The Clique

By moc.loa@aoHIV

Published on Jun 24, 1999


Well... here's the fourth installment of my on going saga. I hope you enjoy it so far. I know my grammer and spelling's alittle off but that's partly due to the fact that I don't have a spell checker and my public high school education. But now I gotta give a big shout out to Pat. Thanks for proofreading my story Pat! He's probably one of only a handful of people who gets an early copy of each chapter as soon as I finish them. And since I'm in the thanking mood... One great big shout goes to Comicality at, author of "New Kid in School" (Hey Com! I got myself a title for the story! Thanks anyways.) and coutless other stories, and Chris P. who writes the "My High School Years" saga (Hope you feel better Chris!). Those two are the ones that have inspired me to finally write something like this! If you haven't read their stories then you're missing out on something grand! Once again... any comments and/or critisms will be greatly appreciated. Contact me at One more thing... for some very, VERY strange reason, y'all want to know more about me... o.k. but I can't keep up with this demand so if y'all really want to know me... then I'll send out this fact sheet/survey thing that I keep getting on AOL. It won't have my home address on it or where I go to school or anything so... to bad STALKERS! :P Like I'd be stupid enough to do that! Plus I'm also compiling a FAQ sheet, so send in some questions about the story, my life... why hot dogs come in packs of 8 and hot dog buns come in packs of 12? Well, that's enough of my babbling! On with the show! PEACE!

Chapter 4: The Aftermath

Dear Journal,

Do believe that in a single moment, somewhere you go, something you do, or something you say can have a permanent impact on the rest of you life?

Well I do. The moment I allowed Brandon to treat me to dinner, I knew my life would never be the same again...


P.S.: Fuck this! I'm gonna talk to you like a person even if my mind tells me other wise! SO THERE!!! UP YOUR'S BRAIN!!! Uh duhhhh...... (drooling and stupified)

(He he, just some comic relief. I don't care what you think, I thought it was funny. Now back to the story.)

"BZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!" I jumped up to the God awful noise of the alarm clock. I flung my arm and hit the snooze button. I began to lay back down until I realized where I was. I looked to my right and there he was. My beautiful blond lover sleeping soundly. I propped my head up with my hand and just gazed at my angelic lover as he slept. His blond hair shimmered as the early morning sun poured into the guest room. I raised my hand and began to softly caress his smooth face. I began to tear up at the site of this gorgeous adonis. I let a few tears drop before his eyes slowly opened. He brushed away the crust that had developed in his eyes during the night. Before he could get a clear view of me, I wiped the tears from my eyes and sat up straight. Brandon then sat up and greeted me with his raspy morning voice,

"Hey you." He said with a smile.

"Hey yourself." I leaned forward for a kiss, which he accepted and returned to me two fold. We both gave a long sighed and laid in each other's arms thinking about the events that happened last night.

"BUZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!" WE both jumped up!

"6:45?!?!?!!? We have less than 45 minutes to get to school!!!" Brandon yelled.

"School?!?!?!" I almost forgot, it was only the second day of school! Brandon ran into the guest bathroom still naked and started a shower. He than ran out with a toothbrush already in his mouth with toothpaste and everything. He flung me another tooth brush and the tube of tooth paste.

"Come on Phillip! You don't wanna be late for the second day of school do you?!?!" I quickly grabbed the brush and paste and started to brush my teeth.

"You take the first shower" I said.

"No time lover" Brandon grabbed my arm and dragged me into the shower. We continued to brush our teeth as water poured over our bodies. Brandon did the spit and rinse while I kept brushing. I had my back to him, then I felt hands caress my shoulders. I was surprised but I felt safe in Brandon's hands. He reached over and grabbed a bottle of shampoo and started to massage my scalp with it. I spit and rinsed and let out a small moan as Brandon worked up a lather. I turned around and lovingly embraced Brandon with a passionate kiss. He then worked the lather down my body approaching my now erect cock. He began to slowly stroke my hard cock as I let out a small moan. With my hand, I too grabbed the bottle of shampoo and worked up a lather of my own on Brandon. We both then moved into the stream of water to wash off the soap. Brandon then stood up and turned his back to me to wash the soap out of his face. I watched in awe as the suds poured down the small of his back into the crack made by his oh so tight ass. I stepped forward and slowly pressed myself against Brandon. My penis fell into Brandon's ass as if it was made for it. Which I'm sure it was.

"Whoa boy! Down! Down boy! We can't do that right now. It's getting really close to the bell." Brandon said in protest.

"Then you shouldn't have made it hard!" I said with a big grin.

"But still, if we don't show up for school, people will start to think something's up." I knew Brandon wanted it. His voice was shakey and he never took his eyes of my cock.

"Something IS up" I retorted. Brandon looked down and licked his lips, but quickly regained his composer.

"That's enough of that. Let's just say that I owe you one." Brandon said in a fatherly tone.

"Alright" I sighed.

I began to grow limp again but then Brandon pulled me into a tight embrace. "You know I love you right?"

"As much as I love you." Brandon then grabbed the back of my head and gave me a kiss that would hold me over for... well... at least after first period. I began to get hard again. He kept on kissing me 'til I got to full length. He gave my member a tug and whispered in my ear,

"Down boy." He then gave me a quick smirck and jumped out of the shower. I froze until I realized what had just happened.

"YOU FUCKIN' BASTARD!" I heard Brandon laugh hysterically from the guest room. I quickly rinsed all the soap off my body and ran out of the shower. I tackled him, now half dressed. "You bastard! Leave me hangin' will you!"

"I'm sorry! Ha ha ha I'm... ha ha sorry.." I let Brandon go and he stood up. He had already put on his pants and underwear while I was still naked. I began to reach for the clothes I wore last night but Brandon stopped me. "Oh no, NO boyfriend of mine is going to wear last night's clothes that smell of liquor and cigars from the cafe. Here. I picked these out just for you."

He handed me a wifebeater, a black Armani dress shirt, and a pair of wide legged jeans, and a pair of Gucci loafers, but, all I could do was drop my head and tear up. Brandon reached down and tilted my head up and looked me dead in the eye. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"You... you called me your... boyfriend." I let a tear lose. I could feel it roll down my cheek and hang on my chin. Brandon started to get tense as he heard my comment.

"Wow, well... I mean... I thought that since we... wow, if you don't... I just love you so much and... if you don't wa..." His babbeling was muffeled by my kiss.

"Brandon, I would love to be your boyfriend." I said lovingly. Brandon smiled.

I started to get dressed as he watched me while leaning over the guest room dresser with his arms crossed. "You know Phillip..."

"You know you're the only one who calls me that."

"Calls you what?" He asked.

"Phillip, you're the only one who calls me by my full name."

"Well, I like it, but if you like to be called Phil..."

"No, call me Phillip, you can be special... cuz you are you know."

"Well thank you!" A huge grin formed on his face.

"So what were you saying before I interupted you? By the way I'm sorry about that." I said while pulling up my pants.

"No prob. Anyway, you know that we can't go around school 'outted' don't you?"

"Oh yeah, I was gonna talk to you about that when we got into the car."

"Well, let's talk about it now." Brandon demanded.

"OK." I started to explain the situation as I saw it, "Well, I know you have a rep to keep and I know that I need to build mine up, so, it's in both of our best interests to keep our love for each other strictly confined to us. Unless something comes up."

"Hmm, I'm glad we understand each other." Brandon stated in an approving maner.

"Of course, if you haven't noticed, we're soul mates." Brandon smiled and gave me a hug and kissed me on my cheek. I looked over his shoulder at the clock.

"Brandon? As much as I would love to stay in this hug with you... we only have 15 minutes to get to school." "HOLY SHIT!!!!"

We ran downstairs. "Your car or mine?" Brandon asked.

"Umm, we took my car last night so let's take your Benz."

"Alright." I waited at the front door as Brandon drove up in his M-class. I got in and we high tailed it to school. We made it to school, to our lockers, and to class seconds before the bell rang. We took our seats next to Dolan and Rob.

"So how was it?" Dolan asked.

"How was what?"

"Last night?" Brandon and I both turned white with shock.

"Umm... La... Last night?" Brandon said, still in shock. He could tell Dolan was hungy for an answer.

"Yeah, dinner." Rob said.

"Oh dinner!" Brandon and I both sighed with relief. We knew we had both been thinking the same thing. Relieved that Dolan wasn't talking about what happened after dinner, he answered, "It was great. Food was good. Phillip got alittle tipsy from the Sambuca though."

"You got drunk Phil? Wow! Big baller!" Dolan shouted as he nudged me on my shoulder.

"Hey Dolan, remember when you and me got wasted on Sambucas?" Rob asked.

"Yeah, we were both drunk like bums, remember what happened next?"

"I'll never forget, it was the first time we... we met those two hot girls at Club Spy!"

"Oh yeah, they were very hot?" Seemed like Dolan wasn't sure about that night.

"The hottest!" Brandon and I just looked at them. What the hell was that?!?! Could they be... involved with each other? I knew by the way Brandon looked at them, he was thinking the same thing.

"Will you four boys pay attention!!!" Mrs. Pikus shouted.

"Sorry about that Mrs. Pikus" I said on behalf of everyone else. Rob and Brandon both turned around and faced front. Mrs. Pickus started her lesson.

She turned out the lights and turned on the overhead projector to give us some notes about the novel 1984. Seeing how dimly lit the room was, I kinda went back on our agreement and began to rub Brandon's shoulders when I was sure that no one was watching. He seemed tense and shocked at first but let out a soft sigh and melted in my hands. I continued until Mrs. Pikus finished her lecture. Other than me giving Brandon that massage, we acted "straight" for the rest of first, second and third period.

At lunch we still sat down next to each other, but we still maintained our straight attitude. I had beaten Brandon to lunch so I already sat down at the table with food as Brandon was just now entering the line. Toni, Linda, Christie and Angel were already sitting when I brought my plate to the table.

"Tell me everything!" Toni demanded.

"What?" Not again!

"Everything that happened last night." Toni was persistance.

"Well, me and Brandon went to Sambuca and..."

"Not that Phil! What happened afterwards." She knew...

"What? Nothing happened!" I stuttered out. I was a bad lier.

"You're lying." Linda said calmly.

"What? No, I'm not!" The others at the table flashed me a strange look. I lowered my voice. "Nothing happened..."

"Don't lie to us Phil, we know something more happened between you two than just conversation. You have that glow about you." Toni was so insistant with what she said.

"OK, maybe something did happen."

"I knew it!" Linda seem so excited with herself.

"How DID you know?" I asked. Toni and Linda both whispered in unison,

"Gay-dar." They burst out laughing, then I soon followed.

"No, seriously, we knew cuz you have this glow about you, it's hard to explain, it's just there. Linda and I have this knack for catching it. See, like that guy there," Toni pointed to this very cute Latino guy, "He got laid, and that girl there," she pointed to another blond bombshell that would give Kim a run for her money, "She got some last night too..."

"Alright Toni, I get the picture!" Toni stopped her pointing and got back to the subject of me and Brandon.

" So tell us everything that happened." I kept my voice at a whisper as I told them.

"Wow, so you two really love each other huh?"

"Yup, I guess we do."

"Well! I know we do!" I heard a voice say. I turned around and saw Brandon.

"Umm... Brandon, look I didn't want to tell them, they mustered it out of me with their 'gay-dar' and well..."

"It's OK Phillip, at least now we know we can act normal when we're around Toni and Linda." Brandon whispered, comforting me.

He then raised his voice and spoke to the rest of the table. I didn't even realize Dolan, Rob, and Kim sat down, but there they were. "Hey everyone look who I found?" Brandon pointed to three people who were approaching the table. Christie jumped up and ran to one of the guys and gave him a huge hug.

"Hey, the gang's all here now!" Angel shouted.

"Now that everyone's here, I want to formally introduce y'all to a new friend." Brandon stood me up. "Phillip, this is everyone. Everyone, this is Phillip Le. He's new here at school."

"Hi everyone, you all can call me Phil." Is this what an AA meeting is like?

"Hi Phil." Brandon then proceeded to introduce me to everyone individually.

"Phillip, you already know Toni, Linda, Rob and Dolan, but, I don't think you've been properly introduced to Kim."

"Hi, I'm Kim Bell, and that's my best friend Christie Le." Christie smiled and said,

"Hey, we have the same last name! That's pretty cool." Christie said.

"Yeah it is" I said.

"K, this is Angel Val..."

"Valmont, I know." I interrupted.

"How do you know?" Angel questioned.

"Linda told me."

"Did she tell you anything else about me?"


"K, nice to meet you Phil. So how was dinner?" As I was about to go through the whole explanation one more time, Brandon interupted.

"Not now Ang, " Brandon shot back saving me from having to explain last night again. Angel gave me a cold stare. Well, what can you expect when the guy he had a crush on was stepping over himself to make me feel more comfortable in school.

"Phillip, you haven't met these guys before cuz they all decided to extend their Spring Break a little longer." The three of them gave smiles as they extended their hands and introduced themselves one by one. The guy sitting across from Angel extended his hand first.

"Hi, I'm Christie's boyfriend Tyler Pham." Tyler looked like an Asian version of Kevin Richardson of BSB. He had the same goatee, hair, chiseled face, bushy eyebrows, and reserved demeanor. The only difference was that he was alittle more yellow skined and had slanted eyes.

"Nice to meet you Tyler."

"Call me Ty." He said, flashing me the sexiest smile next to Brandon's.

"K, Ty" Ty and I shook hands. Then I shook hands with a vision of ebony loveliness sitting next to Ty.

"Hi Phil, I'm Crystal Smith." This girl was gorgeous! She had Brandy's eyes and smile, with Monica's body, and Janet Jackson's voice. No doubt this girl was sexy, but in no way, shape, or form as sexy as Brandon was.

"Nice to meet you Crystal." I then met the guy sitting across from Crystal, next to Angel.

"Hi I'm Sebastian Valmont, Angel's cousin." OK, I thought Angel was cute cuz he looked like Lance from *NSYNC, but now Sebastian was something else. Sebastian looked like an exact copy of Ryan Phillippe. Even his name sounds familiar. Didn't one of Ryan's character have that name? I forget, but the resembalence was outstanding.

"Sebastian's the oldest out of the clique, he's the only senior! He'll be graduating at the end of this term. The only reason he hangs out with us is cuz he started school here in January and poor Sebastian has not made any close friends except for the clique his cousin was in, us." Sebastian jabed Brandon in the stomach for mocking him and flashed me this gorgeous smile.

"Hi Sebastian, say, has anyone ever told you you look just like Ryan Phillippe?" I asked.

"Ever since 'I Know What You Did Last Summer' came out."

"Oh I'm sorry, you must be sick of hearing that then."

"It's cool Phil, you're new and you seem to be good friends with Brandon so I won't beat the shit out of you." He said with a smile.

"That's good, again, very nice to meet all of you." I gave a half smile at Sebastian's comment and sat back down next to Brandon. Lunch went smoothly that day I felt a lot more comfortable since I was around Toni, Linda and the love of my life, Brandon.

When the bell rang to tell us to go to fourth period, Brandon and I began to walk with Toni and Linda to Chemistry when Angel came running up to us, "Hey B! You're gonna come over to my house after school to shoot some hoops right?"

"Yeah sure Ang, I promise." Brandon reasured him

"Cool, see you later then."

"Later." Angel then waved to the rest of us and left. We began walking down the hall towards Chemistry as Linda pulled me back, Toni and Brandon walked ahead.

"Phil, you gotta watch out for Angel. He's got eyes for your man." I thought she was only making conversation, but then I looked into her eyes and knew she was for real.

"I don't need to worry, Brandon loves me too much." I said with confidence.

"I know that but... Brandon and Angel have this history together." She said nervously.

"History?" I was curious.

"They've know each other since third grade, they've been best friends ever since."

"Well, they still can be best friends, but I'm "HIS" BOYFRIEND." Once more filled with confidence.

"I know that, I'm just telling you to watch out for Angel. He has a way of always getting what he wants."

"Well, thanks Linda, but he's not getting Brandon."

"I hope you're right Phil, you're a really nice guy and I don't want to see you get hurt." Linda then gave me a friendly peck on the cheek and ran to Toni and Brandon, I quickly followed.

"Alright class, settle down." Mr. Wilson began to start his lecture, but, I was too entranced by Brandon to pay attention. I think it was something about ions or something, oh well, I could always go over to Brandon's for "tutoring." (he he he he) When I was finally able to break the grip Brandon had over me, I began to understand the lesson, who would've thunk it? But that still doesn't mean that I wouldn't need to go over to Brandon's for some "tutoring."

The rest of the day went by just like yesterday except for Brandon occasionally pushing me into the restroom stalls for a quick kiss. We always made sure to be careful not to let anyone on to us. In fifth period Mr. Devor told us to pick our lab partners for the rest of the semester. "Phillip, you and me?"

"I would be hurt if it was any other way!"

"Awwww, poor baby! I'd give you a hug but... you know..." He teased.

"That's OK Brandon, we have after school." I gave him a wink and descritly pinched his ass when I was sure no one was watching, especially Angel.

"If you already have a partner, will you please arrange yourselves so you are sitting next to him or her." Mr. Devor announced. I looked over to Angel as Brandon approach me and sat next to me. Angel first had this shocked face on him, but, then turned into a hurt expression that just broke my heart! Linda saw this and approached Angel,

"Hey handsome, why don't you and me shack up?" Linda teased.

"What?" Angel was definitely caught off guard. Linda laughed at his actions.

"Want to be my partner Ang?" Linda was still holding in some giggles.

"Sure, I guess. Looks like Brandon's found someone better to be friends with." Angel sighed.

"Listen Ang, Phil's new. Brandon's probably just being friendly."

"Well, I hope he doesn't get any friendlier." An uneasy face grew on Linda as she mumbled,

"If you only knew how friendly they've become," she said under her breath. Angel's face looked alittle better after Linda asked him to be her partner. I could still feel that Angel was still kinda hurt by Brandon's actions. Linda gave me a smile, and I mouthed "Thank you " to her. The rest of the day continued on just like it should have. I even saw Crystal and Sebatian in Pre-Cal! Crystal also told me we had the same health and history class second and third period! Gosh! I didn't know which one was more beautiful, Crystal or Sebatian! Hmmm... Brandon. No one can compare to Brandon.

When the sixth period bell rang, Brandon met me at my locker to take me back to his place. When we got into the car, we immediatly got into a lip lock. "Mmmm... look like... mmm... it's gonna be... be hell getting out of he... here cuz of all this traffic in mmm... the... parking... lot." Brandon said while still making out with me.

"That's OK Brandon, we'll just... just stay here... hmm... until it thins out alittle."

"Tap tap tap." We both jumped up and straightened ourselves out.

"Hey lovebirds!!!" Toni called out. Brandon rolled down the window,

"Whatcha doin?" Linda asked.

"Nothing Linda." I said.

"Yeah right! Don't you think it's alittle early for a backseat romp?"

"Geez Linda! Get your mind out of the gutter!" I shot back.

"Yeah Linda! We weren't going to the back seat! I was gonna give Phillip a blow job up here in the front seat."

"Well, don't stop on account of us!" They both said as they stepped into the rear passenger seat. I nudged Brandon on the shoulder.

"You perve!" The four of us laughed. "Say Brandon, can you give me and Linda a ride home?"

"Doesn't look like I have much of a choice."

"Good, cuz you don't." Toni said.

Brandon turned on the radio as he pulled out of the parking lot. 112's new single "Anywhere" came on as Brandon cranked up the volume and Toni, Linda and I sang along. "I could love you in the shower, both of our bodies drippin' wet. On the patio, I would make it a night you won't forget.

On the kitchen floor as I softy pull your hair, we can do it anywhere..."

"I hope you're taking notes Phil." Toni giggled. Brandon gave me this seductive look and said,

"That's OK, I already have this song memorized."

"Getting alittle freaky there aren't you B?" Brandon blushed at Linda's comment.

We pulled up to Linda's house first. "Thanks B." she gave Brandon and me a small peck on our cheeks as she stepped out of the car. Brandon made sure that Linda made it into her house safely before driving onto Toni's house.

"Linda and you seem really close Toni."

"Yeah, we're like sisters. We know everything about each other."

"That's cool." A silence grew when I suddenly decided to break it.

"So... Toni, do you have a boyfriend?"

"Why? Are you offering? I don't think Brandon would be too happy now, would you Brandon?"

"No, it's OK" I shot my head over towards Brandon's direction looking as shocked as humanly possible. "Oh yeah, you'd like that, wouldn't bother you Brandon?" Toni kidded. I caught on.

"You can go fuck around with Toni, I don't mind. I'll always have Angel." Suddenly, the Benz got quiet.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" Brandon asked. He didn't know about Angel, but Toni and I did.

"Look if it's about Angel, I was only kidding, we're only friends." Brandon explained as he pulled up to Toni's front door.

"Well, here's my stop. Thanks B." Toni gave us each a kiss on the cheek as she left like Linda did. We sat infront of Toni's house for a bit. Then drove back to Brandon's.

The silence remained until Brandon couldn't take it any more.

"What's up Phillip?!?! Is there something wrong with Angel? Is there something I should know about him?"

"Brandon, it's not my place to say. I mean, I don't even know the guy that well, it's just he's..." I shut myself up before I could do anymore damage.

"He's what? Phillip?"

"Brandon... It's not my place to say."

"Phillip, I thought we wouldn't keep secrets from each other. Secrets are the very thing that tears good things, like what we've got going, apart. If you love me, you'd tell me." Brandon listen attentively as I started to speak.

"Brandon. Angel's gay and he's got this major crush on you." Brandon was silent. He pulled up to the front door of his house and put the car in park.

We sat there, silent for at least five minutes. I guess Brandon needed time for what I said to sink in.

"I can't believe he's gay. He's gay and he has a crush on me?"

"I didn't want you to find out this way, not from me. I wanted you to hear it from Angel." Brandon just sat there silent. What was he thinking? He got so distant. I suddenly got this fear in my stomach. What if I triggered some pent up desire for Angel? What if I just blew the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me? Brandon... what if he just dumps me for Angel? I mean, look at Angel. The guy is gorgeous! What will I do without Brandon in my life? I began to cry as Brandon looked at me.

"It doesn't matter." I lifted my head, tears streaming down my face. Brandon repeated himself, "It doesn't matter Phillip. I still love you. Angel's just a friend, and that's all he'll ever be. You're the only one that I love with all my heart and soul." I pulled Brandon in for a tight hug. I then loosened the hug and looked Brandon straight in the eye. I saw same look of love and sincerity that was there last night. The night we made love for the first time. We climbed out of the car and went into the house holding hands and closed the door behind us.

Brandon sat in the living room watching TV, as I went into the kitchen looking for something to drink. As I was fumbling around in the refrigerator, I felt two arms grab me from behind. I turned around to see Brandon naked. He kissed me and then said, "How does that song go? I could love you in the shower both of our bodies drippin' wet? Done that. On the patio, I would make it a night you won't forget. Well it's too hot and there's bugs." I continued with the song,

"On the kitchen floor, as I softy pull your hair, we can do it anywhere." Brandon flashed one of his sexy grins and said,

"Don't mind if I do."

Brandon's hand started to slide down to my crotch. Gently he started to massage my cock through the material. I gave a soft moan as his hand then started to unbuckle my belt. A devilish grin started to appear on his face, "I want to make love to you in every room of this house."

"Every room?"

"Every room..." Brandon grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into THE most passionate kiss ever as my pants dropped. I could feel his hands going up my shirt and rubbing my stomach. His fingers gently glided over the ridges formed by my abs. Without hesitation, I proceded to take off my shirt. When my shirt came off Brandon rubbed his hands over my chest and started to lick my nipples. By this time, we were both to our full length. Brandon left a wet trail of saliva as he slowly approached my dick.

Brandon let out a soft moan as he took in my head for the first time.

I had to grab the counter to steady myself as my head flung back due to the sensation of having Brandon suck me. Brandon licked slowly up and down the shaft of my thick cock. I grunted with pleasure, enjoying my very first blow job. I closed my eyes and just took in the feel of Brandon's wet tongue. The sensation was incredible. Through the moans I mangaged to call out Brandon's name acouple of times. I then felt something warm covering the head of my member. I slowly opened my brown eyes and saw Brandon sucking on the head of my cock. Brandon continued his actions as I ran my fingers through his hair. Brandon then began moving slowly up and down on my cock, licking the bottom end with his tongue. I couldn't steady myself anymore, shivers ran through my body. I slowly started to kneel down, Brandon still working his magic, not letting go and laid on the floor.

Brandon took his hands and rolled my balls in them. "Oh yeah," was the only thing that escaped my lips as my body shuddered from the sensation. Brandon continued with the blow job while he fondled my testicles. Soon, Brandon removed his mouth from my dick and moved it to my barely hair covered nuts and engulfed them. I moaned through my teeth as Brandon sucked my balls in his mouth. Brandon's hands then took hold of my cock as he still worked my balls. Electricity shot through my body as all the muscles in my body clenched as I shot volley upon volley of cum in the air. I screamed out Brandon's name as my head flung back. It has never felt this good. Brandon removed his mouth from my balls and placed it on my head trying to catch my flying seeds. I shot my last three volleys of cum into Brandon's mouth as he swollowed every last drop. The rest of the cum landed on his hair, face, my chest and stomach. I gave a long sigh as Brandon moved up my body, licking every drop of cum on my stomach and chest as if it was the very thing that gave him life. Our lips met. I could still taste my cum on his tongue as it slipped into my mouth. The passion during our kiss could rival any kiss that had happened before it. It was like the rest of the world just went away. Even when the phone rang, I told Brandon that he should answer it but all he could say was, "Ignore it." The phone rang acouple minutes later and he just took the reciever off the hook all the while, holding me in our kiss. I swear, I've never loved this guy more! Brandon broke our kiss and said, "Now you're turn." I grinned,

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

Brandon and I repositioned ourselves so that I would be on top and he would be on the bottom. I kissed Brandon on the lips and we stayed that way for the better part of 20 minutes. "Alright, enough foreplay." I said, doing my best Pierce Bronson voice and began to move down on Brandon's body. I immedately grabbed hold of Brandon's hot cock in my mouth and went down on him like a mad man.

"Uhhh! You... uh don't waist.... an... any uhhh time. Do y... you?" were the only words that could escape Brandon's mouth as I bobbed up and down. I savored the taste of Brandon's cock. I tasted the drops of pre-cum that seeped out as I ran my teeth over Brandon's red, sensitive head. His entire body shook as my teeth grazed his head. He gave out this loud moan that drove me wild. I took his head into my mouth, letting the sweet pre-cum pleasure my tastebuds. My tongue massaging the ridge his head made. He began to push himself further in me. I let my tongue massage the under side of his cock, which made his body shutter with pleasure. Beads of sweat started to form on his chest and arms. I took in all of Brandon and nuzzeled my nose in his soft batch of pubes at the base. He slowly began to move his hips back and forth, causing his cock to do the same in my mouth. I increased the suction I already had on him. As I continued to suck Brandon dry, one of my roaming hands found itself caressing Brandon's rock hard abs and the other was fondeling his balls. Brandon's moans became louder and more frequent when I started to increase my speed. I felt Brandon's body tightened up. He then arched his back and shot his load. I almost choked on the amount of cum that filled my mouth, trying not to let any of this precious nectar escape my mouth. Volleys of cum flew down my throat, coating it in layers. Brandon's body shock wildly, causing the cum comming out to coat the roof of my mouth as well as my tongue.

Brandon sighed outloud and said, "God Phillip! That was incredible!"

He then brought my head up to his and kissed me on my lips. We then got up and reconvened on the couch. We got dressed again, just in case someone came in. We both sat down next to each other on the loveseat. "Brandon, do you think we're going too fast?" I asked.

"Too fast? What do you mean?" He aske with concern.

"I mean, I just met you yesterday, and now the both of us are madly in love with each other."

"Well, to me, the first time I saw you, there was this instant connection between us."

"So you felt it too?"

"If you mean IT as in love... then yes. I knew you were the one for me. The way you act, talk, walk... everything that you do makes the attraction grow stronger. It's... it's..."

"Kismit?" Destiny, we were ment for each other.

"Yeah, kismit." Brandon said with a loving sigh.

"It was love at first sight for me too Brandon." Phillip then leaned down and kissed Brandon on his forehead and laid down on his chest. Brandon wraped one arm around Phil and reached for the remote controll to the t.v. with the other.

"What's on tonight?" I asked.

"Well..." Brandon then flipped to the TV Guide channel. "Hmmm, well... the Spice channel has some..." I cut Brandon off with disapproval.

"NO!!!!" Brandon started to laugh.

"I'm not dirty like you Brandon, anyways, why should I watch porn when I could have you here." Brandon flashed another one of his signature smiles and grabbed me and pulled me into another embrace. I laid there, with my head on Brandon's chest as he was surfing the channels. It was around 7 when Brandon flipped to the WB.

"What about Buffy?" He asked.

"Oh yeah, leave it!" I said entusiastically. We laid there together as we watched "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

"Helloooooooooo Sarah!", we yelled in unison as Sarah Michelle Gellar appeared on Brandon's big screen. We then flashed each other a weird look.

"Bi?" I asked.

"Yup, you?"

"Yup. But now I only have eyes for you Brandon."

"We're just now finding out each other's little details." Brandon sighed and hugged me tighter. He then added, "Just like a real couple..."

"That's cuz we are Brandon." Again Brandon tightened his hug and kissed me on the head. We didn't finish Buffy that night. I guess after I dozed off, Brandon did too. The last thing I remembered was telling Brandon how much I loved him and he agreeing with me.

Well there you go! Sorry for splitting the story in two. I hope you like my new format! Thanks to Jon for suggesting it to me! I hope it made it easier for y'all to read. I know I put a lot of dialog in the story and it can get confussing sometimes. Any comments/critisims can be sent to And don't forget, if you have any questions regarding the story... ASK!!! Oh, and I've also gotten my senior picture scanned so if you want to put a face to the main character... ASK!!! Chapter 5 & 6 are comming, and they're gonna be in a different format, so be fore warned. It'll still fit with the storyline though. PEACE!!!


Next: Chapter 4

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