it and squeezed gently. It leapt for joy. She began stroking it, speaking gently as she did.

"I've been wanting to get laid for real for a long time now, and I've decided I want it to be you. I've been hot for you for months, didn't you notice?"

"Uh, no," Greg felt foolish, because he'd been so worried about trying to ogle Marsha he'd never noticed his younger sister giving him the eye. But he was noticing now.

"I know you like Marsha, she does have big tits. But she's too dumb to notice what a great piece of meat is available right here. But I'm not too dumb. So how about it, big brother. Do you want my cherry?"

"Shit, yeah!" Greg finally burst out of his lethargy. "You bet I do, Jan. Lay back!" He started to get up.

"Hold it, big boy," she said, gripping his cock tighter and pushing her palm against his chest. "I've heard about you. I'm running this show. If you want me, it's on my terms."

"Okay, sure, whatever you say," Greg panted hungrily, then he paused, "What if I hurt you? I've had a few virgins before and they tend to scream and bleed at first."

"Hey, you dope, weren't you paying attention? Didn't you see the hairbrush? I busted myself ages ago on that thing. All I need is a real cock to make it official. Now lay back."

Greg complied sheepishly. Jan quickly threw a leg over him, and sat on his chest. He looked up at her through the hills of her breasts. Her hair had swept forward, framing her face. Her glasses looked out of place, but Greg loved them there. Then he switched his gaze to the pussy leaving wet streaks on his flesh. Unconsciously he licked his lips.

"Now you're getting the idea," Jan said, and slid forward. "Eat me," she commanded, settling her gash on his face.

"Huh? Wha- mmmph!" was all Greg could manage. Jan had no real desire to be dominant. In fact, she often imagined her rapidly plunging brush was attached to some big hunk of a guy who was screwing her silly. Lately that nameless guy had been christened Greg. But she had heard about his slam-bam style, and she certainly did NOT want that for her first time. So she was going to use all the power of her feminine wiles to prolong this act. Getting eaten out was only one of the things she'd been dying to try.

For his part, Greg had never been much on foreplay. He had eaten one or two girls before, but only to get them wet for his tool. But the fact that his own sister was grinding her muff into his face was extremely exciting, and he didn't mind waiting a little for the big event. So he chewed her pussy with his lips and dug his tongue in deep. Then, almost by accident, he fastened his lips on her clit and sucked it like a little cock.

Grooving on the tongue job, Jan was surprised by the sudden attack on her clit and went off like a sky-rocket. She flooded Greg's face with her juices, and he gamely swallowed what he could. Jan quickly slid her crotch down his body, until her butt bumped against his jutting pole.

Excited beyond belief, the two teens kissed deeply and wildly. Jan could taste herself all over Greg's face, but didn't mind. In fact, she'd licked her hairbrush clean in the past and actually enjoyed it. She had wondered briefly if all women tasted the same, but was soon distracted by that monstrous prong slapping at her ass.

Sitting up and back, supporting herself with her hands on her lover's chest, Jan Brady lifted her hips and settled her cunt onto her brother Greg's surging cock. Brother and sister both made silent 'O's of wonder and ecstacy as their flesh merged. Greg watched as his cock pushed slowly and deeply into his sister's golden furred snatch. Her tightly gripping labia were pushed inward as well. The feeling was incredible for them both.

Jan began sliding up and down her brother's pole, still leaning her hands on Greg's chest. This not only kept his cock at the optimal angle for stimulating her clit, but it also kept the over-anxious teen from getting too wild. However, Jan was getting wilder and wilder, as each stroke knocked her hypersensitive clit against his cock-stalk. She decided to turn this boy loose!

Greg had had his hands on Jan's perky tits, mauling them this way and that. Jan grabbed his wrists, then leaned back, pulling her brother up. "Get on top, Greg, I want you to fuck me deep, hard and fast." Greg grunted his assent, and continued leaning forward while his sister leaned back. So she was on her back in the deep carpeting, her hair fanned out around her, her legs sticking straight up in the air over her brother's back. Greg began pistoning her deep, but there was a huge difference between this fuck and the others he had had. Jan was primed by her masturbation, his pussy eating and the controlled fucking. So she could easily manage Greg's tool, which had been so uncomfortable for the other girls when he savagely thrust into them. Greg could feel the difference a relaxed, ready pussy made, even though it was attached to a 13-year-old body.

As a result, with both partners more relaxed and a great deal more lubrication than Greg was used to, he actually lasted quite a bit longer than normal. This was okay with Jan, whose first fuck at 13 was better than many women get in a lifetime.

In due course, however, Greg felt that yearnin', burnin' feeling start deep in his crotch. "I'm gonna cum," he grunted.

"Cum on top of me," she whispered huskily, "I want to see you shoot."

Ever mindful of the possibility of pregnancy, Greg was planning on exactly that. But to hear a girl ask for it, that was really hot. So at the last possible moment, he hauled his pecker out of her pussy (it seemed to take forever coming out, Jan thought) and fisted it with a few quick strokes until jet after jet of pearly white spunk flew over his sister's body. The first few jets landed on her face, the rest progressed down her body until, a minute later, he was squeezing the last few drops out onto the golden nest of her sparse pubic hair.

"Whoa," Greg sighed as he rolled onto his side next to Jan.

"Yeah, whoa," she echoed, "that was dreamy. Can we do it again?"

Greg just groaned.


Downstairs, in her small bedroom off the kitchen, Alice was unaware of what was transpiring above. The only sign of Jan and Greg's incestuous liaison had been the thud of Greg falling off the chair. But at that point, Alice had been so far gone into her own sexual world that it barely registered.

One of the few things she retained from her relationship with Sam the butcher was the unshakable belief that you get your kicks wherever you find them. With Sam that had meant fucking in every conceivable position in any available spot. Alice very nearly got frostbite on her ass when he had plowed her in the meat locker. They had almost been caught by Mrs. Brady on the kitchen table once.

Sam also had taught her the joys of using any everyday object to achieve sexual pleasure. Many times he would personally deliver a particularly tender piece of veal or liver or steak, which Alice would then use to jack him off by wrapping it around his hard cock. After he had shot a copious wad into the meat, he would lick the remaining juices off of his cock, savoring the piquant flavor of cum with the raw juice of the meat.

She would then let the meat marinate in Sam's spunk, cook it up and serve it to the family.

But Sam was gone now. Leah, one of Marsha's girlfriends had been working at the meat market for the summer. One hot day, when the air conditioning was out, Sam was banging this girl as she bent over the butcher block. He used to tell Alice how Leah's tits would flop out on the block like pieces of tenderized meat. But this time, just as he was about to serve her Sam's special marinade, he was stricken with a coronary and died on the spot. Leah had been inconsolable. Alice was simply phlegmatic. She needed her pussy filled regularly, and soon after that Mike Brady had stepped into the saddle.

Tonight, however, Mike was probably freezing his nuts off in the mountains. So Alice took a page from Sam's old recipe book and had brought a large soup bone to bed with her. It was perfectly smooth, no sharp projections or slivers, and so would make an especially stimulating dildo. The joint at the end was large, but not too large to get inside her. She had not cleaned it after dinner, preferring to keep the raw smell of meat - it reminded her of Sam.

Alice caught herself moaning particularly loud after her third orgasm. She shushed up quickly, praying that the kids had not heard her. Deciding that three was enough for the night, Alice licked the bone clean of her juices, tucked it under her pillow, and fell asleep.

Although Greg and Jan did not hear Alice's moans (being involved in some pretty heavy moaning themselves) someone else in the house did. The moan penetrated into his dreams as he drowsed in his bed in the den. Lifting his head up, he listened for another sound, but heard nothing. His sensitive nostrils did pick up a tantalizing scent, however, so Tiger roused, shook himself, and shambled toward the kitchen.

It had been in the kitchen that he had watched Alice cook dinner tonight. He was hoping to get hold of the bone, but the bitch (and to Tiger, that term was in no way pejorative) had kept it for herself. But now, although the smell was stronger in the kitchen, he still could not trace the source. He snuffled a bit, then made his way toward the bitch's "den". The door was pushed shut, but not all the way. He nosed it open, and was immediately assailed by the bone smell. But there was another smell mixed in, strange, but not unfamiliar. Instinctively, his tongue protruded from his mouth and he began salivating at the thought of the bone. But another pink protuberance was making its way from its sheath as well in response to the other smell.

Tiger jumped on Alice's bed. She stirred briefly, rolled from her side onto her back, then fell more deeply asleep. The covers had been pushed to the side, and she was sprawled naked in front of the dog.

Tiger was confused. Both his most basic hungers were being assailed by the scents emanating from this bitch, but he could see no bone, and he was unaccustomed to mating with a hairless, bipedal bitch. He was not sure what to do, so he settled down near the source of the smells, put his head down and licked tentatively. The taste was incredible, so he began a steady, voracious slurping.

Deep in dreams of her own, with the hormones of her recent orgasms still coursing through her, Alice felt the sudden ministrations on her pussy, but did not immediately awaken. It felt tremendous, and her sleep and lust fogged brain was convinced that it was a very good dream. She began hitching her hips up into the dogs face, giving Tiger better access. He responded by plunging his long doggy tongue deep within the housekeeper's pussy, pulling the tasty juices out and lapping them up. Then, in one electric moment, his raspy long tongue contacted Alice's clit.

She was jolted awake by the contact, and immediately realized that she was not alone in bed. But she still didn't know that she was being eaten by a dog. All she knew was that the best cunnilingist of her life was between her legs, and she had to assume it was Greg. "Oh, Greg," she moaned, "eat me, baby."

There was, of course, no reply. Suddenly Alice frowned. She could not sense any large weight sharing the bed with her, and that tongue seemed to go very de - ahh ohh that's good - deep. Who the fuck -- ?

That's when Tiger's cold wet nose bounced off her pussy lips. Alice uttered a short yell, bounced up off mattress and backed quickly into the corner of the bed against the wall.

"Shoo, shoo, you mangy mutt," she squeaked.

Tiger's own cloudy wit was further befuddled by the smell and taste he had been enjoying. He couldn't identify "lust" as such, but he did recognize an overwhelming hunger in his loins. He put his head down and advanced.

Alice tried to lash out with her feet and kick the dog, but one foot got caught in the sheets. The other missed his head by inches. The result was that once again she was splayed open to the horny animal. Tiger stuck his nose into her pussy and licked deeply again.

His long, rough tongue sent shivers down her spine, and the sexual synapses in her mind sparked into fireworks, finally overcoming her panic. He licked again; she quivered. He licked again and she moaned. One more lick and she was pushing her pelvis up to meet him. "Good boy," she murmured, "oh, good dog, Tiger." Hearing his name, the mutt looked up, wagged his tail briefly, and dropped his tongue back to her pussy.

Within minutes, Alice was thrashing on the bed, quaking and moaning her way through the most intense orgasms of her life. Tiger's relentless tonguing was driving her nuts, not letting her rest for a minute. He had none of the inhibitions of man, and was not even aware of the pleasure he was giving this woman. All he cared about was the wonderful taste he had found, and he lapped non-stop, as dogs are wont to do.

Finally, Alice decided that enough was too much, and she closed her legs and gently but firmly pushed Tiger away. He resisted at first, but once she pulled the covers over herself he retreated to the end of the bed. Alice lay back into her pillow, her tits heaving and rolling on her chest as she labored to catch her breath. "Get your kicks wherever you find them, doll-face," she murmured, quoting the late Sam. "But whoever thought you'd find them here?"

She was startled out of her revery by the sound of Tiger's licking again. Involuntary shivers emanated from her pussy, but she knew that she wasn't being licked. She picked up her head quickly and saw that Tiger was enthusiastically licking his own protuberant penis.

"Because they can," she told herself the punchline to the old joke "Why do dogs lick their own crotch?" She knew she would do herself if she could. As Tiger continued to lick himself, Alice realized that she had never seen a dog cum from licking himself. It probably wasn't possible, she thought. It probably needs wrap- around stimulation. For that matter, she had never seen a dog cum at all. She had seen them fucking, and knew that they got stuck, but she began to wonder exactly what doggie jizz looked like.

All during these ruminations she was staring fixedly at his cock. Its furry sheath seemed to have retracted, like a foreskin. The dick itself was long, pink and shiny. It was thin and came to a point. Tiger's tongue, a duller pink than his cock, was methodically working it's way from root to tip, but he didn't seem to be gaining any more from licking it than he had from licking her.

"Wherever you can," she repeated, more firmly, "ah what the fuck. Tiger, c'mere boy."

Tiger struggled out of his prone position and came toward Alice, licking her outstretched hand. "Here, sit," she said, pulling his rump around toward her and pushing it down. "Roll over."

Tiger didn't know any of these commands, but Alice just maneuvered him into position anyhow. As soon as Tiger realized what she was doing, he flipped over himself. Usually this meant he was going to get his tummy rubbed. He lay there in front of her knees, legs splayed and tongue lolling out.

But it wasn't his tummy Alice was interested in rubbing. The shiny pink dog cock was already retreating when she reached a tentative finger out and touched it. Despite it's appearance, it wasn't slimy, just wet. She gripped it lightly between thumb and forefinger and jacked it a little.

Tiger jumped a bit at first contact, but immediately settled down and let Alice work on him. He was a lot more sanguine about cross- species sex than she had been. As she gained confidence, she applied more fingers and more pressure to his again-lengthening dick. Tiger's hind-quarters quivered up and down slightly, but for the most part he was quiescent. The feelings he had were VERY good, but he was not into a mating frenzy yet.

Alice hitched up into a kneeling position, then lay on her side, still jacking Tiger off with her right hand. As she increased the pressure of her grip, he started to become a bit more excited. Speaking to him reassuringly, Alice draped her upper body across his ribs to try to keep him still.

This brought her face into extremely close proximity of his cock. Normally, when she was this close to a cock she was jacking off, she ended up with it in her mouth. She felt herself leaning in almost automatically, but pulled back to reconsider.

Why should she suck the dog? Well, he had done her and she felt she owed him. She liked to suck cock and have men squirt in her mouth. Theoretically it was no different. Why shouldn't she? Well she wasn't sure about the taste, but human semen, like beer and smoking pot, was an extremely rewarding acquired taste. Could animal semen be that different? Analysis: Alice, suck that cock.

She lowered her head and engulfed the thin stalk with her lips. It certainly was different, the strain on her jaws was much less. The texture seemed much spongier as well. But the taste wasn't bad at all. She plunged up and down enthusiastically.

Tiger was enjoying these feelings, but when Alice had stopped jacking and started sucking, it was actually less stimulating. Her mouth could provide neither the tightness nor the speed of her hand. So he relaxed a bit.

Alice sensed this change in Tiger's interest, but it took her a few minutes to figure out. When she did, she simply moved back so that just the tip of his cock was in her mouth, and began jacking the skinny length beneath with a thumb and two fingers.

Tiger's mind reached the equivalent of "THAT'S more like it" and he started bucking his hind-quarters in earnest now. He'd never been fucked lying on his back, but he enjoyed not having to put out the effort.

So there was Tiger, sprawled on his back across Alice's bed near the foot, and there was Alice, her floppy tits rubbing across his ribs, holding her head steady with her graying hair piled high, her lips wrapped around the tip of the dog's cock, and her right hand pumping industriously up and down it's length. Within minutes, Alice began to feel the tip in her mouth start to swell. She knew that this was the start of the knot which usually locked a dog into a bitch's pussy at climax. She had seen several dogs in a "tie" as it was called, and wondered briefly if the same thing would happen if a dog fucked a human. The thought crossed her mind naturally, and she filed it away for future consideration. She was already well into her new mind set where bestiality is just one more option open to the adventurous lover.

The knot continued to swell, but never enough to cause Alice any alarm. She was getting quite excited that Tiger was going to squirt in her mouth. She began working her lips a little behind the knot, hoping to add to the canine's stimulation. It did. Tiger furiously tried to hunch up into her mouth. His motion forced the tip of his cock back toward her throat and she almost gagged. In alarm and panic she pulled off, afraid that the knot would catch in her throat. At that instant, Tiger started to cum. His slime rocketed up out of his cock, splashing with insistent force against her face. Slitting her eyes, Alice continued to jack the Brady family pet off, opening her mouth to try and catch his spunk. It was thinner than human cum and less viscous. It splashed off her lips and teeth and deep into her mouth. The taste was different from man-cum, but not unpleasant. A little...gamey, like the difference between pheasant and chicken.

Tiger continued to cum for some time, but as his orgasm tapered off, the jizz simply flowed from his dick and over her hand, like water from a hose. Alice lowered her face and covered the knot again, sucking and swallowing greedily. When Tiger was done, she licked her hand and his dog-cock, cleaning up all the cum. Tiger appreciated the thorough job she was doing, and soon relaxed and fell asleep.

Her mind once again reeling in unrequited lust, Alice fell back on the bed, still scooping stray bits of doggy-cum from her anatomy and greedily sucking her fingers. She reached under the pillow and produced the soup bone again, jamming it into her sopping quim. At the foot of the bed, Tiger smelled the previously forgotten bone and picked up his head, looking at it plunging in and out of Alice's pussy and licking his chops.

"Oh goody," thought Alice, "Here we go again."


Mike Brady leaned back from the fire against his bedroll. Bobby and Cindy were asleep in the smaller tent already, and he was just about ready to turn in himself. Peter was across the fire from him, lying on his back looking at the stars. Mike could tell that the young teen was fighting to stay awake, but losing. From time to time, Peter would flick his flashlight on and scan the surrounding woods "for bears," Peter said, but Mike knew it was just to play with the flashlight. Peter was extremely proud of it, with its steel casing, large bulb and the 4 D batteries in the long handle. Mike had given it to Peter on his birthday, and for 3 months the boy had been itching to get out in the woods and use it.

"Alright, sport, what do you say we turn in," Mike stood and stretched.

"Okay, Dad, anything you say."

Peter ducked into the tent, and, after banking the fire, Mike followed him. As he crawled in, he found himself face to face with Peter's boyish cock, as the youth pulled on his pajama bottoms. Peter seemed unfazed, but Mike swallowed hastily a couple of times, then grumbled "Excuse me."

Turning down the Coleman lantern, Mike shucked his own jeans, leaving his sweatshirt on, rolled out his bedroll, and lay down on top of it.

Soon the sound of Peter's deep regular breathing filled the tent. Mike lay with one arm under his head, reviewing the day. He chuckled indulgently at Peter waving that flashlight around. He remembered at Peter's birthday party, when it was presented. Alice had caught Mike's eye and smirked. He knew she was thinking about the large cylindrical shape as a possible sex toy. Mike tried to secure it for one of their interlude's, but Peter slept with the damn thing every night.

Mike's imagination flashed on the sight of Alice sitting on her bed, jamming the flashlight up her pussy, then lickcing the juices off the shiny steel case. He also imagined her greasing it up, then running it up his ass. Ever since she had used a strap-on dildo on him, Mike had become extremely into anal.

These thoughts gave him a raging hard-on. Unfortunately, Alice was miles away. So he hauled out his pecker and, centering his thoughts on Alice, began jacking off.

But his ever-active mind soon switched to a different track. He found his thoughts wandering unbidden to Cindy, and the sweet way she swaggered her hips. He thought about her smooth ass, and what ehr pussy would be like. He also flashed onto the sight of Peter's young cock, just beginning to lengthen, with nothing but some dark, downy pubic fuzz around it.

He felt his come beginning, and he moaned. Thinking of butt- fucking Alice, or Cindy or Peter drove him toward his peak and he moaned again, louder.

"Dad?" Peter called from his side of the tent, "Are you okay?" "Shit!" Mike thought, and started to pull his hand away from his massive cock.

But it was too late. That ubiquitous flashlight popped on, and his cock was spotlighted by it's bright beam, throwing a towering shadow on the wall of the tent.

"Dad... holy shit!" Peter gulped. "Dad, you, you're huge!"

"Huh?" Mike said, covering up.

"God, do you think I'll ever be that big?"

"What?" Mike was extremely confused. Peter did not seem upset at all.

"Mine's so little. How do you get it so big?"

"Uh, Peter, it just gets that way sometimes. Normally it's much smaller."

"Really? Neat! What makes it do that?"

"Well, stimulation, you know, getting turned on."

"You mean like sex? Wow." Peter got up, turned up the lantern, shut off the flashlight, and shucking his PJs, sat down naked on Mike's bedroll. "Okay, show me how," he said.

"Sport, are you sure about this?"

"Oh yeah!" Peter enthused, "I want to be just like you."

The sight of his son's young firm body and slim prick had renewed Mike's hard-on. He decided that it wouldn't hurt to explain some sex to the boy, especially if he could work in a harmless demo of male plumbing.

"Okay," he said, flinging back the balnket to reveal his resurgent manhood. "This is a prick, in addition to peeing it has uses in reproduction. What happens is..."

"Dad, we covered all of this in science and health, I know what it's FOR, show me how it WORKS."

Mike nodded and began rubbing his prick. "I'm already hard, he said, but if I'm not I can get that way by doing this."

"Like this?" Peter picked up his flaccid cock and began tugging at it like a robin working a worm out of its hole.

"No, not quite," Mike said, "You've got to let your fingers slide up and down it."

"Like this?" the boy now was holding loosely and fluttering his finger back and forth.

"Almost, not quite," Mike said, frowning. Well, here goes nothing, he thought. "Here," he said, reaching across. He picked up Peter's cock, noting the boy's pleased expression, and began rubbing it in his palm, running his big fingers along the young shaft. Almost immediately he was rewarded with a stiffening.

"Wow," Peter breathed, wide-eyed, "that feels great, Dad."

Mike continued to work on his son's prick in silence. He was amazed that from it's flaccid state it was now expanding quickly to over six skinny, hard inches. He was a bit pleased and proud, knowing it was his genes which caused the nice size.

Peter was breathing shallowly through his mouth, obviously enjoying his first sexual experience. "That's great, Dad, can I try it?"

Mike wanted to keep jacking his son off to see if he could cum, so he answered, "Not right now, son. It's always nicer if someone does it for you. Try it yourself next time you're alone."

"Okay," Peter answered, unabashed. Then, to Mike's astonishment, he felt the cool slim hand of the youth fasten around his own adult cock.

"Whoa," he said.

"Am I doing it right?" Peter asked.

"Oh, yes," Mike said, "that's great, son."

For a while, the two Brady men jacked each other in a silence punctuated only by their heavu breathing. But Peter still hadn't grasped (pun intended) the essential concept about working toward an orgasm. So Mike stopped him and asked "Want to try something else, son?"

Peter immediately and eagerly nodded his head.

"Okay, get up on your knees." After Peter complied, Mike got up close to his son, placing his own knees outside Peter's. Then he knelt upright so that their two cocks were touching. Peter gasped at the contact, but Mike had more in mind. Placing one hand on Peter's shoulder, he wrapped the other around both their cocks and started jacking them together.

The feelings shivered throught both men, and very shortly, Peter was gripping his father's shoulders and panting heavily. Mike, who had already been primed to cum before, was ready to shoot his load. "Do you know what cum is son?" he grunted.

"Huh?" "Semen, sperm, jizz, do you know what it is?"


"Have you ever seen any?"


"Well hold on, you're about to.... I'm cummmmming, unnnnh."

With that, Mike's cum flowed up and out of his cock, fountaining briefly a few inches above his hand, then cascading back over both cocks. "wow," Peter breathed. "Can I do that?"

"I think so, son, I hope so," Mike released his own cock and went back to pumping Peter's. The added lubrication seemed to make it feel better for the boy. "If you can't tonight, you'll be able to soon."

Peter merely, grunted, concentrating on the fist below him.

"Son," Mike said, "would you like to try something else? It might help you cum."

"You bet," Peter said.

"Now, if anything we're doing makes you uncomfortable, just say "Stop" and we will, okay?"

"Okay," Peter nodded, anxious to get on with it.

"I'm serious, Pete, look at me. You're in control. Any time you say that's enough, I'll stop, okay?"

"Okay," the lad repeated.

"Okay, then, lie down."

Peter complied, his thin cock stalk wavering in the air. Mike leaned over, pumped his son's prick a couple of times and asked "Have you ever heard of a blowjob?" When Peter said he had, Mike asked him "Do you know what one is?" Peter shook his head. "Watch, learn and enjoy," Mike commanded, then dropped his head to his son's crotch.

Peter gasped loudly, then moaned as his dad's mouth engulfed him. Mike savored the taste of his own cum, and quickly cleaned it off the boy's cock. Then, with a firm sucking action, he began bobbing his head up and down. Peter instinctively began pumping his hips off the ground, driving his thin cock to the back of Mike's throat. Mike flashed back to sucking Alice's dildo, and also to those several interludes with a skinny Japanese boy back in the gym showers in junior high. He opened his throat a little more, then pushed his nose up against his son's stomach. Peter was amazed by the feelings, and the incongruous scratching of Mike's whiskers against his belly. He enthusiatically ground his hips up and down as his dad deep-throated him.

Pretty soon, Mike tasted a little bit of cum trickling inside his mouth. He knew he had cleaned up all his own cum, so this must be Peter's pre-cum. He realized then that he was going to bring the boy to his first orgasm. Then he heard Peter say, "Dad, stop."

"What? He said, liftin his head, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Dad," Peter said abashedly, "It's just, I think I'm going to pee."

"No you're not," Mike said, relieved, "that just means you're going to cum. Just relax and go with the feeling, okay?"

"Okay," Peter said happily and lay back.

Mike attacked the boy's prick with renewed vigor, and soon a steady stream of sweet young pre-cum was trickling into his mouth. Peter was moaning steadily now, and Mike could tell that in short order the boy would blow his load down his dad's throat. Sure enough, Peter uttered a short cough, and gasped out "I.. I.. I.." then "OoooooOOOOhhhhhh!" and shot his cum in a rush into Mike's mouth. Trying not to grin, Mike vacuumed up all the boy's jism. There wasn't much, but he knew that would change in time. Peter lay back limp, breathily moaning "Oh, wow. Neat."

Mike lay back himself, his cock again hard, and began stroking it. Things could get very interesting, he thought. He wondered if Alice would welcome an occasional addition. He figured she would.

"Dad?" Peter said.

"Yes?" Mike answered. Lifting his head he saw Peter staring at him with a decidedly unchildish gleam in his eye.

"What else can you show me?"


As soon as Peter had finished cumming and father and son had fallen apart, Bobby pushed Cindy back from the tent opening and they retreated to their own tent. Nearly all that had transpired between Mike and Peter had been witnessed in wide-eyed silence by the two youngest members of the Brady family.

Bobby had awakened with the need to pee, and while exiting the tent had stumbled over Cindy, waking her up. As he returned from the woods, though, he noticed the shadow Peter's flashlight cast on the tent wall.

"Shadow pictures, neat," Bobby thought, and he settled down to watch them from outside the tent. He couldn't quite make out what it was supposed to be (at the time it was simply Mike's towering hard-on), but he waited happily for the "barking dog" and "flying eagle" he knew were his Dad's specialties.

The jumbled shadows which followed, however, were difficult to interpret, so Bobby snuck to the tent's opening and lowered the zipper a bit.

By that time Cindy had wondered what had held her brother up and had come looking for him. She started to ask him what he was watching, but he shushed her up, led her away from the tent and said "I don't know, I can't figure out what's going on. All I know is that Dad and Peter are naked."

His sister's eyes got big and round, "Weawwy, they'wre naked?" her babyish speech always got more pronounced when she was excited or anxious. "Wet's see."

So the two stole back to the tent opening and watched the entire scene.

Now, back in their own tent, the two puzzled children tried to figure out what they had just witnessed.

"It didn't look like it hurt," Cindy said.

"No, it actually looked like fun," Bobby replied.

"Have you ever seen anything like that before?" she asked.

"No, I've never even heard of that, I mean, between to GUYS."

"You've heard of it for girls?"

"No, dummy, I've heard of stuff with a guy and a girl," he said.

"Like what?" Cindy was wide-eyed in wonder.

"You know, fucking, blow-jobs and stuff," he said smugly.

"You know what those are?" she asked.

"Of course," her brother lied. The terms were bandied about the schoolyard, but the few 11 year olds who did know the truth about sex were far outnumbered by those who spread common misconceptions.

"What were Dad and Peter doing?"

"Oh, you know, different stuff," which was true as far as it went.

"Tell me," Cindy demanded.

"I can't, you're too young," Bobby protested. The blonde little girl became indignant, "I am not!" she nearly shouted. "I'm only 10 months younger than you, and I already know more than you."

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"


"SSHhhhh, they'll here you!" Bobby hissed. He crept to the zipper of their tent and peered out. There was no one to be seen (Mike and Peter were well into round 2 of their bout by this time).

He crawled back to his sister and said "Okay, smarty, what do you know?"

"I'm not telling until you tell me what you know."

Bobby sighed heavily. He knew how these arguments went, and to tell the truth, he didn't have a clue about what was going on. He was now desperate to find out what Cindy knew, so he made the tough decidion to swallow his pride and admit his ignorance.

"I lied," he said, "I don't know anything about that stuff. I've heard so many different stories about it that I don't know what to believe."

"No way!" Cindy said, "You just don't want to tell me."

Bobby sighed again. There was no way to win with this goofy girl, even when you tell the truth. Oh, well, one more card to play, "No, Honest," he said, "I don't know anything. But if you don't believe me, then you don't have to tell me what you know."

This had its calcualted affect on the girl, because he knew she wouldn't be able to resist parading her superior knowledge before him.

"I know where babies come from," she whispered conspiratorially.

"Where?" he whispered back.

"Down here," she said, cupping her crotch.

"Get out," he said, "How can they come from there."

"Mom told me, she showed me in a doctor book. There was a drawing of the inside of the lady with a baby in her and they showed where it comes out."

"Show me," he demanded suspiciously. "I can't," she said, "I don't have a baby."

"No, not that part, just show me where they come out."

"Okay," she hesitated, "if you show me what you've got."

"No fair," he said, "You've seen Dad and Peter and they're much bigger than what I've got."

"Okay fine," she said, using some 10-year-old psychology. "We can skip show-and-tell."

"Oh, all right," he said. He then stood up and dropped his pajama bottoms. "There," he said.

"You're right," she said gravely, "It is much smaller than theirs. It's soft and noodly too."

"Yeah, yeah," he said impatiently, "now let me see yours."

Cindy leaned back and shucked her own PJ's. She then sat back up Indian style, displaying her sweet young pussy to her brother. "See," she said, indicating her slit "right there."

"Whoa, that's nothing like I imagined it. How does it work?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you saw Dad and Peter. How do you do what they did?"

"How do YOU," she shot back, "with that wet noodle dick of yours?"

Bobby had a thoughtful look on his face and didn't even get mad at her scornful tone. "I don't know," he mused, "let's try it."


"It looked like fun. I don't think it hurts. Let's see."

"All right, let's see," Cindy said.

"Go ahead," Bobby said.

"Go ahead what?" she asked.

"Go ahead and touch me."

"No way!"

"C'mon, you saw them! Everybody has to touch someone else. I'll touch you if you touch me, deal?"

"I guess so," Cindy agreed grudgingly, "but be careful, I don't want to get hurt." She then hitched her butt over, and scootched over next to Bobby.

The two sat nearly facing one another, with the outside of Cindy's right thigh against the outside of Bobby's right thigh. Cindy reached down first, grabbing Bobby's "wet noodle" of a dick. Since she was tentative, she was also surprisingly gentle. But she got a firm grip on his young penis and started massaging it with her fingers.

Bobby had never regarded his dick as a sexual object before. Even when he had watched his father and brother together, his own cock had not responded to the sexual stimulus, probably because he was strongly heterosexually oriented (an orientation which would soon be re-evaluated). In any event, he had never before had a hard-on.

So it was quite a surprise to realize how NICE it felt to have his younger sister manipulating his cock. The feelings coursing through his body were entirely new. In surprise and ecstacy, he realized that his small cock was developing into a minor hard-on.

Cindy, too, was so amazed at the transformation that at first she didn't realize that Bobby wasn't fulfilling his end of the bargain. She had been impressed by the hard-ons displayed by Peter and Mike in their tent, but after all, they were men (which was anything in junior high, according to her criteria). But Bobby was just a boy, only a scant 10 months older than herself, and somewhat of a pain in the ass besides. Nevertheless, his cock was boiling up into quite a handful. She'd have to rethink her criteria for manhood.

After a few minutes of steady manipulation, which had evolved into a jacking off motion, Cindy realized that Bobby was being selfish. So she withdrew her hand.

"Hey!" Bobby broke out of his closed-eyes, head-back reverie, "why did you stop?"

"You weren't doing me back," she harumphed, nose in the air.

"I'll do you next," he promised, unwittingly following generations of predecessors in male boorishness. But Cindy was an enlightened woman of the 70's.

"It's together or nothing," she maintained.

"Okay, here," he offered. But once he had extended his hand to her crotch, he realized that he had no idea what to do. Cindy at least could model her actions after those of Peter and Mike. So he had to make it up as he went along, or else his sister wouldn't continue with that special handshake she'd been giving him.

So he began by running his finger up and down the outside of her hairless slit, following the groove from top to bottom.

Cindy paused a second to evaluate her feelings. It tickled her skin a little, but not unpleasantly. Other than that, no big deal. "Oh well," she thought, returning her hand to her brother's cock, "maybe it will get better."

For a few minutes it continued in the same fashion. Bobby was enjoying his hand job immensely, but Cindy wasn't applying enough speed or pressure to really get him going. His sister, for her part, wasn't getting anything out of his ministrations.

Until finally, out of near boredom, Bobby decided to see where this furrow led. He began to push his finger into it a bit more as he rubbed until, to his surprise, he found that it actually led somewhere. He still had not found her hole, but he was amazed to find an entire vally of soft skin within her immature labia.

At first this intrusion was uncomfortable to Cindy, and she squirmed a little under his more insistent touch. This resulted in his finger penetrating a bit more, until, on one of his upswings, it contacted the deeply buried nub of her clit. Immediately, every nerve ending in Cindy's body tingled, especially the entire area around her pussy. Bobby was entranced by this response, and especially so because she had involuntarily tightened her grip on his cock, producing more intense feelings for him. So he flicked that protrusion a few times more.

Cindy's body jumped under the touch, and it was not unpleasurable, but for her young body, it was a little too much, too soon, so she gaspingly asked Bobby to back off from there.

"What's wrong, did it hurt?" he asked concernedly.

"N-no, it was just... too much right now."

"Okay," he said doubtfully, and resumed stroking his finger between her pussy lips. But his little foray around her clit had jump- started her glands, and when he returned to her pussy he found it was a little wet down there.

"You're wet down there. Did you pee?" he asked, but continued rubbing.

"No," she answered, "but it feels nicer now that I'm wet."

Indeed, the added lubrication was allowing Bobby to penetrate deeper and more firmly into her young flesh. As a result, her more sensitive nerve endings were getting greater stimulation.

She also began pumping Bobby more firmly, but the lack of lubrication on her hand ended up hurting him a little.

"Wait a minute," he said, "that hurts. I'm too dry."

"Why don't you get wet like me?" she asked.

"I don't know," he said, "but we've got to do something before you rub all the skin off my dick."

"Like what," she asked.

"Why don't you put it into your mouth like Dad did for Peter?"

"Okay," she said simply. Bobby could not believe it, he had expected a fight. But Cindy seemed transported beyond her normal self by what was transpiring.

So Bobby lay on his side, and Cindy lay on hers to get at his dick. A second later, she was licking it like a lollipop, then like an ice cream cone, then it was in her mouth.

He could feel her tongue swirling around the head. He wasn't very big, and relatively speaking, it was as easy for her to take him in her mouth as it is for a grown woman to take an average sized man. The sensations were adult sized, however.

Bobby tried to keep fingering his sister's pussy, but it was difficult to keep his arms up near his face and concentrate on what he was doing. So he did nothing for a minute.

Cindy needed more stimulation, however, so she began hunching her crotch forward, trying to get Bobby to pay attention to hit. Her motions added an up and down component to her sucking, which, when she stopped moving, Bobby initiated himself. He began hunching his hips into her, pushing that slim boy-cock into her mouth.

So Cindy bucked her hips forward, and suddenly Bobby opened his eyes at the unfamiliar smell before his nose. There, inches away, was his sister's sweet little pussy. He bent his neck forward and kissed it. She squirmed her quim against his hesitant lips. He kissed it again, longer and deeper. She squirmed even more.

Soon each child was humping their crotch into the face of the other. Cindy gave up trying to move her head and just made an 'O' of her lips, Bobby was humping too fast. Unaware of what it was called, the brother and sister had discovered "69."

On the other end, however, Bobby was working just as enthusiastically. His questing lips and tongue were lapping every inch of her crevice. Then, suddenly, he recalled her little nub of flesh near the top that had thrown her into such a tizzy before. He nuzzled down and found it. One quick lap of his tongue and her stiffening, quivering response said he found the right place. He wrapped his lips around it and sucked it like she was sucking him.

In a frenzy, Cindy pushed so hard against Bobby that she rolled him onto his back. She rolled right on top of him, trying to keep her pussy glued to his lips. Then she felt the tremors hit her. It seemed to start in her toes, which curled up. Her leg muscles cramped painlessly. Her whole body seemd to gather itself up and then she was careening off into space, becoming one with the universe, its nexus and hers centered on her pussy and most especially her clit in her brother's mouth.

Unaware of all her actions, she plunged her head heedlessly up and down her brother's slim shaft, moaning in ecstacy. The rapid fire combination of her mouth and the vibrations of her moans sent the youth off into orbit himslef. For a brief moment of panic he was afraid he was going to pee in her mouth, then, in a flash he heard his father's voice echo in his head "that just means you're going to cum. Just relax and go with the feeling, okay?" just as he'd told Peter earlier. He relaxed, and his entire being seemed to rush up from his groin and flow out through the head of his cock.

Cindy was surprised at the sudden warm salty gush in her mouth, but, still in the throes of her own ecstacy, she was unable to worry about it. She didn't attempt to swallow and she didn't pull back. She just kept sucking, pumping and cumming, letting Bobby's youthful spend gush into her mouth and dribble back out onto his cock, balls and stomach.

Finally, physically and emotionally drained, the two children rolled apart. "Wow," they both thought, but neither spoke for a while.

Finally, when they were on the brink of sleep, Bobby spoke.


After a pause: "What?"

Another pause. "We should do that some more."


"Every day."

"Twice a day."


Naked, the two drifted into sleep.


WHOA! How about it, boys and girls? That's the end of part one of "A Very Brady Orgy".

Coming in part two: What about Marsha and Carol (Mrs. Brady), when do they join the fun? What happens on day two of the camping trip? Will Peter be irreversibly trended toward homosexuality? Can an aging housekeeper teach an old dog to turn tricks? Will Greg be happy fucking only Jan (or vice versa)? Stay tuned and

Keep pushin' on

Ed --

Next: Chapter 2

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