The Charges

By Tags

Published on Nov 7, 2023



This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters portrayed herein represent any real person, living or dead. It includes characters invented by Chip Masterson including the muscle super kid, "Danny Henderson" who appears in a number of stories created by Chip. These characters are used in this story with his express permission, (Thanks, Chip!) although this story differs substantially in tone and theme from stories written heretofore by Chip. There are inconsistencies between Chip's story line and mine. The characters in my scenario dwell, therefore, in some sort of parallel universe.' Also included in this story is a character inspired by "Billy," the lead character in John D's "Billy Muscles up." One incident is borrowed directly from the "Billy Muscles Up" series and some of the things Billy does in this story echo "Billy Muscles Up." However, although this "Billy" begins with more or less the same personality and physical strength as the original, events take "my Billy'" in a somewhat different direction. My use of the "Billy" character is with John D's express permission.

Thanks, John D!

If you are looking for erotic stimulation, please look elsewhere because you won't find that here. Aside from some coarse language and violence, this story could almost be rated "G." But if Chip's "Danny" series is one you have enjoyed, you may find this story entertaining as well. My interest in Chip's "Danny" series has been mainly, "what are people thinking and feeling?" (Something Chip has preferred to leave to the reader's imagination.) This story delves into that question in just a little bit more detail. Of particular interest to me as well, is how some of these characters respond to situations and circumstance that could happen to anyone as well as how they react to extraordinary situations.

I've introduced my own characters in this story, among them, "Andy Jackson Partlowe," and, to some extent, this is HIS story... how he came to meet Billy, Danny and his friends and how he reacts to their phenomenal strength and abilities.

My thanks to the web master for his work in maintaining this site and for posting this story. I would like to express my special thanks to Chip Masterson and John D. for graciously sharing their characters with me and especially for their work and creativity in creating their stories. This story is dedicated in their honor.

Thanks a lot for sharing, Chip and John D...



Salas arrived at the construction hall at five forty five a.m. He had made arrangements for Billy and Andy to meet him there at six. They would ride with him from there to MCAS El Toro. Salas wasn't very introspective as a general rule. But over the past few days, he'd had occasion to assess his life thus far. Things sure had been exciting this week. Two new supermen added to this little band. Billy's strength, remarkable to begin with, had begun to rival Danny's in only a couple of days! And, Andy, even though he clearly didn't think of himself as a superman, was every bit as powerful in his way as any of the rest of them! He thought of all the other things he could've been doing with his life. "Naw, he thought. I wouldn't trade this for anything in the world. This is the thing I was made for. How many poor stiffs in this life NEVER find their niche?" All in all, Salas mused, life was treating him pretty good. It could've very well gone the other way. The kind of strength he'd had as a youngster and as a teen, though not equal to Danny's, had been greater than anyone's he knew at the time. He could've turned out to be a hellion, or worse... and very nearly did. He owed those who'd gotten him on the right track an unpayable debt of gratitude. But he'd sure as hell do his damndest to repay the best way he could. And that was by mentoring these young men the way he had been doing with Danny and now with Billy and even Andy. "Well, at least these guys, AND SCOTT... are all better 'raw material' than I ever was as a youngster back in south Texas. If I can turn out OK, they sure as hell can too."

Andy's little truck putted up alongside Salas' car. Andy and Billy got out and joined Salas in his police cruiser. As they pulled out of the construction yard and onto the road, Salas asked Billy, "did you go over that NATOPS manual last night?"

"Yes sir. And, like you said, I got it all... every word of it."

"OK, Billy, fine. Now, while we're driving to the base, Andy, think you could 'mind link' with Billy and see if you can assimilate that?"

"Yes sir, I think so. Shouldn't be a problem."

"OK, lemme know when you're done."

"Yes, sir. Right now. I'm done."


"Yes sir, as soon as you told me what to do I entered Billy's mind. He gave me the go ahead in and I just 'mirrored' everything Billy'd learned from that NATOPS manual last night. I'm good to go.

"Wow, you guys, that was fast! I figured it might take at least the entire trip out to El Toro! Jezzzus!

Billy asked, "Oh, by the way, where's Scotty? I thought he was coming along."

"Naw, he's as excited about learning to fly as you guys, but he really wanted Danny along when he starts and there's only room for four. So it'll just be us today. I think I'm gonna let you two guys train Danny and Scotty. After today, I expect you two will be able to handle that just fine. When you two take Danny and Scotty up, I'll fly 'chase' in a standard single seat harrier. But I'd really like you younger guys to get used to doing things without Cole or me right there with you. This is as good a way to start off on that as any."

Billy turned to Andy and said, "Dude, we are really movin' in fast company! Would you have believed it on Monday if somebody told you that we'd both be qualified harrier pilots by the end of the frickin' week?"

"Billy, if anybody had told me how this whole WEEK was gonna turn out, I'd NEVER have believed it. And it ain't even OVER yet!"

They arrived at the main gate of MCAS El Toro. Their 'welcome' at this installation was far more cordial than it had been at Lassiter's base. The gate guard knew Salas by name. He greeted him warmly and saluted smartly. "Glad to see you back aboard sir. Drive straight on through to Hangar Three. Major Carter will help get you and your men suited up. He's waiting for you now in the aviator's equipment office in the hangar.'

Salas knew the way to the hanger. He'd been there many times before. As they entered the aviator's equipment office, Major Carter was waiting, just as the gate guard had promised.

Salas made introductions and Major Carter led the men to the counter. A Marine staff sergeant was manning the desk.

Carter spoke, "Staff Sergeant, I want all these men outfitted at once. Flight suit, boots, helmet, oxygen mask and g-suit and harness... And Sergeant, find each of these guys an olive drab t-shirt."

"Sir, yes, sir!"

After Salas and his 'aircrew' had been outfitted, he led them down a passageway into another office lined along each side with cubicles. There was a large map table in the center of the room with cubby holes in the sides for aeronautical charts and DOD and FAA aviation reference material, like high altitude en route aeronautical charts, the IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) Supplement" and base SIDs (Standard Instrument Departure instructions).

Salas asked Andy some questions from the NATOPS manual and he answered each correctly.

"Well, Billy, if Andy got all that, you must've too since he got everything he knows from you."

Than Salas turned to Andy again. "Son, could you 'link' us all up now and just 'mirror' everything I know like you did with Andy and the NATOPS manual?"

"Sir, consider it done, because it just has been."

"That fast, Andy?"

"That fast, Salas... That fast."

Salas smiled at Billy. "You know, this boy's startin' to gimme the creeps!" Then he winked at Andy.

"And, Salas, I took the liberty of getting your preflight brief while I was at it, so we're both ready to 'walk' if you are."

They walked down the passageway to flight planning, filed an IFR (instrument flight rules) flight plan to the military air training `box' situated fifty nautical miles east of the air station. They would transition to VFR (visual flight rules) upon entering the training area, perform their aerial maneuvers and then revert to IFR for RTB (return to base).

Then they walked to the flight line.

They were greeted at the aircraft by the "plane captain" (the ground maintenance tech) who saluted smartly. Salas and Billy both returned the salute. Andy was surprisingly knowledgeable of military courtesy but did not return salute since he was a civilian. Exchange of salutes is a privilege reserved for military men. As a former air force officer, Salas was entitled to the privilege. As a Naval Academy midshipman, at least for another couple of weeks until he formally resigned, Billy was, but Andy was not.

"Sir, the aircraft is in `up' status. She's ready to fly. You gentlemen have a good mission."

"Thanks Corporal. We will."

The TAV-8B(4X) harrier was a wicked looking war bird, painted a "lo-viz" flat gray, with faded charcoal gray black Marine aviation markings on the side and tail. It was about twice the width of the standard harrier and about half again as long, nose to tail. The wings were much larger than those on the standard Fleet Marine harriers. There was a huge clear lexan canopy that bubbled over the fuselage, pulled aft to accommodate aircrew entry as they climbed into the cockpit via access ladders affixed to the sides. Unlike the standard harrier, this aircraft was fitted with not one, but two Rolls Royce Pegasus vectored thrust turbofans and four pilot seats, in a side-by-side, tandem arrangement... two seats side-by-side forward and two aft. The two rear seats were slightly raised in elevation to afford forward visibility for the rear seat pilots over the heads of the two pilots seated in front.

The plane captain turned and stepped back from the aircraft, waiting for engine start.

Salas spoke to Billy and Andy, "OK, guys, you two up front. Billy, you in the left seat, Andy you're in the right."

Salas and Billy walked around to the port side and climbed aboard. Andy shinnied up the forward ladder on the starboard side. All three men strapped in, attaching their 'coke fittings' on their harnesses to their ejection seats, plugging in their oxygen masks and the wires leading to the ICS (internal communication system).

Salas keyed the mike in his oxygen mask by squeezing the 'trigger' on his control stick. "OK guys, are you 'strapped in' and 'plugged in?'"

"Yes, sir, Billy and Andy responded in unison."

"OK, Billy, you both know what to do. You'll be command pilot on the out bound leg. Andy, you take over halfway through our maneuvers in the practice area. Andy, you'll handle comms outbound, Billy, you got comms inbound. Any questions?

"No sir, both Billy and Andy answered back."

"OK, Billy, looks like we're all set. Let's get this 'soup can' upstairs and see what you guys can do."

Billy pressed a toggle on the console at the left side of the cockpit and the canopy whined closed and locked. He verified by checking the indicator light on the instrument panel. Then he started the engines and nodded to Andy.

The plane captain stepped up to the nose of the aircraft and removed the connection from the ground power unit. Maneuvered the power unit out of the way, exchanged hand salutes with Billy, now pilot in command, turned and walked back to the line shack.

Andy now handling comms, keyed his mike. "El Toro Clearance Delivery, Marine Eight Niner Tango Alfa, IFR to training area Lima One, request clearance."

"Roger Marine, Eight Niner Tango Alfa, clearance on request, contact ground control, button two."

"Marine Eight Niner Tango out."

"El Toro ground control, Marine Eight Niner Tango Alfa ready for taxi."

"Roger Marine Eight Niner Tango Alfa, clear taxi to Runway three five left, hold short of duty runway."

Roger El Toro tower, we're under way."

Billy advanced the throttles and the jet began to inch forward. He pressed the toe brakes at the top of the rudder pedals to test them and the aircraft stopped, lurching down on the nose wheel oleo strut. He released the brakes and advanced the throttles to taxi RPM and the aircraft began to roll. Billy guided the aircraft onto the taxi way from the parking ramp and nosed it toward the departure end of runway three five left. As they taxied, the radio crackled to life.

"Marine Eight Niner Tango Alfa, your clearance is ready. Contact clearance delivery button one. Return this freq. when clearance received."

"Marine Eight Niner Tango Alfa wilco. Out."

"El Toro clearance delivery, Marine Eight Niner Tango Alfa."

"Roger, Eight Niner Tango Alfa, cleared as filed via Laguna One departure. After takeoff, maintain runway heading to five thousand feet, then execute Laguna One standard instrument departure. Cleared from standard departure direct Training Area Lima One. Contact ground control, button two."

"Roger, out."

"Ground control, Eight Niner Tango Alfa, clearance received."

"Roger Eight Niner Tango Alfa, proceed and hold short of duty runway."

"Eight Niner Tango Alfa Wilco."

"Eight Niner Tango Alfa, Contact tower button three."

"El Toro Ground, Eight Niner Tango Alfa Wilco, out."

"El Toro Tower, Eight Niner Tango Alfa, ready for takeoff..."

"Eight Niner Tango Alfa, El Toro tower, taxi into position and hold."

"Eight Niner Tango Alfa, position and hold."

Billy advanced the throttles and the harrier waddled out to the centerline of the duty runway and lined up for takeoff roll.

"Eight Niner Tango Alfa, cleared for immediate takeoff... surface wind one two zero at five knots, altimeter two niner six niner."

"El Toro tower, roger, altimeter two niner six niner, rolling."

Billy advanced the throttles to take off RPM and the aircraft began to roll. Andy, as copilot called off airspeed in ten knot increments and gave the order to "rotate" when takeoff speed had been achieved.

Although the harrier was capable of vertical or very short running takeoffs, in the interest of fuel economy, most departures from major installations like El Toro were made in conventional fashion, like any other fixed wing tactical aircraft.

They were airborne. Andy breezed through the laminated after takeoff checklist with Billy. Both young airmen had all the harrier checklists committed to memory, but military flight regs require reference to checklists and PROHIBIT reference to memory. Billy and Andy were following regs to the letter.

Billy executed a flawless departure and made for the training area.

Salas keyed his mike... "OK, Andy, can you set up a 'mind link' for us?"


Salas 'thought' to Andy and Billy, "OK, guys, I want this mission to go 'zip lip.' No talk over the ICS except in an emergency. Let's do this through Andy's `link.' I wanna know what you guys are thinking and what yer gonna do BEFORE you do it. If I say, 'I have the aircraft,' let go of the stick and get your feet off the rudder pedals. I'll let you know when I'm ready for you to take back the flight controls. Clear?"

"Clear," both Andy and Billy responded across Andy's 'mind link.'"

Salas never said a word or did anything to intervene. First Billy and then Andy demonstrated flawless mastery of the aircraft. Aerial maneuvers, transition from forward flight to hover, hovering, use of vectored thrust for tight aerial maneuvers., even flying the aircraft backwards from a hover; everything went off without a hitch.

Andy was now pilot command. He had successfully duplicated every one of Billy's maneuvers in the practice area. From the right front seat, he nosed the aircraft back to base while Billy handled comms. They received clearance for a straight in approach to 'hover taxi' back to the ramp.

Andy executed the approach, hover taxi, hover, touchdown and engine shutdown perfectly.

As they egressed the aircraft, Andy broke the 'mind link.'

Salas made a valiant attempt to play it cool, but it was a lost cause. He was so excited he couldn't contain himself.

"I cannot BELIEVE this! I couldn't have done better myself. You guys are naturals! Andy, if I weren't so afraid of what the military would do to you, I'd take your ass to Pensacola and have you 'mind link' every swingin' dick naval and marine corps student aviator down there with their pilot instructors. Do you guys know how many YEARS it took me to attain the aeronautical proficiency you two got in just one flight?"

Andy's and Billy's attempts to act blas‚' were equally futile...

But, Andy, always the more sober between himself and Billy answered. "Well, Salas, thanks for letting us have all this the easy way. I don't credit this mission to any special ability on my part. I think I have some idea how hard you hadda work to earn your wings. With this 'mind meld' thing, I know this was just a 'gimme' to Billy and me. I just hope that, when the time comes, we'll both prove worthy of your faith in us."

Billy seconded Andy's remark.

As they drove into the construction hall compound, Danny appeared out of nowhere, just returning from his trip out on the road.

"Hi guys," Danny said. "How'd it go?"

Salas, seated at the wheel of his car with his window rolled down, spread his hands and said "Danny, you wouldn't believe how well, these guys did. It's like they've been flying longer than either one of `em has even been alive! This 'mind bender' thing of Andy's takes YEARS off pilot training. These two guys knew everything before they'd ever strapped themselves into the cockpit for the first time. They've both got all my YEARS of flying in their noggins. Andy pulled that off for both him and Billy in less than a second. Tomorrow's your turn and Scotty's. Andy's coming along again to provide the 'mind link.' And Billy will be with him. THEY are gonna be flight instructors for you and Scotty. Andy, do you think you could do a 'data dump' into Danny right now?"

"Already done, Salas. As soon as you asked. Danny, I think you'll find you know now everything we know, including the memory of everything we did today."

"Oh wow, Andy, I sure DO! This is really awesome, dude! I can't believe what you can do with our heads. It's gonna get to where none of us even has to talk to each other any more!"

"Well, Danny, I wouldn't go that far, but it sure is a nice shortcut for stuff like this I guess in a way, I'm kinda sorry for you and Billy because the two of you would've picked up flying that bird in an afternoon even without my 'data dump.' Neither of you guys really need me. But for Scotty and me, this is a boon. We'd NEVER have qualified as pilots without it and without being able to tap into yours and Billy's brain speed. So the 'mind game' isn't all me. You and Billy bring the speed into the equation."

They all went inside. Scotty had just finished his workout.

Salas asked, "How'd it go, Scotty?"

Cole answered, "Great Salas! Scotty benched four seventy today! That regimen you've got him on is really paying off.. Before you know it, Scotty's gonna bench five hundred!"

Well, Andy, do you feel up to doing your workout? You're gonna be flying with Danny and Scotty and Billy tomorrow and if you skip two days, Scotty's gonna leave you in the dust!"

"Yeah, sure, Salas. I'm good to go. Billy do you mind staying with me and givin' me a spot?"

Scotty interrupted, "No Billy. Let me stay. Billy, you can go back with Salas if you want. I'll stay with Andy and we'll lock up."

There was a discussion back and forth and Scotty won out. "Billy, I REALLY wanna do this with Andy. I know you two gotta special kinda 'thing' going between you on your workouts. But I really am close to a 'breakthrough' on my lifting. And I think maybe where Andy and I are at, I might be able to help him in a way you might not be able to now. Your just so MUCH stronger than either of us. I just think I can 'relate' to Andy better now than any of the rest of you guys could."

Billy smiled and said, "Sure, Scotty. I guess I'll ride back with Salas then. I'd stay with you guys if there were room in Andy's truck but there's not." Billy was putting on a brave front. He wasn't jealous of Scotty with Andy... nothing LIKE that. But one of the downsides to his own 'breakthrough' in super strength was that, although he could still help Andy with his spots, and Andy could still at least help him with his line of chatter and the 'mind' thing. The workouts they used to share were a now thing of the past. That would never be the same and it hurt maybe a little more than Billy thought it ought to. Back in high school, when he'd had his first 'breakthrough,' he had never turned his back on Andy. He'd stayed with Andy, spotting, encouraging and cajoling. Making Andy's progress his own and making his progress Andy's own. He HAD to find a way to get that back for them. Not that he wanted to edge Scotty out with Andy. But HE didn't want to get 'edged out' either. Billy resolved to fight like hell to maintain his connection with Andy notwithstanding his super strength, near indestructibility and a super genius intellect that would, very soon, rival even Danny's.

Scotty pushed and encouraged Andy in a way reminiscent of the very early days between Andy and Billy. Andy didn't quite match Scotty's earlier performance, but he sure bested his own, as well as Scotty's lifts of their previous workout! He benched four fifty and his other lifts went equally well!

As they locked up, Scotty and Andy were feeling pretty good. Scotty said, "You know, Andy, I guess I'm as glad as anybody that you showed up around here. Now I think I've got the best of both worlds, a pack of supermen all primed and ready to bring us along far as they can take us and a normal guy around to experience that with... well, SORTA normal." Scott smiled.

"Well, Scotty, maybe one day Danny and Salas will come up with something to make you a little less 'normal,' if that's what you really want. Those two sure seem to want it FOR you."

They pulled out of the gate and Scotty hopped out and locked the gate.

As they drove away, Scotty resumed their conversation. "Well, it isn't looking all that promising. I guess I'm just fated to be the way I am, basically, just normal. I guess I oughta be grateful that I was born with all my arms, legs, fingers and toes and not be wishin' for stuff that's probably NEVER gonna happen. I can't base my life on 'wishes' and 'maybes.'"

"Well, anyway, Scotty, I hope one day they'll find a way to make it happen for you."

"And you, Andy."

"Naw, I'm not too sure about that. If I didn't have the 'mind thing' goin, mebbe. But, who knows what might happen to that if they started messing with my genes? I might loose this 'head thing' in the bargain. I doubt any of you would opt for another strongman in exchange for what I have now, would you?"

"Well, after what happened yesterday, given the choice, I guess not, except for Billy. I think if you ever got super strong, he'd be the happiest man alive. I think the only thing that really bothers him about all his super strength stuff is that you don't have it, too."

"Well, I kinda think Danny might feel the same way about you, Scotty."

"Yeah I know he'd like to have SOMEBODY around who was a little stronger. Guess it'll be Billy that fills that role for him now."

Andy said, "I guess it's inevitable that Billy and Danny are going to draw closer in time. It just stands to reason. They have more in common with each other now than either of them has with either of us. And I guess it's gonna kinda go the same way between us. You've got your history with Danny and I have mine with Billy. Nobody can take that away from any of us. But, you know, Scotty, change is a part of life. And, like you said, we just gotta take it one day at a time."

Andy launched into a creditable refrain of "One Day at a Time..." "...One day at a time, Sweet Jesus... That's all I'm askin' of you... Just show me the way, to get through the day, one day at a time..."

As they pulled up to Scotty's house Andy said, "Thanks for stayin' back with me Scotty. I'm glad you're a part of this, too. I'm glad there's at least one more normal guy besides me in all this. Sometimes I think you may be my ONLY anchor to sanity."

"Same here, Andy."

"Scott, tomorrow's really gonna be a big day for you. By the time you get back here tomorrow night, yer gonna be a fully qualified harrier pilot. I think you did the right thing saving that for you and Danny. It was a big deal between Billy and me. In some ways, it may be inevitable that he and I will drift apart, at least in some ways.. But so much of what's happened this week has drawn us closer than ever before. I'm not at all disappointed how things have played out so far. And thank YOU for being my friend, Scotty. I haven't forgotten all the things you did for me over the past month when I had both my hands in a cast. You didn't hafta do any of that. Hell you barely knew me. But you were there for me and I really want you to know how much I appreciate that. If there is ever anything I can do for you, ANYTHING at all..." Andy grinned. "...right up to and including helpin' you get rid of a dead body, just gimme a call and I'll be there, buddy."

Scotty laughed. "Thanks Andy. I know you mean that!"

Scotty hopped out of Andy's truck and Andy drove home.

Andy checked his answering machine. There was one message, from Billy. He'd wait till he'd taken his supplements and eaten something. He was really starved.

After he'd eaten and forced down his supplements, he sat down in the living room and punched out Billy's mom's phone number. Billy answered.

"Yeah, Bill, s'up?"

"You know, Andy, we've been doin' this with Salas and the guys all week and, we haven't had any time by ourselves, just the two of us, since I got in town. Think you could come over for a bit? I just wanna get together and spend some time. Just you and me."

"Well, Billy, why don't you come on over here? I got some beer in the frige and we could just hang out for a bit."

"I'll be right over."

It wasn't three minutes before there was a light tap on the door. Was that Billy?"

Andy opened the door. "Dang! It IS you! That was fast! What'd you do, FLY over here?"

Billy grinned. "Not quite, bud, but I sure RAN really fast."

"Well, c'mon in dude. I'll got get us each a Bud... Or, hey, I got some Corona if you'd rather."

"Whatever's hardest to get rid of. I'll take anything you got."

Andy brought out two opened bottles of Coronas and set them on the coffee table. Andy took a seat on the easy chair next to the sofa.

"Long day...

"Yeah, Billy said. But it sure was another doozey. I never dreamed things would turn out like this, Andy. You've always been THE major influence in my life, but this really takes the cake! I'm dyin' to know how you met these guys. Yah know, I still don't know the story on that."

"Well, I know Salas has got it set up for you and our moms to meet with him this Sunday to show you his vids. I don't wanna steal the show. And I know it was Salas who wangled that invitation from the Hendersons for me to go to church and lunch afterward with them. That's just as well. I don't really wanna relive that experience again."

"Wow, dude!" Billy said, "That sounds kinda ominous!"

Andy looked Billy hard in the eyes, but spoke softly. "Well it was, Billy. It was... You'll see where all this gray hair came from."

"Yah wanna talk about it with me now, Andy? I'm here for you if you do."

"Thanks Bill, but no thanks. I'm all talked out on it already. I' m not shutting you out, but I just don't ever wanna talk about that day... or think about it ever again. Please, let's just let that one 'ride' till Sunday."

"OK, buddy, just as long as you know I'm here for you now or if you ever change your mind."

"Thanks, Billy. I really appreciate you. Yah know that, don'tcha?"

Billy looked at his friend and said, "No more than I do you, little bro..."

They talked for a couple of hours but finally Andy said, "Bill, I hate to cut this off but we're goin' flyin' again tomorrow and I'd better get some rack time or I'll be worthless in the morning. I really don't see how you super guys manage with so little sleep. Guess Salas was wrong about you needing lotsa sleep during this early phase. Don't you EVER hafta sleep?"

"Well I do need SOME sleep. But I've NEVER needed very much. And now, since all this started this week, it's like I don't need much more than thirty minutes or an hour a night. And I guess I could go a few days with no sleep if I really had to without being too much the worse for wear. Anyway, Andy, I'll get outta yer hair."

"Well, Billy, for what it's worth, if you wanna, you can rack out on my sofa for that half hour or so. I guess you'll wanna go out and do some stuff after your catnap... whatever it is you super men do at night while the rest of the world is asleep. So, just let yourself out and pull the door shut behind you whenever you're ready to leave... I'd offer to loan you my truck, but come to find out, it doesn't seem like you need a ride. G'nite man. I'm gonna hit the rack."

"G'nite, man. I'll see you at mom's house in the morning. Come early. We'll feed you some breakfast! Mom'll make your favorite, scrambled eggs and calf brains."

"Oh wow, Billy. Awesome! Yer on! I'll be there early!"


Next morning, Andy knocked on the Harlander's front door at six a.m. Billy answered the door. Mrs. Harlander already had breakfast on the stove. She'd cooked a LOT to satiate Billy's voracious appetite. Even Andy ate a lot. Salas's regimen had Andy's body craving the fuel to build his growing muscles. Mrs. Harlander said, "Boys, it's been awhile since I had both your legs under my table at the same time. It almost feels like old times."

Andy said, "Thanks for having me over, Mrs. Hartlander and thanks for remembering my favorite, brains and eggs."

"Well, Andy, really, it hasn't been THAT long. And I guess I know your favorite things to eat as well as I know Billy's. You're my son' every bit as much as he is. Your mom and I both agreed long ago that we were gonna hafta share you two. And now, with these gifts' you two seem to have, I guess we're going to have to share you both with the world. I know you boys are going to be in the thick of things that can be very dangerous. Just look out for each other and come home safe... BOTH of you!"

Andy nodded and said, "Yes ma'am."

Billy added, "Mom, I know it's hard not to worry, but, believe me, we aren't going' out LOOKIN' for trouble. I got Andy lookin' out for me and he keeps me in line pretty good. I'm always keepin' an eye for him, too."

"And thank God for it, Billy. You've always looked out for each other. I bless the day, when you two first met. You've both been so good for each other. I honestly don't think either one of you could've turned out as well as you have without each other. It's almost like you two are some kind of `soul mates.'"

Andy's head shot up from his plate but immediately he suppressed his reaction and racked his brain for a very... careful response... "Well, Mrs. Hartlander. You could say that... It's true in a special' sense. You've always said, Billy and I are like the brothers' neither of us ever had. And you and mom have mothered' both of us. How many times have I slipped' and called you `mom?'

Mrs. Hartlander smiled. "Andy, I've long since lost count. And I know you don't need me to tell you, when you do that, how good it makes me feel."

Andy responded, "Well, If neither of us could have our dad's we both sure hit the jackpot with you two. You've made this place as much a home for me as my mom did her place."

Billy added, "Just like your mom has always done for me, Andy. And, mom, Andy and I are both so happy you and his mom found each other."

Billy and Andy finished their breakfast and said their good-byes to Mrs. Harlander who hugged them both, admonishing them both to "be careful."

They drove out to the construction hall in Andy's truck and met Salas, Danny and Scott there. Cole would not be there today. He was on a case and, besides, the harrier was more Salas' `baby' than Cole's.

Scott rode in the front seat with Salas. Billy, Danny and Andy rode in the back. Salas drove straight to MCAS El Toro and they received the same hospitable welcome as they'd received the day before. After all the guys had been outfitted in the aviator's equipment locker, they walked to the preflight briefing room and gathered in one of the larger cubicles.

Salas spoke, "Andy, you've already taken care of Danny. You've given him everything I know, and everything that you and Billy learned yesterday... Please do the same for Scotty now."

Andy asked Scott. "You're OK with this?"

"Yeah Andy. Let `er rip."

"OK, Salas. Now Scotty's up to speed and I've transferred your preflight briefing to all hands. We should be ready to walk."

Salas turned to Scotty. "OK, you and Danny go down to mission planning and file our flight plan. We'll meet you on the flight line."

Parked on the flight line were Salas' super harrier and a standard harrier standing alongside.

Momentarily, Scotty and Danny joined Salas, Billy and Andy.

Scotty said, "OK, Salas. Flight plan's filed. Ready to go?"

"Yah. OK Scotty, you in the left front seat, Danny you're in right front. Billy you take left rear and Andy, you take right rear. I'll fly chase. Andy, can you handle comms between your aircraft and mine via `mind link?'"

"Yeah Salas, I think so, but I'll want us on tactical channel, button six, as backup. And I'd like everyone to agree we don't try any ACM (air combat maneuvers, practice aerial 'dog fighting') between our aircraft unless we both have each other in site. Anybody who thinks something isn't safe, says "knock it off" and both aircraft disengage from ACM... I'll want that to go out on TAC CHAN. Do NOT try to use my mind link!' It's too unreliable. I've never tried this mind link' air to air and I don't really trust it yet. So I expect everyone to communicate safety of flight issues over TAC CHAN, button six. Oh, and we'll observe a `hard deck of three hundred feet, AGL (above ground level)."

Salas, smiled. "OK, boss,' I think we all got that. Right guys? Everybody said, yes.'"

"I'd say we're all lucky we got a tight ass' like Andy here to keep us safe. I may laugh along with the rest of you, but Andy's got great instincts for safety of flight' issues. He'll be the referee' on this sortie, not me. When it comes to safety of flight,' Andy's word is LAW. Everybody got that? " The guys all agreed.

"OK, guys, let's man up.' Scotty, you'll take the lead. I'll fly form on you to the op area. Danny, you'll take over half way through in the training box and fly home. I'll have the lead flyin' back here to El Toro. You'll fly form on me. But I want all FOUR of you guys to get some stick time' flying form on my lead. Danny, you'll fly the approach back into El Toro. We'll do a two element `section' approach to hover taxi, like Andy did yesterday. I know you guys already got my preflight brief when Andy gave it to you earlier, but I just want to make sure everybody's clear on how this sortie is gonna play out."

The mission went flawlessly. Scott executed a Laguna one departure and flew to Training Area Lima One. As soon as they entered the op area, Salas dropped back, executed a wing over and disappeared from view. Scotty, said, OK, everybody, eyes open, Salas is gonna jump' us. Here we go. Billy hunched up in his seat and looked over his left shoulder. OK, Scott, I got im. He's in our six O'clock, low, closing fast. Break left!"

Scotty eased down slightly on the right rudder pedal and yanked the stick hard left, snap rolling the aircraft a quarter turn left and diving into a left wing over... He arrested roll and pointed the nose to the deck. He engaged the vectored thrust, pulled back on the stick and maneuvered the aircraft back to straight and level flight. They'd lost sight of Salas.

Billy `thought' into the link. "OK, guys. Heads up! Salas is a crafty bugger! He's out there somewhere. He's gonna jump us again. I can feel it."

Over the 'link,' Danny 'cried out,' I got `im. Two O'clock high! Comin' straight for us. Scotty, break LEFT, now now, NOW!"

Scotty yanked his controls to the left and evaded Salas' attack nicely.

They continued yanking and banking' for another fifteen minutes, on the defensive for the most part but finally, Scotty was able to maneuver into Salas' six' (six o'clock position, directly behind). Salas heeled his aircraft into a violent right turn but Scotty managed to stay with him, using the super harrier's vectored thrust to tighten the turn. They exchanged the advantage throughout the remainder of Scotty's portion of the sortie. Then Scotty `handed off' to Danny.

Aircrew coordination among all four guys was superb, thanks to Andy's 'mind link.' By the end of the flight, the four men in the harrier were as proficient as any aviator in the Marine Corps.

Salas keyed his mike, transmitting on button six. "OK guys, `knock it off.' Time to head back.

Enroute, all four young men got some stick time flying form on Salas' lead. In formation flying, the wing man always works harder than the lead, jockying the throttle and flight controls to maintain position relative to his flight leader. Danny's approach, hover taxi and touchdown were `textbook.'

When they alighted from their aircraft, Salas again tried to `play it cool,' but, like yesterday, it was a lost cause. "I think you guys are the most magnificent band of air warriors I've ever come across! All of you were awesome! You're aircrew coordination is a thing of beauty. If the guys up at Marine Air Wing could've seen that, they'd have gone green with envy. I don't think there's a pilot in the air wing who could touch you guys. You were a handful for me! Shit, I'm just glad you guys are on our side!"

Salas drove everybody back to the construction hall and had Scotty and Andy do their workouts. He stayed with them and had Billy and Danny do another run, this time to Sacremento. As Scotty and Andy were wrapping up. Billy and Danny reappeared in the weight room as if out of nowhere.

Danny spoke, "Hi guys! Did your workout go OK?"

Scotty answered, "Yeah, for both of us! We're gettin' there. I broke five twenty and, sheeze, Andy broke five hundred on bench press. But, damn! I feel like a wet noodle!"

Andy added, "Yeah, me too. The workout was great, but between that and the flying, I'll have NO trouble sleeping tonight! I'm gonna eat and rack out as soon as I get home. Danny, I'll be by your mom and dad's by 9:00 a.m. to meet you guys for church. That OK?"

"Yeah sure, Andy. We're all looking forward to it. In fact, I was kinda hopin' I could get you to drive me home. I got an idea I wanna go over with you. You OK with that, Billy?"

"Yeah sure, Danny."

Andy turned to Billy and added, "I guess I'll see you Monday."

"Think you can spare me some time later tomorrow afternoon?"

"Yeah sure, Billy. Just gimme a call."

Salas said, "OK, guys, I guess we're done here. Billy, I'll be by to pick you up around nine and then we'll go by Andy's and pick up his mom. Scotty, think you could meet up with us at my place around nine thirty?"

"Yeah sure, Salas. I'll be there. Want me to bring a box of donuts?"

Salas laughed. "Sure, Scotty, as long as you understand YOU'RE not getting any. Remember, you and Andy are on a strict diet!"

Scotty sighed, but he was smiling. "Oh well then, you can FORGET about the donuts, Officer Salas!"

Everybody laughed.

The group broke up and headed for the cars.

On the way home, Danny said, "Thanks for bringing me home, Andy. Can you sing?"

"Yeah Danny, I get by, I guess."

"Way kewl! Me too! Here's the deal. Think you could sing a few bars. Anything'll do. I just wanna hear your voice!"

Andy did kinda like to sing and he had a beautiful voice. He'd never taken it very seriously. But he'd already been briefed by Scotty that Danny had one of the finest voices on the planet, so he prefaced his little rendition with a warning. "Well, Danny, Scotty's already told me about you. So I doubt you'll be very impressed."

Andy sang the national anthem, perfectly, without changing his register. Quite a demonstration of range and power. It's impossible for most people to do.

"Gee, Andy! Your the first guy I ever met in person who could do that besides me! You got exactly the voice I've been wanting for what I wanna do. The pastor at church has been after me to perform for them. I've written a song, but I need a second voice. I'd like you to come up and do that with me. I think it'd be a hoot! It's kinda contemporary and I think the younger people at church will really get off to it. I hope you're game for this."

"Well, Danny, I guess I'd be OK with it. But we'd need some time to practice. How're we gonna work that in?"

"Andy, I was hoping you'd do the `mind thing' with me. You'd know both our parts and we could sachet into church tomorrow morning and just belt it out!"

Andy entered Danny's mind and plucked the song out of his head. It was entitled "Brother's On the Road."

Andy said, "Gee, Danny, that's a great song. Catchy tune and lyric and kinda makes yah think! That's really deep, yung'n. I'm really impressed!"

"Aw, thanks, Andy. I guess I don't always live up to it, but at least I'm tryin'. It came to me while Billy and I were running down to San Diego that first time I took him out on the `road.' It's sorta dedicated to Billy and you."

"Aw, Danny. I sure wish Billy were gonna be there tomorrow."

"Me too, Andy. Me too! But what Salas has planned, showin' him and your mom's those vids from the mall is really important. It's weird to think we've gone all this week and you've never told them how you and I met. Frankly, I'm not lookin' forward to facing Billy on Monday. I think Salas' little `dog and pony show' is gonna break his heart."

"Well, Danny, he'll see that, at the end, you saved my life. I know Billy. He'll forgive everything else. You saved my life and that will make up for everything in his mind. Don't be too surprised if he comes up to you and hugs you and get's all emotional. Billy always did wear his heart on his sleeve. He doesn't care what anybody thinks when it comes to stuff like that. He just lets it all hang out."

"Well, Andy, he sure does when it comes to you. How he always looks at you... All the time. He worships the ground you walk on, dude."

"Well, Danny, I wouldn't go quite that far. But, you're right. Billy and I are really tight."

They sang Danny's song together as Andy continued the drive to Danny's house.

"Gee, Andy, you're very good! You've got great range and a lotta power... for a normal guy." Danny grinned at Andy.

"I MEAN it, Andy. Don't take my little 'put-downs,' about you bein' `normal' seriously. I do that to everybody... even Salas and Cole and, God knows, they're far from bein' 'normal.' You really are good, by ANY standard, man. Do you play any musical instruments?"

"Naw, Danny, I never took the time to learn, sorry to say. Wish I had, but I guess I just never got around to it. Guess I never will. Takes a lotta time... Time I guess I don't really have. Especially now with all this we've been doin'. I had sick leave from the mall but that's over with. And I took off this month with Billy bein' back home. But once school starts, I'm gonna hafta either go back to my job at the mall or find something else. I GOTTA work or I'll be on the street! Not much time in my life for music."

"Well, there would be if you'd let me teach you. We could always do the `mind thing' with me again. I'd give you everything I have and then we could really jam! I really LOVE music, Andy, and you're just about the first person to come along anywhere NEAR my age who really seems to care anything about it. You really DO have a great voice! I'm impressed and, frankly, Andy, with me, that's sayin' somethin'. You NEVER cease to amaze me, man. I can see what Billy meant the other day when he gave you that noogie and damn near ticked you to death. What else DO you have tucked away up there in that noggin of yours?"

"Andy smiled. Not as much as you, kiddo, I'm sure."

"As for jammin' with you. Let's see how this works out tomorrow at church, OK, Danny? And please make sure it's OK with your pastor before I go up with you. Nobody knows me at your church and I wouldn't feel comfortable just strollin' up to the altar without your pastor's knowing about it in advance."

"No problem, Andy. I'll have that covered. Pastor Rick is a really cool guy. And he's been after me for months to go up and sing. I'll just tell him your my `backup' singer and he'll go along with it. Guaranteed. He'll be the one to call us up to the front and I'll make sure he calls on us both by name. So, we gotta deal, right?"

"Sure, Danny... Deal."

"Thanks a lot, Andy. This means a lot to me. I'm really lookin' forward to singing with you!"

"Same here, Danny."

"Oh, and, Andy, don't dress up. Everybody at our church goes casual. A nice pair of slacks and a sport shirt'll be fine. If you wear a suit, you'll be overdressed.

"Thanks for the `heads up on that.'"

Andy's truck rolled up to the curb in front of Danny's house and Danny hopped out. "OK, Andy, thanks for the lift. See yah tomorrow morning here at nine. Sweet dreams!"

SUNDAY (The Second)

Next morning, Andy was in front of the Henderson's at ten minutes to nine. He parked his truck at the curb, strode up the walk to the entrance and knocked on the door. Danny answered. "Oh, Andy, cool! Yer not gonna chicken out on me with that song are yah?"

"Don't worry, kiddo, I'll be right there with you. Just make sure you get the Pastor's OK."

"Already gotcha covered, buddy. I called the Pastor at home last night. He's lookin' forward to meeting you. Be prepared, Andy, cuz he's really gonna make big over you. Everybody will. I think you'll like this crowd."

"Well, thanks, Danny. I hafta admit, I've been lookin' forward to this."

"You won't be disappointed, Andy. I promise."

Mr. and Mrs. Henderson came out. The were ready to go. They made the drive to church in less than ten minutes. Members of the congregation were filing into the church. A contemporary band was already playing music and there was a giant multimedia screen above the altar with a display of the lyric, changing frames as the song progressed though each verse and the chorus.

Since the dawn of the "Jesus Movement," in the 1970's, churches like this one had begun springing up in suburbs all over the country, in strip mall storefronts, converted warehouses and other non-ecclesiastical buildings. The Henderson's church was housed in a converted racket ball club. The music was all very contemporary, the dress casual and the atmosphere relaxed and informal.

The pastor's message was, thankfully, short and sweet. Then he called Danny and Andy forward.

When they were finished, Danny launched into an impromptu antiphon (call and response). The band camped out' on a chord progression from Danny's song. Right on cue, Andy responded, occasionally, formulating his responses into choruses.' After a couple of repetitions, most of the congregation joined in, lingering on each chorus in succession for several minutes apiece. By the time it was over, there wasn't a dry eye in the place.

As Danny had predicted, the pastor was all over Andy like white on rice, inviting him to come back next Sunday.

"Andy, if you have any family or friends you'd like to bring along, please know they'll be welcome here. I promise, we won't push `em or anything or try to put them or you on the spot. But I just want you to know, you'll be welcome here any time."

"Thanks, Pastor Rick. I'll certainly keep that in mind. And thanks a lot for lettin' me sing with Danny this morning."

"Well, Andy, it was a real blessing for all of us. Thank YOU for sharing your voice with us. You are very gifted. You and Danny were wonderful."

As they left the church, Danny said to Andy, "Man, that went off even better than I'd hoped. Thanks for comin' up with me and singing in front of a room full of strangers. I meant what I said, Andy. I want us to do a LOT more of this. And not just the church stuff. I've been lookin' for someone like you for a long time."

At lunch, Mr. and Mrs. Hendersons were equally voluble in their praises of both Danny and Andy. They had a nice visit over lunch as Andy and the Hendersons got better acquainted. They invited Andy to join them for church next week and Andy readily agreed. He smiled at Danny. "But maybe next week, you and I can stay oughta the spotlight."

The Hendersons drove back to their house and Andy started to say his 'good-byes' on the driveway but Danny stopped him.

"Dude, the afternoon's still young. Could we hang out together for awhile? I could really use the company. Mebbe we could do something."

"Sure Danny, whatever you say. Wanna go to a movie or something? I got no plans for the afternoon. Billy's supposed to call me later on but right now, I got nuthin' but time."

"Naw, Andy, that's not what I was thinkin'. I'd like us to go to the construction hall. I wanna get you in the weight room. I think I wanna try some stuff. I think I may have a lead on something and you're the guy I wanna check this out with. And, Andy, I wanna talk to you on the way. I've been holdin' out on this the last couple of days and I've just been want'n to get us off by ourselves so we could kinda talk and think out loud."

"Well, Danny, I guess I'm OK with that. I was gonna take the day off from the weights but I guess I can hack a Sunday workout. Might be kinda boring for you though, with the `pussy weights' I lift."

"Don't say that, Andy. You're no pussy.' Not by a long shot! Not you or Scotty either one. The way you two have been goin' and growin' this week, has been fantastic! But I think I may've come up with something that might really kick it in the ass for you guys. I think, up until now, I've been goin' about this all wrong for you and Scotty, comin' at it from the genetics' angle. I think that's a `dead end' at least for now. But if I'm right, I think everybody's gonna freak out at the results. But please don't tell anybody else. I want this to be a surprise. Especially for Scotty. His birthday is in a couple of weeks. If this works out like I'm hoping, you and I are gonna give Scotty boy the best birthday present he's ever had!"

Salas picked up Billy and Mrs. Hartlander at 9:00 a.m. and the three of them rode over to Mrs. Partlowe's and picked her up. They were all back at Salas' by 9:30 and Scotty was there waiting for them WITH a box of warm glazed donuts. Scotty had offered to pick up Mrs. Hartlander and Partlowe himself to spare Salas the trip. And both Mrs. Hartlander and Mrs. Partlowe had offered to drive themselves over to Salas', but he had insisted on picking up the two ladies and Billy.

They all entered Salas' modest two bedroom tract house together. Salas had been given a giant screen TV by a friend he'd done a favor for. He'd never have bought one for himself.

The cardboard box full of security cam video tapes from Danny's little `run-in' with Andy at the mall were lying on the floor in front of the TV. Salas bent over, pulled out the first tape and inserted it into the VCR.

Salas spoke to Billy, Mrs. Partlowe and Mrs. Hartlander. I'm not going to spoil this for you. I just want you to see these for yourselves. Nothing I could say now could prepare you for what you're about to see, so I'm not even going to try. After what you both saw last Wednesday, some of this may not surprise you as much as it might have, otherwise. But all in all, you're in for not one, but a series of profound shocks!

Salas pressed the "start" button on his VCR remote control and the tape started to roll.

Billy, his mom and Andy's mom were NOT prepared for the mayhem Danny had caused at the mall. But Andy's reaction to it left them speechless... especially his somersault off the stair rail into the mall concourse reflecting pool with that little girl under one arm and his AK 47 under the other. Andy had somersaulted off the rail just before Danny had ripped the stair out from under him.

Finally, Mrs. Partlowe spoke. "You know, Salas. I raised that boy. He lived under my roof most of his life. After all these years, you'd think I would know my own son. Come to find out, I really don't! I never have dreamed Andy would've been capable of anything like this! It's a miracle no one was killed.

"That miracle' has a name, ma'am, Andrew Jackson Partlowe.' But wait. There's still one more tape I think you all need to see. It will be painful for you to watch... painful for all of you."

Salas cued up the tape showing Andy's suicide attempt and Danny's last second rescue.

Billy moaned. "Oh my GOD, Salas! Oh my God! Oh God... Oh Andy... Andy... Oooh Andy..."

Billy was on the brink of despair. "I shoulda been there for him. Oh God... I shoulda been there. I was such a fool to go away to school. My God. I shoulda been there for him."

Mrs. Parlowe and Mrs. Hartlander were horrified. Andy's mom disintegrated into tears. Mrs. Hartlander was on the verge of `loosing it' herself. The look of resignation and despair on Andy's face, as he had placed the muzzle of his pistol in his mouth, clearly visible on the TV screen, had torn their hearts in two.

In a very soft voice, Mrs. Hartlander spoke for herself and for Mrs. Partlowe. "We had no idea, Salas. Andy never told either of us anything..."

But they were all equally stunned by Danny's rescue. Mrs. Hartlander spoke. "Well, after everything Danny did... After hounding poor Andy to the point of trying to kill himself, he went all out to save our boy. If it weren't for Danny, Andy would be dead now!"

Mrs. Partlowe nodded and said, "Yes!"

Billy spoke. "Mom, Mrs. Partlowe, I don't think I'm ever gonna let that boy outta my sight again! You'd think ANDY was the superman! I don't think he's got sense enough to be afraid of anybody or anything. I shoulda KNOWN! That's how I MET him. Danny TOLD me the other night I was gonna freak. How this thing went down with Andy was just an extreme version of how Andy and I first met."

Salas looked at Billy. "Well, it's not that Andy wasn't scared, Billy. The poor boy was terrified the whole time. He told me that right off as soon as I arrived at the mall. I was the investigating officer. That's how Andy and I first met. And I didn't have any trouble believing him when he said he'd been frightened to death. The boy wet his pants he was so scared. And as you saw on the tape, he was more afraid of Danny than he was of dying by his own hand. While I was in the security office at the mall, he left to go downstairs to his locker to change his clothes. I guess I lost track of time because I got so absorbed in reviewing these video tapes. Before I knew it, nearly two hours had gone by. Andy had said he'd be right back up for me to interview him about what had happened, but there was no sign of him. I found him in the employee dressing room, sitting in front of his locker, completely out of it.' He'd gone into shock. I called an ambulance and sent him to the hospital. Oh yah. Andy was scared. But, in spite of it, he put everything on the line for those people and just ignored his fear. Andy's not fearless... Not by a LONG shot. But he MASTERED his fear that day. He is one of the most courageous human beings I've ever had the privilege to meet. And yet, you saw it on the tape. As scared to death as Andy was of Danny, he refused to even TRY to hurt him. When push came to shove, he tried to take his own life before taking a shot at that boy. And, as you can see, that finally got through to Danny. He turned a corner' that day. And it was thanks to Andy. I don't think it could've happened if Scotty hadn't been doing all he's been doing for Danny these past several months. But Andy was the right little guy in the right place at the right time. He's just your average, everyday 'super hero' who was there to save the day for everybody. I really thought it was important that the three of you see these tapes for yourselves. I know this was hard but it's something I felt all of you needed to see."

Billy commented, "Well, Salas, it looks like Andy and Danny have sure moved past their first meeting. I mean, hey, they're together right now!"

"Well, Danny came over to Andy's hospital room to apologize. He and Andy hit it off right away. Andy is quite a hero to Danny. And to get even the most grudging respect out of Danny is really saying something. He credits Andy for saving him from being a murderer. He said he was almost GLAD Andy tried to kill himself because it gave him a chance to redeem himself from what he'd done at the mall. Danny is very well aware of the fact that all Andy was trying to do was to defend those people. He knows that Andy went way out of his way not to hurt him. I'm sure you'll agree that's obvious to anybody who sees these tapes. Make no mistake, Andy is a crack shot. Our ballistics team recovered every round from that place. Everywhere Andy's gunfire hit showed a very tight bullet impact group. Eleven rounds impacted on the exact same spot where a previous round had hit. So it wasn't that Andy had aimed at Danny and missed.. Danny could've dodged at least SOME of Andy's gunfire. He IS that fast. But I don't know that he could've evaded every round once Andy opened up in full automatic mode. Maybe he could have. I just don't know. But what I DO know, and what Danny realized at the time, is that all Andy cared about was fending him off long enough for those people at the mall to get away to safety. As you saw for yourselves, Andy never once shot directly at Danny."

Billy sighed. "If only I coulda been there. The day Andy needed me the most and I wasn't there for him. I'll carry that with me till the day I die."

Mrs. Partlowe took Billy's hand and said, "Don't be ridiculous, Billy. Nobody could've known anything like this would happen. Who would've even believed it? But, Salas, I don't understand why I've never heard anything at all about that incident at the mall. There wasn't a word about it on the news."

"Well, Mrs. Partlowe, I've gotten pretty good at keeping Danny's special `abilities' out of the news. I engineered a news blackout. I've done that a few times before. There's quite a few people in this town who owe me favors. It took some doing, but I managed. And, Billy, you'll appreciate this... When I was with Andy in his hospital room, I told him I'd been keeping Danny under wraps. We'll Andy went ballistic. Said we shoulda warned people about Danny and what he can do. He flew outta the bed, landed on me and PASTED me... He split open my lower lip and my right cheek! Hell, he threw me into the wall. And, Billy, as we both know, that oughta be IMPOSSIBLE, for ANY normal guy!

"Oh my GOD, Salas! Andy did THAT... to YOU?"

Salas laughed. "Yah know, that's exactly what Scotty said when I told him about it! Yeah! You don't wanna get Andy mad. Cuz if you do, it ain't a pretty sight!"

Mrs. Hartlander interjected. "Well, Andy's mom'll bear me out on this. It takes a lot to make Andy angry... an awful lot. He's so different from Billy that way. Billy is so out front with his feelings, good or bad. Andy always was more reserved. But when his feelings finally come out, it's usually all at once. I'm not at all surprised he reacted that way."

Mrs. Partlowe looked at Salas. "I am so sorry my son hit you. He should never have done that. I can see now WHY you had to keep these things about Danny quiet and he should have understood that too."

"Please don't say anything to Andy about that, any of you. You see, when he hit me, he shattered his hands and wrists. The casts have only been off for about two weeks. He healed up a lot faster than anybody thought he would. In fact, it's had the doctors kinda scratching their heads. But he also hadda mild coronary right after he lit into me. He was that enraged! Like I said, after that thing at the mall was over with. He kinda `fell apart.' At the mall, Andy went way beyond what anybody woulda thought he was capable of just by looking at him. And once it was all over, he just didn't have anything left to hold himself together. Oh, and that's where all his gray hair came from. It turned gray over night when I stayed with him in his hospital room! And, yet, Andy's recovered so well now that it's like none of this ever happened. At least as far has his physical recovery is concerned. His hands and wrists are healed good as new. And I've got him and Scotty on a weight training and physical fitness program. Right now, Andy is physically stronger now than he's ever been in his life and stronger by far than most men in this town or anywhere else. He's a very resilient young man. I think all three of you should be very proud of Andy. He really is one of a kind."

Billy turned to Salas. "Thank you for being there for Andy when I wasn't. I can't tell you what that means to me. That boy is my eyes. I don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to him. I just thank God, after all he did, that Danny saved his life! I owe Danny for that!"

"Well, as far as Danny's concerned, nobody owes him anything. He's owned up to his mistake. He knows very well he was responsible for putting Andy in that position. He said to me that if anything had happened to Andy because of what he did, he might've tried to take his own life. I just thank God both of `em came out of that day alive..."

"And, yah, know, horrible as that day was for both Andy and Danny, a LOT of good has come from it. Billy, you and I would never have met if it weren't for Danny and Andy's little `run in' down at the mall!"

Billy mused, "I can't believe I've been only been home a week. I got back in town a week ago today! So much has happened these last few days. So many things have changed. And now this. I don't think I'll ever see Andy in quite the same way ever again."

"Well, Billy, I don't think Andy would want you treating any differently after what you've seen today. You two guys are so close. I'm curious. How did the two of you first meet? Andy never told me.

"Well, Salas, the long and the short of it is, I met him in the lunch room way back when we were in middle school. He and Mrs. Partlowe had just moved into the neighborhood and Andy had just transferred into Reagan Middle. I spied him in the lunchroom and went over to him and tried to make him give me his lunch. I was really strong, even way back then. I was the strongest guy in the whole school by far, even though I was only a sixth grader at the time. I used to go after the little guys and make em give me their lunch. I never did it to anybody more than once. And I used to keep the bigger guys from pickin' on the younger kids. I guess I figured that one sack lunch apiece was sorta like their protection money.'

Andy was so small back then and I could tell he was scared to death of me. But, yah know, the little guy just wouldn't give in to me. I yanked him up by the front of his shirt and tried like hell to intimidate him, but he just wouldn't back down. I sure as hell didn't wanna hurt him. But by then all the kids in the lunch room were watching. Well, there I was, this bad ass overgrown twelve year old. I had my reputation' to protect and here's this little runt standin' me down in front of the whole damned school. I figured I'd let im off easy. So I told him to take a punch at my gut. My stomach was pretty hard, even way back then. I was only twelve but I hadda washboard' guys twice my age woulda killed for. I figured if he wailed into my abs and felt how rock hard they were, he'd get the message and just gimme his lunch. Boy was *I* wrong! He just told me flat no.' And then when I threatened to wail into HIM, he shoved me backward as hard as he could. I fell over a chair and went down on my back. Knocked the wind outta me. Well, he dove on top'a me and started to pound the snot outta me. Then, when I got my breath back, I wrapped my legs around him. I started to put the squeeze on him to make him give into me. Like I said, even then I was strong as an ox. But Andy wouldn't give in. I knew he was hurting but he just wouldn't give into me. I wound up crackin' one of his ribs. Well, that just about broke my heart. I NEVER set out to really hurt him. And when I did I thought I was gonna cry. Funny thing is, in spite of the fact that I came onto him like a such jerk and an idiot, I'd actually taken a shine to him the minute I laid eyes on him. I guess I'll never know why I didn't just walk up to him, introduce myself and try to make friends with him. Well anyway, about that time, one of the teachers came over to investigate all the commotion. Andy stood there in front of him and lied through his teeth to cover for me. Said we'd bumped into each other and that it was all an accident. That nearly got me cryin' all over again. I felt lower than a sack of SHIT... Uh, sorry mom... Well, anyway, I tried to get him to let me take him to the clinic to see the duty nurse but he wouldn't let me. He was afraid she'd ask too many questions and then I'd get in trouble. Said he wouldn't rat' on me no matter what I'd done. Then he asked me if I was really hungry and offered to split his lunch with me, even though I'd just cracked one of his ribs tryin' to take it from him by force. That little guy stood me down in front of the whole damned school. He was in all that pain from the cracked rib I gave him and then he goes and offers to SHARE his lunch with me.. Well, Andy won my heart that day. I wanted his friendship more than I ever wanted anything in my life. I decided I'd make it up to him. I made it my MISSION to get him to the gym to build up his strength and teach him how to fight. Come to find out, the kid was a natural born athlete. We took karate lessons together. He went out for gymnastics and just became this all around jock. He turned out to be the strongest kid in the whole damned school besides me. And to pay me back, he sat down with me and made me hit the books with him. Turned out, once I set my mind to it, thanks to Andy, I was a fairly good student. School work was easy and fun. Andy just opened up a whole new world for me I'd never dreamed existed. I'm just a whole nuther person from what I would've turned out like if it weren't for Andy. And I like to think I kinda influenced how he turned out, too. So Salas, mom, Mrs. Parlowe, now you know... the rest of the story. Come to find out, the way I met Andy wasn't all that different from how Danny met him... Except that Danny's story was just an extreme version of mine. Weird how things turn out, huh."

Mrs. Partlowe and Mrs. Hartlander looked at each other and shook their heads. Mrs. Partlowe smiled at Billy. "Andy never told me that story on you, Billy. He's never said even one bad thing to me about you. He idolizes you. And, even though I'm sure you realize it already, I still want to say it to you because, as you know very well, Andy is not the type to say things like this for himself. Andy treasures your friendship more than anything else in the world. There is nothing he wouldn't give to you, Billy. Nothing he wouldn't do for you. And he knows you feel the same way about him."

Salas said, "If everybody here has seen enough, I'd like to take all of you out for lunch. Scotty, why don't you let Billy ride with you. You two can follow me. Mrs. Partlowe and Mrs. Hartlander, you can ride with me."

Mrs. Hartlander said, "Detective Salas, please call me `Emily.'"

Mrs. Partlowe added, and I'm `June.'"

Salas smiled. "Emily, June, everybody just calls me Salas.' No need to call me Detective Salas.'"

Scotty followed Salas' police cruiser with Billy riding `shotgun.' Billy turned to Scotty and said, That was quite a show. I've known Andy all my life. And I would never have guessed he could've pulled anything like that off. I'm every bit as blown away by what he did as he was by anything I ever did. I always knew Andy had balls, Scotty, but he's at a whole different level from me."

"Well, Billy, let me tell you. I stayed over at Andy's while his hands and wrists were healing. He smashed them when he hit Salas, so I stayed at his place to help him out. We hadda lotta time to just talk. You know what he told me? He said the whole time at the mall he kept asking himself, what would Billy be doing now if this were him and not me in this position. He swears that's the only way he managed to pull the whole thing off. What Mrs. Partlowe said at Salas' is dead right. Andy thinks you're some kinda demigod.'"

"Well, Scott, if only that were true. With all this strength, I'm still just a regular guy. I always was really strong, but, you know, nothing like what's come last week. It's not like Danny. He's always been SO strong and SO smart. I guess it's tough for the poor kid to even relate to most people. But this whole thing came my way so much later in my life and I guess I'm just as happy it did. I don't see how Danny handles it."

"Well, Billy. He doesn't always manage all that well. He's probably stronger than anyone else on the whole frickin' planet and probably smarter than anyone else alive to boot. But he's still only thirteen. He's had this kinda strength and smarts as far back as he can remember. But as far as maturity goes, he's no better off than any other thirteen year old. Maybe worse off. At least most thirteen year olds have their parents to rein `em in if they get outta line. Danny has NO one. His parents can't do it. Lord knows I sure can't. Even Salas and Cole are no match for him. He's gotta do it all on his own. And as you saw today, he's not always that successful at it. Thank God Andy was there at the mall that day with Danny ."

Lunch was a bit less somber than that morning in front of Salas' TV set. By the time it was over, everybody seemed in a much lighter and relaxed mood. Scotty told Salas he'd take Billy home so they could chat a bit more. Salas took Mrs. Partlowe and Mrs. Hartlander back home.

On the way home, Billy said to Andy. "I haven't told Andy yet. I've decided to go into life sciences. I concentrated on engineering at the Naval Academy, but I'd kinda like to get into micro biology and maybe go to grad school in human genetics. Maybe I'll be able to get into some kinda research. I'd really like to see if some way could be found to bring you and Andy into at least some of what Salas, Cole, Danny and I have. Danny seems to feel there's no way. But I don't believe that. Just because we don't have the answers today doesn't mean we'll never have them. I doubt if anybody's even askin' the right questions. Who knows how many guys like us there really are out there. Maybe some even stronger than any of us. And as far as genetic science has come in the last few years, who knows... if we put our minds to it, we're bound to come up with some answers eventually. And even if none of us ever lived to see it, what could this mean for future generations? I know I'm a long way from where I'd need to be to make even a dent in a project like this. But I gotta start this off some way. So, changing to life sciences is a logical first step."

Scotty answered, "Well, Danny's mind is like some kinda super computer. Faster even. He's beat the best super computers on the planet in chess. He's blown the circuits on some of those things his mind works so fast. And Andy's told me you might be like that. If you can tap into your strength and take off with that like a rocket. Maybe you've got some of what Danny has with his brain power. But Danny says he's thought about that a lot. And he doesn't seem to think there's any way. At least not now. He doesn't even seem to know where to start."

"Well, from what I understand, Danny has really been concentrating in other areas like mathematical physics and astrophysics. I'm sure he knows a lot more than most about human physiology, but not as much as he might've if he'd focused his attention and energies in that area instead of math and physics. I don't know if my mind will EVER work like Danny's, but I can move fast and think fast. So we'll just see how it goes."

"Well, Billy, I don't know of anybody who'd be happier than me if you came up with some answers. But, hey, it's like I told Andy when he drove me home the other day... I can't base my life on wishes' and maybes.'"

Billy responded. "Have a little faith, Scotty. We'll get there... We'll get there."

To be continued...

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