The Couch

By Mathew Davidson

Published on Dec 18, 2009


Should you be reading this? This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions between consenting underage males and if its illegal where you are then, don't do it! If someone says you cant and doesn't have a good reason however, then I quote my favorite author on this site, "Fuck Em" try it, you never know! I do occasionally use derogatory terminology in my work, and I apologize if this causes offence to anyone. It's not meant that way at all.

Also sorry for any spelling mistakes, I get a little dyslexic at times..

The Couch: Part 6

Arthur ran into Matt's room and didn't see anything at first. He started walking around the couch and then he saw him. Matt was laying on the floor with his mangled arm over a towel. His eyes were open and looking at Arthur, but he could tell that Matt couldn't see much. There was an amazing amount of blood on the floor, since it had soaked through the towel and pooled on the floor under Matt's limp form. Arthur ran next to him and whipped out his cell, dialing 911 and checking Matt's pulse. It was slow and almost imperceptible but it was there.

"Nine one one emergency, what is the nature of your problem?"

"I just walked into my friends basement and I think he tried to kill himself." Arthur barley got the words out, he felt tears falling from his eyes and saw them hit Matt on the forehead.

"An ambulance is on the way, what is the nature of this persons injuries?"

"There's a knife on the table and it looks like he cut his wrists, there's so much blood..." Arthur started breathing faster and faster, he didn't know if he could do this.

"Sir you need to remain calm. Did he cut across his wrist or up his arm?" The lady sounded genuinely concerned for his plight, which calmed Arthur a little.

"He cut up his arm, only on the left arm though."

The operator proceeded to talk him through wrapping up Matt's arm and applying pressure to try and slow the bleeding. As Arthur finished applying the bandage he heard an ambulance scream to a stop outside the house. He heard the door being opened and then a man yell.

"EMS, is there anyone here?"

"Downstairs, hurry please!"

Two paramedics pounded down the stairs and rushed over to where Arthur was kneeling. Arthur stood up and gave them space. Now that his immediate role was over with, the shock of the event set in and he started to sob quietly. He couldn't lose Matt, not now. He was going to tell him today, he was going to come out and join Matt and Ian on the other side. But this... how could he cope with this? His thoughts were cut short by the paramedic putting his hand on Arthur's shoulder.

"Son, are you coming to the hospital with us? We need to move now if you are."

Arthur nodded and ran up the stairs behind the paramedic.

The next 10 minutes were a blur of flashing lights and strange smells as Arthur sat in the back of the ambulance, staring at the still form of Matt laying on the cart in the middle of the cab. They had torn his bloody shirt off and were now hooking an IV up to try and get some fluids back into him. Before Arthur thought possible, they were pulling in front of the hospital and Matt was offloaded and sent into ER. Arthur was told to wait and they would tell him news as soon as they had it.

As Arthur sat there he realized he had no way of contacting Matt's mom, he didn't have her number. Had he thought of it, he would have grabbed Matt's cell out of his pocket and used it, but he hadn't been thinking of that at the time. Arthur leaned back into the seat and waited.

Matt awoke to that smell. How he hated the smell of hospitals. He was momentarily disoriented when suddenly it all came back. His decision to end it. The angel that had come and cried. Matt opened his eyes and then it really hit home. He wasn't dead at all, he was in a room, just like those years ago when his dad had put him here. Then who had come for him during those last fleeting moments of consciousness? And where was his mom? Why couldn't he move his left arm?

The door to the room opened and Arthur walked in. Matt found this weird since Arthur was the last person he would expect to wake up too, Ian should be the one to be here, at his bedside. Ian... Ian who said he loved him everyday.

Ian had lied.

Matt started to sob. Arthur walked towards him and sat down in the chair on Matt's right side. Matt didn't even acknowledge him, so lost was he in his sense of loss. Arthur leaned towards him and wrapped his muscular, warm arms around Matt, who suddenly seemed very small. Matt lifted his right arm up and pulled Arthur close, taking strength from the solid warmth of Arthur against him. They stayed like that for a long time, Arthur needing no words to know that Matt just needed him to be there, and Matt quietly crying on his shoulder. When Matt finally let go, Arthur leaned back but stayed in the seat right next to Matt.

Still sniffling a little bit, Matt asked "What happened?"

Arthur was silent for a moment then said. "I came over to talk to you, and you didn't answer the door so I let myself in. I saw your note and ran downstairs and you had just finished being stupid. I called the ambulance and now you're here. Its Thursday night, you've been out for almost twenty four hours. Your mom is sleeping outside, I'll wake her if you want." Arthur started to stand but Matt grabbed his hand and said pleadingly

"No, stay. Please."

Arthur sat back down and looked into Matt's deep brown eyes. There was sadness there, and pain. No trace at all of happiness, which made Arthur's heart ache. Matt opened his mouth and sighed.

"Ian is gone you know. Gone forever. I loved him, and he said he loved me. How could you lie about something like that Arthur, how?"

Arthur reached up and grasped Matt's hand in both of his and squeezed slightly.

"I don't know. But you have other friends, and you have people who love you. People who really love you, and who will always be there for you."

Matt managed a weak smile and squeezed back. "Thank you. What did you want to talk to me about anyways?"

Arthur blushed and stuttered a little. He stopped and took a deep breath.

"I wanted to tell you that... I'm gay too. I've always liked boys but I had just convinced myself it was weird and went through the motions of day to day life as if nothing unusual was going through my mind. You and Ian, you inspired me to live the way I want to live, so I wanted you to know I was coming out before I told anyone else."

Matt sat there, unable to find words. Arthur had always been an arrow straight, stereotypical guy, this was very unexpected. But most certainly not unwelcome, at least now he would have someone who knew how he felt.

"Wow. I don't know what to say, aside from I'm happy for you. Once its common knowledge, its like a great weight off your chest. Don't have to hide it anymore, its great."

The boys talked for a few more minutes, then Arthur got up and went to get Matt's mom.

When Matt's mom came in she brought Arthur back in. She wasn't angry or anything, which surprised Matt, but he wasn't complaining. She told him the doctors say that he will regain the use of his left arm, albeit slowly. And he would have a pretty intimidating scar on his wrist for a long, long time. They also said that he could go home when ever he was feeling up to it. Matt nodded and stood up, feeling shaky but still managing it. As he stood, the back of his paper robe opened and Arthur got a beautiful view of Matt's round ass, and his muscular legs. Arthur felt his cock start to bone up a little so he turned away and pretended to rummage in his knapsack for something, sure that Matt hadn't noticed. Matt's mom handed him a change of clothes and Arthur expected him to walk to the washroom or at least ask them to leave, but he just ripped the gown off and started getting dressed, Arthur couldn't help but stare. As Matt slid his pants on, he started falling sideways, and seeing as Arthur was closest, he jumped beside him and supported his weight. Matt fell into Arthur's chest, with his face looking up at Arthur. Arthur wanted nothing more then to lean down and kiss him then, but he knew it was too soon. He smiled and enjoyed the feel of Matt's naked torso in his arms for a few more seconds, then pushed him back up to his feet. Matt smiled shyly and finished getting dressed. As they turned to leave the room, Matt swore he saw a little knowing smirk on his mothers face, but he couldn't be sure.

Thirty minutes later they were at the house, Matt and Arthur downstairs, and Matt's mom making kraft dinner. The boys both sat on the couch, playing the Xbox, and once again their legs were pressed together and since Arthur was quite broad of shoulder, their arms were touching as well. Matt was reminded of his time with Ian on this couch, and he felt a little sad. Arthur looked over and saw a far off look on Matt's face and put a hand on his thigh.

"There's other guys out there you know, you'll find someone." Matt managed a weak smile then his mom called them up for dinner.

They ate and talked about nothing important, and everything seemed like it was going to be all right again. After dinner and a few more hours of gaming, Arthur had to go home, since he had been at the hospital since he got there with Matt. Matt walked him to the door and before Arthur walked out to his car, he gave Matt another warm hug.

"Stay happy now, I'll see you tomorrow alright?"

"Yeah, I'll be there." Matt replied, giving Arthur the first real smile he had put out in awhile.

"Hey, want me to pick you up?"

Matt looked surprised and stuttered out "S..sure. That would be awesome."

Arthur beamed and walked out to his car, he got in and waved until he couldn't see Matt anymore. As he drove home he stopped at a SportCheck and bought a pair of ski's and a pair of ski boots in Matt's size. His family was pretty well off and he could easily afford the cost. While Matt was unconscious Arthur had talked to his mom for a long while, and he had discovered that it was Matt's birthday in a few weeks, on Saturday, the weekend which also happened to be a long weekend for his school. Now he needed to go home and beg his parents for the rest of Matt's present. He also needed to tell them he liked boy's, but Arthur wasn't very worried at all. He had very easy going parents and they were open minded. He drove home happier then he had ever been before.

Matt stood at the door till Arthur was out of sight, then wished his mom goodnight since she went to bed very early, being as she had to get up at four AM, and went downstairs. He flopped onto his couch and let his mind wander. He decided that he would forget Ian, and that there was no reason to dwell on it. Ian had been his first love, and brief though it was, he had enjoyed it. He was forced to admit to himself that he was too young to really be in love with someone, and that in the future, he needed to take it slower, or let the other person make the first move. He thought about Arthur, and how he had in effect saved his life, and how much Matt owed him for that. He glanced at the calendar and realized it was his birthday was coming up, Saturday, November 20th. None of his friends would remember, and his mom couldn't really afford a present, so birthdays didn't really excite him. But this was his sweet 16, it was a big one. He would play it by ere, don't expect much and you will always be pleasantly surprised. Matt went to bed in a much better mood.

Friday went by uneventfully, as did the next week and the week after that. The whole gay thing had blown over and no one was interested anymore, such is the fickle high school mob. Matt's hand almost totally healed and he had a full range of motion back. Arthur picked Matt up and dropped him off after school everyday. Every time Matt saw Arthur, Matt thought he seemed unusually excited about something, but he couldn't tell what, and when pressed, all Arthur said was, "Don't worry about it!". Matt passed it off as nothing and walked into his house the Friday night before his birthday after Arthur dropped him off and went to bed after doing his homework, thinking he had another uneventful birthday ahead.

Matt awoke to his mom shaking his shoulder on Saturday morning.

"Happy Birthday hun!" She said, smiling unusually brightly.

"Ugh... What time is it?"

"Its 6 AM on the day of your 16th birthday!"

Matt glared out from under the covers at his mom, who's smile didn't dim at all.

"And why in god's name am I awake at 6 am on Saturday?"

"Well, you have to open your present, and then... you'll see."

Matt grunted again and got up. He was just wearing his boxers but he went upstairs anyways, it was nothing his mom hadn't seen already. He sat down at the kitchen table and yawned. His mom walked into the kitchen and handed him a large wrapped present, it was light and felt very...poofy was the only word to describe it. Curious, and forgetting he was awake before noon on a Saturday, Matt tore the wrapping paper and held up his new winter coat. It was coal black, and had pockets everywhere, it was also proofed to minus 60, but wasn't very large. Matt gasped and looked at his mom.

"How could you possibly afford this? This is better then my competition jacket!"

Matt's mom smiled and told him to let her worry about that. A knock sounded at the door and Matt looked towards it, surprised.

Putting on her best tone of fake sarcasm, Matt's mom walked towards the door and said "Now I wonder who that could be?"

She opened the door and let in Arthur, who had a huge smile on his face. He smiled even broader when he saw Matt's toned body sitting at the table, his crotch barley covered by his loose boxers.

"Not even dressed yet I see. Well go get some clothes on, we gotta go!"

Matt looked baffled and stood up. "Go where?"

Arthur threw a pamphlet at him and Matt caught it and opened it. It was a brochure for Fernie Mountain Lodge, a ski resort about 4 hours out of town. It was also next to one of the best ski hills in the rockies, which also happened to be one of Matt's favorite places to ski. Unbelieving Matt looked up at Arthur.


"We have a room for two nights, we can ski all day Sunday and Monday and be back here Monday night. But you need to get your ass in gear boy! Clothes! Go!"

Matt ran downstairs and threw some clothes on, grabbed his hat and gloves and other gear and went to get his backpack but saw it on the floor already packed, courtesy of his mom. So she was in on it too, he thought. He picked the bag up and ran back upstairs.

"Ready? Alright, lets go!"

Matt kissed his mom goodbye and thanked her again for her present, then ran out to the car, he threw his bag in the open trunk then went to get in the passenger side. As he opened the door he saw a set of ski's and boots with a bow tied around them sitting on the chair. They were Solomon Snow Blades, the perfect length and a cool color, just the ones Matt had always wanted, but had never been able to afford. Matt stood there gawking for a few seconds, then he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned and looked up into Arthur's eyes.

"Happy birthday bud."

Matt lunged forward and hugged Arthur fiercely.

"Best. Friend. Ever. And best present ever. You really didn't have to do this."

Arthur hugged back tightly.

"You needed it, and you deserve it. Now lets get going! We're going to miss check in."

Matt smiled and grabbed his new ski's and threw them in the back of Arthur's jeep then hopped in. Arthur got in and they sped off.

"Are your parents going to meet us there or what?"

"Nope, its just you and me this weekend. No parents to tell us what to do or nothing."

"Wow, that's going to be awesome!"

They chatted for the rest of the drive, and pulled up at the "lodge" at noon. It was called a lodge, but it was more of a palace. 50 stories high, and nestled in a beautiful valley 5 minutes away from the ski hill, it was one of the most highly regarded hotels in Alberta. They checked into their room, which was a huge spacious affair, with a king sized bed in its own room with a patio and a smaller double bed in the living room area. It also had a full kitchenette.

"How could you ever afford this dude?" Matt asked of Arthur as he stood in the doorway holding all his gear and gapping at the luxury of the space.

"My dad knows the owner, he's an old college friend. My family comes here all the time and it costs us almost nothing."

They started putting their stuff away and Matt asked "So who gets the big bed?" Arthur chuckled and said "It's your birthday, you get it. No arguments."

Matt smiled and walked into the private room, leaving the big glass double doors open behind him. He put his stuff away and walked into the bathroom and gasped.

There was a huge Jacuzzi, that could easily fit four or five people in it. Arthur walked in behind him and said

"Well, what shall we do today? Do you want to hit the hill, or just relax for now?"

"Relax. In that. Care to join me?"

Arthur laughed and said "definitely, I've never driven for so long, I'm sore." Matt's face darkened for a moment and he said

"I didn't bring my swimming trunks..."

"I didn't either." Arthur replied.

Matt looked at Arthur and decided.

"Well, I'm going naked, I don't care." Matt walked over and turned the water on to a nice hot temperature and started undressing. Arthur couldn't believe how open he was. Well, he thought, two can play at that game.

"I'll still join you, be right back though."

Arthur walked over to his bed and quickly put his swimming trunks back in his bag, no need to make it too obvious.

To his disappointment when he got back Matt was already submerged and the view wasn't nearly as good as he had hoped for. Shrugging, he decided to throw modesty to the wind and took of his shirt, shoes and socks. His jeans quickly hit the floor. He stood there in his boxers looking at Matt looking at him. Letting out a breath, he dropped his boxers and walked towards the tub. He saw Matt's eyes widen. Matt had never seen a cock so big, he had to be at least 5 and a half inches limp, he could only imagine what it would be hard.

Arthur got into the tub and sat down opposite Matt. Feigning nonchalance Matt asked "So did you tell your parents your.. You know, gay?"

"Yeah, they didn't seem too worried about it, and said that it was my decision and they would always love and respect it, and some other parent bullcrap that I don't remember."

Arthur found that he couldnt tear his eyes from Matt's round brown nipples, which were perked since they were exposed to the cooler air. He saw Matt blush and decided to close his eyes and lean his head back to rest against the ledge to avoid the problem. They sat there for a few minutes. Both boys didn't want to say anything, but you could have cut the sexual tension in the air with a knife. Arthur was still leaned back with his eyes closed when he felt Matt come over and straddle his lap. He could feel Matt's stiff rod press against his raging hardon, and he felt Matt encircle his arms around his neck. Arthur felt warm breath on his lips and instinctively parted them, then felt Matt press his full lips against his. Arthur brought his hands up and ran them tenderly up Matt's wet back. Neither of them knew how long the kiss lasted, but it was for a long while. When they eventually came apart Matt looked into Arthur's eyes and Arthur looked into his.

Arthur asked "Are you sure? You haven't really had time to-"

Matt brought his finger up and pressed it against Arthur's lips and smiled.

"Don't talk. There'll be time for that later."

Arthur smiled and it warmed Matt's heart. Matt leaned forwards and renewed the kiss, letting his other arm snake down and grasp both their cock's, god Arthur was huge he thought, and start to jack them off. Arthur started moaning into Matt's mouth. Matt stopped abruptly and stood, grabbing Arthur's hand as he got out of the tub. Arthur followed and they spent a good while drying each other off and exploring the others body. Arthur had a very light smattering of freckles and fine blond hair everywhere, and his skin was the softest Matt had ever felt before, like warm velvet. And his cock was even more massive then Matt had originally thought. Fully erect it was 8 and a half inches long and had a massive girth. He was cut and had a perfectly shaped mushroom head which was leaking pre-cum at an alarming rate. Arthur was a lot taller then Matt, seven inches taller to be exact, and was in general bigger despite Matt's solid build. Arthur was muscle everywhere, but it was all perfectly toned. His shoulders were very broad but tapered down his torso to a very narrow waist, which Matt found immensely sexy. He had small round nipples which Matt couldn't wait to start sucking on.

Taking Arthur in hand Matt led him towards the big bed, where Matt let himself fall backwards with Arthur falling on top of him. Before they even hit the covers their mouths were locked together again and Matt was tasting Arthur's tongue. Matt rolled them over on the bed so he was on top and released Arthur's tongue and started kissing his neck while his right hand went to Arthur's rod and started moving up and down the shaft. Matt moved south with his tongue and started licking in between Arthur's pecs, then moved to suck on each of his nipples in turn until they were both erect. He moved down again and tasted every inch of Arthur's smooth chest and stomach, then licked from his belly button to his trimmed bush of curly blonde pubes. Matt licked up the shaft and circled his tongue around Arthur's swollen head a few times, then engulfed the massive member in his mouth, generating a gasp from Arthur's other head. Matt had never deep throated anything before, but he was determined. On his third try he managed to get almost all of Arthur's eight and a half inches in his mouth. By this time Arthur was panting heavily and staring intently at Matt's face, matt doing his best not to break eye contact. Matt used his other hand to fondle Arthur's balls, which were tight to his body at this point. Matt went down again and Arthur gasped out a strangled "I'm gunna cum!"

Matt stopped deep-throating but stayed glued to Arthur's meat, he felt it twitch in his mouth and felt Arthur begin to shoot into his waiting throat. Matt had no idea how much Arthur shot, but it was more then he had ever swallowed before, and it tasted better then anything he had ever had. Once he was sure Arthur was done, he let Arthur's dick pop out of his mouth and climbed up and nuzzled Arthur's neck, waiting for Arthur to come back down to earth. Matt lay his arm across Arthur's stomach and lay there enjoying the warmth and comfort that Arthur's body provided. Once Arthur's breathing returned to normal, he turned his head and kissed Matt hard, rolling on top of him as he did so. Matt wrapped his hand around Arthur's waist and fondled his ass, pushing down as he did so to grind his still hard cock up into Arthur's quickly hardening one. Arthur broke the kiss and ran his tongue down Matt's torso, enjoying the taste and smell of another guy for the first time in his life. When he got to Matt's cock, he took it in his hand and jerked him a few times. Tentatively, he licked the head, tasting the copious amount of precum Matt had already leaked out. It tasted... good. Arthur decided he wanted more and licked from base to tip a few times, eliciting moans from Matt as he lay back on the bed. As he was about to go down on Matt, he felt a hand on his arm, he looked up with questioning in his eyes at Matt. Matt said "I want you to fuck me today, but I've never had anything that big in me before. Start working me looser with your fingers while you suck." Arthur nodded and Matt handed him the bottle of lube located conveniently on the bedside table. Matt had found it in his bag, and he didn't even want to think about his mom thinking about this, so he took it for granted. Arthur put some on his fingers and slipped a finger up Matt's ass. He looked back down and continued where he had left off, and encased Matt's throbbing dick in his hot mouth. Arthur sucked like he had been doing it for years, and that combined with the two fingers that he had up Matt's ass made Matt almost scream in pleasure as he lay on the bed. When Arthur slipped a third finger in Matt grunted a little but continued breathing heavily. A few second later Matt said "If you don't want to swallow pull off." Arthur sucked harder and Matt started convulsing, shooting load after load into Arthur's mouth. Arthur swallowed it all, and was surprisingly not grossed out by it, but simply found it more arousing. He was fully erect again and his dick ached for release. Matt saw and smiled at Arthur "Do it, I want you so bad."

Arthur dragged Matt gently over to an edge of the bed, which was high enough that his waist was at the perfect height. He squirted some more lube on to his hand and worked it onto his shaft before positioning himself and aiming his head at Matt's hole. Matt spread his legs and relaxed as much as possible, not looking forward too, yet unable to wait for the next move. Arthur leaned forwards and slowly his head slid into Matt's well oiled opening. Matt moaned very loudly and Arthur stopped "Did I hur-"

"Keep going!" Matt pushed his ass forwards on the bed slightly and Arthur's cock went another inch deeper. Arthur shrugged and continued to slowly enter his friend. Matt was in heaven, it hurt yes, but it was still the most amazing feeling he had ever had. A few moments later Arthur was all the way in. He couldn't believe how tight Matt was, or how hot. Slowly at first, but with rapidly increasing speed he began thrusting in and out. Matt's cock was hard again despite being emptied minutes earlier, and he was groaning very loudly on the bed. Time seemed to have no meaning for them, and Arthur had a great deal of stamina. Matt came once in that position, Arthur caught most of the cum in his hand and ate it all. Matt pushed Arthur out and pulled him up onto the bed then pushed him to his knees. Matt turned and got a pillow and put it under his stomach and spread his cheeks. Arthur got into position and slid in again, his cock had missed the warmth. Soon they were going hard again, the entire bed shaking because of it. Some time later Matt gasped and began to shoot onto the pillow and the sheets, and his tensing caused Arthur to be pushed over the edge and he filled Matt with juice. When he was done, Arthur pulled out slowly and rolled Matt over so he was looking at his face. He desperately wanted to tell Matt that he loved him, and he would always be there for him, but Arthur didn't think Matt wanted to hear that just yet. Matt shattered these fears when he wrapped his arms around Arthur and pulled him close, whispering in his ear "I think I'm in love again."

Arthur whispered in Matt's ear "And I'll love you too, if you want me to." Matt smiled and pulled away so his face was right in front of Arthur's.

"More than anything." Arthur leaned down and kissed him softly, his lips lightly brushing Matt's. Matt sighed a little, then pulled away and said "We made a mess you know..." Arthur got up and threw the cum covered pillow off the bed after he used it to wipe up most of the juice off the comforter. He walked to the smaller bed and grabbed a pillow from it the walked back to find Matt under the covers. Matt patted the bed beside him and said "let's have a nap, I'm beat." Arthur grinned and got in bed beside his new lover and lay down under the covers. Matt snuggled back into the curve of his body and soon both boys were asleep, Arthur with his arm protectively around Matt's torso and Matt with a angelic smile on his face.

Yay happiness. Looks like everything is going well, lets hope it stays that way. What else can this ski trip possibly contain! We shall see. I work 12 hours a day until Christmas so I don't know when I'll find time to write again, we shall see. Let me know what you think,, and thanks for reading thus far. Keep the emails coming, they make my days!

Next: Chapter 7

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