The District

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Mar 25, 2012


THE DISTRICT-11 For Undercover Sake's

Written by: Eugene Marvin (aka)


Every police detective dreams of the day when he works undercover, tricking underworld criminals into believing they are on the same side, gaining their trusts and companionship, before finally turning the screws and busting them with the rest of the Force, hoping it would go down as one of the greatest scores in the city's history.

No one dreams of being caught. Of being ousted as a Narc by the enemy, and then butt fucked and humiliated...



With the deaths of Tempest Williams and Whinny (the POOH) Graham (both at the hands of the woman they trusted), the pieces on the drug game-board may have changed, but everything else remained the same. With DMoney now heading the Syndicate's `business affairs' in west, north, and the southwest parts of Philly, Kane (Money's closest rival) commanded territory in south Philly, the area POOH assigned him before his untimely murder. While DMoney would have loved nothing more than to rob Kane of that power, stripping him from adversary to a mere dealer, Heads of the Underground Syndicate (a secret collection of underworld criminals posing a legal businessmen in society) chose to keep Kane in power, electing to split up the shift of power between 2 entities (much like when Tempest and POOH were alive). Money resented having to share the spotlight with the likes of Kane, especially given his many years of service as POOH right hand man.

However, as Money's homeward responsibilities grew (the birth of a baby & the start of several legitimate businesses), his attentions began to divide, forcing him to allot power to his second in command --Kobe.

As Money's Right Hand Man, Kobe's responsibilities were to keep watch over the minions when Money wasn't there to supervise. He visited drug houses: checking up on businesses, keeping the dealers in line, collecting loot, giving orders, enacting punishments, etc. Many began to look at Kobe as a contender for Head Of Operations one day, as his status shot up to equal Kane's in south Philly. Kane (of course) found it insulting to have to answer not only to DMoney when it came to his business ideas and ventures, but now when Money wasn't available Kane had to report to Kobe, and that was insufferable.

Upon visiting one of Money's drug houses, Kobe walked in to check up on his good friend Monk (who rose up in the game at the same time as Kobe when he was merely a street dealer). Monk was supervising a couple of new faces he'd just put on the payroll, when Kobe walked in.

"What's up fellas...?" asked the tall (6'2", 165 lbs) man, dressed casually in a smooth sweat suit.

"KOBE..." called Monk, looking up from the dining room table. "...slummin' it today, eh...?" he asked jokingly, knowing he had scored big as Money's right hand bul.

"Sup Monk...?" greeted Kobe, sharing a well known urban handshake before showing bruthaly luv with a half-hug to the heart. "You know I gotta keep watch while Money's away...!" he answered, checking out some of the neighborhood whores sprawled out on floor mattresses throughout the living and dining room areas. "Who's the new faces...?" he asked, nodding towards the 2 new guys sitting at the table with Monk.

"Oh..." said Monk, introducing the new strangers. "...this's Diamond..., HE used to work for Kane back before they got busted in that `Thug Fest' party Kane threw awhile back...!" (chapters-17-18 of The Precinct to be exact). "And this's Makal..., he used to run errands for Tempest before..., well, before..., you know!"

"Where y'all been since then...?" asked Kobe, curiously, looking at both brothas.

"I went to school..." lied Makal (aka police detective Malik Jones), "...but ain't nobody hiring right now..., so..."

"And I spent some time up in The HOLE..." said Diamond (aka detective Ramone Davenport), "...I just got out about a week or so ago..."

"How'd YOU get out...?" inquired Kobe, "Most of Kane's ole buls'r still in there..."

"My uncle's a lawyer..." lied Diamond with a smirk smile. "...he got to work my case probono!"

"Lucky you!" said Kobe, shaking their hands. "You check `em out...?" he suddenly asked Monk, not even bothering to whisper.

"Of course!" said Monk, making that `I GOT THIS' face, "Besides, I already KNOW them! BOTH of them!"

"Alight. Kewl!" said Kobe, taking Monk's word as he looked for a comfortable place to chill.

"Yo man..." said Monk, following Kobe as his eyes wandered the girl whores lining the drug house. " what's it like working under DMoney...? Pussy anytime you want it..., rite?!" he asked, enviously.

"Sorta like that, yeah...!" laughed Kobe, thinking: the only pussy's he's been banging was DMoney's (chapters-2-3-7 & 8).

"Awe c'mon man..." begged Monk, knowing Kobe probably had access to a higher quality of pussy, perhaps even friends of Dedra's (Money's wife). " can tell ME man...! I ain't gonna dime nobody out!"

Kobe laughed at his own private joke, knowing Monk would NEVER guess he was boning the boss man himself, especially given Money's street reputation. Kobe was surprised himself at how often he was able to fuck Money. What STRAIGHT guy would allow another man to butt fuck him in the ass? While Kobe could probably condone the first time due to drugs (Money had sampled Kane's new FUC drug without knowing the side effects /in chap-2), there was no other reason for Money to give in and allow himself to be fucked 2 more additional times other than he LIKED it!

Kobe's dick started to swell and plump in his crotch, beginning to tent his zipper...

"Damn man..., the pussy must be HOT for you to be gettin' hard just THINKIN' bout it!" surmised Monk, wondering WHO it was?

"Yo man..., ain't you got betta shit to do than to worry bout WHO I'm bonin'...?" asked Kobe, obviously amused by his buddy's attention.

"Yeh..." said Monk, looking over at Diamond and Makal... "...I was just about to show these guys where we keep out our underground stash of weapons..., you know, in case we ever get raided...!"

"uh...can I ask a question...?" asked Makal, getting looks from both Monk and Kobe. "Monk was telling us that you're still selling Sextasy..., how come we're not pumping out FUC like I hear they are in south Philly...?"

"KANE runs the south Philly trade..." informed Kobe, "...DMoney runs the rest...! HE don't want it hitting too many of our houses, fearin' the cop'll wanna hit us harder if it hits too fast...!"

"I heard FUC is the hottest new drug to hit the streets since Sextasy did 3 years ago...!" stated Diamond, putting in his 2cents. "It's stupid not to sell it!"

"I agree..." said Kobe, unwillingly letting Ramone and Malik know he was at odds with his boss. "...but I ain't the one runnin' things...!"

"Maybe you SHOULD be...!" said Diamond, locking eyes with Kobe.

"All good things to those who wait...!" smiled Kobe. "Meanwhile..., we're gonna have to CRANK IT UP to keep sales equal to Kane's...! It wouldn't look rite if Kane started out sellin' Money with a smaller territory...!"

Diamond and Makal snuck looks at each other as Kobe began his way to the door, this being but one stop on his route. He and Monk were exchanging last words when there was a knock at the door. The secret code knock, letting insiders know that the knocker was one of them. The door opened and in walked (much to detective Jones' surprise and dismay) Marvin Rollins.

"Oh shit...!" whispered Makal, trying not to panic as Marvin exchanged greetings with Kobe and Monk.

"What's wrong...?" asked Diamond (under his breath), hearing Malik's concern.

"That's Marvin..., my EX!"

"EX...?" asked Diamond, trying not to look too suspicious if Kobe looked back in their direction. "Ex what...?"

"My EX...!" clarified Malik, looking for a way out. "He knows I'm a cop...! He could ruin everything!"

"Calm down..." suggested Diamond, trying to think of something. "...make out with one of the girls..., maybe he won't notice you..."

Malik looked down at one of the girls lying on a mattress, and frowned. Just then Marvin happened to look towards the back of the house to see of all people...

"YO...!" he yelled, catching Malik's attention.

"The jig's up..." was all Malik had time to say before Marvin, Kobe, and Monk was upon them.

"Hey nigga...! What'chu doin' here...?" asked Marvin, stopping in front of Malik.

"uh..." responded Malik, unsure what to say...

Malik had broke up with Marvin to explode a relationship with his baby's mother (Fontella), leaving Marvin feeling angry and rejected. Malik had NO IDEA how he would react right now...


"Yo Marv'..., you KNOW Makal...?" asked Kobe, curiously.

"Makal...?" chuckled Marvin, getting an almost nervous/pleading look from Malik... "Kno' em...? I used to FUCK this lil' nigga when he used to smuggle for Tempest!"

Malik and Marvin shook hands as Malik blushed, beginning to lose clout with Marvin's statement. "I was the FIRST to bust that ass open, rite MAKAL...!" bragged Marv, dragging Malik into his muscular arms. "That ass still as tite as it USED to be...?!" he asked, slapping Malik's bottom hard. "I doubt it!"

"You used to PUNK for Marvin...?" asked Kobe, looking Malik over strangely...

"I was a kid..." defended Malik, "...this nigga RAPED ME is more like it!"

" LIKED it nigga!" teased Marvin, mugging Malik's head playfully.

Monk rubbed his crotch at the thought...

"Don't matter..." said Kobe, having already spotted Malik as House Pussy. " might have to `put out' for ALL OF US if you want IN with us!"

Malik gave Marvin an evil look for fucking up his cover...

"I got first dibs!" said Marvin, grabbing Malik by the arm and physically dragging him to one of the back rooms...

"And what about YOU...?" asked Kobe, now curious of Diamond as well. "You PUNK while you were in prison...?" he inquired.

"Hell no!" answered Ramone, not wanting to be in the same boat as Malik.

"If I call up Kane's boiz in Piedmont and find out you were givin' that ass out to everybody..." threatened Kobe...

Ramone thought...

"The ONLY person to fuck me was KANE himself..." he admitted, having gotten fucked at the Thug Fest celebration. "...and THAT was a long time ago!"

"Okay..." said Kobe (believing him), before turning towards Monk... " two can fuck Makal after Marvin's done with `em..., but he don't get nothin' more'n a corner to watch over...! I can't trust his weak ass to guard the loot if he can't guard his own ass!"

"Okay!" agreed Monk, his dick already hard at the thought of fucking Malik. "You're not joinin' us?"

"Naw..." said Kobe, thinking of DMoney... "...I've got somethin' BETTER in mind...!" he teased before walking off.



"Marvin...! What're you doing here...!??" asked Malik, totally perturbed by what just happened.

"I could ask YOU the same thing!" said Marvin, amused by the whole situation.

"I'm a detective! I'm working undercover!" explained Malik, trying to control his anger, to keep his voice from rising too high. "YOU said you wasn't going to sell drugs anymore when you got out of prison!"

"Nobody'll hire a convict, Malik..., you kno that!" argued Marvin. "Or should I call you Makal...?" he laughed.

"This ain't a JOKE, Marvin! It's my job! You put me AND my partner's lives in jeopardy!" yelled Malik, beginning to lose his cool.

Marvin stepped in...

"Ain't nobody's LIFE'S in jeopardy..." he said, pulling Malik closer. "...just yur ass!"

"Get off of me!" yelled Malik, fighting back as he pushed away. "I told you we ain't going down like THAT anymore!"

"You wanna arouse MORE suspicion...?" asked Marvin, catching Malik's attention. "Kobe KNOWS how I fuck, he ain't gonna believe you ain't in here git'n that ass tore up if we fucked b'for!" he reasoned, "He might even want IN on it afterwards, just to SEE if everythin's on the up an' up! He walk in here an' we ain't fuckin'..., or he go for sloppy seconds and you ain't got my nut drippin' from yur asshole, he gonna KNO somethin' ain't rite!"

Malik thought over Marvin's argument, knowing it made sense...

"I HATE you!" he said, undoing his pants as he prepared to get fucked again...

"I kno..." smirked Marvin, unbuckling his belt. "...that's what makes it so fuckin' hot!"

Malik and Marvin stripped naked, both men openly checking out each other's bodies despite the odd distance that's grown between them. Malik realized after years of association with the ex-con, that their relationship was toxic at best, that Marvin was a leopard who couldn't change his spots. Malik spent years trying to help Marvin better himself, to become a more productive man in society only to see him fall backwards time and time again. It took the birth of Malik's daughter (Lillian) to open his eyes and show him that Marvin never meant him any good.

Marvin eyed Malik's petite (5'9") well toned body and fat round protruding booty, and remembered back to the first time he ever boned the officer. He still laughed to himself whenever he thought about how he took Malik's virginity (twice), and fucked up his entire life as a straight cop and a ladies man. Marvin's big fat 10 prick swelled immediately as memories of all the times he fucked Malik replayed in his mind: in a drug house much like this one (in the 1st and 4th chapters of Precinct-23), at The Round House (police headquarters downtown), in prison (at Piedmont Penitentiary –The HOLE), in solitary confinement, in the prison laundry room, in Malik's car, in public restrooms, in the hallway of Malik's apartment, the park...

Malik finished stripping (his own dick dangling softly above his ball sac) as he awaited Marvin's next move. Marvin reached out and pulled Malik into his arms (his hands running down the small of Malik's back to his dimpled ass cheeks) as he leaned down to kiss him. "No..." protested Malik, pushing against Marvin's muscular chest. "...I might HAVE to let you fuck me..., but that don't mean we get to kiss and act like we're making love!"

Marvin paused (temporarily hurt) before steeling his emotions...

"Aiight then..." he said instead, slapping Malik (hard) on the ass... "...git that ass over there on the mattress then!" he ordered.

Malik felt the sting of the ass slap, but tried to pretend it didn't hurt as he turned his back to Marvin and crossed the room. Kneeling down over the floor mattress, Malik was suddenly struck with flashbacks to his first encounter with Marvin many years ago, back when he was still considered straight, when his little black book was full of single available women dying to sit on HIS dick. Back when HE was the top man. When it was HIS cum shooting into someone else's body. Meeting Marvin completely shook up his life and threw it in a tailspin out of control. His life had never been the same again, and he STILL found himself trying to recover, to the drastic point of settling down with a woman he barely knew simply because she had his baby in a 3way.

Malik felt Marvin's hands all over his ass cheeks, spreading them apart to get a good gander at the asshole he'd been ravishing for over the past 3-4 years. Malik felt totally exposed as Marvin made lewd comments about how much he loved `waxin' that ass', then pressed his face down between Malik's cheeks, licking his asshole.

Malik groaned as Marvin's fat wet tongue began licking his tender spot, washing over his anus with the intent of lubing it solely for his dick. Malik knew as soon as Marvin finished eating his ass, that Marvin would immediately shove his fat prick into him (as he'd done a million times before) and fuck the living shit out of him, causing Malik's body to revert back to that PLACE Marvin always takes him when he pounds him hard and strong.

The thought of going back to THAT place in his mind set Malik's anxiety off...

"I...I can't...! I can't DO this...!" he protested, jumping up with a panic attack.

"What's wrong...?" asked Marvin (on his knees), watching as Malik got to his feet (his ass cheeks quivering with anxiety).

"I just can't...!" said the police detective. "I can't DO this anymore...! I'm STRAIGHT! I'm with Fontella now! I have a daughter! I can't be getting my ass fucked by some big dick convict who only wants to USE ME as pussy for a few hours and leave! I'm MORE than that! I'm WORTH more than that! I'm a MAN dammit!"

"Is THAT what you think I do to you...?" asked Marvin, grabbing Malik's arm. Malik tried to wrench himself away, but Marvin locked his grip, keeping him captive as he forced him to get closer. "You think I just USE you for yur pussy and bounce...?"

"No..." said Malik, not wanting to have this conversation at a drug house. "...I don't care WHAT your intentions are..." he corrected, "...I just don't want to get fucked anymore! I'm not the same Malik I was when we were together...!"

"I kno..." said Marvin, pulling Malik closer. "...I can SEE that...!" he added, snaking his arm about Malik's waist as he pulled his body in next to his, speaking in a softer tone. "That's what I always admired bout chu..." he continued, running his free hand along Malik's jaw line, turning his head to face his. " ain't neva carried yurself as anythin' less than a man...! No matta how much dick you take, you always Malik! I kno what yur worth...!"

Malik's dick started to harden at Marvin's kind words and tender touch. Marvin took that as a sign and locked his hand behind Malik's neck and pulled his face into a kiss. Malik resisted, but gave in a moment later as Marvin's thick tongue entered his mouth. Soon they were kissing like lovers again, sucking each other's oral muscles as Marvin's hands returned to Malik's needy ass.

Malik suckled Marvin's tongue as Marvin kneaded his buttock, slipping a middle finger up his shit chute. Malik felt the finger enter him, and began flexing his hole over the digit to show he still had the skills that kept Marvin coming back again and again.

Marvin pulled Malik around in front of him (still kissing), then positioned his legs on either side of his thick waist before lowering the officer in squat position over his dick. Marvin reached down under Malik's ass and aimed his dick up to the smaller man's asshole, then pressed Malik down until he began to sink on his stiff standing beer can.

Malik felt the dickhead kissing against his spit wet anus, then felt Marvin's fingers messaging his anal ring and sphincter muscles, allowing him to descent on the big thick rod with a little less pain.

Malik groaned into Marvin's mouth when his dickhead penetrated his ring. Without removing his tongue, Marvin pull Malik's legs from under him, causing his weight to send his asshole down the full length of his prick. "UURHHHH...!!" grunted Malik as the full fury of Marvin's dick entered him swiftly with one fluent motion.

"How do I always get myself into this predicament...?" laughed Malik, already feeling his body adjusting and molding to Marvin's dick.

"Cuz you love it, nigga...stop pretendin' like you don't...!" answered Marvin, lifting Malik so his ass rose up halfway off his dick before dropping him back down on it.

"UHH...!" grunted Malik as his ass dropped back down around the base of Marvin's pole.

Malik wrapped his arms about Marvin's thick neck and broad shoulders and allowed the muscled man to lift and lower him on his prick, using his dick like a pogo stick. Malik felt the fat phallus moving in and out of him, stretching his rectal muscles and rearranging the vitals in his gut to make room for the mast.

Up and down Malik rode, his ass quickly becoming reacquainted with the dick that once took up permanent residence inside him.

Marvin allowed Malik time to get used to the big dick digging through his hole for awhile, knowing it would take some time to adjust since they weren't fucking regularly like they used to. He waited until he noticed Malik starting to take control, using the strength of his legs to lift and lower his own ass faster, literally fucking himself on his dick before taking over.

Malik felt something inside him (some familiar mirror existence) take hold as his body began to crave the fucking. With that feeling increasing in his loins, he began bouncing his own ass faster on Marvin's dick, needing a faster stroke inside him. Marvin watched with amusement, having known it would only take getting his dick inside Malik to get the OLD Malik back, the sexually suppressed one who craved nothing more than a big dick beating down his backdoor. Marvin was glad he didn't have to physically force Malik to submit like before (chap-1), twisting his arm to make him see what he really wanted was right there between Marvin's legs for the taking. He was happy that Malik accepted their roles as fucker and fuckee, and easily fell back into place where they belonged. He didn't expect Malik to rush home and kick Fontella and her funny looking kid to the curb and move HIM back in, but at least Malik was beginning to realize they had a connection that would never die, that was stronger than the two of them thought. There had been times when Marvin himself wanted to cut ties with Malik, tired of his mood swings and demands that he live a healthier lifestyle with legitimate work, punching time clocks and taking shit from people Marvin knew he could snap in half with just his bare hands if provoked far enough. But there was something about Malik that drew him back as well, that made him feel like he had a place with him, a home. The only other place Marvin felt that kind of connection with was at his parents' house.

Once Malik's asshole molded to Marvin's dick and started to slide up and down easier, Marvin gently laid Malik on his back (in missionary position), then proceeded to take back control as he gripped Malik's spread legs and pushed them all the way back against Malik's shoulders (doubling the officer in half). Malik was now Marvin's prisoner, whether he wanted to be or not.

Marvin leaned in over Malik's prone body, using his heavy weight to press Malik's knees back behind his head (until they were touching the mattress behind him), causing his ass cheeks to split even further apart to make room for optimum fucking. Malik was so twisted that he felt like a pretzel. But having gone though this ride before, he very well knew what thrills his body was in stored for once Marvin started thrusting through him.

Having Malik (a Philadelphia Police Detective) in such a vulnerable position was a definite turn on for Marvin, a chance to turn the tables on the officers who's always made his life a living hell. He pulled all the way back until his dickhead popped free from the officer's sucking orifice (the clinging ring pouting at the release before slowly closing in on itself), then slowly sank all the way back in, watching Malik's anus swallow his thick fat 10 inch prong inch by ass stretching inch. Malik groaned softly at the gentle reentry, feeling the entire mass withdraw (leaving him with that awful empty feeling) before refilling him to the maximum, sinking through hot flesh to come to rest somewhere deep inside his gut, reaching through his colon to bury in his intestines.

"Oh god..." groaned Malik, his eyes fluttering as he tried to keep eye contact with Marvin.

"I kno, babee..." said Marvin, pulling back with his hips again to withdraw his entire dick. "...jus relax and let IT make you feel good...! You kno that's what you want..., ain't it...?"

"Yes..." moaned Malik, closing his eyes as he felt the dick withdrawing, exiting his ass and leaving his anal ring puckering for more.

Marvin watched his big dick exiting Malik's hole (loving how the anal lips cried for him to push it back in, even if Malik's mouth wouldn't), then pushed back inside, sinking in faster this time. Malik felt the faster entry and knew Marvin was beginning to set himself a pace.

Marvin pulled back again, but didn't pull out as he only pulled back halfway, then started thrusting back and forth, sawing his way through the gripping hole. It'd been quite awhile since the 2 men fucked (and fucked regularly), so Malik's anus had plenty of time to recover and tighten itself, resealing the walls Marvin long ago knocked down with his battering ram.

Malik opened his eyes again when he felt Marvin thrusting through him. He wanted to see the big man performing on top of him, taking charge. There was just something sexy about being dominated by such a muscled man, being under his control, unable to free yourself even if you really wanted to (which he didn't). While Malik desperately wanted to retain control over his personal and professional lives, being at the mercy of Marvin in the bedroom had a natural side effect that was very primal (for the both of them). As much as he tried to deny his attraction to whatever IT was that Marvin possessed, it always come out during sex, showing its ugly head like a looming demon.

Malik's dick lay hard across his scrunched stomach, rock hard and aching for some attention. Neither Malik nor Marvin paid it any mind, as their thoughts were focused on other things.

Marvin shoved his hips back and forth as he thrust his dick in and out of Malik's open hole, giving him the full length of his powerful lance with each inward stroke, softly crashing his hairy pelvic bone into Malik's ass cheeks and causing Malik's entire body to jerk from impact. Both men were resigned to do what the other expected of him. Both content to play their assigned roles to the martyr as Marvin began to pick up pace, fucking faster, harder, and driving his awesome dick ever deeper.

As the pace began to hasten and the groans began to heighten, the two men standing outside the door began getting curious...

"Sounds like Marvin's startin' to rip yur partner a new asshole...!" said Monk, listening at the door. "Think WE should go in and git IN on this shyt?"

Ramone knew Malik was bisexual, that he had some sort of relationship with HIS boyfriend (David McConnell) sometime in the past, but walking in and watching him get fucked by drug dealers was something Ramone thought he could live without seeing. He always felt David still held some SPECIAL feelings in his heart for Malik, and never liked bringing Malik's name up in conversation because he could tell there was still some pain there for his lover. However, watching Malik get fucked could answer a lot of personal questions Ramone held in his head. Questions like: what was SO special about him that McConnell STILL held feelings for him all this time after? The thought of finding the answer to that question (behind the closed door) was all too tempting to simply dismiss...

"Well...?" asked Monk, rubbing his crotch as he held his hand on the doorknob...

"If YOU want to, man...go check `em out!" suggested Ramone, leaving it up to Monk.

"Fuck that!" responded Monk, twisting the doorknob as he made his way into the room.

Ramone appeared over Monk's shoulder, peering into the room to see a naked Marvin pounding hard into a captive Malik. "Shyt man..." whispered Monk, unsure if he should intrude. "...he beatin' the FUCK outta that ass...!"

Ramone and Monk watched as Marvin (hoisted up on his knees and thrusting down into Malik's lower body) fucked his way through the bottom man as if his body were specially designed for rough housing. The men found themselves standing by the bedside before then even realized they entered the room.

Marvin never allowed their appearances to deter him as he continued fucking straight through the man beneath him. Holding Malik down by the backs of his thighs was one of Marvin's favorite positions for his ex-lover, making him TAKE the fucking he dished, showing him exactly WHO was boss. Having an audience watch only made Marvin want to show off all the more.

Malik was vaguely aware others had entered the room. His focus was solely fixated on Marvin and the big dick ripping through his gut, pulling and pushing his extended asshole back and forth with deep penetrating thrusts.

Ramone watched (half horrified, half aroused) as Malik's body was bent over, fucked and battered like a beating victim. The 2 men worked together in the same Precinct, and although Ramone was very aware that Malik was a bottom with men (with McConnell at least), seeing him submit to such a degree (his body bent like a pretzel) was a bit emasculating.

Ramone watched the big muscled (ex-convict) drug dealer drill his massively thick dick in and out of Malik's stretched asshole as if he owned it, as if Malik's sense of self didn't matter. Ramone felt like he needed to step in and stop this atrocity from continuing. He actually felt sorry for Malik (his boyfriend's ex), seeing him USED in such a demeaning manner. However, the contented look on Malik's otherwise euphoric face told Ramone another story, that THIS was what Malik really wanted and how he and Marvin fucked usually.

Ramone watched as each and every thrust Marvin made caused Malik's dick to jump and drool pre-cum across his abs. Ramone couldn't help looking at Malik's dick and being impressed. It wasn't that it was BIG, but it was beautiful, and amply proportioned for Malik's petite size and weight. Ramone couldn't help but see Malik in a different light, a sexual light that exuded sex appeal and sensuality. NOW he could see what McConnell saw in him. And not only did it clarify WHY David still harbored feeling for Malik, it made Ramone want to experience Malik for himself!

"Damn man, look at dude take dick...!" said Monk, watching the action as Marvin's prick sped in and out of Malik's asshole. "I wanna know what that shyt feels like, Yo! WE should fuck `em too! You feelin' me, man...?" he asked, looking back at Ramone.

"Not a chance in hell!" said Ramone, protecting Malik's honor from the scumbag looking run a train on him after Marvin.

"What man...? Why not...?" asked Monk, seeing opportunity slip away. "He OBVIOUSLY likes git'n fucked! Why can't I fuck `em too...?!"

"Cuz butt fucking a cop's a felony offense..." lied Ramone, "...and you don't need no more infractions added to YOUR list of charges, am I right Benjamin...?" asked Ramone, sarcastically.

"Awwww maaaaannn..." sulked Monk, heading for the door. He didn't even want to see the fucking if he couldn't participate in it. He'd might as well go fuck one of the bitches passed out in the living room.

"Hey..." called Ramone, as Monk turned around to see what he wanted...? "...and keep your mouth shut about this unless we TELL you to tell people! Got it?"

"Yeah, whateva man..." sulked Monk, slamming the door behind him.

Ramone continued to watch the show as his hand quietly snaked down the front of his pants and started massaging the long lump growing down his pant-leg.

Marvin released his death grip on Malik's legs (allowing them to ease up a bit) as he laid down against Malik's torso. Malik continued to hoist his legs up out of the way in missionary position on either side of Marvin's thrusting waist, as Marvin leaned in and started kissing him fully in the mouth.

Ramone saw the intimate exchange as the 2 men kissed soulfully and passionately, swabbing tongues and devouring each other's spits. Marvin let his fat tongue hang outside of his mouth as Malik latched his lips to it and sucked it like big piece of candy or a tasty piece of fruit, sucking off the excess spit and eating it like an aphrodisiac. Ramone felt compelled to pull his dick from his pants as he watched the sex acts unfold, stroking his big fat 10.5" python as he watched his partner get used.

Marvin removed his tongue from Malik's mouth as he speared him on the end of his dick, embedding his entire shaft up his ass without pulling back. Malik knew he hadn't cum yet, as Marvin never came without alerting everyone in the house.

Marvin wiggled one arm under Malik's waist, then with one mighty yank, rolled the two of them over. Malik found himself suddenly on top as Marvin lay on the bottom looking up. Marvin's eyes shifted over to Ramone (who was slowly masturbating to the show). Malik got up into squat-position (the soles of his feet flat on the mattress) and began riding again, bouncing his ass up and down on Marvin's big dick.

Malik turned his head to look at whatever was distracting Marvin's attention, and saw Ramone stroking his big dark dick...

"Big, eh...?" marveled Marvin, noticing Malik's surprise.

Malik couldn't help staring at the dick. Although it was a 1/2 inch or so longer than Marvin's 10" butt plug, it was shaped differently and not nearly as thick (but then very FEW were). But even so, Malik couldn't help being impressed, having always assumed Ramone only bottomed for David. "Wanna FEEL that thing up IN you, don't chu...?" asked Marvin, bringing Malik out of his trance.

"Huh...?" he asked, suddenly looking up at Ramone face with embarrassment before turning his attention back to Marvin.

Marvin laughed...

"Mesmerized by that dick, eh...?" he asked, making Malik feel even worse. Marvin motioned for Ramone to come closer while Malik continued to ride, refusing to look over at his partner as if he'd somehow become invisible.

Ramone slowly inched closer until he was standing directly next to the couple. Malik was still bouncing on Marvin's tree truck dick (his hands resting on Marvin's massive torso for balance) as his ass cheeks slapped repeatedly into Marvin's lap. Looking down into Marvin's eyes, Malik watched Marvin gesture towards Ramone, silently telling him to reach up and touch it. When Malik wouldn't move, Marvin took Malik's arm and lifted it in that general direction. Malik reached up and grasped Ramone's hardon of his own accord, wrapping his fingers around his stiff shaft. While still bouncing on Marvin's dick, Malik began jerking off Ramone. Ramone groaned softly as he ran his own hands up his flat abs, lifting his shirt to expose his own magnificently build torso. Malik turned his head to see Ramone's muscled stomach and big black dick, and couldn't help leaning over to take the oversized prick in his mouth.

"Oh fuck..." groaned Ramone, stepping in over Marvin's head (standing directly in front of Malik) to make it easier for Malik to suck. Malik held onto Ramone's pants thighs as he sucked Ramone's dick and rode Marvin, slapping his ass into the muscled man's lap with a steady pace, driving every inch of Marvin's dong gut deep in his ass.

Marvin watched Malik sucking another man's big dick from below, having a clear unobstructed view of Ramone's dick and hairy balls hanging out of his opened pants as Malik's wet mouth swayed back and forth. To further unobstruct his view (and to get a better look at Ramone's ass) Marvin reached up and began pulling Ramone's denim jeans down as far as his parted thighs would allow. Ramone simply thought Marvin was being helpful so Malik could have access to his low hanging balls if he wanted, but in reality Marvin was looking directly UP at the undercover cop's backpack. Admiring what he saw, Marvin reached up with both hands and grabbed Ramone's buns, strongly caressing and kneading them between his powerful fingers. Ramone was surprised by Marvin's attentions, but didn't stop it as it was all a part of the same sex act. He allowed Marvin to knead his ass cheeks, fingering the hairy crevice and pulling apart the halves to see the dark hole nestled in-between.

Marvin could tell that the hole had been tapped before. The tiny anal ring lay in a perfect tight puckered circle, indicating the seal had been broken and that the hole knew (and longed) for a fat dick to pay it homage. The thought of tapping some new cop ass made Marvin's good feeling dick throb in Malik's bouncing rectum. He watched Malik devour over half of Ramone's big dick, taking at least 8 to 9 inches down his throat as spittle dripped down off Ramon's swaying balls.

Ramone knew getting head from his boyfriend's EX was the wrong thing to do, especially while everything between them (and McConnell's campaign) was going so well. But Ramone felt had he passed up the opportunity to see Malik (the competition) in action, he'd be forever kicking himself in the ass. And although he never pictured himself and Malik interacting THIS way, he couldn't deny Malik's fantastic oral abilities, as he watched his narcotics partner lips inch closer to the prize.

Malik felt Ramone's dick lodged down the back of his throat, even as he was still riding Marvin. Sucking dick while riding another was definitely a tricky maneuver (especially when they both were so big), but he could feel his body compensating as the 2 dicks tried to meet somewhere in the middle. He pulled back (sucking feverishly about the swollen head & shaft) before plunging his mouth back down, forcing the fat phallus to slip down into the curve of his throat. Malik knew he was successful in swallowing the whole thing when his face pressed into Ramone's pubic bush.

Ramone groaned aloud when his dick slipped down Malik's throat, causing him to instinctively grab the back of Malik's head and ground his dick home in his throat. At the same time Marvin was watching Malik's neck balloon to fit Ramone's dick mast down his gullet, he also saw Ramone's anus flexing and winking as it too throbbed along with the dick in Malik's mouth. Marvin wet his index finger with his mouth, then roughly shoved it up Ramone's ass, causing the anus to jump and flex around his embedded finger.

"Oh shit...!" gasped Ramone, shooting his load spontaneously as his dick suddenly throbbed and pulsed down Malik's throat, sending spurt after spurt of creamy cum gushing straight into his hungry stomach.

"UGH..." groaned Malik as the hot cum passed through him on its way into his belly. He could feel Ramone's dick pulsating down his throat, spitting gobs of fresh sperm into his body unexpectedly.

Malik reached down and began frantically stroking his own erection, fisting his 7" hardon as he tightened his anus and rode Marvin to completion.

Marvin heard Ramone's groans, then felt his asshole snapping around his finger and knew he was coming down Malik's throat. He yanked his finger from the gripping chute, then reached up and rough pulled Ramone down until he was literally squatting (in standing position) over his face. Then Marvin pulled up (as if doing chin-ups with a bar) until his face was buried in Ramone's ass and began eating and licking at his hot hole with vigor.

Ramone moaned out loud as his asshole was suddenly and viscously being devoured while his dick was still shooting the last of his cream down Malik's throat. Marvin could feel the asshole flexing strongly about his embedded tongue, helping cause his own dick to suddenly brick rockhard, then start shoot in Malik's squeezing ass.

"UHHHH...!" he grunted and groaned into Ramone's ass as his dick fired shot after shot into Malik's rectum. Malik could feel his innards becoming sloppy with Marvin's load, and shot his own wad across Marvin's bare chest and stomach.

"UHHH...! UHHH...! UHHH...! UHHH...!" he panted as he slowly pulled off of Ramone's dick. "AHHH...! AHHH...! AHHH...! OHHH...!" he continued while rubbing the wet head all over his face and lips.

The 3 men slowly came down off their orgasmic highs as Marvin removed his face and fell back against the mattress. Malik released Ramone's dick which flopped down softly over his depleted balls as he stepped back to recuperate. And Malik slowly pulled himself up off Marvin's half hard dick, tightening his anus to keep the pearly load inside.

"THIS doesn't go past this room!" said Malik immediately after, completely embarrassed.

"Agreed!" said Ramone, willing to take the lie to his grave.

Marvin rose up on his elbows, his dying dick leaning across his left thigh, still oozing semen out on his leg...

"Now you KNO Kobe's gonna want a blow by blow detail of what happened...!" he laughed, "Especially since he knows Malik's been my bitch b'for!"

"Yeah..., and THANKS for letting that particular cat out of the bag!" frowned Malik, back to his old self already.

"He's right..." said Ramone, " might work in OUR advantage to say that he, me, and Monk all fucked you...! It could solidify you as devoted to The House, while certifying me as an equal participant on level with Marvin and Monk! Kobe would have no choice but to believe we deserved to be here!"

Malik sulked, feeling some remnants of Marvin's load escaping his well used anus...

"Okay..." he said, agreeing to allow Marvin and Monk to spread the word to Kobe, "...but this better NOT get back to the Precinct...!" he warned, knowing he'd never live it down.

This story writing by aka EUGENE MARVIN ________________________________________________ To leave comments, questions, and/or suggests, write me at address above, or hit me up on Facebook for updates on what I'm currently working on.

Next: Chapter 12

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