The Cocktail Party

By John Jackson

Published on Aug 7, 2022



I've been friends with this couple, Mike and Jeff, for years, ever since I was in grad school. We have a lot in common--Mike and I work in the same field, and all three of us are from the northeast and around the same age (early/mid 30s). We even look somewhat alike, all of us tall white guys in pretty good shape.

I always knew Mike and Jeff had an open relationship, but they kept it pretty discreet, and everything between us was always strictly platonic. After they got married, though, things started to change a bit. They began being more open about their openness, and they started acting flirtier with me, especially when we were drinking. Eventually they straight-up asked me if I was interested in hooking up with them. I agonized over it for a while, fearful that it would mess up our friendship, but in the end I said yes. The truth was that I found them pretty attractive, thought that we would be "compatible" (they told me that they both preferred to top, and I prefer bottom), and liked the idea of having a threesome with guys I trusted. Plus, Mike and Jeff weren't the kind of friends I saw every day or anything, so the stakes weren't too high.

The three of us hooked up for the first time just before COVID hit. It went really well, despite some intense awkwardness at first. And once it was over we knew we'd do it again, and we did, every several months as the pandemic wore on. Despite their clean-cut images Mike and Jeff turned out to be very sexual, and pretty aggressive. They were really into dominating me--one of our first times together, for instance, they tag-teamed me standing up against a floor-to-ceiling window in their condo that looked out over the street. Later on they convinced me to have sex while a mutual friend of ours watched, and some months after that, they set up a 5-way with their friends Tim and Josh.

A few months ago, during a one-on-one session, Jeff proposed a new idea. He asked if I'd be interested in being "on display" again but in front of a bigger group, like at a party. We were having sex when he floated the idea, so I responded enthusiastically--but afterward Jeff made clear that he'd been serious, and that he and Mike really wanted to try something like that.

"What exactly do you have in mind?" I asked him.

"Not sure exactly," he said. "Maybe we'd have a cocktail party with a bunch of gays we know. We'd have you be there naked and put on a show in front of everyone?"

I admitted that the idea turned me on, but warned Jeff that it might be pushing the envelope too far. I knew that the potential embarrassment was part of what made the idea hot, but the prospect of doing something like that, especially in front of anyone I knew, was daunting. We promised each other to keep thinking about it, though.

A month or two later, Mike texted me on the thread we shared with Jeff:

"Hey! Remember that party idea we had? Not sure you've thought more about it but we have a friend who's interested in hosting. Guy in his 40s with a nice place in the suburbs whose friends could be the other attendees, so you probably wouldn't know anyone else :)"

Mike's text gave me a jolt of nerves and excitement. I left it alone for an hour or two before responding:

"I do remember! That sounds intriguing, it would be great to do it in front of ppl I won't be seeing out and about, haha. Is the idea still what I talked about w Jeff?"

A minute or two later:

"Yep. We'd have drinks and the goal would be to have you strip and then do some group action while the others watched. I might be too shy to join but Jeff would :)"

Mike, Jeff and I talked it through some more over the course of a few days, and I consulted a couple friends I trusted. Their main advice was to follow my instincts, and to do it only if I felt safe and respected by the other people involved.

In the end I agreed to do it. I added as conditions that I not be the only bottom, and that no more than 10-15 guys attend, and Mike and Jeff agreed. (The host, Nathan, said one of his friends would be up to join as a bottom.) We also agreed to invite Tim and Josh, the other guys from our previous orgy, who were apparently interested in joining in too. The party was set for an evening during the following week.

The day of, I met Mike and Jeff at their place so they could drive us out to Nathan's house in the suburbs. They could tell I was really nervous, so they gave me a shot of whiskey before we left, and spent the whole ride encouraging me and assuring me that everything would be fine. I felt pretty relaxed by the time we pulled in at Nathan's, a two-story brick house in a nice neighborhood.

My stomach lurched a little bit, though, when we walked inside and saw the attendees--there were probably close to 20 guys, spread around a big open living room and kitchen/dining area. Everyone was chatting and drinking, with light music playing, we seeming to be the last to arrive. Mike put a hand on my shoulder and steered me into the group, toward who turned out to be Nathan, a good-looking, fit guy in his early 40s with graying hair.

Nathan's face lit up when he saw me and he gave me a big hug.

"We're so glad that you're up for this," he said after we were introduced. "There is one wrinkle, I hope not a dealbreaker."

My stomach lurched again but I nodded at him to continue.

"My friend who was going to join you backed out, I'm afraid. Would you be okay going ahead? No pressure if not--we can always have a good time with just drinks."

I shared a look with Mike and Jeff, who just shrugged, and then looked over the other guests, who all looked pretty harmless. I noticed that Nathan had collected everyone's cell phones and put them in a bowl, which made me feel more secure.

I looked back at Nathan. "Um, that's okay," I said. "Maybe I just won't go all the way?"

Nathan, Mike, and Jeff seemed relieved that the whole plan wasn't scuttled. "Great, that would be fine," Nathan said. He ran his eyes up and down my body. "Would you want to do your thing now, or wait?"

"Maybe have a drink and meet everyone first?" I suggested.

Nathan nodded. "How would you feel about a robe to start?"

"Sure," I said. "You have one?"

"Indeed I do. Hanging in the upstairs bathroom."

"OK. I'll be right back, then."

I went upstairs and changed into the robe, a silky one that came down to my knees, and took a deep breath. When I came back downstairs, Nathan was waiting with a cocktail ready for me. A few of the guests wolf-whistled when they saw me, even though you could only really see my legs and part of my chest. I noticed that in the living room, a futon and a stool had been set up in front of the sectional couch. I gulped from nerves and took a big sip of my drink as Nathan guided me around to meet everyone.

The other guests were all friendly and laidback, mostly types like Nathan: professional guys who were in their late 30s or 40s. Most of the guys treated me just like anyone else, but a few, including a black couple named Anthony and Miles, were really flirty with me and made vague references to what we were planning to do. Tim and Josh were there too, looking good--Tim's a fitness freak, very handsome, with gelled hair, and Josh is short and stockier but really cute.

I'd met everyone by the time Nathan waved me over to the front of the living room, where the futon and stool were set up.

"This is where I thought the action could happen if you're up for it," Nathan said. I nodded queasily. "Do you think you're ready to take off the robe, at least?" he went on.

I still felt pretty nervous, but I knew it had to happen eventually and the vibe felt right to me. I threw back the last of my drink and said I was ready. Nathan grinned and gripped my arms, thrilled. Then he took his glass and tapped it against mine a couple times to get the party's attention. The chatter died down quickly and everyone started moving toward us. My heart started beating faster.

"So," Nathan said loudly as he put an arm over my shoulders. "It looks like our guest of honor is ready for the next stage of the party. I just want to remind everyone that what happens here stays here--doing this is a really brave thing, especially in front of strangers." He turned to me. "Are you wearing anything underneath?"

"No," I said. I looked out at the group and saw all excited faces. I felt a little like an animal at the zoo, but was definitely turned on by the situation.

"Fantastic," Nathan said. He stepped aside and looked at me expectantly for a long moment. "Whenever you're ready."

"Well, here goes," I said awkwardly. I undid the belt of the robe and pulled it off my shoulders and let it fall to the ground, so that I was nude. A few guys in the crowd gasped, as if they hadn't thought I was really going to do it, but everyone was otherwise silent. I fought the urge to cover myself with my hands.

The silence started to get awkward after a few seconds, but Nathan recovered quickly. "How about you sit on this stool and go on talking to everyone while I fix you a new drink?" he said to me. I nodded and sat on the stool, while the rest of the guys either sat down on the couch or stood behind it. I watched everyone's eyes move all over my body, focusing on my cock and balls, which were big from a couple days of not cumming.

"How's it feel?" Jeff asked to break the ice.

"Weird" I said.

"Ever done this before?" another guy asked. I shook my head no.

Soon we got into a rhythm of questions, and I barely noticed when Nathan laid another drink for me on the shelf next to me. The guys asked me about everything from my workout regimen to whether I trimmed my pubic hair. Things escalated when Nathan asked me how I knew Tim and Josh.

"Oh--um..." I hesitated. Before I could go on, Tim cut in.

"Don't be shy," he said. "We're all sworn to secrecy."

"OK," I said. "Well, I had a group with them and Mike and Jeff a while ago."

"What was it like?" Nathan asked.

"It was crazy but fun," I said. I felt myself starting to blush. It felt totally surreal to be naked talking to a bunch of clothed strangers about my sex life.

"Don't be embarrassed," Nathan said. "Tell us more."

"Well, we got together one night at Mike and Jeff's place. We had drinks first, got to know each other a little bit. And then they stripped me, had me give them head, and fucked me," I said, stammering a little.

"So it was a gangbang?" Nathan asked. "Like, all of them just fucking you?"

"Yeah... Tim and Jeff double penetrated me at one point, and at the end I got bukkake'd."

"The memory turns you on," someone else said, looking at my crotch.

I looked down and saw I'd developed a full erection--my penis was standing straight up, with a bead of precum visible on the head.

I could tell the other guys were getting horny too. A lot of them were flushed in the face and several were openly rubbing their bulges.

"How big are you?" another guy asked. I told him 7.5", and blushed even deeper when he insisted I must be bigger.

"Was that your first gangbang?" Anthony asked.

", I guess not," I said. I was starting to feel less inhibited, so I told the guys about how years earlier, in my early 20s, I'd had a regular Grindr buddy, a muscular guy around 30 named Brian, who invited me over his apartment one night to play drinking games with him and three of his friends. We got pretty tipsy and I eventually offered to take off an article of clothing each time I lost. I ended up naked, and the "penalties" escalated from there--I gave Brian head and then had sex with him out in the open, and then got fucked by all of his friends in succession.

"Wow," someone said, and another guy whistled. I was harder than ever now, my dick was throbbing.

"How did you feel about it after?" Jeff asked.

"Kind of embarrassed. But it's always turned me on to think about it."

"How do you feel about having group sex like that again right now?" Nathan asked.

I took another deep breath. I felt incredibly horny, and knew I wanted to do more than jerk off, but also felt daunted by all the eyes on me.

"No pressure," Nathan added. "But this is a safe space if you want to try it. No one's going to judge you or anything."

"Who would it be with?" I finally said, to stall a bit.

Another silence filled the room, but after a few seconds Tim and Josh looked at each other and raised their hands. "We'd do it," Josh said.

"Totally," Tim said.

"I would too," Jeff said.

I felt encouraged that the volunteers were familiar faces--except one of the flirty guys I'd just met, Miles, who raised his hand too. "I'd love to," he said. He wasn't conventionally handsome but was cute in a way, bearded with glasses, and clearly athletic and fit.

"What do you think of that group?" Nathan asked. The other guests seemed to be holding their breath awaiting my reaction.

"I'm into it," I said. "But maybe we could start with just one and then take it from there?"

"Fantastic," Nathan said. Most of the guys whooped and clapped with excitement. "Anyone volunteer to go first?" he said.

Josh raised his hand again quickly. I was glad that soon I wouldn't be the exclusive center of attention, even though I'd enjoyed it.

"You're up!" Nathan told Josh.

I stood up from the stool and waited for Josh by the futon as he stepped forward. He seemed slightly nervous but excited. When he got to me he reached out and took my cock in his hand, which made the audience laugh a little. "I've missed this," he said with a dopey grin. Then he leaned forward and we kissed, turning as we did so that the crowd had a good view.

After making out for a minute or two, Josh stopped kissing me and looked me in the eye. "Okay if I dominate you a little bit, like last time?" he said quietly, though everyone could hear. I nodded. "On your knees, then," he added in a stronger voice.

I knelt down obediently and undid Josh's belt and pants. I took out his penis and the group gasped when they saw it--it was already almost fully erect, pushing 8 inches and very thick, and it looked even bigger because Josh is pretty short. I started sucking it, focusing on the head and the underside of his shaft, and he used his hands to guide my head and started to moan with pleasure.

When he'd had enough, Josh pulled out of my mouth and told me to get on the futon, facing away from the audience. "Show them your pussy," he told me. I obeyed, getting on all fours and giving everyone a full view of my anal area, which led to more murmurs from the group. Josh knelt down and started to rim me and jerk me off between my legs, which got me moaning. He asked Nathan for lube, and Nathan told him there was some on the floor. Josh used the lube to finger me with his index finger and then middle finger too. "Do you want me to fuck you?" he asked me.

"Yes, please," I moaned.

"Good little slut," he said.

I turned around and watched Josh take off the rest of his clothes. He wasn't that fit--he had some belly fat and not much definition--but there was something sexy about him.

He climbed onto the futon, his fat cock bobbing heavily and leaking precum, and knelt behind me. "I want you to watch them watch you get fucked," he said as he applied more lube to my ass. I looked out at the audience and all of them were mesmerized. Then I felt Josh push his penis against my hole, then push the head in, and then the shaft inch by inch. I gasped with pain and pleasure as he penetrated me, having forgotten how big he was. I felt so vulnerable having a group of people watch me as I adjusted to getting penetrated.

Josh groaned as he finished pushing in, and I could feel his pubes and balls against my ass. I arched my back and looked back at him and could tell he was in heaven. He started to pull out and then push back in.

"Damn," someone said from the couch.

"Fuck him, Josh," Tim said.

Josh put his hands on my shoulders and started to pick up his pace, going faster and harder. Nathan turned the music off, so that all you could hear were my moans, the occasional comment from the group watching, and the sound of Josh's balls slapping against my ass. It felt both degrading and hot, and I was still completely hard despite not even touching my dick.

He fucked me doggy-style for a good 10 minutes or so, escalating the dirty talk and occasionally spanking me. I made eye contact with Nathan at one point, and he gave me an encouraging smile and thumbs-up. Then I noticed Jeff and Tim stand up from the couch and start to disrobe.

"Do you want some more cock?" Josh asked me.

I was practically in heat at this point, so I said yes without hesitation. I looked at Miles. "You too?" I said invitingly. He grinned wide and stood up too, and joined Jeff and Tim in dropping his clothes behind the couch.

Once the other three guys were naked, Josh pulled out of me. He pulled me back for a second to kiss me, whispered "you're doing awesome," and then nodded toward the other guys. Just seeing them naked turned me on even more--Tim was in great shape, mostly smooth all over, with a 6.5" or so dick; Jeff was pretty fit and hairy, pushing 8"; and Miles was super lean, with a really hot hairy chest and a dick around Jeff's size. I offered to give them head first, so the three of them stood in front of the futon facing the audience, and I knelt in front of them and took turns sucking their cocks while Josh stayed on the futon and watched.

"What do you want next?" Jeff asked me from above. "Are you ready for more in your ass?" I nodded with Miles's cock still in my mouth.

Things got even more intense from there, but the guys were great--dominant but really attentive to making sure I was doing what I wanted. We started with me and Tim having missionary sex on the futon. I was able to take Tim easily after Josh, and Tim was tender with me, leaning over and kissing me a lot, pumping my cock for me with a free hand. He kept asking me if it felt good and I kept smiling and saying yes.

Jeff and Miles knelt on the futon on both sides of me, and I felt their penises graze my face and work their way toward my mouth. I started sucking them while Tim fucked me, though from that angle I could only really suck the tips. "Give it to him from both ends," Josh said from somewhere to the side of the futon. So Tim flipped me over, managing to stay inside me the whole time. Jeff and Miles took turns fucking me from the other end, both of them burying almost their entire cocks in my mouth. Josh joined in too, and in short order he had a hard-on again.

Tim was the first to cum--spitroasting me with Josh seemed to push him over the edge. He started to groan and then said in a rush, "Is it okay if I cum in your--" but before he could finish he shuddered and started cumming inside me. He apologized when he finished, but I told him it was fine.

Tim went to the kitchen to clean himself up while the three others plotted their next move. They decided, and I agreed, that Jeff and Miles should get a turn with my ass. Jeff went first, and chose to keep me on my hands and knees so he could fuck me from behind. He started by pulling out some of Tim's cum with a finger and offering it to me. I licked it up and that made the crowd gasp again, which turned me on even more. When we had sex the vibe was very different from Tim--Jeff pounded me really hard, and once I made clear it was okay, took a lot of pleasure in aggressive dirty talk, calling me a slut for liking big cocks and having sex practically in public.

Miles, when he took over, kept me in doggy too, but went slower and gentler, caressing my whole body, lightly pinching my nipples, rubbing my chest and pubic hair, teasing me by pulling out all but the head of his cock and then slowly driving the rest back in. The kinkiest thing he did was ask me to look at his boyfriend in the audience while we went at it. He asked if I wanted to be double-penetrated, but I said no, mainly because of how big he was.

Miles almost made me cum several times, so I told him I was close. He decided to pull out of me and offer my ass to Josh again. "You should fuck the cum out of him," Miles said. A bunch of the guys watching murmured their approval, so Josh got back on the futon and re-lubed his dick. He had me flip onto my back, and just before spreading my legs he asked me, "OK if they shoot on your face?" I nodded, so Jeff and Miles took positions standing next to the futon by my head and started to jerk off.

Josh gently spread my legs and penetrated me. My hole was getting sore, but his cock still felt amazing, and I loved how he was pacing his thrusts. He had a concentrated expression on his face and dripped sweat all over me. I was all sweaty anyway, so I didn't care. I put my arms back and let my cock and balls just slap against my abs. I looked up and saw Tim standing above me now too, in between Jeff and Miles, all of them smiling down at me behind their erections.

"I'm close," Jeff announced. That prompted Josh to reach up and take hold of my penis, and just the pressure of his hand set me off--I started cumming, shooting all over my chest and then my stomach. My anal contractions set off Josh, who hurriedly asked where to cum. I told him to finish inside me.

At the same time Josh was filling my hole, I felt the first splash on my face of Jeff's warm cum from above. I closed my eyes and just let it happen. "Open your mouth," Tim said. I opened wide, and another jet of cum hit my lips and my tongue, and some more dripped onto my forehead. Soon after Jeff was finished, Miles groaned and started to cum too. By now Josh had pulled out of me and was egging the others on. Miles squirted onto my chest first, but then aimed for my face and seemingly covered everything that Jeff had missed, including my cheeks and chin. I felt completely soaked. Miles even bent down and used his dick to wipe some of the cum from my face into my mouth, and I swallowed it all.

Tim took the longest to finish, since he had come already. While I waited I wiped the cum out of my eyes and looked around--my torso was streaked with semen and moist with sweat, and Josh was sitting between my legs, watching Tim jerk. The audience was still mesmerized, and some of the guys seemed to be sweating too.

"Get ready, he's close," Josh said, looking at Tim.

I closed my eyes and opened my mouth again, and Tim leaned down and ejaculated straight into my mouth. His second load was surprisingly large, and he pumped so much cum into my mouth that I had to swallow a couple times. I sucked the tip of his penis clean, and then sighed with exhaustion. Knowing it was over, everyone in the room started to applaud and whistle, like we were at the theatre.

Nathan appeared with a wad of paper towels for me, which I used to wipe off as much of the cum from my torso and face as I could. Tim, Josh, Jeff, and Miles got dressed again pretty hurriedly, and then came over and hugged me and thanked me. The robe was nowhere to be found, so I stayed naked while the party started to break up. I felt pretty awkward and embarrassed now that it was all over, but the other guys made me feel better--every one of them came up to me and told me they were impressed with my stamina and lack of inhibition. Anthony and Miles were especially nice, and we all agreed that we wanted to see each other again.

When everyone was gone except for Nathan, Mike, and Jeff, I finally went back upstairs and put my clothes on. When I came back downstairs, Nathan hugged and kissed me goodbye. The ride home with Mike and Jeff was pretty quiet, but I smiled to myself the whole way home, thinking about what they might cook up for me next.

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