The Captive Boy

Published on Nov 20, 2022


The Chapter Boy - Chapter 6

The Captive Boy

By Johnny Kape ©2009-2022

Before this story:

This story contains sexual scenes between an adult male and a young boy. If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, ... then why are you here? Please stop reading now.

This story is completely fictional and it never happened in real life. The author does not condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in the story. All the names of people and places in this story do not contain any innuendo.

Simply speaking, it is just a story. Okay?

Special thanks to Greyson B., the author of Cadence and A Ghost Finds A Body. He helped me proofread the revised version and gave me many very good and professional suggestions. I really learned a lot from him. Thank you, Greyson.

Oh, Greyson has a new story Welcome to Avernus in section adult-youth and sf-fantasy. You're invited to read it and give him your feedback.

Of course I'd like to get your feedback as well. Please send a mail to tell me what you think about this story. I appreciate all the feedback from you.

If you enjoy this story, please support the Nifty archives.

-- Johnny Kape

Chapter 6

He looked around. Faint light, wet wall, and a dirty bed. A familiar cell for him. When he entered this cell, it was time to "serve" those jailers. He looked at himself, totally nude, but no handcuffs. He waited on the bed.

He raised his head as a nude man walked in. He was astonished.

It was Uche, the "friend" who betrayed them and captured him. Uche had an evil smile.

"Had a good time here?" said Uche.

He didn't answer, and put on his poker face again. Although he hated Uche so much, it was safer not to reveal any emotion here.

He saw Uche come forward and forcibly hold his body. He felt as if his whole body was tightly bound, unable to move.

"I've been eager to fuck you for a long time. Now it's time," Uche grinned and said. "Suck me now!"

He watched Uche's penis becoming larger and larger, and finally it became the largest penis he had ever seen. He opened his mouth, and tried to hold the huge penis. It filled every part of his mouth, so full that he could hardly breathe.


'No, I can't breathe ... '


'Am I going to die this time?' He started to feel panic.


"Help... ", he barely called for help with his gagged mouth.


It was foolish to expect anything to happen when he cried out for help. It never had before. And yet, as he called out, Uche disappeared. With his absence, the room faded to darkness.

He sighed with relief. He felt that he was still sitting on the bed, and wondered who was next. He was tired of everything. Day after day, he looked at these men's penises, jerked them off, sucked them until they spurt their desire into his mouth, and was forced to let them fuck him. He felt so tired. His bottom hurt. He had loose poops. However, he had no choice.

Nobody came in. Finally, he stood up, and tried to find a way out.

He touched a wall, and then walked along the wall, wondering where he was. It was not like a cell. It was not even like being in the jail. It was so dark. He kept walking.

After a while, he saw a faint light ahead. He walked toward the light. After a long walk, he saw a door there.

A heavy door. He pushed it, but it wouldn't open.

He observed the door, trying to find a way to open it. All of a sudden, the door opened by itself.

He peeked in but saw nothing. He wondered for a moment, then decided to walk in.

Right after he walked into the room, he saw a bed, with a boy sitting on it. The boy was a bit older than him, smiling at him.

Is this boy Minh? The Vietnam boy Joey mentioned? He wondered. He had never seen Minh, and had no idea if the boy was Minh or not, but something in his mind told him that the boy in front of him was Minh. He watched the boy silently.

The boy stood up and walked to him, and held his hands, still with a sweet smile.

"I hope you will be happy with Joey," said the boy.

Happy? He thought. He had not heard this word for a long time, and almost forgot what 'happy' was.

"But I'm in prison," he found himself replying to the boy.

The boy gave him a hug and a warm smile.

"You are free, aren't you?" said the boy.

He looked around. "Am I? But I don't know how to get out of here..."

Suddenly everything was shaking violently. The boy had vanished. He panicked watching the whole world crashing down.

"Johnny! Johnny!" somebody was calling him. Who?

"Johnny, wake up!"

Johnny woke up and realized that it was Joey shaking his body.

Johnny sat up, blinked his eyes, and looked around. It was around dawn. No Uche, no boy. He realized that it had been just a dream.

"Are you okay?" asked Joey. "You were so uneasy while sleeping. Had a nightmare?"

Johnny found himself sweating, and his heart was beating so fast. He thought of Uche in his dream, and the boy.

"It's nearly dawn. Don't let other guys see you sleeping while you're on guard duty," smiled Joey. "I'll take you to a place later."

Johnny was still lost in his thoughts and didn't reply to Joey.

"What did you dream about?" asked Joey, with a hug.

Johnny lowered his head, still didn't answer. Joey kissed his cheek.

"All right, don't tell me if you don't want to. It's just a dream. Don't worry, okay?" said Joey softly.

Johnny kept silent for a while, and decided not to tell Joey about Uche. So he said in a faint voice, "I dreamed of him."



"Minh?" Joey was surprised.

"I didn't know if he was Minh or not. I just felt he should be... " said Johnny, still in a faint voice. "But he said he hoped I would be happy with you."

Joey was so astonished that his mouth fell open. He looked at Johnny unbelieving. His lips started trembling, but still unable to speak. Then he felt his eyes start to blur, and tears started dripping uncontrollably down his face. Johnny was very surprised because he had never seen the man, who was so strong and protective to him, crying like that.

Johnny didn't know what to do. He just watched the man's tears continue to fall down. After a long time, Joey finally regained control of his emotions. He wiped his face and asked, "Then?"

Johnny shook his head.

Joey hugged Johnny tightly. "It means that Minh is really watching us from Heaven...," said Joey softly. He was still sobbing, but smiling at the boy. "I hope you will be happy with me, too."

What is the feeling of "happy"? Johnny nestled against the man's chest. He didn't know if that was a 'happy feeling' or not. He still felt uneasy and confused, but he got the feeling that he could trust Joey, and the boy in his dream, Minh.

-- To be continued.

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