The Chosen

By smoothslave

Published on Apr 9, 2005


The following story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people or real situations is completely unintentional. If you are underage or offended by man to man sexual encounters, please do not read any further.

The Chosen by:

Chapter 1 - Introduction / A little about me

  • Introduction *

It really is funny how people develop a pattern.. Up at 6:00, out the door by 7:00.. Driving the same route each day to work. A quick lunch at the local deli, 12:15 sharp each day. The hard soles of your shoes, scraping on the concrete of the parking garage at 5:10. 2 hours working the machines at the gym. Hanging out at the juice bar talking to the pretty little thing behind the counter, wondering if she notices how ripped the muscles in your arms are becoming with each passing day.. Your smug smile to yourself in the reflection of the glass door as you walk out and get back to your life. 8:30 and you are in front of your home, 8:35 the lights are on in your living room. Watching your favorite show again?.. 11:00 your living room dark, the light shining through your bedroom window on the second floor.

Every wonder how you could get yourself in such a pattern. Do you even notice the pattern? I would bet you haven't even seen me.. You are so caught up in your pattern.. Never notice that the same man was sitting in the deli across from you for the past month? I order the same thing you do everyday.. Have you ever seen a man sitting in his car in the parking garage? You should have, I park right next to you... The man working out in the gym right along side you... Ever see him watching you shower and dress? Could you describe him if you had too? No... you couldn't... that man has become part of your pattern. mocking your ways, mimicking your life. You don't even notice him.. Too wrapped up in yourself..

The man that rents the apartment two doors away from your home. That man is me.. learning all about you.. submersing myself in you.. laying in wait for the right moment. You will join the elite group of men in my new found club, the first of my eight.. The group that will learn what it is like to have their lives turned upside down and twisted. Those that made fun of the skinny kid in high school.. The bullies that called him names. Those that treated him like a freak because he was different.. The boy that you forgot about as you went on with your lives. The men who would have never thought their bodies would be used for another mans sexual pleasures..

You destroyed his sole with your words, your actions, your abusive patterns. You made him a slave in a world full of hate.. You gave him so much attention back then, but it was a cruel obsession you could not shake. Why were you so intent with playing with his mind.. Did you not think about your actions??? Why were you so afraid of the little "fag"? Did you wonder about him, wonder what his thoughts were, his actions, his lusts? Were your words part of a pattern even back then, something you could not shake? Following the leader of the pack, mimicking his pattern.. or thinking freely on your own..

You will learn soon.. After all.. you gave me so much attention back then.. It only seems fair that I repay you somehow.. To thank you somehow.. Show you what has become of me..

That little "fag" has grown, has matured into the being that you created. Start keeping track of your patterns... Notice the man watching you... becoming part of your routine.. learning about you... coming for you.. about to change your life. The man that will turn you into his plaything, his "fag" this time. You wanted to know so badly what it is like.. Prepare yourselves...

you have become my project.. the chosen..


  • About Me *

I grew up in a small town in a city unknown to most. It seemed the only thing that would make you popular, give you an advantage, was to be a football player. Yeah you would get your glory from the game. And if you were good enough, then hell, maybe a chance to get out of here. So you worked hard at becoming the best, beating down the others that got in your way, kicking the weak. That's where I come in.. Dad was long gone by the time I was born.. and mom, well, she was a drunk.. Hanging out in the bar when not at some sort of low paying job.. No supervision or guidance for me.. no structure.. I tried to make friends.. Tried to fit in.. But being the skinny kid from down the street, the bastard child, didn't give me the best advantages.. Picked on.. Kicked around.. Yeah that was my life. But those events in your life.. The ones that you think are going to kill you.. Well those events make you how you are.. shape you... mold you..

By the time I was 18.. Fuck.. I didn't even wait to finish out the senior year in school.. Just packed up some of my shit.. Hitched a ride out of that town.. Had to find a better life. Get my friggn' head together.. Make something out of myself.. Show them that I was not a nothing.. Come back to that town someday and be able to hold my head up high..

But I guess I was born under an unlucky star.. Bounced around from one low paying job to another. Driving truck, loading up freight cars, working in the fields at some of the farms. Didn't pay much... But started to build up my body from the hard work. Yeah no longer the skinny runt from way back.

I started going out to the local bar.. Meeting up with some of the guys.. Making a few friends along the way.. Those that accepted me for what I was.. Learning from their experiences in life.. Some not so different than mine.. Picked on and kicked down.

That's when it hit me really. I was still living my life like that skinny little kid. Now a full grown man, but inside the runt that got abused.. Well no longer.. I had to put a stop to it.. Needed to change things and put them in perspective. How fucking dare they treat me like shit.. they were no better than me. They would learn what they did and pay for their mistakes.. Their ignorance.

Now 32 years old.. My time has come.. Yeah.. Me... the skinny kid from down the street.. They will beg for forgiveness when they see me again. I will make them see what it feels like to be a "fag"... they had no problem picking on me.. Let's see how they handle the return gesture.. Let's see how those jocks are doing now.. Get this shit out of me head once and for all.. turn them around in their lives.. give them something to be ashamed of.. something to regret...something to dwell on for the rest of their lives..

Going on with their lives... forgetting about me..

The chosen will learn.. They will fall one by one.. They will no longer see me as the "fag" from their pasts.. They will learn that I have become their worst nightmare..

Their Master.


Next Chapter: Luke Please send any comments to

Next: Chapter 2

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