The Couch

By Mathew Davidson

Published on Dec 5, 2009


Should you be reading this? This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions between consenting underage males and if its illegal where you are then, don't do it! If someone says you cant and doesn't have a good reason however, then I quote my favourite author on this site, "Fuck Em" try it, you never know!

The Couch, Part 1 (Revised Edition)

It was another beautiful winter day in Calgary. The city was about 400 miles north of the border to the U.S. and was therefore very, very cold. It was currently -30 C, but Matt didn't mind, you couldn't ski when it was hot. There was nothing else in the world he would rather do then ski, he was representing Alberta in the provincial competitions this year, freestyle speed-skiing. At 15 you wouldn't think he was an athlete by looking at him, 5'7, heavy build, all muscle though, not an ounce of fat on him. He was still stocky and had deep brown eyes and raven black hair and a smile people always told him was his best feature despite his one crooked tooth. He idly thought about random things that float through young peoples minds, the relativity of existentialism in his coming term paper, which psych book to read when he got home, etcetera. Well, maybe he was a little different.

The buss sliding to a stop awoke him rudely from these musings, and he realized it was his stop. Grabbing his bag he jumped off, yelling a quick thank you to the driver. Guy didn't look like he understood much English, but hey, it's the thought that counts. With pink blasting out of his earphones, he walked the three blocks to his house and went to the basement to his room. His mom wasn't home yet, probably in the car on her way to her part-time job after finishing her 10 hours at her day job. His mom worked a LOT. She wouldn't be home till later, plenty of time to deal with his little problem. Dropping his bag, and clothes on the way to his office chair, he sat down and turned on his computer. It was an old piece of crap and cost nothing to buy, but it worked.

Matt went to his usual site and watched some old guy pounding some young girl for about five minutes before he got bored. He wondered idly if any of his friends ever got bored of porn while watching it naked. sighing he got up and locked his door, just in case. Sitting back down he opened the printer up as if he were going to change the cartridge and took out a little USB storage device and plugged it in. It asked for a password in the window that popped up and he typed in his friends Ian's phone number and the window opened up. There was only one folder, labelled favourites. As he moved the mouse over to it he had a moment of doubt, should he really be doing this? Was it normal?

Looking down at his cut 5 inches, which was rapidly swelling up again, he opened the folder and started the 100 some odd movies on the play list. The first movie was one of his favourites, a younger guy (we'll call him 18) sucking off his friend who was the same age in a large warehouse. Each video was about 1 minute long and before the third video Matt was spilling his juice all over his chest and hand. Giving himself a few moments to come off his orgasm high, he stood up and walked upstairs to the shower. As the warm water poured off him, he wondered if anyone else had these conflicting sexual preferences issues, or if he was just weird. Forgetting it for the moment he wandered back downstairs and crawled into bed naked and pulled out his current book, Applicable Psychology and read about the troubles youth go through. Eventually drifting off to sleep.

The next day started with the same obnoxious alarm noise his other days start with, reaching over his head he turned the alarm off and rolled out of bed and did the zombie walk up two flights of stairs to the only bathroom in the house. Glancing in his moms room he saw she was already gone for work, as usual. Climbing into the shower he stood there for about 30 minutes and just the warm water roll off him. Getting out of the shower he towelled dry and walked over to the medicine cabinet and opened it up. Reaching for his medication he screwed off the top and looked at the yellow pills, recalling that day that he got them.

"Mrs, your son is what we call a manic depressive. This means that he experiences extreme levels of happiness alternatively with extreme levels of depression. We don't generally see it in one so young but I believe he should be medicated"

"O my.. How much does the medication cost?" That was mum, asking the practical questions as always.

"The cost is 200 dollars a month for the appropriate dosage." My mother went pale and sat in stoney silence for a moment.

"And its absolutely necessary you think?"

"His depression is extreme enough that he could become suicidal, I leave it up to you."

My mum kept quiet, I looked at her, in her second hand clothes and 15 dollar haircut, I knew there was no way we could afford it, absolutely no way.

"We'll need it then, write up the prescription." No..nonononono! She cant do that. She's already sacrificed so much for me, she cant do it more now. I'm only twelve, I was just sad sometimes, everyone gets sad, right? She walked out with the paper in hand and to the pharmacy in the base of the clinic. I wanted to scream at her that this is stupid and she doesn't need to buy me happy pills, I'm not some psycho who needs his meds every morning. But I couldn't. I just stood there, watching her take out all of the cash in her wallet then ask the cashier to put the remaining 30 dollars on debit. Watched her take the little pill bottle and listen the pharmacists instructions and then walk out to the car, me trailing dumbly behind. I sat in the front seat beside her and we started to drive home. I looked up at the dash and saw that the gas was almost gone. I looked at my feet again and whispered something I didn't think she'd hear.

"I'm sorry." the car began to slow down and I looked up and we were nowhere near our house but just pulling over. She stopped and looked at me.

"Don't be sorry. Ever. that's stupid, its not your fault. Now we WILL make it through this, understand?"

I nodded slowly.

"Now, how bout dinner? How bout La Chaumiere?"

I giggled a little, this was a little game we played. La Chaumiere was a very high end restaurant downtown. We went there once when she got a Christmas bonus at work and spent 250 bucks on food for two of us

"No, your cooking's better" I told her, so we pulled back into traffic and went home and had home made lasagna.

The phone ringing brought Matt out of his reminiscing. He put the bottle down and got the phone out of his moms room and looking at the caller ID showed it was the lady herself.

"Hey mum"

"Morning baby boy" she used that nickname. God he Hated that.

"You need something mother?"

"Cheery as always are we, have you taken your pills this morning hun?" "Course"

"Alright just making sure. I left some money for you on the table for lunch"

"Thanks mum"

"Love you honey, have a good day, and don't be late this time!"

"Goodbye mother."

He hung up the phone and walked back into the bathroom. He stood there for a long while, looking at the sickly yellow plastic of the pill bottle. Eventually he put it back in the cabinet and walked away.

Twenty minutes later he was on the bus heading for school. He had the 60 dollars his mother had left for him on the counter in his pocket, he would deposit it back in her bank account on the way home. He got off the bus and saw Ian walking down the sidewalk alone.

"Hey man!" Matt yelled at him, running to catch up to Ian.

"Sup" he replied.

Ian was far from popular at school, most of Matt's friends hated him. He was about 5'4, small for a 14 year old, with a very slim build. Scrawny would be how you would describe him if you had never seen him without his shirt. He had light brown hair and yellow eyes that Matt could have stared into forever and been happy.

"You seen Mason or anyone else today?" Matt asked

"No, think he's skipping with Tom and Arthur"

"Just you and me then today eh bud" Matt said, doing his best to smile at him, he seemed down. The day went by quickly, Ian and Matt only had two of four classes together. At 3:19 when the bell rang they both met up at the door and walked towards the bus stop to Matt's house, since it was on the way to Ian's stop as well.

"You seem down today man, what's up?" Matt asked him

"My brothers home, and you know how I hate him. I have NO desire to go home and talk to that idiot"

Ian's brother was a fat, useless dweeb who no one really liked. He was apparently a wandering magician or something but at the age of 21, his career was just getting started, or so he said.

"Why don't you come by my place? Mum works till 10pm tonight so we'd have the house to ourselves."

Ian nodded yes enthusiastically and ran to the bus with Matt and jumped on. An hour later they were walking into his room and Ian sat down on the couch in Matt's room. Matt's room was in the basement so he had plenty of room and he always kept it neat and tidy. The couch was the dominating factor though. His well to-do aunt had given it to him as a birthday present. It was, expensive, designer, ugly as sin, and amazingly comfortable. And Ian's unofficial bed whenever he slept over. The boys played Xbox (another gift from family members who had done a little better) and when they got tired of that decided to put on a DVD.

Triple X was the final choice so they put it in the system and sat down on the couch together to watch it. It was a small couch and their thighs were pressed together quite tight, with their shoulders rubbing together. The scene in the movie came on with a semi naked woman dancing, and Matt looked down to see Ian sporting a boner. The fact that his hand was less then a foot away from Ian's cock gave him and a boner and soon both boys were fidgeting trying to make it look like they weren't aroused. Finally matt said fuck it to himself and stood up, and dropped his pants and sat back down in his boxers. To Ian's shocked face he said "Its uncomfortable to have a boner in jeans and we both know we both are pitching a tent right now. Take yours off if you want I don't care." With that he turned back to the movie and pretended to not notice he was sitting next to his best friend in his boxers with a stiffy. In a minute or two Ian stood up and pulled down his pants and sat in his boxers as well. Matt was shocked, since Ian was usually two shy to even change in sight of the other guys. The movie went on and Matt noticed Ian was occasionally still rubbing his stiff cock through his boxers, trying to be discrete about it. His boner still hadn't gone away, and the fact that his bare skin was no pressed against Ian's was just getting him hornier then ever before.

Finally he said out loud "I'm horny as hell" Ian grunted and mumbled that he was too

"Well. should we take care of these then?" Matt said, pointing to their very tented boxers. Ian was silent and Matt wondered if he had pushed him to far, but just before he was about to try and make it not seem so weird, Ian reached down and started jacking himself off through his boxers. Stunned Matt sat starring for a few seconds before Ian said "Well are you going to join me?"

Matt immediately reached down and began stroking himself through his boxers. After about a minute of this, still starring at Ian's crotch and his rhythmic hand, Matt unconsciously put his hand on his shirt and lifted it off, displaying his remarkably defined chest and smooth stomach. Then, on sudden impulse he grabbed his waistband and pulled his boxers off, displaying his 5 inch hard on and sparse smattering of black pubes, then sat back down and continued on as if nothing had ever happened. Ian sat totally dumbstruck for a moment then he stripped as well, which again caught Matt totally off guard.

Now that both boys were sitting there naked, they both couldn't help but look at each other. Matt looked at Ian, with his perfectly groomed feet, his smooth almost hairless legs that were very well muscled from the soccer that he played, his perfect 4.5 inch dick with its smooth shaft, his little fuzz of blonde pubes and his very defined torso. His small perfect mouth and finally, Matt couldn't tear his gaze away from Ian's soft yellow eyes, nor could Ian stop looking into Matt's since neither boy looked away.

"Ian.." Matt barely whispered

"Yes?" came the very soft reply.

"Can I try something?" Ian nodded the affirmative slowly.

"Close your eyes then" Matt whispered, his voice sounding very husky to his own ears. Ian complied and matt leaned forward, torn between two places to put his mouth. He finally decided and leaned right up to Ian's beautiful face, and softly kissed his lips. Ian went rigid for a moment, then seemed to melt into the couch. Matt leaned back, suddenly very worried that he had shown to much to his friend, he would go to school and tell everyone and Matt would be ruined. There weren't enough happy pills in the world if he was branded a fag.

He felt the couch move and looked up to see Ian leaning towards him, Matt closed his eyes, sure that he was about to be hit. He deserved it, he was nothing but a dirty fag like the preacher at school called the homosexuals. Suddenly he felt two hands wrap around his back and Ian's face was pressed up to his, his lips less then an inch from Matt's. Matt slid his back down the cushions so Ian sat straddling him, their cocks almost touching, their faces centimetres apart. Ian leaned down and kissed him softly and for the first time since his dad had walked out, Matt felt blissfully happy. He wrapped his hands around Ian's back and forced him down, grinding his crotch up into Ian's dick.

He slipped his tongue into Ian's mouth and pushed his head up until the soft kiss turned into a desperate passionate wild thing. Ian was now grinding his hips down, and had one hand wrapped around both of their twitching dicks. He pulled his face away and said

"I'm about to cum" and right then he began to fire his load between their two sweaty bodies, the sensation was so amazing Matt shot his load right after, and continued to hump upwards into the other boys exhausted body until he too lay still with the heat of his best friends and their combined cum on top of him. Smiling his first real smile in a long time he grabbed a blanket set aside for Ian and pulled it on top. of them. His mom wouldn't be home till late, she wouldn't come downstairs, and she'd be gone early in the morning. Putting his head down on the pillow he stroked Ian's light brown hair a few times and got comfy, never having been happier, and wondering what the morning would bring.

Let me know what you think, send me an email if I should bother with the other chapters,, and thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 2

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