The Couch

By Mathew Davidson

Published on Dec 20, 2009


Should you be reading this? This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions between consenting underage males and if its illegal where you are then, don't do it! If someone says you cant and doesn't have a good reason however, then I quote my favorite author on this site, "Fuck Em" try it, you never know! I do occasionally use derogatory terminology in my work, and I apologize if this causes offense to anyone. It's not meant that way at all.

Also sorry for any spelling mistakes, I get a little dyslexic at times..

The Couch: Part 7

It was early Sunday morning, and golden sunlight was streaming in through the patio window. The boy's room was on the forty eighth floor of the hotel, so they had an amazing view of the mountains bathed in light as the sun came up. Arthur awoke first. He glanced at the clock and saw it was 5 am, which meant that he and Matt had been asleep for a little more then twelve hours. Matt and Arthur were facing each other, with their legs intertwined and Arthur's arm was over Matt's waist, his hand resting on one firm buttock. Arthur looked into Matt's face and saw a look of utter contentment, Matt's lips were set in an angelic smile and he looked perfectly at peace. Arthur slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom to take care of his morning business. He walked back into the room and went to the window and stared out at the vista that was on display, happier then he could ever remember being. The sex with Matt had been better then anything he had ever had before, and at sixteen he had been with quite a few girls, and had always been left feeling like there was something missing.

Arthur walked into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water. He opened the cabinet and saw that there was no food, only some dishes, which was to be expected. He saw a room service menu and decided he would order some breakfast and surprise Matt. He called the front desk and ordered breakfast for two then sat down to wait. He glanced into the bedroom again and saw that Matt was still dead to the world and smiled, turning to the big screen TV. He turned it on and muted the volume so as to not disturb the sleeping beauty, and flicked through the channels for about a half hour before a knock came at the door. Standing up he realized he was still naked and ran and grabbed a bathrobe before opening the door and accepting the tray of food. He closed the door and placed the tray on the table then walked back into the bedroom, tossing the bathrobe as he went. He climbed into bed next to Matt and gently rolled him over so he was facing up. Arthur straddled Matt's thighs and leaned down, kissing him softly. Matt murmured then returned the kiss. Now fully awake Matt wrapped his legs around Arthur's waist and his arms around his neck. Arthur easily stood, bring Matt up with him so he was standing on the bed holding Matt up with his hands on Matt's ass, the kiss having remained unbroken the entire time. "What a nice way to be woken up.." Matt said sleepily. "I'm sure. Care for some breakfast?" "Absolutely, although I'm sure I could walk there out of my own volition." "Now what kind of gentleman would I be if I let you do that?" With that, Arthur jumped off the bed and landed lightly on the floor, making Matt giggle a little. "If you insist, I wont complain." Arthur walked into the kitchen area holding Matts ass in his hands with Matt's legs wrapped around Arthurs waist, Matt's lips glued to his the entire time. Arthur put Matt down on the kitchen counter, eliciting a squeal from the cold marble touching Matt's bare ass. "So much for a gentleman..." Arthur grinned and gave Matt another peck on the lips before walking over to where he had the covered tray of food. The boys ate through the waffles and bacon and other delicacies in minutes, having had almost nothing to eat the day before, and as they were finishing, Matt dripped some syrup onto his bare stomach after he finished shoving the last of his pancake in his mouth. He looked at the golden brown liquid then at Arthur and grinned. Arthur looked over and saw it too and came over to where Matt was still sitting on the counter and got on his knees in front of him. "Such a messy eater, I'll have to clean that up..." "By all means, please do." Arthur leaned forwards and licked the syrup from Matt's stomach then started tracing his tongue in little circles downwards, down through Matt's thick treasure trail, through his trimmed bush and to the base of his very erect cock. Arthur ran his tongue up the shaft of Matt's cock and back down. He explored Matt's balls with his mouth, taking each into his warm cavity and tasting them, then letting them slide out of his mouth, he started slowly lick up Matt's shaft again, while fingering small circles around Matt's hole with his index finger, before sliding it in and touching that spot that had driven Matt so crazy the previous night. He started to finger fuck Matt while his mouth slowly descended and took all of Matt's six inches into his mouth, allowing the head to slide into his throat, ignoring his gag reflex as best as possible. He started sliding up and down the shaft in time with his finger penetration and Matt placed his hands on Arthur's head and let his fingers run through his thick blond hair, moaning softly. A few minutes later Matt tensed and Arthur knew he would cum soon, and he started sucking harder and sped up the tempo. Matt soon gasped and started spewing into Arthur's waiting mouth, and shot at least 6 good loads down Arthur's throat before he finished. Without thinking Matt pulled Arthur up and put his mouth to Arthur's and kissed him, sucking a fair amount of his own cum out of Arthur's mouth and swallowing it, his hand on the back of Arthur's head pushing him into the very aggressive kiss. Matt snaked his other hand around and pushed Arthur's back into him as well, so their chests were touching. Arthur wrapped his arms around Matt's torso and pulled him in tight, and they made out for a good while before they came apart, both of them panting. Before Arthur could say anything Matt hopped off the counter and got on his knees in front of him to return the favor. Without foreplay of any kind he went down on Arthur's leaking dick, taking the whole length in at once, and gagging a little but not coming up. Matt brought his hand up and started circling Arthur's virgin hole with his finger, a totally new feeling for Arthur, which he was enjoying greatly. Matt brought the finger to his mouth and stuck it in to provide a bit of lube since Arthur was a great deal tighter then he was. After coating it with spit he started circling Arthur's hole again, and took the long prize back into his mouth. Matt slowly slid the tip of his finger into Arthur's ass, then started to push inwards, until his finger was in up to the knuckle and he was pushing against Arthur's prostate while he sucked him off. Arthur had never been touched there before and the feeling was like a shock through his body, without warning he started to shoot into Matt's mouth, and Matt swallowed it all greedily. Once he drained Arthur dry, he stood and renewed the kiss he had stopped abruptly earlier. When they eventually separated, Arthur smiled at Matt and said "I think this is the best ski trip yet." Matt grinned cheekily and responded "You THINK? Hmph, I'll have to do better." Arthur's face spread into an even wider smile and he hugged Matt as he said "I don't think that's even possible. I love you." Matt wrapped his arms around Arthur and hugged him, a different hug this time, not the hot sweaty passionate hug from before, but a soft, tender, loving hug. "And I love you, but I don't want to be hurt again. Do you really mean that Arthur?" Arthur tightened his arms and kissed the top of Matt's head. "Really really." They stood like that for awhile, then Arthur said "It's almost seven, lets have a shower and we can hit the slopes, I know you've been dying to go." Matt released Arthur and started walking towards the bathroom. "My two favorite things in one weekend, skiing and you! This is the best birthday ever!" As they walked into the bathroom both boys stepped into the huge walk in shower that was next to the tub and started the water. They washed off, which took a long time because they would occasionally just stop and stand in each others arms for long periods of time. When they eventually finished, they got out and toweled off then went and got their gear on. Once they were dressed, they went downstairs to catch the next shuttle to the ski hill, Arthur holding his snowboard and Matt his brand new skis.

They only had to wait a few minutes before the shuttle came, and once aboard it only took 10 minutes before they were pulling up in front of the hill, and Matt practically flew off the buss, with Arthur following behind at a more sedate pace. Matt ran up to the large area at the very base of the hill and dropped his skis and snapped his boots into them. He turned and looked at Arthur and with a serious tone said "What level of snowboarder are you? We'll ski whichever hills you want to, so you pick which lift we take." Arthur smiled and dropped his snowboard, then expertly strapped his foot in and sped off towards the black diamond lift. Matt grinned and took off after him, easily passing him as it is lot easier to go over flat surfaces with ski's then with a snowboard. **************** Authors note: For those of you who don't live near a ski hill, or where it doesn't snow or whatever, the range of difficulty on ski hills in Canada is this: Green Triangle: Beginner Blue circle: Intermediate Black Diamond: Expert Double Black Diamond: Why the hell are you on this hill And then there's always a few hills that are "closed" because their too "steep". Their the fun ones. ***************** The boys got on the chairlift and sat close together. Matt put his gloved hand in Arthur's and leaned over and kissed him. Arthur returned the kiss and smiled. The sat there enjoying the others company as the lift crawled to the top of the hill. When it eventually got there, the boys slid smoothly off the seat and to the top of the hill. The hill was a long one, and started off as an intermediate run but the bottom half was all black diamond runs. "Hey Arty, wanna race?" Matt grinned. "Man I know these hills like the back of my hand, you got no hope. But fine, last one to the chair lift buys lunch!" "It's a deal!" Arthur took off and started down the hill, going quite fast, he looked behind him and saw Matt still standing at the top of the hill calmly putting his gloves on and tightening his skis. This is going to be a cinch, thought Arthur. He looked forward and went about a hundred yards farther, then glanced back just in time to see Matt go by in a blur. Arthur looked after him and saw Matt already onto the next run, his feet working in perfect harmony, his balance perfect. Five minutes later Arthur pulled to a stop next to where Matt was waiting at the top of the beginning part of the expert segment of the hill. "Bout time." Matt said, grinning wickedly. "Holy crap your fast, where did you learn to ski like that?" "This is my favorite thing to do in the world Arty, there's nothing better then feeling the snow under your skis and the wind biting at your face, makes you feel alive. Only one other thing feels as good, and that's when I'm with you, so now I have both and its great." Arthur felt a swelling of pride, and he leaned over and kissed Matt on the lips, eliciting a weird look from a woman going past, but he didn't care. Matt said "Ready?" "Alright, lets do it, looks like I'm buying lunch." "Damn right you are." Matt slapped Arthur's ass and leapt off the ledge. This particular run was a mostly straight, well groomed one, the only thing making it an expert run was the fact that if you stood on the hill and turned sideways you could easily touch the hill next to your head it was so steep. Matt touched down about 3 yards farther down the incline and sped towards bottom. Arthur tightened his fastenings and took a deep breath; he was a good snowboarder, but Matt was truly excellent at the sport, and he always found the hill to be intimidating when he stood at the top of expert runs. He started to slide down the hill, turning in wide S shapes as he went down, to slow his speed and maintain control. Matt was already around the bend and Arthur had lost sight of him, so Arthur sped up as fast as he could go safely and tried to at least not keep Matt waiting as long at the bottom. As he came around the bend, he hit a bump in the snow and felt his board start to twist out of control. He was on a relatively level part of the run and wasn't overly worried should he fall, but he really didn't want to end up on his ass in front of Matt. He felt his center of gravity start to slide to the right and was resigned to the fact that he would fall and embarrass himself, when suddenly he felt strong arms lift him back into the right position and hold on to him until he regained his balance. He slowed to a stop and turned to see a drop-dead gorgeous blond boy standing beside him smiling. He couldn't have been more then twenty and had an amazingly tan face. "Ya'll right there mate?" He asked, his voice coming out in a deep husky, and very sexy, Australian accent. "Ye... yeah, just started losing it, hit a bump back there." For some reason he found it difficult to formulate his sentences around this boy. "Thanks for the hand, I woulda had a sore ass if not for that." "No worries mate, My names Rick, what's yours?" "Arthur." "Pleasure to meet ya, you here alone? Normally the cute ones are." Arthur blushed a deep red and suddenly realized Matt must be wondering where he was. Feeling like a total ass, he said "No, my boyf... my friend is waiting at the bottom of the run for me. Want to come meet him? He's probably getting worried, I should get down there." "Sure, I'd love too." Arthur turned his board and set off towards the next drop, Rick following gracefully on his much larger snowboard, and passing ahead of Arthur by a few feet, which gave him and excellent chance to size up this new meat. Rick was about 6'4", slightly taller then Arthur, and incredibly built. It was apparent because he was wearing the tightest ski jacket Arthur had ever seen, and skin tight insulated spandex. He had blond hair and very light blue eyes, and Arthur guiltily thought he was very, very cute. They got down the rest of the run without incident, and Arthur ground to a halt in front of a very worried Matt at the foot of the hill, Rick sliding to a perfect stop behind him. "What took you so long? Thought you might have hit a tree or something." "Nice to see you too, I started to fall and this guy saved my ass, his names Rick. Rick, this is Matt." "Nice to meetcha mate. Couldn't let someone as attractive as Arthur here hit the powder now could I!" Matt frowned a little but took Rick's gloved hand and shook it. "Thanks I guess, wouldn't do to have him out of commission for the weekend. Comon Arthur, lets head up again." Matt turned and set off towards the lift. Arthur started to follow and Rick said, "I'm headin up there too, mind if I share a chair?" Arthur nodded and they both set off after Matt. As they were about to get on the chair, Rick slid in between Arthur and Matt, and seeing as it was to late to change seating arrangements, They had to keep it like that for the entire ride up. Matt starred daggers at Rick's back as he turned to Arthur and started talking snowboards and what kind of brands he liked. Matt silently fumed, not so much that Rick was being annoying, but more that Arthur seemed so captivated by him. He was cute, Matt was forced to admit, but regardless, Arthur was HIS. The ride up was a long one and snowboard brands can only occupy a conversation for so long, so eventually Arthur asked about Rick's accent. They learnt that Rick was here on a student exchange program and lived in Brisbane, Australia most of the time. He loved to snowboard and couldn't do it at home and he was getting as much board time in as possible while he was here. He had represented Brisbane in the downhill freestyle speed competitions last year and was ranked one of the best in his division at the age of nineteen. Matt jealously brought up that he was number one in Alberta for his age group in freestyle downhill speed, but Rick responded with no small amount of condescension that it was a "Kids" division. Without thinking, Matt said "How bout a race then?" Rick grinned widely and said "Sure, what hill?" Matt acted like he was thinking hard then said "How bout triple X?" Arthur paled and leaned forward to look at Matt's determined face. Tripled X was a hill at the top of the mountain, which took another two full chair lifts to get to. It was one of the runs opened originally with the hill, but was closed now. It was called triple X because there were three signs that you had to ski around with a skull and crossbones on the top proclaiming that Fernie Mountain Ski Resort was not responsible for death or serious injuries obtained on this section of the hill. It was a run full of straight drops and jagged rocks. It was legend of the ski hill and few people had ever tried it after they closed it over twenty years ago. Arthur understood this was a flagrant attempt at winning him over and quickly said "There's no way I'm skiing that, how bout we just go down dead mans path." He suggested a run that was mostly black diamond runs with a few double black's thrown in. Rick acted like Arthur hadn't said anything and looked at Matt with his face set in a wicked grin. "You're on shorty." Matt stared icily at Rick as they got off the lift, and skied the short distance to the next lift. Arthur got off there and left the two showboater's to go kill themselves and went to the ledge overlooking the run they were going to take. He sighed and said a little prayer that both of them would come out OK. Matt and Rick skied to the next lift and took the short trip to the top. On the chair Rick said "So, winner gets a kiss from Arthur, how bout it?" Matt didn't even think about that fact that Rick had obviously deduced that both he and Arthur were gay, but simply said "If you win and can convince him to, then be my guest." "O I'll win, have no fear. I wont lose to a short little guy like you, and your wimpy little ski's." Matt ignored him and focused his thoughts, this run was no joke. At the top of the lift there was a path leading to the mainstream runs, where everyone else was going. Rick started to turn down that way while Matt took the little path that led to the infamous triple X. Rick noticed him and followed after, trying to appear as if he knew where he was going. Matt pretended not to notice, but coldly cataloged the observation. If Rick didn't know where the run was, he had probably never skied it. Matt had, three times in his life, all of which he had barley got out without injury. But regardless, he still had a superior knowledge of the course then Rick did, and he had to win. His mind was awhirl with images of Rick wrapping his arms around Arthur and kissing him. But Arthur wouldn't agree to that... he couldn't. Matt let these thoughts slide out of his mind as he got to the top of the hill. He looked over at Rick and saw him looking down the hill with an appraising eye. "Arthur chooses the winner, I see him on the ledge most of the way down. If one of us falls, stop and help, and no dirty tricks." Matt said, outlining the basic rules that he thought were logical. "Yeah yeah, just go." "On three, one, two-" Rick lept off the ledge and started speeding down the course, Matt cursed and launched himself as well. It started out almost flat, and Matt used his ski's to regain some distance. Soon he was neck to neck with Rick as they approached the first major drop. As they were about to go off the edge, Rick cut in front of Matt and he had to swerve or fall on his face on the edge of a virtual precipice. He swerved into a narrow path in the trees while Rick went down the wide open space, easily gaining distance, while Matt had to dodge trees while going almost 60 miles per hour. Matt knew if he missed a beat he wouldn't wake up from a full on collision and focused hard. Up ahead of him he saw a Y intersection and he had to decide right or left. He knew the course was going to turn right so he took that direction, hoping to recover some lost time. He turned and looked far ahead, almost getting his head taken off by a branch for his trouble. Ahead he saw the tree's seemed to be much smaller, which would baffle a novice skier but he knew what it meant, ledge ahead, and a huge one at that. He saw that after the drop he would be on the main course again. He was worried though, there was a lip on the edge which meant he would literally fly off and get some serious air, which normally wouldn't bother him that much but he wasn't familiar with what he was landing on. He took a deep breath and leaned forwards, trying to get as much speed as possible before he hit the jump. ---------------------------- They were to far away to see much at first, but Arthur could clearly see Rick now, going faster then he had ever seen someone on a snowboard go down the main part of the hill. Arthur felt his gut clench when he realized Matt wasn't there, where the hell could he be? Suddenly and without warning, Matt seemed to shoot out of the trees about 400 yards ahead of Rick. It looked like Matt had been shot out of a cannon, and he was flying impossibly high, there was no way he could land after that, or so Arthur thought. He turned and started rushing to the bottom of the hill. ---------------------------- The air was rushing by faster then Matt had ever felt it, and he knew he had to land perfectly to avoid broken knees, which would turn into a broken back, which would almost certainly kill him. He realized his chance of survival was quite slim in this circumstance. He loved it. Matt tilted his ski's up and braced for impact spreading his arms wide for balance as he hit the slope. The impact felt like it would tear him apart, and Matt thought he had messed it up, but after the initial shock was past, he straightened and realized he was in one piece after all. He risked a glance behind him and saw Rick at least 600 yards back, and ahead of him the base of the hill was drawing nearer. Matt grinned wildly and leaned forwards, coaxing as much speed from his ski's as possible. He saw a far off form skid to a halt at the base of the hill and start waving his arms, and Matt knew it was Arthur. He finally arrived at the bottom and stopped next to Arthur in time to turn and see Rick slide to a halt a few yards away. Rick looked at Matt with a glare and Matt just smiled and turned towards Arthur and reached up, pulling his head down and kissing him hard, his tongue sneaking into Arthur's mouth. Arthur was surprised at first but then he returned the kiss and started battling Matt's tongue with his own. When they pulled apart Rick could be seen getting in line at the chair lift a ways off. Matt smiled again and Arthur said "So what the hell just happened?" Matt turned to him and said "Your too damn hot is what happened. He bet a me a kiss from you that he could beat me. He tried to cheat partway down and almost killed me, but lost the race for it." Arthur lunged forwards and pulled Matt into a tight hug, pushing all the air from Matt's lunges. Matt gasped for air and when Arthur put him down He looked up into a scowling face. "Don't you ever do something so stupid again, you coulda killed yourself up there. Do you really think I would leave you for some dude I met on a ski hill?" "I... ummm... err... A little yeah. It's just you couldn't stop staring at him on the lift and he was talking about snowboards and I don't snowboard and-" Arthur leaned down and pressed his lips to Matt's to stop the flow of words. "I told you I wouldn't leave you. I wasn't lying." Matt looked into Arthur's eyes for a long while, trying to find some hint of dishonesty or anything untoward. All he found was compassion and caring. Matt looked down, a little ashamed of his doubts. "I'm sorry, I just.." "Don't be sorry. You've been hurt before. What you've given me is more then I'd expected and I love you for it. Just trust me, and we can both live happily. Now lets get some lunch then hit the hills again!" Matt looked up and smiled, and he followed Arthur into the lodge and they stuffed themselves with hamburgers and fries, then went back out and skied for the rest of the day. Matt was done showing off so he let Arthur set the pace, so it went by a little slower, but Matt was content. He was with the boy he loved, doing the thing he loved most. When they eventually got tired enough they went and caught the shuttle back to the lodge. They walked up to their room and dumped their gear on the floor, then slumped onto the couch. "That was an awesome day." Matt said, he leaned against Arthur and nuzzled his armpit. He jerked his head away and laughed "But you reek, I'm sure I do too. Wanna hit the showers?" Arthur looked up sleepily and said "How bout the hot tub downstairs? They have a huge pool next to it." They both agreed that it sounded like a good idea and Matt grabbed a pair of loose boxers to use as swim trunks and without thinking Arthur grabbed his actual bathing suit. Matt gave him a weird look and said "Thought you didn't have one here?" Arthur looked like a deer caught in the headlights and opened and closed his mouth a couple times, no sound came out. Matt burst out laughing and walked over to Arthur, his left hand on the back of Arthur's head, his right hand massaging the bulge in the front of his pants as he pushed Arthur into a kiss. "It's OK, I forgive you." They changed and put on bathrobes, then went downstairs to the public pool area.

There was almost no one there and the hot tub was empty, so they both slipped in and sat down beside one and other, their robes resting on nearby chairs. They sat there in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the heat and the company. Then Matt felt a hand running up his thigh. His eyes were closed and he smiled, he grabbed Arthur's hand and said "The sign over there said that there's private sauna's available, care for a steam?" Arthur grinned and got up, and it was fortunate that the pool area was almost deserted because his monster cock was poking out of the top of his swim shorts. Matt laughed quietly and walked down the hall with the aforementioned sign. He walked over to the last door in the private sauna area and walked in, closing the door behind Arthur, there was no lock on the door, but he turned the Occupied sign on. He turned to Arthur and said "Give me your shorts." Arthur laughed and started taking them off "What no foreplay?" Matt rolled his eyes and said "I'm going to wedge the door shut with them Casanova." Arthur grinned and handed Matt his shorts. Matt took his off as well and shoved them under the door so it couldn't be easily opened and poured some water over the hot rocks so steam filled the room. He walked over to Arthur and pushed him down on the bench. Matt got on his knees and kissed all over Arthur's chest, then down to the base of his shaft. He licked all over Arthur's throbbing dick, making Arthur whimper a little bit since he never actually took it into his mouth. Once Arthur's cock shone with spit and condensed water, Matt pushed Arthur's chest so he leaned back. Matt placed a foot on either side of Arthur's thighs and stood on the bench over him for a moment. He lowered his ass slowly till he felt the tip touch his ass, then he relaxed as best as possible and let Arthur slide into him. It was easy going since both of their bodies were slick with sweat and steam. Once Matt was all the way down, he was sitting in Arthur's lap, with Arthur's length all the way inside him. Matt wrapped his legs around Arthur's middle and his arms around Arthur's neck, and pulled him tight into an aggressive kiss. Matt's cock was between their slick bodies and as they kissed he started rocking his hips back and forth, loving the feeling of both their hard stomachs touching his cock. His rocking was also moving his ass around on Arthur's dick and he started to moan a little. Arthur placed his hands on either of Matt's ass cheeks and lifted him up and down, and Arthur's hips started a slow fucking motion as they sat intertwined on the bench. Matt was being driven beyond thought by his cock being serviced by their closeness and his prostate being massaged by Arthur's huge member up his ass. Matt slid his tongue out of Arthur's mouth and leaned down and bit Arthur's neck lightly, then ran his tongue up and down as much of Arthur's shoulder as he could reach, licking up the salty musky taste of sweat. Arthur started fucking faster and harder and Matt could tell he was getting close, he knew he was. In between gasps, Arthur grunted out "I... want you.. to cum... in my mouth... alright?" Matt just nodded and lost himself to the sensations of oneness he felt with Arthur. Suddenly he felt Arthur's dick twitch inside him and he felt the familiar warmth and wetness of Arthur's seed fill him up. The feeling made him almost cum, but he remember what Arthur said and stood slowly, letting the huge cock slide out of his ass. He stood with his dick right on front of Arthur's face, Matt placed his hands on Arthur's head and guided his lips to Matt's throbbing meat and slid his dick into Arthur's hot mouth, Arthur just opened and let Matt lead. Matt only face fucked him for a few seconds before he came into Arthur's eager mouth, with Arthur swallowing all of it and Arthur's hands squeezing Matt's ass. When Matt was done he slumped onto the bench beside Arthur. "I didn't think it could get better then it did last night, but that was amazing. I love you." Matt leaned on Arthur and let his head rest on Arthur's shoulder. Arthur put his arm around Matt's waist and pulled him closer. "I love you too." They sat in the sauna for awhile longer then decided to go have a shower then go to bed. They left the sauna and walked up to their rooms, tossing their wet shorts in a heap on the floor, They had a quick shower together, but were to exhausted to have any fun. They climber into bed and Matt snuggled into Arthur like he had the night before, and Arthur draped an arm across his stomach. They fell asleep like that, both of them utterly content.

So I lied, I wrote a new chapter right away, its therapy and helps me not stab customers in the face. Let me know if you guys like the direction the story is going, or if you think its crap.

Next: Chapter 8

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