The Chosen

By smoothslave

Published on Apr 11, 2005


The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people or situations is completely unintentional. If you are underage or offended by man to man sexual encounters, please do not read any further.

A special thank you to all who have sent e-mails regarding the story.. Thank you very much for your encouragement. It is great to hear from all of you...

The Chosen by:

Chapter 3 - David

Yes.. you sitting there in your navy uniform. All crisp and ironed.. Authority at its finest.. Bet you think that your gun, nightstick, and cuffs, make you look big and superior.. Someone to look up to.. Well it doesn't look that way to me.. You still look like the fuck wad you always were... Your time has come.. You are next..

You are my chosen..

I watch as he sips his coffee and leans forward on the counter. His blonde wavy locks still cut in the same style as in high school. That and his bright toothy smile. His best attributes really.. The girls always commenting.. "oh look at his hair.. oh god can you just imagine your fingers running through it.." Yeah whatever... "oh he smiled at me.. oh god.. he is so cute.." Doesn't say much for taste really.. All superficial shit.. All things that change.. or can be changed...

I am so transfixed on him that I jump back a step when the alarm on my wrist watch begins to give me its signal.. A slight vibration running through my wrist and forearm.. Yes... 3:00 a.m. He should be just about ready to leave here and go back on patrol.. And sure enough he begins to pack up his things. Newspaper folded, hat placed on top of his head.. A few quick good byes to the regulars inside and he is off his perch.. His figure growing smaller in my sight as I back away from the window.. Never taking my eyes off of him.. Always in my field of vision.. The bell on the coffee shop door rings out as he exits and I swiftly turn my back to him..

"Hey buddy.. Too much to drink tonight..."

I don't answer.. Just sway back and forth walking slowly in front on him..

"Yo.. buddy.. I'm talking to you... You can't be out here walking around in that condition.."

I slow my pace.. Letting him close in.. His footsteps growing near.. Slumping myself up against a telephone pole.. Looking like a drunk after a good night out.. Just trying to get home...Not bothering anyone but him.. Superior shit... He reaches out and touches my shoulder..

"Buddy.. you need a ride home or something? Listen you can't be out here...." he never gets to finish his sentence...Never gets a chance to react as I swing around, inches away from him and get him square in the eyes with pepper spray.. His eyes immediately blinded with the stinging liquid. His hands up to his eyes trying to rub them clear.. My solid fist straight into his jaw and he falls to the pavement in front of me.. His slumped body resting on my frame, the tips of his shoes scraping on the pavement.. The last sight of David as I drag him through the parking lot.. Stuffing his limp frame into the trunk of my car. I give him one last look before shutting him in.. How many times had he stuffed me in the gym locker and locked me inside.. How humiliated I was to have to be freed by the coach.. Only to have him laugh at me as well.. Never getting in trouble for his actions. The blame always turning back onto me... I slam the trunk closed.. drive off with my captive in tow.. smiling to the skinny kid looking back at me in the rear view mirror...

Have to be quick with this one and get out of site.. Don't need to be seen with a cop that's for sure.. It won't be long before he goes unnoticed. But 3:00 a.m. not too many people about so I am confident no one saw... Yeah the plan is working..


As I approach the lakefront, the headlights of my car shimmer and reflect off the murky water. I turn in a few feet ahead and travel deep into the woods.. Up ahead, the abandoned cabin comes into view.. Its windows broken, door hanging off its hinges.. The perfect spot.. Out of site... Desolate and alone..

I park the car and begin to inspect my captive.

"Hello David.."

"uhhh what the hell..."

"Glad to see you are awake.. Was wondering how long you would be out.. Sorry about your eyes.. but really didn't have a choice in the matter.. Have a comfy trip David?"

"who are you? uuhhhh my eyes.... what do you want...?"

"Ahh see that's a surprise.. Wouldn't want to ruin it now would we?"

"listen you are making a huge mistake here. i'm a cop for gods sakes. you are looking at big time my man.. now if you want to talk about this then we can work it out.. cause as of right now you are not in deep.. but..."

"Quiet.. too late for words..."

I lift him out of the trunk.. his legs still wobbly, not sure of his own footing.. his hands cuffed behind his back... he has no say in the matter at hand.. One hand holding his arms bent behind him, the other on the base of his neck, I guide him into the cabin, flinging him to the bare wooden floor.

"ok ok.. now listen... I don't know what you have planned here.. you looking for ransom or something? money is that what you want.."

"I said shut up..." a swift kick to his mouth to shut him up.. my black leather boot making contact... busting up his bottom lip.

"fuck man... you are just adding more and more time on man..." he spits out... his tongue running to the corner of his mouth... tending to the cut on his lip...

I kneel down in front of him and tie his ankles together.. No need to blindfold him.. Another shot of pepper spray in his eyes and there won't be any need to further obscure his vision. He cries out as the liquid makes contact.. His baby blues red and raw... tightened up into slits as the excess runs down his face...

"fuck man.... ohhh jesus... fuck..."

I grab hold of his shirt and rip it open.. His white t-shirt underneath soaked with sweat.. One yank of the collar and it shreds down his chest falling off to the sides to join his ripped shirt. A light covering of blonde hair around his nipples growing more dense in the center of his chest forming a trail down into his pants.. His belt undone, pants and boxers bunched up around his ankles.. A perfect picture.

I pull out my digital camera and take a few shots.. The guys on the net will love this shit.. The cop laying on the dirty wooden floor, his shirt shredded.. His nakedness fully exposed.. Just begging for it... Low hanging nut sack covered in blonde fuzz.. his soft cock laying to the left almost touching his thigh.. The patch of blonde swirls framing his maleness..


"fuck you...."

"I said smile asshole..." a kick to his chest.. a backhand across his face.. I grab a handful of his hair...

"Smile...." and he does... he smiles... his teeth white as ever... perfect.. I grab his ankles and bend his legs up to his chest.. A length of rope around the back of his legs and secure it to his hand cuffs behind his back. His pants bunched up shirt shredded.. He lay there in a little ball.. His asshole fully exposed for my view..

I approach him with scissors in hand and yank a wad of his wavy blonde hair. Snip Snip Snip... Chucks of blonde hair falling off his head accumulating of the dirty floor.. When I finish I stand back and admire my handy work.. Large bald areas on his head accentuated by some long strands still in place. His perfect hair no longer so perfect.

"listen to me... you need to stop this right now..."

"No you listen to me David... Yeah you fucking listen to me... You think you are so perfect don't you.. you always have... from when you were just a kid in school.. always with girls hanging around you.. choosing the people that you would talk to.. picking on the others.. giving them your shit.. abusing them... Then you grow up and become this big shit cop.. and you still are abusing the people.. fucking taking your salary while you sit every night in that coffee shop.. when you should be out protecting people.. but no.. you are too fucking selfish for all of that... oh and how about all the dirty handed deals you pull... letting your friends off when they fuck up.. sending others to the courts.. not fair David not fair.. But you now what David.. I am here to set things straight... to even things out.. This has gone on too long.. Things need to change"

"fuck you... man... fuck you..."

I grab his face and rub my thumbs over his eyes... He yells as they irritate the already tender flesh... I spit in his open mouth and force his mouth closed... Watching him swallow.... Several backhands across his face to let him know who is in charge.. Who is in control. and then I see it.. Fucking great.. Almost missed it.. But no I saw them move... I pry open his mouth and push a bit on his front teeth.. The whole set moves slightly... Fuck.. he is not so perfect after all.. My thumb jammed into the left and two fingers wrapped around the right and his bridge work detaches itself...Leaving a large gap in the front of his mouth.....Not perfect at all David... I throw them to the floor and stomp on the porcelain teeth with my boot.. Shattering his perfect image..

"You are such a fucking mess David...fucking bad hair day and toothless.. you look like a fucking animal laying there..."

My head throbs... eyes build up with pressure... I remember when we were in shop class.. I would always try to sit in the back of the room to go unnoticed... but David.. well David just had to make himself look so big.. How many times I left that room with sawdust glued into my hair.. Grease and liquids poured on my clothing.. I would sit and cry as they abused me.. Afraid to fight back... Treated like an animal.. Feeling like a nobody...

"Yeah David... time to pay..."

I move behind him and run my fingers over his asshole...A slight coating of blonde hair running in between his crack.. Fuck... he has me horny. I sniff around and give his tender hole a lick... Like the taste of nectar from the Gods.. That indescribable taste... The full scent of his being on my tongue, invading my nostrils.. His most private gift now at my mercy...

"You want me to lube or not?"

"no please.."

"No lube David.. ok..."

"no please don't do this..."

"Ahhh come on.. we are friends now... I want to..."

"please.... don't.... please...."

"Tell me you want me to fuck you and I won't be so rough..."

"please .... please...."

"David !!"


"One last chance David..." one of my fingers entering into his hole..

"i... want...i... i want you.."

"David !!"

"i.. i.. i.. want you to... fuck me..." his voice soft and full of sorrow.

"Good.... Lube or not?"

"yes.." his voice trailing off like a little girl.. defeated...broken..

I spit into my hand and run it over my hard cock.. the head bulging.. piss slit throbbing open.. I am looking forward to this.. have a thing for blondes... I get him onto his side and run two fingers into his hole.. The spit lubing up the tight puckered flesh... position my cock head at his opening and tell him to hold his breath.. 8 inches of my hard cock rammed into him with one thrust.. He yelps in pain... They always do.. His ass muscles clamping down holding me inside.. Fucking nice... I buck in and out of him.. fuck... nice and tight... feels like my cock is wrapped in velvet as I slide in and out... Loosening him up... Giving himself to me.. his greatest gift of all... wrapped around my flesh.. Oh fuck... I ram him as he lays there and cries...soft whimpers as his ass becomes mine... A few more pushes and then I explode deep inside him... my warm cum squirting into him, coating his insides... soothing the his man cunt a coating of warmth.. His hole remains slightly open as I pull out.. I sit and watch as his pucker throbs with his heartbeat.. The skin pulling itself in closer... Until his pucker is back in place with a dribble of white creamy cum leaking out...

"Fucking nice must do that a were so open and ready for me... you must really like it up the ass huh?"

"fuck you..." his voice low and trembling...

"What David?" I force three fingers into his raw hole...Twisitng them in and out of his opening.. Spreading my fingers inside..

"yes.. i liked it... yes..."

"Good..." I pull my fingers out and rub them on his face and lips.. Giving him a taste of his own ass, my cum, his insides...

"Jesus Christ... Look at the mess you made.. You fucking pissed yourself.." A warm puddle of urine pooled under his body soaking into his clothing.. His blonde pubes wet and matted, stuck to his body.

"Must have been exciting to be fucked... Huh David?"

"yes.. it was... yes..." His response quick... He was learning to

give me what I liked... Telling me what I wanted to hear...

Now you will have to excuse me....I'll be right back..."

I head outside and make my phone call.. I am a bit off schedule but am sure that they won't mind.. they have been waiting for this a long time.. months and months as I worked things out.. patient.. knowing I would eventually deliver. Was really hard to find them.. But with work and persistence anything is possible...


Back inside.. I begin to explain things to David...

"Okay David.. I will let you in on a few things since you have been so good tonight.. Unless you want to fuck some more?"

"no... please..."

"Ahh.. come on David.. you sure?" I run a few fingers in and out of his hole as he squirms on the floor...

"no ... no.... please... please..."

"Good enough.. Well you see.. A few of the people that you have sent to prison.. Well they want to make a personal appearance and let you know that you really helped them out.. got them straightened out.. They told me that being in prison is really tuff... You have to fight to stay on top in there.. Some even had to give up their asses in order to get some protection from t he other inside.... Now that may seem like a bad thing, but you know what, they are not too upset about it.. I would bet that after they show you what they had to do to stay alive in prison, you will have a better understanding of the process.. May even like to be fucked. To beg for it.. To love it... Either way.. That will be your new life. They should be here any minute... Let me get a few more pictures of you.. to remember you.. "

The white van pulled up as I was exiting the cabin. I sat on the hood of my car and watched as two stocky built men dragged David out of the cabin and placed him in the back of their van.. They looked over and nodded.. A big smile on their faces... Good for David... I am happy for him.. A new exciting life.. A bitch for the guys he sent away.. To be bred over and over.. becoming one of the gang...a cumdump for criminals and derelicts... Maybe not the life that he was thinking of. But one that he deserved..

My job here completed... executed to the plan...

I packed up my things and headed back into town... back to where my memories are the strongest... back to where I ran as fast as I could.. to get away from the bullies, the jocks, the abusers... back to where my first chosen lay tied to his bed.. back to Luke..


" David's Epilogue "

As the days pressed on, the local papers and news stations all reported the missing cop.. Front page news... A local hero.. missing.... His whereabouts unknown.. They received an anonymous tip of his condition, a glimpse of what had happened.. A glimpse of his new life.. The news paper barely touched the topic. Skirting the issue and only said that they had received a lead and that the cops were looking into it.. But the local news stations.. well that was a different story.. going for the ratings they decided it best to talk about the new lead.. A picture had been sent in to them.. It showed David with a busted lip and hair shaved off, his clothing ripped into pieces held onto him by the restraints on his wrists and ankles.. A large black object shoved up into his rectum.. An object that appeared to be his nightstick.. They weren't sure why but he appeared to be smiling, revealing a large gap in the front of his mouth where his teeth had once been..

The news traveled fast and furious around town.. The people all feeling badly for the cop.. They even had a special fund setup in his name and wished that he would return safely.. Stupid fucks that they are.. He was doing so much better than they were in this stupid fucking dump of a town. All they had to do was check out the local video store.. The room in the back with the black curtain hiding its contents.. The room where no one was supposed to enter, too immoral.. If they checked their narrow attitudes at the door, they would see that David was doing just fine.. The newest porn bottom for Thugz Inc. production company based in California.. So far, three movies under his belt with many more to follow..

My favorite title being: "White Bitch does Cell Block 8"


Next Chapter: Luke Part Two Please send any comments to

Next: Chapter 4

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