The Brooklyn Boys

By Justin Balancier

Published on Jan 26, 2025


"The Brooklyn Boys"

Part 2

A telephone call. . .

Leo poured himself a cup of tea and sat down in his favorite chair to read the morning paper. A telephone, beside him on a small table rang, making him jump almost spilling the tea.

"Oy, now what, do I have to put up with? Maybe it will be somebody desperate for affection, and maybe it is a wrong number. I'll give a look."


"Leo, is that you?"

"Who'd you expect? – Greta Garbo?"

"This is Asher."

"I know who you are, I have caller ID."

"Tell me, Leo, – how have you been?"

"Putting in time, maybe you think some running, I should be doing!"

"Ha, your walking is not so good! – running? - forget about it."

"Okay, I forgot, that's easy – what else?"

"I should have known," exclaimed Asher. "You never change."

"I know - I know, change is for beginners, what do you want to talk about?"

"Lunch, I want to take you to lunch!"

"I just ate, try again."

"It's only 11:30."

"I like to beat the noon-time crowd. The clock, I don't pay attention to! Numbers, just numbers," mumbled Leo.

"Such a putz you are? Okay, I should have known better," forget about it."

"I just did, forgetting, I'm good at. Tell me again, what I am forgetting!" Leo asked.

"I forgot too. It makes no never mind. "How are you and Lochmann getting along? Are you doing much?" asked Asher.

"Are you talking about Aaron Lochmann?"

"Of course `Aaron, who do you think - Colombo?"

"Don't make with the jokes, you're not good at it."

"I could use ten minutes with that Aaron. The guy's bulge makes me verklempt. Maybe you could put in a word for me."

"The word, you wouldn't like, besides you wouldn't last ten minutes with Aaron. He is too much cock for you. Besides, you would find something to complain about."

"You are all talk Leo. For 40 years, I know you. Now, that deserves a little something?"

"I'll give you an apple."

"Oy, you see what I mean?" clamored Asher. "Who wants a friggin apple, however, what kind of apple, are we talking here?"

"It's a joke," you schmuck." Leo barked at him.

"Tell me about the gorgeous Daniel, that Aaron lives with?" continued Asher, talking about, Aaron's boyfriend.

"Not so gorgeous, - but nice."

"Nice – everything with you is "nice."

"Okay – sizzling beef and gorgeous. There, are you happy now?"

"Forget it! - you are lying."

"Exactly my thoughts, forget about Danny, take an apple," laughed Leo.

Daniel, was a young business genius and utterly sexy. Leo didn't want Asher pressuring Danny for a blowjob. He wouldn't get anyplace. Leo was fairly sure of that. However, Asher could be pushy, and such a putz, at times.

"I have to be hanging, somebody is at my door." pretended Leo.

"Go, will talk to you later."

Asher hung up the phone without further commenting. Leo once again was free from annoying phone calls.

"Whew, always trying to get his foot in the door. I know Asher like I know myself," mumbled Leo – and that picture is not so pretty."

********* Leo leaned back and picked up his cup of Tea. It was cooling down, but he drank it anyway. He picked up his newspaper and then dropped it on the floor. Everything was such an effort.

He thought about Aaron. The conversation with Asher had awakened something inside him, and he was feeling frisky. With a man Leo's age, a twitch could be a sign, for nasty, and sometimes he'd get lucky.

"What the hell, nasty doesn't take much effort when you're sitting down. Besides Aaron can do all the work. I should check with him, since timing is everything." He spoke aloud talking to himself.

He took his senior phone from his shirt pocket and stared at it resting in his hand. Should he, or should he not? Good grief, what a stupid question!

Aaron was working long hours at "Kerber's Bakery," owned by Leo. A year ago, Leo made Aaron, part owner. Someday the bakery will belong to him, and that's the way Leo wanted it.

The bakery employed two pastry chefs, with helpers, who did the baking. Aaron, being an excellent baker, went to work daily, at sun up to bake bread. It was something he truly loved doing. Everything had to be fresh from the oven, including bread, bagels, donuts, cakes, pies, and muffins. That is how the marvelous Aaron operated.

Then, there was Daniel, the well-educated lover and boyfriend, living with Aaron. He was climbing quickly in the financial world, and Leo was extremely proud of him.

Aaron and Daniel were enticing, as one could imagine. When they peeled off their clothes and put Leo between them, it was beyond what he could believe. Leo soaked up love from them, like a sponge. A senior like Leo, would be the last person, to interest young studs. However, they loved Leo for allowing sex to calm everybody down. Leo was smart, but the boys were playing their cards to be winners. That sounds like the boys were smarter.

On the surface, with the difference in status and age, their relationship looked - Sugar Daddish, if there even is such a word. It was obvious, in the beginning, but no longer, as they became family.

Bah, enough thinking - Leo tapped a short message into his phone. It went to both Aaron and Daniel.

****** The message read as follows...

Hello guys, "I am wondering about your schedule. It has been a while, and dwelling on naughty thoughts. I could use some help."

Lust had been quiet for the longest time. This was typical, with both men working every day. It was nothing urgent, other than Leo wanting a warm crotch, stacked with the good things in life to play with.

He often used fancy words when he wanted a nourishment load. Gosh, urgent' sounded good to him, but load' sounded better.

The phone rang. It was Daniel.

"Gramps, this is Daniel. I got your text, what do you need?"

"I could use something Scottish," he chuckled. "How's your schedule?"

"I'll be on my way shortly and bringing something Scottish, just for you. I can leave early," said Daniel.

"No, that's okay; I'm fine, just a silly old fool, and a bit lonely."

"You won't be after I get there," whispered Daniel.

"No, really, I can wait until tonight."

"You don't need to wait. I will see you in half-hour. Daniel clicked off and hung up the phone before Leo could reply.

"Oh good lord, what did I start?" said Leo talking to himself. He felt foolish causing a worry where one didn't exist. Immediately following the conversation Leo received a text from Aaron.

The text read simply, "Check your email."

Leo turned on his computer and signed into his account. He had a message from Aaron. The message heading read as follows –

"Take pride in yourself, this is what you do." "Oy vey," mumbled Leo. "What the hell is this all about?" Nevertheless, he read the message wondering what Aaron had to say.

Part 3 – Daniel brings lunch to Leo.

Please help to fund creative stories, it means so much to everybody. – thank you. – Justin...

Next: Chapter 3

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