The Crew

Published on Apr 2, 2014


The Crew 6 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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After that ill-fated adventure in Central America, our business picked up. The voyage had been secret, but the word got out that the S.S. Bear Point and its crew had saved the day. We could think on our feet. The Bear Point was in continual demand for important shipments. We began to get more cargos that needed to meet a short deadline. My Uncle understood that such cargos carried a premium. That was profitable both financially and to the reputation of the firm. He was building a new freighter, the S.S. Bear Lake, to capitalize on the company's growing reputation.

I had a suspicion that other aspects of the Bear Point attracted attention. Men who shared certain sexual tastes tended to use the ship. Some noted the informal and relaxed atmosphere of the boiler room. With increased demand, we raised the ticket prices. The ship made money on freight; passenger fees were pure gravy.

The interest in the boiler room men could have been problematic, but Jack and I were there to protect the crew's interests. The boiler room crew liked playful visitors. I was aware that wealthy, upper class men were usually able to use whomever they wanted for sexual gratification. The boiler room of the Bear Point was a secluded and isolated community. Passengers who visited knew there was no way for anyone outside the boiler room to know what happened in the bowels of the ship.

No one would know that these upper class men had accommodated the lust, desires and cocks of these working men. No one would find out who had served Kevin or Mongoose. I was surprised to find that Southern gentlemen especially enjoyed Nigel, our Jamaican. Then wanted not only his impressive black tool, they wanted the entire contents of his balls deposited deep in their ass.

Nigel was not a graceful fucker and usually his balls were filled to over flowing. God did not bless him with much intelligence, but he did give him incredibly powerful ejaculations that our Southern gentleman could feel.

Several months after or Central American adventure, we had a cargo of electrical equipment from the Edison Company in the way to Brazil. We picked up additional cargo and four passengers in Norfolk. Our passengers consisted of some Edison Engineers until two missionaries and two tobacco agents joined in in Norfolk. The tobacco agents, Henry and Raleigh, were looking for additional sources of leaf and for potential markets. Virginia cigarettes were high prestige and they hoped to make an inroad into the Brazilian market.

We left Norfolk in late March and the weather was poor. The seas were rough and it was cold. Most of the passengers suffered from seasickness so the first three days were poor. The seas calmed and the sun came out and the passengers recovered.

I was a table in the mess with the Raleigh and Henry, the younger missionary, Paul, and an older engineer, Max. Henry was quite reserved, but Raleigh was pleasant and talkative. Max was not refined at all, but he had an unexpected sense of humor. Max was well traveled and he took Paul under his wing. Paul was not worldly. Max had a white beard and looked like a pleasant grandfather, but I suspected he would have been willing to introduce Paul to manly pleasures.

Raleigh came to visit the boiler room one afternoon and he liked what he saw. He didn't expect the naked stokers, but his shock turned into lust quickly. He was almost drooling over them. After dinner that night, we talked on the deck.

"Your boiler room is impressive, but it is hot a Hades," he said.

"I take it you noticed the Boiler Room uniform is minimal," I said. Raleigh smiled.

"You seem to have found an impressive stable of men," he said. "I have seen few workmen in such good condition."

"We work hard to make sure the crew of the Bear Point is healthy, clean and well fed. Treating men well has benefits," I said. "We have regular breaks so they can recover from the work and heat."

"I did not expect the nudity," he said.

"No did I, but it makes sense. The men are more comfortable," I said. "I sometimes wear the same. I share the showers too. Cleaning off the sweat and dirt several times a day is a necessity."

He leaned close to me. "I would like to see them in the shower, he whispered. "It would be nice to see them relaxing."

"That isn't possible," I said. "They need their privacy. They aren't exhibits in a zoo." I paused and added, "Now, several passengers have joined them in the shower. The men are quite playful and the passengers were open-minded."

"I might enjoy that," Raleigh said.

"Let me tell you something confidential. No one else should know," I whispered. "Some of the stokers' games are quite intimate in nature. The men who joined in their games were full participants. The stokers do not recognize rank or position in the showers."

"That wouldn't bother me," Raleigh whispered.

"Let me be even more frank. The games result in sexual release. Your most private parts would be involved. It is not only touching and fondling. " I explained. "The men are more interested in their own release than in yours."

Raleigh was silent for a little while. "I am a little embarrassed to say this, but that makes it more exciting for me. Is the black man interested?"

"Very much so," I said. "He is not a rough or crude man, but he is well endowed. That can be a challenge."

"I have never taken as big as his, but I dream about it," Raleigh whispered. "Does that shock you? Are you disgusted?"

"No, not at all," I replied. "I never dreamed about it, but that is only because I had no idea you could do such things. Usually the best time to meet the men is at midnight. The shift changes and the men in the old shift showers. Can you get away at that hour? I see you share a room with Henry."

"Henry shares my interests but is quite timid," Raleigh said. "He will not mind. My adventures excite him." I went to the boiler room and Raleigh went to his cabin.

Since we had a full passenger compliment, I was sleeping in the boiler room cabin with Jack. He was in charge of the boiler room until I took over at midnight. I told him about my conversation with Raleigh.

"The men would like a little variety," Jack said. "I like some variety too. Do you think this Raleigh fellow is randy gentleman? Do you think he would like an old sea-faring man?"

"It seemed that way to me, but you never know," I replied. "He was most interested, but that interest may not translate into action. Talk is cheap."

"I'll look in and see how things are going. If it looks slow, I'll come in a have some fun," Jack said.

"And if it looks busy and active you will go back to bed?" I asked. Jack laughed. I knew he would join in regardless.

Raleigh appeared at my cabin just before midnight. "You are still interested?" I asked.

"I am more than interested," he replied. In the boiler room, Jack rang the bell that marked the change of shifts. Raleigh and I stripped and went off to the crew's shower. Raleigh was rather a dandy when he was dressed, but he was more manly naked. He was quite muscular and had a hairy chest. His cock and balls looked average.

The men looked at us as we entered the shower. "Men, I have a visitor, Raleigh. Please make him feel welcome," I said. "He has told me that he likes some of the games we enjoy."

Kevin, Nigel, Mongoose and Tim returned to showering and we joined them. Raleigh went over to Nigel and Kevin; I went to Tim and Mongoose. The men were in a good mood as was typical after completing a shift. When I glanced over, I saw that Raleigh's cock was erect and looking good. Kevin helped him soap up. Kevin was always thorough about that and that did nothing to diminish Raleigh's genital display.

Kevin was always even handed and he let Raleigh wash his back. Nigel took the opportunity to wash Raleigh's asshole. Raleigh jumped when that happened, but then relaxed. He didn't mind when Nigel worked his finger into his ass.

I was busy with Mongoose and Tim. Mongoose had a short fuse and when I sucked him, he unloaded quickly. His orgasms were always intensely pleasurable for him and he was grateful to the persons sucking him. I was the boss man to him and he liked that too. His initial ejaculations were very forceful and plentiful, but I always continued to suck and take the later spurts and drool. Mongoose loved that. I think his orgasms were so strong that he almost passed out. He loved the pleasure and intimacy of the later ejaculations, as did I. Tim loved to watch me do that.

Juan entered the shower. He was a small Mexican or Cuban who was strong and had great stamina. He loved to fuck, but never sucked. Juan looked at Tim to see if he had any immediate plans. Tim offered me his cock to suck. When I bent over to do that I opened my ass for Juan's use.

I looked over and saw Kevin slow fucking Raleigh as Raleigh sucked Nigel's oversized black love stick. I could tell that accommodating a cock in his ass was not a new experience for Raleigh. He was wiggling his ass to give his partner more pleasure.

Nigel had a big cock and an even bigger cock head. The head was as much as Raleigh could get in his mouth. He was paying special attention to Nigel's slit. Raleigh was after the Black man's sex juices.

Juan was a small man, but his cock was long enough to reach my prostate. He also shot an impressive load. That lubricated my love tunnel and made it easier to take bigger cocks. When Juan pulled out Tim entered. That left me preoccupied and I did not notice what Raleigh was doing. Tim had stamina and he enjoyed my ass. I was out if it for a while.

When he pulled out everyone seemed happy and satisfied. Nigel did not lose is erection immediately after an orgasm. His thrusts into Raleigh's ass were more leisurely in the post orgasmic period. When Raleigh began to shoot, Nigel collected his sperm and the coated his cock with Raleigh's cream. The then re-entered Raleigh's ass. Nigel was able to churn his sperm deep into his playmate's ass. Raleigh was shivering in pleasure.

I returned with Raleigh to my cabin to dress. Jack was waiting for Raleigh. I returned to the boiler room leaving Raleigh in Jack hands. At eight the next morning, I was off duty and returned to my cabin. Jim Markham, an engineer trainee was in the boiler room for a few hours.

"Did you and Raleigh hit it off?" I asked Jack.

"We did," Jack replied. "He wasn't a virgin when he came on board, but he was even less virginal after he left the boiler room. I think he learned a few things about himself he hadn't realized."

"I assume you took advantage of the situation?"

"Yes, I surely did," Jack said. "I don't think he understood how much you can enjoy serving others."

"Is he one of those men who likes to slum? Sex with men of lesser status excites some men," I said.

"I've seen that a few times," Jack said. "Some men even think I am a man of lesser status! I think Raleigh lost control of his emotions. I suspect he had always been in charge and he lost that control. He surrendered to the sexual experience. That frightens him in some ways, but it was so pleasurable, he is confused."

"Perhaps he needs to try it a few more times and sort out his feelings," I suggested.

"He told me that he thought he wouldn't do it again," Jack said. "Let's just say that I got a little cozy with him and fucked him for a half hour or so. I found out he was storing Kevin and Nigel's' cream in his ass. I fingered his ass and fed him some of the boys' seed, and then I replaced what he ate with my own. Damn if he didn't lose control again. "

I laughed. "He left with a smile on his face?" I asked.

Jack nodded. "If an ass could smile, his would have had a grin when he went back to his cabin. He licked my cock clean before he left. That man loves man scum."

We encountered rough seas that afternoon, so I was busy in the boiler room. It wasn't a major storm, but it was a disturbance with some wind and heavy rain. I like to be in control. It is important for the ship to remain at full power in bad weather. Either Jack or I were in the boiler room at all times. We tended to rotate every four to six hours. The shorter shifts made it easier to stay alert. I was off in the late afternoon and went to the main deck. I went to a sheltered area under canvas that allowed me to get some fresh air without getting wet. Most of the passengers spent their time on the deck, but the rain forced them into their cabins or the main salon. We were a small ship and the salon did double duty as the dining room.

On a large ship, passengers and crew would never mix, but we were a freighter. Henry, Raleigh's friend, and one of the missionaries, a young man named Mark were there. When I came on deck, they were in deep, close conversation. The stopped talking. I said hello and Henry came over to me.

"Raleigh told me he had an interesting time last night," Henry said. "He's still resting!"

"He seems to have taken to life on the sea well," I said. "Is this your first ocean voyage?"

"It is, but I have traveled extensively domestically. This is my friend Mark's first time away from home," Henry added. "This is an all new experience for him."

"I hope you find the trip enjoyable, Mark," I said.

"I had a touch of seasickness, but all is well now," he said. "It is exciting to have some new experiences. I jumped at the chance to get away and see new places and do new things." Henry rubbed his crotch when Mark said that. Mark noticed that and blushed.

"I love my family, but it was good to get away and make my own life," I said.

"I share a cabin with Mr. Morris, who is a missionary too. He is a teacher and tends to quiz me on matters theological," Mark said. "He is much more subject to seasickness than I am, so he is in bed until the weather calms."

"Raleigh enjoyed his visit to your cabin," Henry said. "Even though it was hot, he liked the seclusion. It's nice to have a private place." Of course, I knew what he wanted, so I asked if they would like to see it.

"Did Raleigh tell you the dress code in the boiler room is a bit informal?" I asked.

Both Henry and Mark smiled. "He did mention something about that," Henry said. "I don't think it will be a problem." After the fresh air, the boiler room was both hot and stuffy. The fan was going in my cabin. Jack saw me with the two men and gave me a thumbs-up. He wouldn't come into the cabin unless invited.

I took my shirt of as soon as I entered. "To tell you the truth, I am often stark naked in the cabin, but since I have company I will spare you that," I said.

"That seems quite sensible," Henry said. "Don't worry about us. Indeed, I might actually join you. It would be more comfortable." I continued to strip, as did Henry. Mark was a little slower but soon we were all naked. Henry was smaller than Raleigh was. He was smooth, but was well hung. Mark was beefy and very hairy. He had bull balls and a thick, short organ.

"I've never been naked with other men before," Mark whispered.

"I used to go skinny dipping in the mill pond at home," Henry said. "We are all men, and have the same equipment. I was the only boy in my family, but a neighbor's son showed me that my cock wasn't just an organ that let me aim my piss. That was a shock and surprise, a pleasant shock and surprise."

"I think Mr. Morris would disapprove," Mark said.

"I'm pretty sure he would," Henry said, "It was just fun. We weren't hurting anyone and we were having a good time." He stroked his cock in emphasis. Henry looked at Mark who was almost fully erect by then. I was half-hard.

"I'm not sure I should be doing anything," Mark said.

I put my arm around Mark's shoulders. "I have a feeling that Henry will do everything and you can just relax. Let nature take its course. God made your body and your body will know what to do and how to respond."

"I'm afraid something might . . . happen," he whispered.

"If it happens it's what is supposed to happen. You will feel what you are intended to feel," I said. By then Henry wrapped his lips around Mark's cock and Mark moaned.

"It feels good, doesn't it?" I added. "You don't need to say anything, I know it feels good. Your body will do what it meant to do."

"I'm too close!" Mark whispered. Henry pulled off his cock and began to suck me.

"Don't worry, he will be back," I said.

"You have a big one," Mark said.

"We all get the cards we are dealt," I said. "I think Henry likes what he is doing. He's doing all the work."

"Are you going to shoot off?" Mark asked.

"That depends on Harry."

Harry was able to serve us both. I was the first to pop. Henry pulled away and opened his mouth wide so that Mark could see my sperm spurting into his mouth. He returned to Mark and took his load. Harry went back to his cabin, but Mark stayed.

"Are you all right?" I asked.

"It was good. I'm not sure I am supposed to have liked it as much as I did," he said. "I can't believe it did it."

"Well, you aren't the only one who enjoyed it. I sure did."

"Do you think Henry liked it?" Mark asked.

"I know he did," I replied. "He volunteered for that duty. I think we are all volunteers." I reached over and fondled his equipment. There was a bead of semen on his slit. I spread it over his knob and he shivered. "It's still sensitive?" I asked.

"I didn't know it could feel that good," Mark said. Mark dressed and then returned to the main deck. It was time for my shift. The seas calmed and it was a quiet day in the boiler room. The public think of life at sea as an adventure. Most of time it just plain boring, repetitive work. We were well on our way to having a boring voyage.

As we steamed south, it became warmer. Mr. Morris complained about the heat. He was always dressed in a suit with a vest and I suggested he might wear less and enjoy it more. He usually became pleasanter after he doffed his coat. He was originally a schoolteacher from New England and wearing proper clothes had been a requirement. When he encountered hot weather for the first time, he was more than just uncomfortable. I explained the danger of heat stroke to him and he sensibly changed.

Unexpectedly he seemed to get along with Raleigh well. Raleigh discovered that Morris had become a missionary to make up for a sin of some sort. Morris thought the sin was horrible and believed that if he prayed a lot and became a missionary, he might possibly make it to heaven.

The sin was secret, but Raleigh guessed what it was. He was a bachelor gentleman who had never found the right woman. Morris was a bachelor teacher in a similar circumstance. Raleigh found Morris and Mark attractive and thought he could help both men if they addressed their sexual needs, rather than suppressing them.

Next: Chapter 7

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