The Captive Boy

Published on Nov 12, 2022


The Chapter Boy - Chapter 5

The Captive Boy

By Johnny Kape ©2009-2022

Before this story:

This story contains sexual scenes between an adult male and a young boy. If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, ... then why are you here? Please stop reading now.

This story is completely fictional and it never happened in real life. The author does not condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in the story. All the names of people and places in this story do not contain any innuendo.

Simply speaking, it is just a story. Okay?

Special thanks to Greyson B., the author of Cadence and A Ghost Finds A Body. He helped me proofread the revised version and gave me many very good and professional suggestions. I really learned a lot from him. Thank you, Greyson.

Oh, Greyson has a new story Welcome to Avernus in section adult-youth and sf-fantasy. You're invited to read it and give him your feedback.

Of course I'd like to get your feedback as well. Please send a mail to tell me what you think about this story. I appreciate all the feedback from you.

If you enjoy this story, please support the Nifty archives.

-- Johnny Kape

Chapter 5

Joey was surprised, but also became very happy. He gave Johnny a big smile. "I'm so happy that you want to talk to me at last."

Johnny lowered his head again. Joey was afraid that Johnny would retreat into his shell again, so he hurriedly asked, "Did you say 'forget it'? Don't you want to go back to them?"

Johnny bit his lips. After a short pause, he raised his head, looked at Joey and said, "Yes, but..."

Joey looked into the boy's eyes. At the moment, in his black pools, there were many emotions: A bit of sorrow, some uncertainty about whether to trust or not, some tiredness that didn't fit his age, and more... fear.

Joey felt that he could understand Johnny's fear. This poor boy was betrayed by his friend, and was captured and imprisoned in the Linbus Jail, where he was continually used by many other men. Then he was raped again by Arnold and George right after being rescued by Joey. How could he trust people anymore?

After all, he was just a small boy who put on a bold face, but was actually confused, and had lost his confidence in other people.

However, Joey still felt happy. Johnny, at least, opened his inner being to him, even just partially. He patted the young boy's shoulder.

"You are dreading what may happen, right?" said Joey softly. "Afraid of being betrayed again?"

Johnny buried his head in his knees. His body started to tremble, and Joey heard him sobbing.

Joey pulled Johnny into his arms and hugged the young boy tightly. This time Johnny did not resist. He nestled into Joey's chest and started to weep.

"Good boy, just cry," said Joey softly. "You are so brave, but you've had enough. I know that you have hidden your emotions for a very long time. Now nobody is here to hear, just cry..."

Johnny kept weeping. The scenes when he was beaten, abused, and raped were playing again in his mind. He had been numb about these things for so long, and then he learned to protect himself by not revealing any reactions or emotions. Now the flood breached. He wept on Joey's chest as the man caressed his back softly.

After weeping for several minutes, Johnny started to calm down.

Joey kept caressing the boy's back and said tenderly, "I can understand why you are dreading. Just that... I hope you can trust me... again. It's my fault that I didn't pay enough attention and let you get hurt again... I'm really sorry for that, but... please trust me again. I promise to be your friend, and do my best to protect you."

Johnny sobbed in Joey's arms. In the past, his friends treated him nice, but not as tender as Joey. Jack had loved him and cared about him; taught him many things, including the skills about shooting and sniping, and how to survive in the jungle. However, sometimes Jack had been very strict with him. For Johnny, Jack had been more like a father than a friend. Joey's tenderness was an all new feeling for Johnny. He cuddled into the man's strong, safe chest.

Joey felt Johnny's change. He cupped the young boy's chin with his hands, and wiped the tears on the small cheeks. There were no more concerns on the boy's young face now.

"I'll treat you very nice, Johnny; not only because you are like Minh, but also because you are Johnny. You are just about 10 years old, but nobody I know has survived as much as you. Actually, you are a very cute and beautiful boy, you know?"

Johnny felt his face hot and his own heart beating crazily. He got a strange feeling, but he didn't know why. Joey smiled, watching the boy's blushing face. Very naturally, and almost instinctively, Joey's lips met the small boy's.

Johnny was overwhelmed by the strange feeling. Nobody had ever kissed his lips like that, and he didn't know why it made him feel so nervous, so shy, so... so nice? He didn't know what to do either, so he just froze there, feeling Joey's tongue exploring inside his mouth, sucking his saliva. After a minute their lips parted. He saw Joey smile at him, and started to kiss his forehead, then his cheek, and then neck. He felt Joey's hands reach into his shirt, tenderly caress his body. He felt the warm and tender touch of Joey's hands as the man's lips met his own again. Johnny still didn't know what to do. He felt like he was melting, as he just let Joey kiss and fondle him everywhere. It was almost too much for his young mind to accept; but he did.

Joey kept fondling Johnny for a century, then he stopped and watched Johnny.

"Did you like it?" asked Joey softly.

Johnny felt his face still hot. He nodded slightly.

Joey hugged Johnny again, and let Johnny lie on his chest. "I'll take you to the north to find your friends after our missions are complete, okay?" said Joey.

Johnny didn't answer. Joey felt the little boy lean all his weight on him.

"Don't worry. I'll always be with you."

Joey kept caressing Johnny softly, and after a while he found that the boy had fallen asleep again. Joey smiled, watching his small, young face. He thought about the short time he was with Minh, the happiest days of his life, and also the most painful experiences in all his life. It was all his fault that Minh and his villagers were killed, and he had no chance even just to say how sorry he was. Johnny reminded him of his pain, but also gave him a chance to make up for his guilt. He watched Johnny, and felt that Minh was smiling at him. He made up his mind that he would definitely do his best to protect Johnny.

-- To be continued.

Next: Chapter 7

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