The Capture of General Tullius

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 19, 2022


Kitos' army was well trained, and once the sun had risen, they prepared for their return. All was ready within the span of an hour and half. The preparation included collecting all of the captives from the battle with General Tullius' army, and all other captives that the army had taken, on their way to the battle, and on raids on the countryside. They would continue to raid settlements on their way back to the harbor. The men were needed to man the ships. "We'll see if the war brides have any strength after being women for their stay," Tullius heard one soldier tell another, and he heard the roar of the return laughter. "War bride." It would come to have a different meaning, but at the time, a war bride was a captured soldier who was forced to take the passive role to his conqueror. When battle ended, and the victorious army returned to its home, what happened to those "war brides" varied: some would be sold as labor slaves, others would be forced to serve as conscripts in the victorious army and others would be sacrificed as part of the rituals of victory. A very few - Tullius was one of them - would be kept as passive partners for their conquerors. It was not unusual, but it was not uncommon: a defeated general, often, died on the altar of the war god. Rarely, he was kept as Tullius was to be kept, and to many, they would have preferred the altar. For now, though, all captives were sent to the galleys of the Corinthian ships. That was why the army continued to pillage and to capture: infantry did not man the triremes unless it was a serious emergency - and it was not. The Corinthians had enough slave power to man their ships. For this period of time, Tullius would not be with Kito or Arkos. Gaius was the single captive who was relieved from galley duty. It was NOT in deference to his age: many men his age or older had been sent to the galleys, and had died there. Rather, it was important to keep a regular even rhythm, and the experience of the Corinthians was that a man as old as Gaius would disrupt the rhythm of the ships. He was permitted to remain with Poulos while Tullius met the whip of the galley master, Procopius. "A GENERAL AND NOW A DOUBLE BITCH. FASTER. FASTER. JUST LIKE YOU TELL YOUR CONQUEROR'S COCK" The lash came down on Tullius' back . It was not as painful as the laughter from the other rowers. All wore slave collars, but Tullius was the only one who bore a band on his arm. All knew what his fate would be. Of course they worried about their own, but it was out of their hands. They could die on the trireme, or they could await what the fates had for them in Corinth.

"Poulos, please tell Gaius I wish to see him. My son will join us." Kito spoke to his loyal servant. Since the capture of Tullius' army, Kito had begun to have questions. When he saw Gaius in profile, he saw his son as an older man - and he saw himself in a few years. There had been rumors since he had been a boy, that Kito was the son of a slave. He had grown up believing, essentially, that his father had been killed, like most slaves, either in battle or from overwork or simply from a disenchanted owner. Now, though, seeing this slave, who was old enough to have fathered him, made him begin to think that... perhaps. He was brought out of thought by Poulos appearing with Gaius. "My lords." Gaius executed a bow that was proper, but not obsequious. Kito smiled. He saw the ire rise in Arkos, and he placed his hand on his shoulder. "Peace, my son. Gaius has earned his right. And remember. IF by some chance you are unable to subdue your toy, Gaius can be of assistance." He smiled. "Is that not right, father? " Gaius was old enough and experienced enough to not be surprised by much. He had also learned the importance of listening. Now, as he listened to Kito, he heard NOT the honorific "father," used by younger men to address older ones as a sign of respect, but the word meaning biological father. Gaius had not thought that he would see any of his children again, but now... as he looked at Kito's face, he saw traces of the young boy he had been forced to give up. He turned to Arkos, and the traces were more pronounced. The younger man, with his sullen, angry expression, reminded him of the spoiled young boy who never listened when Gaius told him "If you do not behave, the Greeks will take you as bounty." Gaius recalled a dream filled with omens that this would happen one day. Now, as he stood before the two of them, he realized that the gods were NOT kind. He faced a dilemma of a kind he had not anticipated. Kito and Arkos were his family. But so was Tullius. He had raised Tullius like a son, but he was not Gaius' son. And now.... Gaius' eyes were filled as he answered. "That is correct, son," using the word for a biological son. Kito smiled, while Arkos looked on, confused. And horny. He could not take Tullius until they were back at home. The ship could not move fast enough. "Father, if I may, I ask to be excused. There is work to be done on the ship." Kito smiled. He knew the look of the hungry wolf on Arkos' face and he knew, with Tullius unavailable, he would go find a sailor: one of the bigger, older ones, and force him to "relieve" Arkos of his burden. "Please feel free, my son. Gaius and I have much to discuss." They did. Kito moved Gaius into the quarters of Poulos, and between staying up at night discussing matters great and small with Poulos, and speaking to Kito during the day as they relived their lost pasts, Gaius had almost no rest. Nor did Arkos. His raging lust could not be abated. "WHY DOES THE VOYAGE TAKE SO LONG, PROCOPIOUS?" He spat out, when he went into the bowels of the trireme. He saw Tullius, his muscles straining at the oars, and his lust grew greater. "It will not be long, young Lord. But no one can control the gods of the sea. They have not sent us kindly waves or currents. And I can work the men no harder than I have. We have already lost 3." He looked at Arkos. "You wish to enjoy Tullius for a night? " "I would Procopius. " "The waves are at peace now. I can let you have him for four hours, no longer. " "It is not enough, Procopius" Procopius shrugged his shoulders. "Young Lord, I have supervised your father's ships for 5 years. He trusts me. If I were to tell him that the journey would take longer than it already has." He grinned and lowered his voice. "And since I know that while he desires Tullius as well, his discipline controls him rather than his rage, he will not be pleased." Defeated - AGAIN BY OLD MEN! - Arkos relented. "I thank you for the gift of time, Procopius. Four hours it is." Procopius signaled one of his watchmen. "Unchain 'the general.' He is wanted for 'consultation' above. "Consultation. GOOD ONE. Try not to moan too much Tullius," one of the "war brides spat out, to laughter. Mortified, Tullius rose when he was unchained, and placed his wrists behind his back so that he could be chained as he was taken to Arkos' quarters. Arkos grabbed the collar and pulled. "MOVE. There is much to do in four hours."

Arkos saw the mark of the lash on Tullius' back as he led him to his quarters. It aroused him yet further. "You were disciplined? By someone other than myself or my father?" Tullius grunted. "It is best not to speak of some things." Arkos stopped. He pulled Tullius to a stop. "YOU ARE A SLAVE, ROMAN. AND YOU WILL ANSWER YOUR MASTER'S QUESTIONS, HOWEVER HUMILIATING THEY MAY BE." As he finished, Arkos lifted his hand and gently twisted one of Tullius' nipples, until Tullius moaned. "There was much humor about my new position. How others may lose their lives, and others find themselves humiliated in service, but how I will be treated as if royalty." Arkos laughed. "Trust me Tullius, while the others may wish to have changed places with you, after a period of time, they will wish for the mines in Siracusa - perhaps you will too." He grinned more broadly as his hand moved under Tullius' loin cloth and felt a hard cock. "I do doubt it though." Five minutes later, that loin cloth was gone, and Arkos was tying the first of Tullius' wrists to the wooden palette where he slept. Then the other. "EXACTLY how I like you Tullius. So I can watch the expressions on your face as you yield, willingly.... or not." His finger snuck between Tullius' legs and began gently scratching the space between the man's balls and ass. Try as he might to suppress them, the moans of pleasure arose from Tullius. "OH, that reminds me of the beautiful whore I had in Calabria. SUCH BREASTS. SUCH LIPS. " Arkos laughed. "Were they as sensitive as these breasts, slave?" He grabbed Tullius' nipples and twisted, hard. "Yes, they were undoubtedly softer and more luscious than these, roughened by war. But you prefer that." He bent down and his lips touched Tullius' and he found a willing mouth as Tullius opened his own lips to receive Arkos' tongue. Tullius had learned that, not surprisingly, Arkos preferred it when they "tongue wrestled" and Tullius yielded. As he fought back now, he heard Arkos moan. When Arkos stopped, Tullius whispered. "I could pleasure you much more, Lord, if I were not tied." "I do not think I could handle that pleasure, as you delight me so much as you are. Bound and helpless." He lifted Tullius' legs. "How many times can I fill you in four hours." He began to try to find out, sliding his eager young dick into the general. As Arkos took him, Tullius wondered about his friend Gaius. He hoped he was safe. But those thoughts were cut off, as Arkos found his pleasure spot, and his own lusts took over. The story about the whore had been false. Yes, the soldiers had purchased her for him after one of his first victories, but all Tullius could do was shake and smile. He recalled her name: Vula. Before she left, she told him "Give your body freely, Tullius, but give your heart sparingly. If at all."

Arkos' four hours with Tullius ended. When Arkos did not return Tullius to the galley, Procopius came above board and made his way to the young man's quarters. Pushing his way past the sentry outside, he tore open the curtain door, and found Tullius tied to Arkos' bed with a large rope being used to gag him. Arkos was gently running his fingernail around the perimeter of Tullius' body, ending with a gentle stroking of his cock. While the image was "stirring" Procopius, he had a ship to get home. "ARKOS! ALL MEN ARE NEEDED WHEN A SHIP GETS CLOSER TO HOME. YOU MUST RETURN HIM TO ME UNTIL WE LAND!" Arkos looked up. He had a smile on his face like that of a schoolboy caught with a stolen cake. "You say you need all men to help, Procopius?" "ALL MEN." He smiled, and took Tullius balls in his hands, squeezing them until he began to moan. "I would bet Tullius would enjoy it if I were next to him, rowing in cadence." He smiled and looked at Tullius. "Would you like that, my fine captive?" He squeezed harder and the moans got louder. Procopius began to smile. He had been told this young man was as wicked as he was. He liked the idea. He liked how Arkos was rendering Tullius helpless, forcing him to meekly shake his head yes. "It would be our honor to have you join the galley Arkos. I presume you would sit next to your slave?" "I would. But I wish him to be naked hereafter." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMH" Tullius protested before another squeeze quieted him. It was bad enough that now, all would see him with his conqueror, but to be seen naked... with the erection he had. "Consider it done. Now untie him, and bring him to the galley." As Procopius stormed out, Arkos smiled. "You heard him Tullius. Bench mates in the galley. I wonder how many times my elbow will accidentally bump that prize serpent of yours."

"Why don't you just FUCK him in front of us?" one of the galley slaves blurted out when Arkos and Tullius arrived. "Perhaps I shall. But you shall suck him since you have such a big mouth." Procopius rolled his eyes. It would delay them further, but they could all use a rest. So could he. He summoned the loud mouthed slave. "Malleus. You heard the Master: Use your mouth for something useful. SUCK your former general as he takes the seed of his new MASTER. If Kito heard what happened in the galley, he never said anything. Nor had he made the trip he usually made to exhort the rowers. Gaius had so much of interest to share, he did not let him leave until the ship landed at Corinth.

For the triumphal march, Tullius had to walk with the other captives in a group. They were chained to each other, collar to collar, ankle to ankle, each with his wrists shackled behind him. Merchants and other men of means were watching the march, eyeing potential purposes. He was marked with a band, which told the viewers that Tullius was not available. That did not stop the catcalls, or Arkos riding very close to the man he now owned. (Much as he wanted to ride close to Tullius Kito, as the victorious general, had to lead the procession. It angered him. He had not had Tullius on the voyage at all. That would change. After the ceremony of the jewelry.

After the triumphal march, Kito rode up to his son and to Tullius. "You may ride now, slave tullius. On MY mount. In front of me." He looked at Arkos. "You will have your turn, son, but it is fitting that a captured general rides with the man who defeated his army." "Agreed. And that would be me," Aktos whispered under his breath, as he answered "As you will Father." As they rode, tullius in front of Kito, struggling to keep his balance while bound, he felt the hardness of Kito bump against him. "You will be mine soon," he whispered. "HOME. So good to be back," Kito exclaimed as they pulled up to the estate. Poulos followed, with Gaius. There was no need to bind Gaius, and he strolled into the estate with Poulos. "As I have done so many times," he said in a low voice. "My friend, trust me. Whatever else happens to the rest of the men, you will have found a home. Kito cannot hold his tongue and I know all." Gaius looked at him. "YOU MUST NOT...." "And I will not. But you in turn must try to teach tullius that he must submit now." Gaius nodded. "It is a difficult job. But it will be done." "It is time to visit the jeweler," Kito smiled at his son. "Shall we?" "I have thought of it the entire voyage," Arkos answered, taking tullius by the bicep. "Let us go."

The "jeweler" was more of a blacksmith. "Bellephus, it is time to adorn our new slave. Permit me to introduce General Tullius of the Roman Army." Bellephus looked up from an anvil on which he was hammering a horse shoe. "AH. Permit me the pleasure General..." He laughed as he came forward with a forceps, and began taking measurements. "So, shall we start with the marking of his privates?" "Always my favorite part, " Kito answered. "Hold him. Make sure you use all your strength. Now, let me have those." tullius struggled as Bellephus grabbed his balls and pulled out his cock. "STOP! STOP THAT IMMEDIATELY." tullius shouted, then realized what he had done. Arkos laughed. "Make it extra tight, Bellephus." tullius felt a metal band - a thick one - going around the top of his testicles. He felt a warm, almost hot feeling. "Do not move, slave. No one wishes to burn you, but this will be uncomfortable." "Welcome to slavery tullius," Arkos smiled. When Bellephus had finished welding what we would call a ball spreader on tullius, he moved to the arm band. "Should he in fact have two, my Lords?" Father and son looked at each other. "Yes," Kito answered. "But you should begin fashioning one that combines both gold and silver. One band, two colors. It will do a better job." "Then perhaps it is best not to seal his band yet?" "AGREED. But the collar. He needs that. And also... wrist cuffs that can be joined quickly." Bellephus had the forcep measures in his head, and found a gold collar close to the measurements. "This may be removed if you like," he smiled. "For example should you wish to torment his neck," he smiled at Kito whom he knew enjoyed nibbling and scratching at his men. Wrist shackles followed. One for each wrist, each with an eyelet so that they could be joined easily. There was an eyelet on the ball spreader too. And the collar. "My work is done here," Bellephus said," and Kito answered. "And mine is only starting. " He turned to his son. "He is mine tonight, young man. And tomorrow, when you have him back, we will have to discuss the question of body hair. " "THEY'RE GOING TO SHAVE ME" tullius began thinking. "I really AM a slave for sexual use."

Next: Chapter 5

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