The Couch

By Mathew Davidson

Published on Jan 3, 2010


Should you be reading this? This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions between consenting underage males and if its illegal where you are then, don't do it! If someone says you cant and doesn't have a good reason however, then I quote my favorite author on this site, "Fuck Em" try it, you never know! I do occasionally use derogatory terminology in my work, and I apologize if this causes offense to anyone. It's not meant that way at all. Also sorry for any spelling mistakes, I get a little dyslexic at times..

I'd like to dedicate this chapter so a special guy, he knows who he is. Thank you for making my days a little brighter, and the nights a little less cold, I'm happy to have you in my life, even if you are far away.

And anyone who's following this story can blame him for the delay, since I keep talking to him when I should be writing.

The Couch: Part 12

Despite his worry Levi slept like a baby that night, and didn't wake up until well past 10. He groggily stood and pulled his boxers on and went to put on a T-shirt, but stopped before he put it on. Arthur was always parading around in his underwear, and Matt would be naked if Levi wasn't new to the house...Why couldn't he just wear boxers. Grinning he opened his door and headed to the kitchen. As he walked into the room he saw Arthur sitting in his briefs with his back to doorway. Levi stopped and took a moment to admire the muscles of Arthur's smooth hairless back. After a wistful moment of observation, Levi walked into the kitchen and around the breakfast bar to stand opposite Arthur. He hadn't really talked to Arthur all that much and was naturally shy, so he didn't immediately say anything, and began to feel suddenly self conscious standing in front of a near stranger in his underwear. Arthur looked up from the paper that was open before him and grinned, his eyes going exaggeratedly up and down Levi's slim frame.

"Morning sexy, look who's tossing away all their inhibitions."

Levi stuttered out "M-morning..." and felt himself begin to blush. Arthur saw and turned his grin into a warm smile.

"Don't worry about it, took me ages to get used to Matt waltzing around naked, and even longer before I got used to the idea of semi-public nudity."

Levi sighed and felt a little better. He sat down and asked "Where is Matt? Usually he would be up by now."

"He worked today, Riley was supposed to work but Matt offered to cover his shift. He insisted on it actually... Didn't tell me why."

Levi panicked a little. He needed to ask Matt if Riley could come over! Could he ask Arthur? He probably could, but he didn't know Arthur that well.

"Umm, Arthur..."

Arthur looked up from his paper again, his bright eyes looking directly into Levi's. "Mhmm?"

"Do you think that... umm..." Arthur laughed and stood. He walked around the table and put his warm hands on Levi's shoulders.

"You can ask me anything you know, I don't bite."

Levi had no idea why it was so hard to talk to Arthur. He just couldn't get the words out. He took a deep breath and blurted "Can Riley come over?"

Arthur burst out laughing and squeezed Levi's shoulders.

"That's it? My lord boy, could you be any more shy. You pay rent, its partially your house too, throw a party for all I care."

Levi blushed and stood, Arthur's hands fell from his shoulders. He mumbled a quick thank you and started towards the stairs. Before he got there Arthur called his name and he turned.

"Matt asked me to let you know that whatever Riley and you decide to try, you can ask me anything, don't be shy. If you have any questions as to how or anything like that."

Levi blushed again and walked the rest of the way to his room. He quickly sent Riley a text saying he could come over and before he had even set the phone down he got a reply saying "I'm on my way!"

Levi smiled and went to his closet and tried to pick what he should wear. He went through all his clothes and had his pants half on before he realized that he hadn't had a shower yet! He looked down at his chest and saw some white stains where his cum from last night had dried, he had been to hyped up to even wipe it off. He let a little moan escape from his lips and he remember that he had gone and talked to Arthur without a shirt on. He must think I'm such a dork Levi thought. He wiped a tear from his eye, and heard his dad's voice in the background repeating the familiar words. "You worthless sack of shit, why cant you do anything right? Everything you do is wrong!"

Levi tried to shut the voice out as he usually did, but it wouldn't go away. He felt tears begin to pour down his face, but he didn't utter a sound. If you cried out he would hit harder. He took off the few clothes he had on, and walked across the hall to the bathroom naked, shutting his bedroom door behind him. Still crying he got in and turned the water on cold. He hadn't had hot water before and in his current state of mind he just went with what was routine. He took his shower and got out, then stood in front of the mirror, looking at his reflection numbly. His eyes were red from the tears and he looked paler then usual. Sighing he wrapped a towel around his waist and walked the few short steps to the open bedroom door. He stopped in the middle of the hallway however, a little warning bell going off inside his head. He HAD shut the door hadn't he? Who was in his room then...

Levi cautiously stepped into his bedroom and saw Riley reclined on his bed, flipping through a book. Riley grinned when he saw that Levi was mostly naked. He turned back to his book and said "You take hellishly long showers."

Levi just grunted and sat down at his desk. Riley looked up from his book and into Levi's face, sensing something was wrong. He saw Levi's red eyes and sunken face, and a concerned look came across his normally cheery visage.

"What's wrong Levi? Were you crying?" Levi didn't answer right away, but rather he went and sat on the corner of the bed, as far away from riley as possible. Finally he spoke up.

"I'm fine, its just... bad memories."

Riley crawled over and sat right beside Levi. He went to put his arm around Levi's shoulders but as soon as he touched skin Levi flinched and tensed up. Riley didn't stop, but rather pulled Levi into a close sideways hug. Levi let his head rest on Riley's shoulder, and relaxed a tiny bit.

"Who made you like this?" Riley asked, concern thick in his voice. He felt tears begin to soak into his shirt and felt Levi shudder a little. A small squeaky voice, muffled by Riley's shirt escaped.

"I knew it. You think I'm broken... You can go, I wont stop you."

As he said this Levi pulled away and stood up, walking around Riley and sat at the head of his bed, once again out of Riley's reach. Levi starred at his feet and felt Riley stand up. Why did he fuck up so much? Maybe if he did one or two things right it would all get better. He had been stupid to think that just because he was happy for a little while that it would be all better. Without looking up, he heard Riley take a few steps, then he felt him sit down beside him. Levi looked up and Riley was sitting sideways on his bed, looking directly into Levi's eyes. He whispered softly "I don't think your broken. And even if you were, we can always fix it."

Riley brought his hands up and used his thumbs to wipe the tears from under Levi's eyes. Still cupping his face, Riley leaned in and lightly brushed his lips against Levi's.

"It's nothing we cant work through."

Levi remained rigidly still throughout, and Riley once again wrapped his arms around Levi and hugged him tight. He felt Levi's arms encircle his midsection. Riley looked down and saw that the towel covering Levi's lower half had fallen a little, and from his position looking over Levi's shoulder, he had a beautiful view of Levi's rounded ass. He felt himself start to get hard, the combination of the closeness of another warm body, and the smell of Levi's freshly washed skin excited him. He tried to adjust his legs to cover the rapidly growing tent in his pants. But before he could cover himself appropriately he heard Levi say "Someone's getting excited."

Riley blushed an Levi pulled away, and Riley saw that he was smiling. He looked down and saw that the towel on Levi's lap was likewise disturbed. Levi looked into his eyes and Riley's face went suddenly serious.



"Would you like to be my boyfriend?" Levi looked suddenly confused. No one had ever asked him that, although he knew he should have expected it from Riley. Then he straightened and said "Yes, I think I would like that."

Riley leaned in and pressed his lips to Levi's. Levi leaned into the kiss and felt Riley run his tongue along his bottom lip. Levi opened his mouth and let Riley's tongue in, and felt it slide all along the inside of his mouth. Levi grasped the base of Riley's shirt and started to slide it off, and they broke the kiss just long enough for Levi to remove it and throw it away. When they came back together Riley pushed Levi down onto the bed and pressed his body into Levi's, their forms seeming to melt together. Levi's towel had come loose in the movement and his seven inch cock pressed against the strained fabric of Riley's pants while their chests pressed against one and others. Riley planted one knee on either side of Levi's legs and leaned down and forced their lips tighter together. They kissed for a long while, until eventually they came apart breathlessly, with Riley looking intensely into Levi's wide eyes.

"How far do you want to go?" Riley asked. In answer, Levi wrapped his hands around Riley and slid his hands into the back of Riley's pants under his underwear, cupping his ass tenderly and forcing Riley to renew the skin on skin contact by pushing him forwards and down. Riley's face was now less then an inch in front of Levi's and he thought he might explode from the contact combined with Levi gently squeezing his ass cheek's and breathing heavily in his face. Riley kissed Levi's neck and started kissing down his chest, stopping and sucking on each nipple in turn, and enjoying the taste and slight musky smell of Levi's skin. He eventually arrived at Levi's sparse treasure trail and farther still to his thick blond pubes. Riley hesitated when he was confronted with Levi's very erect shaft. He had always wanted to do this, but had never really realized how...real it was when it was right there in your face. Tentatively he stuck his tongue out and licked the head, drawing a little gasp from Levi. Taking that as a good sign, he licked from base to tip a few times, taking Levi's length in hand as he did so. Levi started moaning and placed a hand on the top of Riley's head, pushing down slightly, begging him to go farther. Riley opened his mouth and let the soft skin of Levi's shaft run along his lips as he descended as far as he could. The head of Levi's dick hit the back of his throat and he gagged a little, but fought the feeling and forced it deeper into his throat. Doing his best to keep his cool, Riley kept taking the rest of Levi's length until his nose finally brushed the pubic hair at the base of Levi's shaft. Riley started going up and down on Levi and it became easier to swallow as he went along. Levi gripped the sheets on either side of him tightly in balled fists, the sensation making him ready to cum right then, but he didn't want the feeling to end. He moaned loudly and Riley sucked harder and started going faster. After a few more seconds Levi gasped out "I'm gunna shoot!" and Riley immediately let Levi's dick slide out of his mouth and grasped it in one hand and began jerking him off until Levi started cumming. The first shot hit Levi's chin, the rest landed all over his chest and down his torso. Levi lay gasping on the bed, his chest heaving while Riley still held his softening member in his hand. He gently let go and brought his cum covered hand up to his face. He smelt it and thought it smelt...strange. Not bad, but strange. It was similar to his own smell yet had an unmistakable difference to it. Slowly he stuck his tongue out and licked a little off his hand, tasting it and then swallowing it. It didn't taste as bad as he thought it would, just a little bitter.

Levi reached over the bed and grabbed his towel and cleaned his chest and crotch off, throwing the towel away as he finished. He looked at Riley and said "Mon dieu, that was amazing"

Riley wiped his hand off on his pants and crawled up next to Levi, running his hand all over Levi's smooth chest. He leaned forwards and licked the cum off of Levi's chin, then kissed him passionately, his body pressing against Levi's with a desire he hadn't even known he possessed. Levi once again brought his arms around Riley's lower half and slipped his hands under his clothing, and cupped his firm ass. Riley brought one hand down and fumbled with the button on his jeans, then finally got them undone so Levi could push them down, Riley's uncut seven and a half inches springing free from the confines of his pants and underwear as they slide down to his knees where he kicked them the rest of the ways off. Now fully naked he pressed his body firmly against Levi's, basking in their shared warmth. Levi slipped on of his legs in between Riley's and rolled over so he was hovering over Riley's breathless form and leaned down and resumed the kiss, pushing his tongue into Riley's mouth while grinding his rapidly hardening member against Riley's. Levi snuck a hand in between their sweat-slick bodies and grasped Riley's shaft and started gently stroking him, causing him to moan into Levi's mouth. Levi slid his tongue from Riley's mouth and crawled down so his mouth was level with Riley's swollen head, his hot breath causing Riley to whimper a little.

Levi quickly licked the head, collecting some of the copious amounts of pre-cum Riley had been leaking. It tasted salty but good in Levi's opinion, and he traced a circle around Riley's head and took in most of the warm juice. Riley moaned loudly and said "I don't know how much longer I can last..." Levi took this as his cue and opened his mouth, taking as much of Riley's length as he could into his mouth. Riley gasped from the heat and wetness of Levi's mouth, and he groaned loudly when his cock slid into the tightness of Levi's throat. Levi managed to take all of it on his first go, and started slowly backing off, sucking as hard as he could. Riley had never felt anything like it, and the combination of the fact that he had been hard since he sat down and the fervor with which Levi was sucking him sent him over the edge, he weakly tried to push Levi off, but his efforts were ignored. He started cumming, and it was the most powerful orgasm he had ever experienced in his young life. Levi felt Riley start to shoot in his mouth and his first instinct was to spit it out, but instead he swallowed it, and the many shots that came after that. When Riley finally stopped twitching Levi let his cock slide out of his mouth and lay down across Riley's stomach, resting his head on his chest.

"Wow. That was..." Riley couldn't find words to describe how good it had felt. He reached up and gently stroked Levi's hair. It felt so good to have him laying there, and Riley thought nothing in the world could be so right. Levi just let out a contented sigh and closed his eyes. Maybe everything would be ok for once. Riley closed his eyes as well after pulling the covers up to Levi's shoulders. He didn't really feel all that tired, but it was just so comfortable to be laying like that...

"What the fuck is this?"

Matt stopped what he was doing and looked through the doorway into the restaurant's front. That had been loud, some customer was not happy at all. He sighed. Joe had gone home for the day which meant if a complaint came in Matt would have to deal with it himself. It had been a long night already, the grill cook had called in sick and Matt only had two other people in the kitchen working with him and they were hard pressed to keep up. Matt returned to his work and tried to enjoy the few moments of calm before the impending storm.

Trina, one of the newer waitresses walked in looking flushed. Matt supposed if one liked such things, she would have been very, very attractive. But he barley noticed, just looked up and sighed again. She walked up to him and said "Some asshole wants to talk to you. Don't know what his fucking problem is but he is NOT pleasant..."

Matt put his hands on Trina's shoulders and said "Shhh, calm down. I'll deal with it. Go outside, take a break, have a smoke, come back in 10. The world goes on even with the assholes in it."

Trina gave him a grateful smile and said "I was supposed to go out tonight, I'm going to need more then a few drinks after this crap!"

She started off down the hall towards the backdoor and walked out of sight. Matt straightened his jacket and walked out into the front. Matt almost never went into the front half of the restaurant and every time he did he was amazed at the luxury of it. All of their cutlery was silver, and the building was always immaculately clean, from the roof down to the pure white table cloths. Matt strode in between the tables. There weren't that many people in the restaurant being a Sunday evening, but Matt didn't mind. He may get to go home early. Matt realized then that he hadn't asked Trina which table it was that had the issue. All doubt was removed from his mind a moment later when he heard a deep male voice yell "Hey! I want to talk to you!" Matt pasted on his best "customer Service Smile" and turned to the table with the complaint. He saw a man sitting there with his teenage son who looked to be about Matt`s age. They both looked very familiar but Matt couldn't quite place them, and the son was looking the other way and Matt didn't have a great view of his face.

"What seems to be the problem sir?"

The man turned angry eyes towards Matt. He opened his mouth to say something then but stopped, and gave Matt a curious look.

"You... your that faggot who hit my kid. Mase, isn't that him?" The boy sitting across from his father seemed to want to melt into the seat. Matt leaned forwards and peered into his face and he recognized him them.



"Is this the bitch that hit you kiddo?" Mason's father burst back into the conversation. Matt stood, his face stony and showing as little emotion as possible.

"Dad, stop..."

"Why the fuck would I stop. Some faggot jumps my kid and puts him in the hospital and I'm supposed to just be all happy about it? Fuck that, I think you two should have a rematch in the parking lot. Eh? What do you say?"

"No Dad... just drop it. It was a fair fight and I was wrong..."

"You were WHAT? No, you were right, and no son of mine lost a fight to a fag." Mason's dad reached across the table and slapped Mason in the side of the head. Matt flinched himself from the sound of his hand hitting Mason's skull. Mason just put his head down and played with the food on his plate. Matt looked around and saw that almost everyone in the restaurant was looking at them, and knew he had to stop this before it hurt business.

"Finish your dinner and leave, its on the house. Just quit making a scene and get out of my restaurant." Matt turned and started walking away. After he was no more then five feet away he felt something hit him in the back then fall to the floor. He stopped and took a deep breath then turned around slowly. Glancing down he saw a steak on the floor, and knew that there must now be a large stain on the back of his previously immaculate jacket. He turned smoldering eyes towards Mason's table and saw Mason's dad sitting with an overly smug look on his face.

"Your immaturity is not appreciated. Get out. Now."

"Fuck that, come and make me pretty boy." Mason's dad stood up. He wasn't really that big, only about 5'11" and more fat then muscle. Matt figured he could take him if it came too it, but he knew that this was neither the time nor the place. Matt turned and calmly walked into the kitchen and to his office. He called the police non-emergency number and asked them to send an officer over to escort a customer from the premises. Matt sat down and lit a cigarette, and leaned far back in his chair. He just wanted to go home.

Four cigarettes later Matt heard a knock on the back door. He went and opened it, allowing the officer to come inside. Matt explained the situation and walked with the officer out to the table where Masons dad was still sitting, talking loudly about the "faggot cook" who had attacked his son. The police officer walked up and stood beside the table. Matt stood beside the officer and said "It's time for you to leave." Masons dad had gone silent when the police showed up, and he looked Matt in the eye and said "Well why didn't you just say so. Come on Mason, lets go. Don't need to eat this crappy over priced food anyways." Masons dad stood up and walked out of the doors. Mason stood as well and stopped in front of Matt.

"I'm really sorry... I didn't know you were... I..."

"It's alright dude, its not you. I've forgiven you long ago, you're the only one holding back. If you ever do, give me a call and we can chat." Matt patted Masons shoulder and walked back into the kitchen, the officer following close behind. Matt thanked him and let him out the back door. Matt walked back into the kitchen and saw that all customers had their food and that the two other cook's were just starting clean up. Matt decided to pull rank for once in his life and assigned his section to one of the other guys for clean up, then went and sat in the office. Matt poured himself a glass of brandy and lit another cigarette. He sat there, and let the liquor warm him. He hadn't realized how much time had passed but suddenly when he looked up one of the other cooks was at the door saying "Just need to lock up Matt, we'll cya later. Hope your night goes better." Matt waved his arm and downed his brandy, then stood and got ready to leave. A short while later Matt walked out to his car and got in, the pack of cigarettes he usually left in the office resting in his coat pocket. Once he had the car started and it was warming up, he pulled out a smoke and lit up.

Matt had never been a heavy smoker, averaging maybe a pack every two weeks. Even when he had one cigarette though and he got home, Arthur would almost always mention it, and tell him he needed to stop, Matt would always brush it off. Tonight he had gone through almost an entire pack, and he knew he should be worried what Arthur would think. But for some reason, he didn't care at all. Matt sat in silence in his car for a few more minutes then pulled out of the driveway and started home. Once he pulled into his driveway he got out and went inside. As soon as he opened the door he saw Levi run out of his room and bound downstairs, a stupid grin on his face. Matt smiled inwardly and mentally counted down in his head "3... 2... 1..." Riley walked out of Levi's room and followed him down the stairs. Matt did his best to smile at the two boys.

"Matt! Riley's gunna stay the night k his dad said it was fine and he can get to school tomorrow on the bus and he doesn't have to worry about getting a ride cuz I'll go with him and-"

Matt laughed aloud and said "Whoa boy, breathe. Yeah that's fine. How ya doing Rye?"

Riley grinned and said "Great!"

Matt smiled as they both turned and ran back up to Levi's room. He hung up his coat and walked into the kitchen. He saw Arthur sitting on the couch watching TV and walked into the living room and sat on the couch next to him. He went to lay down and put his head in Arthur's lap but Arthur pushed him away half in jest, half meaningfully as he said "You reek! Did you rub the smoke all over yourself?"

Matt just straightened and sat on the couch at Arthur's feet. He mumbled out "Whatever..." and turned to the TV. He felt Arthur's hand on his shoulder and heard him say "Matt what's wrong?"

Matt wanted to tell him everything, wanted to take strength from Arthur's immovable position in his life... but instead he heard himself say "I don't want to talk about it."

"What? Matt come on, what is it?"

"I said I don't want to talk about, do I have to tell you everything?"

Arthur sat there with a stunned look on his face. Matt got irritable sometimes but he had never flat out refused to talk to him before. Arthur felt himself begin to get angry. He took a moment to let himself calm down.

"Look, Im only trying to help. If you talk about it we can work through it."

"I don't want your damn help! I don't have to tell you everything. For fucks sake Arthur, we're not married!"

Arthur stood and looked down at Matt, who's face was alight with anger. Arthur's own emotions were running hot by this point and he yelled "Fine, whatever. Just sit there and mope. I'm going out, deal with your own damn problems!"

Arthur stormed out of the room and Matt stood and stomped upstairs to his room. He heard the door slam downstairs and the engine of Arthur's car start. Why had he said that... Arthur had only just been trying to help, and hadn't said anything that Matt hadn't heard before. He sat on his bed and decided he would apologize the next day, his encounter with Mason just had him weird, that was all. Arthur would understand when he explained... Wouldn't he?

Arthur drove for a few minutes, not knowing where he was going, just thinking. What the hell was Matt's problem? God he was annoying sometimes, the slightest thing would make him change his mood. He could be having a buoyantly happy day then suddenly he would be slouching around like the world was ending. Arthur saw neon lights ahead and he turned into a small pub, thinking he would grab a drink then head back to the house once Matt had calmed down. Arthur went in and sat at the bar, ordering a double shot of JD. Arthur sat for awhile, and had a few more drinks, he didn't know how many. He kept turning and seeing this girl looking at him. She would turn away as soon as he looked, and blush. Arthur's alcohol laden brain kept telling him she was really attractive, but he kept passing it off.

Arthur had no idea how long he sat there, two or maybe three hours. After while it all kind of blurred together. He found himself suddenly smiling at he girl, who was now sitting beside him, he hadn't seen her get up.

"Hey handsome, you look like you could use some company."

Her voice was nice he thought. He sat there and stared for a few seconds before he realized that she was expecting an answer. Arthur's mind was screaming at him to say no and leave, call a cab and go home. But then he remembered what Matt had said.

"Sure, some company sounds good."

She sat down and moved the stool closer so her breasts were touching Arthur's arm. She leaned forwards and placed a hand on his thigh.

"My name's Trina, what's yours?"


"Well Arthur, what say you we ditch this place and go back to my apartment, we can have some fun!"

She gave him a mischevious grin and Arthur smiled back and stood. He slapped some money on the counter for his drinks then allowed her to lead him by the hand out to her car.

Wow, this chapter took way too long to write, sorry for the delay guys, just found more fun things to be doing on my computer in the last few days. Hope everyone's new year is going well! Email me with what you think,

Next: Chapter 13

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