The Capture of Supermans Protege

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 19, 2023


Vulpus slept deeply and dreamed sweet dreams as his ship made its way to Italy. He dreamed of not going back: Dashan would have her child, and he would live here, with his harem boys, until.... He didn't want to think about the until. Vulpus favored the young. In the past, when his boys had grown to the point where he did not find them appealing any longer, he would try to settle them with new Masters. If he couldn't, well..

His mind blocked those memories, as he dreamed about what they could do in the next two months.

The castle had a basement that had been used, many centuries previously, to house and to "tame" prisoners. He smiled, and his prick thickened, as he thought about what he could do, and to whom. He knew enough about each hero to know precisely WHAT to do when he used his "stare" on them.

Vulpus' stare was unique among the Fox People. It worked not only on adversaries, but on friends. When Vulpus negotiated, for the Fox Council, there was always a demand that he be wearing obscuring glasses, so that the negotiations could be fair. He had no need for that with his boys. For example, if he used the stare on Lucifer, he would put the idea of his long tongue, tracing the exterior of Lucifer's ear. For Blue Feather? AH, Blue Feather: the one he had neglected since Bolt had been captured. For Blue Feather, the thought of play on his ass before Vulpus sunk his prick into it. Flame? He smiled in his sleep about how he had discovered the soft, sweet spot on the right side of Flame's neck. His prick got even harder as he thought about how Flame would struggle to avoid giving up his neck, and how he'd lost every single time.

Bolt. Too easy and too much fun: his feet, his nipples, his ears, his ribs, his armpits. Had there ever been a superhero or superhero trainee with so many vulnerabilities? Vulpus had exploited them all, and planned to continue to do so. His dreams began to focus on what they would do first. AH... He smiled in his sleep. It would be sweet. VERY sweet.

The change in atmosphere as the ship closed in on the landing site began to wake all five of them. Flame and Bolt were closest to Vulpus, with Lucifer and Blue on the outside. His strong, furry arms, pulled them all closer. "Did my jewels sleep well? We'll be at our home for the next few months shortly. Once we land, we'll make do until the trailer ship comes in. It will be fine." He smiled. "We will have each other's company, without the labor of being milked, or of fear from Dashan, and we will enjoy every second of it.

"Lord Vulpus, approaching land. Going into cloaking mode." "Understood helmsman. Thank you." He turned to the young men. "To avoid detection, the ship is about to cloak. It will be darker in here than you may be comfortable with. Lucifer, while you may be tempted to activate, please do not. This ship is equipped for speed, and not for defense. We cannot risk detection." "Understood, Lord Vulpus," Lucifer answered. Vulpus smiled. It must have been too warm for Lucifer, because he had slipped his tunic off and had slept bare chested. "AH, that beautiful, BEAUTIFUL boy. They were ALL beautiful. He had curated this collection perfectly. He saw it in the pointed nipples of Lucifer, and he realized that every one of them had beautiful nipples: distinct, but beautiful: the large red aureoles on Flame, the tiny, almost eraser sized ones that Bolt had, the fatter ones on Blue Feather, which showed that they had been worked long before Vulpus took him. And Lucifer. The most senstive ones of all. If he decided on nipple play the next night, he'd bring Lucifer to his bed. But for this first night: he had a much more interesting welcome planned.

Bolt's ears popped as the ship sped up and then landed in a mountainous region. He had never been to Italy before, and didn't know what to expect. He was also totally monolingual. Vulpus had the "universal translator" chip that the royalty of the Fox People all had, and Livio, of course, was a native speaker. He would have to rely on them to get around. That was important because... back on earth: was there a possibility of escape? He had thought about it. Surely a young man, running around in what was essentially a black "cat suit" would draw attention. Maybe someone could intervene, and at the least rescue HIM. Bolt was trying not to be selfish, and he wasn't even sure if he wanted to be rescued. He had much to think about. There was no question in his mind: he had a crush on superman. That crush hadn't ended even after he found out how submissive the man of steel was, or how totally he was under Luthor's control. The feelings he had from his early encounters with Livio, that he was passive, and he preferred to be on the bottom, were confirmed with Vulpus. The orgasms weren't fake. But... Vulpus clearly wanted more than one guy. Did Bolt want to be in a harem, or did he want to be, well, as close to married as he could get? He was very confused. Maybe two months together would bring him clarity.

It took a while to unpack even the small amount of materials they had with them. The second ship would have more of what they needed. The Lacodian set up a communication system for Vulpus to be in touch with people on the asteroid, while the boys found their rooms: individual ones, unlike the dorm situation in the harem. "Gentleman, welcome to Tuscany, and to the summer castle. Zevra (The Lacodian), will lead you to the swimming pool, where I suggest you relax until I can join you. I did instruct you all to pack swim suits, and you may choose to wear them. " He smiled. "Or, you may choose not to. That is up to you. I will tell you simply that Fox Tribers, do not wear swim suits and as you will find out, all of us are superb swimmers." He walked off.

"Wonder what that means," Bolt asked. Livio laughed. "Oh PLEASE Miss Bolt. It means he's getting in the pool with us. It may mean we're gonna get fucked under water. " Blue Feather looked around. "I've never been fucked under water. Have any of you?" Lucifer reddened. "It was attempted but... I generated just enough heat to evaporate the water. It never happened. And my captor, well... " "Well what?" He sighed. "I guess you earthlings would call it third degree burns. There are different ways to escape. " Red Flame asked "Hey, then, if you, uh, get 'hot' during sex, what happens with Vulpus?" Lucifer shook his head. "I don't know. The first time he took me, I tried to burn my way to freedom.... and I was shut down. It felt like my 'vents' were clogged. SOME light formed, but not enough. " "I bet it got stronger when he pushed his cock in," Bolt joked, and Lucifer laughed. "It did. If YOU had the power, you'd be glowing all day, Bolt boy." "Look, no arguing, " Blue Feather said. "We're here. We're all going to face the fact that, to some degree or another, not only does Vulpus have us under his control, but we like it. Let's just decide: swimsuits or naked? We should be united on this." They decided to go with the suits. None of them would admit it, but the thought of Vulpus undressing them, was turning them on. They found the pool. Bolt and Flame jumped in immediately, while Lucifer and Blue were resting on the lounge chairs they found there. Zevra brought out drinks and food - REAL earth food - that they fell on and devoured. "AH. Fish in the water, fish out of the water. Are you enjoying yourselves, my friends?" Vulpus joined them. They had all seen him naked but... never standing up as he was now. His penis stood out in front of him: was he horny or, was that natural? "I would like to ask a question, and it may be bold, but I will ask it." He put his hand on his cock, and smiled. "Would anyone like to be the first to share my bed with me this evening?" There was some shy looking around, but each one of the four raised a hand. "EXCELLENT. Then this will be fun. Bolt, Flame, please out of the water. Dry off. Our first day of pleasure will begin. " As the boys dried off, Vulpus explained what he had in mind. "I propose a competition to see who will be the first. And the competition shall be something I devised in my dreams: tickle wrestling." He smiled as he saw the mixed reactions from the four of them. "You will pair off, based on lots, and wrestle. Fair moves are allowed, as is tickling. You must get your opponent to submit. Then, the winners will rest, and then square off against each other. The final winner: " he smiled "Will be subjected to MY tickling in my bed tonight. " Bolt fought with conflicting feelings. The thoughts about escape had not stopped, but... he found himself wanting to be in Vulpus' bed very, very strongly. And he remembered how easily Livio had been able to control him when they had wrestled. "Step up your game, mike, step up your game" he told himself. They paired off by drawing lots: Lucifer would wrestle Livio, Bolt would wrestle Blue Feather. "VERY WELL. COMINCIAMO. Let us begin as they say here. Lucifer, Livio, would you care to begin?" It was clear when they started that both Lucifer and Livio had some wrestling training. Lucifer was especially adept at level changes: he'd charge at Livio's upper body and then dive for his legs. Livio found himself on the defensive for a good part of the time. Then Lucifer charged and, when he got in close to Livio, dug his fingers into Livo's side. "ACCCK" Livo reacted to the tickle. He tried to counter, but his foot slipped, and Lucifer pressed his advantage. Lucifer was quick. He spun behind Livio and wrapped his arms around his middle. "Feel like going down, boy?" Lucifer teased, as he lifted Livio off the floor and wrestled him down to the ground, his hand in Livio's side all the time. Livio was having trouble defending: his laughter was draining his breath, and Lucifer knew what he was doing: every time he tried an attack, Lucifer countered. "How about I roll you over, twist you up and take your feet, Flame boy? Lucifer teased. He saw Vulpus leaning over watching avidly. "NO! NOT MY FEET. NO" Livio screamed as he felt Lucifer settle down onto the small of his back. He grabbed Livio's ankles, and had his feet in his hands. "Last chance to give without it red boy?" Lucifer teased. Livio squirmed, trying to reach for Lucifer's ribs, but he was sitting far enough forward on Livio's back so that he couldn't resist. "NEVER. I'm not giving up." "Your choice...." Lucifer began running a finger up and down Livo's left foot. The squeals began immediately. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. ST OPPPPPPPPPPPPP! STOPPPPPPPP!" "You give up, stud? " "NOOOOOOOOOOO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. Lucifer had switched to Livio's right foot. "I'm gonna lose. I'm gonna fucking lose..." Livio was thinking. He was fighting, resisting Lucifer as well as he could. What could he do? He was trapped under Lucifer, his feet being tortured. "I may have a chance," Bolt thought. It looked like Livio was going to lose. Then, Lucifer made a mistake. He stopped using his fingers to tickle Livio's feet and switched to his tongue. It didn't have the impact he thought it would. If anything, it allowed Livio to relax. His limbs slackened, and he had just enough strength left, to twist around and change positions on Lucifer. "OH SHIT" was all Lucifer could get out, before Livio had his wrists pinned down to the floor. Bolt thought back to when Livio had done that to him. He began to think: "Vulpus or Livio? Livio or Vulpus." Lucifer was pushing to get up, but Livio knew about his nipples too. He began to squeeze them, and Lucifer moaned. Livio had a plan: he'd weaken Lucifer with nipple torture and then.. he'd go in for the kill. It was working. Lucifer pushed against Livio, but every time he did, Flame squeezed his nipples just enough to force him back down. "I could beat you just by doing this, light boy, but... Then Livio dug into Lucifer's pits. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT. NO. NO NO THOSE. NO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA." "Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.. How does it feel Lucy?" Livo dug in again. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " "I don't even need your feet do I, bottom? Give up, or I'll go for them. "NO. NO. NO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OK OK OK. I GIVE I GIVE I GIVE YOU WIN!!!!" Vulpus stood up and applauded. From what the boys could see, his cock hadn't grown. "Excellent match. And now, here's the part I did not tell you about. " He tossed Livio a pile of rope. "Bind him. Anyway you like. The losers will remain bound until they can escape. Do a good job Livio. Because." and he smiled. "If he escapes, Lucifer may intervene in the final." Livio had not been in the Italian equivalent of the Boy Scouts and, unlike Bolt, did not have any merit badges in knot tying. Still, he did his best. He remembered how his grandfather, who had been a butcher, would tie roasts for wealthy customers. He did the best he could, and had Lucifer hogtied very securely. Vulpus smiled. "You may wish to watch the next match, or... should you wish to continue to dominate your opponent, you may do so Livio." Livio smiled. He looked at Lucifer's feet. "Blue's gonna kick Bolt's ass. I don't have to watch that." He began pushing Lucifer's toes apart, and slipping his smaller fingers into the space. If Lucifer had screamed loudly during the match, he was louder now. "Know what you are boy? MY BITCH" Livio yelled. All Lucifer could answer was "yes sir. You're right."

Bolt and Blue had never wrestled before. They each knew a little about each other: Blue, as all from his planet, had very light fragile bones, but he was fast: like a bird. Bolt, of course, was much more centered on the ground. Blue realized that, if he were going to win this match, he had to keep Bolt from him, wear him down, and then go in, almost "pecking" him like a bird. Bolt, on the other hand, remembered what superman had taught him. "When I wrestled Flash, there was no way I could take him on speed of movements. Strength. I overpowered him with crushes, hugs, anything like that." "Care to go nude, Bolt boy?" Blue smiled and pulled off his trunks. "I don't see anything. You sure you wanna do that, blueballs?" Bolt taunted back as he pulled off his. "THAT ASS" thought Vulpus. "OH THAT ASS" He knew he couldn't show favoritism, but he had a favorite. And he knew: Bolt was MUCH more ticklish than Blue was. The match began pretty much as you would have expected. Blue dancing out of the way of Bolt's charges, waiting for him to make a mistake or a misstep. When he did, Blue would come in, and execute a quick hold, forcing Bolt to use some of his strength to get free: Blue was trying to tire him out, no question about it. And he was succeeding. Then there was a change in the dynamics. Bolt thought about being underneath Vulpus. He thought: I could be the first man to feel his jizz on this trip. He charged. Blue couldn't get out of the way fast enough. "Someone's wings have been pinned, huh feather bed?" Bolt teased, as he pushed Blue's arms up further, and further... DAMN the guy was flexible! But finally, Bolt got Blue's arms up far enough that he felt comfortable attacking his ribs. Blue began to giggle. He tried to suppress it, but... he burst out laughing. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. LEMME GO BOLT. C'MON. THIS ISN'T FAIR." "Deal with it FUCKTOI" Now Blue was the one who was weakened, and Bolt had no trouble throwing him to the floor. Blue tried to stay out of harm's way by rolling to his belly and squeezing his arms close to himself. Bolt lay on top of Blue, and whispered "Bad move blue. I can embarrass you here, or you can give up." He whacked Blue's ass. "Whaddya say?" "I SAY FUCK YOU." Blue yelled. Bolt shoved his tongue into one of Blue's ears, and in reaction, Blue relaxed his tensed body. Bolt got under his arms. "HAHA. HAHAHAHAAHA. " Instead of a direct, constant attack, Bolt was tickling Blue in short intervals. After each one, he'd yell "GIVE UP" and got a NO as an answer. The intervals got longer: five seconds, ten seconds, twenty seconds. Then, a full minute. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. " Bolt wasn't letting up. "Roll over or it's gonna get worse." "Please please. Ok, ok. I'll roll over. " Once Blue was on his back, Bolt started using some of the techniques Vulpus had used on HIM: very light tickling over Blue's ribs, and then deep, hard tickling on the area around his navel. Then between his legs, right up against Blue's crotch. After that... he got his fingers underneath Blue's knees. "STOP. STOP . YOU WIN. YOU WIN. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHA. I SUBMIT I SUBMIT I SUBMIT. " Bolt was almost out of breath himself. He stopped and looked at Vulpus smiling. "Very good. Bolt, please do to Blue what Flame did to Lucifer. " As Bolt applied his boyscout techniques, he whispered "good match, stud." Blue answered. "I'll get you next time. And I hope Livio tickles the shit out of you."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx There was a ten minute break, for Bolt to get prepared for the final match with Livio. While he rested, he didn't tickle Blue, but he asked for advice. "He topped me before, Blue. He knows my spots. What can you tell me?" When Blue was silent, Bolt put his finger into one of Blue's pits. "OK OK. Lean down. I'll tell you what I know." He whispered something into Bolt's ear.

"Finalists, you have to agree: trunks or not? Neither Livio nor Bolt would concede to the other. "Very well. I will toss a coin. Livio, call it. "HEADS." It came down tails. "SKIN" yelled Bolt, because that was part of what Blue had told him: if he were willing to fight dirty, and go for Livio's cock, he'd win. They began to grapple. Livio had a slightly longer reach and grasp, and he was using it. He got his fingers onto Bolt's ribs, and ALMOST caught him in the kind of crunch that Bolt did so well, but Bolt got out of the way just in time. Bolt began to think this through... it was risky but.. he rushed Livio. Livio expected it, and stepped out of the way. When Bolt fell, Livio was on top of him, reaching for Bolt's wrists to pin them down. Before he could do that though, Bolt had his hand on Livio's balls. "WHAT THE? HEY..." Bolt didnt' squeeze them. He just played with them and let them go. Then he squirmed, until he could get out from under Livio. In their next tie up, Bolt went for Livio's cock again, and got it. Again, he didn't squeeze, he just slid his hand back and forth. "You like this mouth, red boy. You wanna FUCK it in front of Master? Show him who the real Boss is?" Bolt "slipped" and Livio took advantage, sitting squarely on his chest. The ruse had worked, though. Instead of doing something like going for Bolt's ribs or pits, Livio shoved his cock at Bolt's mouth. Bolt took it. And now, Livio didn't realize it, but Bolt had him. Livio let go of his grip so that he could push Bolt's head forward on his cock. That's when Bolt closed his mouth around Livio's cock so he couldn't get it out of Bolt's mouth, and Bolt rolled to flip Livio to his back. And now, as Livio's cock fell out of Bolt's mouth, Bolt attacked. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAAHAHA. " Bolt's fingers were deeply in Livio's pits. "I'm not gonna let you give yet, you shit. You CAZZO. " Bolt yelled the one Italian word he knew. He knew Livio was weak, so he could slide down and get his feet. He shoved them under his arm, and began going to work, tickling them hard and fast. "I'm not even gonna ask, BITCH. I'm just gonna keep on tickling till you give up." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. NO. NO. YOU'LL BE OLD.. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. Unlike Lucifer, Bolt was doing a good job. He had Livio's ankles held so tightly that he could do nothing when Bolt sucked one toe, and tickled the other foot. "I GIVE. I GIVE. YOU WIN FUCKER. YOU WIN." Bolt could see the wicked little smile on Vulpus face. "The competition is over. Bolt you have won. " More rope got tossed to him. "Bind your opponent. Zevra will release all of you before dinner. Bolt, to my quarters. IMMEDIATELY." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Bolt had forgotten the fox background Vulpus had, so he didn't hear him come into the chamber. He felt Vulpus' arm around his middle, and his mouth on his neck. "You were impressive today, my sweet," Vulpus began sucking on Bolt's neck. He had left marks on Bolt before, and Bolt knew, it would happen today. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Thank you My Lord. I used..I used.. some of the things you've used on me. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Vulpus second hand had dropped to Bolt's crotch. He held Bolt's cock and balls. He continued to whisper. "You chose to put your swimsuit back on. Why was that, my precious boy?" "So... so that you could have the pleasure of unwrapping me like a present, My Lord. So that you could do it at your own pace. " "MMMMMMM. You will turn into a fine, fine page boy, Bolt. A fine page boy. " He turned Bolt's face and forced his long tongue down Bolt's throat. Bolt found his cock straining at his shorts: way more than they did during the wrestling . "My friends. Are they..." He felt Vulpus' hands on his ass. "Your friends will be fine. As we speak, they are being untied so that they can lick their wounds before dinner. You, my boy, shall be licking something else." Vulpus' strong arms put Bolt on the bed. Bolt reached for what he knew would be there: wrists restraints. Vulpus smiled as he locked them on. Then he began slowly running his furry thumbs on Bolt's nipples. The moaning began. Vulpus smiled, as he pointed his cock at Bolt's mouth. "Did you dream of me on the trip, sweet young Bolt?" MMMHMMMM" Bolt didn't want to move his head: he loved how Vulpus' cock drove to the back of his throat, so he tried to signal that he did (he didn't. ). Vulpus smiled. "That lie is going to cost you ten minutes of the tickling you didn't get in the matches. And it will be AFTER I take you, when your senses are sharpened." "NMNNFNDNFNFNMMMMMMMM" Bolt protested, but he knew it would do no good. "The sleep of space travel is such that those not accustomed to it sleep dreamlessly. Vulpus cock was still in Bolt's mouth as he moved back to his nipples. "I wish I were in a position to leave the main city, my lovely one, and take you ,and the others with me. Renounce the responsibilities, and ... have my harem. " He pulled his cock out of Bolt's mouth. "My Lord, what stops you, if I may ask?" He saw the odd smile the Fox Tribe members made. "The issue of funds, sweet one. Dashan is of royal blood. I am not. My fortune comes through her. Should I leave her, I would be a poor man. But let us not talk of this now. There is a treasure I want. One that I have not had for a while." Bolt felt the furry hands close around his ankles, and his legs went into the air. When Vulpus entered him, he felt something odd. Something he hadn't felt before. "Yes Bolt," Vulpus smiled. "It is the pincers. They function out of the atmosphere of the asteroid. " His face showed concern. "Do they hurt? I will retract them if they do. " "No, No, Lord, no. It's just.... WOW. I've never felt anything like that before." "ha ha. The first time with them is always odd for my partners. I can engage them at any point where the partner's pleasure is enhanced. And then, I can lock it there, for as long as... I want." He smiled. "Shall I go deeper Bolt?" "OH YES. YES MY LORD. YES. AS DEEP AS YOU CAN." Bolt felt Vulpus change positions, and slide further in. In the quite of Vulpus' quarters, he could almost hear the pincers engage. He began to writhe. "FUCK. I've never been fucked like this before Lord. OH. OH. Lord Vulpus, may I shoot?" Vulpus smiled. "Not yet, my jewel. I have another surprise for you." Vulpus disengaged the pincers and... shot a load of cum into Bolt. It felt unlike any that Bolt had felt. It had almost an anesthetic quality to it - perhaps to deaden any potential damage from the pincers. And there was SO MUCH of it. Livio "came copiously" they would joke, but Vulpus orgasm was... it began to drip from Bolt's ass. Then, Bolt's hips convulsed and he followed with a large one of his own. "OH MY. OH MY LORD. " He smiled. "Only two months. Two moons. And I have to share you." Vulpus gave him a look. "Perhaps you will grow tired of me, or wish for relief." Vulpus dug his fingers into Bolt's sides. "What did I say, fifteen minutes? "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAAHAHAAHAAHA. I THINK YOU SAID TWENTY LORD. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " "You would not survive twenty minutes of my tickling sweet boy." Bolt knew he was right as he laughed until he almost couldn't breathe. "DAMN. I have to share him!" Bolt thought. There would be much to discuss at dinner that night. Vulpus would not be joining them. His dietary needs were such that... he did not wish to disgust his harem. As they sat to their meal, the Lacodonian brought him a deer that had been snared during the pool play. Vulpus looked at it hungrily. "Tuscan deer is by far the sweetest I have ever tasted. And my harem. " He sighed "Two moons. Only two moons."


Next: Chapter 8

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