The Catamite

By J

Published on Mar 18, 2019


Dear readers, thank you for your feedback for my previous series, "Top to Bottom." This is part 2 of the new series, `The Catamite' - feedback and suggestions are always welcome - Email me on:

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The Catamite - Part 2: Twin pleasures

AD 75 - Imperial Rome

On the evening of his 25th birthday Julius sat in a small secret alcove peering into his own bedchamber, his 10-inch monster cock hardening as he anticipated the night's celebrations. The naked blonde girl, gifted by the slave merchant as a sweetener was bundled onto the bed by his head overseer who promptly turned and left. She trembled in fear as her 13 year old loins touched the silk sheets on the bed, her blue eyes darted around as the door opened again. Julius stroked his dripping prick, the huge flared dickhead pointing heavenward as large veins and ridges ran down his immense shaft. He watched as the two 15 year old twin boy-slaves entered, their smoothly muscled, rippling torsos hewn from hours of work in the fields. They had been bathed and perfumed in the slave-yard before the overseer had fed them both a strong, home-brewed alcoholic sweetened aphrodisiac that caused their cocks, kept unused for the better part of their first year in captivity, to stand sharply to attention. "Fuuuuucccckkk....." one slurred, catching sight of the lithe nubile maiden who lay on the bed in front of them. "Sweet sweet pussyyyyyy" the other drooled, as they advanced on the shaking maiden. "" she called out in her native tongue. The two youths ignored her, buzzing from the alcohol, triggered by the aphrodisiac and a year of pent-up lust held as captives with no sexual outlet. They pounced like hungry lions, spreading her limbs apart. "Aaaaaahhhh!!! Please, oh god, you're too big for me!!! Please stop!!!!" she screamed. "Fucking bitch, fuck, fuck, fucccckkk!!!" one called back as he splayed her thighs with animalistic lust. He aimed his cock right at her unbroken pussy lips and pushed hard, breaking the hymen as she let loose a blood-curdling scream. "Nnnnnoooo aaaaaaarrrggghhhhhh!!!!!" she cried over and over until the other twin stuffed his 7.5-inch throbbing penis into her mouth, suffocating her while he held her throat in a vice-like grip, plumbing deep into her oesophagus as she choked and gagged. "Ggggnnnnggh!!! Mmmmpppff!!! Blllrrrrgghh!! Mmmppff!!! Nnnggghh!!!" - the sounds of her holes gurgling and getting plugged echoed around the luxurious room as they vigorously fucked the hope out of her. The second youth abruptly pulled out of her mouth, gazing at her soft tear-stained cheeks as he flipped her around, forcing her to ride the first brother's cock. "Nnnnghh!! Aaaaagghh!!!" she moaned as he jackhammered into her, the blood-stains of her virginity mixed with pussy juices as they trickled down his shaft. As she was bent over his chest she felt the sudden cold shock of a spit-lubricated cock breaching her anal passage. "Aaaaaaaarrrgghhh!!! Stop stop stop take it out please!!!! It's ripping my hole, I can't, I can't!! You're killing me!!!" she bawled as the second youth fucked his cock deep into her rectum, the searing pain splitting apart her supple teenage fleshpocket. "Shut up, bitch! Take it, take it all!" they yelled, drilling deeper, grunting with animalistic lust.

Julius watched the scene while Diana quietly suckled his balls and licked his cockhead. He pushed her away, edging closer to the door as he perused the double-fuck proceeding with abandon on his bed. "Nnnnngggghhhh!!!!! Ow!!! Aaaggghh!!" the little blonde teen slut sobbed and wailed, clutching the fine silk sheets as the twins fucked her brains out. "Fucking slut!! Nnngh!! Gonna breed you from both ends!! Anngh!!!" they grunted in pleasure as they unloaded deep inside her holes simultaneously. Her little body writhed in discomfort, fucked to fullness like a brood mare.

A wicked smile crossed Julius Flavius' handsome face as he loosened the slim leather belt around his fine linen tunic and pushed the double doors open just as the twins climaxed inside the screaming blonde bitch-slave - "Mmnnngh!!!! Argh!!! Tight fuck!!!! Ungh ungh!!" they roared. "Fucking stupid cunt-slaves!!" Julius barked, lashing out with a light riding crop. The two teenage fuckers pulled out of the slim slut's wincing deflowered holes abruptly, their dicks still hard and dripping. Julius lunged forward and grabbed one boy by the neck and balls, keeping him in a chokehold as he flailed wretchedly in an attempt to escape. The other 15 year old charged forwards to help his brother, but a well-timed kick to the groin knocked him to his back in pain. Julius knew that the strong home brew had a few other household concoctions thrown in for good measure, with the intended effect of triggering and maintaining erections, increasing lust and libido, but also, after half an hour, making those who ingested it feel much more light-headed and heavy-footed than the average glass of wine. Both twins were by this point much easier to overpower, especially for a hot ripped muscle-stud like Julius, who had spent hours wrestling as a teenager and was a trained field commander. His broad lats pointed towards a slim waist that rooted into muscled thighs; rippled abs and firm biceps completed the statuesque physique. He straddled the first brother, grasping a rope from his tunic pocket to quickly bind his wrists before doing the same to the second boy who remained doubled up in pain on the floor, clutching his injured scrotum; he was then tied to the bedpost.

Julius kicked both brother-slaves in the ribs, winding them further as they cowered on the floor, a mixture of fear, loathing and surprise in their expressions as they glanced at each other and the master whom they recognised from the slave market. The sudden wrench from supreme pleasure on the bed to bound agony on the floor was a painful of their slavery. "You've had your fun, most entertaining - now it's my turn!" Julius said nonchalantly.

He grabbed one of the boys, lifting the built teenager like a heavy parcel onto the bed and shed his tunic proudly, revealing his massive throbbing 10-inch Roman sword that caused the sobbing girl to blanch white with fear. "Suck!" he commanded, and she scuttled over like an injured kitten, drips of teen-sperm falling out of her two injured holes. She stared at the slowly-deflating cocks of her rapists, covered in a mixture of their cum, her blood, streaks of butt-juice and pussy-slime. Judging forward, the little blonde slut gasped as her mouth engulfed the huge fat cockhead and struggled to swallow the first couple of inches of his massive prick. "Mmmmmnggghh!!! Nnnmmmppff!!" She choked and gurgled as he forced her lower, fondling her pert breasts and nipples. When she had swallowed 5 inches, with tears running down her cheeks he grabbed her shoulders and rammed it home, feeling the drooling cockhead glide deep into her gullet as she gagged, retched, tried to cough and struggled for air. His muscular figure towered over her, skull-fucking her virgin throat for a full 5 minutes and pulling out only when she was on the verge of passing out. She lay trembling on one side, coughing and spluttering as Julius Flavius turned his attention to the boy who lay prone on his bed, rolling him onto a soft cushion and splaying his firm thighs easily to rest the ankles on his own broad, square shoulders. The Roman was a hot piece of hard, prime lean muscle, a fucking engine who could rip deep with his cock. Without ceremony he moved closer, gazing deep into the grey eyes of the 15 year old teenager who found it was now his turn to grip the sheets in fear. "Please...master..." he begged. "Please...I...we..are sorry, so sorry..." he felt Julius edge closer, the expensive scent of the Roman nobleman's perfume mingling with his own sweat, fear and drying teenage cum. A cool breeze wafted through the room as he felt Julius dip a finger into his mouth, twisting it around to graze his palate. The Roman flicked his own brown hair back with the same index finger, quickly plunging it back into the boy's mouth. Julius placed the head of his huge erect penis against the tight quivering anus of the flaxen-haired muscled teenager, teasing the smooth entrance. "Ooooh, such a big cock you have, please don't hurt me with it, please!" he mocked in a high-pitched falsetto, switching his gaze between the fucked-out nymph and the studling twin beneath him. Julius pressed hard, forcing his cockhead past the boy-stud's sphincter.

"Aaaaarrrrnnnghh!!!! Argh! Angh!! Oooowwww Owww!!!" he howled in agony as his Roman overlord pushed deeper, forcing the enormous cock halfway while the drugged-up kid's penis remained rock-hard and his head swirled. He tried to buck away, finding himself fucking his anus further onto the mega-cock. Julius smiles wickedly, "Yeah, tight fucking cunt!" he shouted, grabbing the boy's hips and burying his ass-splitter all the way to the hilt. This was one warm tight birthday virgin ass-cunt he would savour. "Annnggghh!!! Please master, fuck!! Fuck!! Oh Dominus, I'm begging you, mercy, mercy pleeeeeaase!!"

His cries fell on deaf ears as Julius plowed harder and deeper, relishing the very real mastery he held, both physical and sexual, over every slave he fucked. "Harder, bitch! Clench your pussy, puer, milk my cock, pleasure your master and squeeze the cum from my balls!!" he thrust rapidly as the kid cried and groaned below, his asslips pouting to accommodate the massive cock while his upturned ass was crushed under Julius' ripped torso. The muscle stud reached out and yanked the other twin by the hair, pulling him close to the bed as he strained at the bonds. "Suck his cock, faggot!" he commanded, suddenly wrenching out of the first twin's hole while the kid cried and blubbered like the virgin twat he had deflowered barely an hour earlier. Julius reached over and grabbed the second youth by his neck, untying him from the bedpost whilst keeping his wrists firmly bound. He wrenched the unwilling youth onto the bed, making him straddle his supine brother in a 69 position so the twins were effectively forced to fellate each other. "Suck, fuckers!" he roared, thrusting his dripping cock back into the first screaming youth, whose shrieks were now muffled by his own twin brother's hard penis. "Mmmmmmffff, arrrrggghhh!!!!" he groaned incoherently as Julius' powerful ramming cock fucked harder, faster and deeper into his bowels. He was used to causing pain for his fuck-slaves, pounding into them relentlessly all night sometimes. After what seemed like an eternity, the master called out "Puer, bitch, fuck, fuck, I'm going to fill you, breed you, own you! Unnnngghhh!!!" as he blasted thick ropes of cum deep into the moaning boy's bowels, piston-fucking his colon even deeper as the fat head of his cock pulsed and spurted, coating the insides of the slave's rectal walls with his fertile seed. The second brother continued to suck his twin's cock, his eyes bulging with fear now as he watched his brother used like a ragdoll while the swollen member of the master had rammed in and out hard and fast into his brother's anus which stretched wide to barely accommodate Julius' immense girth. Julius slapped the boy's taut buttcheeks. "Tight fuck, bitchslave! Keep sucking!"

He slid his still rigid member out of the gaping ass-pussy as the exhausted sobbing boy cringed with shame at having been bred with a cock in his mouth. The little cunt he had fucked earlier watched mesmerised as the master moved towards the second twin who remained prone over his brother, kneeling with his pert glutes raised and exposed. How he had fucked her own anus open...she almost smiled. Julius Flavius knee how to use fear as a weapon and had always found it the most efficient way to bring stubborn slaves to heel. "Get over here bitch." he commanded. "Insert three fingers into his cunt!" - she obeyed, plunging three small fingers deep into the slimy cum-lined rectal opening of the fucked-out brother as he winced. "Deeper! More!"

She responded to the commands with a fourth finger, stretching the hole in different directions and plumbing rapidly in and out as Julius' hefty cum-load dribbled around the puffy ass-lips. She was beginning to enjoy this payback of her rapist, noticing the second brother stare at her in fear as he continued to gently suck his twin's cock. "Push it all in!" came the final command.

"Mmmmmmppfff!!!!! Nnnnnngghhhoooo!!" came the cock-dampened yells of protest from the first brother, every muscle in his body she smiled and inserted her thumb to the first digit...then the next. "Stupid fucking whore! See who's the bitch now!" she swore in her own tongue at him, inserting her entire fist up to the wrist inside the spasming cum-lubricated hole. She didn't care about prostate stimulation, although her knuckles were certainly bruising his internal g-spot. The first twin roared in pain as she shoved further. "Fffffffuuuucccckkk!!!! Gggnnnnggghhh!!!!" It felt like she was ripping him up, tearing at his already battered ass-lining. Her slim wrist and forearm pushed deeper as she continued to punch in while the second twin winced in fear. Julius grabbed his abs and ran his fingers down to his hips, a dark looming shadow over the messy fuck-scene unfolding. Without warning he laid his massive twitching prick against the second boy's clenching hole and heaved forward, his trunk-like thighs and tight rounded glutes pressing hard and fast against the firm rounded young butt with such force that his fat cockhead broke through the tight anal ring eliciting a bloodcurdling yell of pain.

"Aaaaaarrrnnghh!!!!! Angh!! Ungh!!! Ungh!!! Ooooooowwwww!!!!! Pppplllleeeeaaasseee!!!! Aaarrrgghh!!!" he was screaming like the twat he and his brother had fucked so mercilessly before on that exact spot, foaming like a wild beast. Julius slapped him hard. "Scream all you want boypussy, your ass is mine!! Your whole body is mine!! You can soil yourself while I fuck you as long as your cherry anus grips my cock like it deserves!! Now you'll learn what it means to fuck your master's property!!"

Julius grunted with pleasure as his thick alpha stud cock plowed the boy's tight virgin ass open while the kid screamed himself hoarse, cursing and begging, shouting in pain with each entry into his furrowed resisting ass-trench as the huge 10-inch cock, lubed with slave spit, his brother's ass-juice and the first cum-load scraped his bowel lining over and over, splitting his tight hole wide open.

The little slut couldn't disguise her pleasure at the comeuppance meted out to her former tormentors at the hands and cock of the stud-fucking master. She continued to press in deeper to the silky colon with her little fist as the first brother writhed in pain on his back. "I'm sorry!!! I'm sorry!! Please, stop, take it out! I'm sorry!! Aggghhhh!!!" he wailed, his cries masked only by the howling of his brother whose own cock remained rigid as his anal virginity was ripped to shreds by the 10-inch battering monster cock of Julius Flavius. To the master taking what was rightfully his, `another slave, another ass' - to the twins, indescribably agony and humiliation without an end in sight.

Julius resumed his brutal rape of the second twin whose shrieks were muffled by his own mouthful of his brother's still rigid cock. Fifteen minutes later he ordered the nubile nymph to withdraw her forearm up to her fist. "Ggggggnnnnngghhh!!!" was the resulting moan as the boy beneath felt her small fist lodge back in his rectum. As she suddenly pulled out of the tortured anus she watched the hole spasm uncontrollably, the tiny ass lips now stretched beyond redemption as if he were delivering a baby. "Yyyyeeeeaaaarrrrggghhh!!!!!! Aaarggghh!!" he yelped and grimaced. His stretched and dilated hole gaped as if sucking air into an asphyxiated throat, farting dribbles of Julius' seed with a burping noise upwards onto his brother's face as a puddle of cum formed beneath him while his twin's eyes bugged out at the sight. Julius fucked even harder now, pistoning like a demon. "Take my fuck, bitch! Grind your hips, puer, prostitute your fucking ass-cunt and make me cum or I'll fist you myself right now!!"

The terrified twin, desperate to avoid such a fate found himself groaning as he smashed his own asspussy rapidly back onto the monstrous tool. "Annngh!! Please, Dominus, nooo!!! Angghhhh!!!" A second giant load boiled up in Julius' balls and blasted out of his fat cockhead, deep into the spasming, gripping velvety ass-canal; the muscled top stabbed deeper with his enormous dong as jet after jet of thick fertile cum blasted the ass-lining of the screaming boy. The fat cockhead scraped his prostate repeatedly and rapidly, triggering thr second load of the morning and he found himself spurting against his will, unloading his own teenage batter into the gurgling throat of his brother below. "Fucking cumdump, ungh!! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Fucking slave, take my load!!" shouted Julius, every inch of rippling muscle remained taut on his sculpted frame as he fucked demonically faster and pumped a river of molten jizz deep into the prone screaming youth's bowel.

Julius kept his thick hard tool buried to the hilt for a full minute, eventually disengaging from the sore shattered anus beneath as the boy gasped with fear. "You two have fucked your last pussy today. Remember me and remember my cock, for now I am your master and you live merely to give me pleasure!" The shame, pain and humiliation would burn deep. The satisfied, self-assured Roman smiled contentedly as the teenage slaves crawled over to clean his cock with their mouths. He had already decreed a liquid diet for the first brother, knowing that he would probably need a week to recover from the fisting as he watched the anus wink repeatedly in a pathetic effort to shut his shit and cum in. Grabbing the second boy by the hair he whispered..."stay, boy...I'm going to get to know you all night long. Going to fuck your pretty cunt pregnant by the morning!"

Next: Chapter 3

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