The Capture of Supermans Protege

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 15, 2023


The name of the woman who had inadvertently received superman's sperm was Lorna, and her husband, as we've seen, was Rictus. She knew that she was pregnant because her appetite immediately increased, which in turn meant that Rictus, and all other males in the home would have to leave: a pregnant member of the Fox Tribe, in full hunger, made no distinction between husband, children, relatives, and prey. Most of the royals of the Fox Tribe did have summer homes, and it was to theirs that Rictus went, with three servants and his two sons. They would reside there until Lorna's time had come.

At the residence of Vulpus, he had seen that Bolt seemed very sad, and very withdrawn. Tickling Bolt produced very little laughter, and very little enthusiasm. While Vulpus was not an old man, he was old enough, and experienced enough to understand what was happening. "Lex, would you be willing to stay another day and let us milk superman a second time? Of course we will pay." Lex smiled. "You want to allow your boy to spend some time with him, don't you?" Vulpus nodded. "I do. The last thing I need is a house filled with boys who are sad, rather than happy and horny." "I will agree," Luthor said. "On one condition. After superman is milked, you will make Bolt watch me take him: just as I will force superman to watch you take the youngster." Vulpus nodded. He felt his cock grow. "It shall be done."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx He stroked Bolt's hair in bed. "I will have a surprise for you today, dear one. I've persuaded Lex to stay for another day. We will buy the milking of his prize, and prior to that, you will have the day with superman." Bolt smiled for the first time in several days. "LORD VULPUS! YOU DID THIS FOR ME?" Vulpus smiled. "For all of us. There was a trade, and I will tell you now. In exchange, you must watch superman take his Lord, and superman will watch me take you." Bolt laughed. "I've already seen the former, and superman has seen his Lex take me. This will not be difficult." For the first time, Vulpus did not trust Lex, but he kept that distrust hidden. He recalled Lex' words: "I cannot guarantee what happened BEFORE his capture, Lord Vulpus, but he has remained untouched since then."

They let Bolt and superman be with each other on the grounds of Vulpus' estate. Bolt's smile was bigger than anyone had ever seen it. He had made sure his uniform shone. "SUPERMAN. I didn't think I'd get the chance to see you again." He embraced the former man of steel, who winced: he didn't want to tell Bolt that embracing pushed the nipple rings closer to his skin, and burned. "Are you well here, Bolt? Vulpus is taking good care of you?" "He IS superman. Yes, I wish I were back on earth, but to hear of stories of captives working in mines, or being fed to the Fox women, and then to see my position... with Livio and the others. superman smiled. "Then you do not mind being dominated?" Bolt stopped for a minute. "I'm not sure I feel that way, superman. Yes, I feel submissive. I know my place. But... Vulpus makes it feel like a game." superman knew that Vulpus liked men who were young and slender. He did not know how long it would be until Vulpus grew tired of Bolt, or what he would do with him afterward. He was helpless to do anything. "superman, I do not understand. I am told that Vulpus' wife has been taking your sperm all for herself, yet she cannot get pregnant. They say she is barren." superman laughed, and then lowered his voice. "Lex is one of the best con men in the entire galaxy Bolt. Yes, he was providing my sperm. All of it, expired. At least a week old. Vulpus had a fertility test done on Dashan. She is FAR from barren. He consulted with the other members of the Fox Tribe council and this purchase was conditioned on the Tribe milking me, and not buying directly from superman." Bolt stopped. "Then there is a chance...." "She is not barren, that is all I can say. Whether her ova are receptive to my sperm... I do not know." "superman, will you be back ?" superman laughed. "I do not make those decisions anymore Bolt. Luthor makes all the decisions." He shook his head. "When I submitted, it was for a very simple reason: no one had ever pushed me to the places he did. Luthor found every single one of my pleasure zones. He found zones I did not know I had. I was more than happy : I was GRATEFUL that he took me. I did not know that it would mean these..." He pointed to his nipple rings. "Or this" he pointed to the kryptonite cock ring. "Can we take them off?" Bolt asked. "Of course we can, but the implant can't be removed. Bolt, once he had me under kryptonite control, surgery was possible. I now have a small kryptonite ball placed adjacent to a testicle. To remove the ball, would.. if you'll excuse the pun, result in removing two balls." "Gentlemen, please excuse me but.. your Masters wish for you," a young Lacodian came up to them. "It's time, " superman said. "I hope that I will see you again Bolt. Keep the spirits of the others up. I'm counting on you."

The plan was to milk superman first: his pleasure did not much concern Lex, and then he would fuck him while a bound Bolt would be forced to watch. Vulpus was not adverse to screwing his favorite boy while it was happening to insure a larger load. (What he did not tell Lex was that they had installed a second catheter, out of sight, which led directly into another room. Dashan would receive superman's sperm as soon as it was produced. It was her idea, and perhaps...

Lex, with a big smile on his face, tied down superman's wrists. He restrained his ankles and superman was confused because he did not put the stimulator into his hole. "You will be stimulated in another way today, bitch of steel." Luthor laughed. "Please observe the screen. It is set up in the next room, so... every sound you make will be heard." Lex moved to the head of the platform so that he could tug on superman's nipple rings. On the screen, superman saw Bolt tied down , and naked. His ankles were not restrained. He then saw Vulpus enter, with his cock exposed. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Lex cackled as he pulled on the rings, and heard superman moan. "The rings and the stimulator are fine, but watching your friend take it up the ass, just like his mentor... how sweet." "Lex you're a fucking BASTARD." "And you're a fucked cunt." superman resisted, but his cock seemed to have a mind of its own. He began to harden. The nipple play enhanced it, but watching Bolt get fucked, and hearing him moan, begging for more of Vulpus.. It was not long before superman's jizz began to pass through the catheter, into what Lex thought would be collection vials. What the Fox Tribe did with them was not his concern: he had been paid. For all he cared, they could have had Dashan in the next room to watch: as long as he didn't have to watch her. Bolt could not see superman being milked, but he could hear the sounds. "What.. what..." Vulpus' hairy hand went over his mouth. "Hush my sweet. This will all be for the best. In time." When Bolt began to shoot, Vulpus smiled. "I am glad you are still pleased by me, my sweet. It is possible we will be spending a great deal of time together very soon." "Why is that Lord?" You will find out. For now, though, to complete my promise to Lex, you must watch this." Now, a screen descended in their room. Bolt looked up and saw superman splayed on his stomach, his ass in the air. Luthor was using a vibrator to tease his ass, and the man of steel whimpered like an animal in heat. "PLEASE SIR LEX. PLEASE. THOSE SPOTS. YOU KNOW WHAT THEY DO TO ME." "Tell me supercunt. Tell me so that everyone knows." superman bit on his lip, but he knew it would do no good. "I want you Sir. I want you. I want your cock. I want you filling me with that magnificent jizz you carry. FUCK ME SIR. FUCK ME." Luthor pulled the vibrator away, and pushed superman's cheeks apart. His tongue disappeared in superman's ass. Vulpus saw Bolt's eyes go wide. "I will do that to you Bolt. You will enjoy it." He grinned and his tongue came out. It curled and spiraled like a lizard's. "You'd... you'd kill me with that. " Bolt answered. Vulpus smiled. I might kill you with THIS sweet boy." He grabbed Vulpus and wrestled him to the bed. He began tickling his ribs. "STOP. STOP. I'M SUPPOSED TO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Vulpus didn't stop. "Are you someone's boy?" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. YES! YES! PLEASE. PLEASE STOP. PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA." "Who's boy are you?" "I ... hahahahahahhahahahahahahaha. I belong to Lord Vulpus. He's my .. he's my.. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahahaha. my MASTER." "And you are his tickling slave, Bolt." "YES! YES! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I AM. I AM. I AM. " Bolt was able to look up just in time to see Lex begin shooting cum into superman's ass. He turned for a minute, and ... Vulpus' stare. He was frozen. "One day, Bolt, it will happen. And you will be taking that from me." Bolt could only whisper a response: 'yes sir."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Later that day, Lex packed up superman and his gear for a return to his asteroid. Bolt did not get a chance to see him. He was with the others, in their quarters. "Seems like you're hogging our Master," Blue Feather snorted, and Bolt huffed back. "He chooses whom he chooses. There is nothing to do. " He made a face. "I'm so damn sore from the milkings.. the fucking.. the tickling." Lucifer was out of the quarters when Bolt came in. He heard the end of the conversation. "I suspect we're all going to have to be ready for more of it, guys." Livio looked up. "Why? Don't we get enough now?" Lucifer lowered his voice. "There is a rumor that this time... it worked. Dashan is with seed. Superman's seed. Bolt, who was new to the culture still, didn't understand. "If she's pregnant, then the men have to get out of here, fast. She'll only be satisfied with Lacodians for so long, and the prisons are almost empty. There hasn't been a battle fought in months. Vulpus will be leaving. And he'll be taking us with him too. " "To where?" Bolt asked. That's when Livio smiled. "Do you know how he became familar with me, Bolt? It was not from Luthor or anyone else. Yes, the royalty has their summer home, as do Vulpus and Dashan. Theirs is in Tuscany. An abandoned castle, or at least it appears abandoned. Vulpus was resting there once, when I was on a mission. I remember: his stare." He paused. "I stayed the night. I blew him three times ." "WAIT." Bolt called. "Livio, you lie. Vulpus cannot cum ." "Yes, he can. Just not on the atmosphere of this planet. On earth... he is just like us. Only bigger. And thicker. And he's ALWAYS horny." Bolt was finding that somewhat appealing. None of them were surprised when Vulpus' head retainer came to their quarters that night. "Gentlemen, I hate to interrupt your evening, but Lord Vulpus wants you packed for warm weather within the next hour. If you are not ready..." He paused. "He will leave you in Dashan's hands." "There is a swimming pool" Livio told them. "Vulpus loves to catch his fishies. Bring your swimming suits. And it's my country. Bring more clothes than you think you'll need. We can travel to town to buy more, but... he doesn't like letting us out of his sight." In two hours Vulpus, the four young heroes, three retainers, and around twenty cases were on Vulpus' private ship. He had given all of the heroes a sleeping pill. "It is a VERY long trip. You would be best to be sleeping. I will be joining you. Sagius will pilot the ship." "I am ready, Lord Vulpus. We will start when you are settled for slumber." The ship did not have individual quarters for sleeping: there was a large open area which could have held 10 sleepers. There were only five. Vulpus nestled himself in the middle of the four heroes. He wrapped one arm around two, and another around the others. "Sleep well, my treats. We will soon awaken. Two moons of pleasure. Two moons."


Next: Chapter 7

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