The Breeder

By Michael Arno

Published on Sep 6, 2023


This story is pure fiction. It contains sex acts between men and boys, which should remain fiction. Do not read it if this subject matter upsets you. Just stop and go somewhere else. Leave comments if you like at


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The Breeder Part 4

Danny stood next to the couch waiting. "Show your brother, Rudi, your nuts, Danny. I think he wants to get to know my little pony some."

Danny held his seven inch meat hose to the side, grabbed his scrotum and stretched up two silky smooth chocolate testicles bigger than apricots. "Wo - wo - Wow." Rudi rolled his ass over Dave's huge shaft, feeling the prick head move somewhere up under his rib cage. "Wow, can we --, I mean me, can I, um. you know, a little." Rudi was thrilled by the boy's huge brown cock.

"Climb on up here, Danny. Let your brother play with your dick some. He like them big and black."

"I like white ones." The boy grinned and stroked the nine inch hard on that jutted up fro Rudi's crotch.

"Because opposites attract, so ain't you two the perfect match." Nigger Dave pushed Rudi's ass down over his shaft.

The boy stood on the couch next to his father and half brother, his heavy hanging sex organ at their faces. The nearness of the sweet boy got Dave going, and he pulled at Rudi's ass cheeks and pumped him more vigorously. "I do like my little boy so much." he licked the glans. When Rudi took hold of the giant cock his fingers didn't got around the soft shaft. He pulled his little brown half brother close. The smell of crotch was like perfume as he filled his mouth with the shining smooth glans.

"You want to suck me off, Rudi?" The boy held his limp shaft and swizzled his meat head around Rudi's mouth. "I ain't come yet today, and not much comes out, not like Grandpa Dave, but it feels real good."

"How come you call him grandpa?" Rudi licked the boy's shaft.

"Everybody calls him grandpa. He got more grandkids than anybody in the county. You like sucking my dick, Rudi?"

Rudi's lips slid up and down the lengthening shaft. "I sure do."

"Can I suck yours? I like white ones."

Nigger Dave let go of Rudi's ass cheek and wrapped his arm around his young son, pushing his middle finger into he buttery anus as Rudi rode his horse cock. "You're gonna be so much fun to break in, my baby Danny butter butt."

"When you going to start me then, Grandpa? You know I want you to."

"As soon as you start coming. I told you. You got to be old enough."

"I do come. A little, anyway. Please." He held his father's hand and pumped the finger in and out of his softening anal ring. "It feels so good."

"Besides, I'm too big for you. So is Deke and Jazz. Your brother Rudi here could start you, but he's pretty big too. There's always Jerome next door."

"I don't want him." Danny pouted as his huge cock swelled in half brother's mouth. "Rudi like sucking me." He tried pushing the whole ten inch tumescent shaft down the open throat. Rudi gagged and nodded. "You can fuck me if you want. I like you."

Rudi came off the giant horse meat panting and licking and kissing the beautiful, gleaming organ. Just knowing it hung off his half brother's made him crazy for the giant cock. "Whatever you want. I love you so much." He went back to kissing and sucking his half brother's shining glans. "Look how pretty you are." He chewed on a testicle. "I love you so much. And your cock I love too."

"Don't pay no attention to him, Danny." Dave pulled the child's magnificent swelling cock out of Rudi's mouth. "He says that to everyone, but it's only big nigger dick he love." He sucked his son's cock. "Ogh yeah. You my boy all right. Now turn around and show me your hole."

Little Danny turned and pulled his cheeks apart, exposing a flawless beige anal flower with a pink centre. Dave pulled Rudi's face until the nose and mouth were buried in the soft brown, hairless ass crack. "Uh-huh. Get your pretty pink lips on that brown nigger ass, little white boy."

Rudi didn't need any encouragement. Holding his half brother's huge shaft to steady himself he dug his tongue as deep as he could into the chocolate warm anus. Then he pulled the long hanging testicles back between the boy's legs and sucked them too as his ass was fucked with some good hard strokes.

"I feel so full with you, nigger Dave. I love you so much. And I hope your nigger juice turns me dark like you and Danny. He's only six and already dark."

"He come out that way, and you don't want no such thing." Dave stroked both boys' hard ons.

"Yes, I do. My daddy likes fucking little nigger boy best of all. Especially if they're Virgils."

"Virgins, you mean." Dave sucked on his son's horse cock now. "Fuck, Danny boy. Look at you."

"If they never been fucked before. My Daddy and his brother Bill are not as big as me, so it didn't hurt as much as when I fucked the last little nigger boy they had. That was the first nigger boy I fucked. A year ago now. The first anybody I fucked."

"Who was that?" Dave was growing rock hard again with all the sex talk. His finger was working circles around little Danny's anus, and Rudi was bobbing up and down on the stiff monster up his ass as Dave brought his little brother to full eleven inch hardness.

"Don't know, but his name was Arthur."

"Little Arthur Conan, I bet. I remember him coming home with a sore ass. When he wouldn't say who it was the whole street got on him. Made him a real loose pussy boy. He love it now. Lays on his belly with his bedroom window one at night for anybody to climb in and fuck his hole."

"Can I go with Rudi, Grandpa Dave so his daddy can fuck my virgin ass. Please? I want to so much. Please don't say no."

"You can do whatever you want with your ass, boy. I told you that a long time ago." He pulled his finger out of his son's soft anus and pushed it into Rudi's mouth who sucked obediently on the musty treat.

That made Danny smile and turn, spread his ass cheeks and offer his beige hole to Rudi again. When the the tongue pushed into him again he shivered with pleasure and said, "Come on, Rudi. Let's go to your house and see if your daddy want to fuck my ass. Please?"

Rudi looked up at Dave. "You going to come again, nigger Dave?"

"Not right now, boy. You got enough nigger sperm in you for a week." Dave lifted the boy off his fourteen inch baseball bat. When the red glans began to show he said, "Now clench your ass real tight to keep all that juice in you." And pop, the glans slipped out.

"For today anyway." Rudi knelt between the black man's legs, and with his half brother, they licked and kissed and slid their lips together up and down the famous cock shaft.

"Get off my dick, you two." Dave stood. "And take my boy over for a white gang bang. If they get going on little Danny send your mama over here. Only seems fair we give her a good time too."

"Thanks, Grandpa Dave." Danny kissed his father's prick head again, then his lips.

"I love you too, nigger Dave." Rudi kissed Dave too. "I wish you were my grandpa." He kissed the giant glans again. "I do love you."

"Put on your cotton draw string shorts and maybe a tee shirt, Danny. That will show off that pretty bubble ass, and your meat too."

On their bikes on the way home they stopped by the Sheriff's office so Rudi could tell his dad he was bringing little Danny home. He had a key to the back door and opened it so quietly that no one heard the boys walk into the office, and then into the jail where they saw Rudi's dad, Sheriff Ed Royal Stuart, squatting in front of a cell sucking off a black prisoner through the bars.

"Come on, Sheriff. You got to let me off after I get off in your mouth, OK?" The black man had reached through he bars and held Ed's head, fucking his face real good with a fat black cock. "Ain't you, nigger lover?"

"Come on, Boswell. You stole the phone." The sheriff sucked.

"But I'm giving you back all this cum."

"I'll be sure you get off real light after I get your balls off real good" The Sheriff stopped sucking to admire the gleaming black shaft. "Oh, fuck. I can't stand it, you goddam nigger." He stood, unbuckled his uniform belt, turned and bared his ass, pushing it against the bars. "Come on, Bos. Fuck my white ass. Give me that nigger dick."

Boswell studied the pink anus stretched open by the steel black bars, then swiped his dripping glans up and down the crack. "Nice pink fuck hole in the middle of a lily white ass.

"Come on, nigger. Get it in me. I ain't got all day."

"Man, Sheriff Stuart's got a royal case of nigger dick love just like his wife."

"Shut up about the bitch and fuck my ass. Come on, man, before I change my mind." The sheriff pushed his anus against the slippery prick head.

"You ain't gonna change your mind, nigger lover. Your ass wants my dick bad." Boswell slimed his prick against the crack.

"I never thought I'd do this, but you're right. I need it bad. Come on, Bos, get that dick in me, boy."

The black prick head popped into the pink anus. "Un-huh. Sheriff Royal Stuart wants his ass full of nigger meat. Oowee, he feel good." As Boswell shoved eight inches of black meat up the sheriff's ass his eye caught a movement, and he saw the boys watching. "Sheriff likes that, don't he? Just like the wife. Big ass fancy white family, and every one of them got to have dark meat."

"Damn, Bos. You got a thick one. Oh, yeah." He pulled his cock out and started jacking it. "You fuck her too?"

"She got me once, yeah. At the last county fair. Got everybody that night. Every nigger around lined up to fuck the missus that night. She went home dripping cum down her legs and happy as a pig in shit."

Rudi and Danny watched Boswell hold the bars and ram the sheriff's ass hard and fast. "Damn, nigger." The sheriff pulled his ass cheeks apart and pushed them against the bars. "You need to come, don't you, boy? Give it to me hard then. Yeah, give it to me, nigger. Damn, I got a hungry nigger dick up my ass. Fuck me good, nigger, and I'll get you off. I promise. Just give it to me up the ass."

Boswell bent the sheriff over and grunted as he fucked the flabby ass. Ed braced his elbows on his thighs as the black man jumped around, pumping him hard in all directions. Bam, bam, bam, bam. "Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. You love my dick. i'm gonna come up your fat nigger loving ass. Yeah."

When Danny looked at Rudi and said, "Wow," the sheriff turned.

"Get the fuck out of here." Ed commanded.

Boswell held him tight. "Don't you pull away from me when I'm about to come, you asshole."

"Oh, fuck, Boswell. Now my kid knows." Ed grunted as he was slammed fucked.

"If your kid's here with Danny, he's been over at nigger Dave's house, and probably got his ass full of nigger juice already. Ain't you, boy?"

Rudi grinned and nodded. "Yeah. I love nigger Dave, and little Danny here too. And Jazz, and Deke. We been having a good time."

"You just love them big nigger dicks, don't you, boy?"

"Yes. I love them too."

Ed hung his head between his thighs and gave himself up to the pounding black meat. The sparkling in his anus intensified knowing his wife and kid were living off black cock too. He pulled his ass cheeks apart to better let his anus serve the beautiful lean negro's thick ramming shaft. "Damn, nigger. I ain't never had anything so good in my life."

"Tell me you love it just like your son love it." Bos rapid slammed the hot pink anus. "Big nigger dick up your ass."

"Fuck my ass, Boswell. I love it, I do." He loved the man's huge thick cock, and above all his beautiful body. He wanted Boswell's cum to transform his pasty white pudgy self into a lean smooth dark body. "Give me your cum, baby."

"I'm coming up your white ass. Fuuuuuuck." Bos pounded the ass, shook the cage and dumped a heavy load up the sheriff's ass. "Oh, fuck, yeah." He pumped. "I'm coming up your white ass, nigger lover. I'm coming. I'm coming good." He rammed deep strokes. "I'm coming good. You feel that? Yeah."

He held the sheriff by the hips and ram fucked him for another minute. Once he was done shooting he pushed Ed off his cock. "Suck it, white pussy." He panted. "And I'll give you some more when I need to dump it."

The sheriff got on his knees and sucked the prisoner clean. "You got a beautiful cock, you know that, Boswell?" He worshipped the black meat oblivious of the boys watching him. You're the first nigger I ever let up my ass, you know that, Boswell? Look at that shining beauty." He kissed the glans, then pulled the testicles and sucked the stubbly haired orbs clean. "Oh, yeah. So pretty, you know that, Boswell? You got something real special, boy. I'll get you out of here if you let me have some more. You're a fine nigger, Boswell, you know that?""

"You might as well have it all then." Boswell turned and pushed his hard bubble ass against the bars and spread his anus open. "Chew on my black asshole, white man."

Edward Royal Stuart, County Sheriff, descended from Scottish nobility, dug his face into the black ass crack, crunched on the bits that clung to the short hairs before deep tonguing the hole. He spread the ripe brown anus and breathed in the scent. When the brown beauty opened it pink anal flower he whispered, "Damn, Boswell, you're the most beautiful man I ever saw. I got to fuck you now. OK?"

Boswell grabbed the bar behind him and danced his bubble ass across the bars before sliding his crack up and down a steel bar. "I'm always ready for that, Sheriff. I was born with a cock up my ass. Ask my daddy. He done it to me."

The Sheriff slid his cock through bars and into the beige pucker. "Ahhh. I do like a nigger ass, Boswell"

"Just get me out of here, Sheriff, and I be fuck ready anytime you want."

As Sheriff Ed fucked the prisoner Rudi said, "See, I told you my daddy likes nigger ass. I bet he's going to like yours a lot. Let's go home."

Once home Rudi phoned Jazz. "Hi, Jazz. Me and Danny just saw my daddy getting fucked be some guy in jail. You want to come over and fuck him too? I really want to see him taking a real big black dick. Please."

"Who was fucking him?"

"I don't know. Some guy named Boswell." Aa Rudi spoke little Danny helped him out of his pants and underwear, then started sucking on the limp thick cock meat.

"A tall, lean coco guy with a fat eight inch cock. Real pretty?"

"He sure was. I wish he would be fucking me too."

"Well, I got your little friend, Sammy Suckler the senator's son, riding my cock right now, Rudi. Can't get rid of him since I fucked him with his daddy watching. He just wants it all the time." Jazz adjusted the boy who bounced in his lap. "That's it boy. Take it all the way down, Sammy."

"Don't come yet, Jazz. Please. I want to see you doing my daddy."

"If that was Boswell Comer, your daddy's ass is plenty full for a while. And I got to treat my little Sammy good so he don't whine and cry."

"Bring him over too, Jazz. And your brother Deke, and nigger Dave too, if they want. Please, Rudi. I love you so much."

"We'll see. Little Sammy's ass is doing good."

"Come on, please. I want to watch at least, and it'll be Danny's first ass fuck. Don't you all want to help out too? Please, Jazz."

"I told you, we'll see. Don't you get all whiney with me now."

When he hung up Rudi mother, Sara asked, "Who were you talking to, Rudi? Was that Jazz Breeder." Her voice trembled with anticipation.

"Yes, Mama. He might come over. And this is little Danny. He's nigger Dave's son. Dave remembers you?"

"Ni --, ni , nigger Dave's son." Sara Royal Stuart looked at the boy, three years younger than her son. The right age, she thought. "What a pretty boy. Let me see you, baby." Sara Royal Stuart squatted in front of the little coco boy and studied his face.

"You know my daddy?" Danny untied his drawstring pants and let them fall to the floor.

"Oh, my goodness gracious." Sara said as the boy's giant horse cock hung in front of his mother. "You're just like your da --, daddy." She gently took hold of the huge organ. Unable to control the spasm in her pussy, she stroked the gleaming brown cock, then she lifted her skirt and quickly slipped off her panties. "Oh, my. Aren't you a beautiful boy." Sara stroked back the smooth coco foreskin and stared, charmed by the shining pinky beige prick head. "So young, and so hung." Her breath warmed the glans. Sara's mouth opened automatically, and she licked her lips. "Oh, my my, baby is so... So, oh. Look at you hanging there."

"I ain't never fucked a white woman before." Danny took his cock shaft out of her hand. "Just my sisters and the neighbour girls of course." He stroked his glans in front of his mother's face. He already knew the signs of someone unable to resist the meat that hung between his legs.

"I bet that thing gets big." Sara's heart raced. "Like your daddy's?" She remembered the fucking she'd got from nigger Dave all those years ago. It had taken him half the day of slamming her every which way before he finally blasted his nuts into her. She'd dripped cum all afternoon and was sore for a week, and now saw her son, she knew it was him. The fruit of that fucking. "It's so big already. So smooth."

"Nigger Dave says it'll grow more. I'm still little. Three years younger than Rudi." He squeezed out some pre cum and slid it over his glans that shone like a mirror. "And I really like playing with it." He moved the meat head from side to side. The eyes followed transfixed. "And everybody that sees it likes it too."

"I'm sure they do." Sara Forges Royal Stuart, peachy blond plantation-rich daughter fingered her pussy and brought her mouth closer to the coco organ. When the little black boy touched her head she opened her mouth, hungry for the shining shaft. When her tongue touched the coco cock head she sighed. "I love the scent of foreskin. Or maybe just nigger meat."

The child watched his mother's dreamy devotion as she kissed, licked, sucked and squeezed all her love into the soft organ. Her soft pink lips slid all over the brown beauty as she worshipped another black cock.

"Damn, mama. Stop that right now. He didn't come over here for that." Rudi tried to pull Danny backwards.

"Let her have it if she wants, Rudi. Everyone wants it who sees it, even you. And I like it too." Little Danny grabbed the woman's head and shoved his cock in hard. Sara gagged and swallowed, gagged and swallowed. "That's it. It ain't so hard yet. Just eat it up. White mama's good at sucking nigger dick. Best I ever had, Rudi."

"But he came over here to get fucked, mama. It's his first tine, and daddy likes little nigger boys who never got fucked before. Come on, let him go." He stripped naked, and the nine year old offered his mother his half hard nine inch cock. "Here, suck on this instead."

But Sara had other ideas. The three year younger half brother was hard enough, and his eleven inch silken chocolate cock glistened with spit. She knelt on all fours and pushed it into her pussy doggy style, then pulled Rudi over. "Be a good boy and let mama suck you some, Rudi. That's it Danny baby, fuck mama's pussy." She reached between her legs and pulled her other son by his testicles into her. "Damn, just like your daddy."

Sheriff Ed watched the two boys fuck his wife from the door, then unzipped his uniform pants and stroked himself to a fat seven and a half inch dripping shaft. Then he walked over, pulled the little nigger boy off her and worked his thick prick head into the bitch's anus.

"OK, Ed." Sara panted. "But give me the little nigger boy to suck. Look at him." She pulled Danny to her and sucked both sons together.

"Daddy." Rudi said. "I brought Danny over for you. He's never been fucked in the ass and really wants to." Rudi didn't tell his father that nigger Dave and Jazz thought starting with the sheriff's smaller cock would be good for the boy. "And I know you like little virgin nigger boys."

"Is that what we got here?" Ed pulled the boy out of his wife, took him in his arms and set him on the back of the couch. "Look at you." He sucked in the eleven inch thick black cock, then looked from his son to Danny. Then he looked at his wife. "Sara, is this boy...?"

"Eddie. I don't know. But he sure does look like nigger Dave. And a little --, well, too."

"Nigger Dave is my daddy." Danny said proudly holding his cock shaft.

"And he sent you over here to get your ass broke in?" Ed spat into his hand and slimed up the boy's anus.

"I had to beg him, but when Rudi said you really like being the first up a nigger boy he gave in. Thought it would be a nice present for you. But it's for both of us really." He stood a little to give Ed better access to his ass hole. "I like you doing that."

As they spoke the doorbell rang. Rudi ran to get it. In nothing but a tee shirt he greeted nigger Dave, Deke, Jazz and Sammy Suckler. He put his arms around Jazz who picked him up and hugged him close saying, "You and Sammy here can't get enough of me, can you?"

"I love you so much, Jazz." Rudi kissed his favourite black man.

"Me too." Sammy protested and began unbuttoning Jazz' jeans.

"Well, let's go inside and see how we going to dick you all." Holding Rudi by the ass cheeks Jazz' fingers began sliding into the loose sticky anus. "Still all juiced up from nigger Dave, ain't you boy?"

When Sara saw Dave she went to him like she was sleepwalking. Without a word she fell to her knees, untied his sweatpants and held the magnificent horse cock in both her hands, bringing the apple red head to her lips.

"You remember that, don't you, girl?" Everyone watched Sara mouth worship the black beauty until Dave grabbed the back of her head and forced his thick shaft down her throat. "That's it. Gag and swallow, gag and swallow, like I taught you."

Drool dripped from Sara's nose and mouth when seven inches of soft horse meat slid out of her throat. Her husband said, "Damn, Dave. You're fun to watch. You going to take the missus into her room and make her good and sore? It's been a real long time, while I take her boy here up the ass. Damn he's a cute one. He sure is your alright." Ed sucked the half hard coco cock. "Aren't you a beauty. Might have to keep this one around the house for a while of no one minds."

Ed fingered the boy's anus. "If Grandpa Dave and Aunt Julie say it's OK. They take care of me."

"Whatever you want, boy." Dave pulled Sara's dress over her head, then rubbed her nipples hard. "Come on, Deke, Jazz. Let's give this peaches and cream white girl three black stallions at once. Mama looks hungry."

Standing naked before her husband and two sons Sara put her finger into her slit. "Oh, Eddie. You know I need to."

"Go on then. Make yourself happy. I got enough to do here." Then he took out his cell phone and called the office. "Jimmy. Let Jerome out of jail, and tell him to get his ass over to my house." After a pause, "I know. I'm responsible for his ass."

"Come on, bitch." Nigger Dave walked to the back of the house. Everyone watched his bubble ass sway and the meat hose swing near his knees.


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