The Cabin in the Woods Series

By Bob Markus

Published on Jul 7, 2016



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Do not proceed to the below document if you are not above the age of consent in your area, or it is otherwise legal for you to view material of a homosexual or otherwise sexual nature. This story contains depictions of sexual acts between minors, and may contain otherwise unlawful or taboo depictions.


Day 3:

Bentley and I had the whole day planned. We were going to fish in the pond for a little while, and then work on the repairs that the cabin was so desperately in need of, little things and big things alike.

Bentley and I grabbed our rods from where we had left them yesterday, when we had come in from the rain. Within five minutes of baiting and casting our lines, Bentley reeled in a large fish. It had to be at least 10 inches long. He yanked the fish from the water, launching the fish into the air before it landed on the ground with a thud. I, meanwhile, was having no luck. A few of my casts were into the brush, and a few were too close to the shore.

Bentley said, "If only you was as good at fishin' as you was sucking dick, Susie."

"Suck a man's dick good `nough and he'll fish for you." I joked.

"Then it looks like you's gonna have to blow me."

I'll do more than that, if you'd just ask: I thought to myself.

"We'll just have to see `bout that."

A few more minutes went by, and I wasn't catching anything; then a few more minutes, with the same results. Bentley, noticing my frustration baited my hook for me, before he stood behind me, and like in the films – his body tight against mine, his crotch rubbing against my butt, his arms around me trying to teach me how to make the perfect cast. He guided me through it twice, the third time, he began to guide me through it again, but he stopped guiding halfway through the cast and whispered in my ear, "If you don't catch somethin' you gotta suck my dick."

I hadn't heard him clearly until after my line sat stretched out in the center of the lake. After I'd processed what he'd said, I began praying that nothing would bite. You can imagine how disappointed I was when there was a tug at the line, and how much more disappointed I was when I was hauling the fish towards the shore.

"Looks like yer unlucky," he said.

"Yeah..." I said gravely.

Oops had I really just hinted that obviously that I wanted to suck his dick! Shit! I thought to myself. Oh well, what is said, is said.

"Don't sound so sad `bout it," he said. "Maybe I'll let ya' suck it later."

There is a God! I thought, or Bentley is a jerk. My thoughts, thereafter, clung to the former. I hoped he was serious.

He had caught two fish, and I one, it was enough for the two of us. We walked back to the cabin. Having gutted the fish near the stream we simply wrapped the fishes in aluminum foil, and sat them in the coals of the scrawny fire, which he then coaxed into a decent size. Our fish were deemed cooked within a few minutes, and we ate.

The cabin was rather run down, some areas on the roof that could use some patching, the windows frames needed greased and sanded, the interior of the cabin itself needed a good cleaning, and a few holes in the floor of the cabin needed patched. Bentley and I agreed, before coming up to the cabin, that he would do the anything that needed done on the outside, and that I would do anything that needed done on the inside.

Despite my `femininity', I was rather handy within the area of woodworking. The only drawback of the cabin was that with the lack of electricity everything had to be done with hand tools. It took me about two hours to get the holes, and future holes, patched. After the floor was repaired, I set to giving the cabin a thorough cleaning, but before I could begin, I asked Bentley to sweep the chimney, as he was on the roof and the act would create a large amount of dust and dirt. After the chimney was done, I began by dusting, a tedious task, as there were numerous nooks and crannies, which could host a multitude of creatures; thankfully, there weren't any bees.

It was drawing near evening as I finished inside, and Bentley outside. We were both sweaty, tired, and hungry. He suggested going for a dip in the pond, I was all too happy to oblige. Oddly enough though, I wasn't thinking about seeing him naked again, as we tended to go into the pond naked. The water was cold and felt amazing. Bentley had been shirtless on the roof as evident from the large red swath that had encompassed his back. The water must have felt good on his back.

We walked back to the cabin, naked, not bothering to put more than our shoes on. His ass looked amazing.

We returned to the cabin, and after reheating the fish left over from earlier, we ate. The sun was almost completely from the sky, the orange haze visible on the western horizon. Bentley had lit a small fire in the fireplace it was primarily for light. Not wanting to be eaten alive by the mosquitos, we retreated into the cabin.

We sat around the small table, staring at the fire, conversing about random topics. I was too tired to think about his body, nude in front of me (the view of his lower half, hidden by the table) though what I did pay attention to was simply amazing.

The talk faltered. It was probably around 10 or 11 o'clock.

"I think it's time fer bed," he said, breaking the silence.


We climbed into the bed together, naked, not bothering to put our clothes on since we left the pond. I was lying in bed, naked, next to him and I was happy. Surprisingly, as I laid with my back turned to him, I felt his arm breath on my back and his arm on my side.

"Don't get no ideas," he said sleepily. "I just want to get to sleep tonight, none of that shit like last night."

I didn't feel the need to say anything; instead, I relaxed into his embrace and fell asleep.


The next installment to come soon.

If you are interested in contacting me, use the email address in the header at the top of this page, (also included here

Next: Chapter 3: The Cabin in the Woods 3

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