The Brotherhood

By Mobius Loop

Published on Mar 24, 1997



THE BROTHERHOOD: by Mobius Chapter 1-- Reflections

I really can't believe that I had worked at Riverview High School for the last fifteen years. As the counselor of a mid-sized (1,500 students) school in the midwest, my job has always been interesting. Sometimes it seems like only yesterday when I was hired by the principal as the school counselor, right out of graduate school at the bright young age of twenty-six. Although young, I had lots of experience in dealing with teenagers and their problems. Overall, I have always loved my work and loved the kids at the school. There were some tricky times, though.

Probably the most interesting and difficult period at Riverview occurred back in the early eighties. I had started in '81, and the following school year I found out about the Brotherhood. Unfortunately, I really couldn't tell anyone, because it was said to me in confidence. Young Jason had brought it up to me.

He had been seeing me in regards to his depression. It was nothing that needed major drugs, and back then Prozac really didn't exist. But, we spoke twice a week during his study hall to help him cope with a lot of his feelings. Things had been difficult for him: he had moved here halfway through his freshman year, and really didn't feel like he fit in. He was from the east coast, and found things in the midwest a little "different". He couldn't get a break from any of the other boys, and none of the girls would take him seriously.

We saw each other from January until March, and then suddenly he showed up one day with a completely different attitude.

"I just wanted to stop in and say I won't be coming to see you anymore," he said. I was curious, because he looked more contented than he had in the last two months!

"You look different. Can you tell me what happened?"

He smiled to himself, looking down on a new class ring that he wore on his finger. "No, not right now. But, if I tell you later, you're going to keep it to yourself, right?"

"Absolutely. It would be illegal and immoral of me to discuss what you tell me."

"Great. Okay, then, Mr. Bradley. It's been cool, but I have to go."

"Okay, then. Don't be a stranger. Come in and see me every now and again."

He was out the door. He never came by to visit, but I did see him in the halls between classes. He did seem to look happier, and it also looked like he had made some friends. I noticed him hanging around with a group of boys I knew about. They were achievers-- one was a football player, one was in the theater program, one was well known on student government, and there was Jason, who had just become an instant honors student.

At the end of the school year, it was the last day and as I was getting ready to leave the office for a three week vacation to visit my parents in California, I noticed a bulky envelope had been slipped under my office door. I picked it up and opened it, unveling a letter many pages long. It was from Jason.

"Dear Mr. Bradley,

"How are you. I'm still doing great. I just wanted to write and tell you about what happened to me months ago. I really can't believe it myself. Please don't talk to this about anyone... I shouldn't even be writing this. But since you had put so much time into my problems, I figured I owed you the answer.

"It was one day in mid March that I had to stay afterschool to make up a gym class I had missed because of a sick day. After I had finished running track, I was late, so had to hurry through the locker room. I didn't have time to shower if I wanted to catch the bus, so I went to my locker and started to change.

"While I was changing clothes, I noticed the showers were running. The volleyball players I had seen in the gym must be in there, I thought. But, I heard something else with the running water. It was a wierd sound, so I stopped and quietly moved towards the door to the shower room to see what it was.

"I couldn't believe it... I heard a deep groaning sound. Then, I heard a voice. 'Oh, yes, Brother, that's great....uungh.' I couldn't help myself. Although I was scared, I was very curious to find out what was going on. So, I carefully peeked my head inside the door and looked around.

"It was Todd Davis, secretary of the Student Senate, standing under the shower, his body wet. And kneeling before him was Kyle Johnson, the quaterback, WITH TODD'S DICK IN HIS MOUTH!!! Todd's eyes were rolled back, he body slumped against the wall as Kyle's mouth worked up and down on his hard cock. Through the sound of the showers and groans of Kyle, I also heard a smacking sound as Kyle's lips popped off of the cockhead and then swallowed it up again.

"I must have made a sound when I turned to leave, because they suddenly stopped and looked my way. I didn't notice if they saw me, because I bolted out of the gym. I couldn't believe what I had seen. It bothered me for the rest of the day. I couldn't help thinking of what I had seen, these two boys that I knew about, that it would be scandalous if anyone knew, performing oral sex in the shower. And the worst part is, it had turned me on. Just watching the sex was arousing enough to get me erect. When I went to bed that night, I gave in and jacked myself off to the memory of the shower room just to relieve my arousal.

"The next day was Friday, and as I sat eating my lunch, I noticed Todd walking towards my table. I was sitting by myself, so I figured he knew that I had seen him yesterday. He put down the tray across from me.

" ' Can I sit here?' he asked.

" 'Yeah, I guess...' I replied. He sat down and looked at me, very plainly. He must have noticed my discomfort, because his voice became very quiet.

" 'I was asked to talk to you about yesterday,' he said. I wanted to pretend it hadn't happened.

" 'I don't know what you're talking about' I lied. He wouldn't relent.

" 'Yes you do. No matter how much steam gets in my eyes, I can still tell Jason Zander's face from anyone else in this school.' he insisted.

" 'Look, what do you want?' I asked him directly. I kind of wanted him to go away. Every time I looked at him, I remembered the scene from the day before, and I was starting to get hard again.

" 'I want to know what you're going to do about seeing us yesterday. That's all. The fact is that should this thing get around, it could be really bad for all of us. It looked like you freaked yesterday, so I was asked to find out what you're going to do.' he said. His voice was low and I could tell from the look on his face that he was serious, and a little anxious.

" 'Who asked you?' I asked. It sounded like it was more than just Kyle.

" 'The others,' he replied. 'I can't say anymore. So, what are you going to say, Jason?'

" I had to think for a minute. I really didn't see the point in saying anything. Although I didn't really know him or Kyle, they seemed like really good people. Besides, it would really suck if I ruined their life over this. But I was also really curious about what was going on. Who were these others? It seemed like a real big conspiracy.

" 'Don't worry, Todd. I won't say anything. I know I looked pretty shocked yesterday, but after thinking about it, I've decided I really don't have any problems with it.'

" 'Really?' he asked, his anxiety lifting off his face.

" 'No, it's cool, really. You guys should just remember to be more discrete.' I smiled. I could tell that he felt a lot better.

" 'Listen, are you doing anything tonight? My folks just got cable. Would you be interested in coming over?' he asked with a relieved tone of voice.

" I was a little wary, considering what I had seen in the shower room. Maybe he got the wrong impression from me. But, then he must have seen the look on my face.

" 'Don't worry,' he assured me. 'There won't be any shower rooms.' I laughed.

" 'Yeah, okay.' I said. I was actually excited just because this was the first person from town who asked me to do anything socially. Maybe the little accident would be to my benefit. So, we made plans, finished our lunch, and left the cafeteria.

" The rest of the day passed slowly, as Fridays often do. But afterschool, as I was relaxing in the afternoon, I still could not get the picture of Todd and Kyle out of my head. The more I thought of it, the more it turned me on. I ended up getting off again in the shower as I got cleaned up for the evening at Todd's. This time I imagined myself to be Todd, the water running off my body, as Kyle's lips passionately worked up and down on my cock. I came so hard that my knees got week and I kind of collapsed in the tub.

His house was only about six blocks away from mine, further into the suburbs. The houses were further apart and had larger yards with a lot more trees and shrubbery. As I walked up to the door, it suddenly opened and there stood Todd. He was wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt and a pair of jeans... a definite change from the button-down shirt and pants from school earlier.

"C'mon in, Jason," he said. "My parents are out of town until tomorrow afternoon. They're visiting my grandparents, so we have the place to ourselves." I entered the house and noticed that it looked really nice. His parents must be financially comfortable. I learned his father was a CPA and his mother was an Assistant Manager at a big-name store in town.

We went down into the T.V. room in the basement. I noticed there was bar and poor table on one end of the basement, and the other end was modelled up to be a study / T.V. room. Todd turned on the T.V. and I was amazed at the clarity of the picture. We had always had to use an antenna, but the picture was often fuzzy. This picture was great.

For an hour, Todd and I sat around and talked. I learned he was a sophomore and had just been elected to the Senate that year. I talked about living on Cape Cod, and going to the great beaches during the summertime. I really started enjoying myself. Todd was an honest person with a great personality. In many respects, he had a magnetic style to him.

At eight o'clock, the doorbell rang. Todd bolted up out of the couch and looked surprised.

"Oh, damn!" he said. "I forgot to tell you... I had made plans for few other friends to come over."

"That's okay," I said, standing up.

"No, no, you stay." he said. "You guys will like each other, I'm sure."

He left the room for a few minutes. I could hear him open the door and the sound of a few other male voices. I heard Todd drop his voice for a few seconds... probably telling them about me... and then a whole troupe started coming down the stairs.

In walked Todd with Scott Reardon. I had seen him in the winter performance of Midsummer Night's Dream. He was a good actor, and good looking, too. I was introduced and Scott seemed friendly enough. Then, someone else came down the stairs and I turned to see who it was.

It was Kyle. I could tell that he was a bit shy when we were formally introduced, but he didn't let anything show. After a little small talk, everyone sat on one of the two sofas set up at right angles infront of the T.V. I noticed that Scott went over and helped himself to hard liquor at the bar on the other end of the basement.

As the hours went on, I relaxed more as I got to know more about Todd and his friends. They talked about school a lot, about the other kids they knew, and a lot about girls. As time went on, the drinks from the bar got passed around. As they poured vodka, I tried it for the first time. God, it burned on the way down! But after a couple of drinks, I got quite used to it.

Finally, it was around 11pm. Scott walked over to the bar and called Todd over. I watched them talk quietly between themselves, not being able to make out what was being said. Finally, as Todd walked back with another shot of vodka, Scott looked at me.

By 11:30, I was starting to feel a little drunk by the vodka. I refused any more liquor. By now, I was slumped on the sofa with Todd and Kyle sitting on the floor, their backs leaning against the sofa. Scott was lying on the other sofa. We were watching some awful movie on cable, but the girls were naked, so it was good for a few kicks.

"So," I finally said, "I noticed that each of you wears the same ring. It's not really a class ring. What is it?"

I could tell that the others kind of looked at one another for a second. They seemed to hesitate in their reply. Finally, Scott spoke up.

"We'd tell you, but then we'd have to kill you," he said in the voice of some spy. Todd and Kyle glanced at each other. There was something wierd going on.

"We could tell him," Todd said. He turned to me. "We could tell you, but you would have to swear not to tell anyone. No one."

The alcohol had made me brave. "Does it have anything to do with yesterday?" I could tell that I had made them a little nervous. They kept looking back at one another. Kyle seemed to be getting really embarassed, turning a peculiar color of red.

Todd spoke up to the others, "Guys, its okay. He said he wouldn't say anything. He said it was cool with him."

Scott suddenly changed from nervous expectation to disappointment. "Fuck, Todd, I told you not to say anything with me in the room. He saw you two, not me. Goddammit, be more careful!"

"No, listen, I trust him," Todd said. Those words alone made me feel appreciated. It was the first time I had felt any sort of trust as the new kid before.

"Jason," Kyle spoke up, silencing the others, "Why are you cool with it? A lot of people freak out. Why are you cool with what you saw?"

I kind of shrugged my shoulders, "Yeah, I know I looked spooked yesterday, but its just that I had never seen it before so close. When I lived on the Cape, a lot of my friends were bisexual. They fooled around with each other. It used to bother me, but I realized it doesn't change them as people. I even met a few gay friends up in Provincetown. I knew they did stuff, but I never saw it before. So, listen, it's cool. To each his own.. right?"

"Truth or dare, Jason." Scott spoke up, "Did you do anything with your bisexual friends?"

"No, I never did."

"Did you ever want to? I mean, you knew about them, what they did. You trusted them. Did you ever want to try it?" Scott continued.

"No, not really. It never interested me before."

"Before? Has that changed now?"

I had to stop. I didn't want to say anything about getting turned on by the shower scene, but the vodka buzz had loosened my judgement.

"Well.... it hasn't been easy to dismiss the shower scene from my mind."

"Jason...." Todd asked very slowly. "Would you like to see more?" Everyone was looking at me. Well, there was no question that Scott was one of the "others" who sent Todd that day. I could feel the blood pulsing in my body.

I couldn't answer, my mind wasn't working well with the alcohol buzz. But after a minute, Todd moved over to Kyle and kissed him on the lips. Their mouths opened and I saw their tongues working themselves around. I was stunned, and could just sit there watching.

Kyle scootched closed to Todd as his hands reached for Todd's shirt. They broke for a minute as Todd pulled off his shirt, revealing his chest. It was well defined, but not built. Todd then reached over and pulled off Kyle's shirt, exposing a much more muscular build on the quarterback.

Right infront of me, on the floor at my feet, Todd laid Kyle back on the floor and put his lips tightly onto one of Kyle's dark nipples. As Kyle groaned, Todd switched sides after a minute. Then, his pursed lips moved down the hard ripples in Kyle's stomach, licking and kissing. Todd lifted his hand and started running his fingers through Todd's hair.

Kyle stopped his tongue bathing as he got to the button in Kyle's pants. Todd looked up at me, a gentle look in his eyes, and spoke.

"Can you help me?" he said. I assumed he wanted me to unbutton Kyle's pants, but all I could do was watch in a half-drunken stupor. The scene had brought back all of the feelings from the shower scene the day before, and as my eyes were fixated on their show, I could feel my dick begin to swell uncomfortably in my jeans.

Todd focused on Kyle again. He opened the button in Kyle's pants and as he pulled the zipper back, he exposed the uncovered thick penis of his lover. It was hard and was stiff against Kyle's stomach like a compass pointing North.

"Oh, yes Brother," Kyle said with his eyes closed. Todd opened the flaps of the pants wide and even pulled them down below his buttocks. I could see Kyle's built legs and expected that his ass must also be wonderfully built.

Todd slowly touched the bottom of Kyle's shaft with the tip of his tongue. He ran the tip up the hot skin of his cock until he reached the glans. I noticed that Kyle was circumsized, so Todd didn't have to worry about foreskin. His tongue went up and down a few times as Kyle moaned. Todd finally laid down at Kyle's side and brought his mouth down to Kyle's scrotum. His lips pressed against the tight nuts in their skin pouch, inhaling deeply as he moved his mouth over the taught sack.

As Todd moved up again, he smiled at Kyle. "I love it when you shave before you come over...." and I suddenly noticed that Kyle's scrotum was completely shaved. It was smooth, just like a small child.

Todd wrapped his lips around the bulging purple tip of Kyle's cock and in what must have been an instant, suddenly had his whole mouth around the thick shaft. Todd quickly got up to speed, the large cock moving in and out of his mouth. Kyle looked like he was in heaven, a thin film of sweat covering his bare skin. His eyes met mine for a moment absently, but then looked away in the glow of Todd's ministrations.

I noticed that Scott stood up from the sofa and knelt down on the floor beside the two. Quickly opening his jeans, he pulled out his hard dick and started stroking it quickly. Kyle's free hand moved over and started to cup Scott's balls, pulling them gently. Scott let out an incredible sigh.

Todd was really moving quickly. I could hear the sounds of his saliva as Kyle's cock churned in and out of his mouth. Kyle looked absolutely delusional... he probably didn't even know where he was the pleasure was so great. Automatically, he pumped his hips to the time of Todd's sucking. To the side of them, Scott quickly stroked his dick as Kyle fondled his tightening sack.

I couldn't believe this, but then the drinks had left me powerless to turn away. Not only did I have to look, but I wanted to look. The three of them were so hot, so in my face, that my dick felt like it was going to explode. It was stiff and throbbing in my shorts, but at this point, I was still too fascinated by them to address my own arousal.

After a few minutes of silence, with the exception of heavy breathing, Kyle began to speak.

"Uh...Brother...." he gulped. "I'm going to cum..... I'm.... oh, my Brother.... oh.......UNGH!" Suddenly Kyle stopped, his hips frozen thrusting into Todd's mouth. Todd's stopped pumping and simply moved his lips around Kyle's dick as an infant sucking its mother's teat hungrily for milk. They froze there together as Todd eagerly accepted Kyle's milky potion.

Although Scott had been pretty silent, he made an incredibly loud gasp as he froze he quickened his hand. His red cockhead started to throb and a huge gob of cum shot from it, landing in a milky puddle on Todd's back. In reaction, Todd slowly pulled his mouth off of Kyle's cock, letting a trickle of cum run out of the corner of his lips.

The three of them started to relax. Scott fell back onto the floor, his softening dick still protruding from his pants. Todd collapsed exhausted beside Kyle, laying on his stomach with the spots of Scott's semen still pooled on his back.

I sat back on the sofa as I watched them return to coherent consciousness. They all looked exhausted but incredibly happy. All of them wore expressions of fatigued release. For myself, I was still in awe about what I had just witnessed.

Suddenly, Kyle started laughing. "I guess you didn't know cable could be so exciting, huh, Jason."

The others laughed with him. Todd turned his head and smiled at me.

"A little better than yesterday..." he said. "At least it was something worth watching."

"Apparently he enjoyed it," Scott offered, looking at the bulge in my jeans. The three laughed again.

The thrill of the show was waning, and I was flooded with curiosity.

"Okay, guys," I said. "I don't know what is going on here. What is all this? What's with the rings, and what the hell is the 'Brother' crap about??"

Scott moved over to Todd and leaned over, sucking his thick semen off of his back. When he had finished, Todd rolled over and looked up at me.

"You're the first person we've let watch us who hasn't been initiated into The Brotherhood." he replied, the smear of cum still on his chin.

"The Brotherhood?" I asked.

"Alright, Jason. I guess it's about time we explain....."

Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 20:36:58 -0800 From: Mobius Loop Subject: THE BROTHERHOOD, CH 01 (b/b, teen, cons.)


THE BROTHERHOOD: by Mobius Chapter 1-- Reflections

I really can't believe that I had worked at Riverview High School for the last fifteen years. As the counselor of a mid-sized (1,500 students) school in the midwest, my job has always been interesting. Sometimes it seems like only yesterday when I was hired by the principal as the school counselor, right out of graduate school at the bright young age of twenty-six. Although young, I had lots of experience in dealing with teenagers and their problems. Overall, I have always loved my work and loved the kids at the school. There were some tricky times, though.

Probably the most interesting and difficult period at Riverview occurred back in the early eighties. I had started in '81, and the following school year I found out about the Brotherhood. Unfortunately, I really couldn't tell anyone, because it was said to me in confidence. Young Jason had brought it up to me.

He had been seeing me in regards to his depression. It was nothing that needed major drugs, and back then Prozac really didn't exist. But, we spoke twice a week during his study hall to help him cope with a lot of his feelings. Things had been difficult for him: he had moved here halfway through his freshman year, and really didn't feel like he fit in. He was from the east coast, and found things in the midwest a little "different". He couldn't get a break from any of the other boys, and none of the girls would take him seriously.

We saw each other from January until March, and then suddenly he showed up one day with a completely different attitude.

"I just wanted to stop in and say I won't be coming to see you anymore," he said. I was curious, because he looked more contented than he had in the last two months!

"You look different. Can you tell me what happened?"

He smiled to himself, looking down on a new class ring that he wore on his finger. "No, not right now. But, if I tell you later, you're going to keep it to yourself, right?"

"Absolutely. It would be illegal and immoral of me to discuss what you tell me."

"Great. Okay, then, Mr. Bradley. It's been cool, but I have to go."

"Okay, then. Don't be a stranger. Come in and see me every now and again."

He was out the door. He never came by to visit, but I did see him in the halls between classes. He did seem to look happier, and it also looked like he had made some friends. I noticed him hanging around with a group of boys I knew about. They were achievers-- one was a football player, one was in the theater program, one was well known on student government, and there was Jason, who had just become an instant honors student.

At the end of the school year, it was the last day and as I was getting ready to leave the office for a three week vacation to visit my parents in California, I noticed a bulky envelope had been slipped under my office door. I picked it up and opened it, unveling a letter many pages long. It was from Jason.

"Dear Mr. Bradley,

"How are you. I'm still doing great. I just wanted to write and tell you about what happened to me months ago. I really can't believe it myself. Please don't talk to this about anyone... I shouldn't even be writing this. But since you had put so much time into my problems, I figured I owed you the answer.

"It was one day in mid March that I had to stay afterschool to make up a gym class I had missed because of a sick day. After I had finished running track, I was late, so had to hurry through the locker room. I didn't have time to shower if I wanted to catch the bus, so I went to my locker and started to change.

"While I was changing clothes, I noticed the showers were running. The volleyball players I had seen in the gym must be in there, I thought. But, I heard something else with the running water. It was a wierd sound, so I stopped and quietly moved towards the door to the shower room to see what it was.

"I couldn't believe it... I heard a deep groaning sound. Then, I heard a voice. 'Oh, yes, Brother, that's great....uungh.' I couldn't help myself. Although I was scared, I was very curious to find out what was going on. So, I carefully peeked my head inside the door and looked around.

"It was Todd Davis, secretary of the Student Senate, standing under the shower, his body wet. And kneeling before him was Kyle Johnson, the quaterback, WITH TODD'S DICK IN HIS MOUTH!!! Todd's eyes were rolled back, he body slumped against the wall as Kyle's mouth worked up and down on his hard cock. Through the sound of the showers and groans of Kyle, I also heard a smacking sound as Kyle's lips popped off of the cockhead and then swallowed it up again.

"I must have made a sound when I turned to leave, because they suddenly stopped and looked my way. I didn't notice if they saw me, because I bolted out of the gym. I couldn't believe what I had seen. It bothered me for the rest of the day. I couldn't help thinking of what I had seen, these two boys that I knew about, that it would be scandalous if anyone knew, performing oral sex in the shower. And the worst part is, it had turned me on. Just watching the sex was arousing enough to get me erect. When I went to bed that night, I gave in and jacked myself off to the memory of the shower room just to relieve my arousal.

"The next day was Friday, and as I sat eating my lunch, I noticed Todd walking towards my table. I was sitting by myself, so I figured he knew that I had seen him yesterday. He put down the tray across from me.

" ' Can I sit here?' he asked.

" 'Yeah, I guess...' I replied. He sat down and looked at me, very plainly. He must have noticed my discomfort, because his voice became very quiet.

" 'I was asked to talk to you about yesterday,' he said. I wanted to pretend it hadn't happened.

" 'I don't know what you're talking about' I lied. He wouldn't relent.

" 'Yes you do. No matter how much steam gets in my eyes, I can still tell Jason Zander's face from anyone else in this school.' he insisted.

" 'Look, what do you want?' I asked him directly. I kind of wanted him to go away. Every time I looked at him, I remembered the scene from the day before, and I was starting to get hard again.

" 'I want to know what you're going to do about seeing us yesterday. That's all. The fact is that should this thing get around, it could be really bad for all of us. It looked like you freaked yesterday, so I was asked to find out what you're going to do.' he said. His voice was low and I could tell from the look on his face that he was serious, and a little anxious.

" 'Who asked you?' I asked. It sounded like it was more than just Kyle.

" 'The others,' he replied. 'I can't say anymore. So, what are you going to say, Jason?'

" I had to think for a minute. I really didn't see the point in saying anything. Although I didn't really know him or Kyle, they seemed like really good people. Besides, it would really suck if I ruined their life over this. But I was also really curious about what was going on. Who were these others? It seemed like a real big conspiracy.

" 'Don't worry, Todd. I won't say anything. I know I looked pretty shocked yesterday, but after thinking about it, I've decided I really don't have any problems with it.'

" 'Really?' he asked, his anxiety lifting off his face.

" 'No, it's cool, really. You guys should just remember to be more discrete.' I smiled. I could tell that he felt a lot better.

" 'Listen, are you doing anything tonight? My folks just got cable. Would you be interested in coming over?' he asked with a relieved tone of voice.

" I was a little wary, considering what I had seen in the shower room. Maybe he got the wrong impression from me. But, then he must have seen the look on my face.

" 'Don't worry,' he assured me. 'There won't be any shower rooms.' I laughed.

" 'Yeah, okay.' I said. I was actually excited just because this was the first person from town who asked me to do anything socially. Maybe the little accident would be to my benefit. So, we made plans, finished our lunch, and left the cafeteria.

" The rest of the day passed slowly, as Fridays often do. But afterschool, as I was relaxing in the afternoon, I still could not get the picture of Todd and Kyle out of my head. The more I thought of it, the more it turned me on. I ended up getting off again in the shower as I got cleaned up for the evening at Todd's. This time I imagined myself to be Todd, the water running off my body, as Kyle's lips passionately worked up and down on my cock. I came so hard that my knees got week and I kind of collapsed in the tub.

His house was only about six blocks away from mine, further into the suburbs. The houses were further apart and had larger yards with a lot more trees and shrubbery. As I walked up to the door, it suddenly opened and there stood Todd. He was wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt and a pair of jeans... a definite change from the button-down shirt and pants from school earlier.

"C'mon in, Jason," he said. "My parents are out of town until tomorrow afternoon. They're visiting my grandparents, so we have the place to ourselves." I entered the house and noticed that it looked really nice. His parents must be financially comfortable. I learned his father was a CPA and his mother was an Assistant Manager at a big-name store in town.

We went down into the T.V. room in the basement. I noticed there was bar and poor table on one end of the basement, and the other end was modelled up to be a study / T.V. room. Todd turned on the T.V. and I was amazed at the clarity of the picture. We had always had to use an antenna, but the picture was often fuzzy. This picture was great.

For an hour, Todd and I sat around and talked. I learned he was a sophomore and had just been elected to the Senate that year. I talked about living on Cape Cod, and going to the great beaches during the summertime. I really started enjoying myself. Todd was an honest person with a great personality. In many respects, he had a magnetic style to him.

At eight o'clock, the doorbell rang. Todd bolted up out of the couch and looked surprised.

"Oh, damn!" he said. "I forgot to tell you... I had made plans for few other friends to come over."

"That's okay," I said, standing up.

"No, no, you stay." he said. "You guys will like each other, I'm sure."

He left the room for a few minutes. I could hear him open the door and the sound of a few other male voices. I heard Todd drop his voice for a few seconds... probably telling them about me... and then a whole troupe started coming down the stairs.

In walked Todd with Scott Reardon. I had seen him in the winter performance of Midsummer Night's Dream. He was a good actor, and good looking, too. I was introduced and Scott seemed friendly enough. Then, someone else came down the stairs and I turned to see who it was.

It was Kyle. I could tell that he was a bit shy when we were formally introduced, but he didn't let anything show. After a little small talk, everyone sat on one of the two sofas set up at right angles infront of the T.V. I noticed that Scott went over and helped himself to hard liquor at the bar on the other end of the basement.

As the hours went on, I relaxed more as I got to know more about Todd and his friends. They talked about school a lot, about the other kids they knew, and a lot about girls. As time went on, the drinks from the bar got passed around. As they poured vodka, I tried it for the first time. God, it burned on the way down! But after a couple of drinks, I got quite used to it.

Finally, it was around 11pm. Scott walked over to the bar and called Todd over. I watched them talk quietly between themselves, not being able to make out what was being said. Finally, as Todd walked back with another shot of vodka, Scott looked at me.

By 11:30, I was starting to feel a little drunk by the vodka. I refused any more liquor. By now, I was slumped on the sofa with Todd and Kyle sitting on the floor, their backs leaning against the sofa. Scott was lying on the other sofa. We were watching some awful movie on cable, but the girls were naked, so it was good for a few kicks.

"So," I finally said, "I noticed that each of you wears the same ring. It's not really a class ring. What is it?"

I could tell that the others kind of looked at one another for a second. They seemed to hesitate in their reply. Finally, Scott spoke up.

"We'd tell you, but then we'd have to kill you," he said in the voice of some spy. Todd and Kyle glanced at each other. There was something wierd going on.

"We could tell him," Todd said. He turned to me. "We could tell you, but you would have to swear not to tell anyone. No one."

The alcohol had made me brave. "Does it have anything to do with yesterday?" I could tell that I had made them a little nervous. They kept looking back at one another. Kyle seemed to be getting really embarassed, turning a peculiar color of red.

Todd spoke up to the others, "Guys, its okay. He said he wouldn't say anything. He said it was cool with him."

Scott suddenly changed from nervous expectation to disappointment. "Fuck, Todd, I told you not to say anything with me in the room. He saw you two, not me. Goddammit, be more careful!"

"No, listen, I trust him," Todd said. Those words alone made me feel appreciated. It was the first time I had felt any sort of trust as the new kid before.

"Jason," Kyle spoke up, silencing the others, "Why are you cool with it? A lot of people freak out. Why are you cool with what you saw?"

I kind of shrugged my shoulders, "Yeah, I know I looked spooked yesterday, but its just that I had never seen it before so close. When I lived on the Cape, a lot of my friends were bisexual. They fooled around with each other. It used to bother me, but I realized it doesn't change them as people. I even met a few gay friends up in Provincetown. I knew they did stuff, but I never saw it before. So, listen, it's cool. To each his own.. right?"

"Truth or dare, Jason." Scott spoke up, "Did you do anything with your bisexual friends?"

"No, I never did."

"Did you ever want to? I mean, you knew about them, what they did. You trusted them. Did you ever want to try it?" Scott continued.

"No, not really. It never interested me before."

"Before? Has that changed now?"

I had to stop. I didn't want to say anything about getting turned on by the shower scene, but the vodka buzz had loosened my judgement.

"Well.... it hasn't been easy to dismiss the shower scene from my mind."

"Jason...." Todd asked very slowly. "Would you like to see more?" Everyone was looking at me. Well, there was no question that Scott was one of the "others" who sent Todd that day. I could feel the blood pulsing in my body.

I couldn't answer, my mind wasn't working well with the alcohol buzz. But after a minute, Todd moved over to Kyle and kissed him on the lips. Their mouths opened and I saw their tongues working themselves around. I was stunned, and could just sit there watching.

Kyle scootched closed to Todd as his hands reached for Todd's shirt. They broke for a minute as Todd pulled off his shirt, revealing his chest. It was well defined, but not built. Todd then reached over and pulled off Kyle's shirt, exposing a much more muscular build on the quarterback.

Right infront of me, on the floor at my feet, Todd laid Kyle back on the floor and put his lips tightly onto one of Kyle's dark nipples. As Kyle groaned, Todd switched sides after a minute. Then, his pursed lips moved down the hard ripples in Kyle's stomach, licking and kissing. Todd lifted his hand and started running his fingers through Todd's hair.

Kyle stopped his tongue bathing as he got to the button in Kyle's pants. Todd looked up at me, a gentle look in his eyes, and spoke.

"Can you help me?" he said. I assumed he wanted me to unbutton Kyle's pants, but all I could do was watch in a half-drunken stupor. The scene had brought back all of the feelings from the shower scene the day before, and as my eyes were fixated on their show, I could feel my dick begin to swell uncomfortably in my jeans.

Todd focused on Kyle again. He opened the button in Kyle's pants and as he pulled the zipper back, he exposed the uncovered thick penis of his lover. It was hard and was stiff against Kyle's stomach like a compass pointing North.

"Oh, yes Brother," Kyle said with his eyes closed. Todd opened the flaps of the pants wide and even pulled them down below his buttocks. I could see Kyle's built legs and expected that his ass must also be wonderfully built.

Todd slowly touched the bottom of Kyle's shaft with the tip of his tongue. He ran the tip up the hot skin of his cock until he reached the glans. I noticed that Kyle was circumsized, so Todd didn't have to worry about foreskin. His tongue went up and down a few times as Kyle moaned. Todd finally laid down at Kyle's side and brought his mouth down to Kyle's scrotum. His lips pressed against the tight nuts in their skin pouch, inhaling deeply as he moved his mouth over the taught sack.

As Todd moved up again, he smiled at Kyle. "I love it when you shave before you come over...." and I suddenly noticed that Kyle's scrotum was completely shaved. It was smooth, just like a small child.

Todd wrapped his lips around the bulging purple tip of Kyle's cock and in what must have been an instant, suddenly had his whole mouth around the thick shaft. Todd quickly got up to speed, the large cock moving in and out of his mouth. Kyle looked like he was in heaven, a thin film of sweat covering his bare skin. His eyes met mine for a moment absently, but then looked away in the glow of Todd's ministrations.

I noticed that Scott stood up from the sofa and knelt down on the floor beside the two. Quickly opening his jeans, he pulled out his hard dick and started stroking it quickly. Kyle's free hand moved over and started to cup Scott's balls, pulling them gently. Scott let out an incredible sigh.

Todd was really moving quickly. I could hear the sounds of his saliva as Kyle's cock churned in and out of his mouth. Kyle looked absolutely delusional... he probably didn't even know where he was the pleasure was so great. Automatically, he pumped his hips to the time of Todd's sucking. To the side of them, Scott quickly stroked his dick as Kyle fondled his tightening sack.

I couldn't believe this, but then the drinks had left me powerless to turn away. Not only did I have to look, but I wanted to look. The three of them were so hot, so in my face, that my dick felt like it was going to explode. It was stiff and throbbing in my shorts, but at this point, I was still too fascinated by them to address my own arousal.

After a few minutes of silence, with the exception of heavy breathing, Kyle began to speak.

"Uh...Brother...." he gulped. "I'm going to cum..... I'm.... oh, my Brother.... oh.......UNGH!" Suddenly Kyle stopped, his hips frozen thrusting into Todd's mouth. Todd's stopped pumping and simply moved his lips around Kyle's dick as an infant sucking its mother's teat hungrily for milk. They froze there together as Todd eagerly accepted Kyle's milky potion.

Although Scott had been pretty silent, he made an incredibly loud gasp as he froze he quickened his hand. His red cockhead started to throb and a huge gob of cum shot from it, landing in a milky puddle on Todd's back. In reaction, Todd slowly pulled his mouth off of Kyle's cock, letting a trickle of cum run out of the corner of his lips.

The three of them started to relax. Scott fell back onto the floor, his softening dick still protruding from his pants. Todd collapsed exhausted beside Kyle, laying on his stomach with the spots of Scott's semen still pooled on his back.

I sat back on the sofa as I watched them return to coherent consciousness. They all looked exhausted but incredibly happy. All of them wore expressions of fatigued release. For myself, I was still in awe about what I had just witnessed.

Suddenly, Kyle started laughing. "I guess you didn't know cable could be so exciting, huh, Jason."

The others laughed with him. Todd turned his head and smiled at me.

"A little better than yesterday..." he said. "At least it was something worth watching."

"Apparently he enjoyed it," Scott offered, looking at the bulge in my jeans. The three laughed again.

The thrill of the show was waning, and I was flooded with curiosity.

"Okay, guys," I said. "I don't know what is going on here. What is all this? What's with the rings, and what the hell is the 'Brother' crap about??"

Scott moved over to Todd and leaned over, sucking his thick semen off of his back. When he had finished, Todd rolled over and looked up at me.

"You're the first person we've let watch us who hasn't been initiated into The Brotherhood." he replied, the smear of cum still on his chin.

"The Brotherhood?" I asked.

"Alright, Jason. I guess it's about time we explain....."

Next: Chapter 2

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