The Breed

By Dream Janus

Published on Oct 29, 2007


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The Breed

By Dream Janus

Chapter 1

The sky was clear and sunny, just like Tommy liked it, thought Ray as he scanned the people in the funeral lines. Ray was surprised that this many adults had showed up to Tommy's funeral, but then he noticed all the sunglasses, long clothes and black umbrellas. These adults were not here for Tommy, but as a sign of respect for Ray's grandmother. Ray focused on the adults, if they felt like static or a warm feeling; he slowly began to reduce their numbers from the thirty people in attendance. When Ray reached a small man, who looked to be in his thirties, His head dropped in recognition.

The man smiled and looked directly at Ray, who had bowed his head at that time. The man motioned to a large man behind him and pointed to Ray, whispering. The larger man nodded and bowed slightly. The bow was received with an equally slight glare from the smaller man.

Ray counted a total of five adults out of the thirty were there for Tommy and they were all teachers from the middle school. He realized that this was going to be the situation when Tommy's mother refused to take off work for the funeral. Ray began to emanate feelings of anger and hatred toward Tommy's mother. The waves were felt by everyone, but one the small man and Ray's grandmother realized where they were coming from, if they understood what was happening at all.

Iris moved slowly to her grandson, hoping to calm him down. Unnoticed at the same time, the large man also moved slowly in the same direction with the same intent. They both reached Ray at the same time. The large man blanched and bowed to the much smaller woman.

"Ray," Iris began, "Pull your emotions back. You are making everyone uncomfortable."

Ray glared at his grandmother for a moment, even though he knew she was known to be a very powerful woman, she was still his grandmother.

"They are not here for Tommy or for me," Ray hissed. "They are here in some weird form of respect thing for you."

"<They don't give a damn about Tommy!>"Ray thought projected with an increased wave of anger.

Iris flinched at the power behind her grandson's thought projection. She nodded in agreement as she knew he was correct in his belief. "I know, but your mother, grandfather and I are here to help you bury your Zome (most loved male friend, lover, and mate) and that is all that should matter right now."

Ray nodded and then turned a furious face toward the man that was standing on the other side of him. Even though the man stood a head taller than Ray's six foot height, Ray did not soften his glare.

"Can I help you," Ray began and then added "Sir" with a touch of acid to his voice.

"Ray," Iris admonished. "This is George <Gew'org>, Antino's personal assistant, BEHAVE!"

Ray immediately bowed his head in expected reverence, but his emotions still radiated fury and hurt. He was not going to allow anyone to dictate to him how he should feel, not his grandmother, not a "Thope" bodyguard and not even the Ancient himself.

George laughed softly. "Antino would be upset if you did." George answered the unspoken, unprojected challenge to his authority. He then lifted Ray's chin slowly until he looked him directly in the eye.

"Please be careful around the non-breeds," George said very softly. "We do not need to be revealed, even though your sorrow is very understandable." He then smiled.

"When you have calmed yourself, Antino would like to speak with you."

The look of horror spread across Ray's face. His insides became cold as ice. Ray had never in his 14 years ever spoken to a Vampire over the age of 200 let alone an Elder or an Ancient.

George reached out and touched Ray's shoulder gently and smiled. "But only when you are ready to talk to him," He then winked. "It is not an order or directive, it is a simple request."

Ray nodded with understanding and then lost control of his emotions and finally began to cry. It had been a week since Tommy had finally passed away from leukemia and until Ray had not shown any emotions outwardly except for the occasional empathic outburst that never showed on him, just everyone else.

George pulled the young boy into a gentle hug and held him there, even though Ray attempted to pull away from the larger man's grasp. George felt the boy melt into an emotion pool of misery and held him as he wept.

Across the cemetery, Antino nodded and smiled slightly. The plan had worked better than expected. George was bonding with the boy. If the boy was as powerful as the probe and the emotions seemed to show, he could be an asset to Conclave, once he got over the old training that his clans had given him.

Meanwhile the funeral was finished and the others began to file away silently. Several nodded respectfully to Iris as they passed, ignoring Ray as if he did not exist. Those with the black umbrellas were assisted into waiting cars by others waiting near the cars. Finally only Antino, George, and Ray and his family remained.

George still held Ray firmly in a tight hug. When Ray finally spoke, "Why are you doing this, I am only a mutt?"

George looked at Ray with anger in his eyes. "Don't say that," He said touching Ray's lips. "Especially not around Antino."

"Well I guess I better get this over with" Ray said softly. Like a man going in front of a firing squad, he squared his shoulders and attempted to pull away from George.

George held him fast and said. "He is not going to attack you or something." He then released Ray but held onto his hand and allowed him to walk at his own pace toward the man that was the closest thing to a vampire god.

When Ray reached Antino, he dropped to his knees and bowed his head deeply. "My love and respect to he that is the Ancient of all"

George attempted to pull Ray back to his feet without hurting him, but Ray did not rise until Antino spoke.

"Get on your feet" Antino said grasping Ray's other hand softly. "I expect respect but not servitude."

Ray got to his feet but continued to look at Antino's feet, until he heard Antino sigh. "We are not going to get anywhere if you don't look me in the eyes, Toban."

Ray's eyes snapped directly into Antino's showing the surprise that Antino knew his clan name.

"Now that is better," Antino said with a laugh. "We can get down to business.

Antino then turned around silently and began to walk toward his long black limousine, without letting go of Ray's hand. "Follow me, please."

Ray smiled to himself as he really had no choice in the matter as Antino had his left hand and George still had his right, as they lead him to the car. George only released Ray's hand to open the car door and nod to Ray's family, basically dismissing them to go home without Ray.

"Let's go for a drive" Antino said as he slid into the car's back seat. He then pulled Ray gently into its cavernous interior. The car smelled brand new and was fully appointed with black leather. It felt warm and inviting to the touch.

George opened the driver's door and got inside himself. The engine started moments later and the car glided silently onto the street and away from the quiet cemetery. George noticed that Ray was still very fearful, but he smiled as he knew the young boy's life was about to change in many ways that he could not even imagine.

Antino sighed deeply and reached into a wooden compartment, he removed a large blue towel and began wiping his face and hands. "I do hate Necoblock, but it is necessary when going out in the daylight." He explained. The towel became coated in the colorless greasy substance of used Necoblock. When he was done cleaning his exposed skin, he threw the towel in the floor and turned his attention to Ray. "I have been aware of your actions for sometime now, young Raymond..." Antino paused with a mischievous gleam in his eye. "You know that, right?"

Ray shook his head mutely, still too afraid to use his voice. He wondered why a twelve hundred year old vampire would be interested in him. His body began to shake slightly in response to his fear. Ray attempted to force his body to calm itself, but it refused to behave.

Antino smiled "First young one, calm down. I am not going to harm you." He reached out and lightly touched Ray's chest. The touch instantly calmed Ray's shakes. "I want to talk to you, but I want you to be silent while I speak." Antino said without removing his hand. "When I am done," He continued. "You may ask as many questions as you need."

Ray nodded silently.

"First, Your grandmother and I both realize those who came to the funeral were not there to show their condolences and their reasons have not gained them any favors." Antino said with a cold edge to his voice. "Second, your actions have been known to me since you revealed yourself to your companion," Antino paused, calking his head slightly to one side. "The clans brought you to my attention as a possible threat," He continued as Ray remained silent, but began to sweat. "I had you watched until your companion willingly gave you a blood oath of secrecy, you both proved yourselves to me." Antino smiled slightly. "Third, you no longer report to the clans, you report directly to me or the conclave counsel from now on."

Antino smiled broadly that Ray continued to remain silent. "Forth, we will begin your training and work schedule on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, starting tomorrow. You will be training Mondays and Wednesdays and working on Fridays and Saturdays." Antino then chuckled lightly. "Lastly, George will be your assistant for the near future." He then blinked for the first time. "your turn."

Ray was shocked but he noticed that Antino's hand had never moved off of his chest. He took a deep breath and organized his thoughts. Ray's first thought was amazement that even though Antino was twelve hundred years old, he looked no older than a young twenty something. The hand felt warm, but Ray felt no emotions flowing from Antino.

"So I no longer have to deal with the Clans treating me like trash?" Ray asked with a stunned look on his face.

Antino's face clouded over and he moved his hand from Ray's chest and placed it on his shoulder. "You are not trash and I will not allow anyone to treat you as such." He said with a slight growl.

"Neither will I," echoed George from the front seat.

Antino smiled, "but to answer your question the answer is yes." He then looked deeply into Ray's eyes. "You will not have any more dealings with them, unless it is under my direction." He gently squeezed Ray's Shoulder. "IF anyone dares call you a mutt, let George or myself know, we will deal with it ourselves."

"I have marching band on most Friday nights." Ray said softly in a questioning voice, trying not to let it look like the answer could crush his heart.

"It comes first," Antino said with a smile. "Besides George loves football games." He then laughed "and besides, the club does start really getting busy until after 11."

Ray felt tears begin to well up in his eyes in relief. He fought them not to fall, but they began to fall anyway. He attempted to turn his face away from the oldest vampire in shame.

"Never turn away from me Toban" Antino said softly. He held Ray's face gently. "I may not feel them as you do, but I understand emotions. That is why I chose you to assist me, to feel for me." Antino's electric blue eyes peered deeply into Ray's soft brown eyes. He lightly brushed Ray's medium brown hair from his face and smiled. "Your pain is also a great strength, never dwell in it though, it can destroy you."

"George will pick you up from school tomorrow." Antino said breaking the eye contact but he still held Ray's face. "I wish for you and he to dine with me." Antino gently caressed Ray's skin in slow circles. "You need to be loved." He whispered.

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Next: Chapter 2

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