The Chase

By Cassi

Published on Sep 23, 2007



I will begin by describing myself since most people do not which always confuses me half way into the story. This story takes place at my young age of 15, I am 5'3, a tight waisted petite blonde, my eyes are emerald and I am told are the best part of me. My other signature mark is my teeth, small yet sparkling, or so I am told. My hair is always changing color's, but naturally my german/irish/italian decent gave me blonde hair that flows past my shoulders. As a freshmen in highschool, it is not your average sex party each day. I wake up, go to school, come home, call friends, and so on. Until a mere week ago I was your average girl, or until I met Ryan.

A week into the school year, my routin was almost completly down. Each rule of this chaotic new found place was now in my head, I knew who not to mess with (the hispanics and blacks who leaned against the walls during all hours of the day) and who to stick by, usually the swim team members for me. I fit in that place perfectly, other then my lack of sports. After a month of school, I was completly settled. Until I began to fail my drafting class, as a result I switched to drawing 1. I glided into the classroom, peering over at the new teacher before me, with a smile I extended my hand to her, considering I needed an A, why not make a nice impression.

"Hello, I'm Cassi, I just switched over from drafting and I'd like to thank you for excepting me in even this late."

I droned out her voice, I was doing this for a grade, not her approval. My attention span never exceeded a hello to begin with. After a few moments I picked up the words 'catch up partner'. She pointed over to a rather tall boy across the room, my eyes could not help but wander to his chistled chin and olive skin tone, immediately I melted at the thought of getting even a minute alone with him. I attempted to act nonchalant as she assigned me to my seat beside him.

"You will be helping Ms. Rogers catch up, Ryan."

after we disappeared from our sight, I stared at his side profile, his perfect italian nose, one of my fetishes, in my viewing. He ruffled through his papers, pulling out a sketch pad in which he laid out infront of me with a toothy smile plastered on his face.

"This is what we've been doing, and by the way-" he paused, letting his pencil drop to the table as his hand extended to mine, shaking it slowly, he must have thought I would break if he bothered to squeeze his large hand on mine. "I'm Ryan." Without a second between I introduced myself as well, barely a quiver in my voice, "I'm Cassi." usually I would have added a nice to meet you, but that seemed to nice for the image I wanted to give him. Since I was young I had been more out going then most girls, never afraid of being myself, I always found it attracted more people then acting like a helpless idiot. I wasn't at all an idiot, I'd get Ryan if it took me months I'd do it.

After that, the school day was over. He waved to me, and out of my own choice I didn't wave back, simply leaving him in wonder as I always say. That weekend my bestfriend convinced me to go along with her to the mall, it was her birthday that weekend, and I had promised to get a piercing with her. I was not afraid of pain, nor was she, so when we both got our tongue's pierced the only shock me have was knowing we couldnt give oral for 6 weeks. I had dreamed up a fantasy of me and Ryan all day, and much of that involved this tongue that now had no use for me.

The weekend passed and I found myself craving him, I'd hint my interest in suttle things. On monday I wore a g-string and a jean skirt which barely covered my ass cheeks, to make sure he noticed, I spread my legs everytime I'd face him, allowing him full access for his viewing pleasure. I could see the tent he was pitching as his boner grew larger. He covered it with his bag, pretending he had to go to the bathroom, he quickly scuttered out of the classroom, reappearing 5 minutes later, a drip of sweat still on his forehead. With one swift movement, I layed my palm on his thigh, leaning in and licking the droplet off my forhead, my lips lingering against his smooth skin as I inhaled his scent, whispering softly into his ear, "Did you enjoy that?" my timing must have been off, just that second the bell rang and without a second to spare I grabbed my bag, standing up and walking towards the door, not even looking back at my prey before leaving him without a clue.

The next day his eyes could not be removed from my bust, just for him I had worn a small laced top, exposing all of my cleavage due to a push up bra, grinning to myself, I knew he was excited, it was no longer a secret. I grabbed a sheet of paper, ripping off the corner and as quickly as I could, I wrote down, 5 weeks left, and then passed it over to him. His eyes widened as I watched from the corner of my eye. Did he even know what I meant? I licked the corner of my lip just as his eyes returned to me, now he could see my tongue piercing, hoping he now understood. I placed my hand on his knee, it glided up his thigh, the fabric of his jeans preventing me from any stimulation, I merely let my hand rest on his crotch as he pretended to sketch. This would be worth it.

I imagine he had been counting the days just as I was, nothing would keep me from his manhood as soon as that saturday came. 5 more weeks passed, constant flirting, but I had to keep him wanting more, the chase could not be easy or else it's not as worth while. It was friday and I had not even looked at him the entire class period, instead he needed to make the move. When the bell rang, I picked up my bag, collecting my sketch book, just as I was about to leave, I felt a hand running down my ass, stopping at my thigh and slowly going under my skirt to my thong, he snapped it so I let out a small, but muffled moan. The oddest things turned me on, and he knew me too well by then. I felt his lips on my neck, whispering gently so only I could hear, "My parents won't be home till sunday. 6540 angleton way." with that he removed his hand from my ass cheek, a quiver roaming up my spine. It was time.

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