The Bully Wins

By Micah Allen

Published on Apr 10, 2018


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Josh woke up long before his alarm went off. He hadn't rested much that night, but he knew he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep. His head was swimming. He couldn't stop going over the entire weekend in his mind. Everything that had happened throughout the week prior was nothing compared to the events of the past two days.

The significance of losing his virginity was not lost on Josh. Unlike most other teenage boys, Josh had been too consumed by his depression to really care that much about any of that. He'd seen the guys at school high-fiving each other whenever they got laid for the first time, but he never really felt pressured to lose his own virginity at any particular point. He considered that the "old Josh" might've grown up to give a damn, but something in him had broken at some point and he just didn't really care. The strange thing was that suddenly, after the fact, he cared.

Something about Hunter made Josh's skin crawl, his dick hard, and his heart pound all at once. The guy was seemingly impossible to figure out. Just a few days ago the rebellious teen had scoffed at the idea of sex with another male, but then there he was on Sunday night, his steel cock buried deep inside a boy two years younger than him. Why was he so interested in Josh Morris? The younger boy tossed and turned in his bed, trying to find a reason for Hunter's actions. He felt average and inadequate, not worthy of the older boy's attention.

Then there was the kiss. As sore as his ass was, this is what had truly consumed Josh's thoughts. He kept replaying the moment over and over in his head, continuously perplexed by the split-second decision the older boy had made and then seemingly regretted. But did he really regret it? Again, there was no easy way to decipher Hunter Bailey, and while Josh knew he wasn't the best at talking through his feelings with others, he considered that maybe he should talk to him about it. Or not. Perhaps it was hopeless.

Josh eventually climbed out of bed. He flicked on his light and looked around the room. Spotting the unused condom Hunter had thrown on the floor, he picked it up and stashed it in his dresser drawer. He then noticed the curious stains that had formed on his sheets. To be safe, he piled all of them up and took them to the laundry room for a wash. He then headed to the bathroom with a sudden urge to empty himself. Yeah, it was certainly a new feeling to have some dude's jizz seeping out of his tender asshole.

After showering, Josh returned to his bedroom to find a text from Vince. Picking u up at 7,' it read. Why was Vince picking him up for school? Josh was used to walking everywhere, so this was definitely out of the ordinary. He texted back ok' and finished getting ready for the day, slipping on a pair of tight jeans, a black t-shirt with the logo of a band he liked, and of course his favorite hoodie.

When Vince arrived, he honked his horn loud enough to wake the entire neighborhood. Josh did his best to escape the house unseen, but Max was coming out of his room just as Josh passed by. "Good morning, bro," Josh whispered, tousling the youngster's hair as he headed for the stairs.

"Good morning, Joshy," Max said. Josh stopped cold. Hearing his younger brother use that nickname gave him an odd feeling. He hadn't overheard Hunter the night before, had he?

"Buddy, just call me Josh from now on, okay?" Josh said with a feigned smile.

"Okay, Josh," Max said with a playful grin. No, it had to just be a coincidence. The boy had used that nickname before. Josh shook his head and headed down the stairs and outside to Vince's car.

"Move your ass, kid," Vince yelled through open driver-side window. If the honking hadn't woken any sleeping neighbors, the loudmouth's shouting certainly would have.

Josh climbed into the passenger seat. Vince barely gave him to shut his door before he sped off. "Why'd you pick me up?" Josh asked curiously.

"Hunter told me to," Vince said.


"How the fuck should I know? The man didn't give a reason, just said to pick your bitch ass up," Vince laughed to himself. "Said he's skipping today, too."

"Hunter's not going to school today?" Josh asked.

"Dude, you deaf or some shit?" Vince said mockingly. He then looked over at the younger boy, who was now staring out his window, staring at the houses as they drove by them. "So what happened with you two last night? Did you fuck or something?" Vince said, his eyebrow raised.

"What?" Josh said, shock consuming his face. "Wh-why would you think that.."

Vince chuckled to himself. "Man, you have such a guilty look on your face. I was just fucking with you. Hunter bailed on me and Mark yesterday and said he was heading to your place."

"I mean, he came over," Josh said quietly. He then stopped himself from going any further. Would Hunter want anyone to know he'd had sex with a guy? There was no telling with him and Josh didn't want to make any assumptions.

"Whatever. Don't tell me. I don't give a fuck," Vince said. "All I know is that party on Saturday was fucking lame. Gettin' head from you was the highlight of my whole night. Fucking sucks, man."

"Uh, I'm sorry," Josh said.

"Whatever," Vince repeated. They were now pulling into the school parking lot. Seeing Sarah's silver Prius ahead of him, Vince went out of his way to park right beside her. There were three people inside the car: Sarah, Brian, and Donny, Sarah's little brother. Spotting the young freshman climbing out of the back seat, Vince elbowed Josh in the arm hard enough to get his attention. "Hey, it's Donny. You still wearin' his briefs?" Vince asked.

Again, Josh was a little shocked by the question. "N-no," he said. "How'd you know about that?"

"Mark told me. Duh!" Vince laughed. Josh was extremely surprised to hear this, especially considering how flighty Mark was about that whole thing. He was also super drunk when it had happened, so it seemed very unlikely that he would suddenly have a change of heart and reveal something like that to anyone. "Wonder what Donny would say if he knew about that. Think I should tell him?" Vince asked, an over-enthused look on his scruffy face.

"No, please don't," Josh said. "He'd probably get really freaked out."

"Yeah, it is pretty fucked up, you puttin' on his briefs outta nowhere," Vince said, relaxing in his seat. "Did it make your dick hard or something? Did you wanna fuck Donny or what?"

"Just wanted to get those panties off," Josh said quietly. It seemed that Vince didn't know Mark had instructed him to wear the briefs.

Vince smirked and climbed out of the car. From a distance, the pair could see Mark walking through the school gates. He lived close enough to the school that he easily walked every day. Frankly Josh did as well, but this fact was ignored by Hunter for whatever reason. Vince lit up a cigarette and waited for Mark to approach. Josh sat on the edge of the passenger seat waiting, his feet resting outside of the car door.

"Sup, dude," Vince said, raising his cigarette to Mark. The Italian boy snatched it from his fingers and took a few puffs before handing it back.

"What's up with Hunter?" Mark asked.

"No idea," Vince said. "Ask him." He pointed at Josh, who was trying not to make eye contact with Mark. He wasn't sure if Mark remembered everything that had happened at the party, or how he felt about it.

"Sup man," Mark said to Josh, perhaps sensing his reservation.

"Not much," Josh replied.

"Let's head inside. It's fuckin' cold out today," Vince said, putting his cigarette out on the gravel beneath his sneakers. The two older boys started for the front doors of the school, and Josh did his best to keep up. His ass was bothering him more than he had anticipated, so he found himself walking in a way that eased the discomfort between his legs.

As they were walking down the hall toward their respective lockers, Vince kept looking back at Josh, an odd grin on his face. Eventually he stopped and allowed Josh to pass by him. Josh did his best to walk normally, but he grimaced when Vince walked up and stepped on the back of his shoe, knocking him off balance momentarily. "Why you walking so funny, Morris?" Vince asked loudly. There were enough kids in the hall that the statement turned some heads.

"Vince. Stop," Josh said. He regained composure and started walking again, trying to act natural, but Vince seemed to see through it.

"Dude, you totally got boned last night," Vince snickered into his ear. They were at Mark's locker now, and the teen was stuffing his backpack into his locker. "Mark, check this out. The kid's walking like he's got a stick up his ass."

Mark turned and looked at Josh, but the younger boy was standing still. He shrugged his shoulders. "The fuck, Vince?" he said.

"No. Dude. I saw it. He was walking like a faggot," Vince laughed.

"You saying Hunter...?"

"I'm saying Hunter tapped that ass," he replied in a whispered tone. "Seriously, you need to see how he's walking, dude. It's so obvious. Damn, I knew Hunter was a sex freak but I didn't think he'd go all the way with the kid. Crazy days, man."

Suddenly the first bell rang, warning the students to get to their respective classes. Josh's locker was a ways down from the two other boys, so he had to walk away to put his bag away and grab his textbooks. As he was heading toward the locker, Vince catcalled him from behind. "See what I mean?" Vince could be heard saying to Mark. When Josh turned around to look at the two, Vince gave him a thumbs up while Mark just looked at him curiously.

Mere minutes after Josh got to his first class, Vince sent him a text commanding him to go to the third floor bathroom – a place Josh knew all too well at this point. His stomach sank. He really didn't want to hear the ridicule from Vince. He thought about saying no, or flat-out ignoring the message, but something inside him was also a little curious. Instead of disregarding the message, he silently walked out of class as soon as the homeroom news appeared on the television screen.

When Josh got to the bathroom, Vince was already there. "I didn't even bother going to class, man. I'm dying to see this."

"See what?" Josh asked. Vince nodded at the garbage can. Josh moved it in front of the door, just like he had done before.

"Get in the stall, Joshy," Vince said, a grin on his face. He was rubbing the front of his jeans absentmindedly. It was clear he was hard.

"Why?" Josh asked, eyes wide. "I don't want to."

"Just fucking do it, faggot," Vince snapped. He grabbed Josh by the arm and practically yanked his body into the stall. Even though Vince was merely an inch taller than Josh, the older boy was stronger. Josh nearly lost his balance completely as Vince slammed the stall door shut behind them.

"Why are you doing this?" Josh asked nervously.

"Dude, relax, I just want to see something," Vince said as casually as he could. It was unsettling. He reached behind Josh and grabbed for his ass. The younger boy had to put his hands on Vince's chest to steady himself. He felt uncomfortable as Vince yanked the back of Josh's jeans and underwear down, exposing his ass.

"Vince, stop," Josh pleaded. He knew what Vince wanted to see. The older boy didn't seem to listen as he reached behind Josh, putting his fingers into the crack of Josh's ass. Josh winced as Vince's fingers sought out his tender hole. The older boy prodded him gently at first, before jamming a finger into him.

"I knew it. Turn around," Vince said coldly. Josh looked at him for a moment, clearly in shock. There was only a totally focused look on Vince's face. Josh complied, turning toward the wall at the back of the stall. Vince pushed on his upper back so he was bent over the toilet before returning his hands to Josh's ass again. Vince then spread Josh's ass cheeks apart and examined his hole closely. Josh could tell he was breathing a little hard...

"I knew it," Vince said, awe evident in his voice. "I totally fucking called it, dude. Hunter wrecked your ass pretty good, huh?"

Josh said nothing, simply biting his lip as Vince's hands invaded his body. He could feel the older boy's fingers trace up and down his crack, brushing roughly against his sore, puffy hole.

"I'm talking to you," Vince said, slapping Josh's ass hard enough to leave a handprint. Josh yelped loudly.

"Fuck. Yes. He did that. You happy? Can we be done now?" Josh said.

"Dude. No fucking way," Vince said, smacking his butt again. Suddenly he was undoing his belt.

Josh immediately stood up. "No way," he said. There wasn't a chance in hell he was letting Vince stick his dick inside him after the onslaught he'd suffered the night before.

"Dude I'm not gonna fuck you," Vince said, breathing hard. "I just need you to suck me." He then grabbed Josh's hand and placed it on his hard cock. It was rock hard, and Vince was clearly horny as hell. It was obvious that seeing the evidence of Hunter's handiwork had elicited a huge reaction from the older boy.

Josh went to his knees cautiously. He opened his mouth to speak, but failed to get a single word out before Vince shoved his cock into the boy's mouth. "Fuck. I need to cum so bad. Suck me, Morris," Vince ordered. For a moment, he actually sounded a little like Hunter, albeit a more affected version of him.

Vince's hands were on the back of Josh's head, so he had little choice but to comply. He did his best to breathe through his nose as he sucked Vince as hard as he could. Vince was already bucking his hips, and Josh wasn't prepared for the act, so Vince's cock slipped out of the boy's mouth, roughly brushing his cheek. Vince aggressively grabbed his cock and stuffed it back into Josh's mouth, practically suffocating him in the process.

Josh gripped the base of Vince's dick in a futile attempt to control the onslaught on his mouth, but Vince couldn't be tamed. What he lacked in size, he certainly made up for in kinetic energy. "Yeah, suck that dick," he moaned as he continued thrusting into Josh's mouth. Josh, to his credit, was starting to get the hang of sucking dick, and it was showing. He even found himself enjoying it despite the fact that it wasn't Hunter he was sucking off.

"How's that taste, fag? You like this, right?" Vince moaned. Josh found himself moaning in response, though he tried to stop himself. The insult still hurt. Vince's dick actually tasted pretty good though, and Josh could smell a nice mix of soap, body spray, and smoke on Vince's body. It wasn't overpowering, and something about the scent made Josh's own dick hard.

Vince certainly didn't miss the boner sprouting in Josh's jeans. He pulled his dick out of Josh's mouth and stepped backward, smirking at the younger boy. Josh wiped some spit onto his sleeve and looked up at Vince, curious about why he had stopped. Vince just stared, stroking his cock. He then slipped off one of his sneakers and lifted up his foot. "Take my sock off," he said. Josh looked at him for a moment before doing as he was told. Once Vince's sock was off, the older boy roughly started rubbing his bare foot against Josh's crotch. Josh just watched him in surprise, enjoying the pressure against his cock.

"Take your dick out," Vince said after a while of rubbing Josh's bulge. "You're enjoying this, right?"

"Yeah, I guess," Josh managed to say, breathlessly.

"You guess?" Vince chuckled. He placed his foot between Josh's thighs and lifted upward, focusing pressure on Josh's package. The boy's eyes rolled back a little. He couldn't deny that it felt good. "Tell me you like it. Say it out loud."

"I don't-" Josh started, but he was interrupted by Vince jerking his foot upward. The pleasure immediately became discomfort.

"Say you like it, Morris," Vince hissed.

"Okay, I like it, I like it," Josh whined.

"Tell me what you like."

"I like...what you're my dick..."

"And what else? Come on," Vince asked, an eyebrow raised.

"I like your dick in my mouth, Vince," Josh said, his head hanging low.

"Then take your dick out and jerk off, faggot," Vince commanded. Josh unzipped himself and pulled his jeans down enough to pull his dick from his boxers. Vince rubbed his bare toes against Josh's exposed balls, sending a shiver down the boy's spine.

Vince then shoved Josh back onto his dick, nearly choking him. He started fucking Josh's mouth furiously, grunting in adolescent ecstasy as he enjoyed the boy's throat. Vince continuously repeated things like "you like this, right? You want my dick? Have some more. You're enjoying this, huh?" to the point where it was somewhat annoying, but Josh focused on the task at hand.

After a while, Vince was clearly on the verge of orgasm. He slowed his thrusting down and stared intently at Josh, who was breathing just as hard as he was as he stroked himself. "Gonna nut in your mouth. Fuck," Vince gasped, as he flooded Josh's mouth with cum. Tasting Vince's jizz put Josh over the edge, and almost immediately he was shooting his load all over Vince's bare foot. "Sick," the older boy said lowly. Josh couldn't tell if he meant it in a good way or not.

"Hold up, don't swallow," Vince said, pulling out his phone. "You know what's up. Show me that cum." Josh's eyebrows were raised in suspicion, clearly questioning Vince's orders. "Just fucking do it," Vince commanded. Josh opened his mouth to display the cum on his tongue. "Nice," Vince said, his camera aimed right at him. When he was apparently done, Josh swallowed the load down. He then went to stand up, but Vince pushed down on his shoulders. He then raised his foot up so Josh could clearly see all of his cum. "Lick it off," Vince said.

"Really? Why?" Josh asked.

"I don't know. I thought the shit you did with Mark last week was sorta hot," Vince replied. "Lick that load off my dirty foot," he added.

Josh brought Vince's foot to his mouth and started licking his own sperm off of the top. Although Josh had tasted his own cum once or twice before out of curiosity, it was definitely a strange thing to do this in front of another person. Once he had licked all of the cum from the top of Vince's foot, he started putting his tongue beneath Vince's toes to get the rest of it. Despite Vince's comment earlier, his foot didn't really taste that dirty. Sweaty, maybe.

Vince was silent, taking in the sight of Josh working his foot over with his tongue. He would have stopped Josh sooner but he allowed the kid to get carried away, sucking on each of his toes before finally stopping.

When Josh looked up to see if Vince was satisfied, he realized Vince still had his phone pointed right at him. "You took pictures?" Josh asked nervously.

"Nah, man. I recorded the whole thing."

"Of course," Josh said, dejected. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

"Figured Hunter would enjoy it," Vince replied, shutting off his phone and then reaching down to zip up his pants. Josh did the same as they both exited the stall.

"So you told Hunter?" Josh asked.

"He's the one who gave me permission," Vince said, a smile appearing on his face.

Josh's heart sank a little. "He did?" he asked softly.

"I texted him on the way to homeroom," Vince explained. "I mean it wasn't hard to figure out that he fucked you. He went to your place last night, told me to give you a ride this morning, you're walking funny. Easy shit," he said, clearly proud of his mediocre observational skills. It hadn't occurred to Josh that Hunter had saved him from an uncomfortable walk to school that morning, though it seemed obvious in retrospect.

"He said I could get some head but I'm not allowed to fuck you. Bummer," Vince said, knuckling Josh in the shoulder. "Guess your ass is safe...for now."

"Fuck off," Josh said. Suddenly Vince had him against the bathroom wall. His face was inches from Josh, and his knee was at the younger boy's groin.

"Don't act like you didn't like it," Vince said lowly. His knee compressed against Josh's crotch, causing him to wince. "I'm more than enough man for you, just like Hunter. And now that I have my buddy's blessing, I'm gonna be making use out of you, too." He backed off slowly, allowing Josh to ease up a bit.

"He said he didn't want me doing this stuff with anyone unless he told me to," Josh stated, trying to make sense of the whole situation.

"That's your own problem," Vince laughed. "Like I said, I'm his buddy, so of course he'll let me fuck around with you. You're the one that broke your agreement with him. That's on you." Josh then followed Vince out of the vacant bathroom and into the third floor hallway.

"What the hell were you two losers doing in there?" a female voice asked. It was Teri, Mark's ex-girlfriend, approaching from the west end of the hall.

"What do you think, bitch?" Vince asked, lewdly grabbing the bulge in his jeans and shaking at her. Teri scoffed in disgust and passed by them without another word. She gave Josh a particularly dirty look as she walked by.

Josh, as usual, felt embarrassed. "Aren't you worried she's gonna tell someone?"

"Fuck no," Vince said. "That whore is obsessed with the Italian Stallion. She's not gonna say anything that would fuck up Mark's rep, cuz if she did, it'd fuck up her rep, y'know?"

"I guess," Josh said. It should have made him feel relieved, but he didn't trust Teri at all. Hell, he didn't really trust anyone.

"Dude, if you only knew the shit involving that crazy slut. She sure has nice tits, though."

After the awkward exchange with Teri, the two boys returned to their respective classes. Josh's teacher didn't even seem to notice his presence, or lack thereof.

Between classes, Josh decided to send Hunter a text, hoping to get some kind of response. While he had felt hopeful the night before, he suddenly found himself feeling uneasy about the entire situation. He racked his brain thinking about what to say for quite a while before sending a simple "sup." By lunchtime, he'd received no response.

"Dude, you're hanging with us today," Vince told him after fourth period. Josh passed both Vince and Mark while on his way to his locker, and Vince had snatched him up almost immediately.

"Okay," Josh said simply. He checked his phone again, hoping that maybe he had missed the alert signaling that Hunter had messaged him back.

"Don't worry about Hunter," Mark said quietly, peering over his shoulder.

"Huh?" Josh said dumbly, casually putting his phone into his pocket. He didn't want either of them to think he was obsessing over their leader.

"Just saying, you'll probably see him after school, so don't worry about it for now. Come on, let's go to lunch," the older boy replied. It was rare that Josh heard Mark speak up, except for when he was drunk, so somehow his words had a calming effect.

The trio walked to the lunchroom together, and Josh could tell some people were giving him odd looks for hanging with the group. Vince and Mark didn't seem to give a shit, though, as they casually joked around as they walked, acting like their usual selves.

After they'd gotten their lunches, they say at a table opposite Brian and his friends. Josh pretended not to notice that the blonde athlete was staring a hole right through him. It was weird enough for Josh to be eating lunch in the lunch room, let alone sitting near Brian. He usually just went outside and sat somewhere by himself, rarely eating at all anymore.

"Dude, Josh, I figured you'd still be pretty full from breakfast," Vince teased as he dug into his school-provided pepperoni pizza. He was sitting directly across the table from Josh, with Mark at his side.

"Shut up," Josh said, trying to ignore Vince's prodding.

"Got a couple of sausages here for ya if you're really still hungry," Vince laughed. He tugged at his crotch again, just as he had done to Teri earlier. Josh just continued eating his lunch, trying to ignore it.

"Hey, congrats by the way, man," Mark said. He'd just stuffed down an entire turkey sandwich in mere seconds like it was nothing. Josh had heard Hunter refer to Mark's eating habits as "feeding the machine" once before.

"What for?" Josh asked curiously.

"You lost your v-card, dude," Mark said with a smile. He then leaned in across the table to add, "Hunter told me."

"What the fuck? You really knew all along?" Vince exclaimed, a shocked expression on his face. "You asshole, playing dumb earlier. Dammit."

"Yeah. He told me last night," Mark said, smiling slyly. Vince looked annoyed, and Josh found this interaction mildly amusing.

"Uh, thanks, I guess," Josh said quietly. Part of him felt ashamed that both of these guys now knew he'd been fucked by a dude. Another part of him was proud. `Because it's Hunter,' he thought to himself. He then shook the thought right out of his head. "Was Hunter...upset about it?" he asked softly.

As Mark was about to respond, an abrupt noise from the adjacent table interrupted him. Josh turned just in time to see Brian slam his tray of food into the trash and walk off in a hurry.

"Someone's pissed," Vince commented. "Anyway, now that little Josh has been deflowered, it's only a matter of time before he's getting rammed by every fag in the county. You'll be living out your lifelong dream in no time, kid." Josh responded by quickly connecting his foot to Vince's crotch in a botched attempt to kick him in the balls. Vince was quick enough to grab his foot, though, stopping it from doing any damage.

"Fuck you," Josh practically shouted.

"Hey, you're being awfully mean to me today, Morris. You're gonna have to make it up to me later," Vince responded. Josh could feel something beneath his sneaker; it was obvious that Vince was hard as a rock. Mark peered over and appeared to notice.

"Dude, you're the one getting a hard-on from a sophomore boy," Mark quipped. "If Josh is a fag, what does that make you?" Josh so badly wanted to call out the burn, but thought better of it. He didn't want to set Vince off.

"Shit, I was only kidding," Vince covered, throwing Josh's foot back to the ground.

"Uh huh," Mark said. Vince grinned, continuing to scarf down his pizza.

The group continued eating lunch and fucking around until the bell rang. Josh kept looking at his phone all afternoon, feeling disappointed that Hunter hadn't said anything at all.

After school, Josh instinctively went out to Vince's car. The older boy smiled when he saw him. "Glad to see you're learning," he said. "Hop in."

"I don't want to go home," Josh stated, throwing his backpack into the backseat before climbing into the vehicle.

"You're not going home. We're going to Hunter's house, dumbass," Vince said. Josh suddenly felt extremely nervous about seeing Hunter. At the same time, he knew it was what he wanted. "Mark's coming with us. Let's have some fun while we wait," Vince whispered. He set the seat so it leaned backward and then started to undo his pants.

"You want to do this here? With people outside?"

"Here, wait a sec," Vince said. He took off his leather jacket and pulled it over his lap. He then reached over and grabbed Josh by the wrist, pulling his hand underneath the jacket. Josh felt his fingers being wrapped around Vince's hard cock. "There you go. Jerk me off nice and slow. No one will know."

"Fuck," Josh said. Vince was a sneaky little shit. Josh did as he was told, jacking Vince slowly, his elbow resting on the center console so you wouldn't be able to see where his hand was unless you were up close. Vince leaned his head back, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the nice, slow handjob.

Josh kept looking around to see if anyone was watching, but despite the people scattering around the parking lot, nobody seemed to get close enough to see anything. "Mark's coming," Josh noted, as he watched the muscular Italian exit the building.

"But I'm not. Don't stop," Vince breathed. "Mark won't give a shit." Despite his reservations, Josh continued slowly jacking Vince off. He could feel the sweaty dampness from Vince's pubes every time his hand reached the base of his cock.

After a few moments, the weight of the car shifted as Mark climbed in. "What are you guys do-...oh," he said, realizing what was happening. Josh stared out the passenger window, ashamed to look at him.

"Just give us a minute," Vince grunted. Mark pulled his phone out and began looking through it as he waited for the other two to finish what they were doing.

Josh could tell Vince was getting close as his breathing got more ragged. He continued looking to his right, ensuring that nobody would see his hand entering the space beneath Vince's jacket. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum," Vince hissed. Josh gripped his cock a little harder and sped up just enough to send Vince over the edge.

Suddenly the jacket was yanked away, and Josh heard a bout of laughing from his left. Horror spread across his face as he realized that Sarah, Brian, and Donny were standing by Sarah's car. They had arrived just in time to see Vince blow his load all over Josh's hand.

Vince laughed hysterically as Josh yanked his cum-splattered hand away, quickly wiping the hot, sticky fluid off on jeans. "Oh my god, no, you didn't!" Sarah shouted. She too was laughing loudly, apparently amazed by what she'd witnessed. Brian's face was totally red, and it was unclear what he was thinking, but he urgently got into the car without a word. Donny looked totally shocked, but there was a faint smile on his face like one has when they see something they can't believe. Sarah quickly shoved him into the car, jokingly covering his innocent eyes.

"Josh, you really are a kinky kid," Sarah yelled. Josh's face was beet red as he stared at the floor. "Vince, put that little thing away. Bee stings hurt." She then got into the car too just before it sped off.

"Wow, what a bitch!" Vince exclaimed. "You think my dick is big, right Josh?"

"That was pretty fucked up, dude," Mark said, not looking up from his phone. Josh, still feeling shocked, didn't speak.

"Sorry, I didn't want to get jizz on my jacket," Vince laughed, zipping himself up again. "Man, her kid brother was surprised, huh?"

Josh groaned and buried his head in his hands as Vince pulled the car out of the parking space, heading toward Hunter's house. He could smell Vince's cum on his fingers.

"I wonder what Hunter has in store for you tonight, Morris?" Vince asked. Josh could only wonder, too.

Next time on Dragonball Z...

Goku inhales 178 times but exhales only once. Liberty is pregnant with J.T.'s child. Haru eats mackeral in front of a hungry Makoto. Kelly Wiglesworth speaks. Jigsaw is still alive.

Apologies for taking soooo long with this chapter, and for not being as responsive this week. Had a lot going on, but I won't ever give up on this story. Keep in mind that my average on Nifty is something like 2-3 chapters per YEAR, so hey, I'm ahead of the game, folks. :)

Next: Chapter 9

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