Depa Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Aug 4, 2006


Warning: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it will contain graphic acts of sexual activity between men, youth and boys or any combination. If you are below the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area you should not read this nor allow minors (as your Law specifies them) to read this either.

If you find this material offensive you should not have ventured onto a site clearly indicated as GAY.

All persons and localities mentioned in this story/Chapter or Part are fictitious which means that they do not wear condoms and do not get gruesome diseases. The clue there is; Don't try this at home.


4 - A Working Holiday, Second Week


G. Cutter


Saturday with one week down and one to go, I stirred in the bed and glanced across. As usual Leo was sleeping the sleep of the dead, that kid was just not a morning person whereas I was normally up and hopping about like a loon. This morning I just lay there and thought of life, the Middle East Crisis, Iraq, North Korea and it's rockets and who the hell was sorting out breakfast. This was the biggest glitch of the day. Our houseboys, Patric and Dennis were fine with boiled eggs and toast and that was their culinary limit, Jamie Olivers they weren't. After a couple of quite heated tiffs we'd all finished up doing our own thing and the unfortunate Pat and Den finished up clearing the shambles for the 'dinner lady' as we called her. Mind you she did work out well. She came around in the late afternoon and there was either a cooked meal or a decent salad and stuff all ready for seven o'clcock every night. It was very much a take it or leave it sort of deal but at least she could master a little more than a boiled egg.

She'd quite taken a fancy to me and kept promising to make us all a nice curry. Silly old cow, I hated effing curry.

Anyway, today was officially a day off from work, tomorrow we were going up into The Downs where Pat and Den reckoned there was a pond which was reserved for nudists, naturalists' call them what you will but had been more or less taken over by the gay fraternity. Jo's idea to get in early and get out early before all the old queens turned up but he wanted some leaping in the lake stuff and water beaded bodies. He hadn't put a price on it and we didn't demand one, we'd earned well enough already. We had plans next week to go down to Littlehampton where there were miles of dunes and that too would be an early morning session. Sand under the foreskin didn't sound to bright but one has to suffer for one's art... and dosh. I'd just make sure no one nobbed me with a sandy dick.

'You awake, wifey?' I shook Leo's shoulder.

'Piss off,' he mumbled which was nice but just about right from him.

'Get up or I'll shag you,' I threatened feeling my penis stiffen as I slowly played with it. I always though a good bonk started the day off right and anyway we'd been watching DVDs until the early hours and hadn't indulged.

'Go on then,' he grunted and I felt his smooth schooly bottom press up against my hip. Sighing as if it was all too much effort I turned and snuggled upto his back, my suddenly very stiff penis lodged in his crack and he wriggled a little. 'Try a bit of spit,' he croaked.

I did that, dribbling saliva I coated my exposed glans and slid it in again. This time it went in like a guided missile and nestled against his hot little pucker. One gentle prod and he opened up with a little grunt and I felt his familiar heat trap me as he pushed back onto my slow thrust. He was silent but I still felt him pushing back, he wanted me and I wanted him.

'Yeah, love ya, dogbreath,' I munched his neck and moved slowly letting our natural juices ease our movements and finally pressed up close with my soft black pubics crushed against his snowy white cheeks.

'Thass nice,' he slurred and I felt him roll onto his belly taking me with him, I followed mounting his body and getting between his smooth legs splaying them to give me that good ol' bouncy deep heat.

'You're right there, lover,' I placed my forearms either side of his slender torso and started to do pressups just sliding in and out of his tight little fanny. Amazing really, all the cock he'd had over the last week and he was still as tight as a hamster's backend not that I was into hamsters you understand.

'What we doing today?' He seemed to come to life with me sliding in and out plundering his bottom, he sounded almost awake.

'Go into town, do some shopping.'

'Oggle the boys,' he laughed and I assumed he was talking about the Arcade they had just off the main drag. 'I wonder if Jo would pay commission for another little model?'

'Better ask him, he might have enough on his plate,' I continued to lazily slide in and out. In fact, I could have fucked all day long with Leo but it never lasts. I could feel my penis getting all tingly already and my balls getting tighter.

'I will do,' he pushed up onto my thrusts. 'There was some cheeky sod oggling you the other time we looked in there.'

'I can't help being tasty,' I laughed and began to hammer into his soft bottom as he pushed up into what was a semi doggy according to my Manual of Boy Sex Positions.

'Come on,' he groaned and started to wank himself now he had room to get his hand onto his cock.

'Don't,' I gasped as I went into overdrive. He stopped, he knew my regular morning routine by now, I wanted him to kick off my breakfast. Sod the orange juice, I'd settle for Leo juice.

'Aaaaah,' he whined as I felt my erection swell and then throb releasing the burning splats and splashes of white boy spunk deep into his belly. 'Nice one,' he giggled and wriggled his sweet little bottom as I trickled a bit more and then fell on him sweaty and sated for the moment. 'Do your stuff,' he disengaged and flopped onto his back with his jerky little cock oozing onto his belly. 'I nearly cum that time.'

'Mmmm.' I could see that. I knelt between his legs and ducked my head taking his slippery hardness in deep sucking off the precum and running my tongue under the flare of his glans. I sucked his foreskin over the head and then grasping the base gave him a good blow. He didn't last, he never does. Inside two minutes I reckon he shot his thin streamers of cum into the back of my throat and I quite happily slurped and sucked away until he was well and truly drained. Another day off and running and not a bad start if I say so myself.


I was sitting muching toast and nattering away as is my wont when big bro Anthony finally surfaced and wandered into the kitchen.

'How's things, Renzo?'

'Alright, we're going out today aren't we?'

'Yeah,' he laughed. 'Jo's going to drop us off around eleven and we can make our own way back.'

'How far is it then?'

'About five or six miles,' Dennis butted in as he'd obviously been earwigging. 'Don't forget the shorts though, I don't think skinny dipping would be appreciated.'

I looked at Anthony and pulled a face... costumes. Then again I suppose if we were going to mingle with the local peasantry we had to conform. This was all an idea cooked up by our two senior boys, Patric and Anthony. It seemed Patric and sidekick Dennis did an occasional cruise down a public bathing area that was a curve in the river some way away. It was common land and you got a good gaggle of families and kids, plus ice cream vans, hot dog stands and whatnot. We decided to make up a foursome and I was invited along as number four probably to keep Dennis on a leash. The others were doing their various things, I think that they were cruising the big Arcade in Lewes which seemed to me to be a criminal waste of sunshine and poor ol' Jo was sorting out his week's product. He said he'd appreciate the peace and quiet and I for one believed him.

The lot of us would be out in the minibus tomorrow right up in The Downs where we may or may not do some nudey swimming and the usual clickety click routine. My tan was coming on well although I got a bit of a burnt willy the other day when I fell asleep but Florian had oiled it up and it was back to being OK for now.

We spent the morning having a good clean through the place under the command of our leader, Jo who was keen to show that we could clean up after ourselves. Needless to say Patric and Dennis watched us like a pair of old crones. Jo phoned up Mrs Morris and organised the evening meal for a bit later and that would be around eight giving everyone time to get in, get bathed up and reasonably civilised for the evening.

'What you taking?' Anthony broke into my daydreaming.

'Baggy shorts, towel and some sun bloc.'

'Don't forget some money.'

'I'll use yours.'

'Not on your sweet fanny you won't,' he laughed.

We managed to get through the morning OK and at the appointed time the four of us piled into the minibus and off we went, the others could walk, they were only going down the road and I suspected if the heat proved over the top in the Arcade they might even try to swag some lonely, deserted and demented kid back for a swim and what went with it. Good luck to them anyway, they were on their own and so were we once Jo buggered off.

This place that Patric guided us to was quite nice, the common was in fact a bloody great field between two main roads but the watering hole lived upto his description. Heavily wooded around the edges and a few little boats floating around. The mobile eateries were already doing business but as Pat said Sunday was the main day, today was mainly stray kids with and without families which suited us fine.

'Ice creams?' Pat fished out a fiver. We all nodded a yes as boys do and away he trotted accompanied by his little sidekick.

'That Dennis is such a little dish,' Anthony sighed. He was beginning to talk more like Jo every day.

'Good fuck as well,' I laughed.

'Trust you,' Anthony scowled. 'Dragging a thing of beauty down to your level.'

'Wouldn't mind dragging him down to knee level,' I looked at my brother. 'Don't look now but there's a long lank blonde tarting around by the water, now that is dishy.'

Of course Anthony's head span around like the little girl in the Exorcist, he'd got all the tact of a rat has our Anthony. He oggled this thing on stilts or was it coltish legs and returned his gaze to me. Jeez, I knew that dreamy soppy expression, the mutt was hooked, he was in love again.

Bugger me if Pat and Den didn't stop by this kid, chatted him up and then brought him over to where we were sprawled just under the shade of the trees.

'This is Peter, does our windows,' Patric announced. Myself and Anthony said hello and the kid sat down. I would have thought he was Patric's age although more streamlined. One thing that stuck out like a sore thumb was that the boy was circumcised. I hear you say... How do you know? I tell you without any word of a lie that this lanky lout's penis was perfectly visible in his wet costume and the outline of his cock was so... well, you couldn't miss it. He should have been done for indecency.

'What's the water like?' Anthony had finally got over his initial shock, he tore his eyes away from the boy's crotch but I'd seem the slight smile on this Peter's face, I'd also seen the knowing looks that Patric and Dennis exchanged. They knew something that we didn't.

'Brill,' Peter laughed. 'Wanna splosh.'

I've never seen Anthony move so fast, he more or less swallowed his ice cream in one and was tagging onto Peter as long legs got to his feet. I must say they looked good together, Peter long, lanky and blonde against my Anthony, shorter and dark. I'd love to see them shag but that's me, I'm a perv.

Well, that left three and we remained under the tree yomping ice cream, Dennis even went for seconds. We eventually left the gear where it was and went for the water, Anthony and Peter had disappeared and were more likely up by the boathouse, we splashed around and enjoyed ourselves down in the main swimming area. I'd seen swans up past the boathouse so I wasn't going anywhere near them, they might think I was a cuttle fish or something.

'There's an old sports pavilion behind the boat place,' Patric told me as I got into a slippery wrestle with Den.

'Any good?' I love exploring old places.

'It's all locked up but we know how to get in there... don't we Den?'

'Yeah,' Dennis grinned. 'We done a shag in there once.'

'Dirty sods,' I laughed. 'Gonna show me?'

'Swim over to the other side and when you get out act casual.'

'Secret squirrel is it?' I grinned at them both. I could read their evil little minds like dirty books, the heat, the cooling water and the naked bodies playing around had kicked in their youthful hormones. They wanted a group wank leastways.

'I'd better get the gear just in case somebody nicks the towels,' Dennis grinned at me and splashed his way out, I dogpaddled over with Patric to close by the boathouse. Curiously enough there was still no sign of Anthony or his new pal, Peter.

'Come on,' Patric stood on the bank for a moment. 'Act like we're just doing a mooch around.'

I glanced over the river to see Dennis rolling up our towels and whatnots and begin to run towards the small footbridge, at least our gear was safe for the moment.

'Come on,' Patric hissed and I followed him into the bushes. It would have been a bit hairy if we'd have been barefiooted but fortunately we both had waterlogged trainers on and after a scratchy ramble through which appeared to be wildwood we came out in a clearing which seemed to be occupied with a dilapidated old sports pavilion and assorted pieces of rusting ground equipment. Thankfully the place was silent apart from the screams and yells from the river area.

'Will Den find us,' I whispered as if in a church.

'He'll find us,' Patric grabbed my bicep and squeezed gently. 'That end door looks locked but isn't, we found it a few weeks back.'

'Other people must use it then.'

'Sundays. Saturdays is just kids and they're making prats of themselves in the water.'

'Does your mate Peter know about it?' I continued to whisper.

'Dunno,' he shrugged and taking a quick all round scan pushed the door which opened with a rusty squeal. We shot inside in a bit of a panic closed the door again and stood breathlessly in the gloom listening for any movement or noise. Suddenly we heard the sound of running footsteps but sank back in relief as the door did it's creaky bit and Dennis shoved his way in red faced and grinning.

'Go up that ladder,' Patric pointed to a ladder that seemed to disappear upwards into darkness. As a keen horror fan I baulked but Dennis pushed me aside with a giggle and started to climb. Studying the wet clinging seat of his shorts I followed and Patric followed me.

The space at the top more or less covered the whole building, the bit down the bottom was filled with big water tanks and a load of rubbish but the section we were in had some folded canvasses on the floor and that was it. Surprisingly it was nice and cool after the outside sun's glare. Dennis spread the towels on top of the canvas and made an oversized bed, from nowhere he produced a bottle of lemonade.

'Sucky, sucky,' he grinned and offered the bottle and I took a swig. Shit... it was warm but it was better than nothing. I looked with interest as Patric rolled down his wet shorts and hung them by the dusty skylight to dry, he stood naked for a moment and then flopped down onto the makeshift bed.

I looked at sweet Dennis and he grinned at me and I smiled back, together we also shed our wet shorts and both and lay down three in a row... guess who was in the middle.

'It's quite relaxing up here,' I kept my voice down as the place was like a church, or, at least it felt like a church.

'Nice and quiet,' Patric's finger trailed up my thigh and drifted across my tummy stirring my penis which was well on it's way to stiffy mode.

'Just right for nooky,' Dennis whispered and I felt his warm and dry skin press against me, I also felt his thick dark skinned cock pressing against my leg. Looked like I was at the mercy of the houseboys. Great!

I closed my eyes and thought of God, Queen and Country, reaching out either side I grasped two warm lumps of boy meat which stiffened in my hand as I gently moulded and massaged them.

'That's nice,' Dennis whispered in my ear and I realised he'd turned inwards and was rubbing up against me.

'This is nicer,' I turned away presenting my bottom and not being slow on the uptake he snuggled in and I felt his stiffness press against my bottom. We were going to do it so why delay. Still offering myself to Dennis I rested my face on Patric's belly and took his pale skinned cock into my mouth. He gently pumped and ruffled my scruffy hair as I felt Dennis warm breath on my crack. The dirty sod was at it, I felt his dry lips and then his hotly wet tongue lap at me and spead my cheeks. I felt movement and knew he'd grabbed the sun oil, he wasn't wasting any time.

'Jeez,' I heard him mutter, the sort of thing you come out with when you've put cold oil on something hot. No prize for correct answers.

Got he was a randy rat this kid and he was a bit younger than I was or maybe just a bit older but the original remark stays. I felt his slippery hardness moved up against me and then slip between my cheeks. The briefest of pressure and the filling. I felt his fat little cock enter me and his warm breath on my neck.

'Sex maniac,' I slobbered around Patric's swollen organ and stroked his smooth scrotum reaching between his legs which he raised just a little. I could feel his heat and he groaned as my finger pressed against his dry pucker.

As the bigger Patric turned towards me and moving up a bit little started to face fuck Dennis also started to get into his stride. Slowly at first but faster and then harder plunging and lunging like he was trying to split me. He had no chance, if I could handle Jo's big cock I could handle these schoolies with no probs. That wasn't to say I didn't enjoy it, I loved the warmth and the heat of another boy on my back, I liked the same in reverse to be quite blunt so cuming or going I was a happy bunny. I didn't know how they wanted to play this variation on a threesome so just kept sucking on Patric and let Dennis pig out.

'Yeah... gotcha,' Dennis groaned as if he'd gotten himself some sort of prize. He slipped in and stayed in and I felt his dark skinned cock swell and spurt within me, I wriggled back onto his spunky meat as he breathed heavily on my neck and let go with another couple of mini squirts. He was nice, I liked Den.

He gently slipped free and I heard him giggle at something. The next thing was I heard his whisper. 'Come and get it, Loren.'

Glancing around I saw that he was on his back with his knees upto his chest with his dark brown skinned pucker slightly open taking the air. I looked up at Patric and he just smiled. So be it. I let his saliva covered cock go and shuffled around placing my own dry cock at Dennis' hole, I could see by the slight shine and smear that he'd prepared himself so I carefully positioned and gently took him in one slow thrust. His mouth opened wide as I slid in and kept going. No in and out bit, just one slow thrust right down to the root, at the same time I felt Patric come up behind me, he was obvioulsy going to use his pal's cum for lubs.

The only reason I don't like this meat in the sandwich bit is that it's a hell of a job sorting out a comfortable rythm but then again I did like Dennis and Patric so that was half the battle I suppose. Once I was settled into Dennis's tight little hole Patric took me and on a gutful of spunk that was easy enough. I think he found it slippery going (yeuchy) as he was puffing and panting and I could feel his sweat on my back, mind you I was just as bad trying to nail little Den. Den for his part just held my legs and lay there with a big grin on his simian face. He might have been Patric's Monkey Boi but I was in the driving seat and enjoying every minute.

Patric gave a moan and I felt him hold me tightly for a moment and then his quirts which felt almost hot as they shot up inside me and he slipped free with a moan. Thank Gawd for that, I gave Den a sweaty and slobbery kiss and then slowed down to have a proper one on one. I just don't know where he got his energy of his juice from but he was flogging away at his fat little cock all the time and just after I finally managed to cum he screwed his little face up and thrusting his hips up sent a juddering stream of watery spunk up onto his belly and chest.

'He always does that,' Patric smiled almost proudly as Den lay there puffing and panting like he was going to pass out.

'Good for him,' I lay there and smelt myself, I stunk. 'I've gotta get into the water, I pong.'

'We'll go with you,' Patric sat up. 'Don't go alone, someone might see you and wonder what the hell you're doing wandering around by yourself.'


By the time we got into a reasonable state and that meant with swimming gear back on, towels and goodies we were getting a bit worried about the others. I was concerned about big bro Anthony wandering off with this blonde streak, the kid might have been a serial killer of something. I mentrioned it to Patric and Dennis but they just laughed.

'Serial sodomist, more like,' Dennis cackled. I didn't even know what a sodomist was, I reckon he made it up.

We hovered in the lobby by the squeaky old door like a load of paratroopers ready to jump and just as Paric grabbed the handle the door burst in followed by the aforementioned 'sodomist' with my brother in tow.'

'Jeez!,' Patric leant against the wall with his hand on his heart. 'Where the fuck did you come from.'

'Your worst nightmare,' Peter, the lanky blonde did a passable Freddy Kruger.

'What you doing here?' I asked like a complete yoyo.

'Three guesses,' Anthony laughed. 'Get real, Renzo.'

'Oh, right.'

A few more muttered words and we left them in possession, we were back to sun and water, at least we now knew where they were... and what they were upto.


I don't know about Patric having a heart attack I nearly had one myself when Peter pushed the door and then nearly fell into this grotty place. To be fronted up by three muppets red faced, smelling strongly of sex and as nervous as a bunch of cats was a bit of a laugh all the same. In spite of Peter's assurances about the secrecy of the place it clearly wasn't all that secret. The saving grace was, as he'd explained, most of the kids were there with families and the action by which he meant the furtive pairings would mostly be on the Sunday.

Anyway, as Peter didn't know Jo I'd asked him to join us for dinner in the evening and show himself. There was money in it for him and stray boy pussy to put it bluntly. He said he'd have to do an E.T. first by which I presumed he'd have to call home but it seemed that he would join us to eat and I think he was after a night's sleepover as well. For the moment we were on our own, we'd had a good swim around away from the others and as soon as we were out of sight he'd started flaunting his bits and pices. You know the sort of thing, rather obvious sticky out pelvises, the rather unecessary bending down and in the end during one of our watery wrestles I gave him a good grope and he reciprocated. His penis had been quite obvious from the start but I hadn't realised how much it would grow. This kid was so hot, two minutes of grope and he was as hard as a chocolate frog, more like a frozen chocolate frog that is.

'You're nice,' he returned my fumbles as we stood waist deep in the warm water under the jetty of all places out of sight and out of mind. He peered out into the sunlight and seeing that we were basically on our own nudged me right back until the decking above was brushing our hair . 'You up for it?' He whispered as he lowered the front of my baggy shorts and grasped my hardness in the flesh.

'All or nothing.' Hows about that for a mission statement. 'You got anywhere to go?' I groaned as he slowly wanked me under water. Unfortunately, his costume was too tight for me to get into but I did the same for him through the wet material.

'There's an old pavilion a little way into the woods which is deserted on a Saturday.'


'What's with this all or nothing?' He smiled at me in the gloom. 'We talking fucky fucky?' His voice dropped and I felt his warm breath on my ear.

'Why not?' I grabbed his slim hips and planted a tentative kiss on his cheek, his teeth flashed as he kept one hand on my meat and the other slipped around my waist. Some boys don't like kissing, they don't mind shagging but think kissing is poofy. This one didn't mind at all. I felt his soft lips settle on mine and the next thing I knew his tongue was in my mouth.

'Why not,' he agreed when we surfaced for air. 'I haven't had a wank for two days,' he informed me quite casually.

'Saving it for someone special?' I tried not to sound camp or queeny.

'Saving it in case I got lucky,' he laughed. 'I thought I had when I saw Pat and Ken... I knew I had when I saw you.'

'Very romantic.' I giggled. 'Where's this place.' I couldn't wait to see him naked and get going. He wasn't the prettiest boy in the world, in fact, he was more a youth or young man but he had a great bod and he was nice... a bit of a sweety really. I'm sure if I took him home with us Loren, Alex and the others would be all over him. Loren would anyway, he seemed to look at every boy now as some sort of a challenge. Being the Studio flagship or flagperson had gone to his head.

'Come on, Anthony or do you prefer Tony... Ant?' He gave my erection a final squeeze and tugged the front of my shorts up. 'We'd better soften off first.'

'Easier said than done,' I giggled as we stood in the gloom and listened to people moving around over our heads. Spooky but a bloody sight cooler than out in the sum and to think just over a week ago we'd been whining about the rain. Ten minutes later and suitably soft we splashed out back into the stream and swam up a bit, there was no sign of the others and I assumed they were pigging out on ice cream or whatever. We collected our towels which we'd stashed by the boathouse and casually wandered through some scruff woodland and shrubbery until we came to a clearing fronting a bloody great overgrown field which was obviously a disused sports area.

'That's it, the Club went tits up,' Peter observed nodding at the quite functional looking building although it looked a bit scruffy. If it had been up in our part of town it would have been vandalised and probably burnt down my now, thinking of my Scout Troop it would make an ideal headquarters although my mind wasn't on scouting matters at the moment.

'That door,' Peter pointed and we idly wandered over as if just having a walk about. Suddenly he grabbed my arm and pushed the door. It flew open and we were faced with our three chums as I said earlier. We went in and they came out, it was as easy as that although I did grab the sun lotion off Loren and he gave me that pretty little sneer of his.

'Slut,' he hissed.

'Double slut,' I retorted which I thought was pretty smart, he just laughed and walked off with his bum chums.

'Looks like they had fun,' Peter grinned and jammed the door. 'Up there,' he nodded at a ladder which led into what must have been the roof space, even a storage room. He lead the way and I observed his fine bottom as he climbed and thought of seeing his clearly defined crack in the flesh. At the top it turnd out to be quite pleasant, the sun barely pentrated the crap on the skylight and it was a lot cooler than outside which was a nice surprise. There was a folded heap of canvas in the corner and from the ruck marks I could see that was where the boys had done their thing, done their threesome I imagine, I couldn't think of one of the three who would want to be left out of any action. 'Come on,' Peter said quietly and grabbed my waist edging me nearer the canvas.

'Take your time, lover boy,' I laughed and grabbing the damp towels spread them side by side and tossed the sun lotion inbetween.

'Where did that come from?'

'Loren, my kid bro.'

'The skinny one?' Peter beamed. 'He's rather yummy.' Seems Lorenzo had got himself another fan.

'I'll tell him you fancy him.'

'I'll tell him myself,' he laughed and grabbing me bore me down onto the towels and canvas. One grin and his lips were mashed against mine and his tongue was in my mouth. Oh, yeah, we were busy getting wet swimwear off as well, getting all nice and nudey. All we needed now was some prat to try and get in the place with the same sort of action in mind. Well, I suppose we could have a foursome.

'Mmmmmm,' I plundered his mouth as I finally got those overtight truunks from his middle and I was a bit surprised to find when his erection finally jerked into the air that he was bigger than me. OK, so he wasn't a giant but he was well developed for a sixteen year old and he was a bit of an oddity in our little gang insofar as he was circumcised. It looked nice too, just a larger edition of Florian's cut noodle, much larger. As I munched him around the throat and played with his hot stiffness I felt him moving around on the canvas, clearly not one to wast time either.

I felt his lips on my nipples which I always found a turnon for some reason and then as we rotated his mouth was at my navel and I felt his first wet lick at my penis. Of course, by this time I was on his as well. I held his solid and pretty thick shaft firm and slowly and sensually slipped my moist lips over his bulging dark red glans.

'Aaaaaah,' he gasped as I took him in and then started to run my lips up and down his hardness playing with his crown with my tongue concentrating around the flare and the pee slit. Stacks of slobber and he was moving in and out of my mouth like a well oiled piston, mind you I was doing pretty well, he was squeezing and nipping my foreskin over my meat with his lips and then rolling it back lathering and bathing my knob end. I just lazily pumped into him as his strong hands grasped and fondled my bottom. From the feel and the heat he was either going to pop shortly or go for the jackpot. I felt him lift my legs and go for my damp and now sweaty hole. A sudden jerk and his finger was in me moving in and out relaxing and easing that little circular muscle.

'Go on then,' I wasn't desperate you understand just fancied his pale skinned six incher, just a whim I suppose. Dirty laugh goes in there I fancy.

'Face to face,' he whispered and I went with him as he spread me out and slipped on top grinding our two erections together. God he was feeling bigger by the minute but no matter, too late to back out now. I felt his hardness slip between my legs and clamped on them grasping his firm bottom as he pumped up and down but I knew the next step in the routine and was ready for him.

The sun oil was certainly a non runner as he crouched and lifted my legs. He ducked his head and I felt his slippery tongue bath my crack and then slobber at my hole and coating it with his saliva, moments later I felt his blunt glans push at me. Thankfully he must have oiled it whilst I was doing my writhing and squirming bit and all I felt was a pressure, a brief jerk and then the heat and the bulk as his fat cock speared into my gut.


'You alright?'

'Yeah, go on,' I muttered holding his hips just to make sure he didn't go too mad but he was OK. A nice gentle lover, he took his time and slowly with loads of little fluttery kisses and sexy little toothy nips moved in and out sinking deeper and deeper. He was big, coming on Jo style, I felt bloated as his man's young man's cock opened me up and filled me at the same time. I clamped on his heat and his moving flesh as he bottomed out with a groan of satisfaction. 'Loren's gonna love you,' I muttered.

'You think so?' He laughed still slowly moving.

'I know so,' I clamped my legs on his back holding him in tightly as he moved juts that little bit faster. 'Harder,' I whispered and away he went.

It was great. I much preferred to do the top bit but I liked Peter and he seemed to like me. I suppose when you're a youngster and you suddenly drop into a meat market like I had you try everything, a week later you're looking for fresh experiences and that's what Peter was. Everyone does their bit differently, Loren, Florian, Alex and the others, each one has his own style and Peter's was good. At the end of the day I still had this desperately sick love for my kid brother but I was keeping that under wraps. Renzo knew perfectly well where we stood but he wasn't saying anything either.

We were still family, brothers against the rest but the others didn't seem to realise how close we actually were. Get real, brothers aren't even supposed to really like each other let alone physically love each other. I could stand his stupid comments, his daft mannerisms and even his goofy jokes and at the end of the day lose it when he was naked in my bed... I suppose you could call that love.

Anyway, here's me being well and truly shagged by a six foot blonde sixteen year old and I'm daydreaming about my skinny kid brother.

'Jeez...' Peter groaned and went into overdrive slipping in and out faster and faster, I felt squishy at the back end with the saliva and oil and he hadn't even cum yet. Woops... here we go. He cried out softly and rammed into me for the last time and then he gently moved in and out as his thick cock spurted and splashed his thick youth spunk deep into me. It was a good cum and he seemed to squirt forever. Surprising what you can store in a couple of days. I clutched him kissing and stroking his sweaty back and buns as he lay on me squashing my own erection as he slipped free. 'Whew...' he looked at me and grinned.


'Wicked,' he laughed and his lips mashed down onto mine and his tongue was in my mouth yet again.

He lay there gazing at the cobwebby ceiling, pleasantly ugly I suppose I would call him, he had a fine body and I think I may have commented on his cock but I was as hard as a rock and I had other things on my mind. I turned onto my side and flung my arms across him and raised my legs upto to his groin gently massaging his genitalia with my knee. He looked at me and grinned. 'Want it?'

'Yeah,' I croaked with a dry throat.

He didn't waste any time he clambered up and grabbing the sunoil squirted a big dollop onto my hot cock and then grabbing it massaged it to super hardness until it was like one of these guided missiles sticking up from my dark pubics. Well, not quite as large you understand but just as explosive. 'Let's try this,' he grinned broadly and straddled me squatting above my erection which I held upright as he bent forward to kiss me. Staring at me he slowly rocked back until he felt my slippery glans at his hole and then slowly and carefully impaled himself little by little. I nearly passed out as I felt his gorgeous heat swallow me and his tightness grip my achingly hard cock. 'Go on,' he grunted and I started to make mini jabs up into his bottom as he continued to sink lowere until I felt his muscular bottom press on me.

'Yeah,' I began to take charge. Grabbing his hips I took us onto our sides and started to move in and out as he closed his eyes and clung to me, the macho Peter had suddenly become more willing, more feminine if you like as he grabbed me only allowing me short and hard thrusts.

'On top,' he hissed and with another half a roll I was on top and he was underneath and raising his legs to my shoulders exposing his youthful butt to my full assault. I wasn't as big as him in the cock department but he made all the ooohs and aaahs as required as I gave him a good serviceing. Totally unlike Loren where we had this sicko love job going and it tended to be sweet and tender, this was raw animal sex and I shagged him good and hard. For such a supposed butch kiddy he seemed to enjoy himself and was encouraging me at the end to go faster and harder. I just lunged and plunged relishing his tight arse, animal or not he was a good fuck and to say the sweat was flying was an understatement. We were as red as a couple of traffic lights (if you can imagine that crap comparison) and the sweat was flying by the bucketload.

'Yeah, yeah,' I chanted as I finally climaxed sending superheated spunk deep into his body in splat after splat.

'Shut up, dickhead,' he giggled and clutched my slippery body as I wound down to a stop. I was literally fucked and physically shagged. I was ready for an ambulance. The attic I thought was so cool was now like a furnace, we had to get out and get into the water. The others couldn't miss us, we'd be stuck in the middle of a cloud of steam.

'That was good,' I grunted as I slipped free on a gush of cum.

'I love compliments,' he grinned and grabbed his costume. 'Better go, the others will be panicking.'

'Shagging more like,' I laughed but grabbed my baggy shorts, I'd feel safer under the present circumstances with some clothing on. 'Gonna have a splash around?'

'Damn right and then I'll buy you an ice cream, Sexy Boy.'

'Cheers, Big Dick,' I gathered up the towels and we were off. Another encounter another fuck... as far as holidays went this one was turning out to be exhausting.


The big Arcade at Lewes wasn't too bad and being a Saturday afternoon was quite busy. The other four had gone for swimming and sunshine and we'd settled for BO that's Boy Odour by the way, quite a bit of cigarette smoke and heat. Alex was acting as manic as ever and Leo just looked washed out. I wondered if I could get him alone for a kiss and a cuddle but Alex was doing his 'party organiser' bit and driving us from machine to machine and it wasn't cheap believe me. We'd had about an hour of it and I was getting a bit stressed.

'Fuck this,' I spoke to both of them after a while. 'This place is the pits, I'm going for a wander over the park.'

'Mind you don't get captured by a dirty old man,' Alex warned me quite seriously.

'You're having me on,' I laughed. 'I can look after myself.'

'I'll come with you,' Leo volunteered. 'This place is too hot... and it stinks.'

'Raw they call it, kiddo,' Alex grinned. 'Hormones a go-go.'

'Come on then Leo, let's split. We can meet up back at home or back here.'

'Back here,' Alex decided. 'I don't think Jo wants us splitting up... probably worried about us getting kidnapped.'

'Well, he is responsible in a way,' I spoke up for the Boss. 'You coming or staying?'

'I'll stick, I wanna try and score,' Alex glanced around. 'Meet here at five... right.'

'OK,' I agreed but Leo had to have the last word.

'You won't score on these machines, Al.'

'I wasn't thinking about the machines,' Alex gave a dirty laugh and looked over at a bunch of youngsters. 'Kiddy meat.'

'Perv,' Leo squealed and grabbed my arm. 'Come on, Flo. Let's go.' Did I mention I hate people calling me Flo but then again getting Leo all on his ownsome might be worth it. Get him in the bushes and his arse was grass, I had an urge on me, must be the weather and I'm sure my boyfriend was out there putting it about anyway. We had a bit of a wander down the High Street in the glare of the afternoon sun but it was too hot to dodge all the old ladies, the prams and the kids so we peeled off to the big park. This park was a bit on the Brighton style, you know the type, lawns with benches, flower beds and an ornamental pond with a couple of out of work ducks floating around looking pissed off. The were a couple of ankle biters with minders chucking lumps of bread for the ducks or at them but the kids looked as bored as the birds did. There was also a kid's play area which was totally deserted in the early afternoon heat but then again to the back of this were allotments which were also abandoned. I loved all the deserted set up, it felt like we'd dropped off the edge of the planet. Leo and myself stuck in limbo for all eternity... God it sounded awful, I only wanted a quicky.

'We should have gone swimming with the others,' Leo moaned as we walked through the playground and skirted the allotment hedge.

'Hey up,' I shushed him up. I'd spotted a kid mooching across the small enclosed area heading for what looked like some wasteground which according to my calculations must have then led onto farmland pure and simple. Well, I could see a couple of cows in the distance so it was a reasonable guess.

'Wonder what he's doing,' Leo whispered although the kid was about fourty or fifty yards away (metres for the Euro mob), call it half a football pitch as the crow flies. 'Bet he's nicking something.'

'What's to nick?' I opened the gate and dragged Leo with me. 'We'll tail him and see what he's doing.'

'He might have mates.'

'Nah, way too furtive,' I was in full young Indiana Jones mode, you know the River Phoenix version. 'Follow me Leo, King of the Jungle.'

'You sod off,' Leo dragged me back. 'He's upto no good, kid's don't slink about on their own on a Saturday afternoon.'

'Unless they're going to have a quiet hand job...'


'Come on, if it's rough ground we can find a nook or cranny. It's as dead as a bloody doornail anyway.'

'Yeah, I suppose,' Leo grinned.

That was it, I could see the baby explorer in him surfacing. Great, let's get sweaty, covered in shit and stung to fuck... great fun. 'Come on, wimpo, let's go.' That was it. We made a beeline straight across the tilled and tended plots trying to keep to the pathways and expecting an irate adult hollering at any moment but the place really was dead. There was no gate where the kid had gone but a big gap in the hedge where the gardeners must have slung their rubbish so we climbed over this and we were in no man's land. I don't know what it was officially but to me it was just a bit of wasteland between the allotments and the farm (the one with the cows). It was very similar to the rough stuff that backed onto Pat and Den's place... well, I suppose I should say Nick's place.

It was full of very tall grass, the stuff that leaves you covered in bits and pieces and there was no sign of the kid until Leo sighted him not too far away by what seemed to be a derelict barn.

'Tally ho, let's go and say hello.' I caught hold of the rather timid Leo and dragged him in the general direction of the boy who from a quick glance seemed to be the same age as us but very dark, I wondered if he was a Paki or a variant like Alex.

'He's upto no good,' Leo muttered like the mini doom merchant he is, talk about twelve going on seventy, that's our Leo.

'Come on, tart,' I found a beaten pathway and wandered along at a reasonable speed followed by the now sweating Leo. I had a feeling with this one. It just didn't make any sense for anyone other than a lunatic to be wandering around in this heat especially on your own. If he'd had been with a mate I could understand it but he wasn't. We crept upto the barn and it was empty. We stood in the doorway framed in the afternoon sun peering into the gloom.

'What do you want?' A trembling and rather nervous voice came from the back of the old building.

'Nothing,' I held my hand palm up like a bloody redskin offering peace. 'Just being nosey and having a look around.' I wandered into the shade followed by my chum Leo pretending to be brave.

'Nothing here.' The voice sounded a little more assured now. 'I haven't seen you two before.' The kid came into view just stepping out a little and my heart did a little flip, he was a dish and he was around eleven or twelve as I'd guessed. He was scruffy, he had a dirty t-shirt on and tatty old washed out jeans that seemed about to fall off his narrow hips, no baggies for him, these were the old style scrubbed out to death maybe even handmedowns. He was short and definitely a Pakistani or Arab offshoot, that shade of brown was far to dark to be just suntan, he had eyebrows like baby caterpillars and a head of hair like a black haystack. I was stuck for words, my eyes drawn to his smooth belly peering between his shirt and the droopy jeans.

'We're on holiday,' Leo spoke up thank Christ. 'Just mooching around.'

'This is the place to mooch,' the boy finally grinned although he still seemed nervous. 'Nothing else to do.'

'Right,' I sat down and tugged my track suit bottom away from my crotch, I was sweating like a piglet and rather wished Leo wasn't here. This kid was a clone of Dennis although much slimmer and darker skinned, he had hair all over the place I expect he'd be shaving by the time he was three feet high... that was a sad joke by the way. Dare I say he was better looking. than Dennis, maybe not, different style altogether. Small and lithe I suppose you'd say, a bit like a pixie, maybe as dark as Alex but clearly he'd spent a lot of time in the sun and his deep tan was gorgeous, a bit like dark toffee, made the mouth water. I love toffee. 'What's your name?' Sod it, be bold.

'David,' the kid gave a little wave and grinned.

'I'm Florian and this here's Leo.'

'Florian?' I thought the kid was going to be funny, like in making a some uncalled for remark but he didn't, he just looked at me and gave me that smile again. I felt it, that little buzz. Jeez.

'I think I'll go back to the Arcade and tie up with Alex,' Leo suddenly spoke.

'S'orrite,' David spoke as if he felt obligated to play host.

'Nah,' Leo shuffled about red faced. 'It's too hot and grotty over here, I'm gonna get a cold drink and whatnot.'

'Hang around,' I told him praying he'd bugger off and that's what he did. I never did sort out whether he wanted to have a crack at Alex on his own or wanted to leave me a clear run as he never explained but we weren't married and we both had our own furrows to plough to get all literary. Maybe he felt like a spare prick at a wedding, which he was or maybe he just felt uncomfortable. I arrranged to meet back up with them before five and away he went.

'Funny kid,' David who'd been silent whilst Leo and I had nattered now spoke up, he'd now perched on a box and I was studying his grubby knees poking through his tatty jeans.

'He's not very adventurous,' I said. 'He's also got a mate over the Amusement Arcade.'

'Aaah,' David sat back on his stool. 'You got no mates then?'

'Yeah, my pal is up at some river with his brother swimming and whatnot.'

'River Ouse,' David said knowingly. 'Stacks of little places where they have car parks, cafes, ice cream vans and all that old cobblers.'

'So what you doing out here all on your ownsome?' I was trying not to sound too nosey but I couldn't help it.

'Just stooging around, exploring sorta thing,' he sounded uncomfortable. He was also giving me the eye, you know the one where you can feel bits of your body burning just like being under a big magnifying glass.

'Leo thought you might have been meeting up for a bit of nooky.' Now that was a blatant lie but it was somewhere to start.

'Chance would be a fine thing.'

'Mmmm, a good looking kid like you.' I sounded awfully pervy but I reckoned I was a bit older than him so maybe I'd get away with it. Anyway, he was a good looker, he was bloody beautiful to me at least or maybe it was just the time, the place and the God awful heat. Anyway, here we were in an empty barn in the middle of nowhere, it would have been better if it had been one of these full of hay and all the nice stuff barns are supposed to have but this one was a derelict.

'Good looking,' he laughed and I nearly came on the spot. Perfect white teeth, flashing eyes, the works. 'Solo wank's more my style,' he came out with that suddenly and quite boldly then flushed which meant he went darker as if he felt he'd said to much.

'Not a bad idea when it's like this,' I babbled on not wishing him to feel embarassed. You know, just chatting about wanking with a complete stranger is so normal... not. 'The heat makes ne randy, must be a boy thing.'

'I suppose,' he looked at me and I was so sure there was a plea there but I wasn't that sure. 'Where you staying?' He changed the subject completely.

'Mayfield Road I think it's called.'

'Ah yeah,' he grinned. 'Very big houses, very posh. Some waste land backs onto one side and the Industrial Estate the other.'

'The side with the rough ground to the back,' I confirmed. 'Me with six mates.'

'What? On your own?'

'No, we have two house boys looking after us and one adult to take charge,' I didn't want to say too much but I wanted the basics to sound slightly attractive, we did have a week to go after all.

'Funny setup,' he looked serious for a moment clearly thoughts flashing across his tiny mind. 'Not Scouts are you?'

'Sorta. Our Boss Boy is a Troop Leader.' Now how's that for inspiration, I knew Anthony was a Sergeant or some bloody thing in the Sprouts but I didn't know what his title was.

'Sounds fun,' he smiled again probably putting it down to a line in bullshit.

'Oh it is, two to a room,' I put a wealth of meaning into that.

'Great.' He suddenly giggled. 'Sweaty nights.' Let me tell you, he put a wealth of meaning into that one as well. We were beating around the bush and getting nowhere fast.

'You know what they say about wanking on your own?'

'No,' he grinned and stretched his legs and I clocked his groin. He then rucked his t-shirt up his body and ran his hand over his beautifully brown chest as if wiping sweat off, he was so bloody sexy.

'A pleasure shared is a pleasure doubled.'

'You just made that up, you dick.' this time he really laughed loud and long and he did the t-shirt thing again.

'Do that again and I'm gonna suck one of your tits off,' I snarled. I'd lost it, I was so hard in my hot trousers I really could have raped him on the spot. And he knew it.

'Not both?' He blushed slightly again but did exactly the same thing. He hooked his shirt up with one hand and ran the other across his chest suggestively flicking one sticky out nipple on the way.

Well, you know what they say about the last straw and all that crap. I leapt up and wrapping my arms around him bore him back into the darkness past his seat and hooking a leg behing him brought him to the floor. He struggled but his heart wasn't in it, giggling and with his arms flailing around doing nothing I settled my lips onto his tiny nipple and sucked away like a tot on a teat.

'Maniac,' he shuddered and stroked my back, it was all over, he was mine... I might have been his but no matter. Thank God there were no sharp objects on the floor just dust and an old blanket. Curious, why did I suspect a David nest. I continued to suck his nips and lick and lap at his chest managing to get him onto the blanket and get that bloody t'shirt out of the way at the same time. 'You're nutty,' he stroked my hair and thrust his skinny hips into me. Jeez, I'm on about his narrow chest and skinny hips and he was about the same build as I was. 'Take you're shirt off,' he muttered.

I did just that and we rolled around in the afternoon heat exploring each other's torsos but the best was yet to come, I'd taken a feel as he had and felt his hardness inside his scruffy jeans, I unclipped the top and carefully ran the zip down fully exposing his sparse pubics and fair sized dark skinned penis. He had no underpants on and as soon as the zip went down his uncircumcised cock sprang into the light of day. Should call it the gloom of the barn really but no matter, I had my hand around his hot cock in no time flat.

'How safe is it here?' I asked as I smothered his rounded belly with kisses and just avoided his jerking boy cock.

'Safe enough,' he croaked and then gasped as I got my hands into the back of his jeans clasping his soft bottom. 'Safe as houses.' He then surprised me by slipping down and starting a counter attack I felt his hot breath and his moist lips on my titties as he did to me exactly what I'd done to him.

'Go south, young man,' I exerted a soft pressure on his messy hair but he flashed me a grin up my body.

'You wish,' he grinned and unclipped my shorts and delved in for my heat. 'Circumcised,' he grinned and fished it out or rather shrugged down my trousers and underwear leaving us both bare in the middle and with our trousers around our ankles only I had briefs in addition something he'd forgotten or didn't wear.

'That's better,' I moaned my pleasure as we rubbed our warm bodies trogether, chest against chest, belly against belly and of course, erection against erection. I did notice that he paid my bum as much attention as I'd given his so he wasn't a tailor made bottom wandering around in the sticks not that I particularly wanted him to be.

'You do me and I'll do you,' he smiled and grasping my dick started to give me what he probably thought was the highlight of the day, naked with another juvenile and sharing a wank but I had other ideas.

'I got a better idea,' I started to kiss down his body again but also started to move around. He got the idea and I didn't know if he was going to go for it until I slipped my mouth over his dark skinned erection and started to suck. I suppose with mine more or less bouncing off his face he decided to give it a go.

'I've never done this before,' he muttered just before he took me into his mouth and then it was all over. We lay in the heat and the smei darkness slurping each others stiffies like a pair of lollipops. Ah, yeah, both grasping and fondling each others buns... mustn't forget that bit.

I think he was inexperienced as he gave me a bit of a hard time with his teeth until I told him and then it got better. He seemed to get more adventurous as we went along, in the end I was fucking his face just as frantically as he was doing mine. No way was it going to last and when he tensed up I knew what was cuming. He squirted in my mouth without any warning and I drunk down or swallowed his creamy and slightly salty tasting boy cum as he groaned and moaned coming down from his high. Very much to my surprise he held onto me like a leech as I squirted into his mouth. I was expecting disgust even for him to spit it out but he didn't, he swallowed it all with wet cum smeared lips finally spreading in a grin.

'Now that was a first,' he gazed at me quite proudly as I began to move aorund again.

'Here's another one,' I grabbed his head and forced my lips onto his sharing our joint cum and finally slipping my tongue into his mouth and slipping and sliding my tongue around his.

'That was so dirty,' he gasped sweaty faced as we finally surfaced for air.

'You are so tasty,' I whispered rather unoriginally as I placed my hand on his fluttery heart enjoying the feel of his warm body and his flawless skin. Nary a blemish, he was beautiful, a beautiful midget but perfectly proportioned. I had to have him.

'You should come around our place for supper, we have a meal around half seven or eight.'

'Won't the others be a bit suspicious,' he ran his fingers up and down my body giving my relaxed noodle a little stroke now and then. 'Your long haired mate who was here must know something was going on.'

'He'll be busy shagging or being shagged by his boyfriend,' I grinned. 'I'll have to fight them off when they see you.'

'Really?' He laughed. 'Are they all a bunch of poofs or something?'

'Yeah.' Now that was a conversation stopper as they say. Jeepers Creepers, I'd never dare come out with this sort of thing until I overdosed on Loren and started working for Jo, they must call it coming of age or going nutty or something like that.

'I dunno... how old are all these funny mates of yours?'

That made me think. 'Two twelves, two thirteens and a fifteen I think. Oh yeah, and Jo the Boss is around twenty two or three.'

'Bloody 'ell,' he grinned. 'All this circus in one house?'

'Yeah, I forgot Dennis and Patric, they're the houseboys, thirteen and sixteen I think.'

'They're the local kids?'


'Might know them,' he mused. 'You haven't asked me how old I am yet?'

I just shrugged.

'Twelve and a half.'

'About the same as me, Juicy Boy.'

'Spunky boy,' he giggled and we went back to deep throating again.

According to his watch we got back to the Arcade around four thirty to find Alex and Leo standing in the shade of the MacDonald's entrance next door. Both looked hot sweaty and fed up. I introduced David and we invited him up for a swim. Why not, it was baking hot and I'd love to show him off and see him really naked instead of rolling around in the dust with his jeans around his ankles pretty as the sight had been.

'You two been at it this afternoon?' Alex had to ask. The soul of tact our Alex.

'Ale-e-x,' Leo protested.

David didn't help by starting to laugh which more or less put paid to the secrecy ploy.

'Good' Alex grinned manically as he does. 'Join the club, Davey boy.'

'What's this Dennis' surname?' David asked as we stopped to look in shops here and there.

'Dunno,' I answered.

'I might know him by sight,' David looked thoughtful. There's a Dennis who's around thirteen on my Estate but I haven't seen much of him lately. Dark hair and a bit of a darky like me.'

'He's nowhere as near as dark as you,' I told him less than tactfully

'Well, he's darker than you, Florian,' David seemed unpeturbed by my remark.

'Not as dark as I am,' Alex cackled.

'No but it could be him.'

'Looks a bit like a chimp?' Alex provided but he would wouldn't he?

'Could be,' David laughed. 'Could well be him but I haven't seen him for yonks.'

Well, that was the end of that brilliant conversation and we we still none the wiser.

'Come on let's hassle,' Alex picked up the pace. I wasn't too sure if he wanted a swim or to see David with his kit off but I had first dibs. That was the rule we'd made up a week ago, no poaching.

Gawd, it was getting hotter and hotter and by the time we actually got there it had just turned five. It was as well Jo had stayed in the place as the others still hadn't returned. I introduced David and Jo seemed OK, he managed to capture me on my own and asked if I'd invited David to stay the night and I said that I hadn't yet. The response to that was that if I did the boy would have to share with Loren and myself as he'd had a phone call from Anthony saying that he was bringing someone back as well. Looked like we were going to have a full house for the night.

I think David was a bit bemused by Jo's sort of laid back attitude but I told him there was another four plus a stranger to come yet so the place would be pretty packed. I then popped the question.

'Do you want to sleepover, you can sleep in with Loren and myself?'

'Who's Loren? How old is he?.

'He's my sort of boyfriend and he's thirteen just gone.'

'And you're going to share me are you?' He looked at me straight faced and he didn't look too happy.

'No, nothing like that,' I blushed. He'd read me like a book. How the hell could I keep Loren at bay, the short answer was I couldn't. 'I just thought you might like to stop over, it'll be fun.'

'It could be an all night sex fest,' he suddenly laughed. 'I'd have to phone me mum but she's OK as long as she knows I haven't been kidnapped.'

'Yeah? Great.'

'Just one thing though.'


'Just 'cause I'm a bit on the kiddy side don't think I'm a sex toy... I can give as good as I take.'

'Well, that sounds promising,' I laughed. 'Come and have a look at the pool.'

By the time we got around the house Alex and Leo were already in but thankfully not doing anything naughty just sploshing around and generally acting like a pair of wallies. We did a swift striptease and joined them, thankfully David didn't seem in the slighest embarassed and we were having fun when the other four turned up with this tall blonde geyser who Anthony introduced as Peter. I did my bit and introduced David and I saw Loren's eyes train around like the sights on a gun turret. From the look of the bunch of them they'd all been at it and David said something to me that I didn't catch.

'What was that Dave?'

'That is Dennis from the estate,' he gave Dennis a wave and Dennis waved back and grinned, it seemed everyone was getting on famously. 'That mob's been at it,' he grunted and tried to dunk me.

'Been at what?' I spluttered and grabbed him around his trim waist.

'The same as us, dickhead,' he laughed. 'Introduce me to the boyfriend then... gotta be the skinny one.'

'That's my boy,' I laughed as Loren dumped his shorts and made a beeline to our end of the pool. One almighty splash and Loren sank and then surfaced between us. 'Loren, David, David, Loren.' It was as easy as that. 'David may be able to do a sleepover tonight...' I said. 'Jo says he can share with us.'

'Great,' Loren grinned and gave what he fondly imagined was a wolfish look, he looked like a demented canary but I wasn't telling. I wish he'd leave them bloody comics alone. 'How'd you get on today?' He looked at me and managed to slip his body against David's.

'Broke the ice,' I laughed. 'How about you?'

'Got raped by Pat and Den... again,' he laughed and gave David a sly look. 'Got some heavy talent around here, Davey boy.'

'Worth knowing,' David giggle and then jumped about a foot out of the water, one of Loren's hands must have strayed as I knew they would. I immediately dived onto Loren sinking him and David was on top of me. Gawd, smooth slippery skin and soft noodles all over the place and it was all over too soon.

Jo poked his head out about half past six to warn us to clear the pool or to get respectable. Mrs Morris was in the offing and we had to get into 'normal mode' by seven at the latest, dinner would be at eight sharp. This was the tester, Loren and myself escorted David to our room to get tidied up and as a top priority to find him a clean t-shirt and even some reasonable jeans for dinner.

'You all at it?' David hovered at the doorway dripping water until I beckoned him in.

'What? Free love?' Loren flopped onto the bed naked and rather casually rolled onto his belly exposing his snowy white bottom.

'Yeah,' David giggled as I sat on the bed and planted a kiss on one of Loren's beautiful buns.

'Of course,' Loren mumbled into the pillow, 'Stop, stop, I like it,' he wriggled his bum putting on quite a show on for the shocked David who didn't waste any time at all he sat on the other side of the bed and stroked Loren's smooth butt. Loren sighed and muttered, 'I'm gonna miss my early evening ration 'cos of you, Dave.'

David looked at me and I looked at David, Loren had basically issued a challenge and we had two hours before dinner would be served.

'Has he?' I looked at David.

'Dunno... your call,' he blushed darkly and tried to cover his groin. His dark skinned meaty spike was well on it's way though and was a bit difficult to hide, mind you I was getting into the same condition.

'Come on... one of you,' Loren was in one of his moods, the only thing that was going to stop him babbling was a good shagging and he had two juiced up boys on the bed ready to help him out. In fact if he didn't shut the fuck up I would wheel in another three or four.

'Watch and learn,' I spoke to David, I just couldn't be bothered waiting for him to make his mind up. I slipped my hand under the pillow and grabbed the KY. It was like a mime show, I oiled up my stiffy and stationed myself between Loren's outspread legs. With David watching keenly, so keenly that he was almost on top of us I lowered my hips and speared straight into Loren's rather loose ring. He must have had a good shag during the afternoon he was still slack but I didn't care. Everytime I did Loren I fell in love again although young David was going to put a strain on my 'special relationship' with the blonde scruff from St John's Wood.

'Aaaaaah,' Loren clutched the pillow and sighed with satisfaction as I settled in and slowly started to move in and out. Glancing at David I saw that he was flogging his cock like he was trying to tear the end off.

'Loren, I think David needs a bit of attention,' I whispered in my young lover's ear.

'What?' He looked to the side and seeing David wanking like mad grinned and managed to force himself and me onto our sides, I just kept shagging into his soft bottom. 'Come on David, don't waste it,' Lorem made lip smacking motions and David got the message. With a wide grin he knelt on the bed and offered his hardness to Loren's lips. No bets on Loren's actions. We finished up with me still stuffing the wriggling Loren on our sides and David vigorously fucking Loren's mouth.

I came first almost lazily, I felt my cock jerk and spurt just before David whined and I saw him pull his slippery cock free and spray it all over Loren's face before the boyfriend grabbed it and sucked on the squirting end like he was sucking on one of these drinking fountains. What a mess, Loren was grinning like a loon and flooded both ends, I was knackered and poor old David must have thought he'd popped off and gone to heaven. Two blow jobs in the space of five hours and he has to get through a night yet.

We finished up in what they call a group hug with little David wriggling and squirming in the middle, I was delighted to say his bottom was facing my way and I pigged out on rubbing my well depleted cock against his soft buns.

'You could lose your virginity tonight,' Loren spoke conversationally. I do like a kid who speaks straight.

'Really?' David wriggled back against me and I could see that he wasn't scared in the slightest if anything he was rather taken with the idea. Mind you, I was assuming he was a virgin after the rather amateur blow job but I could have been wrong. Tonight should sort things out. 'Anyone does me I do them,' he declared defiantly.

'Sounds good to me,' I laughed and David did his little giggle again. It would be a long night getting through dinner and all the chat but it would be an even longer one once we got to bed.

It was indeed a long night and it did drag on more than a bit. Over supper or dinner as Jo called it he read out a filming schedule he'd prepared and it all seemed easy enough. He even offered Peter, the blonde and little David walk on parts or maybe they were lie down parts but they got the offer anyway. In fact, if we got through the morning up at the appropriately named Pounder Pond we'd be home and dry. He was going to do some bedroom stuff with Dennis and Patric but that would be later in the week. Patric and Dennis were first away to their bed which left the main holidaymaking party but shortly after that the big guys left. Peter. Anthony and the visitor Peter departed leaving us to it. Us of course was Lorenzo, David and myself and then Alex and Leo who were giving each other those looks. You know, the come to bed looks and in the end they went as well. I think Alex would have liked a little gang bang with his hungry and evil eyes on our David but the kid was our swag and he was happy with us so sod Alex.

'We gonna go to bed?' Loren started to give a halfhearted tidy up.

'Yeah, I suppose,' I tried not to sound too eager.

'Pair of pervs,' David giggled. Well, at least he had that right.

'Come on,' Loren's tidiness was pretty short lived when bed came into the conversation. In spite of whatever he'd been upto this afternoon and his little evening session with myself and David he was still rooting for more action, of course, little David jumping around looking more than willing didn't help.

We finished up on he bed making a meal of stripping the giggling boy and he loved it, he was alternating squeals with giggles and when finally his wriggling brown body was exposed totally naked for our viewing pleasure as they say both Loren and myself had severe cases of the erection disease and oral dribbles. Not a pretty sight, a twelve year old and a thirteen year old salivating like a pair of old pervs over a screaming kid who was making enough noise to wake the street. In the end Jo steamed in and told us to keep the noise down otherwise he was on the phone to the Child Protection Agency. We reckoned that one was a bluff but tuned down the volume all the same. I think Jo's ploy was to kidnap the rugrat but that would have caused a riot. It was quite late by the time the wrestling, the fumbling and the various attemps at cannibalism had died down and we lay in an untidy heap just sweating and idly making pawing grabs at each other. In the end I mustered up the energy and attacked little David managing to get him onto his belly with his tight little bum in the air. A good slopping over with KY and that was each tight little brown orb and deep into his little cleft for a starter. This time Loren played second fiddle and settled for kissing and caressing the kid whilst I worked on his little hole firstly just touching it and smoothing it with KY letting David know that it wasn't all a big rush and that he could back out any time he liked. It would probably break Loren's heart and mine but we would have allowed him to say no if he'd really wanted to. We'd agreed this earlier in the evening, no compulsion but David was keen, he made that obvious to both of us. He was up for a night of sex, he wanted to do us both and he realised that we both wanted him. To him it was just a straightforward deal. I rolled him onto his side and snuggled up feeding my now extremely hard aching and even weeping stiffy between his over slippery cheeks. He'd had the finger relaxing exercises with no comment other that a few foul mouthed remarks and it was all systems go.

'You stop if I tell you,' he warned me as I moved in closer feeling his buns part as my lump moved up between his legs. 'Don't make me cum.' That was for Loren who was sucking his stiff willy and toying with his tight little nuts.

'I won't hurt you, it's not big enough.'

'Looks big enough to me,' he made gentle fucking motions into Loren's mouth and I felt his body move on my hardness giving it an oily wank. I move in again and gave a gentle push. I felt his ring give way and I was in his incredible tightness and he didn't even flinch, he just gave a little gasp and that was it. I was in him and moving to and fro sinking deeper opening him up as I fed more and more of my erection into his virgin flesh. 'Gawd, you're so hard,' he moaned and lay still, fucking Loren's mouth must have been a strain. I know from personal experience that being in the middle of a threeway can be exhausting, you're much better letting everyone else pig out and wait your turn. It worked out just as I wanted in the end, In spite of David's master plan for what it was worth he did cum into Loren's mouth cursing like a trooper. For a little boy he did swear a lot but as Loren withdrew swallowing and looking rather pleased with himself I rolled David onto his belly again and really began to plunder his little bottom.

From his noises and comments it was pretty obvious that this was his first and I'd done the deflowering bit for which I gave myself a gold star and better still he seemed to like it. Tell a lie, he loved it, he was a natural and in the end he was forcing his hips upto meet me as I drove down. I caught Loren's eye and he sort of mimed that our gypsy type boy or whatever the hell he was hard again, hard so shortly after cuming, now there was a thing. I could see Loren was also on top line, his cherry pink glans was at full stretch and it was shiny enough to be having a little leak. David wasn't going to get much sleep tonight.

I was on top line myself, I tried to slow down and savour David's tight and over slippery little fleshy vice but it was no good. 'Davey, Davey...' I moaned and he pushed up hard as I thrust ionto him spilling or rather squirting my seed deep into his little boy pussy.

'Whoooo,' he warbled as I spurted and squirted coating and filing his tight little tunnel with my creamy boy's spunk. He pushed back even harder as I pressed in spilling what I had left and then moving gently in and out of his squishy bottom. 'So, that's what it's all about,' he murmured and craned his head around to grin at me. 'Rapist.'

'Not really,' I smiled and kissed the side of his face.

'Pity I cum though,' he whispered. 'I can't pay you back for half an hour or so.'

Half an hour? The boy must have satyritis or whatever you call it, he was another Alex... a sex mad sex maniac.

I slowly withdrew but still drew a trickle of cum from his slightly puffy hole but he wasn't fussed. In fact, he loked at Loren and grinned. 'Orrite blondy?'

'Yeah,' Loren looked pointedly at his erection jutting from his belly and looking extremely ready for action. 'Want it?' How's that for charm?

'Gimme a mo,' David slipped from the bed and bolted for the toilet with his dark skinned bum tightly clenched.

'Gonna be a long night tonight, pal,' Loren grinned at me. 'At least when he's finished with you he'd be too tired to have a go at me.' Did I ever mention, Loren gets it wrong every time?

David was back five minutes later with a wide grin on his urchin's face. 'That blonde was in there, that Peter. He was having a bath.'


'He chatted me up for a date,' he giggled. 'I'm going around his place one night for a bit of a sleepover,' he then wriggled his bottom. 'I think he's after my bum.'

'Now there's a surprise,' Loren had time to say before the little oik was on him. 'Gerrof, gerrof,' Loren squealed as David wrestled with him and managed to mount him. I mean David mounted Loren insofar as he managed to flatten Lore with a bit of assistance from myself and then straddled my slightly bewildered boyfriend and drove his tight little bottom down onto Loren's erection with one almighty thrust. Loren nearly passed out with the pleasure and the pain of a bent dick but he recovered and they had the noisiest sex in history. I just looked on as they fucked with David bouncing up and down on Loren's stiffness until Loren came. At last it was over and David slid himself off Loren's spunky dick and flopped onto the bed with a big grin.

'Right. Who's first for super dick,' he waggled his thick boy cock suggestively.

'Me,' I volunteered, I wanted to get to sleep even if I had to get this over with and pile in with Dennis and Patric, I had to get away from this randy little rat. Loren could look after his needs if he didn't pass away in the process.

'Right,' he leapt across the bed as I lay on my back. I must admit he did look a bit confused for a few moments but soon got the idea and raised my knees to my chest. I was making an assumption that he had to slow down sooner or later but not so. Although he played the kissy game and entered my slowly and gently one he was in he went at it like a bloody rabbit on steriods. Tell ya, that kid should have been drug tested, he was unstoppable. I tell a lie, at the end he was puffing and panting and he did slow and when he came I thought he was some sort of hosepipe, he seemed to cum for ever. He finally slipped from me leaving spunk all over me and the bed and lay gasping like he'd run a two hundred metres race.

'I'm fucked,' he looked at the ceiling and gave with that really annoying self satisfied smile these brats have. 'I done alright?' He looked at us both. Gobsmacked is the word that springs to mind, I looked at Loren and he rolled his eyes.

'Yeah, you did alright, little man,' I grinned wanly. My bum was raw and my dick wasn't much better and we had a day's work to look forward to. 'We'll have to recommend you to the others.'

'Fantastic,' he beamed. 'I like Dennis.'

'Excellent,' Loren grinned and winked. What made me think the Lewes lads were getting a number three drafted into their little firm.

'Ready?' David looked over at Loren and waggled his eyebrows and they were worth wiggling. He had eyebrows like a chimpanzee, he'd get on well with Dennis. They could breed randy little perverts for the local zoo.

'Ooooh,' Lorenzo stretched out on the bed, I think he was trying to indicate that he was knackered, even his 'ever-ready' was laying as limp as piece of string.

'Ready or not, here I cum,' David yodelled and leapt across the bed.

Deary me, I clutched the duvet and rolled out of the way... with a bit of luck they'd both forget about me.

to be continued.

I'll finish the Lewes Holiday in the next Chapter and probably take them back home. The next Chapter will NOT be part of The Depa Boys as I have other plans for them. MIXPIX1 which is a list of pictures of characters from the stories is available.

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Next: Chapter 5

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