The Couch

By Mathew Davidson

Published on Dec 10, 2009


Should you be reading this? This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions between consenting underage males and if its illegal where you are then, don't do it! If someone says you cant and doesn't have a good reason however, then I quote my favorite author on this site, "Fuck Em" try it, you never know!

Also sorry for any spelling mistakes, I get a little dyslexic at times..

I do occasionally use derogatory terminology in my work, and I apologize if this causes offence to anyone. It's not meant that way at all.

The Couch: Part 4

"Damn its cold." Ian muttered to himself as he walked the couple blocks from Matt's house to the nearest buss stop. He hadn't had a chance to look at the thermometer when he left Matt's house but he would have guessed it was probably around minus 30 (That's 26 Fahrenheit for you American folk) which was a cold day even for Calgary. Ian got to the stop and only waited a couple seconds before the bus pulled up. He got on and walked to the back of the bus and sat in an empty seat. Now that he wasn't at risk of death by snow, he had a chance to think about the events of the past two days.

It was only recently, in the last couple years when his other friends had become interested in girls that he had even considered his own sexuality. Sure, he looked at the guys in the change room, and he occasionally looked at gay porn on the internet. But he had never really considered himself as homosexual. What if he wasn't? what if he committed to much to this relationship and someone got hurt. Ian's mind raced back to that last moment at the door, he had told Matt that he loved him. Matt hadn't started that line, its not like he was just saying it, he really did love Matt. A smile crept onto Ian's lips; He loved Matt. Ian looked deep inside himself and realized that since the beginning of middle school, he hadn't been this happy. Well, maybe being gay wasn't as bad as it was made out to be.

Forty-five minutes later Ian was walking into his house. It was a large four story affair, not grand by any means but big enough. His family was well off, much better off then Matt's was. His dad made good money as an accountant and wasn't home much. His mom however was an ultra religious homemaker who watched his every move like a hawk. Ian walked in expecting to be punished, but it was much worse. His mom had just finished listening to the call from the school and she was at the door waiting for him before he even finished taking his shoes off.

"Where the heck were you today young sir?" His mom asked in that high pitched nasally voice. Heck. Who said heck anymore? Ian's mom never swore, every time she got angry enough to come close Ian always thought she sounded like someone out of a 80s movie.


"Don't you lie to me, god punishes liars the same way he punishes thieves young man! You keep that up you'll be burning in hell in no time, now go to your room and say your rosary twice and apologize to the good lord."

"Yes mam."

Ian walked upstairs to his room and opened the door to find another nasty surprise.

"Mark what the hell are you doing on my bed?"

Ian's brother was laying on Ian's bed with a book titled "Magic for Dummies!" open on his lap. Mark stood 5'11" and was the tallest person in their immediate family at 23 years old. He was chunky to the point of being fat and cared little for his appearance. The result was an ugly, unshaven guy in glasses who reeked of sweat and stale food.

"I'm home for a few days, mom said I get your room while I'm here, so take your blanket and hit the couch squirt."

Mark had inherited their mom's nasally voice and short temper. For some unknown reason he was still the favorite child, despite his dead end career and utter lack of money and success. Ian sighed and walked out of the room and proceeded down the hall to his sisters room. She had moved out a couple years earlier and never came home, what Ian considered a smart decision. He had always gotten along great with his sister and was sad when she had left, now however he was glad that she wasn't here since it meant he still got a bed to sleep in that night. He sat down on the edge of her bed and sighed. To think he had been so happy a few hours ago.

Ian dug his iPod out of his backpack and turned his music on and lay down. He must have dosed off because when he awoke he heard a knock at the door. Glancing at the clock he saw it was 8:00pm, nice of his mom to not give him supper.

"Come in."

The door opened and his dad walked in. Ian's mood brightened almost instantly. His dad may not have been home that often but he was a kind man, who always had time for Ian when he was around. The only issue Ian took with his father was that he was utterly spineless when it came to his wife. He would never disagree or halt any action she took.

"Hey sport, I heard you skipped school today. Want to talk about it?"

Ian's dad saw the look of consternation on Ian's face and sat down beside him.

"You know you can tell me anything bud, anytime. What's going on? Its not like you at all to skip for no reason."

"I was at Matt's house today, and..." Ian trailed off, not sure how to put into words his myriad of thoughts. His dad put his arm around his son's shoulder.

"You can tell me anything, anything and I wont judge you for it. And?"

"I'm... I'm gay dad. Matt is too. I think I love him." Ian closed his eyes, waiting for what his dad would say.

His dad sighed very deeply, then said "You know I'll always accept you, and always love you. But I don't know how your mother will handle this."

"She doesn't have to know..."

"She has to find out eventually. I'm not going to tell her until your ready, and ill help you if you want me too."

Ian leaned over and hugged his dad. It wasn't a full resolution of the problem, but it was better then he expected. His dad wished him goodnight and left the room and Ian lay back down, and drifted off into a restful sleep.

Both Ian and Matt arrived at the same time to bus stop the next day. They had a block to walk before they got to the school and Matt immediately asked

"Did you tell your folks?"

"I told my dad and he's ok with it, but I'm not going to tell my mom, ever if I can manage it. You?"

"Yeah my mom said it was all ok."

The boys talked about nothing much the rest of the walk to school. Everything was going great until they got to the hallway with both their lockers and heard a loud obnoxious voice behind them yell

"So where were you faggots yesterday?"

Matt turned to see Mason, one of few people Matt hung out with aside from Ian, walking towards them. Mason was 5'8" and thought he was god's gift to the opposite sex. Looking at him with a queer eye Matt didn't see anything at all attractive about him. His face was overly angular and the body he was so proud of was muscled, but that was hidden under a layer of flabbiness. His hair was black and greasy, and hung down over eyes that were a very dull grey. For some reason unbeknownst to Matt though, he still could make almost any girl come to his bed. He must be hung like a horse Matt thought idly.

Looking over at Ian Matt saw a look of panic on his face, before he turned to Mason and replied quickly "Playing videogames, how bout you the day before?"

"Bah, went to the fucking mall with Arthur and Tom and stole some shit from sportcheck."

Matt frowned and turned back to his locker. He found Mason increasingly annoying as the years went by and wasn't sure he could handle much more of him. The main thing was that he was a total dick to Ian, which Matt didn't like at all, especially now.

"You still coming to the party on Friday?" Mason asked of Matt, pointedly standing between him and Ian.

"Yeah, you can pick me and Ian up at my house around 10."

"Ha, that's funny. The dweeb isn't invited."

"Either he comes or I don't, take your pick." Matt turned back to his locker, feigning nonchalance. He felt Mason starring at him and was about to turn around when Mason slammed his fist into the locker next to Matt's and said "Fine, whatever, I'll pick you both up at 10." Mason walked off down the hallway and now that he was out of the way Matt could see Ian, who was beaming, look at him.

"Thanks Matt! I really wanted to come but I was sure he would say no if I asked, I owe you one!"

"I'm sure I can conceive a suitable repayment in the near future." Matt said, grinning. Ian winked at him, just then the bell rang and both boys hurried off to their respective classes.

About halfway through the second period Matt saw Ian walk by the open classroom door. He put his hand up and got permission to go to the washroom and practically ran out, arriving in the hallway just in time to see the bathroom door close behind Ian. Matt walked down the long hallway and went in after him. Ian was just doing his fly up and was walking to the sink to wash his hands when Matt walked in. He glanced around to make sure they were along then grabbed Ian's hand and dragged him to the handicap stall at the end of the bathroom

He pushed Ian against the wall and immediately forced their lips together. Ian's tongue slipped into his mouth and his hand undid Ian's belt. Ian pushed him away and whispered "Here?!"

Matt looked at him and grinned before pulling his pants all the way down, his boxers quickly following. Matt wrapped his hand around Ian's rock hard cock and slowly jerked him while Matt continued to suck on Ian's mouth. He felt Ian shudder a little in his arms and knelt down so Ian's cock was right in front of his face. He looked at Ian's face once more before engulfing the hard member in his mouth. He felt Ian place his hands on his head and begin pushing down in rhythm. Within seconds Ian was in full control and fucking Matt's face. Within another two minutes Matt felt Ian's dick pulsate in his mouth, Matt brought his hand up and squeezed Ian's balls lightly and Ian started spewing in Matt's mouth. Matt swallowed it all and didn't let Ian's cock slide out of his mouth until he had devoured every last bit of boy juice Ian had to offer. He stood up again and kissed Ian hard, letting a little bit of cum slide into his mouth.

"Mmm, I taste pretty good. Not as good as you though." Ian nuzzled Matt's shoulder and brought his hands up to Matt's belt, but Matt pushed him away.

"Easy horn dog, there's not enough time, we both have to get back to class." Ian pouted a little bit and Matt thought he might cum simply from how sexy a look it was. He kissed Ian again and whispered in his ear "You can return the favor during forth period"

Ian reached down and grasped Matt's hard on through his jeans.

"It's a date." He pulled his pants back up and left the washroom. Matt counted to fifty then left as well.

The rest of the week went by fast. Ian was grounded and couldn't come over to Matt's house at all till the weekend, and the only reason he was allowed to then was because his dad had intervened and got a concession out of his mom. School was boring aside from occasional synchronized bathroom breaks, which both boys enjoyed immensely. Before they knew it, it was Friday and they were waiting after school for the bus to Matt's house.. The ride seemed to go faster then usual, and the boys didn't talk much, being content to sit in the back holding hands and sharing an amiable silence. They arrived at Matt's house at around 430 and went down to his room, dumped their bags and flopped onto the couch.

"Well, whatever shall we do for the next five and a half hours?"

Matt asked rhetorically. Ian leaned into him and asked

"When's your mom due home?"

"Not till around 11, she has to work tonight." Ian let out a happy sigh and turned to face Matt. He pushed him down onto the couch so he was straddling him and looked into Matt's face.

"Then I'm sure we can find something to entertain us." Having Ian on top of him had made Matt turn rock hard and he was already breathing heavily. Ian leaned down and kissed Matt, forcing his tongue into Matt's mouth and grinding his crotch against Matt's. Matt reached up and pulled Ian's shirt off, then undid his belt and pulled Ian's pants down as far as they would go with the current position, Ian pulled away and stood up letting his pants fall. Matt sat up and quickly rid himself of all his clothing except his boxers. Matt leaned forwards and grabbed Ian and pulled him so he was standing in-between Matt's legs. Matt gently mouthed Ian's cock through his boxers, and licked where a wet spot was already showing from the pre-cum. Matt's hands came up and pushed down Ian's boxers, which Ian stepped out of once they hit the floor. Matt took hold of Ian's leaking dick and ran his tongue from base to tip, causing Ian to gasp a little. Matt did this a few more times for good measure then took each of Ian's egg sized balls into his mouth, one after the other. After spitting them out he ran his tongue up to the top of Ian's shaft and licked around the head a couple times before plunging his mouth down onto the waiting prize. Ian yelped a little from the sudden move but started to moan in pleasure seconds later. Matt had the advantage of a good angle this time and was putting it to good advantage, taking all of Ian's 5 inches into his mouth and sucking as hard as he could. Ian was groaning loudly now and moving his hips forward slightly in time with Matt's movements. Matt sensed that Ian would cum soon so he let Ian's dick pop out of his mouth.

"Cant get you to excited now, I have other plans for that."

Ian whimpered a little but grinned a second later when he caught Matt's drift.

"Well we had best get you taken care of then..."

Ian got on his knees in front of where Matt was sitting and unceremoniously pulled Matt's boxers off, throwing them across the room. Quickly he took Matt's dick into his mouth and started sucking for all he was worth. Ian sucked Matt off for about two minutes before he let Matt's dick slide out of his mouth. He ran his tongue around the head and began licking downwards. When he got to Matt's balls he stopped long enough to grasp both of Matt's legs under the knees and lift him up a bit. Ian leaned down again and licked both of Matt's balls some more, then continued on and gave his taint some attention. Matt couldn't help but gasp out an

"Oh my god" before he let his head flop back onto the cushions. Ian let on of Matt's legs rest on his should, freeing that hand up to continue to jack Matt off while he finished his oral explorations. He worked his tongue down farther and finally arrived at his original goal, Matt's tight pink hole, which was fully exposed due to the position Ian had him in with his legs in the air.

Ian experimentally ran his tongue in a couple quick circles around Matt's hole, each time causing Matt to moan a little louder. Ian licked up and down, then side to side, he could tell it was driving Matt crazy with ecstasy. After a couple minutes he tried to squeeze his tongue into the opening a little, and failed at first until Matt felt what he was trying to do and relaxed a little so his tongue could slide in. "Holy shit! O god I'm gunna cum!" Matt cried as Ian ran his tongue along the insides of Matt's love tunnel. He kept his licking and his hand going until Matt finally stopped shooting and relaxed a little. Ian looked up to see that Matt had hit himself in the face twice with his cum, and the rest was spread across his chest and all over Ian's hand. There was more cum then Ian had ever seen anyone produce, which made him grin with no small measure of pride. He brought his hand up to his face and licked it clean, then proceeded to lick Matt's chest and groin clean before he lay down on top of Matt and finally cleaned his face off with his tongue.

"Wow." Matt said, grinning widely at Ian. "Where the hell did you learn that?"

Ian blushed and stammered out "I was watching some videos online once and..." he trailed off, looking a little bashful.

"God your cute. Whatever, I don't care, that was bloody amazing. I think I owe you something now eh?"

Ian grinned and nodded as Matt gave his hard pecker a quick squeeze. Matt smiled and picked Ian up, so they were standing with Ian's legs wrapped around Matt's waist and his arms around Matt's neck, Matt supporting his weight by holding onto his ass, never breaking their passionate kiss as Matt walked them over to the bed where he lay down on top of Ian.

"One sec." Matt got up and walked over to his bookshelf where he had the KY he had asked his mom to buy. Well, he hadn't really asked her. They had walked by it in the grocery store and his mom had looked at him and he had nodded, blushing the whole while, and she had just thrown it into the cart.

Matt walked back over to Ian and lay down beside him, Ian started to rise but Matt put a hand on his chest and gently pushed him back down, shaking his head. Ian looked a little puzzled but complied. Matt squirted some of the lube onto his hand and grasped Ian's cock, causing him to gasp.

"That's cold for christs sake!"

"Sorry babe." Said Matt with and evil grin on his face. He scarped some lube off of his other hand and began to work it into his hole while he jacked Ian off. When he was satisfied with the amount he had everywhere, he wiped his hand off on a towel under his bed and got up and straddled Ian, leaning down and kissing him hard.

Matt leaned backwards and felt Ian's cockhead pressing against his crack. He raised himself up by the knees a little and reached down and guided Ian's cock to his ass. Slowly he began to sit down on Ian's cock, the tip slowly sliding in to penetrate him. He closed his eyes and looked up, groaning as he descended. Sooner then he thought he felt Ian's pubes against his balls, followed by the sensation of sitting on Ian's legs. Matt opened his eyes and looked at Ian's face; it looked like he was on cloud nine. Matt smiled and started bouncing up and down on Ian's dick, slowly at first but with increasing speed. A couple minutes in Ian was moaning and Matt was grunting every time Ian's cock hit his prostate. Matt felt a hand wrap around his now hard dick and start pumping in time with his ministrations. Matt started rotating his hips as he went down and this made Ian groan all the louder.

Suddenly Ian gasped and Matt felt his ass fill with warm liquid, the sensation was so amazing he started cumming for the second time that day and his seed splattered all over Ian's face and chest.

Matt slowly raised his ass off of Ian's cock, going slow this time to avoid any undue pain. When he was unshackled he lay down next to Ian and licked Ian's face clean, then he pushed Ian's chin towards him and kissed him for a long time.

"Love you babe."

"Mhmmmm." Ian moved so that he was laying against Matt, Ian's ass pressed against Matt's crotch. Matt draped an arm over Ian's tummy and just lay there enjoying the closeness of Ian, sharing his warmth. It was now 5:45 and Matt leaned over and set his alarm for 8:30 so they wouldn't sleep through the party and went to sleep with the boy he loved cradled in his arms.

The alarm went off and Ian slept right through, while Matt was instantly awake and alert. He turned the annoying noise off and gave Ian a little shake. Ian didn't stir at all, aside from a little noise that sounded distinctly like "fukoff". Matt smiled to himself and got up, climbing over Ian to stand beside the bed. He gently slid his arms under Ian and picked him up, Ian's head lolling to one side and resting against his shoulder. Matt walked up the two flights of stairs with his lover in his arms, and by the time he hit the last step he regretted his chivalrous gesture, god Ian was heavy!

He made it as far as the bathroom before he put Ian down. Ian stood of his own accord but was still mostly asleep. Matt pulled him close and kissed him softly, he felt Ian slide his hands up his back and Ian began to return the kiss.

"Welcome back to the world of the living."

"How did I get up here?" Ian asked, slightly disoriented.

"I carried you. I cant seem to recall at this time if I molested you on the walk up or not."

"Smartass." Ian leaned forward again and kissed Matt tenderly. Matt would have loved to spend eternity like that, but there wasn't much time so he pulled away and started the shower. Both boys got in and washed each other off, trying to be quick to avoid the rude awakening cold water provided when it suddenly interrupted warm showers. They got out and dried off, then brushed their teeth with Matt's toothbrush to avoid cum-breath. They then proceeded downstairs and got dressed in their coolest clothes, Ian gelled his hair into a fauxhawk and Matt did his in a ducktail. Just as they were grabbing their coats they heard the blaring of a car horn outside, looking at each other both boys rolled their eyes and walked to the front door. Right before Ian opened the door Matt grabbed his hand and pulled him into a tight hug, followed by a long kiss. Ian smiled and opened the door and they walked out.

Matt saw that Arthur was in the front seat of Mason's car. Where Mason was the very definition of an ugly male in Matt's opinion, Arthur was perfect. 6'2" and tan, he had light blond hair, which was always perfectly styled and clean, a clean shaven face and stylish dress. And his body... Matt had many a jerk off session with the glimpses of Arthur he had seen in the locker room. He was perfectly toned and heavily muscled, with incredibly broad shoulders and a very slender waist, and the bulge in his boxers promised that he wasn't lacking in that department and he had just a fine smattering of light blond hair all over his body. If Matt wasn't so slavishly devoted to Ian he knew he would jump Arthur's bones at the first sign of homosexuality from him.

Matt and Ian walked down the steps and got in the car, which sped off at a retarded speed as soon as the door closed. Matt ignored the high likelihood of death by car accident and said

"Sup Arty."

"Nothin much man, been lookin forward to this all week! How ya doin Ian?"

That was another reason Matt liked Arthur, he didn't treat Ian like shit just because he was small.

"Pretty good dude. I was just-" Ian was suddenly cut off when Mason, alarmed that a conversation should be going on without him, turned his CD player stupidly loud and the sound of Metallica suddenly prohibited any further conversation.

They arrived at the house party some minutes later and went in. There was about 50 people there, the average age being around 15-17 with a smattering of seniors here and there. Ian stuck pretty close to Matt's side the entire night, and even managed to dance at one point, where Matt and Ian were back to back and pretending to focus on the girls in front of them while discreetly rubbing their asses together as often as possible. The party was going great until about 1am, when Matt left Ian in a corner briefly to get some drinks for both of them. When he came back he saw Mason talking to Ian, and Ian shaking his head. Mason grabbed Ian's hand and dragged him upstairs, Matt put the drinks down and followed as fast as he could through the sea of humanity that was the living room.

When he got to the second floor he heard Mason telling Ian to stop whining. Matt walked around the corner and saw Mason standing with Ian outside a closed door.

"What the hells going on?" Matt asked, in a slightly accusatory tone.

"Easy bud. Look I got a girl absolutely tanked in the next room, I was just saying Ian here could finally lose it and fuck a girl. He keeps saying no and I don't get it, Are you a fag or something?"

Ian shook his head in the negative and mason yelled

"Well why the fuck not then? Just go in, stick it in her, hump a few times. Here's a condom go have fun!"

Ian looked at Matt then, and understanding flashed between them. Matt nodded his head and Ian took a deep breath.

"Look dude, I am gay, and so's-" Masons fist hit Ian square in the jaw and he fell sideways, his head bouncing against the wall.

"Ha! You're a sissy. A faggot who cant even take one hit!"

As the words left his mouth all Matt heard was his dad saying the exact same thing to him four years ago. Only now, he was bigger, and dad wasn't so big. Mason looked up with a big smile on his face at Matt, as if seeking approval.

Something inside Matt's head snapped then. He walked purposefully towards Mason who was still starring at him smiling. His first hit he felt Mason's nose crack. His other hand flew up and grabbed Mason's neck. Matt picked Mason up with one hand and threw him against the wall. He felt his shoulder pop out of joint with the strain but he didn't notice the pain, only brought his other hand up and pushed it back in. The pain was like a fire in the background of his mind. Mason was struggling to his feet, blood running all down his nose. He was four feet away from the top of the stairs, Matt walked up and started punching, Mason had his arms up and had a pretty good fist fighting defense going but Matt was punching too fast and too hard. And every time Mason got a punch in Matt just let him hit him, he didn't feel anything anymore anyways.

Matt finally got a good hit in and Mason was dazed enough to lower his arms for a second. Matt grabbed his head in both hands and slammed him against the wall. Mason fell to the floor and didn't move. Matt knew in the back of his mind that he should stop, but he didn't, he kicked Mason's still frame till he was at the edge of the stairs then pushed him down. Mason came to rest at the foot of the stairs, a girl screamed. Matt walked back over to Ian, who was still out cold on the floor. He picked him up tenderly.

"You may want to leave now, shits gonna hit the fan after that."

Matt turned around at the unexpected voice and saw Arthur standing at the end of the hallway.

"How much did you see?" Matt asked, in an oddly emotionless voice.

"Everything, I saw Mason start it, and you finish it. I also heard what Ian said, and I can guess what he was about to say. I just want you to know that it's ok, and I'm totally ok with it."

"Thank you Arthur."

"I'm going to stay here and make sure this crap doesn't get blown out of proportion. You really did a number on Mason though... we'll have to call an ambulance and I'm sure the cops will wanna talk to you. I'd go now, let it calm down a bit and deal with it once Ian's taken care of."

Matt nodded and walked towards the stairs, the went down and walked past the limp form at the bottom of the stairs. Sparing a glance for Mason, Matt saw that he was still breathing.

"Somebody call an ambulance for him." Matt said into the silent room. All activity had stopped and everyone watched him carry the limp form of Ian out of the room. Matt grabbed his coat and Ian's, then walked outside, they had worn their shoes inside. Matt whipped out his cell and dialed his mom.

"Mom, its me, I need a pickup right now please."

Matt's mom had always told him that when he was out, he could call anytime, at any hour, and she would come. True to her word, 7 minutes later she pulled up in the van and helped load Ian's unconscious form into the back. Matt sat down in the front seat and suddenly his haze lifted and he felt all his bruises and pains. He started crying quietly. His mom looked over, alarmed and said "What's wrong?"

"I just want to go home please." Matt stated in a shaky voice. His mom started driving, as they were leaving the roadway, an ambulance came screaming past going the opposite direction. Matt's mom frowned but said nothing. On the way home she called her work and left a message saying she wasn't coming in the next day due to a family emergency.

She looked at Matt and said "should I call Ian's parents?" Matt shook his head negative and his mom pulled into their driveway.

Matt got out and picked Ian up again while his mom closed the van and opened the house. Matt went straight downstairs and lay Ian on his bed, then went and sat on the couch in the living room upstairs next to his mom. She handed him some painkillers and a glass of water.

"Can you please tell me what happened?"

Matt recounted briefly what had happened, the painkillers making him sleepy and woozy. Matt's mom sighed then said

"Go downstairs and sleep, we'll deal with the rest of this in the morning ok."

Matt nodded and got up and went downstairs. Ian was still out cold on his bed so he climbed in behind him and pulled Ian as close as he could. Right as he was about to fall asleep he heard Ian say "Matt? Am I dead?"

"I hurt to much for this to be heaven. We're at my house, it's ok now, just go to sleep, we'll talk in the morning. Just know that no matter what happens tomorrow, I love you."

"I love you too." Ian pushed himself even closer to Matt and was soon fast asleep again. Matt felt Ian's warmth and thought that life wasn't so bad after all...

Well folks there it is, chapter four. Hope your enjoying it so far, send me an email and let me know what you think thus far! I appreciate any constructive criticism. Next chapter will be out in a few days, whenever I get round to writing it.

Next: Chapter 5

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