The Brothel Slave

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Mar 16, 2024



We returned to the bathroom. The Master (I don't know his name) brought in a chair with arms and manacles attached to the arms. "Sit down and sit up straight, slave."

After I sat down He took my arms and laid them on the chair, locking them down with the manacles. Fortunately, I remembered to keep my eyes lowered. Didn't want to taste the bite of that whip again if I could avoid it. I realized that I had never really been punished before. Never. It was always part of scene where the punishment was just an excuse to satisfy my masochistic desires.

But here now with this Master, I knew what it was like to be truly punished for some minor mistake. Okay sure, it was only three lashes, but there was nothing sexy about them. I got no sexual satisfaction by being whipped by this Master. I was simply a slave who deserved to be punished, and the Master punished me and brought tears to my eyes because of the severity of the lash.

If anyone had ever hit me like that before, I would have screamed out a safe word. But that would have been another instance of me taking control. Here, with this Master, all control had been taken from me. I felt broken, and it was a different feeling from anything I've experienced before. He hurt me badly and I deserved it. He was doing what I had asked for but now I no longer have the right to ask for anything at all.

"I hate the sight of hair on a faggot slave," He told me. "I could have sent you to a barber, but I prefer to do it myself. I want you to feel me taking your hair from you, shaving you bald. I will enjoy stripping you this way. As I shave off your hair, faggot, realize that I am taking your ability to control things away from you. Learn your lesson well."

He takes a pair of clippers and, starting at the back, begins to shave my head. The hair falls on my nude body and I find myself weeping as he carefully strips my head bare. "Those tears are good, faggot. Very common when a slave gets its head shaved. This is a spiritual moment for a true slave like you. I am creating a new slave out of you."

He keeps shaving me. "Tell me about your living arrangements. House? Apartment? Condo? Trailer? What?"

"I own a large house, Master. I inherited it from my grandfather. It is totally paid for. I only have to pay the taxes on it. Three friends live with me. We each have a private suite in the house. They pay nominal rent and that pays the taxes."

"Are they faggots like you?"

"Yes, Master."

"Do they know about your special interests in BDSM, your need to become a slave?"

"No, Master."

The shaving continues and now hair is falling on my face but I can't brush it off because my hands are bound. When the Master sees this, He takes a towel and slaps me across the face several times, sending the hair away.

He turns off the clippers, then wraps a warm wet towel around my head and leaves it there for a bit.

"Tomorrow you are to order a Firebird razor from Amazon. It's the best way to keep your head shaved. Once you get it, you're to shave your head every other morning."

"Yes, Master."

He takes away the towel and puts shaving cream on the back of my head. "Bend your head down, faggot, and don't move."

I do so and soon feel a razor scraping my head totally bald. Everywhere. "Be aware of how I'm stripping you of all ordinary dignity, faggot. From now on you will live as a bald man. From now on men will see you completely shaved when in the locker room showers at the gym you go to. You do go to a gym, don't you, faggot?"

"No, Master."

He doesn't choose to comment, but just keeps on shaving me. When he needs to, he orders me to put my head upright again. The shaving continues and I feel like he's scraping me bare. I wonder what friends and colleagues will think about this when they see me tomorrow.

Finally, he's finished. He washes my head clean and then rubs in some kind of oil. "There's an all-night drug store on Main Street. Stop there and buy some HeadCreme—that's the name of it—and use it every morning. But nothing else. Only that one thing. It is a depilatory and also contains a lotion that will keep your head nice and smooth, the way I like it to be."

Finally he releases my arms. "Get off the chair and down on the floor. Use your hands to gather all the fallen hair into a neat pile. Don't miss any of it or you'll be punished." I slide off the chair. He takes it from the room and there I am, on the ground trying my best to get all the hair scattered around into one neat pile. This also means brushing the hair off my body that has fallen there. I'm nervous while doing this. I'm afraid of the whip if I should miss any hair.

When he comes back he doesn't inspect very carefully and I'm greatly relieved. Again I notice that I fear his lash. This is the first time I felt real fear because I hate it when I get punished with this Master's whip.


I quickly get into position. He takes hold of my balls and uses them to pull me out of the bathroom and into the outer room again. He goes to sit in the chair he had locked me into when he was shaving my head. He puts his own hands behind his head.

"Before I finish with you tonight I will allow you to have a small taste of my body, slave. Rub your bald head into each of my pits and then suck them clean, one after the other."

OMG. My shaved head becomes a toy for the Master to use for his own purposes. The hair in his pits is trimmed nicely and there isn't much scent. Not this time, anyway.

Once I'm finished, he stands up.

"I'm done with you for tonight. Walk to the door and you'll find your clothing, keys and phone." As I'm getting dressed, fighting the strong disappointment that things didn't get any more sexual this time, I remind myself that I have no control over what happens or what doesn't happen.

He comes to me with a cell phone and hands it to me. "This phone is what I will send texts to. Keep it with you at all times. Answer my texts as quickly as you possibly can.."

"yes, Master." I take it and put it in my pocket. "You are forbidden to use that phone for anything else. Do you understand?"

"yes, Master."

"Now one more thing: You will continue to seek other men to serve as a submissive gay slut. Practice what you've learned here tonight. Stop trying to control things. Surrender and cease asking for what you think you want. All your attention must be focused on what the Master wants.

I expect you to make progress in this. After any session you do have, you are to report how it went in writing and send it to the address I will text to the phone tomorrow. You will focus your report on your submissive behavior and how you handled your constant habit of trying to boss your betters. Do you understand, faggot?"

"yes, Master."

"Good. Go make your purchase and then go straight home. You will remain caged until I decide to remove it. Make sure you keep it clean."

"Yes, Master." Shit! I figured he'd take the damn thing off me before I left.

"Then off with you. Take the stairs."

And with that, he turns his back to me and leaves me standing there.

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Here are the other stories I have posted, with the dates where you can find them:

The first five should be read in order:

The Alex Chronicles 9/25/2022 Sweet Subjugation 1/15/2023 Brandon's Bosses 4/3/2023 Brandon's Brothers 5/19/2023 Total Subjugation 5/25/2023

These stories are stand-alone

Tommy Loves His Sub 8/17/2023 Training Toby 12/31/2023 Breaking Me In 03/10/2024

Next: Chapter 5

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