The Chronicles of Trey

By Nicky Smith

Published on May 4, 2019


Disclaimer: This story is 100% fictional and may contain references and scenes of consensual sex between males. Any resemblance to real people or situations is purely coincidental. If your country or state does not allow such material to be read or you have come across this site by accident, please leave now.

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Written by: Nicky Smith Edited by: JD Kaster



"Do you think he's dead?" I heard in a familiar voice as I was trying to sleep.

"I don't know. I guess if one of us offered to suck his cock he'd probably wake up for that," I heard, and that voice could only be one person saying something like that.

"Yeah, that's all on you," the first voice said.

"Get out of my room Mellow," I mumbled without opening my eyes.

"See, he spoke to you first, so you win," the first voice said, who I recognized as Deacon now that I was more alert.

"You mean I lose," Sean said sounding a bit disgruntled.

"Same difference," Deacon said.

"What the hell are you two doing in my room?" I asked as I finally sat up and saw the two of them sitting on my bed on either side. It would probably be a dream come true for most gay or bisexual guys to wake up to two good looking jocks on his bed, but I wasn't one of them. Maybe if one of them had been Carter...

"I came to see you precious," Sean said with a cheesy smile.

"What do you want?" I asked sounding very grumpy. I hadn't gotten enough sleep the night before because I kept waking up from a dream I was having. It was more of a nightmare I'd been having ever since my mother had sent me that picture of herself with Alicia's child.

"I'm having a party and I came to invite you guys," he said, and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm invited," Deacon said sounding strangely giddy. I ignored him though to focus on Sean.

"You could have done that over the phone," I said, and that was true which meant he was up to something

"I knew you'd turn me down over the phone, so I thought I'd come to do it in person to make it harder for you to do so," he said before fixing his face into the most manipulative gaze that he'd ever given me.

"You know Trey's busy and I'm not partying without him," I said, and he rolled his eyes.

"Why not?" He asked, and his callousness, especially about someone who he claimed was his best friend, was pissing me off big time.

"What part of "caring and supportive partner" don't you get?" I said, but he rolled his eyes again.

"Well I'll be getting him too so it won't be a problem," he said sounding very sure of himself.

"I already told you Trey's busy so he doesn't have time to party," I said even though he probably could use a party. The massage I'd given him had probably worn off by now.

"He won't be when I'm done with him," he said with a calculating smile before he got off my bed and headed for the door. I figured out quickly what he was thinking and quickly dived off my bed and tackled him under me.

"Stay," I said as he struggled to push me off him.

"Ow! Get the fuck off me," he shouted as he continued to struggle.

"Not until you promise to stay away from Trey with your manipulative ass," I said, and I heard Deacon snicker behind us.

"I'll have you know I've never manipulated anybody with my ass before," he said, and Deacon laughed out loud this time.

"You seem to be doing a decent job of that right now," I joked as I ground my surprisingly still soft dick into his ass.

"You'd better not pop my cherry before Trey gets a chance to or I'm gonna be pissed," he joked back, at least he better had been joking.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I asked as I tightened my grip on his arms behind his back.

"Ow, you're really hurting my arm now man," he said sounding in real pain now.

"Remember that before you let some shit like that leave your mouth again," I said as I yanked his arm again before letting him up.

"Look you two need a break. Trey especially needs one, and I, being the ever kind, caring and benevolent best friend that I am have come to you two with a solution," he said after he got up into a sitting position on the floor across from where I was kneeling.

"The solution is a party?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yes, a party," he said mockingly. "You know how my parties go and you know your lover needs to let his hair down. I'm sure you don't want him to do so when you're not there. You know what happened last time," he said, and I did remember the last party where Trey "let his hair down" and that wasn't gonna be happening without me around.

"What happened last time?" Deacon asked being far too nosy with his eyes wide and curious.

"Nothing. Mind your business," I said, but he just snorted.

"So, party?" He said as he looked at me expectantly.

"Fine, but I'm going with you when you ask him," I said as I frowned at him. I don't know why I was making such a big deal out of this. I'm sure Trey needed it.

"You don't trust me alone with Trey?" He asked looking convincingly pouty. I was almost about to apologize "Thank you," he added with a cheeky grin before he got up off the floor. Thank goodness I didn't apologize to that jackass.

"You're gonna make me hurt you one day Mellow," I tossed out as I also got up. He just responded by blowing me a kiss.

"Now, hurry your ass up and pretty up so we can go," he said before turning to leave my room with Deacon getting up and following. Sean stopped before he got to the door though. "On second thought, just throw something on. I don't have time to wait `til you pretty all that up. My birthday is in October, you know," he joked.

"I'll have you know I'm very hot," I said as I did my best muscleman pose.

"Eh," Sean said looking unimpressed.

"Trey thinks I'm scorching hot. He told me so," I said with a smirk.

"I think we both know that Trey has... strange taste," he said as he looked at me with a mock scowl.

"Get out of my room Mellow," I said with my best mad face on.

"Right-o," he said before turning and leaving my room. Deacon followed Sean, shaking his head at the two of us. He closed the door behind him. I wasted no time throwing on some clothes because in truth I wanted to see Trey myself. It seemed no matter how much time we spent together I always wanted more time with him.

What I found strange about this is that I don't think this was a new feeling. I think I've always felt like this about him. I smiled while getting dressed as I imagined his sarcastic snarky response to hearing this. After I was all dressed, I left my room to find Sean and Deacon talking all low like they were conspiring about something.

Deciding that I didn't care, I walked further into the common room and they piped up like their discussion was secret. I just rolled my eyes and headed for the door. Sean hopped up and after telling Deacon he'd see him later he followed me out the door.


"Drake hurry up. I gotta piss," I shouted as I pounded on the door. I almost found it funny how the tables had turned from over a week ago.

"Door's open," he shouted, and he had to be crazy. I still heard the shower and there was no way I was going into the bathroom while he was in there naked and in the shower.

"I'll wait," I said as I sat down at my desk chair and worked my Kegel muscles as if my life depended on it to hold in my pee.

"Suit yourself, chicken," Drake taunted from the bathroom.

"Screw you," I shouted back as I waited, and waited, and waited until I felt like my bladder was about to burst. I knew that extra large Iced Tea I'd drank last night was a mistake. I couldn't wait anymore so I burst into the bathroom to see Drake sitting on the toilet seat in his underwear with a smirk on his face.

"Have you been sitting in here like this all this time?" I asked trying to keep from exploding, my head and my bladder.

"Nope," he said with that annoyingly smug smirk. "I was getting out when you said you'd wait. I wanted to see how long you would," he said before he stood and chuckled that annoying chuckle that I remembered from high school.

"Jackass," I muttered as he passed me. I closed the door behind him and finally went to go empty the overfull tank.

"You need to stop being scared to see another guy's dick. It's not like it'll turn you gay or something," he shouted on the other side of the door. I could hear the smugness that was so like Drake in his voice.

"I'll have you know I'm not scared of seeing another guy's dick. Just yours," I shouted back, then snickered at my own bad joke. Then I was spraying piss all over the place as the door flung open and I did everything I could to hide my own dick from sight.

"I'm not cleaning that up," Drake said with his eyes wide now as he eyed the piss everywhere.

"What the fuck man?" I shouted as I struggled to stuff my dick back into my sleep pants.

"I was just messing with you," he said with an all too innocent look on his face.

"Look what you did," I said as I looked at all the piss on the floor, toilet, wall, and counter.

"It wasn't me pissing everywhere. That was all you," he said before he turned and walked back into the room. I sighed angrily before I grabbed the bathroom cleaner, some Lysol spray, and some towers and went to work cleaning up my mess. When I was done, I smelled like chemicals, but the bathroom was spotless as I liked it.

"What's your deal anyway?" I asked as I walked back into the room to find him tying his shoes and not wearing all black.

"What do you mean?" He asked trying to keep a straight face.

"You've been being more of a douchebag than usual," I said because he had been different the last few days.

"I'm being a douchebag?" He asked, but that smirk was ever present.

"Yeah, just not like you were in high school. A douchebag nonetheless though," I said, but all he did was snicker as he stood.

"You're imagining things, sweetie," he said with a playful pinch of my cheek as he passed me by to head to the bathroom. It creeped me out.

"Okay, I've made up my mind. I prefer you the way you were in high school," I said as I walked to the open bathroom door to see him fixing his hair. I hadn't seen him do that since before Christmas. It was now mid-February.

"Well, you're just gonna have to deal with it cause that guy is gone for good precious," he said with a creepy cheesy grin. I observed him closely yet again.

"Serena took you back," I said matter-of-factly. He just grinned even wider which shouldn't have been possible.

"Maybe," he said before leaving the bathroom.

"Damn, that woman has your nose wide open," I said, and he looked at me looking confused.

"Huh?" He asked with a confused frown.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," I said. Any further conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. Drake practically floated to answer the door. He likely expected Serena to be on the other side. What he got though was Sean and a very sexy bear, my Bear.

"Oh, it's you," Drake said as his face fell before a sneer appeared on his face.

"Oh, it's you too, fucker," Sean said with a mean scowl as he stepped to Drake.

"Boys, play nice," I said as I passed by the posturing duo heading for Bear. When I reached him, he leaned down and gave me a brief peck on the lips.

"Hey lover," he said with a sexy grin after we separated.

"Hey stud," I said back, and he beamed. I heard a dual scoff from my left and turned to see both Drake and Sean rolling their eyes at us. I just flipped them the bird and left them both glaring at each other near the door as I led Bear by the hand past them and pulled my big stud into a close hug. He reciprocated the hug tenfold and feeling his big arms around me relieved a lot of tension and started a bit too downstairs.

"How are you?" He asked as he looked into my eyes. I couldn't lie even if I wanted to. The good news is that I didn't need to lie.

"I'm actually still coasting on that massage you gave me," I said, and he beamed again.

"Really? Still?" He asked sounding genuinely surprised.

"Yeah, I am. I guess you have very skilled hands," I said in a deliberate husky tone.

"Excuse me but we're still over here," Sean said breaking the spell that Bear and I were weaving between ourselves.

"You can leave anytime," Bear said as he still held me in his wonderful arms.

"Nope, I'm on a mission," Sean said as he moved away from Drake and headed in our direction.

"Ugh," Bear said before he released me from my comfort space and stepped aside. He dropped down on my bed with a sigh.

"Okay, what is this mission?" I asked after observing both him and Bear.

"My kind sir, I was wondering if you and your betrothed would be ever so kind as to join me and a few associates of mine at a soiree being held at my manor in a few days?" He said in his most upper-crust stuffy accent before taking a grand bow.

"Did you pull a muscle doing all that?" I asked sarcastically which drew a snicker from Bear.

"Okay, I can tell you'll need a different kind of wooing," Sean said before looking like he was thinking hard.

"You'd better not be doing any kind of wooing of my guy," Bear said and dammit if that didn't bring a smile to my face that I tried to hide. Sean and Bear then had a bit of a stare-off before Sean turned to me.

"I'm having a party Saturday. You wanna come?" He asked kind of flatly.

"Sure," I responded similarly before walking over and taking a seat next to Bear.

"Wait a minute, that was it?" Bear asked, and I just shrugged.

"Okay, now that we have that out of the way, it's off to find Miriam," Sean said very dramatically before heading for the door.

"Hey, don't forget to call her Miri if you see her with someone," I reminded him quickly before he could leave.

"Is she still doing that?" He asked looking genuinely surprised.

"Apparently," I said with a shrug.

"Hm, I think I'm gonna have to have fun with that," Sean said before opening the door.

"Sean," I said in a warning tone.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to call her by her stage name in front of the new kids... maybe," he said before leaving and closing the door behind him.

"Go with him," I said exasperatedly as I pleaded with Bear with my eyes who rolled his own eyes. He let out a big sigh as he stood up.

"I don't see why I have to babysit him," he said as he looked down at me. I responded by hitting him with my most pitiful puppy dog eyes. He let out another deep sigh then leaned down to give me a quick kiss before he rushed to catch up with Sean.

"Your new bestie sounds like a handful," Drake said surprising me that he was still there.

"Yeah, he is, but I love him," I said with a smile I was unable to hide.

"How does Bear feel about this "love" you have for Sean?" Drake asked being much too nosy. I chose to let it go, though.

"Why should he care. I love all my friends, including Carter," I said for a reason and I wasn't disappointed when I saw a look of regret flash across his face.

"Yeah," is all he said before sitting down in his desk chair.

I got up and got my clothes together before heading to the bathroom to take a shower. Once I was done, I brushed my teeth, checked my dreads and saw that I'd need to get them redone soon. Then I headed back into the room to find Drake still sitting in the same place.

I finished getting dressed and once I was finished tying my shoes, he had moved to look up something on his laptop. I didn't bother him. I checked my phone to see I had a few texts. I responded to the texts from my dad, Liberty, and Dave before slipping my phone into my pocket.

"You know, if you want, you can come to the party," I said before my mind could comprehend that that was probably a bad idea.

"That's probably a bad idea," he said before turning back to his laptop.

"Bear won't say anything if I say so, and I can deal with Sean and the others, so come if you want. You know where Sean's place is," I said before I stood and slipped my bag over my shoulder.

"I'll see," he said without looking up. I shrugged and let out a "hm" before heading off to my class.

When Bear, Miriam, Deacon, and I arrived, the party was already in full swing as we came straight from school. I had a few Saturday classes and told Bear that he and Miriam could leave school Friday and I'd come alone after my classes, but they chose to wait around for me instead. I was touched and slightly annoyed. Deacon was just along for the ride.

We got out of Bear's truck and headed for the house and the open door. The music spilled out of the house as we neared the door. When we walked in, I immediately saw several of Bear's former teammates chugging beers. Sean was spied further in being the life of the party as usual.

"Hey pals of mine and other," Sean said as we neared him.

"Hey, you guys. Been a long time," said Donnie Carlson. He along with Carter, Dale, and Dave were grouped around Sean.

"Yeah man, it has," Bear said before he and Donnie fist bumped.

"Where's everybody else?" I asked as I didn't see the rest of our friends.

"Well, Jess is in the kitchen finishing up some stuff she insisted on bringing to eat, Ronnie's over there in the corner exploring her date's tonsils, Liberty and Christian ran out to get something for Jess, and here comes my lady," he said. Justice strolled up as he finished his explanation.

"Hey guys," she said after handing Sean his drink, a red solo cup that probably held Coke.

"Hey Jus," I said as she walked up and gave me a quick hug followed by Bear and then Miriam.

"Hey, you," Dale said, and Miriam blushed.

"Hey yourself," she said before he walked up and placed a kiss on her cheek. He lingered longer than needed but the smile on Miriam's face said she didn't mind. They separated and he grasped her right hand in his.

"Wanna... talk?" He asked with a grin as he looked her over.

"Sure," she said quickly while doing the same to him. He took her left hand and they walked off together headed for the back.

"I guess they wanna talk," Sean said before we all laughed.

"Who's your friend," Donnie asked referring to Deacon.

"Oh yeah," Bear said before placing a hand on Deacon's shoulder and steering him forward.

"Deac, this is Donnie, Donnie, you know Deacon from a second ago when I introduced you two," Bear said and we all kind of chuckled a bit.

"I'm Bear's teammate," Deacon said as he and Donnie shook hands.

"I was his teammate in high school," Donnie said and they both nodded.

"So, Don, what's Brandy doing these days?" Bear asked referring to Donnie's cousin.

"Pregnant," Donnie said nonchalantly. Justice spit out the drink she was in the middle of drinking. I almost choked on my own spit. Bear looked shocked as well, but Sean didn't react, so I guess he'd already told him before we'd arrived.

"Brandy? Are you sure?" Bear asked because it was a surprise. I didn't know Brandy well but what I did know was that she wasn't one to get pregnant at an early age. Although, a lot of people were born while their parents were college-aged.

"I'm pretty sure she called me a few weeks ago begging me to come home because her parents were freaking about her being a single mother and dropping out of college. Although, she did me the marvelous favor of waiting until I was there to drop the dropping out of college bomb," he said sounding much too casual about the situation.

"Single mother?" Justice said as I tried to keep unwanted thoughts at bay.

"Yeah. Apparently, she met a guy like the first week of college, they fell "madly in love" and had a whirlwind love affair that prevented her from coming home for the holidays this past year. Then, after New Years she found out she was knocked-up, told the so-called "love of her life" and he called her a whore, said it wasn't his and dumped her hard. Now she has to look forward to being a single mother because she plans to keep the baby," he said and finally sighed and frowned as he wrapped up his story.

"Damn," Justice said while I held my tongue. I looked at Bear to see him frowning. I couldn't tell what he was thinking but I had an idea as it's what I was thinking about now.

"Oh yeah Bear, I heard about you and Alicia. I gotta say I'm surprised to see you and Trey here together," Donnie said adding fuel to the fire of the unwanted thoughts.

"Dude, of course, they're together. That thing with him and Alicia... It wasn't like what happened to your cousin," Sean said jumping to our rescue as I didn't know what to say.

"You guys talk while Trey and I go somewhere. I've got something to talk to him about," Justice said before dragging me away from the group.

"What did you wanna talk to me about?" I asked as we arrived on the patio area in the back that led to the garden area.

"Nothing. I said that to give you a reprieve," she said, and I thanked her with my eyes.

"No matter what I do it seems the universe seems hellbent on reminding me that Bear has a child out there that he's neglecting and that it thinks that's my fault," I said before sighing dejectedly.

"Don't worry about that right now. You have every right to feel territorial towards Bear, especially since that kid he has out there has a mother that's a manipulative bitch named Alicia Lake."

She was right and she didn't even know about what Alicia had pulled recently. Nobody knew about that except Bear's mother, Ivy, and some court clerk out there somewhere. I thought briefly about telling her but decided against it as it wasn't right to tell anyone else that didn't already know when Bear didn't know.

"You're right. I need to take my mind off this and everything," I said trying to drill that into my head.

"We're at a party, with alcohol. That can do it," she said, and this may be the first time that I was truly into getting hammered.

We headed back into the house and I stopped by to see Jessica trying to keep her food organized in the face of greedy hungry college kids. Liberty and Christian had made it back as well and were arguing over something. I walked over and interrupted them to give Liberty a hug and Christian a fist bump.

Justice walked up and handed me something in a red cup. I shook off memories of another time someone offered me a red cup and took a drink as I trusted her. It tasted sweet but at the same time, I could taste the strong alcohol. After finishing it and Justice giving me another, I felt more relaxed.

I finally remembered to look and see where Bear had gotten to and saw him and Deacon talking with a few more of his high school teammates. I watched him for a while and saw several girls that we'd gone to high school with come up to him and try to talk to him. He didn't pay them much attention though and you could see how frustrated that made them before they lost interest. They must have heard about Alicia and thought they had another chance. Scheming hoes...

After walking around a bit and getting more alcohol relaxed, I looked toward the entrance just in time to see Drake arrive with Serena. She looked excited, he looked apprehensive. I started to walk over to them but before I got the chance, I looked to see Sean making a rushed beeline towards me. He grabbed my arm and dragged me off towards his dad's study and shooed everybody out of there before closing the sliding door.

"What is Drake fucking Franklin doing at my party?" He asked not sounding nice about it. I started to answer but he held up his hand interrupting me and told me to wait here before he left the room.

I considered not waiting because I knew this was about to be a big load of shit that I was not for dealing with now. The door opened to our whole group being ushered into the study to protests and grumbling before Sean slid the doors closed much too hard.

"Alright, we're in here. Now, what the fuck is your problem?" Liberty asked in her usual surly tone.

"You wanna field that question, Trey?" Sean asked, well demanded.

"What the hell you want me to say?" I asked matching his attitude.

"I don't know, maybe explain why Drake fucking Franklin is at my party when I didn't invite him and I know nobody else in this room did either," he said not backing down. Everybody then turned to look at me.

"Fine, I invited him," I said, and they all started bitching and moaning as a group about the horrible fate they had to suffer because Drake was there.

"What is wrong with you? Are you a glutton for punishment or something?" Liberty said over the roar of the mass bitch-fest.

"He was there that day after Bear and Sean left and... it just slipped out and I couldn't take it back," I pleaded with them to understand. They all just groaned though. It would have been comical if they weren't pissing me off.

"Why would you invite him to my house, especially without asking me or warning me about it first?" Sean asked sounding a bit whiny.

"Because I didn't think it would be that big of a deal," I said even though deep down I probably did know they'd object.

"Well you were wrong," Liberty said as she glared at me.

"Alright everybody back off. I know that nobody here likes Drake but you all need to ease up on Trey. I think it's admirable that he has a big heart and a forgiving nature," Bear said finally standing up for me. I didn't blame him for his lateness though.

"Of course, you of all people would be happy about that," Liberty said with a sneer that looked out of place aimed at Bear. Maybe there were still unresolved issues between the two of them.

"Liberty," Jessica hissed at her.

"What? Am I lying?" She asked but nobody said anything. She then looked at Bear with a challenging look. I saw one develop on his face too.

"Yeah, I am happy about that. You should be happy about it too, don't you think?" He asked and if the fiery look that briefly crossed Liberty's eyes could kill...

"What the hell are you talking about?" She asked as she stalked up to him.

"Oh, how quickly we forget the past when someone else does something wrong, eh Liberty?"Bear challenged as he stared her down.

"What exactly are you trying to say?" She seethed. Bear though tried to calm himself down before he spoke again.

"I'm saying that we should all try to be bighearted like Trey and not condemn him for it. After all, he's the one that Drake wronged and if he can at least try to be amicable towards him then we should honor that and keep our own personal feelings to ourselves," Bear said and while I was touched by his words, I was unsure of them at the same time. I wasn't sure how I felt about my friends hiding their feelings to placate me.

"Look, I'm sorry I invited Drake. I didn't consider everybody else's feelings about him and that was wrong," I said, and everybody's expression softened except Liberty's. "And Bear," I said as I took hold of his hand. "while I appreciate your defending me, I don't want everyone keeping their feelings about things to themselves just to placate me. If you think I'm doing something wrong, I wanna hear about it because I will be doing the same to all of you," I said and questioned if it was the right thing to say with this group, but I stayed with it.

"I think we should all go out there and enjoy the party. Just pretend that he isn't here if it's a problem," Carter said and that was a fine idea. Everyone left after a minute with Sean mouthing an "I'm sorry" before he left. Once it was just Bear and I in the room he pulled me into a hug. I appreciated his defending me especially since I knew he felt like everybody else did regarding Drake.

We left the living room and went out to enjoy ourselves. A few of Bear's old teammates called him over and he started to pull me along with him, but I told him to go on ahead. I needed to find Drake and Serena and be the obligatory good boy and check on my "guests".


"Would you loosen up already," Serena said as she struggled to keep from dancing in place. I had no idea why I was so uptight. I'd gone to high school with most of these people. They had chosen the side of Trey though and I could see the looks I was getting, especially from the former football players.

"It was a mistake to come here," I told her, but she just rolled her eyes.

"Why did you come then?" She asked sounding a bit annoyed.

"Well, Trey invited me and... I don't know," I said, and she didn't respond. She just looked at me. We didn't get a chance to say anything else though as Trey walked up.

"Hey, you two," he said as he reached us. He seemed unsure of how to act just as I was.

"Hey, Trey. You actually know somebody that lives in this mansion?" Serena asked in her usual peppy tone.

"Yeah, my buddy Sean. It's his family's house," Trey said, and she nodded.

"Look, my boyfriend is determined to stand here and be a stick in the mud so can you show me to some food?" she asked, and I almost laughed, until I realized that she was talking about me.

"Um, sure," Trey said as he tried to suppress his own laughter. She looped her arm with his and let him lead her away.

That left me alone to lament my current situation as persona non grata amongst my former classmates. It was a weird feeling to experience what I'd spent so much time trying to make sure Trey experienced. I was saved or rather cursed from any further lamentation by the approach of my first girlfriend. Liberty didn't look happy to see me as she approached.

"Well, well, well," she said as she walked up to me.

"Oh no," I said because I knew what was coming.

"Look who we have here. I can't believe you actually had the nerve to bring your musty ass up in here," she said with a scowl and a sneer unmatched by any she'd ever given me before.

"I was invited," I tried to be defiant.

"You didn't have to come. We all would have been eternally happier if you hadn't," she said not sparing me any spite.

"Look, babe," I let slip because that's the way I used to deal with her being pissed at me.

"Don't call me that again ever in this or any other life," she said with a gaze full of spite for me.

"Look Liberty," I said being careful this time to say her name before I continued. "I really don't want to do this now".

"Well then, you shouldn't have come here if you didn't wanna hear it," she said as she set her hands on her hips and looked me up and down with a sour look on her face.

"I don't have time for this," I said growing impatient. I knew I had no right to be angry with her, but she had a way of pissing off the most patient person.

"If you don't like it you can leave," she said with a smirk that felt like it belonged to me.

"Or, I can just walk away," I said to her before starting to do just that.

"I'll just follow your ass," she said after she grabbed my arm to pull me back around to face her.

"Just leave me alone," I said as I yanked my arm from her grasp.

"No, I won't. This is my friend's house and you don't belong here," she said with a challenging look that said that she had no intention of letting me leave without actually leaving the house.

"First of all, Trey invited me. Secondly, you have some nerve calling Sean your friend. I remember the way you used to talk about him from when we were together, and I'll bet you still do it now knowing you. Some friend," I said and took a brief thrill when she seemed to be tripped up. It didn't last long though.

"He is my friend. I do that now just to mess with him lest he gets a big head and I can't have him thinking too highly of himself while he's dating my sister. I have to look out for her."

"I did it when I was with you because I knew Justice hated you because you were a supreme asshole. Instead of dealing with that fact though, I decided that if she hated my boyfriend I'd hate hers right back. That was wrong though because unlike you, her boyfriend is genuinely a good guy and not a fuckboy like you," she said in one of the most brutal dressing downs I'd ever received.

"Aw, I knew you loved me!" We heard from around the corner. Out popped Sean who rushed to Liberty to hug her.

"What the hell?! Were you just waiting around the corner expecting me to finally say something nice about you?" Liberty asked harshly as she struggled to free herself from Sean's grasp. I fought a losing battle to keep from laughing at her.

"I just knew this day was coming and I could sense it was about to happen, so I rushed over," Sean said with a huge grin as he hugged Liberty even tighter.

"Weird ass boy," she said as she continued to fight against the unwanted hug.

"I can just see us now, you and Christian, Justice and I, our kids playing together and the four of us hanging out, being a family, forever," he said sounding way too giddy.

"Your white ass is crazy," Liberty said just before she finally won the battle against Sean and pried herself from his hug.

"I'm gonna go tell Justice that you love me," he said before he actually skipped away.

"You better not," Liberty screamed after him.

"Aw, that's so sweet," I said now fully chuckling at her.

"Get lost jackass," she said in her full-on surly tone.

"I don't think so. I think you secretly love me too," I teased. Maybe I shouldn't have as the next thing I experienced was a fist to the gut.

"Keep dreaming asshole," she snarled into my ear before she stepped away from me and started to walk away. Strangely I didn't want her to go anymore. Something came over me and I realized that we needed to clear the air, so I found myself grabbing her arm, although not as aggressively as she had done to me.

"You were right, we need to talk," I said while still trying to recover from the blow to the gut.

"I don't want to anymore," she said as she looked at my hand on her arm like she was giving me one last chance to remove it before she removed my arm from my body. I decided that I liked my arm, so I let her go.

"We need to settle things between us if Trey and I are gonna be besties," I said mostly as a joke. Trey and I were probably never gonna be more than friendly acquaintances. The weird part was I wasn't quite sure how I felt about that.

"Are you trying to make me kill you?" Liberty asked after shooting me a particularly dangerous glare.

"No," I said deciding that I'd better be serious until the iceberg between us thawed a bit. She looked at me and let out a reluctant sigh.

"I supposed I have to since the universe seems intent on this happening," she said before walking over to a nearby sofa and taking a seat.

"Do you really believe the universe cares about us in that way? I mean, if it did things that happen to people like Trey wouldn't happen," I said in a moment of honesty that was unintended but maybe needed to say.

"You mean things like you?" She said as she pierced me with a cold glare.

"Yeah," I said as I took a seat next to her. She moved over to put more distance between us than I'd left after I'd sat down.

"Bad things happen to people but having faith, a belief in something spiritual out there doesn't contradict with that. After all, humans are responsible for their own actions. You know, free will and all," she said which shocked me. I'd never heard her speak that way before and I wondered if I'd ever really known her or if I was more concerned with myself when I was with her. It would fit with me.

"I don't hate Trey just so you know," I said wanting to get that out there because it was the truth.

"You could have fooled me," she said with a scowl.

"Well, what about you? You left him too. You went right along with me," I said and regretted it since I knew she would probably punch me in the nose for it. She surprised me though by just looking full of regret. I could relate on some level.

"I didn't hate Trey. I just was angry that he hid that part of himself from me. I also loved you and that love momentarily won out over my loyalty to Trey," she said and strangely, I was flattered by that fact. It felt wrong to feel that way but I couldn't control it.

"I thought you loved him and was jealous of Bear because he had him and that's the reason why you were so pissed with them," I said being honest with no smugness filter this time. I did feel many times that Liberty was in love with Trey, especially with how jealous she was of her sister in relation to him.

"I know, you told me," she said with a cold tone.

"Although, I did have another theory after we broke up," I said teasingly.

"Do tell," she said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.

"Well, when you said that you thought that you loved Trey but figured out that you didn't the only other option in my mind was the reason you seemed to hate Trey so much was because you were not secretly in love with him but with Bear," I said and she couldn't stop her reaction in time. I saw it and my jaw dropped.

"That- that's stupid," she stammered and I was floored.

"Oh my God, I was right," I said and she responded by standing up quickly.

"I think we're done with this conversation," she said and if her skin color was lighter I'm sure she would have been blushing.

"No, I think I was right," I said as I stood to block her from bolting.

"I want you to hear me right now," she said after gripping my collar in a tight grip and pulling me closer to her. "I was not in love with that gigantic jackass," she said and while I could say that she was protesting too much, the look in her eyes was saying something to me.

"You don't like Bear, do you?" I asked after extracting my collar from her grip.

"Don't be stupid. He's one of my closest friends," she said but I could hear a touch of sarcasm in her voice like maybe she wasn't being completely truthful.

"Okay, let me rephrase that. You haven't forgiven him for what he did to Trey, have you?" I asked and she didn't need to say anything because the brief look that crossed her face answered the question for me.

"No, but that's between him and me," she said. I decided that she was right. That was none of my business.

"So, what's the verdict?" I asked changing the subject.

"Huh?" She said.

"Between you and me," I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Let's just say that I'll let you live provided you don't hurt Trey again," she said and I wondered if that's how she was operating with regards to Bear. That strangely made me feel sad for him because he used to really be one of her closest friends, certainly, one her oldest friends and now he was probably on the same level as me on her list and he likely didn't even know.

"I'll take that," I said with an exaggerated bow. She rolled her eyes again.

"Where's your girlfriend?" She asked out of the blue.

"Probably dancing with Trey," I said and an immediate frown appeared on her face. She started looking around as did I and sure enough Serena and Trey were dancing together.

"Oh hell naw," Liberty said before she abandoned me and headed in their direction. I looked around further and noticed all of Trey's group looking at me from their areas of the house.

I zeroed in on Christain with a deep scowl on his face as he glared at me. I gave him a head nod as a hello. He didn't return the gesture at first but then after what seemed like forever, he gave me a slow nod before walking over to Liberty. He dragged her away from Trey and they seemed to argue briefly before he kissed her cheek. She melted and I was surprised that I felt happy that she had someone and was happy too. She deserved that after me.


After the meeting in the study everybody basically dispersed. Deacon had attached himself to Donnie as the girls were flocking to him but I couldn't blame them as he was a good looking dude. Sean was off being a gracious host and Jessica was making sure her food was eaten properly. Everyone else was off doing their thing including Trey who was dancing with Drake's girlfriend Serena which left me alone.

Was I happy that Drake was there? No, not in the least. I hated that guy with a passion but I saw that Trey was trying to forgive him and move past what had happened between them in the past. Really though, Trey did have a big heart and I happened to be a recipient of his forgiving nature.

He'd forgiven his brother Zane for brutalizing him, forgiven Liberty for abandoning him after we were outed, forgiven Todd for bullying him, and forgiven me for cheating on him while he was in a coma. So, the fact that he wanted to forgive Drake and leave the past in the past shouldn't have surprised anyone, least of all me.

It was hard for me though because I was there to see how much Drake's constant jackassery was really draining on him. Plus, because of Drake, Trey had to endure one of the most traumatic events in his life and also because of Drake I wasn't there to stop it. I wished for Trey's big heart and forgiving nature because I wasn't like that at all and it would eventually cause problems for us if we weren't so different in this way. I heard someone say something that jolted me out of my introspection.

"Huh?" I said as I looked to the person, a guy, to see what he'd said.

"I said a penny for your thoughts," he said with a small smile.

"Oh, uh, it's nothing," I said as I didn't think this stranger needed to know what I was thinking.

"Mind if I sit?" He asked referring to the piano bench I was sitting on.

"No, help yourself," I said and he took a seat before letting a sigh.

"I didn't think college kids drank so much, although I should have," he said with amusement in his voice. It took me a minute to pick up on the important part of what he'd said.

"That's a weird thing to say for a college kid," I said and he chuckled.

"Well, it would be if I was," he said and I looked him over once again. He looked like a "college kid" to me. He was white with what looked like shoulder length dark brown hair pulled together in a ponytail, thin wire-framed glasses and a neatly trimmed light goatee. He looked like the artsy type.

"How old are you?" I asked because it seemed like it should be important.

"I'm 24," he said with an amused smile.

"Oh, is that so?" I asked and he chuckled again.

"I'm here with my cousin who's kinda crashing. I'm his designated driver," he said and I guess that made sense.

"Well, if your cousin is crashing and you're with him doesn't that mean you're crashing too?" I asked jokingly.

"Well, you do have a point there," he said after another chuckle.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me," I said and he feigned breathing a sigh of relief. I couldn't help but laugh.

"So, which of the youngsters are you in charge of?" He asked and I was confused for a second before I laughed.

"That one over there," I said with a smile pointing to Trey who was now dancing with Serena, Veronica, and Natasha Blade.

"Oh, who's he?" the stranger whose name I still didn't know asked.

"My boyfriend," I said as I felt my smile get bigger. The stranger looked shocked and I tried to hide my amusement.

"That guy looks kinda young. He looks like a freshman right outta high school," he said and at that, I couldn't help but laugh. Trey didn't look like a 20-year-old but then again neither did I. We just looked like that in different directions.

"Yeah he does a little but we're actually sophomores so we've been outta high school for almost 2 years," I said and his eyes grew even bigger.

"Wait, how old are you?" He asked and I couldn't help but laugh again.

"I'm 20 and so is he," I said and shot me a dubious look.

"Are you sure?" He asked and it wasn't like I hadn't heard it a hundred times before.

"Positive, at least according to my birth certificate," I said and he chuckled for the first time since I'd shocked him by telling him I wasn't an old guy.

"You can have a lot of fun looking like you do. I'll bet you don't get carded or anything like that huh," he said and that was an interesting point. True I hadn't put it in practice but I probably could get away with it.

"I probably wouldn't but I haven't tried," I said and he again looked shocked.

"You are in college, right? I remember college and I had more than one acquaintance try to scam their way into a bar," he said and I had heard of that but it wasn't my thing.

"Not really my thing. Too busy and my boyfriend is too. Besides, we can wait until the fall when we're both 21 to get into anywhere we wanna go legally," he said and he looked impressed.

"I guess they don't make college kids as they used to, apparently," he said before gesturing towards me when he said "apparently".

"Apparently," I agreed and he chuckled again.

"Well, I'd better go find my cousin," he said as he stood up.

"Hey, I never got your name," I said because I felt I needed to at least know this guy's name even if I never saw him again, which was likely.

"Oh, right. I'm Mike," he said as he extended his hand.

"I'm Bear," I said as I shook his hand as I stood. His eyes bucked wide when he saw how much taller I was than him. Judging from his height in relation to my own he was about an inch or so taller than Trey.

"Whoa," he said and I laughed because this reaction was always priceless.

"Yeah, there's a lot of me," I said.

"I'll say," he said looking amazed. "Well, I'm off. Nice meeting you Bear," he said after recovering from his shock. He then walked off in the direction of the kitchen where most of the beer was and where it seemed he would find his cousin.

I looked back over towards Trey and he was looking at me. He smiled when our eyes met. There was a brief something that passed across his face but it was too brief for me to decipher what it was. I mouthed "love you" to him and he mouthed "you too stud" in response. He always has a way of touching the deepest part of my heart but I guess it was reserved for him so he would need the ability to reach it.

The party waged on and I ended up dancing with Trey a while. We spent the rest of the night together and I didn't care that I didn't talk to anybody else. Trey had the ability to sustain me and it made me wonder if it has always been that way because I felt like it had.

The party wound down to just our group of friends and Deacon. We decided to stay the night as it was far too late to be traveling down the road back to school at 2 in the morning. Sean told us that we were acting like he was gonna let us leave anyway.

We slept where we usually did, the guys in Sean's room and the girls in the big guest room. I wanted a room to myself so Trey and I could sleep together because I had the need to cuddle with him. We still did so with Sean joking he'd better not wake up to any gay sex and Christian and Carter joking that they'd try to keep their hands to themselves. We all shared a laugh before we laid down and I drifted off to sleep to the best feeling in the world, Trey draped across me with his head on my chest and his arm around me. As I said, the best feeling in the world.

To be continued....

Author Note's:

Hello all and welcome back to The Chronicles of Trey

In this installment, things were kinda chill. Trey and Bear attend a party thrown by Sean. Drake shows up, at the invitation of Trey, much to the disapproval of all of Trey's friends.

The air is finally cleared, for the most part, between Liberty and Drake. We also finally get a piece of surprising information about Liberty.

As I said, this was mostly a chill chapter. Things will heat up again in the next chapter which is pretty much almost done.

I hope everyone is doing good. I want to encourage anyone who wants to do so to reach out to me at my email: and J.D. at

Until next time... Nicky ****************************************************************************

Editor's Note's:

Hey guys and welcome back to a new chapter, which was a nice calm chapter for a party at Sean's. But while at the party we learn about another person from the boys past who is going to be a single mother. Maybe this will help the boys to at least try and be a part of Prue's life and not blame her for what her mother did to Bear.

Liberty and Drake finally have a talk to hash out their past to hopefully move on for the future, and we learn that Liberty might have had a thing for Bear in the end and never for Trey like everyone thought.

Not much seemed to happen in this chapter but like the title says, Things have finally been said by some characters that should help them all move on to the future.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter in Trey and Bear's life, and until the next one hope you guys are all doing well in your personal lives.

Until the next chapter...


Next: Chapter 54: The Chronicles of Trey II 22

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