The Contests

By Hymen Cleverpants

Published on Aug 20, 2017


The Halloween Contest

By Hymen Cleverpants

(sequel to The RenFair Kilt Contest )

"Caleb, do you want to enter the Halloween Contest at Crowbar with me? I have a couples costume idea and I think you'd be perfect for it." Margie asked me, over the phone.

I was frankly quite surprised she'd called, since I thought Margie would have had nothing to do with me after my huge and abject humiliation at the RenFair a few months previously. Of course I agreed whole-heartedly. I still hoped that Margie would let me sleep with her at some point. Even though she'd seen how small my dick was, and seen me debased before several bigger men in kilts, I thought maybe she had come around. I am still a very good-looking guy, like Superman, with big muscles and dark hair and blue eyes. I thought if I went along with her plan, she'd forgive me for being such a little-wienie loser.

"Of course, Margie. Anything you want," I said.

"Great, the Contest is tonight; we're going to go as a Devil and an Angel. I have the costumes at home, come on over around 6, we'll dress up, and go out to Crowbar."

"Yes ma'am," I said, excited. I'd never been to Crowbar. We hung up, and I was so turned on at the thought of me as a Handsome Devil and Margie as a Sexy Little Angel, I had to jerk off. Maybe it would happen after the contest, especially if we won. I thought about me in my red suit, wearing horns, lifting Margie's little angel skirts. I came quickly, and jumped into the shower, ready to go.

But when I got to Margie's place, there was a surprise waiting for me. SHE was dressed as the devil already, in a hot red vinyl cat-suit, showing lots of cleavage. Before I could say anything, she tossed me a pile of white fabric.

"Take off your clothes, Caleb. It's time to dress you up."

"But, but..." I stammered.

"What's wrong, Caleb? You said you'd dress any way I wanted."

I was surprised, but I pulled it together. Margie obviously had plans for me, and I hoped that her putting me in the Angel costume meant that she thought I would be a good boy who she could take advantage of, sexually. And she looked really sexy in her Devil costume. I went to the bathroom to change.

Looking at the pile of white fabric, I was a little confused at first, till I realized it was just a sheer white mini-dress, with frills around the bottom and some laces around the top. I tried it on and it was really short on me, just coming down to mid-thigh. I was glad I'd worn white boxer-briefs. There was also a halo and a pair of wings. I stepped out in the dress to ask Margie to help me with my wings, and I was surprised that she wasn't alone. My buddies Jeff and Kyle, who'd also borne witness to my humiliation at the RenFair, were in her living room, also dressed as Devils, though they had classy red suits and ties, and pitchforks.

"Nice skirt, Caleb," Jeff snickered.

"Yeah, I like your hairy legs, Miss Thing!" Kyle said, snapping his fingers like a gay drag queen. The two of them high-fived.

I was not pleased by this turn of events, but I tried to play it off cool, "So you guys are coming to the costume contest also?"

Jeff smiled, "You know it, bro."

"Wouldn't miss it."

Margie intervened, helping me put on my wings, and handing me a heavy golden harp for the costume. "Now, be very very careful with this," she said, "It belonged to my father and it's real gold. Whatever you do, don't drop it or let it out of your sight."

"Yes, Margie," I said. The harp was really startlingly weighty, I had to hold it with both hands to keep it up. I was annoyed, thinking it would be hard to get a drink from the bar without being able to use one of my hands, but I figured I could cross that bridge when I came to it. Maybe Margie could feed me drinks.

"Oh, and honey, those boxer-briefs just won't do!", Margie said, "You can't spoil the line of the outfit". I suddenly felt my underwear getting pulled down to my ankles by Kyle. My hands full with the harp, I wasn't able to stop him.

I protested, "Wait, come on guys, I can't go out in this skirt with no underpants!"

"Oh please," Jeff said, "Your dick is tiny enough that no one will even see it." They all giggled and I knew he was right, but still I felt I had to stand up for my dignity.

"But what if my skirt twirls up or something? I'm almost naked!"

Margie smiled, "Fine, fine, pussy boy. Here, put these on."

I felt Kyle behind me again, "Step in," he said. He had some underwear down by my feet. I lifted up my feet one at a time, and he pulled the underwear up my legs. Soon I realized it was a thong, as the string in back nestled between my rounded butt-cheeks. I guessed it was better than nothing.

We all piled into Jeff's car, Jeff driving and Margie up front, which left me in the back with Kyle.

Kyle slid his hand up my leg to the hem of my skirt, as Jeff and Margie chatted away in the front, "This is going to be fun, little buddy. I'll bet you'll win the contest."

"Anything for Margie," I said.

"Oh yeah, she's a hot little piece," Kyle said. Then he whispered in my ear, "Don't tell Jeff, but Margie sucked my dick last weekend. She said it was the biggest she'd ever seen. I blew my load all over her, and..." He went on whispering these dirty stories about Margie into my ear, all the while rubbing a little higher and higher on my hairy leg, and despite my earlier masturbation, despite the thong, my little dick started to get hard. Fortunately, we arrived at the bar really quickly.

At the door, the bouncer was very appreciative of Margie's costume, and I couldn't blame him. "Yaaaas, Queen!", he said, and let us in. The bar was dark and loud music was thumping. I saw a stage up near the back, with a large screen projecting music videos. The room was bustling with people in all kinds of costumes. Jeff signed us up for the costume contest. A man with a camera came up to us.

"Can I get a picture?" Of course we were happy to. The four of us posed against the wall, under a light. I was surrounded by Kyle and Jeff, they put their arms around me between them, with their arms on my shoulders, mine holding Margie's dad's harp. Margie was off to the side, for some reason. The guy took a few pictures, and so did some other interested patrons. I was surprised so many people wanted photos of us.

Margie stepped out, "Wait, wait: I want one too, you guys look so cute together!" She took out her phone and took photos of us. Then suddenly, Jeff and Kyle reached forward and lifted my skirt in front, revealing to all that I was in a thong. More cameras went crazy as I was trapped for a moment between them, hands unable to cover myself, nearly completely exposed in public. I extricated myself from them, sarcastically complimenting them on their `funny gag'.

"Aww, I'm sorry little buddy," Kyle said, "Let me buy you a drink." I couldn't argue with that, so we went over to the bar, where the shirtless bartender had wolf ears on. Kyle ordered me a "Zombie Punch", and he said to drink it quickly, so I did. The harp was making my arms tired, but I couldn't set it down. Kyle helped me drink it. It was delicious, sweet, and tasted like fruit. Kyle asked if I wanted another, and I said yes. Margie came up and showed me the picture she'd taken on her phone of me with my Angel dress up in the air. That's when I realized the thong I was wearing was white lace and barely covered anything. She scrolled back a few photos and I discovered that my white dress was also translucent. When I was under the lights, you could see EVERYTHING.

I started to feel woozy as Kyle handed me another Zombie Punch. I dutifully swallowed it down as he nearly poured it down my throat. I felt someone walking by grab my ass. I hoped it was a woman, but as I looked around, I started to realize there weren't many women around. I saw one, but then realized it was a man in drag. I looked back at the bar, and behind the wolf-eared bartender was a rainbow flag. Just as I began to realize Crowbar was a Gay bar, they announced the Costume Contest. Kyle and Jeff dragged me to the stage. I heard wolf-whistles as I ascended the steps, and realized the guys around me were all looking up at my exposed ass in the tiny skirt and thong; I wanted to cover myself, but holding on to the harp that belonged to Margie's Dad kept me from using my hands. I was beginning to regret going to this contest. And then when I was up there in front of everyone and saw Margie still in the audience, and with a camera, I knew I'd been duped. But Kyle and Jeff held me in place and I couldn't run.

There were about twenty contestants going for the prize. All of them were guys, I saw. Some dressed scary, but most dressed as sexual versions of ordinary things. As the contest MC, who was dressed as a giant black bunny rabbit in leather, walked down the line of contestants, he asked them all their names and had them do a trick or show off a talent of some kind. What was going to happen when he got to me? I hadn't prepared anything. A vampire on the line did some dance moves to Michael Jackson's Thriller, a shirtless werewolf did some boxing moves. A very handsome guy dressed as Michael Phelps got a lot of attention from the crowd, as he was in nothing but a speedo and lots of gold medals. Finally the MC got to me and said, "Well, what have we here? A threesome?"

I opened my mouth to explain that I didn't want to be in the contest, but I felt Kyle smack my ass as Jeff answered for us, "An angel and the devils, sir."

"Angel, indeed", the MC said, "And what's your talent?"

"Just a little show," Jeff grinned.

Jeff and Kyle turned to me and began pinching and rubbing my nipples through the cloth of my costume. I couldn't stop them, the heavy harp weighing me down, but I drunkenly shook my head and whispered, "No, no, no," as my straight buddies molested me in front of a room full of strange gay men. The guys' hands dropped, and as before I felt my skirt lifting and my lace thong being exposed to the cheering crowd. They took their time, flashing it over and over, lifting and dropping my skirt. Hands massaged my hairy legs as I almost wept from the humiliation of it.

"Please, please guys. Stop, please." I said, but the devils who used to be my friends were relentless in exposing me. All of a sudden the crowd roared with approval and I heard a snipping sound behind me. Just as I realized Kyle had a pair of scissors, he was cutting off my thong, leaving me naked and exposed from the waist down.

The MC laughed, "Well, it looks like our pretty little angel doesn't have much to show up in heaven. That's a tiny little dick you've got there, boy." The crowd was full of guys suddenly laughing at me and my small penis. I tried again to run, but I was held in place by Jeff and Kyle.

Tears really did spurt from my eyes as the MC held his microphone to my face, "Well boy, I almost think you don't want to be here. What's your name?"

I felt Jeff's hand on my ass as I choked out "C- C- Caleb." And then Kyle's hand began to touch my dick, and suddenly my little soldier was coming to attention. I didn't- I couldn't like this public humiliation, could I?

Kyle grabbed the microphone, "Caleb is a little shy, but truly he loves this. Gimme a little kiss, Caleb," Kyle leaned in as if to nuzzle my ear and whispered to me, "Be nice or this could get even worse," I gasped. Then Kyle back on the microphone: "Caleb's a total humiliation bottom and has always wanted to have his little weenie exposed to real men like this. These are tears of joy you see in his eyes. Isn't that right, Caleb, buddy?"

He held the microphone to my face, but I was unable to speak through the tears running down my burning cheeks. Jeff caressed my ass again and I nodded. He smacked my ass and I gasped, and said out loud, "Yes!" The crowd roared with approval.

The MC took back the mic, "Well, a big muscle boy like you is a bottom, huh? Let's get the rear view, then!"

"With pleasure," Jeff said, and he and Kyle spun me around and lifted my skirt in the back to show to everyone my well-rounded buttocks. There was applause. Then suddenly I heard the scissors again, and with a snip at the laces on my shoulder, my angel dress was falling off one side. Kyle handed the scissors to Jeff behind me.

I began to beg, "Please Jeff, no, don't!", but to no avail. Another snip-snip and the gown fell off and I was left naked in nothing but wings, sandals, a halo and harp. I was spun around to face the audience again, my whole body on shameful display, my big muscles and little dick fully exposed to everyone, my head burning with humiliation and alcohol, and my little boner bobbing in the breeze. I could see through my tears Margie in the audience filming it all and cellphones coming out all over the room to record and broadcast my indignity.

The MC chuckled, "Well we could go through all the rigmarole of this contest, but you three might well be the winners. Only one question: how do you two boys measure up to your puny friend here?"

Jeff and Kyle looked at each other, then smiling, unzipped their flies and unleashed their dicks. Even I was surprised. Jeff had a long impressive dick, I guess it was about nine inches, and Kyle's was a little shorter, but fat and chunky. I had never seen my friends' dicks before, and now I was ashamed anew at my worthless thing on display. My erection wilted again in embarrassment, only highlighting the disparity in sizes. I thought for a moment I could run, but then where would I go now? Naked and alone? How would I get home? I certainly didn't want to plunge naked into the sea of gay dudes in front of me, who all thought I was a slutty gay bottom. I was trapped there as the guys came back to me and stood on either side with their arms behind my back to really show off the difference- their big schlongs next to my little shaft. Camera flashes went off all over the room.

"So, you said he likes this embarrassment, huh?" The MC laughed, "Let's see what everyone else thinks!" Then, he got down off the stage with his microphone and thrust it in the face of a guy in the audience, "what do you think of that little dick?"

"Oh man, my little cousin has a bigger dick than that, and he's only four years old!" the guy said, which elicited a roar from the audience.

The MC went on to ask more guys:

"It looks like a sad little acorn."

"It's so tiny, I can't believe it. I've never seen a dick so small."

"Teeny-Weenie Peenie."

"Looks like a baby carrot, only not as big."

"He probably gets his balls wet when he sits down to pee."

"I'd fuck that fine ass, though."

Hearing my shortcomings appraised so vividly by other men was completely humiliating.

Then a big drag queen: "It's a good thing you're a gay bottom, you'd never satisfy a woman with that pathetic little thing," Tears welled up in my eyes as I understood she was right. The DJ started playing a song called "Short Dick Man", and the crowd started laughing and singing along. Jeff whispered in my ear, "Go on and shake it for the people."

I shook my head no, but he slapped my ass and pushed me forward. I danced a little bit, half-heartedly, my little package bouncing for the delight of these slavering monsters.

Then I felt their hands on my shoulders, and they pushed me to my knees. The music stopped abruptly. Jeff took Margie's Dad's harp out of my hands. He pressed something on it, and two weights fell out of it, revealing it was just a plastic toy that had been made to seem really heavy- just another part of the setup to humiliate me by Margie, Jeff and Kyle. Jeff tossed the toy harp over his shoulder, and he and Kyle flopped their dicks on either side of my face, giving yet another photo opportunity for Margie and all the drooling gay guys watching. Kyle rubbed his cock slowly against my cheek, while Jeff was more forward, batting his flaccid member against my lips. I could smell their musky scent, the smell of real men before me. My eyes watered more as Kyle's hand caressed the back of my head, guiding me to his cock. I couldn't, I wouldn't, unless I was forced – I looked up into Kyle and Jeff's eyes and saw no mercy there, only a cruel amusement. I was nothing but a toy to them, a dumb slutty bottom who had let himself be tricked into showing off his inadequate dicklet yet again.

"Please fellas, please," I pleaded, "Don't make me suck your dicks. We're friends, aren't we?! Please don't make me, not in front of all these people."

Kyle smiled, "Not in front of everyone, huh? You want to keep your cocksucking secret?"

"We can take you home and let you suck our big dicks later, in privacy, is that what you want, Caleb?", Jeff said into the microphone, then held it to my mouth.

"No," I began, but then Kyle's dick smacked into my face, and I could almost taste him. Just do anything, say anything to get out of this, I thought. "Yes, I'll suck both your dicks at home."

"Big dicks".

"Yes, I'll suck your big dicks at home, later".

"Because you're a slutty bottom."

"Because I'm a slutty bottom."

"Now the whole thing, Caleb."

I choked out through my tears the hateful phrase, "I'll suck both your big fat dicks at home later, because I'm a slutty bottom cocksucker! I'll do anything you want, just please, please, don't make me do it here!"

"Okay, Caleb, you can stand up." Kyle and Jeff helped me to my feet, my body trembling in abject shame. The crowd booed, annoyed that they wouldn't get to see me sucking big cocks on stage, but then Kyle waved his hand for silence. He reached out and took my little dick between two fingers.

I gulped, and whispered, "no."

Jeff slapped my ass and asked, "Do you want to suck our dicks here after all?"

"No, no," I said.

"You said you'd do anything. Well, what you're going to do is cum in front of all these nice guys watching. They're going to see that little acorn of yours spurt."

I felt Jeff's hand rest on my ass. Already Kyle's fingers had begun their magic of getting my little dick erect again against my will. My body flushed with unwanted heat as my flaccid knob grew into its full pathetic length.

"Look," Kyle said, "I only need two fingers for this tiny thing". The crowd of men laughed.

I squirmed, but Kyle put his other arm around my waist, and as my knees felt weak, I leaned back against the two guys who supported me, keeping me on full shameful display for the hooting audience. I closed my eyes in abject mortification, but as I let out a moan, I heard it amplified. I opened my eyes to see that the MC was holding his microphone up to my mouth to catch all my humiliating sex noises. I tried to hold back from embarrassing myself further, but then I felt Jeff's fingers exploring my taint.

I knew I couldn't say no, but I begged anyway, "please, pleeeease..." reverberating around the room, my pleas sounded like a bitch in heat, as if I really craved that violation. Jeff's finger went up into my butt and I squealed and tears really began to pour from my eyes. My little cock grew harder and I was moaning non-stop, trying to bury my burning tear-drenched face in Kyle's jacket lapel. Suddenly felt the heat flush my skin, and shamefully I came, loudly shuddering and weeping, into Kyle's hand. He held my spooge up to my mouth, and when I wouldn't lick it off his hand, he smeared it all over my mouth and nose; I was overwhelmed by the scent and the feeling. The crowd went wild.

The MC sighed, "That's it guys, you've won. Congratulations. Here are your prizes." I fell back, spent, against Kyle, who supported and held me close as Jeff was handed a prize bag. He took out a DVD first.

"Oh, gay porn, perfect for our little bottom boy. You can have that, Caleb."

He took out another item, an envelope, "Oh, a free nude modeling shoot with a local photographer. We'll have to memorialize this costume of yours. Or maybe something better." My head reeled at the thought of professional photos of my humiliation, which I knew Jeff and Kyle would have broadcast somehow.

Jeff took out the last item, which turned out to be a large lavender dildo, "Well, this WILL come in handy for the days when Caleb needs dick and there's no real men around. Kiss it, Caleb." He held out the latex phallus to my face, and I gave it a kiss, my cheeks burning with humiliation.

Kyle took the mike then, and still holding my naked body, announced to the crowd that I would be down by the bar for the next hour for photos and autographs. I was hustled off the stage to the cheers of the crowd.

I turned to Kyle, and begged him, "Please, Kyle, please, don't make me stay. Can't I just go home?"

Kyle smiled viciously, and let me loose, "Of course Caleb, You can go home any time you want. Good luck getting back with no clothes, no car keys, and no money."

I sagged and tears came to my eyes again as Jeff smiled at me, "Cheer up, little boy," if you're a good boy for your fans for the next hour, we'll take you home. We promise."

And so it all happened, just as they'd planned. I was a naked prop for photo after photo over by the bar. Some guys just wanted pictures with me, others whipped out their own big dicks to show off. My ass was pinched and slapped and fingered. Kyle was kind enough to keep buying me drinks at the bar, so soon I was in even more of a compliant haze, man after man and photo after photo all blending together. Most of them were anonymous in wild Hallowe'en costumes, but my identity and everything I had was out in the open for everyone to see. I was bent over with superhero men behind me grabbing my hair, I was kneeling with two giant latinx guys in luchador masks flopping their cocks on my face. I was surrounded by 4 nearly-naked guys body-painted as Ninja Turtles. I kissed dicks, I kissed asses. I was utterly debased for the entertainment of all.

Jeff had a fan who liked what he'd seen of his display onstage, and since the guy was kinda pretty in drag, Jeff took him off to the bathroom for a quick blowjob.

That's when Margie made her move on Kyle. As I continued to be everyone's favorite photo opportunity, Margie and Kyle started making out in front of me. Kyle then looked over at me, smiled, and whipped out one of Margie's beautiful breasts in front of me, and began to caress her body.

As two guys dressed as nerds played with me, I began to get hard again, seeing her breast on display. The nerds took advantage of that, laughing at my little erection; they sandwiched me from either side, one sticking his tongue in my ear and the other licking my nipple. The stimulation was incredible, and soon I was hard as a rock, naked in public again. These gay guys were even worse than my experience with Jeff and Kyle, since they weren't my straight buddies laughing at me, they really wanted my body as a sexual toy, and knew how to really make a man's body respond. I realized a friend of theirs, another woman in the crowd, was videoing me on her phone. Their wicked hands roamed everywhere on my body, except for my aching boner. I was on fire as I saw Margie in front of me being used by Kyle as I was being used by these guys. The nerds shifted position, and one of them held me in place as the other went down on his knees behind me- I felt a wetness as he began expertly tonguing my butthole.

The one holding me said, "What a beautiful ass you have, Caleb: shame about your tiny little dick".

Through my haze I saw Margie sink to her knees and take out Kyle's large erect cock and begin sucking it in front of me. I burst into shameful tears again.

The nerd holding me noticed. As his buddy was giving me intense sensations with his tongue in my ass, he began whispering in my ear as I wept, "Oh, look at your friend's big old cock, it's really huge isn't it? I'll bet you wish you had a cock like that, don't you, Caleb? With a hot body like this, you must disappoint anyone who thinks you're going to be a top, then gets you naked and sees this pathetic little thing."

With those words, he gently touched my throbbing meat with one finger and I exploded with cum and tears in public for the second time in one night. The nerds made me thank them for my orgasm by kissing their buttholes.

Soon afterward, it was time to go home. Jeff drove with me naked in the front seat; I wasn't allowed to cover my shame, in case anyone should look in the windows. Kyle and Margie canoodled in the backseat. Back at Margie's place, Jeff and Kyle let me know they would be releasing all their footage and photos of the night unless I blew them whenever and wherever they wanted, I would indeed be forced to use the photoshoot coupon for a nude shoot of their planning. – they would hold it over me for as long as they could.

On my lonely clothed ride home from Margie's place I thought about how my world had changed so much. The most action I'd gotten recently was from men. Even though it still disgusted me, somewhere inside me my body responded to the sexual humiliation.

The next time I jerked off, I started gravitating toward the cuckold porn, especially the ones where both the husband and wife were taken by the same alpha male, I knew it was now the fastest way for me to get off, and I wept now whenever I saw a man with a bigger dick than mine using it as he should. Who knew what the future would have in store?


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