The Diary

By Doug Smith

Published on Apr 24, 2008


=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This story is a work of FICTION. The events described have only occurred in my mind. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental.


PLEASE NOTE: Feedback, both positive and negative, is welcomed and greatly appreciated. Please understand this is my first story so please don't flame me too bad. Please email =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

I woke up and looked at the clock when someone knocked on our door. It was only 7:00 AM. Ryan groaned when whoever it was knocked again. "Go away," he said. Groaning again.

"Quiet," I smiled. Rubbing his shoulders. "It's probably Tom."

He just groaned again as I got up and pulled on my shorts. "Just a minute," I said. "Tom is that you?"

"Yea, you didn't give me a key and I need to get ready to go to the Admissions Office."

"Sorry," I said. Opening the door. "Just keep it down. Ryan is sleeping and it's only 7:00. You have plenty of time." He was wearing jeans, no shoes and no shirt. "At least you put some cloths on," I laughed.

"You're not mad at me are you?"

"Of course not. Why would I be mad?"

"You looked it when you woke us up last night. How's Ryan anyway."

"He's OK, just a misunderstanding. I'm sorry I interrupted you last night. I wasn't mad. I was just worried. It did look like you and Dan hit it off."

"Yeah, too bad he has to work tonight." He leaned closer and whispered. "By the way, I saw that look on your face when you checked me out last night. What would Ryan say?"

"Quiet, I wasn't checking you out."

"Bro, you looked right at my crotch. Don't worry, I didn't mind. You like what you saw?"

"Why don't you go take a shower."

"Alright, relax .... I'm just giving you a hard time."

I watched as he grabbed some cloths from his bag and went into the bathroom. He certainly was giving me a hard time but he's my brother and I had Ryan. What was I thinking? Fortunately he had been smart enough to keep his voice down so only I could hear him. Plus Ryan had gone back to sleep.

I went back to lie in bed with Ryan and as soon as I got in he rolled over against me. I put my arm under him and pulled him close. He slept peacefully against me, his head on my shoulder. I kissed the top of his head and just held him.

"This is nice," he said. "Is that Tom in the shower?"

"Nah, that's some guy I just fucked the shit out of. He was looking for a good time. .... Of course it's Tom," I laughed.

"You're a funny boy but you wouldn't be this hard if you had just fucked him." Feeling his hand squeeze my cock through my shorts.

"I hope you also know I'd never fuck around on you."

"I know and I'd never do anything like that behind your back either, you know that, right?"

"Of course, but you did hurt me last night."

"I know and I'm sorry. Didn't we made up last night?"

"Oh, we did. It's cool. I just want you to know that I was hurting because you were upset and I didn't know what was going on or what to do. The thought of you being hurt or upset makes me feel sick I just want you to be happy."

"I know. I just wasn't thinking right last night. I'm sorry"

"No, no. It's OK, I just wanted to make sure you knew how I felt. Don't be sad." Holding him and kissing the top of his head again.

He rolled on top of me and we embraced, holding each other. Tom stuck his head in the door and smiled when he saw us.

"We're being watched you know," I said as Ryan started to kiss my neck."

"Let him watch, he might learn something."

"Chris, you going to show me where to go."

"Alright, let me get dressed." I pushed Ryan off me and started to get up. "Sorry, Ryan but it'll have to wait. I did tell him I'd be his guide this weekend. If you can keep that thought I'll make it worth your while," I laughed. Squeezing his cock.

"Now that's something I'd like to see," laughed Tom. "I can't believe you can take all that, doesn't it hurt?"

Ryan smiled. "I've never fucked with an audience."

"And you're not going to now either. I have to get ready and then show him where the Admissions Office is. We'll discuss this when I get back," I smiled. Playfully slapping his cock.

"I'm going back to sleep then."

Smiling, I got up and grabbed a towel. "Let me take a quick shower and I'll be ready." I headed for the bathroom and turned on the water. Sliding my shorts off and stepping in. The water felt nice on my body. It had been a long night and I was still tired but I'd at least get Tom to the right place. I started washing up, feeling my chest and stomach as I used the body wash. Our workouts were really paying off. I was actually happy with my body. I'd seen better but I'd seen a lot worse too.

I didn't take long and got out to dry off. As I stood toweling off Tom came in saying he had to brush his teeth. "You don't mind do you," he asked.

I laughed. "You just wanted payback for last night." Pulling the towel away and showing him my naked body. "Now we're even."

"Looks like we are just about even," he smiled. "Guess we are brothers."

"Now that you've got your thrill for the morning I'm going to get dressed." Chuckling and heading back to the bedroom.

He tossed a wet cloth that hit me in the back. "I wouldn't call that much of a thrill," he smiled.

"Ryan seems to like it."

"I'm glad someone does. Go get ready."

I hurried to get dressed trying to be quiet so as not to wake Ryan. This weekend was turning out different then I thought it would. Last night with Ryan was an experience. Hopefully he'll be okay. I also hope that kid didn't transfer and I never have to see him. I'm not sure what I'd do. Finding out that Tom wasn't exactly the straight jock I thought was interesting too. I wondered how that would change our relationship. I know it changed the way I thought of him and it kind of bothered me. But I tried not to think about it.

"Let's go," I said as I walked out of the bedroom. Tom grabbed a jacket and we headed out the door. It was a nice fall day. A little cool but it was New England. "I'll show you where the Admissions Office is and we can see what's going on. From what I remember they give some boring introduction, tell you how great the school is and then have some students take you around. I'll probably just grab a bagel and maybe walk around a little bit but then go back to the apartment unless you want me to hang around. We can go on a real tour afterwards."

"That's fine."

"You're sure? It might be boring walking around by yourself."

"That's okay. I'm sure I'll meet someone. You can go back and check on Ryan."

"He's fine. I should try to get some work done though. Here's the Admissions Office. Looks pretty crowded." We went inside. There were a lot of kids there, mostly with their parents. Well, mom and dad didn't come with me either. I guess they didn't want to be seen doing something for Tom they didn't do for me. Plus I'm sure they didn't want to see me with Ryan.

Tom waited in line to register while I went to get a cup of coffee. When I came back he was talking to someone he knew from high school. "Chris, this is Jeff. He and I go to school together."

"That's cool, you didn't know you'd each be here?"

"No, we don't really know each other, just by sight. Jeff is here alone too so we can hang out together" Tom said.

"That's good. I felt bad you going on the tours by yourself but really didn't want to hear their spiel again."

"No problem bro, go do your homework and we can hang out later." He walked towards the door with me. "Chris, I'll probably ask Jeff if he wants to walk around with you and me later. If he comes by the apartment with me you and Ryan will behave won't you?"

"Tom??? You embarrassed by your big brother?," I smiled.

"No, you know better then that. I just wouldn't want it getting around about me."

"Relax Tom. I'm just teasing. We'll be cool. I'll even tell Ryan not to drool over how cute he is," I laughed.

"I'll see you later." With that he went back inside and I walked back to the apartment. When I got there Ryan was still asleep. I thought about waking him up but decided to let him sleep. I just sat down and picked up my guitar. I didn't turn on the amp and just played around with it while I sat there thinking about high school, Ryan and our life together. It wasn't long until I put down the guitar and turned on my laptop to write some more in my diary.

April 2004

I had dropped Ryan off and drove home to have supper. Mom said Ryan seemed like a nice boy. Very polite.

I just nodded and smiled. "I guess. I don't really know him that well. We just had some work to do."

"Well, he still seemed nice."

After supper I went up to my room to do homework. As usual I powered on my computer to check email, look at a few websites and see who was around. As soon as I logged into yahoo there were two off line messages for me. Both from screen names I didn't know.

The first had to be from Ryan. It simply said "thanks again for helping me today." I didn't know if he was still on but responded "no problem, and thank you."

Almost instantly a message appeared. "For what?"

"For making me realize I've been a jerk. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. You were just trying to deal with things going on with you too. Forget about it. I just hope we can really be friends. You might change your mind when you see how things are at school tomorrow."

"Nah, you're stuck with me."

"LOL, OK, I have to run. I need to go take care of something. I should be on after finishing my homework."

"Ha, Ha, what are you, hard? Is that what you have to take care of?"

"As a matter of fact, I am hard, but that isn't what I have to do."

"Me too, but I need to do homework too. I should be done around 9:00."


"Later," adding Ryan to my buddy list.

Next I looked at the other away message. I just sat there staring at the screen. "You'll pay for what you did."

What Ryan had said about what would happen for helping him popped back into my mind. I figured there would be something but didn't expect this, so soon. I thought about it for a minute. Then looked over at my bed and remembered Ryan sitting there. The towel he used was still on the floor. Guess I'd better pick that up. I cleared the message, signed off and began my homework. It was tough to concentrate since my thoughts continually drifted to Ryan as well as the message I received. I wondered what would happen tomorrow.

I finally finished my homework around 9:30 and signed back onto yahoo in invisible mode. As soon as I signed on I saw Ryan's name highlighted in my buddy list and made myself visible to him, and only him. I'm not usually on late at night and didn't want anyone else bothering me.

I waited a couple of minutes to see if Ryan would IM me and when he didn't I IM'd him. "Hi, you done your homework?"

"Yea, I just signed on a few minutes ago. I didn't know if I should bother you."

"I told you I would be here. I would have been on earlier but my homework took longer than expected. Kind of distracted. I kept looking at my bed and the towel you left on the floor."

"Sorry about that. ...."

I laughed. "Don't worry about it."

We ended up chatting for almost four hours that night. He told me more about what happened at his old school. Some of the things that happened to him there as well as what his life has been like since he moved. The more he talked the worse I felt. Not because I felt sorry for him. I just realized again how big of a jerk I had been. The more we talked the more I realized how good a person he was.

We talked about other things as well. His interests. My interests. His life before what had happened to him. It turned out we had lots of things in common. We both played the guitar, liked tennis and swimming, and both wanted to go into engineering. Once he got talking he became more and more comfortable, telling me things he hadn't told anyone as did I. The only time his mood changed was when I told him about the other IM I had received. I told him not to worry about it, that it wasn't a big deal. Everything would be OK.

He became very worried. "Are you sure you want to be seen as my friend? I wouldn't want anything to happen. Maybe you shouldn't say anything to anyone."

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "I can't do that. How could I watch things happen to you, sit back and do nothing and then say I'm your friend? There's no way I could do that."

"I just don't want anything to happen to you."

"Relax, we'll stick together and things will be OK. I promise. Now lets talk about something else. I need to go to bed soon. My parents went to bed hours ago and would wonder what I'm doing online so late."

"Me too, it will be tough to go to sleep though."

I smiled and looked at my cock tenting my boxer briefs. "I know what you mean, lol."

"Are you hard too?"

"I have been for awhile. I had to take my shorts off awhile ago. I've been sitting here in my boxer briefs talking with you."

"Yea, mine is just as hard as this afternoon."

"Tell me, have you ever tried to suck it? It looks like it's big enough."

"Yea, I have. I can only get the head in though. I wish I could get more though. It feels really good."

"I bet. I wish I could do that. I'm not big enough. Guess I'll have to stick to using my hand."

"That feels good too, especially when it's someone else's .. or so I've heard."

"Nobody except Tom is here. Somehow I don't think he would be interested."

"That's disgusting."

"You asked for it."

"I know. Are you still going to pick me up tomorrow."

"Of course, I'll be there by 7:30."

"OK, I'll be ready. That isn't very long from now you know."

"I know. I should go jerk off and get some sleep."

"We'll probably cum at the same time."

I thought for a second. "You want to?"

"What do you mean? "

"You have a cell phone?"

"Yea, nobody calls me but I've got one."

"Let me get in bed, Call me and we can jerk off together."

"We'd have to be quiet. My parents might here."

"Give me a couple minutes then call me. I gave you my number, right?"

"Yea, you sure you want to?"

"Oh yea, let me get into bed." Signing off Yahoo and powering down my PC. Next I pulled off my boxer briefs and climbed into bed. A minute or so later my phone vibrated. Answering it, whispering, "Ryan?"


"This is so hot. Are you as hard as me."

"I think I'm harder than I was this afternoon."

"Let me hear you cum."

"I've never done this before."

"Just stroke that big cock and let me hear you."

I heard Ryan start to stroke his cock. It was hot hearing him moan. He must have put the phone by his cock because I could hear his hand sliding up and down on his shaft.

"Oh yea Ryan, shoot your load. I'm stroking now too. Are you close?"

"Yes, this is so hot. I can't believe we're doing this."

I could hear him breathing heavy into the phone as he stroked. I could picture his hand on his big cock. All of a sudden I heard him moan. "Oh god, here it cums. Sshhhhhhiiit"

This was so hot. I had just heard him cum. I pictured his cum shooting out of his cock. This sent me over the edge and I moaned, my body tingling. "Here I cum, oooooohhhhhhhh.

"That was fun man, did you shoot a big load?"

"Oh yea but I'd better go. I need to clean. It shot over my forehead onto the pillow. I made a huge mess here.

"I did too. I think it shot 2 ½ feet towards my face."

"Good night."

"Good night, .... and Chris? .... Thanks again."

"I'll see you tomorrow."

I hung up and looked at the return number. I added Ryan to my contact list, cleaned up and crawled back into bed. What a day.

October, 2007

Ryan cam out just as I finished. "Are you writing in your diary again?"

"Yea, I didn't want to wake you."

He bent down and kissed me on the cheek. I turned my head and my lips met his. "Go use some mouthwash," I smiled.


Thank you all for the comments.

Next: Chapter 7

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