The Christmas Storm

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Dec 7, 2018



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The Christmas Storm

The young man flipped the New York City Firemen's calendar page from October to November as he sipped his morning coffee and chomped on his toasted sesame seed bagel. As cozy and warm as his kitchen was, he felt a chill all over his body.

Shit, shit, shit! he thought. It's almost Christmas. The hunk that was Mr. November did nothing to raise his spirits.

His parents expected him to come home every Christmas. It took a lot of whining and moaning, but he finally talked them out of expecting him for Thanksgiving also. He claimed it was too short a time for such a big trip, and too close to Christmas. They reminded him that he used to come home for Thanksgiving while he was in college back east, but their logic fell on deaf ears. Sometimes he got away with not visiting them for Easter, and sometimes he didn't.

On the phone, and whenever he came home, his parents badgered him about finding a nice girl to settle down with, and have children. "After all," they would remind him, "you're almost thirty." He had not yet had the courage to tell them that he was looking for Mr. Right.

Henry Chester, Jr. grew up in Montrose, Minnesota, about thirty-five miles from Minneapolis; population about three thousand. Henry, Sr. (everyone called him Harry), put up with his grueling commute to Minneapolis every day in favor of the quiet beauty, and less expensive housing that Montrose offered him.

Harry and his wife, Rose, kept bugging their son to enroll in the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, but he staunchly resisted. He said he wanted to go to a school in a big city on either coast. They were unhappy, but they finally succumbed to his wishes.

He couldn't wait to get away from home, and into a place where he could be gay. Fortunately, his father had the finances to give his only child a first-rate education anywhere in the world. Henry got his wish. He was accepted to Columbia University. Cities in The United States don't come much larger than New York.

While Henry was musing about the rapid passage of time, and how close it was getting to the holiday season, his cell phone ringtone began to play The Ode to Joy. He glanced at the caller ID. It was his mother.

"Hi, Mom. How are you guys doing and to what do I owe the pleasure?" He tried to be as sweet as possible.

"Nothing much. I just wanted to remind you to get your flight tickets home for Christmas. Don't wait until the last minute and find out that everything is booked."

"It's on my to-do list for this evening, but thanks for the reminder."

And then it began. "Are you seeing anyone special;?" she asked coyly.

"Nobody special," he answered.

"What am I going to do with you?" She pretended mock frustration. "You're so handsome and New York is loaded with beautiful women. You better snare one before your youth and good looks are gone."

Henry no longer had any smart answers to the badgering, so he simply said, "Yes, ma'am."

The thought of going to Minnesota for Christmas upset Henry so badly, that time seemed to pass extra swiftly. He booked a non-stop flight from La Guardia Airport, and he took a cab directly from work. The curbside check-in skycap gave him his boarding pass because he didn't print one out himself, as he usually did. It was as if by not printing the boarding pass, he could erase the trip.

He slung his carry-on bag over his shoulder and entered the terminal. The waiting areas were filled with weary, patience-tested parents and their fussy toddlers, while businessmen in rumpled suits scrolled through their smartphones and clicked away on their laptop keyboards. Overhead, a dull voice droned on about gate changes, delays, and cancellations. Few passengers paid attention.

Henry checked the outgoing flights on the monitor. His departure was delayed three hours. Minneapolis had been blanketed with snow, and crews were busy clearing the runways. Henry groaned and headed for the nearest pub. The place was noisy and overcrowded, but he managed to get to the bar, and he ordered a scotch on the rocks. He looked around and spotted an available space along the back wall where he could stand and enjoy his drink.

As he approached his destination, he saw a young man leaning against the wall, and Henry knew him. They both frequented the same gay bar where Henry had noticed him one day. When he saw him at the bar that first time, he was very attracted to the stranger, so he struck up a conversation. After that, they would see each other at the bar and say hello, nothing more.

Henry struggled to remember the man's name, but he drew a blank. Anyway, the man told him that he was happily partnered so it was no use getting too cozy. Their eyes met at the same time, and they recognized each other. They both grinned and waved.

"Fancy meeting you here," the stranger said, "but please tell me your name. I have a terrible memory for names." He stuck out his hand, and said, "My name's Cameron Wright." Henry's attraction to Cameron was so strong, that all he could think of was; too bad you're not my Mr. Right.

"I'm Henry Chester. Would you like to share this wall with me?"

"I'd love to. Where are you headed?"

"Home," Henry said, pretending that it gave him great happiness to be making the trip.

"Where's home?" Cameron asked.

"Minneapolis; and what's your destination?"

"Chicago. The snowstorm that blanketed Minnesota has reached Illinois, and it's now headed east toward Pennsylvania and the whole east coast from New Jersey to New England. If we don't get out of New York soon, we may never get out. Right now, my delay is indefinite. I won't check my bag until I know what's what."

"Wow! that sucks. I wish my delay was indefinite. I'd have an excuse not to go home."

"Don't you want to go home?"

"Not really! All my folks do is bug me to get married and have kids. I haven't told them yet that I'm gay."

Cameron laughed. "I haven't told my folks yet either."

"Don't they know about your partner? Where is he by the way?"

"I have no fucking idea. He dumped me on Thanksgiving day. That's why I decided to go home. I need some TLC."

"You're single, then?" Henry asked. Cameron nodded.

"I gotta tell you man. You are so hot. Do you think we could get together after the holidays?" Henry flashed his most winning smile.

"It'll be my pleasure, but I'm coming home for New Year's Eve. How long are you staying?"

"I had planned on staying until after the New Year, but I think I'll rebook if you agree to be my date for New Year's Eve."

The two men smiled at each other, and they both reached into their wallets at the same time. They handed each other their cards.

They chatted amicably and were not aware of the passage of time. When Henry heard the call to board his flight, they gave each other a manly hug and Henry said, "See ya, handsome."

Just as he got on the line to board, his cell phone chimed the familiar Ode to Joy. His caller ID indicated that it was his father.

"Listen," Harry said, "the snow has stopped, but the roads are treacherous. Stay in a hotel near the airport tonight, and take a cab home in the morning."

"Thanks for the heads up, Dad. Will do."

As soon as he hung up, Henry ran back to the bar and found Cameron. He ran over to him. "What's your flight status?" he asked.

"They're hoping to get us out tomorrow morning at the earliest. It depends on where the storm is. I'm trying to decide if I should go home or spend the night here in the terminal."

Henry got bold. "If I can rebook for tomorrow morning, will you spend the night with me in a nearby hotel?"

Cameron smiled. "Why Henry, this is so sudden. I'd love to spend the night with you. It's the best offer I've had in years."

"Then let me run over to the desk and see if I can rebook."

"I can give you a seat on a flight leaving at 10 AM tomorrow morning," the clerk said, "but your luggage is on this flight. You'll have to retrieve it from the unclaimed baggage locker in Minneapolis."

"Not a problem," Henry said. "I'll be back in the morning." He then called his parents, and told them he'd rather spend the night at home than in a hotel, and he rebooked for tomorrow morning.

"You'd better not be further delayed," his father said. "Tomorrow is Christmas Eve."

"As long as the weather holds, I'll make it in plenty of time. Don't worry so much. I love you."

Cameron was standing next to him. He was holding his suitcase in anticipation of a quick departure. They smiled at each other and ran out to get a cab. The line waiting for transportation seemed to be a mile long, but the cabs were queued up also. The line moved quickly, but even then, they waited twenty minutes for a taxi.

Luck was definitely with them. They were able to get a room in a motel quite close to the airport. It was the last room available because of all the flight delays and cancellations. The minute they entered the room they double locked the door. Cameron dropped his suitcase, and they both dropped their carry-on bags. They embraced, and their lips met. It was their first kiss, and it got more and more passionate as their tongues sought to go down the other's throat.

Article by article they dropped their clothes on the floor until they were naked. They were the same height so their hard, cut cocks rubbed together in excruciating passion. Suddenly Cameron pulled away.

"We've got to stop this," he said. I don't want to cum this way. When I do, I want to be anywhere inside of you. I don't care where."

"I agree, Babe," Henry said. "I came to the airport directly from work, and I feel totally grungy. Let's shower together."

"Good idea," Cameron agreed.

"I have a confession to make," Henry said. "I have a few jiggers of scotch in my carry-on bag. I needed fortification for my mother's badgering me to `meet a nice girl.' It's in a bottle of Brut aftershave lotion. We can party a little."

"Or let's pretend we're having a couple of drinks in our favorite bar where we met."

"Whatever turns you on, Babe," Henry agreed. "I'll put on the motel robe, and get ice from the machine down the hall, while you get the shower going."

In the shower, they fondled and kissed, and went down on each other. They stopped only when they thought they might cum. They allowed themselves to simmer down, and then each began to finger the other's asshole. Henry felt an orgasm growing in his groin.

"Please," he said," Let's dry up and get into bed. I need for you to fuck me hard and proper. Please!"

Cameron fucked Henry as he requested, without lubrication and without protection. Neither gave it a thought. Deep down in their souls, they both knew that they had found their soulmates, and there would be no other. Henry was in agony and in ecstasy. He screamed loudly as he came. Cameron let loose way up Henry's insides. When they could breathe again, they hugged each other in exquisite pleasure and sipped their scotch drinks. As soon as Henry got hard again, he returned the favor.

When the need to rest overcame them, they lay side by side in bed playing with each other's pricks. The bed faced a TV set and they watched The Weather Channel for news of the storm. It was expected to hit New York and New Jersey before dawn, but now there was a new menace. A nor'easter had developed quickly and was headed from Canada to New England. By mid-morning the two fronts would collide over New York and the southern portion of New England, making `the perfect storm'.

"How wonderful," Henry said, "I may not get home for Christmas after all."

"Me either," Cameron said, and he gave Henry a sensual kiss as they both fell asleep.

When they woke up it was early morning, but the room was not very bright. They opened the blinds to a complete whiteout. It looked like they were staring at a white, unpainted canvass.

"We aren't going anywhere today," Cameron said.

"Yeah, isn't it wonderful?" Henry grinned. "We'll never reach the airlines by phone. I'm going to check online to see what the status of my flight is. When I know officially that I can't get home for Christmas, I'll call my folks. And Cameron, I'm not only going to tell them I can't make it. If it's alright with you, I'd like to tell them that Cameron Wright is my Mr. Right. My innards are bursting with my love for you."

Henry was afraid of Cameron's reaction. He needn't have been. Cameron smiled at him. "Thank God, you love me," he said, "because I love you also. I love you a whole lot. I think I fell in love with you that first night we met at the bar, but I was with someone at the time, and I didn't pursue it. Stupid me!"

According to each of their airlines' websites, their flights were no longer listed as delayed, they were canceled. They then went to the airport's website. The airport had closed an hour ago, and they had no idea when it would reopen. When they heard that news, Henry threw himself on Cameron's rod and tried to suck him to paradise. He was so happy, his body seemed to be glowing.

"I'm so glad we were able to get a room," he said. "I can't wait to call my folks to tell them I can't make it home for Christmas, and+ it's God's will. They'll freak."

It was an hour earlier in Chicago and Minneapolis, so the men waited until 10 AM to call. They had breakfast in the hotel and returned to their room.

"Listen to this conversation," Henry said to Cameron. "I'm coming out. You can learn from my mistakes."

His father answered the phone. "Don't say it," he moaned. "You can't make it home for Christmas. I've been following the situation at LaGuardia, and I know the airport is closed. I'm glad you went home last night."

"I didn't go home, Dad. I'm in a motel."

"How come?"

"I met a friend at the airport. He was heading for Chicago, and his flight was delayed also. We were both led to believe that we would get out this morning, so we decided to stay at a nearby motel, and have a snow party. Now we're stuck here for the foreseeable future."

"Well, at least you're safe. That's a big relief."

Henry's mother was listening on an extension. "Too bad you're not with a girlfriend," she said.

What better opening did Henry have? Before he could lose his nerve, he said, "I'm with better than a girlfriend, Mom. I'm with my soulmate. His name is Cameron Wright, and he's my Mr. Right. We're very much in love with each other."

After a very short silence, Henry heard his father say, "See, Rose, I told you so." Then he addressed Henry. "I've suspected that you were gay for a very long time. I waited patiently for you to say something. Frankly, I hoped I was wrong, but you didn't have to keep us in suspense so long. We love you, no matter what."

His mother interjected, "Well, at least you're settled at last."

Henry wanted to burst out laughing, so he felt he had to say something. "You know, Mom, Cameron and I may wish to adopt or use a surrogate mother someday. You might still be a grandmother."

"Promises, promises."

"So when do we get to meet this Adonis?" Harry asked.

"Cameron and I will discuss it. We might as well make one trip to Chicago and Minneapolis. We'll figure out when we can both get away, and we'll call you."

"Well," Harry said, "I hope you two enjoy being snowbound. And Henry, before I hang up, never forget for one minute how much we love you."

"I know that Dad, but it's good to hear. I need to ask a favor of you. I'll give you my baggage claim number. Please call the airline and have my suitcase sent back to New York and delivered to my apartment."

"Will do," Harry said, and he wrote down the number.

Henry disconnected the call and he looked like he was going to cry. Cameron put his arms around him.

"Why was I so afraid?" Henry asked.

"I don't know, but I'm calling my folks right now. I'm going to come out to them and tell them that I've met Mr. Wonderful."

"Gee, thanks."

"Do you believe in Christmas miracles?" Cameron asked.

"I dunno. Maybe. What did you have in mind?"

"Well, take our meeting at the airport, the snowstorm, the canceled flights, getting the last available room in the motel, coming out with no flak from your folks. Each of these could be a probability but put them all together, and you've got one big miracle, and that miracle brought us together."

"I don't know if you're right or wrong. It doesn't really matter, but tonight, after I knock you out with love, and I have no strength left, I'm going to get on my knees and thank the angels for their miraculous Christmas gift.

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