The Crew

Published on May 4, 2014


The Crew 7

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Raleigh brought Mr. Morris to the Boiler room late at night. I was shocked, but Raleigh had done some preliminary feeling out and he wanted a very private place. Raleigh had considerable powers of persuasion he was handsome and self-assured. Mr. Morris was entirely under his spell.

When Morris entered the room and saw the naked stokers, he was both shocked and excited. Jack was sleeping naked in the cabin and I was nude too.

"They are not sexually naked; they are hot as hell naked!" Raleigh explained.

"You are certainly right about the hot part," Morris said. "It is unexpected, but the conditions are extreme. I understand."

"I know that you are opposed to being sensible when it comes to dress, but I am going to join them," Raleigh said as he began to remove his clothes. "It won't make it cool, but I will feel a little better. I won't want the men to feel uncomfortable." Mr. Morris began to strip.

"I am embarrassed," he murmured.

"You have nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about," I said. "You are a man, just like the rest of us. Incidentally, you are a well-equipped man."

"Mr. Morris thinks God made a mistake when he made us naked," Raleigh said. "He wished he emerged from his mother's womb wearing a black suit and Bowler hat!"

"That is not true," Morris protested. He then laughed. "Well, it's only partly true. I don't think God would have approved of the bowler hat under any circumstance!" We all laughed.

"Mr. Morris and I have a very different idea about what is proper. I am firmly in the "do unto other what you would have them do unto you camp," Raleigh said. "He is firmly lost in the book of Leviticus. He likes rules written my scribes thousands of years ago. I am not so sure God really cares what we eat. I think men could do many mutually pleasurable things and not upset the divine order at all. What do you think Ducky?"

"Using someone to give you pleasure is wrong. Sharing it is good, it seems to me," I said. "I like to give pleasure. I do not think that pleasure is entirely intellectual and spiritual. Physical pleasure is very real and intense. Why would God have made us capable of feeling pleasure, and then forbidding us to feel it?"

Raleigh's cock began to firm up at the mention of pleasure. Mr. Morris was trying to avoid looking at our genitals, but of course, he noticed. His cock responded as did mine.

Raleigh put his arm around Morris. "You see, we all enjoy the same things," he said. "We talk about pleasure and once part of our bodies knows exactly what to do. It a natural part of life." Morris turned beet red. The cabin was small, so I was close. A small bead of precum emerged from Morris's organ. I dropped to my knees and intercepted it before it dripped on the floor.

I gently licked his cock head before I took the rest of his cock. He moaned.

"It's too much!" he cried.

"It's just enough," Raleigh said. "Relax and let your cock do what it wants to do. Everything will be fine." A half-hour later Morris returned to his cabin, a happy man.

A few days later Mark came to me. "Mr. Morris is a new man," he said. "He told me about his visit to the Boiler room. I told him I had been there too. He was shocked, but one thing led to another. All is well now."

The rest of the trip was uneventful, but profitable for the company, and sexually enjoyable for the crew and me. The missionaries got over their inhibitions and enjoyed life. We dropped them off in African with our cargo. We had to wait a week for cargo returning to the United States.

We were at Accra, a port in the Gold Coast. It was officially a British Colony, but it seemed very wild to me. A British Officer visited us while we were at anchor. Lieutenant McPherson was an impressive man. He admired our ship since it was much newer than most of the freighters which served Africa and it was entirely shipshape. Our captain ran a tight ship.

He had a long talk with the Lieutenant. Captain Thomas called me and the other officers into his cabin a little later. "Lieutenant McPherson has a problem and has asked if we could help him," our captain explained. "There is a band of pirates who have been attacking ships. He wants a decoy to lure them from their hideaway. There is a story circulating that a shipment of diamonds is to be sent north to Algiers. Our plan is the load his troops in place of passengers and give them a surprise," he explained.

"Is this dangerous?" the first mate asked.

"You are an iron steamship with modern engines. We will be heavily armed," McPherson said. "The pirates have wooden sailboats. They use surprise to overcome their victims. We will not be surprised."

"I am aware this is a potential task. I had hoped the pirate would have been captured by now. The company instructed me to help if I could do so without endangering the ship," The captain said.

We were ready to set out the next evening. In addition to the contingent of Royal Marines, there was a new member of the crew, a machinist mate Alistair Newland. The captain introduced me to him and I was shocked. Mr. Newland was a dwarf. He was English and was said to be experienced.

He was well educated and knew boilers. I took him on a tour and he was familiar with the machinery and the modifications I had made to the machinery to make it work more efficiently impressed him. I asked him if his size would be a problem.

"Sir, I tend to fit in small places and I have no problem working on the machinery," he said. He certainly was knowledgeable so he deserved a chance. Once we were at sea, the stokers stripped down as usual. I asked him if that was a problem.

"You set the rules not me," he replied.

"I am afraid their genitals are at your eye level," I said.

"I've dealt with worse things than that!" he replied as he winked at me.

The Marines were smuggled on the ship at night and we stashed their arms in the hold. We steamed out to sea in the dark. McPherson made sure out departure was suitably mysterious. The Marines dressed as sailors using our company colors.

The boiler room was to remain fully staffed and ready to reach full speed quickly. Mr. Newland was most helpful, since he could do many of the tasks that only Jack or I could do. Jack and I were careful to make sure he was never alone with the boilers. We needed to know how much he knew and there was always a possibility he had some association with the pirates.

A day later, I was on watch duty when I saw the small boat in the distance. I reported my observation and was quickly replaced with a Marine. I went below to the boiler room. It took the small boat six hours to catch up with us. As it did, a second small ship appeared on the other side of us.

There was a small explosion as the pirates shot a cannon at the Bear Point. After that, there was a terrific din as the Marines and pirates engaged. This was very disconcerting for us in the boiler room. We were in the bowels of the ship and completely detached from the action.

Mr. Newland was helpful since he had served on a Royal Navy ship and was could identify the sounds. He described the small cannon balls that stuck our ship as puffballs. They also shot some shrapnel at us, but shrapnel was useless against an iron ship. It made a terrific racket. He knew the sound of the Marines' guns and their Gatling gun. His descriptions and calm demeanor reassured the crew and me. This was a new experience for me.

The entire event lasted ten minutes. The Captain sent us a message that they had sunk the pirate ships with the loss of all hands. We had suffered no injuries. We could stand down. I went on deck to look at the damage. It was barely noticeable.

The pirates were dead and gone, but we were to stay at sea for several more days. The Captain did not want anyone to know about our role in the pirate's demise. I might add that the watch was not relaxed at all. It was possible there were additional pirates.

The Marines picked for this duty were aggressive and impressive men. Our accommodations were better than on a Royal Navy ship and they seemed to treat it as a pleasure cruise. McPherson got along very well with the Captain Thomas. There shared a common worldview as well as common sexual tastes. That was true of the Marines. They were impressive fighting men, and no one would accuse them of being Nancy boys, but they enjoyed sexual release with likeminded men.

Mr. Newland fit in well too. I knew nothing about dwarfism, but I clearly affected only his size and had no effect on his intellectual abilities. He adopted the standard non-dress code of the boiler room, and once he was naked, I understood why. His private parts were entirely unaffected by his physical condition and they looked huge. I first thought they were huge in proportion to his body, but they were well on the high side of average.

Captain Thomas came to visit the boiler room with Lieutenant McPherson. They liked what they saw.

"Your crew is impressive. They look healthy too. That can be rare in the boiler room," McPherson said.

"The Captain runs a healthy and happy ship," I replied. "He is strict and demanding but generous too."

"That is similar to my approach," McPherson said. "It's all business until the battle is won. Then it's time to relax."

"We were going to have a little thank you party for their services," the Captain said. "We would like you to attend."

"Of course, I would like that."

"I need to be a little more direct," the Captain said. "His men are aggressive and tend to top. They find officers stimulating. As you know I am willing, but McPherson does not want that. I am too high ranking. I was hoping you would be able to help out." I was surprised at that proposal. The Captain seemed to know me better than I thought.

"I would be glad to be of service, Sir," I replied.

"The party is tomorrow," he said as they left the boiler room. The room was hot and I stripped after they left.

Mr. Newland returned from the showers. He had been adjusting some hard to reach valves. He did indeed fit in small spaces. He was naked and it looked as if his cock almost dragged on the floor.

"All is well with the valves. I oiled them so they wouldn't stick," he said. I am tall and his face was facing my cock. "It's a nice view from here," he added. "Do you associate with men of lesser rank?"

"When I am wearing a uniform it's all business. When I'm naked it hard to pull rank," I replied. He leaned forward and swallowed my cock. This was not his first time. "That feels really good." I said.

"I aim to please," he replied. "I like them big and yours deserves a medal!"

"I have admired yours," I said. "If you forgive me for asking, but I don't know what you like to do. I'm a little afraid I might break you."

He looked up and smiled. "Everything is in working order. I like the usual things. I like what I am doing now, but I love to fuck. That is a bit rare. My ass is full sized too, so I can take a cock too." I then told him about the party the next day.

"Marines are a good bunch in general," he said. "They like to get in, do their business and then pull out."

"There may be several of them," I said.

"They do like to share," he said. "I had five once."

"Was than an ordeal?"

"It wasn't bad," Newland said. "When you're my size, you are fair game on a ship. One of the men hurt me. That really offended this big bruiser of a first mate. He liked me and it was never a problem after that. He was a huge man, but with average meat that was easy for me to take. If you want a few stretching exercised before you take on the marines, I'd be glad to help you out."

"Have you connected with the stokers?"

"You play with them?" he asked.

I nodded. "As I said, there are different rules when you are on duty and off duty. They are good men." We played a little and had a good time. Newland forgot to tell me he had huge orgasms. I almost choked.

That night I was on watch and I picked up a little light following behind us. I notified the Captain and he called out the Marines. Our boilers propelled a dynamo that produced electricity for the ship. Thus, we had some high-powered searchlights. The Marines were normally a rowdy and loud group but they could be quiet if needed.

They were in place when we switched on the lights exposing a third pirate ship. It flew the same emblem as the other ships. If there was any question about the ship's intentions, several rifle shots from the ship attempted to shoot out the searchlights. That was an unwise move by the pirates.

Five minutes later the marines had taken care of the problem and an incendiary flare had set the ship ablaze. We steamed away at a good pace and I noticed that the waters were shark infested. McPherson did not want the bodies to wash ashore and cause a problem. The sharks took care of the pirate remains.

The marines noticed that the light I had seen was very small indeed. Apparently, one of the pirates was addicted to tobacco. Some doubted there was a ship flowing us. I had been known as Odd Duck, but they christen me Hawkeye. That was an improvement.

The Captain took us straight out to sea where no wooden boat would dare to go. They preferred to stay within sight of the shore. The remainder of the night was calm. When I returned to the boiler room, the crew knew of the exploit and gave me three cheers. The men in the boiler room were secluded and defenseless. I reassured them when I took and active role in protecting the ship.

The next morning we encountered the HMS Prince George, a cruiser, and several escort ships. The flotilla was showing the flag alone the coast. They were letting the Germans know that Britannia still ruled the waves. That would dampen any pirate activity for months. We could relax.

The party was in the Captain's quarters, and was a quite festive affair. It was not an official event with the men in uniform and where rank was observed. There was ample beer, but the Captain had the cook go all out with generous and unexpected food. Somehow, he had a large roast beef and other English favorites.

The Captain always planned ahead. The food would help to guard against too much drunkenness and the embarrassing incidents related to drunkenness. He also felt that too much alcohol impaired sexual performance. "A nice long fuck session is better than a hangover," he said.

Most of the men wore lightweight trousers and little else. The ship had fans but it was still warm. The Marines were in good physical condition and in a good mood. Now that the pirates were gone and eaten, the men were jovial.

Captain Thomas had his arm around McPherson and his other hand was in his the Lieutenant's pants, fondling his genitals. The other Marines followed suit. Mr. McPherson picked his men well. I was with a big Yorkshire man, Al, and a Scot, Kinloch. If Mr. Darwin needed a man to be the link between the Gorilla and modern man, Al would have fit the bill. He was the gunnery man. Kinloch was the perfect highland Chieftain type. His face was mass of ginger hair and two, very blue eyes.

The huge men liked me. I was slightly taller than they were, but they were much heavier and more muscular. They were also playful. Al glanced over and saw the Captain and McPherson naked. "It's hot in here. Maybe we are overdressed," he observed.

I undid my belt and my pants fell to the floor. Both men looked as if they had won the lottery. I felt good about that. It is nice to be appreciated. They stripped and I felt as if I was in a bear cage at the zoo. I am hairy, but Al and Kinloch were suited for a carnival sideshow.

I bent over to suck Kinloch. Al nudged his cock head into my ass. I like to be prepared and I had lubricated the opening in case this happened. Al had a big head and a thin shaft and it slipped in easily. Kinloch's organ was consistently thick. Al began to pound wildly but McPherson came over us and stopped him.

"Al, my boy, we have time to relax and take it slow," the officer said. "Let me show you." Al pulled out and was quickly replaced by McPherson's tool. "Do it like this." He liked long, deep strokes. He shoved it in quickly, but he pulled out slowly. It was nice. He pulled out and Al returned to my ass. I squeezed it and undulated my ass. Al love that. Apparently, it was a new sensation for him. Eventually, he pulled out and traded places with Kinloch.

He massaged my ass with his thick member. While he was very thick, he was careful to work my sphincter until I was good and open. Al told several of his mates that I had a good ass and they joined us and shared my rectum.

When I state these things baldly, it sounds as if it were a wild debauch. I did not mind. Indeed, I enjoyed it. Kinloch had opened me well, and it was easy to accommodate the marines. They appreciated the chance to use an officer for their own pleasure. I am an active bottom who uses my own ass to manipulate their cocks. They both enjoyed that and me.

McPherson returned and took his turn. He did not say it, but fucking an ass filled with the man seed of six of his men was exciting for him. I could feel his excitement. He was a hard and demanding man, but I realized he was deeply attached to his men.

The Captain enjoyed himself too. He was normally a sexually generous man and had no problem entertaining member of the crew as long as they remembered that when he was in uniform he was the captain.

He came up behind Kinloch while he was fucking me. Kinloch had bent over me and his ass was wide open. "Stay still, I need to do an inspection!" he said as he shoved his cock into the Scot's ass. Kinloch was taken aback, but he soon adjusted to the situation. The Captain's member was long and thin, and was easy to take. I also think serving a high-ranking officer was good.

I knew from my own experience that the Captain was a master cock man. Kinloch had already shot off in me before so he was in no rush, so it was a long pleasurable experience for the three of us. When Kinloch finally shot off, I could feel him squirting. I had not felt him shoot the first time, so the Captain had an effect on him.

The Marines were both hearty and aggressive, but they seemed to appreciate me. I thought they would wear me out, but each successive penetration was easier. The first round of fucking was a bit mechanical, but when they came back for a second round, the edge was off and the men could take more time. We were all more relaxed and they were more comfortable expressing their affections.

Next: Chapter 8

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