Depa Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Jul 20, 2006


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff or allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL.

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G. Cutter

This could get confusing as I'm trying to blend the characters from another of my stories with the boys from THE DEPA BOYS so maybe a cast list is in order.

Jo Boss man in Wimbledon (around 22) Anthony Tony, Ant. Lorenzo's older brother (15) Lorenzo Loren, Renzo. Aged 13 Florian Flore. Aged 12 Leo Aged 12 Alex Aged 13 Uncle Freddy Leo's Uncle (around 25)

Nick Boss man at Lewes (around 22) Patric Pat. Aged 16. Dennis Den. 12 coming on 13. Peter Pete (surprise there) aged 16. Pond boy from Lewes.

Here we go, I'm going to try it in First Person and hope not to shamble it up completely


We were lurking, doncha just love that word, that was Nick, Greg, his current boyfriend, Dennis who was my partner and myself. You will note I now call Den my partner just to get things straight before we get lumbered by this mob from Wimbledon. They were pals of Nick and he was letting these townies use his house for a ten day or a fortnight's holiday. As soon as they were settled in he would be off back on his travels with his weird mate. I have said previously that I didn't know what business he was in and I still don't know. What I did know was that for this two weeks he was paying myself a ton a week also Dennis to play houseboys, keep the place tidy and to entertain the troops... so that's four hundred quid, you can read into that what you like.

We'd had a busy day sorting out the bedrooms and whatnot. Den and myself would stay in ours and if things worked out right the others, six in all could pair up for the others, Jo, their boss and his boy friend or whoever using Nick's. Nick had also taken a lady on who was going to prepare a dinner or an evening meal for the duration so the first thing to do was to tell this lot or swarm as Den called them that they had to watch themselves whilst she was at her work. I didn't think a local lady would be too amused at a gaggle of schoolboys running around naked with steaming stiffies. Sounded good to me but there you go.

We'd rigged a bed in the old rumpus room the room Nick had used for his dirty pix when he was in the mood, we'd also sloshed a coat of emulsion around so it looked pretty tidy. All the junk and camera gear laying around we'd taken into the upstairs lounge which never got used.

'I don't want to linger too long,' Nick looked at Dennis and myself. 'I'll get the intros done and get out of it. Jo's pretty sensible so he can take over from then. Just don't forget that you're my agents in place sort of thing.

'Sorta spies,' Dennis piped up.

'Nothing of the sort,' Nick laughed. 'Just make sure they don't burn the place down and make sure everything's alarmed up when the place is empty. Oh yeah, and keep Mrs Morris sweet.

'What about her running costs?'

'She's got a special card for the local supermarket and shops I got her for the duration so she can spend what she needs within reason that is.' Nick looked at his pal. 'OK, Greg?'

'Fine,' the Russian kid or whatever he was looked at his watch, he for one wanted to be on his way and I wondered once more what they were upto but then again, no business of mine as long as Dennis and myself got paid.

It was probably around ten minutes after this conversation that we heard the sound of wheels on the gravel in the driveway and wandered out to meet our guests, lodgers, clients or whatever. They'd arrived in a minibus of all things and I supposed that made sense, there were just too many to seat in a car and they had a load of camera gear.

Nick did his welcoming bit and ushered them all into the downstairs lounge and introduced myself and Dennis as the the guardians cum gophers and Greg... well, just as Greg. Then it was this other guy's turn who was their boss and who's name was Jo without the e on the end it seemed.

'Right, Anthony, take a bow.' A kid who seemed to be the oldest and was certainly the biggest although not huge stepped forward a bit and gave us both a grin without saying a word. That was Anthony.

'Lorenzo and Florian,' Jo waved at two fair headed kids.

'Hi, I'm Loren and this is my boyfriend Florian,' the taller of the two spoke up quite boldly, no sodding around with this kid although he looked like he couldn't punch his way out of a paper bag. Not that it mattered, they were here for loving not fisticuffs.

'And last but not least we have Leo and his pal, Alex.' These two just said subdued hellos. The Leo kid looked a bit girly but the Alex boy seemed to be a half cast of some sort and he was a dish... I mean as in dreamboat. One thing I did notice with the whole gaggle they all dropped eyes to groin level, they were professional crotch ogglers.

By this time Greg had left for the kitchen where he was sorting out some cold drinks which proved that he had some use after all. Jo and Nick did the chatting and we the second rate citizens just listened. Where everyone was going to stay was crucial, we didn't want any hassle about who slept where and Nick and Jo sorted that out there and then.

Jo and Anthony would use Nick's room naturally enough and after a bit of argy bargy it was decided that Leo and Alex would use the original spare which shared a joint bathroom with ours and Lorenzo and his pal use the old rumpus room which had a bathroom opposite. Everyone seemed happy enough so that was it. It was probably coming on five and Nick decided to give them a tour of the house although Alex and Leo decided to tag on with myself and Dennis who had volunteered to hump all the bags and camera stuff into the house.

'Nice big place,' Leo opened the chat.

'You'll like the pool,' I replied and I heard Dennis laugh behind me. 'What's up?'

'This, Alex has just told me I have a nice arse,' he grinned.

'Well, he's right,' I laughed. At least one of them was into a bit of icebreaking sooner rather than later.

'Bloody weather is a miracle,' Alex grabbed a couple of bags. 'It's done nothing but rain for a week up at home.'

'Let's hope you haven't brought it down here.'

'So how do you feel about having a load of guests for a couple of weeks?' Alex asked with the other two standing by and obviously waiting for my concentrated words of wisdom.

'Put it this way, with rooms sharing a bathroom we're gonna see a lot of you two on and off and we like the idea of a bit of company... don't we Den?'

'Yeah,' Dennis replied giving Leo that cowlike look he does so well. Cheered me up no end. We could be wife swopping sooner than I thought.

'Going to show us where the room is, we can chill out then,' Alex smiled and gave me the merest flicker of an eyelid. Yeah, rock on.

'We can show you the pool in a bit,' Dennis contributed.

'I expect the others are already in it,' Leo plucked at his shirt presumably indicating that it was hot but he tagged along anyway, probably determined to keep an eye on his lover boy, Alex. We took them and their bags upto their room which was officially the spare and always had been. To my recollection this was the first time it had been used and I suspected it was going to see a few goings on before the fortnight was over. 'Nice room, Leo perked up a bit when he saw the size of the place. 'Hey, there's Jo and Anthony,' he rapped on the windown and after a struggle managed to open it and waved out. Naturally enough when something like that happens everyone crowded to the window and this Jo guy must have thought that we were already into a foursome. I couldn't move, transfixed is the word I think. Anthony quite calmly peeled his shirt off and dropping his jeans and briefs ran back into the pool area and I saw the tail end of a splash. What had caught my eye, surprise, surprise, was his long swinging uncircumcised cock and his tight little bottom. The fortnight wasn't going to be that bad after all.

'This is the bathroom,' Dennis was saying. 'And that's our room through there.'

'Do you need to lock the doors?' Asked Alex.

'Not really because the toilet is enclosed for privacy but you can if you want, it's upto you.'

'Maybe if you're having sex in the bath,' I offered.

'Come and join in,' Leo laughed much to my surprise as I thought Alex was the forward one out of the two.

'Nice bed,' Alex threw himself across the thing and rolled about and gave me another one of those looks. Leo must have had a mind like a razor as he too slung himself onto the bed as well but up the top end leaving a two boy gap in the middle. I think Dennis was a bit taken aback but I immediately hopped on close upto Alex and Dennis just had the one gap to aim for which he did. We lay there in a lazy foursome for a moment and it had to happen Leo made a grab for Dennis and as soon as he did I went for Alex.

That was it, all over bar the snogging, the giggles, the fumbles and the gropes. Alex was as hard as a pole and in between getting my hands on his beautifully smooth brown skin and shoving my tongue down his throat I managed to extract his stiffy into the warm afternoon air. I noticed that Leo was doing well with Dennis, he had my mate's trousers down already and was making a good job of salivating his knickers to sogginess, Dennis wouldn't stand that for too long.

I spread the ever smiling Alex out flat and kissed up his taut coffee coloured belly to his little titties removing his shirt in the process, with his trousers around his knees he was a sight to behold. Slender but not thin, he was an absolute dream with his little patch of black pubics and his jerking cock up on his belly.

'You like, Patric?' He whispered.

'Very much,' I choked. Glancing up the bed I saw that the other randy sods were already naked and more or less at it, I quickly tore my own kit off, jerked Alex's trousers and briefs off of him and lay on him naked with my own hardness pressed against his.

'Sixty nine,' he whispered again. 'We can do the proper job tonight.'

'We're wife swopping,' Dennis informed me. Jeez, the brats were starting to run the world but I could live with it, they gotta do better than Bush and Blair. If those two had boy sex they might smile a bit more often.

As an aside, I suppose I might bend over for our Tony and consider it a national duty but Bush. How the most powerful nation on earth managed to elect a complete numbskull for a leader is beyond belief. Sorry about that but politics is another one of my hobbies apart from younger boys that is.

'Where's your pubes?' Alex caressed my smooth lower belly.

'Shaved off, it's a house rule.'

'Not for me,' Alex laughed. 'It's taken me thirteen years to grow this lot.'

'Really.' The time for conversation was over, I started to move around on the bed going head to tail and took his skinny brown cock into my mouth at the same time that he started to slurp and suck at mine. A damn good way to spend late afternoon on a Friday if I say so myself. I could hear shouting and splashing about through the open window so, it seemed, everyone was happy, me more than most.. I had Alex's juicy cock right down the back of my throat.

This half Paki or whatever he was, was good. He took me right down to his choke point and I did the same for him. I fondled his tight little brown orbs and as I thought of plundering them I got harder and harder. Sucking him like a giant lollipop I slid in and out of his mouth feeling my heat rising.

'Mmmmmpfh.' It sounded like he was enjoying himself.

'I'm cuming,' I gobbled around his slippery meat and I did. I felt his suction and his hot lips pull my foreskin up and over my knob slurping every last drop of my pearly cum. A second later I got his slimy splat right down my throat and held his tight brown balls as his cock jerked and pumped into my mouth. Excellent cum all around. Rather shamefaced we wiped our lips off and then grinning at each other lay back together watching the other two finish off their little session.

'Gawd, he cums like a donkey,' Leo looked up sparkly eyed and then went under as Dennis crushed his lips and they traded spunky kisses. The little episode boded well for the future, an hour into the visit and we'd struck gold already.



The pool was lovely, or course I knew that there would be one but not that it would be so big. It occupied what was an extra large room in the house and extended into the garden through security doors which were out of sight. I reckoned they came down like a roller blind when the house was unoccupied. Anyway, no matter, Loren and Florian were splashing around and I was with them. Jo was still taking to Nick and his odd companion who seemed to be either a secretary or a bit of spare. I think one of the other lads had whispered that he was a Russian, quite sweet in a way but probably a bit out of his depth with a houseload of English schoolies.

The noticeable absences were Alex and Leo along with the two houseboys, having seen them at the upstairs room window I didn't need to use too much imagination to realise they getting to know each other... probably big time if I knew Alex.

'Greg, I've got some business to go through with Jo so you can relax for an hour,' Nick gave his gopher or whatever his instructions. Greg looked a bit miffed for a moment and then looking at we three splashing around in the pool and pulled his shirt off. He was joining us. I did my peeper bit as he stripped off poolside and got down to skin. He was quite nice, not a beauty but a surprisingly boyish body with a mansized dick, now there's a good combination. As he undresed he saw me blatantly oggling him and made a meal of it.

'Come on, Greg. Stop teasing,' I called across, he grinned and walked over to me and sat on the pool edge with his legs in the water, I gazed at his limp cock from about a yard and moving in a bit stroked his calves under water unseen by the other two who seemed intent on drowning each other.

'You are older than the others?' He looked at me with quite a sweet smile.

'I'm fifteen, they're twelve or thirteen.'

'Boys,' he sniffed.

'Fifteen's a boy as well,' I continued to caress the backs of his legs under the water.

'Fifteen's a man where I come from,' he slipped from the edge and stood face to face with me in the water gently bobbing up and down. 'A well built young man,' he grinned and I felt his hand move and cup my testicles.

'Aaah,' I moved in closer and felt one of his arms encircle my waist and pull me in, this one wasn't wasting any time at all.

'Hey, hey,' Loren shouted out and he and Florian who were watching like hawks did their silly little giggles. Pair of junior tarts.

'Get a room,' Florian squealed. Now that was original.

Both Greg and I ignored them. I know I was now unofficially Jo's bit of spare as the ever couth Renzo called it but I didn't care. To me Jo was business, for good mutual sex and I stress the mutual, I'd take my own brother any day of the week, for love... who knows. Anyway, this time and moment were Greg's and he seemed willing enough. He wanked me to fully hard under the water and I did the same holding both erections together. In fact, for a supposed adult he was about the same size as myself but he did have a small boy's bum which was rather nice and rather inviting.

'You like Greg?' He whispered and turned around in the water pressing his soft bottom up against my hardness.

'Yeah,' I croaked. I had to say yes, I was nearly up his bum for God's sake.

'Grab a towel and some sun lotion and we shall go in the garden it is quite private,' he sexily moved his bottom up against me.

'Will these two be alright on their own?'

'I should think so,' he laughed and I glanced over. He was right,' Renzo was sitting on the edge of the pool and Florian was just floating there connected to him by way of his penis sucking as if he was a motorboat taking fuel onboard.

Not wasting any time we got from the pool and grabbing towels wandered out into the well shaded garden. I did a quick scan and saw that the only people who could see what we got upto would be from the house, the neighbours were well and truly shielded by a huge hedge of pretty high trees. I'd seen these things on the television once, they grow like loony tunes and cause more neighbour on neighbour wars than enough, I think they're called leylandii. It was nice all the same to be able to walk around naked in the warmth of the sun after the crap weather we'd been having the other side of the Downs.

Greg spread his towel and lay face down. 'You can oil my back,' he looked suggestively at my jutting and jerking cock. I think that was Russian for 'fuck me' at least that's the way I was going to play it. I knew he now had less than an hour so I didn't need to waste too much time.

I nudged my knees between his and glopped the sunoil in one long streamer from his neck down to his crack and he wriggled and sighed relaxing and giving a brief grin over his shoulder. 'I love boy cock,' he murmured conversationally.

'Good,' I gulped. If this was a sign of the times we were in for a pretty hectic two weeks. Anyway, Jo would rather top than bottom so I better get my fill whilst I had the chance.

I rubbed the lotion well in and when he was wriggling around gave my hardness a good coating as well, it wouldn't last too long, Jo and I hadn't done it last night and I was on top line. The sight and feel of a pale and boylike bottom under my hands was turning me on bigtime. I got betweeen his legs spreading them with my knees inside his.

'Yessss,' he hissed and his bottom came up just as I moved down. No novice this one, I slipped into his warmth like a hot knife into a block of butter. Smooth and slick just as if I was gliding in for seconds on a well used bum. 'Yeah, nice,' he shoved up as I started to ride him. No finesse here, this was one well used boy or young man I suppose I should say. He was certainly professional and not as tight as the usual pixies I was used to having sex with, even Jo and Jo was a fully grown man was tighter than this little Russian but no matter, the heat was on me and I was shagging away like a good little porno star.

The more and harder I fucked the more and harder he pushed his bottom upto meet me and the rest of the planet disappeared into a sweaty frenzy as I lunged and plunged into his sweet bottom. 'Harder, harder,' he grunted. Jeez, he was exhausting me but I perservered and in the end made it.

'Aaaaah,' I nailed him to the towel and squirted. He wriggled and pushed up onto me and my hardness exploded within him coating his gut with my boy spunk. It was over and I'd scored my first holiday fuck, hopefully it was going to be the first of many.

Of course by now we had an audience, thankfully the mob at the upstairs window had disappeared about their boyish pursuits but my kid bro and brother in law I suppose were sittin in the shade watching the performance and gave an ironic handclap when we finished. I think Greg may have been a bit embarassed as he'd cum into his towel to make matters worse. I always think it says something about someone if they cum whilst being topped but I wasn't going to call him a little queen was I? I'd had it all the applause bit before with the rugrats and told him to ignore them. We'd hardly been back in the water for a few moments when Nick and Jo were back on the scene to rescue their little Russian whatever he was.


We all sat around watching Friday night television and I think we were all looking forward to bed, if not to sleep for the other if you follow me. Nick and his pal, the Russian kid had finally gone and it was us and the two houseboys left. I don't know quite where they fitted into the fortnight's 'working holiday' for want of a better phrase but they were obviously here to help us out and probably make sure we didn't wreck the place. From tomorrow we'd be getting a cooked dinner every night supplied by a local lady but this evening we'd phoned in pizzas and had polished them off in double quick time. It was coming on ten and I for one was shagged.

After our bit of sixty nining with the houseboys we'd all retired to sample the pool where Jo and Anthony as well as Loren and his pal were making merry. It was great after the London weather to chill out and actually lay in sun that was hot enough to make the pool a welcome relief. I stuck with Leo but kept my eye on the houseboys. We were going to have fun tonight and I couldn't wait to get my hands on the blonde kid, he was a dish. His little dark mate was tasty as well but we did have a fortnight after all.

Jo had held forth and over the weekend, he was going to settle for some pinup stuff of Patric and Dennis and lots of what he called naturalist stuff of the rest of us poolside and in the garden but we would leave the nitty gritty until in the week. He also made a rule that work would be done in either the morning or the afternoon on a day by day basis but not in both so that we weren't overworked, which was cool.

Patric was saying that he and his pal could manage a basic breakfast only and that the lady from the town would do the dinner but anything else was upto us so we knew where we stood on that front. We needed to keep the fridge topped up with snacks and drinks. It would work out, we'd all be getting paid as we went along Jo had told us, so there'd be no shortage of money and if we got that hungry we could always phone in stuff.

I think even Jo was feeling the strain as he and Anthony made off around eleven closely tailed by Loren and his Florian, they were so close that I wondered if they were into a bit of wife swopping but that wasn't my business, my business was Patric and the other two. Leo and Dennis were raking through tapes and seemed set for the night, I looked at Patric and he gave me a slow smile, the boy was a mindreader. 'Ready?' I mouthed silently and he gave a nod and a grin.

'We're off to bed now,' I stood and so did Patric.

'Which bedroom?' Leo smiled sitting on the floor with his new chum.

'The servants quarters,' I replied. 'You can use ours.'

'Thanks for that,' Dennis laughed and made a grab for Leo, they were happy enough. Patric and I left them to it, we had other things to do.

'Sorry, it's a bit untidy,' Patric said as he took me into their room. Untidy wasn't the word, there were comics and magazines all over the place not to mention discarded socks and underwear. Basically it looked like a rubbish tip, a bit like mine in good old Wimbledon, I felt right at home. 'Come here,' Patric grinned an evil grin and grabbed me around the waist... Goody, he was playing at being all butch.

'Spare me, sir. I am but a poor virgin,' I let him take me down onto the bed and surrendered to his kisses.

'Liar,' he giggled with his hands inside my jumper stroking my back and pulling us together.

'Yeah, I know,' I managed to push him onto his back although he was bigger and heavier but I lay ontop of him and we ground our groins together as casual mates do. I could feel his strong hands clasping and moulding my buns so he had good taste as well. I got harder at the thought of doing it with him and that was both ways. He was nice, we'd get on fine and as a bonus there was his mate, the smaller one, Dennis.

'We gonna have a bath?' He looked up at me and kissed my nose.

'A quicky,' I grinned down. 'I like my sex in bed.'

'So do I,' he agreed and we split frantically tearing our clothing off. We were both hot and ripe. This was going to be a good one, I could feel it in my willy and in my bum which had a hardon all of it's own. A bum can't have a hardon can it? It doesn't make sense, it had a gap that wanted filling, how's about that. I knew what it wanted filling with that's for sure and it was Patric's long pale skinned cock.

We settled for a shower for speed and were in there playing soapy games when the other two appeared, Dennis poked his head around the door with my Leo hanging onto him like a little girl and told us to hurry up. They went and so did we, we scurried to back to the bedroom all wet and clutching towels, we also made a point of shutting the door although we didn't lock it of the obvious reasons, it may have a use later.

Blondy boi dryed me off as if I was a little doll and I suppose skinny ol' me was to him, he dried my penis until it was as dry (and as hard) as a bone. He also paid attention to my crack doing everything apart from shoving his fingers into me although I suspected that was on the agenda. Of course whilst all this was going on I kept up the swooning and fainting young virgin bit, it seemed to turn him on.

'Gawd, you are so nice,' he gently spread me on the bed. I wish I had a quid for every time Leo had said that to me, I was beginning to believe it myself. I felt his soft lips on my nips and stroked his bristley head. Was he going North or South. The question was answered when I felt his body lay on mine and his lips on my forehead, my nose and then on my mouth. He was a good kisser and I was getting harder and harder. For Christ's sake rape me, I felt like screaming out as I felt his hard uncircumcised five incher rubbing up and down on my belly. Fuck it, force the pace. With a struggle I managed to roll over and felt his weight and his heat settle onto my back. His gently rounded belly fitted snugly into the small of my back and I felt his erection feed between my thighs... we were getting there. He seemed content there but not for long, he was kissing the back of my neck and nuzzling at my overlong hair but I felt his dick slip free as he started to lap and lick across my shoulders which is a bit of a turnon. I opened my legs more or less offering myself up to him, I knew where he was headed.

He gave a little groan of satisfaction and I felt his hands gently massage my buns as his lips worked down my body. At last his tongue was at the top of my crack and I felt him move my legs open even wider and then the buzz as his tongue began to work it's way between my cheeks probing for my hole.

I pushed my bottom up and I suppose I was babbling because I heard him chuckle and then I felt the dribble of saliva right on my pucker, then his tongue and finally his finger just slid into me and he slowly and quite sensually began to finger fuck me. I was on the verge of cuming when I felt his finger slip free and his hot breath was in my crack again as he started lapping and licking again but this time his pointed tongue was probing at me. I pushed my bottom up and felt him moved up the bed. Show time.

He was oozing, I knew that for as his glans slid between my cheeks I could feel the smear of his natural lube just before I felt his mass at my ring and then the gentle but fim push.

'Aaaaaaah,' I groaned and clutched the pillow as I felt his cock enter me stretching my ring and moving quite easily with his precum and sailva. He pumped to and fro slowly but I could feel it beginning to loosen me and fill me and eventually his warm belly settled onto my back. I pushed up and he groaned his satisfaction as his erection buried itself deep in my gut.

'Fantastic, Al,' he gave a tentative push and I pushed back. We were off.

He was good sex for a kid... well we were all kids so what the hell. He took his time and he had this habit of nearly pulling it free and then going right back into the root. In fact, as he went on he actually left me two or three times and just slid straight back in. That was the bit I liked, the initial penetration and I was getting it not once but over and over again. I forced myself up on the bed into a crouch, the old doggy position and he held my hips and really pigged out. God knows how I didn't just cum but I managed to hold off. In the end I was still kneeling but upright and he was close behind me pumping for all he was worth with both his arms around my body holding me in tight.

'Alex...' he groaned and I felt his first squirt, then his second and then the warm flood as he seemed to do a long and continuous climax that even left me weak at the knees let alone him. We slowly subsided onto the bed with him still slowly shagging into my well loosened and juiced up bum. First one of the holiday and it was a good one, a good omen I hoped. One thing was for sure, we would be having seconds but I was as hard as an iron bar and now it was my turn.

'You and your mate are versatile I presume,' I snuggled up and nibbled his neck feeling his spunk sticky and slippery between my cheeks.

'Stop babbling and make me a mummy,' he giggled and rolled onto his back pulling me ontop. He kissed my throat and nuzzled me as he fed my very own iron bar between his smooth thighs. 'That's big for a runt,' he remarked conversationally. 'Not as thick as Dennis though.'

'Sorry about that, lover boy,' I knelt up and raised his legs to my shoulders, no time wasting here, I really was knackered and needed my sleep. Small chance and no chance in this place I thought and wondered what it would be like in three or four day's time. We'd probably all be carted away for dick and bottom transplants. He was lovely really. Solidly built but cuddly at the same time, I reached under the pillow assuming what I would find and I was right. All part of the service I suppose. I put the merest smidgeon of lube onto the end of my dick and mixed it with the beading of precum I'd produced and postioned it at his pucker. I smeared it around making him nice and slippery.

'Go on,' he urged me and grabbed my hips as I opened him up with a steady pressure. I got that same old sensation of giddiness I always get when I take Leo but this kid was experienced and as soon as I was in him clamped onto me like a vice. I groaned and shoved harder fighting against him and slowly sank deeper and deeper into his incredible tightness. He grinned at my efforts and surprise suddenly easing his muscles. I slipped in deeply right upto my pubes feeling his body encompass me tightly and his heat sieze me. 'Nice one.' he looked up at me and grabbed my sweaty neck as I started to move. I kissed him roughly and started to pummel away. If he wanted to play that was fine by me. He wanted shagging not loving and that was also fine... I could do shag.

I rammed into his sweet bottom time and time again slipping my oiled cock right out and then right back in with a sweaty slap and he loved it. I had him whimpering and begging me to go harder and faster at the end but I was all tuckered out. As his legs began to slip down my back I rammed in and held it there as I felt my organ swell and then the burning sensation as my juices sped up my shaft and splattered into his youthful body.

'Yeah...' He held me tightly as I fell onto his stomach and his legs slipped off me. 'Now that was a nice one,' he stroked my back and grabbed my buns squeezing and pulling me in even tighter. 'A nice snooze and we can do that all again,' he grinned.

'Later,' I looked at him and lapped the beads of sweat off his face. 'Later.'

We disengaged and cuddled up and went to sleep, it was nearly midnight and tomorrow was another day.


I stretched myself in bed and glanced at Florian, he was still in the Land of Nod so I slipped from the bed and stood by the window and looked out at the garden. It was early and I needed to look at my watch to check the time but that was too much effort. I played the guessing game, six maybe half six or even seven. The birds were making a godawful racket but the day looked as if it was going to be a good one. I could see the shadows of the house as the sun came around so that it neatly parked itself on the pool side of the house from around eleven or that's what the houseboys said last night. Gotta stop calling them that as well. Respect as Jo would say. I thought about them or rather I thought of the shorter one of the two. Dennis, now he was a dish and a definite Loren target. From what I could gather last night mad Alex and Leo had made plans but they had adjoining bedrooms and shared a bathroom so it was probably all over by now. I was tempted to wander around the house poking my nose in but knowing my luck I'd finish up bursting in on Jo and brother Anthony and lose my virginity again.

No matter, I cracked open the window to let a cooling breeze in also to get rid of that spunky smell that always seemed to linger. Florian was still out of it so I paid a bathroom visit and had a shower and was back in the bedroom but he was still asleep, he was out for the count. I just put shorts and a t-shirt on and padded downstairs bare footed just to see if there was anything in the fridge worth liberating.

Lo and behold big brother Anthony was already there and busy making tea or coffee, he looked at me surprised and gave me a cheery welcome. Doncha just love cheerful greetings on a Saturday morning... not.

'You're up early, Renzo. Coffee?'

'Yes please,' I lounged against the kitchen table and watched him. 'Florian's got a sore bum.'

'You ckecked it?' He looked at me with concern on his face.

'What for?'

'He might be cut or split or something.'

'Don't see why, we've been doing it together now for long enough,' I grinned. 'Don't be a fusspot.'

'Better safe than sorry.' he handed me a mug. 'You might have been too rough... you haven't been trying this two in one have you?'

'That's me not him,' I laughed. 'I suppose I'd better have a look at his little ring.'

'Do it later,' he looked at me appraisingly. 'Do you know what time it is?'

'Six, seven?'


'Fucking FIVE,' I heard my voice break. Jeez, five o'clcock was the middle of the night and it was broad daylight. 'We weren't getting up 'til around eight.'

'Better come back to bed with me.'

'You and Jo you mean.'

'Me I mean, Jo's out driving around looking for sites, he was out about fifteen minutes ago.'

'So, what's the two mugs for?' I asked suspicuiously.

'I fancied two... come on, Renzo,' he said in that wheedly voice of his. 'Little bit of a cuddle.'

'OK,' I grinned, there were worse ways of starting off a Saturday morning and I hadn't got too much pleasure from Flore last night with his sore bottom.

We tromped upto the master bedroom and the house was silent so all the rugrats must be sleeping off their night's pleasures, or even still at it. I didn't care, I was with Anthony and a kiss and cuddle could finish up as anything... hopefully. I know having a thing on your older brother was perverse, perveted, deviated and whatnot (run out of words there chaps) but I did have a thing on him, a big thing I mean.

I skippped out of the shorts and gave Anthony a glimpse of my beautiful body before slipping into bed, he was in a second later but for some reason put the tray with his coffees inbetween us.

'Jo's offered me a job as his Office Manager when I leave school, unfortunately I shall have to go to night classes a couple of times a week.'

'Really?' I was pleased for him although I was a bit concerned about where that left me. Could Jo afford an office man and an office boy, I know I didn't get paid but I did get loads of handouts and his modelling bills must have risen to atronomical heights lately. 'What about me?'

'You my boy are the star,' Anthony grinned at me. 'You know all these sites, you've seem 'em on the computer, 'Brian's Boudoir', 'Nicky's Naughty' and the like?'


'Well they're all based around one guy who's young enough to run with the scene for years and years... you're first choice and I'm your manager.'

'Wow, I'm a celeb,' I was getting all wet and sticky, even my stiffy had perked up at the thought of being Numero Uno on the scene, 'Lorenzo's Lounge' maybe. 'What evening classes are you going to?'

'Down the West End with this Casey guy, find out all out editing and the computer side of things. Jo said he'll pay my fares or take me but he won't pay me until I start producing.'

'That's a bit mean.'

'I still have the option of modelling, I'm not an old man,' he laughed and changed mugs onto his second. 'Coffee always gets me sexually hyper,' he glanced at me with a little grin.

'I know, brother dearest,' I slipped my hand along under the bedding and over his hip, he was right, I could feel his shaft hard and as I felt the tip just a little bit oozy. 'I thought you would have been dry after a good night with Jo.'

'We don't pig out like you lot,' he laughed and quickly drained his second mug as I slowly worked his hardness taking his foreskin right up and over his bulging glans. 'Jeez, what I've been missing all these years,' he sighed and turned towards me after disposing of the tray and mugs. 'My own little sex object.'

'Shared,' I reminded him.

'Not at this moment in time and space,' he laughed and pulled me onto himself and I went quite willingly. I was so sick, I loved my brother just as much as I loved my boyfriend, now is that sad or what? I lay on top of him and clamped my legs on his erection as we lay belly to belly. The perfect motion, me wanking my own hardness up and down on his flat belly and he thrusting up between my tightly clamped legs but that was only the foreplay. The interesting bit would start in a minute, Anthony wasn't all that strong on foreplay. he should spread himself about a bit more, I knew Jo wouldn't be fussed too much.

I finished up as I knew I would, I was on my back and he was on top. He kissed his way down my body to my jerking cock and lapped it and sucked on it until I was on the verge of cuming and he stopped with a grin. He moved onto my shrunken nuts and I felt his little push under the back of my legs, like a well trainied slut I raised them up allowing access to my squeaky clean little boy fanny.

'A bit puffy,' he commented softly. 'You should tell that rabbit boy friend of yours to give it a rest.'

'He can't get enough,' I chuckled.

'I'm not surprised,' he grinned and attacked my pucker with his mouth and tongue bending my legs right back onto my chest. I just wallowed in it, the feel of his wet tongue, the lapping and the probing and finally he put his head between my legs and started to kiss and give my penis more attention. But all the time he was moving up my body and finally I felt his ooozing glans smear at my pucker.

'Go on, Anthony,' I held his hot cock steady as he grasped my hips and pushed. 'Aaaaah,' I gave the token gasp as he entered me and started to sensually and ever so slowly cockscrew and move faster and faster bottoming out and then giving the one for luck as he always says. 'Is it in,' I grinned.

'Cow,' he affectionately kissed me on the nose and then sealed his lips onto mine as his hips began to rise and fall. I just laid back and enjoyed it. My big bro Anthony was good and sod the Old Testament, I loved it. He kept it going for a while, I think every time he felt the urge he slowed down and then sped up again until I was begging him to cum and eventually he did.

One final sweaty slap and I felt his fat stiffness spurt his essence deeply into my gut coating it with his thick creamy young spunk. 'Yes, yes,' he nailed me to the bed and voided his juices until I feel the stuff oozing from my battered pucker down onto my back and coating his own balls. Reluctantly he slipped free and started the kiss back down my body taking my jerking cock into his mouth. 'You want me?'

'This'll do,' I smiled tiredly and dropped my legs as he gave me a nice slow blow. He nipped off the nuts and brought me to the verge of soreness before he went for the last lap. I rewarded him with a cum that filled his mouth and throat and as he pulled free swallowing and choking I actually managed two weaker squirts over his jaw and lips.

'You look nice when you've just been fucked,' he grinned as he lay alongside me and gathered me into his strong arms.

'You look a mess with my cum all over your face, I grabbed his head and lapped my juice from his face, He just lay there like a big kitten being washed by mummy cat. Sweet.

'Still only six,' he looked at the clock. 'Fancy a shower or a swim?'

'Swim. It's going to be a glorious day, we may as well start off right.' I slipped from the bed and tottered around finding my shorts and then with my new boss or boss to be in tow headed for the pool room.

We were still in the pool when the others finally surfaced and Jo arrived back from his expedition. He'd had a couple of hours driving around and marked some places on his map, he wanted to discuss them with the local lads, Pat and Dennis. He also told us over a shambolic breakfast that he didn't envisage much paid posing until Monday but he did want to do a load of Pat and Dennis in what he called naturalist poses around the pool and the garden.

We all mucked in and I collared Anthony after breakfast as I had a little chore I wanted off my mind.

'You want to come up our room?'

'What more sex?' He grinned at me and my little bum chum, sorry, boyfriend that is.

'I want you to check out Florian's hole... on the quiet that is.'

'OK, see you in five,' he wandered of to do something and Florian and I slipped upto our room. Jo was taking it easy probably trying to work up energy to sort out Pat and Dennis.

I got Florian onto the bed fully naked and face down with his legs splayed. I was a bit tempted to invade his privacy in a manner of speaking but held off, just admiring his perfectly rounded and smooth twelve year old bottom which was a big enough turn on as it was. I settled for a few kisses and running my dry lips over his smooth skin.

'Don't get carried away,' Anthony laughed as he came into the room. 'You'll get Florian all randy.'

'I'm all randy now,' Florian muttered into the pillow. 'Sweet lips has got me as hard as a pole.'

'Let's check out the ring first,' Anthony sat on the bed and gently ran his hands over Florian's smooth cheeks, I knew what he was thinking but he gave me a cheeky smile. He wouldn't abuse the doctor, patient relationship... not bloody much he wouldn't. He couldn't resist doing exactly as I had, he kissed each soft white mound and then ran his dry lips over Florian's silken skin. Florian squirmed on the bed and opened his legs wider... sore bum or not the slut was up for it again.

Anthony opened his cheeks right up and peered at Florian's pucker and then looked at me and shrugged. He reached under the bed and got the KY from it's normal parking position under the pillow and lubed up his finger. The next thing was that he slipped his finger into Florian's tight little hole and worked it to and fro. 'That hurt you, Flore?'

'No, it's just a bit sore,' Florian giggled into the pillow. 'It's rather nice really.'

'Just over used,' Anthy decided still moving his finger in and out of Florian's clinging ring. 'You'll have to abstain from cock for two days,' he announced to Florian.

'Unless it's work,' Florian protested.

'Then you'll have to take it easy.'

'What about this then?' Florian rolled onto his back and his four inch circumcised spike sprang onto his belly like it was on a spring, I think the finger up the bum had got that going.

Anthony looked at me and I looked at him. Mutual grins and we went down, I took the smooth scrotum and Anthony took the boy spike deep into his throat. Florian of course just lay there with a happy grin on his face. It didn't last too long, I sucked and salivated at Florian's tight nuts until they almost disappeared into his body and then lay back and watched the show. Anthony blew him until just before, it was a perfect camera shot. Florian's pearly cum shot up into the air for three bursts and landed back on his belly and his chest. I think that finished him off. Anthony and I cleaned him off and then bundled him off to the bathroom... the day was on us.

When we got downstairs I saw Joe and the two locals poring over a large map and Jo already had some big red circles drawn on it so we had places to go. Jo was holding forth about how we could do the sessions and if both Patric and Dennis chipped in we could afford enough manpower for lookouts which seemed a good idea. As Patric pointed out although some of the pond areas and woodlands may look deserted it was amazing who popped un when least expected. The other thing was that the school holidays were in full swing so there could be any number of kids around.

'OK?' Jo finally folded his map. 'Do you two want to flash some bits for the camera? He looked at Patric and Dennis. 'Anthony and Loren can do their assistant bit.'

There was general agreement and as Alex and Leo had grabbed Florian for a kick about in the main garden we had relative peace and quiet. I was on a roll, I wanted to study little Dennis as that boy was definitely my cup of meat. Well, with Florian walking around with his bum in a sling in a manner of speaking I needed some nooky from somewhere. Jo and Anthony were chatting about topping the fridge up with snacks and also how to avoid the lady who was sorting our meals out although they obviously needed to meet up with her and get things organised.

We did a load of both stills and tape of the boys and they frolicked as in all good 'naturalist' pictures and even managed a few stiffies and snogs at the end of it although nothing really down to earth. They got paid and from their expressions must have found it easy money, in the end it finished and Patric being the more active of the two wandered away to join up with the footballers who were raking around in a scruffy bit of woodland to the rear of the house. Yes, of course, they were all clothed. It was public right of way.

With Jo and Anthony gone that left me with Dennis still naked and sitting poolside with his feet in the water.

'Looks like we're all alone,' I sat alongside him and craftily surveyed his fat dark skinned cock which was filled out but not erect.

'Yeah,' he smiled shyly. 'Not to much peace and quiet over the next couple of weeks I suspect.'

'No,' I ran one finger down his dark skinned thigh and he smirked at me. 'Nice skin, nice colouring.'

'Yeah,' he looked at me. 'Contrasts well with yours. We'd make some nice pictures together.'

'Sexy ones?' I lay on my back with my feet still in the water.

'Why not,' he grinned and idly stirred my almost defunct penis with his finger, it twitched and began to fill out. 'Aaaaah, I thought it was dead.'

'Never,' I smiled across noting that his darker skinned version was also coming to life. 'It's times like these that some clown says: Get a room.'

'Yours or mine?' He looked me in the eyes. 'The others are busy.'

'Let's go,' I got to my feet and held my hand out, he grabbed it and I pulled him to his feet. He was slightly shorter than myself but what the hell, it doesn't matter once you're on a bed.

I followed him up the stairs studying his bottom all the way, although he was dark skinned the bit around his middle was paler probably by sunbathing with trunks on not that you had much need of covering in this place. Actually we nearly did it on the stairs, right at the top he stumbled and I walked right into him, well, fell on him actually. Naturally enough being a Junior Perv with the Star of Lenin I took the chance to plant a couple of kisses and licks on his tight little boy's buttocks but he did a giggle and wriggle and got away.

'Come on, Randy,' he hopped about the landing like a child and I realised that he was only twelve coming on thirteen like myself, hardly mature apart from where it counted. 'Come and get it.' Laughing he ran into their bedroom and I followed in hot pursuit. Needless to say Lorenzo Junior had now risen to the occasion, the only thing that was going to put me off my sex was an earthquake. 'Come here, Sweety,' he lay on the bed on his back with his thick dark skinned cock jutting up his belly, he opened his legs in an open invitation and I just crouched between them and kissed him for the first time on his sweet lips.

'It seems you lot don't take the faithful bit to extremes,' he smiled at me and slowly wanked me as I crouched over him kissing his neck and on my way to his dark brown nipples.

'We don't take it anywhere,' I grinned. How did you get on with... whoever last night?'

'Leo, he's nice. He reckons that Paki kid shags him senseless.'

'Yeah, I want to manage a couple of sessions with our Alex,' I smiled and moved down to his belly and then naturally enough his jerking penis.

'Now that is nice,' he pumped upwards and sighed. 'OM, Pat calls it.'

'What the hell's OM?'

'Oral Masturbation,' he laughed and grabbing my head started to really fuck my mouth but I had other ideas, all the time I was sucking and almost getting choked I gradually lifted his legs and with his cooperation, I knew he was happy with me going first. 'Just put some dribble on it,' he whispered as I let his slippery penis drop onto his belly and moved onto his tight balls. In fact his total lack of pubics was a right turnon and I mouthed at his smooth skin, I wondered how ofter he shaved it but as he was only twelve I wouldn't have thought it was too much of a chore.

As his legs went up his knees went down onto his chest in the 'come and get it' position and I ducked my head even lovwer licking and lapping at his darker brown pucker and trying to force my tongue through the stubborn little muscle.

'Come on, Lorenzo or is it Loren?'

'Just say: Shag me.'

'Shag me,' he laughed and holding his buttocks apart really stretched his little ring tautly, inviting and egging me on. I put some spit on my already oozy end and positioned it and pushed. I actually glided into him and he just gave a contented little sigh and transferred his hands onto my hips. 'Nice one, Loren,' he offered his lips for a kiss and mine came down. Kissing and tongue tangoing I worked my way into his slick fanny getting just the merest murmur and groans of pleasure. I slipped into my root and my sparse pubics rested under his balls and I started to move, slowly and steadily, nothing frantic with this one. We had the time we wanted, I could hear the others out the back hooting and hollering but we were in our own little world of sex and pleasure. This was how it should be and he smiled up at me as his legs slipped onto my back and I shagged on.

It couldn't last, it never does, after leisurely sex always comes the frantic flurry at the end. I moved in and pressed his legs down to his chest hammering away into his sweet little boy fanny and he held onto me grinning like a loon as I finally cum. It was a good one as well, I felt my head spin as my cock jerked and the heat of my climax rushed into his body easing and lubricating my final strokes.

'That was a sticky one,' he giggled and held me tightly as my hips barely moved my wilting penis in his oozing hole. We kissed and cuddled and did all the post coital biz as I slipped free and lay alongside him. I didn't relax too much because he was still hard and from his rather dirty whispered comments he wanted to do something to 'my tight little white arse'... strange boy, he seemed to like talking dirty. Mind you with that thick dark skinned uncircumcised sausage sticking up on his flat schoolboy's belly how could I say no? Did I tell you I had a thing about smooth and gently rounded bellies especially as they pertained to twelve year olds. Ah well, never mind. I'd heard Patric call this one Monkey Boy but that was a bit unkind, Dennis was nice, he wasn't handsome in a conventional way but he had that scrunged up face and he was a great laugher. Everything made Dennis laugh, you could fall downstairs and break you neck and he'd laugh, he was a born giggler.

He was serious now though as he first of all tried to get between my legs and then to roll me over. I settled for rolling onto my side and then lifted one leg slightly as I felt him move in behind me and his slippery glans work between my cheeks. I say slippery as his glans was coated with precum, he was oozing like an oozy thing and he was clearly dispensing with the KY or the dribbles.

I relaxed and held my leg a bit higher as I felt his pressure against my pucker and his lips on my neck and then a sort of jolt as he took me with one little jab.

'Aaaaah,' I gasped as I felt his fat boycock begin to move inside me and his belly on my back... this was the life. The shouts and racket outside faded as I savoured the feel of him inside me and now on the move slipping in and out and doing a good job of eating my neck.

'We must try a threesome with Patric,' he whispered and fucked.

'Sounds good,' I grunted as I pushed back onto his now easy movements. Two in one, a second pair for the big experiment. 'It's a date.'

He rumped away and finally I was on my belly and he was between my legs hammering away like he was trying to shove me through the mattress. His cock was absolutely rigid and I could feal his heated spike piece me time and time again until he groaned and stiffened. Jeez, that kid cum like a tap, the first one seemed to squirt in one long jet then there were the aftershocks as he pumped around another three of four creamy surges into my body. This was really squishy time, I felt quite fluid at the back end and clamped my cheeks on him as he slowly moved... Yeah, a right little animal. He giggled as I clamped hard and forced him out and then rolled around facing him and started to eat his face.

'We'd better get back to the others,' he finally said with a tired smile.

'We'd better have a clean up first,' I smeared cum all over his belly and slipped my hand over his flaccid cock, it was stirring, I could feel in.

'Maybe later,' he sniggered and grabbed me again. He pulled us together and I could feel him hardening up again. The little freak, he'd started me off, I could feel my own penis stiffen in sympathy, it looked like a second round was upon us.


It was about nine thirty on the Thursday and we were on our way back to London. There were Anthony and Florian with myself by the way. The lads who remained in Lewes were going somewhere with Patric and Dennis probably to spend some of their hard earned dosh. I had stuff to pick up from Casey the most import being a new upgraded computer plus assorted memory cards and tapes. Another important reason for this particular day was that Florian had received a phone call from Caufield offering him an modelling assignment for boys underwear of all things which he obviously didn't want to miss out on. The job wasn't until a month hence but he had to show his face and Caufield had to show him off to the clients. The aim of the game was to have him at Caufield's office for eleven and then Anthony and myself would go down the West End. We would collect Florian on our return and stay the night at Wimbledon rejoining the boys Friday morning. All easy peasy. The only concern was the lads burning down Nick's place but I'd left Patric firmly in charge and I was hoping for the best.

The week had gone well, the weekend had turned into a glorious sex fest but we got down to business and had done all sorts in three days. In fact, I had so much material I was glutted, the rest of it was a cruise. I had a couple of combinations yet to do and wanted a couple of decent days filming outdoors with the lot participating but needed the time and the place. Every outdoor and away from home session we'd done I'd lost two on lookout duty and one on camera, I never knew the Sussex sticks were so busy, people, mainly kids popped out of nowhere.

Mind you once the coming week was over I could lose the boys somewhat and concentrate on selling. Both Anthony and Lorenzo had reacted favourably to my future plans so that was a positive step. After the holiday no doubt Alex and Leo would fade a bit although I needed to keep in touch with Alex as one of my prime movers and on top of that they'd all be back at school five or six weeks hence.

Anyway, here we were approaching London town and actually driving though our old patch, sunny Wimbledon and for a change it was.

'How much longer?' Florian whinged laying sprawled out over the back seat in all his Sunday best, well, a bit tidier than he normally was.

'Keep moaning and I'll come back and stuff you,' Anthony laughed.

'Moan, moan,' Florian cackled.

Anthony glanced at me and I smiled. We had plans for little Florian later in the day.

Went the day well? yes, it did. Anthony and myself did what we had to. We had a discussion with Casey over my plans for Anthony and his further training and Casey was well pleased, he had a pupil. I was pretty pleased as well. I had a load of spares with yet another new camera to try out plus I had loads of memory for the ones I was using. I had some discs so we could stockpile what we had rather than stash everything on Nick's computer which was getting a bit crowded.

We collected Florian from Caufield around four o'clock in the afternoon and he was over the moon at getting the job with another gaggle of boys of various ages so I decided on an early dinner. We could visit a nice place in Putney High Street and then wend our weary way home. In fact, after shopping and finally eating in Putney we didn't get home until around eight and everyone was well and truly trounced. My final act was a phone call to Lewes to find out that everyone was happy and from the noise coming over the phone they were having a sex marathon or local war. I promised to meet up with them around ten in the morning and that was it, we had the night to ourselves.

'What about work tomorrow?' Florian asked, I didn't know if he was hungry for money or just showing an interest. His sore bum had sorted itself out by the way, just overuse I suspect.

'We'll give it a rest tomorrow and the weekend unless anything comes up,' I decided. 'Maybe go for some group nudes up by that pond we found the other day.'

'Always got Lorenzo's project,' Florian sniggered.

'Which one's that?' I had to ask, anything Lorenzo was involved in was bound to be outrageous.

'Tell him, Ant.'

Anthony sulked for a moment or so, he hated being called Ant and and I could sympathise with him. How would you like someone to call you Cockroach or something.

'Loren reckons he could do a two in one.'

'Come again,' I must have sounded thicko but this was a new one on me. 'Two in one what?'

'Two cocks in one hole.' Florian cackled from behind us. 'Loren reckons he could take two but he'd have to pick for size and whatnot.'

'He'd completely barking,' Anthony sniffed. 'My kid brother the deviate.'

'Mmmmm.' For once I was lost for words. I'd seen it done in movies but never a still which of course brings you to, was it real or a simulation. It was possible I had no doubt but the positioning was so precise and the taker if that was the word had to be so relaxed or pliable I suppose it could lead to injury... the thought of a split ring coming to mind.

'He fancied me Leo and myself as the smallest but he's got a bee in his bonnet about Dennnis and Patric now,' Florian sniffed. 'I think he's got a thing going on with that Dennis.'

'Mind you arseholes can stretch,' Anthony mused. 'What about that disgusting fisting film we saw up home?'

'Lots of experience there. Loren's still a virgin at this game, maybe in a couple of years...'

'Couple of weeks the way he's going,' Florian pulled a face. 'You could always have a good session loosening him up, dildoes and things.'

'Could try it I suppose,' I parked more or less outside the house. 'We'll talk about it with him tomorrow... after I sort out the dildo box.' I'd said the wrong thing there, all I could hear on our way upto the flat was dildo this and dildo that, the word dildo was being bandied about as if someone had just invented it. Hopefully the neighbours weren't listening. By the time we'd got the minibus offloaded it was time to curl up and relax with a bit of television. It had been a long day and a fruitful one for all of us and I think we were all pretty well shagged out by then, next stop bed.

I decided on a shower just before bed and needless to say my two guests were in there with me with the usual consequences, one young man, one youth and one young boy all soaped up and ready to go... but first.

'Have a look at these boys,' I threw the box on the bed and they broke with their kissing and cuddling to have a look.

'The size of that,' Florian screeched on opening up.

'What is that thing?' Anthony held up the shiny silver balls on a cord whilst Florian oggled the huge black dildo which must have gone at a good eight inches. Fortunately it was the largest in the box, I had one in there as small as four inches but they had no eyes for that one.

'Gotta be black,' Florian giggled.

'Tradition I suppose,' I grinned. I didn't know why the bloody thing was black.

'What are the little balls for?' Anthony seemed fascinated by the things.

'Lube them up and slip them through you sphincter one by one and then pull them out slowly.'

'So?' He looked at me puzzled. 'What does that do.'

'Eases the ring and gives you a buzz supposedly.'

'I can see Lorenzo playing with that big black thing,' Florian giggled.

'Maybe the six incher might be better for starters,' I suggested and held up the flesh coloured object.

'Still looks pretty big,' Florian grabbed it giggling and started to suck it giving Anthony the sexy eyes bit. 'Bigger than yours Ant.'

'Too big for Florian,' I smiled.

'Ain't.' Florian laughed.

'Is,' said Anthony.

'Ain't,' Florian held firm.

'Is,' I laughed.

'Betcha,' Florian giggled. Whether he walked into it or perhaps he was in the mood for a challenge but he lay on his back kicking his legs in the air vainly prodding at his bum with the pink rubber substitute penis.

'Lay still,' Anthony was there like a flash, he grabbed the dildo and gave it a good suck and a lick until it was slippery and slick. He then rubbed it's end over Florian's sweet little pucker.

'Ooooh,' Florian warbled and gasped as the blunt end pushed at his muscle. 'Put some oily on it,' he gasped.

I grabbed the KY and annointed him slipping one finger inside his hot little body just to check that his pain from earlier in the week was gone. From his satisfied sighs this kid was up for a bit of the imitation and then some of the real thing. I oiled the dildo until it gleamed and nearly dropped it before I placed it flush up against his slippery hole. 'Hold his legs, Anthony.'

Of course, Anthony went one better and straddled Florian's head and grabbed the boy's ankles but went a step further. He took Florian's now jerking cock into his mouth and fed his own stiffness into Florian's. As they began a sixty niner I gave a gentle push and the flared end of the dildo opened the kid up and sank inside him.

'Alright, Flore?'

'Yeah, he spluttered around Anthony's cock as I began to work the thing in and out. I could see his little fanny stretched to acomodate the intrusion as this thing was fatter than myself and Anthony was no competition at all. 'Oooooh,' Florian wailed and his head dropped back letting Anthony's spit slicked cock slide free. I had about half the thing in him now and was still slowly moving it in and out carefully sinking deeper at each movement. Florian did alright on mansized we'd see how he did on this one. One thing I did notice but didn't say anything about was the fact that the bloody thing had seven inches stamped on the bottom, the six incher was a blue one for some reason, so we had an assortment from four inches upto eight all colour coded. Very technical.

'Oooh,' Florian groaned and fucked furiously into Anthony's mouth as the thing sank deeper and deeper, there was about an inch left which I had trouble gripping so he had a solid six inches well and truly seated in his bottom and he was showing no discomfort. One last little shove and the thing was lodged in him to the baseplate, he had the solid seven inch rubber dildo seated very firmly in his body. 'Ooooooh,' he grinned and clamped on it as I slowly moved it in and out as best I could. 'It's so big,' he looked me straight in the eyes. 'Doesn't beat the real thing though.'

'Anthony, look after your little mate. I'll deal with his jerky bit.'

Anthony was a bit confused but he got there in the end. He detatched himself from Florian't twitching little peg and took over wiggling the dildo around but was slowly easing it out. I sucked on the boy and grasped his scrotum making sure he didn't cum too early, he could have Anthony before getting into bed if he wanted the real thing, I'm sure Anthony wouldn't mind.

'Take it out, Ant,' Florian groaned. 'Do me, dildos don't sqirt.'

'Right,' Anthony said enthusiatically. He didn't waste any time, the seven incher was out and discarded and Anthony was in shagging in a minute flat. I just kept Florian on the boil, I knew he was willing for two so the dildo wasn't getting another look in that night, I was next up for a taste of Florian's sweet bottom.

Anthony didn't take too long, he was like Puff the Magic Dragon on steriods, talk about crash, bang, wallop he shagged away shedding beads of sweat like a garden sprinkler and eventually gave a long shuddering moan and remained glued to our little bed companion... I reckon Anthony had sowed (or is it sewed) his seed as they used to say.

'Jeez,' Anthony grinned wryly and slipping free gave Florian a thank you kiss and fell onto his back.

'Come on. Jo, you know you want to,' Florian smiled at me and lifted his legs again. The boy was a born slut but who was I to say no. I shuffled ito position on my knees, located and thrust into his messy little fanny. Lubricated with the dildo's KY and Anthony's sperm I got there in the end but it was getting messier by the minute. Talk about slap and squelch but I made it and when I finally slipped free a flood of spent cum trickled from his well lubricated and now well eased pucker. It would take twelve hours returning to normal but Florian didn't care, he was crawling all over Anthony trying to get the fifteen year old into position. In the end Anthony laughingly lay on his back and presented himself. Florian was in like a baby rabbit and shagged just as quickly.

When I went to sleep they were still playing around but I drifted off to dreams of butplugs and dlidos and I have to say Lorenzo featured. Yeah, I think some sex aid sessions were on the way.

I phoned Lewes before we left and we arrived around eleven. As we parked I looked around, the walls were still standing, no gaping holes in the roof and no broken windows so they'd managed to look after themselves for a day. There was a complete lack of any activity but I could hear faint laughing and overloud conversation, I expected they were in or around the pool as it was shaping into being another fine day.

'Let's get the gear in kiddies and we can chill out,' I said to the boys and they jumped to it. An hour in a tin box in those temperatures was enough and Florian was still togged up in his best kit as he'd forgotten to change. Mind you after his night's exertions he'd slept for most of the trip, no doubt he'd have tales to tell his crony, Lorenzo. I did notice he carried the dildo case into the place like it was a box of jewelry, no doubt we'd be seeing more of that.

By the time we'd got ourselves sorted out and got some cold drinks it was nearly lunchtime, I toyed with the idea of taking the whole lot out for lunch but the thought of the lady cook coming around later in the afternoon and the expense put me off that one. I did a quick head count at the pool and saw that no one had gone AWOL . Dennis and Patric were in fact just outside covered in sun tan oil and soaking up the suns beneficial rays with associated skin cancer but then again I don't suppose it mattered, the world would probably be under water in twenty years or so. Leo and Alex were quietly nattering in the shade probably plotting some villany and, of course, Lorenzo and Florian were raking through the box of you-know-whats... cue for lots of girlish giggles.

A quick check told me that yesterday's evening meal had gone OK, no one had upset Mrs Morris so it seemed they'd managed a day without me. After Florian's performance of the previous night I was tired, I bade Anthony farewell and asked him to rouse me for the evening meal. I was exhausted and needed to rest, think and rest that was.


Jeez, I had a sore bum but that's what you get when you pig out. I was glad to be back in Lewes, I liked it here, I'd got the modelling deal tied up for the underpants and swimwear so there was money coming in and Loren seemed to have his immediate future fixed with Jo so things were looking good all round. One week down and one week to go.

'These bead things mystify me,' Loren was saying fiddling with the things like they were a rosary.

'Let's try them.'

'Kinky cow,' he giggled. 'They'll all take the piss.'

'Not if we take them up to our bedroom,' I spoke quietly. 'They'll all be on siesta soon with this heat and those two clowns outside will be down with sunstroke.'

'No we won't, bigmouth,' Alex called in. Jeez, he must have ears like an hawk or is that eyes!

'Come on,' Lorenzo mouthed silently and we crept away clutching our box of goodies.

It was a lot cooler in the room, we had the window open and a gentle breeze was moving the curtains and basically it was quite pleasant, stacks of sun is OK if you can stand it but I like mine in small doses unlike my sex, ho ho.

'Got the glop?' Loren was moving around the bed like a golden skinned dog, maybe a hairless retriever if you can imagine it. 'I want to try that black one.'

'That's the eight incher, Loren.'

'Well, you don't have to do it in one bite,' he grinned amiably like th big goofoff he was.

'You stick the marble type thingies in me first.'


I lay on my tummy whilst he lubed up these things and I spread my legs.

'Jeez, that's a battered fanny,' Loren laughed and gave my puffed up pucker a prod (say that quickly). 'Sore?'

'Numb,' I laughed. 'Get on with it.'

'Right,' I felt his slippery fingers at my hole. One finger for starters and then the first bead or I should call it a marble as it was about the size. He fed the lot in one by one in quick succession leaving the tail end dangling out. Each entry of each bead stretched me and then my sphincter seemed to snap shut. Weired as in weirdsville, at last the bunch were in me and I felt I had a fannyload of jelly. As I moved this lot seemed to move and when the ever curious Loren tugged the cord and two slid or popped out into daylight I nearly freaked.

'Oh, Jeez, Loren. Shove them back in.'

'What's up?' He smiled slightly confused which was situation normal for him anyway.

'Better in than out,' I waggled my extremely had penis in his direction.

'None of that,' he laughed and posed like a big dog waggling his sweet bum in my direction. 'Come on, Flore. Do your bit but take your time.'

I was so hard that I ignored him, I oiled him up and greased up the massive black dildo. As he waited anticipating the stress and strain I placed my achingly hard cock at his entrance and shoved in deep and hard.

'You prat,' he squealed and collapsed tummy to mattress.

'Shut up, lover boy' I followed him down and stirred my rock hard cock into his sweet fanny and he wriggled and pushed up.

'Blacky after this,' he murmured as I started to fuck. I don't know what these beads were supposed to do but super erection was what they achieved. As he pushed his sweet bottom up onto my rampaging fuck we relaxed. He might be a bit of a whacko but he was the boyfriend for the time being and I could do worse. I had my beads, he had me and then Blacky which he seemed determined to sample and we had another week's holiday. The immediate future looked good and who cared about the long term... as they say, Carpe Diem, seize the day. There might not be one tomorrow.


for now

This story will continue into the second week of their working holiday This will comprise Part 4 of The Depa Boys - the characters/stories will then go their seperate ways. It was a bit of an experiment and got a bit messy but I enjoyed myself so there you go.

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