The Disturbing Behavior of Sheriff Bleaker

By Donny Mumford - Laureate Author

Published on Mar 16, 2007


The boys escape without any fatalities....they're on the run and have a fun time in P-town and Key West...sweet love. I'm a 21 year old Junior in college in the northeast (bad storm tonight) I write about teens over-coming adversity...just likeI did and finding sweet gay love...

This is conclustion of the Disturbing Behavior of Sheriff Bleaker

When Dally finished telling me about his plan for our escape I was nervous, of course...but, he once again had given me hope that there will be an end to my nightmare. Then, as a big bonus for us he found a big stash of money too. On top of that, bingo...Dally's search of the Sheriff's study turned up a box of personal belongings from the twenty or so boys pictured on the bulletin board. This was very incriminating evidence against the Sheriff and his sicko brother Skeets.. Some very exciting developments, but I didn't want to press our luck.

I began urging Dally to go back to his room and get back into his handcuff.... he said he would, but just then he found the tapes. Skeets and the Sheriff had been taking video of sex acts with Dally and me over the months. Obviously they'd taken video of the other's too because in the bag Dally found there were about 60 videos, all labeled. All the different boys who had spent time here under 'house arrest'. Dally was sure we had them now..."Those two Bleakers are going to the gas chamber" Dally told me. "This is irrefutable evidence of what's been going on here. They fucked with the wrong boys this time, Danny."

I just nodded my head and chewed on my fingernail. I was nervous because it was about time for Skeets to get back with the Sheriff. The Sheriff's strained and sprained swollen knee and ankle sounded pretty painful, but maybe he could do me this one favor and also fall out of the truck on that same injured leg as soon as they got here....I might even work up a smile if I could see that, but more importantly the added pain might keep his mind off Dally and me..

Dally had put the box with all the boys personal effects...the rings, watches, wallets etc back in it's place when we heard the truck's tires scrunching on the gravel in the driveway. "Hurry Dally...Hurry, please..." Dally quickly picked up the bag of tapes and it ripped out of his hand....60 or so tapes went every which way. The truck doors slammed and we could hear the Sheriff say.."I'm starving Skeets. You go on ahead and get that boy of yours to start making those meat balls that I like...and don't forget, plenty of hot chili peppers. I'll practice with these fucking crutches for a minute or two".

Dally said, " Danny...sweep as many of the tapes under your cot as you can reach." As I began sweeping my arm along the carpet to move tapes closer to my cot I could hear Skeets walking down the outside hall from the car port. My right arm was handcuffed to the floor ring so I couldn't reach too far out from my cot. Dally was sweeping his arm on the carpet just like me.... only he was pushing the tapes under the Sheriff's bed. Skeets was inadvertently giving us extra time because of his very odd way of walking. It seemed like he made each step into a mini dramatic event. Yeah, he's slow, but never the less he'll still be passing our doorway in about 30 seconds and he's bound to look in .....and see Dally. We were frantically hiding the tapes. My heart was beating faster than a Humming bird's.

We desperately needed the extra time Skeets is giving us with his dumb-ass way of walking, but would it be enough. With each step he hits the floor with his foot harder than necessary... His boot hits the floor.. CLUMP!.....pause, then another CLUMP! ...... pause CLUMP!....pause CLUMP! pause.. very deliberate. Its a stupid way to walk ...... just perfect for Skeets though. He thinks it's a walk that indicates a person of authority.....someone of importance who has no need to hurry. What a fucking idiot!

He was two 'CLUMPS' from the bedroom door and Dally was about to follow the tapes under the Sheriff's bed himself when we heard the Sheriff bellow out, "Skeets, I dropped one of these God Damn crutches. I need your help or I'm gonna fall on my ass again." Skeets banged his hand against the hall wall in disgust and muttered, "I should have left that drunk asshole in town. Let him sleep it off in the jail." Skeets would never talks to the Sheriff's face like that. The screen door slammed....and shortly after we heard Skeets says "You OK now Bart?" He said that in a much nicer voice than he'd used in the hall. Then with a chuckle he says, " Christ, taking care of you is a full time job!"...the screen door slammed again and down the hall comes Skeets toward our room again, muttering something under his breath. .... CLUMP pause.... CLUMP..pause

All the tapes were out of sight and Dally was talking fast as he headed for the window, "I'm going out this window and run around the outside of the house to climb in Skeet's bedroom window. Danny, I won't get it all done in time unless you stall Skeets. Please do something to delay him for a minute or so....that's all I need. You can do it." He had opened the window, put one leg over the windowsill and then the other. Pulled the window down from the outside as Skeets was walking by the door.

Skeets did look in the room quickly as he was taking another of his infuriatingly deliberate steps past my doorway. He was gawking at me with a mean look on his face, as usual. I could tell he'd caught a flash of Dally the last fraction of a second, but his mind couldn't process the possibility that Dally could have just gone out that window. My mind was going a mile a minute, but wasn't working any better than Skeets'. We both came up a complete blank. 'What was that I saw??'....his mind. 'What to do?' mind. In both cases.... zero conclusions.

I admit it, I was petrified. I had to stop Skeets from going over to the other bedroom. Dally wouldn't be able to go around the outside of the ranch house, open and climb in the window and put on his handcuff before Skeets got there. No way. I heard Skeets get another 'CLUNK' closer to his bedroom, but I was so frightened I couldn't think. I'll just yell out his name I thought, it's something......I tried to do that...I tried to scream, but nothing came out.....just a wheezy air sound. Like trying to scream in a dream. Then I tried again and it came out alright, but much too loud this time... "SKEETS COME HERE!!!".. I swallowed my own spit in panic and started coughing and hiccupping. We boys simply do not talk to the Sheriff or Skeets in that tone. Skeets said, "What the fuck....?" he forgot about his dramatic walk.... he came fast CLUMPCLUMPCLUMPCLUMP right in my room and it's the first time I ever saw a dark red albino face. He was raging mad.

I scrambled off my cot onto the floor trying to get in the corner of the room but my handcuffed wrist prevented that. Skeets took four fast steps into the room, grabbed the front of the jeans jacket I still had on from when Dally and me had been working the sage brush earlier in the day...he picked me up off the floor with one hand and tried to slap my face with the other hand. I was tethered to the floor with one wrist in the handcuff and held fast by Skeets' meaty fist clutching the front of my jacket pulling against my handcuffed wrist. There was no place for me to hide. I was scared to death and peed in my jeans while I was wiggling and ducking my head away from the slapping hand...... the first slap just brushed the top of my head. Skeets was blowing spit bubbles out of his mouth and snorting through his nose like a bull. He was swinging his arm haphazardly trying to slap my face. I hoped the pee wasn't going to soak through the heavy jeans because that would only add to my troubles. I could feel it running down my legs.

As he slapped the top of my head, my shoulder, side of my neck.... any place he could reach... I kept myself in constant motion trying to avoid the full face slap.

Then he finally did get a pretty good slap on the lower half of my face and I saw stars. The slap cut my bottom lip on my bottom teeth causing a spray of bloody spit to fly out the side of my mouth. I could feel my lip swelling up already. "What the fuck is going on now?" screamed the Sheriff who had finally made his way this far into the house on the crutches. Skeets took one more swat at me and caught the side of my head which started my ears ringing.

Skeets answered back the Sheriff, "Didn't you hear this smart ass telling me "COME HERE"...didn't you hear that." The Sheriff said he'd heard something, but could believe it was me yelling at Skeets. He asked me what my fucking problem was. I could hardly hear him through the ringing in my ears but I came up with something I thought was pretty good. I said, "I wanted to know how you were doing, Sheriff. I was worried about you." This might have gotten me off the hook a little except I yelled it out at him.

I guess I yelled it out because I couldn't hear too well and that caused me to speak too loudly. It sounded, even to me, like I was mocking him. The Sheriff got ripping mad at me too saying, "Don't you ever use that tone of voice with me again. God damnit, you're getting a bull whipping. Think about that you little fairy. And keep your fucking pie hole shut from now on. You hear me?". I nodded my head up and down saying, "Yes Mr Sheriff ... Yes sir, I heard you Sir. I'm really sorry. Please don't whip me."

Skeets roughly dropped me on the bed..... the Sheriff who was now so pissed off he was breathing hard and grunting with the effort and holding his chest. It all made me think... "You fat fuck. I hope you have a heart attack you piece of garbage, eat a shit sandwich and die you crazy asshole". I was thinking these things in my head.....not saying them out loud.

Outside the bedroom door Skeets asked the Sheriff, "OK if I handle the whipping Sheriff? You got the bad leg and all and I'd really like to get that smart assed brat running around naked on his hands and knees begging for mercy. I'm thinking the sooner the better". Both Skeets and the Sheriff were groping their crotches with glazed over looks in their eyes. The Sheriff shook his head and said, "Yeah, yeah ....good idea, but I want to watch. Now, let's see...oh yeah, get that god damn boy of yours to start dinner. I'm starving." They were stopped right outside the bedroom as the Sheriff was trying to adjust the height of his crutches. It was tricky and it was pissing the Sheriff off. He snarled, "This god damn thing is broken...Jesus, my fucking blood pressure must be out of sight with all this aggravation! "

Skeets got something loosened up on the crutch while the Sheriff continued his rant, "That fucking Danny has me so mad I feel like having you bullwhip him right now! What gets into these boys? You suppose we're too gentle with em?" Skeets said, "Are you shitting me? Too gentle? Not a chance, but it just

might be getting time for a trip to the dirt hole. Ya know, maybe get ourselves some new action." I couldn't hear anymore as they walked toward Skeet's bedroom. But I knew one damn thing....I'd gaven Dally plenty of time to get back into his handcuff. Even with blood drying on my swollen lip I still felt really good....... I hadn't let Dally down.

But then, I'm thinking....Skeets really wanted to whip doubt about that, but I wasn't feeling as petrified of that as I'd normally be. That's odd. Maybe it was because I couldn't see how they'd be able to do the whipping tonight........they'll be drunk tonight. The Sheriff and Skeets always drink too much before dinner. The earliest they could do the bull whipping is almost surely tomorrow morning and we'll be gone by then.... the Sheriff and Skeets will be all hit over the head and duct taped up by then.

I fantasized about what I'd like to say to Skeets. Something like.... "Well you retard....I hope you're good at bull whipping when you're all duct-taped-up like a fucking mummy.... with your head half caved in from being hit with billy clubs.....hope you practiced whipping a helpless boy when you're in that shape because that's the shape you're going to be in, you fucking piece of white trash."

Jeez, now I'm thinking maybe Dally was right... maybe I do have a 'hero' inside me. Just thinking that brave, defiant thought made me smile.. First brave thought I'd had in almost two years..... Yeah, Dally's right...the fucking Bleaker scum have messed with the wrong two boys this time!

Then I had a much darker thought...I remembered Skeets' comment about a dirt hole and 'new action' for him and the Sheriff. Since Dally and me were the 'old action'....oooooh, my knee started up shaking. I was getting myself worked up with negative thoughts again. As I'm having these thoughts lying on my cot, nursing my smacked face and split lip, Skeets unexpectedly did his weird deliberate walk straight back into my room. I cringed back on the cot up against the wall as he clumped slowly towards me..... no brave thoughts in my head now.

As it turned out he was just unlocking my handcuff. But, he was not nice about it, "Get the fuck out of those clothes. Do I smell piss? Get your ass outside to the Sheriff's truck. Take all the stuff from the passenger seat in to the Sheriff. Then help your girlfriend in the kitchen with dinner. I can't wait to whip your ass till it's raw. I want to whip it down until I can see a little white spot of your ass bone. When I'm done with you boy you'll never tell me to "come here" again."

I was out of my clothes in a flash. Looking at the floor I mumbled, "I'm very sorry My Bleaker...I'll never do it again. Please don't whip me. Sir, I'll be good.." He told me to get moving and as soon as I turned to hurry off to the Sheriff's truck Skeets took a big swing and slapped my bare ass...S M A C K!!! and I yelped and tried to run but that smack stopped me in my hurt like hell. I was lifting my feet up and standing in place at the same time trying to absorb the shock and the pain when he wound-up and got me with another whack even harder than the first one... that second smack picked my heals right up off the floor with the force of it....

S M A C K !!! Jesus, I had tears in my eyes. Those two smacks really hurt me. "Get moving you're worried about a couple of pats on your ass...Jesus, are you in for a reality check..."

I hurried down the hall towards the side ass and the back of my right thigh were on fire. He hits harder than the Sheriff. All my old fears were back now ...bigger than ever. No more bravado from me. How the hell am I going to go up against either one of them with a billy club... maybe with a shot gun I'd have a chance. But certainly not with only a fat stick in my hand. Fuck! A billy club isn't enough against these madmen.

My scaredy-cat heart was pounding too fast again as my naked body, with it's red, sore ass hurried to do what I was told to do. My mind was back to non-stop worry about that whipping Skeets was anxious to give me...that bull-whipping nightmare in my future. If anything went wrong with our plan to get away from the Ranch tonight, oh my God...I'm going to die a slow, painful death from that bull whipping. My leg began that shaking thing it does and all of a sudden I felt like I was going to throw-up..... familiar feelings for me to have.

I ran with an armload of the Sheriff's papers to the study where the Sheriff was pouring himself about two inches of Wild Turkey into a highball glass. He looked up and his eyes seemed to take in all 5' 6" of my naked, shaved body. His voice was mean spirited and nasty as he said, "Come here." When I did he took hold of my hairless balls and played with them a minute before squeezing them hard. I almost blacked out, but I was expecting it so I managed to keep the scream of pain inside my head. He gruffly said, "Get me some ice, boy. I'm so disappointed in your behavior.....and after all I do for you too. You are so ungrateful! Don't even open your mouth, just get the ice. You need a hard whipping and you're sure as shit going to get it."

He was groping his crotch openly by the end of his lecture...I could see him boning up just anticipating my screams, my pleas and my agony. I had another one of those emotion changes that I'd been getting recently. This time, all of a sudden, this calm feeling came over me......'we aren't dealing with human beings here, I thought. Well, they're not 'normal' human beings...these two are very sick in the head. Dally and me will not fail tonight against these sub human psychos. And I just might ignore what Dally told me about us not being murderers. I might keep hitting that fucking pant load of a sheriff until his brains are running down his ugly face.' When I'm thinking those thoughts I didn't feel afraid....I felt angry. My emotions had been changing from one minute to the next lately. I was under so much stress....maybe too much stress for me to handle. I haven't been thinking straight ever since Dally told me about the billy clubs and our plan for mind has been all over the place.

I got the ice on the run though because I didn't want to act suspicious in any way. The Sheriff expects me to be weak and weepy and afraid enough to pee my pants.....well, actually I already did pee my pants a little while ago, but now I'm feeling brave again and I'm just pretending to be scared. I think that's what I'm doing...... it's hard to tell.

Dally was mixing his meatball concoction when I came back to the kitchen. Skeets was sitting at the kitchen table watching him. "Get me a beer from the cooler." was all Skeets said. I hustled to get it for him and then opened it for him too. He nodded at the table next to his empty beer bottle and said, "Put it down right there and get the spaghetti pot started and open some spaghetti sauce and get that fucking frozen garlic bread out of the freezer and make us a salad with lots of onions. Most importantly, don't look at anybody or open that smart-ass mouth of yours or I swear to god I'll do you right here...." My heart went 'thump thump thump' and then Skeets said, "Ah, You know, do ya that bull whipping right now."

Dally and I both knew what he meant the first time..."do ya" in this part of Texas means "kill ya". I didn't dare steal a look at either Skeets or Dally. Instead I hurried to do what Skeets wanted. Dally was frying the meatballs and trying hard to pretend I wasn't in trouble. My bravado earlier was gone again.

Skeets and the Sheriff were simply bigger than life and they were so intimidating....well fuck, half the time I could hardly breath. Somehow Dally and I got the dinner ready while the Bleaker brothers continued to drink. Dally turned the heat down on the big spaghetti pot and I guessed he wanted to delay dinner so the brothers had more time for their drinking. He whispered to me, "We have to do it during dinner. We can't take the chance they'll whip you tonight. We got to get them drunker...somehow." He looked at me sternly and I knew we were very close to taking action and there would be deadly consequences if we fail. My humming bird heart started up again...

My hand was shaky as I took another glass of ice in to the Sheriff and poured him a BIG drink of straight Wild Turkey bourbon. With my head down I offered it to him. "Too late for sucking up, ya little cunt. You're getting that whipping. Just put the drink down and get your ass back out in the kitchen." I hurriedly brought another beer to Skeets who said, "Get me one of the Sheriff's Wild Turkey shooters. And hurry the fuck up with that dinner." He was reading the newspaper and not paying too much attention to Dally and me. I put a whole bottle of Wild Turkey next to Skeets along with a double shot glass and I poured him a full one. I started making a big salad and watched Skeets out of the corner of my eye. That double shot of bourbon just sat there. He ignore it, but when I checked in on the Sheriff in the study a little later he had finished that huge drink I'd made for him and he had a half of another one next to him. "Where the fuck is the dinner?" is all he said to me and his words were slurred....

Back to the kitchen and Skeets' double shot was gone....I took a chance and poured him another one. He didn't look up from his paper....just kept smoking and sipping on his beer. When we couldn't hold off any longer we put the dinner on the table. "Dinner is ready , Sir" Dally quietly told Skeets. He grumbled that it's about time, but he was slurring his words too. I went in to tell the sheriff that dinner is ready..... he was smashed....drunk as a skunk. He said, "Robbie, help me to the table. My fucking ankle, my fucking knee...every fucking thing hurts." I knew that 'Robbie Dunlop' was the name under the 14th picture on the bulletin board. I said nothing about the name. He leaned on me a little, but he didn't really need all that much help to get to his seat at the table.

In the kitchen as he transferred the sauce into a serving dish, Dally whispered to me that I need to put the food on the table and then go right into the bedroom and get my billy club. "Come out with a normal walk, Danny, don't run....... hold the club behind you and go right up behind the Sheriff and bring that club down on his head with a lot of force. Don't think about anything Danny. Make your mind totally blank and just do what I told you. Don't even look at me or Skeets. I'm going right in and get my club too... and then I'm going right after Skeets." Acid reflux came up from my stomach and burned the back of my throat. I said, "OK, Dally." He nodded, and with my hands and knees shaking, I took the big plate of spaghetti and meatballs to the table. Dally went in Skeets' bedroom to get the billy club.

The Sheriff and Skeets were shoving in mouthfuls of salad...They were so drunk they'd forgotten about us saying grace, but that happens at dinner frequently. They both were talking at the same time and they both were badly slurring their words. I'd helped them drink too much... but also there was the unusual circumstance of the Sheriff's accident, plus the entire affair with my unusual behavior of calling them both out...unintentionally. It had them both confused and so pissed off they couldn't think straight.

All that planning Dally and me had done about getting out of our handcuffs wasn't going to be necessary.... we are doing it this way. Getting them drunk ....and like Dally said earlier, that threat of bull whipping me tonight made him rethink his to overpower them before dinner ... that looked like our best chance. Of course, we're still counting on the fact that the Sheriff only has one leg ...that has to be a big point in our favor. I put the plate of food down and mumbled 'bathroom duty' and went right in and got the billy club from under the chest of drawers. My arm was shaking like my leg usually does. I was shaky all over. I tried to think of nothing, like Dally had told me.

I was puffing out short breaths and shaking like leaf on a tree when I heard the Sheriff, his back to me, say "What the fuck?". I was walking up behind him when I heard "THUNK" and the Sheriff shouted, "Fuck you think you're doing? it Skeets" The Sheriff was half up out of his chair watching Dally hit Skeets' over the head with the billy club. Then I heard another "THUNK" and I was right behind the Sheriff. My breathing was so loud as I swung the billy club he heard it and turned his head at the last second..... I hit him a slicing blow on his ear and down to his shoulder. Faster than I could see, his arm reached up and he took the billy club right out of my hand. In the same motion he flicked it backward in my direction and the handle part slammed into the middle of my forehead and split the skin. A bump raised almost immediately as I sat down hard on the floor with my back up against the wall..

A very loud bell was being rung near my head and the room had started spinning around. My mouth was open and the faster the room spun the dizzier I got. I leaned over and threw up. It was very hard to see because there was a film all over everything...or maybe it was smoke..... no I think it might be tissue paper...very thin tissue paper. I heard the Sheriff say, "You got about 15 seconds of life left you little bastard." I looked up and he had somehow hopped around on one foot and was standing over me holding the billy club on his shoulder, real casual like. I squinted my eyes and saw Dally running around the table to come up behind the Sheriff. Even though I was still dizzy I couldn't help but wonder how the Sheriff could have forgotten about Dally...he must have been really drunk. Dally was there in a flash and without hesitating he brought the club down hard on the back of the Sheriff's head...THUNK! ....I blinked and tried to remember where I was.

It was interesting to a cartoon. Without a sound the Sheriff sat back in the chair very slowly. Dally checked the Sheriff's eyes and then ran into the kitchen and came right back with a plastic bag filled with ice. He lifted my hand up so I could hold the ice bag on my bumped forehead. Dally ran to the storage area and came back with three big rolls of gray duct tape. I tried to smile at him but I think I may have frowned. The ice felt good, but there seemed to be a vise tightening on either side of my head.... the bell ringing was getting duller although still annoying. I heard the sound of duct tape ripping off a roll.....a long ripping sound and then Dally breathing hard and then another long ripping sound. He was busy alright.

In less than five minutes I heard Dally speaking. He apparently was directing his comments to Skeets when he said, "How ya feeling now shit-for-brains? Can I get you something? How bout a bull whip, would you like that? Feel like whipping anybody at the moment? Well, do ya?" I heard nothing from Skeets.

I couldn't see, because I was sitting on the floor, but I have to assume Dally had Skeets completely taped up. I wanted to stand up but my legs were still like spaghetti. From a seemingly unconscious state the Sheriff slowly stood up and said, "Oh no you don't, Buster!" He obviously was not 100% back to his normal self quite yet because "Buster" was not in his normal vocabulary. Dally walked quickly over. The Sheriff was looking at me when he said, "Skeets is all tied up right now so I'll bull whip your ass myself, smart guy." Dally swung the billy club like he was doing a one-arm swing with a baseball bat and it connected full force on the Sheriff's strained, swollen knee cap. When it hit it sounded like a large glass bottle had been dropped onto a cement floor. The keening shrill scream coming from the Sheriff woke me up some and I stupidly tried shaking my head to clear the cobwebs, but the ensuing headache was a serious thing...I immediately stopped shaking my head. I could see more clearly now and I could move my legs OK too. I was coming around.... I hoped.

Dally just stood next to the Sheriff as the Sheriff continued to give his insane old lady's screech....a constant spray of spittle from the Sheriff's wide-open braying mouth covered the big platter of spaghetti and meatballs. I'd never heard or seen anything like it. Obviously the pain was something from another state of consciousness as the Sheriff just stood there and wailed. I saw Dally clearly now and he had an annoyed look on his face at first...... than he kind of shrugged to himself and swung that billy club like a golf swing this time, from way up behind his head and in a big arch down to impact against the Sheriff's swollen ankle. The Sheriff hit a high note in his scream and then dead silence followed as his eyes rolled up in his head and he finally collapsed, first across his captain chair and then, rolling off the chair he landed on the floor. Very large thud..... I scooted a few feet further away from him.

Dally looked at me and made a face and shrugged like, "What the fuck?...". Reaching for a big roll of duct tape Dally told me, "I ripped open Skeets' shirt before I taped him up and I'm going to do the same with the lovely Sheriff here." With that he ripped the shirt so that all the buttons popped off and exposed the Sheriff's barrel chest and huge pot belly.

Both covered in that ugly gray hair. Dally said, "This can be a little extra present from us, Danny. The Bleaker brothers should think fond thoughts of us when someone is pulling this duct tape off along with all that body hair." Dally started in by first duct taping the Sheriff's legs together as he worked his way up that large body. Two rolls of duct tape. He had to roll the Sheriff back and forth to get five or six strips all the way around the Sheriff stomach and chest catching the left arm in tight against the Sheriff's side.

With Skeets it had been easier because he never fell out of his chair. Dally totally duct taped Skeets as he sat there unconscious right in the chair. Skeets was taped to the chair from his ankles, over his lap and all up his trunk....with his arms tight up against his sides. We could hear Skeets coming to and groaning..... he was starting to say some words too. We ignored him. The Sheriff is so big that Dally could only duct tape one of the Sheriff's arms to his body. He handcuffed the other one to the bottom leg of the China cabinet full of dishes and bottles of booze. Dally looked at me and said, "I hope he gets enough strength back to pull that fucking cabinet over on top of himself. But, he ain't going anywhere no matter what he does".

Skeets was duct taped in his chair sitting up and therefore he couldn't see the Sheriff on the floor. He said, "Where's the Sheriff?" Dally ignored that and told me, "You just stay there a while longer Danny while I collect the evidence." In short order Dally had the pictures of the lost boys, minus Dally's picture and my picture. It took him some effort to get the video tapes from under the beds and into a pile. He then put the box of "trophy" items from the murdered boys on a chair and using a magic marker to write in big letters on the wall above that chair... WHERE DID THESE TWO PERVERTS BURY THE BODIES OF THESE RAPED AND MURDERED BOYS ? Then on an adjoining wall he wrote... THESE TAPES SHOW WHAT THESE TWO PIECES OF SHIT DID TO THESE BOYS BEFORE KILLING THEM....he put the pile of sex tapes under the writing.

Skeets read these messages with his lips moving and then bellowed out, "You little worthless fucks better pray to God I never get my hands on either of you. You will die a slow and painful mother fucking death.

You better be thinking of me every night because I'll be thinking about you and I'll be coming for you. Now answer my question...where is the Sheriff?" I couldn't help it, I backed up against the wall another inch to get that much further away from Skeets. The evil in his voice...the confidence that he very well might, somehow... someway... have a chance to get us again was frightening. He scared the shit out of me. Not Dally though.

Dally was arranging the evidence and he said in an off-hand way, "Skeetsy, how'd you like another knock on that ugly head of yours with my little billy club here. How'd you like that?" Skeets screamed, "Come on over here you pussy boy and try it". As Skeets was screaming at us he lurched in his chair and it almost tipped over backwards. Strong man for sure, but nobody could get out of the situation Dally had put Skeets in. Dally walked over and dropped the night stick on top of Skeets' head. Dally didn't swing it, just let it fall forward onto one of two large swollen, bloody bumps on Skeets head. He howled in pain....his head must be aching quite a bit....what a shame.

Dally had a little lecture of his own..."Let me explain something to you, Skeets, and be sure you share this message with the Sheriff when he wakes up. You two assholes will have probably eight to ten hours to chat among yourselves before the cops drag you both on out of here. Both of you are unfortunate mistakes of nature. You think you're better than everyone, but the reverse is true and all ten billion people on the planet would agree with that. Danny and me have just shit you and the Sheriff out of our lives forever."

Skeets frowned at Dally as Dally continued his lecture, "Yes, that's right're shit, and just like when someone takes a shit in a porta-potty, someone else will eventually come by and empty the shit out and flush it down some sewer. Same thing here....someone will come and flush you down a guess would be you'll get flushed down a prison sewer. You two are totally over, finished...... except for the flushing part. You'll lay in the toilet with the piss and the used toilet paper and the other turds for a time, but eventually you'll be flushed away. For right now, you best shut the fuck up or I really will hit you with this stick..... repeatedly!" Skeets said nothing, his eyes just rolled around in his head and with his mouth hanging open he, perhaps, was trying to figure out how this complete reversal of fortunes had happened.

Dally said to me, I'll load up the truck and get the extra gas and then come back for you. There isn't any reason for you to get up yet, Danny. Just stay there and let your head clear." I found I could say, "OK, Dally. Thank you." Truth is the Sheriff had come to and was staring at me and it scared me but I didn't want to act like a baby. Dally was doing everything and I didn't want him to have to help me move just because the Sheriff was looking at me. Shortly the Sheriff moaned and closed his eyes again anyway so I was glad about that. He may have fainted from the pain again without even recognizing who I was. His knee and ankle probably ached more than his head did. I couldn't see how much more it had swelled up after the whacks from Dally's club because the Sheriff was completely duct taped from ankle to armpits.

Before long Dally was ready and he came in to get me. I was glad to get away from the smell of my vomit. That delightful vomit smell would be another little treat for the boys to enjoy while they waited to be arrested. Dally had picked out some clean boxers, jeans and T shirts for us to wear. We put on our socks and our old Nike sneakers and he grabbed his "Cubs" baseball cap....the one he'd been wearing when captured. It was the last thing that belonged to us from the box of 'personal items' from the 20+ victims. Not a peep out of either of the Bleakers as Dally helped me outside and up into the passenger seat of the truck. There was a pillow for my aching head....Dally thinks of everything. He put the satchel with the money behind the seat, checked to be sure he had the two cell phones and just like that we pulled out of the front gate of the BCR... We left the Bleaker Cattle Ranch for the last time.

Right outside the gate Dally said, "Oh, I almost forgot" and he stopped the truck so he could put a gold chain with a cross around my neck. It was the one my mother had given me on my last birthday with her, just before she was killed. She had given up drinking her beloved coffee for six months in order to save enough money to buy it for me. In a real tiny inscription it read, "love, mom". The Sheriff had taking it off me the first day I was on the Ranch....just before he bull whipping me.

When I looked at it after almost two years I started in crying and Dally and me hugged each other for maybe three minutes. The hugging felt just as good as I thought it would all those times I'd fantasized about it. I was enjoying the crying so much I kept at it until I fell asleep. Dally spoke soft comforting things to me while he drove us further and further away from our living Hell. ...he spoke in a soft voice saying that I'd done fabulously and that I didn't have to cry. I said I was crying with relief that we made it out alive and because I'd never have to see the Bleaker psychos again and because he and me were together. All the stress we'd been under and the fact that maybe I had a concussion could also have had had something to do with the crying.....

We left the ranch about 8pm and I fell asleep before 8:15. The tension and/or the knock on my forehead had exhausted me....I'd never felt so tired. As usual, Dally had to do the lion's share of saving us. He drove along the Mexico/Texas border from Laredo, Texas down to Mc Allen, Texas... that trip was about two hundred miles. Dally wasn't in any kind of hurry and we pulled into an old Motel named 'The Sombrero' before midnight. I'd been sleeping for the last 3 1/2 hours of the trip, but I woke up when Dally pulled the truck into the motel with the bright lights shining in through the windshield.

Of course Dally had a plan...he'd been planning to escape almost from the first day he was caught. He said, "Stay out of sight, Danny. I'm going to tell the people at the registration desk that I'm alone." I didn't asked any questions...I just scooted down in the seat. Dally paid cash for one night and pulled the truck around to the back parking lot...out of sight. We had a small room with twin beds and a small bathroom with a shower. The Sheriff had had his accident less than ten hours ago, that accident had started a domino effect that ended with Dally and me sitting on squeaky bed springs in a motel in Mc Allen, Texas. ....... with nervous half smiles on our faces.

I looked at Dally out of the corner of my eyes and he looked so cute and so proud. "Yo Dally, good job, man!" I said it in a flip manner to try and keep it light because I could sense the tension we both still felt. Dally put his arm around my shoulders and it felt real nice. He said thanks, but he warned that there was still much to do before we could really feel safe. We're almost certainly safe from the Bleakers, but we also were very anxious to stay completely free of the authorities too. We didn't think we'd be "wanted" for any crime necessarily, but rather they'd want us as material witnesses or something along those lines..we were not interested in what "they" wanted. Dally said that the only two people in the world he trusted at this point were him and me. I put my hand over and Dally held it with his free hand for a little bit....that felt real nice too. But, we were hungry so it didn't last long.

Dally went back to the main building where they had a gift shop, which was of course closed at this late hour, but there was a little selection of items for sale outside the pay at the desk. Dally got a toothbrush, toothpaste and a baseball cap that had a big "A" for Astros on the front. He scrunched the hat up and kicked it around the parking lot a little so it wouldn't look new and then he gave it to me to wear. I had to wear it back on my head because my forehead was very tender from that whack the Sheriff had given me. Dally had his cap on already. We'd share the toothbrush tonight and get another one tomorrow. Dally wanted these people, if ever questioned, to say only one boy stayed the night.

Our escape took place on a Monday so we'd both had the Monday treatment of enema, bath and body shave as well as our hair buzzed to 1/8th inch. Dally wanted us to wear the caps to hide our hair cuts. He may have been acting over cautious, but we were in a cautious frame of mind. We walked a few hundred yards up the highway to an all night diner and had cheeseburgers, french fries and milkshakes. The first 'junk food' I'd had in two years. Yum! Yum! Back in the room we took turns taking showers trying to shower the BCR off our bodies. Dally and me had seen each other naked every day for months so we were not shy about that...we walked around naked out of we didn't have any clean underwear to put on anyway. We'd buy clothes and toilet stuff when we got out of Texas.

We had the TV turned to cable news just in case the impossible happened, but nothing was making headlines that we cared about.... After a couple showers each Dally began making phone calls on the Sheriff's cell phone. He called the Texas State Police first and spent 15 minutes on the phone convincing the dispatcher this was a serious call regarding serial rape and multiple murders. Dally told the two individuals he talked to that he was also going to call the FBI as soon as he hung up. The State Police could see from caller ID that the cell phone Dally was calling with did indeed belong to the Sheriff of Bleakersville, Texas.

By letting the State Police know that the FBI would also be involved insured that the State cops would get their asses moving faster. A jurisdictional fight over who would be in charge of a potential major crime's about who got the most headlines with these crime agencies......that's what they cared about. I guess it was tied into personal career advancement too. We didn't care a twit why they hurried to the Bleakersville ranch..... just do it.

Dally called the FBI and went through the entire story again. They had the same personal motivation as the State Police so Dally thought it best to put them in competition with each other to get to the ranch first.

Naturally the FBI and the State Police both had tons of threatening things to say to Dally about obstruction of justice and other bull shit of that sort to try to intimidate Dally into turning himself in. Dally calmly told them to go fuck themselves. He also told them what an outstanding job they'd done protecting the children around Bleakersville, Texas. Dally was getting angry so he added, "Don't even think about stealing any of the personal effects of the boys who were raped and murdered. We left a box of those things behind as evidence. I have a list of all the items and the boy's families better get back every item." Then Dally was so disgusted with everything about his two conversations with "the law" that he threw the cell phone against the wall.

We both knew the cops wouldn't be interested in that pathetic assortment of items taken from the boys before they were killed. Dally was just breaking their balls because they didn't seem to care about the boys, or us...but rather, their emphasis was on bureaucratic ass protecting and screaming at Dally.

Dally had to talk them into even bothering to go check it out. If Dally hadn't found the money and the cops had found it instead, we were sure they'd keep it. Yeah, we kept it too, but we don't get paid to "Protect and Serve" like the police do. And we earned that money working as slaves on the Ranch. Dally and me were pissed off about the authorities' reaction in general. He was not a fan of the neither.

We'd let the FBI and State Cops fight out who gets jurisdiction and all the glory of handling what was bound to be the biggest case of the decade. Dally said, "Danny, we're done with all this now. You and me are going to worry about you and me exclusively for the foreseeable future." He told me the first order of business is to cover our trail and get rid of the truck, but for right now we need sleep. We both went to sleep quickly because it was very late and we were very tired....we slept in separate twin beds. I was hoping to change that somehow, soon....

Next day Dally and me drove around town and found a small 'used car' dealership. After some haggling Dally paid cash for a seven year old Volkswagen convertible with a big dent in the passenger door. The owners papers actually looked authentic. I don't have a drivers license, but I'd driven the pickup all around the Ranch many times so I knew how to drive it just fine. I followed Dally, who was driving the Volkswagen. We drove all the way down to the very tip of Texas, at the very bottom of the state.... to Brownsville, Texas. It was right on the Mexican border and right next to the Gulf of Mexico.

By the middle of the afternoon we'd stashed the Sheriff's truck in the parking lot of a 24 hour supermarket. With the Volkswagen's top down and Dally driving we headed for Louisiana 700 miles away. We were in no hurry. We traveled all along the edge of Texas which bordered on the Gulf of Mexico. We'd finally both begun to calm down some and started to relax a little. What an awesome ride that was. It was as close to actually having real "fun" as I've experienced in a couple of years. It was a surreal feeling being out and, like regular teenagers. The 'doom' of the Bleakers Cattle Ranch hung over us like a threat of some unspecified danger. It was still a presence, but a fading one...

Dally wanted the authorities, when they found the pick-up truck, to assume we'd fled into Mexico. Mexico was not in our plans. Dally said we were going on a sight seeing trip the next couple of mouths. It was summer time in America and schools are on vacation in the summer. We could travel all over and attract little attention. We were not unusual, just a couple of teenaged boys....we fit in just fine. I looked over at Dally as he drove us away from our nightmare and I said a silent prayer of thanks for him in my life. Whatever would I have done without Dally. Jeez, I got choked-up just thinking about it.

Dally and me cheered like little kids with our hands waving in the air when we left the state of Texas and entered the state of Louisiana. Dally drove for another hour on Route 10 and then pulled into a big motel that advertised a large swimming pool and free cable TV. We got our room and right away turned the TV on and switched to a news channel. It came right up... "Strange happenings in Bleakersville, Texas" was the headline of the report. Boy, did they ever have the story all screwed up. CNN's take on what happened had very few facts. The story had just broken and I guess they just make stuff up until they get around to finding out what really happened. They reported a nationwide manhunt for Dally and me. They didn't know our names and our description could fit a large portion of the teen population in the world.

Even our haircuts were not unheard of. A lot of kids had short buzz cuts. The TV report said that two teenage boys were wanted for questioning in connection with a "Breaking and Entering" at the Bleaker Cattle Ranch. There were unconfirmed reports that the Sheriff and Skeets had been tortured. They showed a picture over and over of the Sheriff and Skeets being loaded into an ambulance. They had a sheet over each one so we couldn't tell how much duct tape remained on the Bleakers. We guessed it was a lot...

Dally snorted and told me not to worry....the story would unravel and get corrected eventually. And, in the meantime, all the world's greatest detectives put together couldn't find us. We went swimming. We both swam for an hour and then drank cokes and ate a dinner at a table around the pool. We were relaxing a little bit at a time...hour by hour. By the time the evening news was on there were unconfirmed rumors from leaks either by the State Police or the FBI that a serial killer could possibly be connected to the Bleakersville story. The two un-named suspects, Dally and me, were still the focus of the news broadcasts. Dally felt that probably the FBI knew by now that they had a sensational case on their hands. As they reviewed all the evidence that we'd left for them it would be obvious that Dally and me were just two potential victims... we had no involvement in the torture, rape or murders of the boys.

Sure enough, by the next morning the two suspects had changed from being the two unknowns, Dally and being the Sheriff and his brother, Skeets. Charges were filed and they were taking from the hospital to a prison facility. Dally and me were now the two heroes who had over powered the monsters and managed to escape. They begged us, on the TV broadcasts, to come in and help with the case against the Bleakers. Yeah, fat chance! We listened to talk radio as we drove through Mississippi and into Alabama. On all the talk radio programs we were applauded as the bravest of heroes. We heard basically the same message all the way through Alabama and Georgia... Same story as Dally drove us right into Florida too. Nice to be applauded and called a courageous hero.... Dally jokenly bitched that no one elevated us to "super" Batman and Robin, maybe.

Dally wanted to drive all the way to the bottom of Florida to Key West. I wondered why and he said, "Just because we can, Danny." So we drove to Key West, Florida. From Key West it's a short boat ride to Cuba....for those who are dumb enough to want to get to Cuba. Our travels had taken more than two weeks because we took our time and only drove four or five hours a day. We had no special time table.... just what we felt like doing. If we liked something about a place, we'd spend the night and sometimes two. Slowly but surely the accurate story of the Bleakers Cattle Ranch emerged. We followed the reports in newspapers and watched TV news every day. It was obvious to everyone after two weeks that the Bleakers were in deep, deep shit.

The mundane activities of life crawled along unconcerned about the world-wide interest in the mass rapes and murders that took place on the BCR. Innocuous matters like our body hair went about it's business of slowly growing out. It had reached the prickly stage after the first five days, but we persevered through that and as it continued to grow we knew that soon we wouldn't even have to give it a thought. We were just starting to let ourselves have some fun now and then....laugh a little.

We were stopping to look at every single tourist spot that advertised itself along the highway. Hooker Cave and the world's largest ball of string and the fire cracker super store and every damn silly thing you can think of. We paid to see it or eat it or whatever.... Somehow Dally had known that a frivolous road trip like the one we were on would be a good first step toward healing and adjusting back to the normal world. Just to be able to get out of bed when we wanted and choose what we wanted for breakfast was a new and wondrous thing to us, especially for me. I'd been away from civilization for almost two years.

Dally would give me a hug or squeeze the back of my neck or rub my head, but that was about it for body contact. I couldn't help but wonder if that was all there was going to be. It was surprisingly easy to admit to myself that I longed for more. I ached to lie naked with Dally in bed. To cuddle and hug with him and to kiss his mouth.... that's what I really wanted to do. Kiss his cute mouth. I stared at his face and body whenever I could do it without Dally noticing. I had lots of boners in bed. Sometimes the room we rented had only one bed and we shared it, but he made no move to touch me. I was jerking off a couple of times a day in the bathroom just from my fantasies of Dally. The Sheriff had turned me into a queer, but Skeets apparently hadn't turned Dally into one. One more thing about Skeets for me to hate....

Key West was...well, quaint. I guess that is a good overall description. There were a few expensive looking hotels, but Dally wanted to rent a room in a 'Bed & Breakfast' place. I'd never heard of that, but sure enough, we saw some big houses advertising themselves as "Bed & Breakfast" VACANCY. It was kind of off-season down here so we had no trouble renting a very nice room for an entire week. I was happy we would be staying in one place for a while. Driving can get tiresome. The place we stayed was owned and operated by two middle aged men who I'd have to say were probably gay. I didn't have much experience with gay people, but I'm pretty sure these guys were gay. They really were nice to Dally and me though and insisted we take the premium room with a big feather bed at a 'normal' room rate.

The younger of the two, George, was gushing with enthusiasm about how Dally and me are going to love sleeping in that feather bed. It did look comfortable. Since I'm apparently gay now myself, I felt I should fit in real well at 'George and Terry's Bed & Breakfast'. That's the name of it. Both guys are very accommodating I must say. Terry is a bit clumsy and is always falling into me, but he apologizes so much I can't hold his clumsiness against him. When I told him that I wouldn't hold it against him he said, "Oh my dear, can hold it against me all you want. Please do!" So nice and polite. Still, I can't say I understand why he'd want me to be critical of him. The important thing is we're all getting along wonderfully. And I do indeed like the place.... a lot.

That first night Terry and George insisted we come to the pier with them to see the sunset and have dinner as their treat after the sunset. WOW! That sunset was beautifully spectacular. We learned that lots of people visit Key West primarily because of the sunsets over the ocean which are always very special. We got there a half hour or so before the sunset and had cocktails. George bought Dally and me a grapefruit and vodka drink with cherry juice added for a plastic cup. I must say, it was very good. I felt woozy a short time after finishing it though. Terry said that's because I drank it too fast. He stood behind me and held me around the waist for the remainder of the sunset to steady me. They are both very thoughtful men. For some reason Dally had a kind of mysterious half smile on his youthful, cute face, his green eyes shining brightly. I loved looking at him.

We ate fried shrimps, cole slaw and some kind of dark rice at a small table on a balcony overlooking the ocean. Dally and our two hosts shared a bottle of white wine while I had two large cokes. Dally told lies about our trip and who we were. I mostly nodded and smiled. Terry kept patting my hand as if I were a seven year old. That's Ok, they're very nice as I've said.

It was a very good first night in Key West. Before we went upstairs to bed Terry and George both kissed us on the cheeks goodnight so I was right about them being gay it seems. Dally and I sunk into that feather bed and we met sort of in the middle. It was a very soft mattress. I had the thrill of my life sleeping all night right up against Dally. He even put his arm around me and I think he kissed me....or at least licked me. Either one would be fine.

I'm not naive, I know Dally was drunk when we went to bed and probably wouldn't remember the kiss or face lick by morning. No matter, I loved it. I stayed awake longer than Dally and made sure my legs were against his legs. Oh my God what a boner I got. When it got too painful and my balls surely had to be a deep shade of blue I went in the bathroom and fisted my boner shooting a long stream of cum up on the mirror above the sink. What a hot, hot sensational climax I had ...thinking about Dally again. Something simple like wanking off was like a new thing for me...that revolting Sheriff had been milking my balls dry for two years. I'd forgotten how much fun jerking off can be and how great it feels...

In the morning Dally was all smiles and he wrestled around with me in bed and what a boner I got then too.

Jesus, I had another hot wank just before taking a shower. Whew...Dally really made me hard. This was all so great I had to keep pinching myself to be sure it's real. Downstairs for breakfast where Terry and George tried to outdo each other taking care of Dally and me. There were three other guys staying there, but they were older and more serious. One was here for an entire month doing water color paintings of Key West. The other two were together on some kind of business trip. Something to do with their travel agency. One would have to assume they're gay too.

Talk about a coincidence! For my purposes it was great. Maybe some of this will rub off on Dally. The one place we choose to stay in and everybody is gay....sometimes it's better to be lucky than smart. Right? Terry almost ended up in my lap when he was serving my breakfast. The poor guy is a total 'klutz' ...but so nice that no one criticizes him. As a matter of fact Dally and George get the biggest kick out of it. I gave Dally a frown to try to get him to stop laughing at Terry...Terry's feelings might get hurt. On the other hand, Terry thought it was funny too.

We toured Ernest Hemingway's home and museum. He was a famous Key West author apparently. There was a bus tour of the entire Key which lasted hours and was great. Just relax on the bus and have someone explain all the sights...then, of course there is the bus boner. Always appreciated. We went to the beach later and this is pretty much the way the whole week went. The temperature was in the 80s with lots of sunshine. We did some things with our hosts and toured the Key and used the beach. Every night we had cocktails on the pier at sunset. On Saturday there is a Gay Trolley tour which Terry gave us free passes for. He said a friend of his drove the bus. His friend, Myles, was just as clumsy as Terry. Jeez, I spend half my time keeping those two from falling over. Very nice guys though. Always smiling and laughing.... Dally too, a little more so lately.

At nights and sometimes when I'm lying in the lounge chairs on the beach I would think about the horror I lived through on that ranch. It was impossible to comprehend how bad that was and how good this is. In the same reality...the same time and dimension. How could the two totally opposite experiences exist on the same planet? Evil and innocent goodness or niceness. I'd shiver and feel sick just thinking about those poor boys who where murdered by the two psycho brothers. And I'd feel scared and nervous thinking about what was done to me for all those months. Tears would wet my cheeks thinking about what my fate would have been without Dally. I wondered, in my musings, if I'd know somehow , when they did finally kill me, if I'd know that I'd been murdered and thrown in a dirt hole? You know, your soul or something can see it or just knows it happened... somehow. I can't talk about these thoughts with Dally because he says were in a "no Bleakersville zone" for a month.

He's afraid we'll fixate just on the horror we went through rather than fixating on our escape and our good fortune now. Dally wants me to enjoy the present for a while and then he and I will spend some time talking together about the Ranch and then we'll concentrate on our good fortune in the present again and so on. Dally says we'll sneak up on reality. He said he doesn't have anything to back him up on this, but he just thinks we need to do it this was.

He always says, "It's you and me Danny. We will make it work together somehow. You're always going to have me along side to help you long as you need me. Both of us, but you particularly, have a lot of very negative baggage to work through. You more than me Danny because you were there almost three times as long as me. We'll heal and acclimate to regular life together, forever if need be...till we're both well.

Trust me, Danny"

We were having fun and we were beginning to feel relaxed at times too so we let Terry and George talk us into staying another week. They said we could stay at half the regular room rate but Dally insisted we pay full price. As it turns out there are many gay guys in Key West. The gay trolley tour outlined the history of gay and lesbian activities in Key West. They went back many years. I really liked it all because I wanted Dally to adsorb the culture, so to speak. Guys would walk down the street holding hands like it was no big deal. Young guys old guys, you name it.

There were also some young cute guys who I found myself staring at. Surprised me some because I never realized I was so interested in guys before. Maybe I was too young or too oblivious before my arrest to explore my sexuality. Of course, during the last two years, as I was being raped and beaten on a regular basis it would be difficult to take note of subtle changes in my say the least. The thought occurred to me that the Sheriff hadn't made me queer...or gay. It was perhaps my nature and I'd simply grown into it. I liked that thought a lot better and I hoped it was true.

Terry and George introduced us to some of their friends and we were invited to a cook-out at a rich gay guys house. Terry tried to teach me to dance and I did OK. Dally had apparently learned to dance before being arrested and he danced with some of the girls that were at the party. I looked over and he seemed to be having a good time so I didn't interfere.

I had a couple of beers and met a young gay guy who was one of the older gays nephew. His name was Frankie and he wasn't real cute, but he had a nice taut body and he seemed to like me. He was very touchy, but that didn't bother felt good.

I practiced dancing with him for a while and then he started rubbing his hand on my crotch. I don't know, it didn't seem right so I made my way over to Dally shortly after the crotch rub. I saw Frankie with another younger guy later on. He waved and smiled at me so I guess there were no hard feelings. Frankie and this other boy were slow dancing together but it was almost like they were doing a fuck with their clothes on.... rather than dancing. It scared me in the pit of my stomach and it gave me a stiffy too. I thought about doing that with Dally and my boner started leaking..

On the beach the next day a nice looking young guy came up to Dally and me and introduced himself as a guest who just checked in at George and Terry's Bed and Breakfast. His name was Dylan Curtis and he was 21 years old. The three of us hit it off wonderfully and Dally, me and Dylan were inseparable the rest of the week. Terry and George said they were jealous and Terry said to Dylan, "You bad, bad boy. I would never have told you about Danny and Dally if I knew you were going to steal them from Georgie and me." We all laughed. It became easier to laugh day by day...

Every night we all met up at the pier for cocktails and that great sunset that never disappoints. I really liked being here with these gay guys. Dallas was just as relaxed with all the gay guys as I was, but still no touching between Dally and me. That fabulous feather bed made sure we slept close together though. Well, thank God for that at least. He'd put his arm around my shoulder and I loved that, but that was the extent of it. Often I'd roll into Dally and rub my forehead against the side of his face . The feel of Dally and his yummy personal smell had be hard all the time. I let Dally feel my boner a number of times, on his belly or his face getting red as a beet and hot as the sun while I was doing it.

My heart pounding to beat the band, but Dally wouldn't make a move. He had a boner many times too and I felt that sexy thing every chance I got. Always I yearned to kiss him and taste his mouth. I wondered what it would be like.

During the day our new friend Dylan had a ton of energy and entertained Dally and me constantly. He was so very funny doing impersonations of the other guests and famous people we all knew from TV or the movies. Dally and me almost peed our shorts laughing at Dylan ten times a day. He was blond with a great tan and a tight smooth body. Dylan was very touchy/feely with both Dally and me. We were always being touched in some manner or other. I loved it all... Near the end of the week we discovered that Dylan had a hair salon in Miami beach. Dally and me had not had a haircut for a month now and our hair was an even inch long all over our head. Dylan said it was not a hot look. He trimmed it around the sides and back so that we looked a little "hotter" now. That's what Dylan said anyway.

We stayed a third week because Dylan said, "Fuck it. I'm in love with Dally and Danny and we simply must repeat last week so I was naughty and called my salon to tell Tyrone that he is in charge another week. Aren't you all thrilled I'm staying?" He made this announcement at dinner the Saturday night before we were all leaving. George and Terry seemed so happy at that prospect that I hoped Dally would say OK to another week.

Dally poured himself and me some wine and said, "It's up to Danny. He was saying just last night that he can't wait to get back to our farm in Idaho. Didn't you, Danny?" Everyone was smiling because they all knew I'd want to stay another week so, as a joke, I said, "Sorry guys I miss picking those potatoes too much.... Can't wait to get back on the farm." Then I said, "Oh no! I lied. Fuck Idaho! We're staying!"

Great laughs and everybody tapped their wine glasses together for a toast to another week.

We all became close friends and I almost wanted to tell them the truth but Dally was adamant that we keep the truth to ourselves about the Bleaker Ranch. The third weeks was very nice too. Dylan rented a fishing boat for the week and the three of us spent a great deal of time on it during the day. Dylan taught Dally and me how to fish. Friday we came in after a day on the water with sun burned noses. Everyone at George and Terry's was glued to the TV. "What going on?" asked Dally. And it was of course the Bleaker Ranch....they'd found the mass grave. It was located 300 yards behind the barn. The bones from over forty boys were mixed together under just three feet of dirt..

Dally and I excused ourselves after saying how horrific it all was. We watched the news report alone in our room holding hands. I was so afraid again...seeing the ranch and thinking of the horrible Bleaker brothers and realizing how close it came to being our fate too...that dirt hole. We'd been hearing and reading reports right along about the case. The Sheriff and Skeets were in solitary confinement in separate facilities awaiting trial..... nine months away. They were to be tried separately for forty murders so far and hundreds of rapes of a minor. Some details from the sex tapes was leaking out bit by bit too.

The background story that led to the discovery of the grave site wasn't surprising. Nothing much was happening when it was about a bunch of poor kids......and then a wristwatch with a personalized inscription was identified as belonging to a sixteen year old boy who's identity was discovered. It was that of a boy who had been missing for three years. The boy was the son of a prominent Texas oil man. The boy had run away after a temper tantrum over the loss of driving privileges. Now they know he was one of Sheriff Bleaker's victims. They discovered the watch,

but not the boy's remains. When someone with money, like that irate Texas oil man starts screaming for action the shit hits the fan. "Where are my son's remains? What are you incompetent people doing to find it? And, how did you let this abomination happen in the first place?"

And when the shit hits the fan a tremendous amount of pressure from the top on down drops like a freight train on somebody's head. The FBI and Police felt that pressure ...... locate the remains! All kinds of machinery was brought onto the Bleakers property and the digging began. They found the grave site the third day of digging and as the body count continued to raise the outrage from the families of those boys and the public in general was a very big noise. "You mean to tell us that over 40 boys were put into slave labor on that ranch....then they were repeatedly raped and beaten with bull whips...and then all of them were brutally murdered and thrown in a dirt hole ....and nobody in that shit-kicker town had any idea what was going on? Is that what you expect us to believe?"

FBI agents swarmed into Bleakersville looking for other accomplices... Dally and I felt sick after watching the report. It brought it all back to us and it all put a damper on everything. We held on for another day but the reality of it all made having 'fun' impossible for us at the moment. Dally made up a story of an injury in Idaho necessitating our immediate return. We left our new friends promising to return next summer and we promised to keep in touch. No one could believe that neither Dally nor I had an E Mail address. We took their E Mail addresses though for when we finally did get a computer. What did they expect ...we're from the potato state..Idaho.

Dally and I drove up the East coast of America stopping often. We talked almost exclusively about the horrors of the Bleaker Ranch and the boys who died and our experiences there and how much we hated and despised the Sheriff and Skeets...after three days of that there wasn't anything new to say and Dally imposed another ban on conversations about anything to do with that horrible place for another month... another "Bleaker-free zone"......the only exception being for some major breaking story about some new discovery or something like that....

We went back to talking about current, positive things in our lives. It took us a week, but we ended up at an ocean resort town in the state of New Jersey....Wildwood, NJ. It was a wild place alright and unlike Key West, Wildwood was definitely "in season". Hordes of people. In Wildwood they have a long boardwalk along the beach. It was fun to walk the boards and we did that for a couple of nights. We tried a lot of the food that was sold on the boardwalk and we tried the Amusement Rides especially the dare-devil thrill rides. They had a ride called the double-shot that gave us a real rush. We went on that one four times. That was fun, but we did not encounter any guys who appeared to be gay..... so it wasn't as much fun for me as Key West.

Dally said he's heard that there was a kind of gay haven in Cape Cod, Massachusetts so we drove there. >From Wildwood to Cape Cod was almost an eight hour drive. Then another hour to the very end of the Cape to..... Provincetown. It was crowded too...real crowded. But there was a definite gay presence there.

Unfortunately there were no rooms available any where. It was a sold out Provincetown that we ran into. What the hell, we tried. After waiting 45 minutes we got a table and ate at a restaurant right at the ocean's edge. A nice guy, who I thought might be gay, asked if he could share the table because the wait for another table was over an hour. Of course we invited him to sit with us. He was middle aged, but friendly, real chatty and helpful with information about Provincetown. We told him about our recent trip to Key West and he told us a couple stories about his trips there.

We were getting up to leave when he asked where we were staying...... upon hearing there were no vacancies anywhere in town he made some cell phone calls and got us a room in another 'Bed and Breakfast'. He drove us there too. To be honest it had a great view of the ocean, but the room itself couldn't compare with our special room in Key West. This Bed & Breakfast place was much bigger too, 25 guests. A larger guest group had it's benefits though. Dally and I were not the center of attention and this was a good thing now because we wanted to spend more time alone, just the two of us.. We hiked and rented scooters and walked the beautiful sand dunes.

The Bed and Breakfast had an excellent restaurant...not just for breakfast, but dinner too. Our third night there, after dinner, we were talking with a couple of real high roller type gay guys. They were very into themselves bragging about their European travels and West Coast experiences and brushes with the famous of Hollywood. These guys were slightly boring except they had a big point in their favor.....they were buying Dally and me after dinner drinks. Something that tasted like cherries. So we stayed with them for an hour or so. Dally and me got a little tipsy from too many of those drinks. The gay guys hugged us goodnight and told us to "have fun in bed you two hotties".

Later in bed after we'd brushed our teeth and stripped down to our boxer shorts I said, "Dally, do you remember one time you said that if me and you had sex together that would be more than OK with you and you asked me if it would be OK with me? Do you remember that because I never answered you. Dally I want to tell you my answer. It's this...yes, it is more than OK with me." When I'd started up with my speech I was feeling a little drunk and had the false courage that goes with that, but by the time I finished up I was running our of oxygen because I said everything in one long sentence and my false courage had run out. My face was bright red and my eyes were watering. I thought, why did I ever say to Dally what I just said?

Dally had been looking in my eyes while I was saying that very long sentence and he hesitated before answering me. I felt so embarrassed I looked away. Dally gently pulled my face around with his index finger under my chin and said, "Look at me Danny." When I did he slowly moved his face closer and closer to mine and then he put his lips on my lips and kissed me the sweetest kiss I'd ever felt. My eyes closed and shortly his tongue went between my lips and then between my teeth..... he licked against my tongue and a sensation like nothing I'd ever experienced made my body shiver all over. Dally held my head with both his hands and kissed my lips and licked my tongue and I felt all squirmy and deliriously wonderful. Nothing like anything I'd ever even imagined.

Breathing little shallow breaths Dally took his lips away and put the side of his face next to mine. He breathed some more and kissed my ear and whispered to me, "Oh, how much I've wanted to do kiss you, Danny."

And he kissed me two long kisses on the side of my forehead. He was so intense with the kisses that a few new waves of shivers again swept from my head to my toes. He rubbed his nose back and forth against my nose and said, "You are so yummy, but I made myself wait for you to bring "us" up ....or for you to ask about "us '. I was afraid if I tried something you might feel I was forcing myself on you, maybe even just a little.... and then maybe a picture of one of those monsters would flash by your eyes...I was so afraid you might associate me with them if I tried to move too fast with you. Oh my God you're delicious." And he kissed various parts of my face and licked all across my forehead with just the tip of his pink tongue. Then we kissed the way the French boys kiss and we gently sucked on each other's tongue while I hugged and rubbed Dally all over his lean, tight, smooth body. It was way, way beyond anything I could ever make up in my head. Better than any dream I ever had of Dally.

I could feel Dally's hard boner and I know he could feel mine because he rubbed his legs back and forth over the leaking head of mine until there was a shiny wet spot on his thigh. After ten minutes or so Dally again whispered in my ear, "Danny, can I suck on your boner, please?" I said, "Oh yes...oh yes, do."

He pulled my boxer shorts down below my balls and then began a round-about route to my boner.......he kissed and lipped and sucked and tongued down under my chin and all around my neck and chest...over to one of my nipples and then the other, sucking and lightly biting them as they stood straight out just as hard as my dick.....and then Dally licked his way down, with little quick licks the entire length of my breast bone and then puckers with his lips here on my belly and there or my belly causing shivers all over again..... and a long time on my belly just above my pubes and then back up a little to my belly button and down again all around my pubes and..... one long, slow lick down my boner and onto my balls and under my balls and up my balls to my hard leaking cock and..........and then my boner was in his warm, wet, soft, luxurious feeling mouth and he sucked and licked it till I was squirming and moving and moaning and begging for more and "Oh Dally..Oh Dally..Dally Ohhhhhh AH ahhhh AHHHHH " and I shot cum out of my pee hole and squealed and groaned and shot another good long string of cum, longer than I ever shoot for my second stream and it felt some new wonderful beyond-belief way as it poured out my spunk... and then three more smaller shots of cum, each one feeling so good ........I realized I was holding onto Daly's head too tightly with both my hands and I made myself loosen my hold as I played with his soft hair and enjoyed that fabulous whole-body tingling feeling after a huge face was wet with our saliva and with my tears ....nothing could ever feel this good again.....

Dally continued to lightly suck on my cock to get every drop of cum up and out of my nuts. He looked in my eyes with those large, incredibly green eyes of his... straining at the top of their sockets staring up at me, beautiful eyes surrounded by long, curved eye lashes. A little wrinkle in his forehead and a cute smile on his lips with my cock in the middle of it. His hair and grown out and I ran my fingers through it as I stared back at a his beautiful face. He looked a lot younger than nineteen. I wondered how this young kid saved both of our lives against the evil of those two madmen... Looking at Dally I was thinking how much I loved him too.

Only when I'd calmed down and my heart beat was under 100 beats per minute did I realize there was a lot of wetness on my calf and ankle. It registered then that Dally had been stroking his boner as he sucked me off and he had shot his load on my leg just seconds after I'd finished with mine. He was breathing as hard as I was. My head was on my pillow and Dally straightened up to share my pillow and to kiss me. He still had some of my cum in his mouth and we licked each other's tongue again and then Dally rubbed his wet lips back and forth on my cheek as he was pulling me gently against him. We hugged each other...tight at first and then we just held on to one another, touching our bodies against each other as much as we could.....

We talked of love and sex and I told Dally I more that loved him...I almost worshipped him because without him first giving me hope to hold on, then giving me a reason to keep living, and then actually saving me from certain death in a dirt hole grave... well, he was my hero and I never expected to ever feel about anyone else any where near the way I feel about Dally.

"You may think I'm too young at seventeen or maybe too inexperienced to know if I'm in love, but I know with a certainty that I do love you, Dally ......and I'm going to love you all my life and longer... if possible.

Dally said he'd never felt so protective of anyone, not even his little brother, as he'd felt for me. He was puzzled by that at first and he's still not sure what it was about me that brought that protective quality out in him. And then that protective feeling had turned into one of really caring about me and wanting to get to know me and to spend time with me......and then, eventually his feeling for me turned into love. He said he had never been in love before either. But, like me...he knows it when he feels it and he loves me...head over heels.

We started kissing and hugging and rubbing and after a while I sucked on Dally's boner and he stroked my boner and we both had nice cum shots again....we both were shivering and hugging each other tight. In the morning we went at it again and it was always a truly magnificent feeling when I shot my load of sperm. Each time I thought to myself... it's impossible that I'm going to feel this awesome every single time ...right? it possible?

What a time we had in Provincetown. On two separate occassions strangers on the strangers, mentioned that we looked especially happy today. They always gave a wink or a smirk, like they knew something. I guess we were giving off vibes of being in love or perhaps of being sex fiends or something. Dally and I smiled all the harder because it is true on both counts...we are sex fiends, for each other...and we were very much in love. We stayed three weeks in Provincetown and our last night there Dallas had his first anal sex with the very beginning of his penetration I knew right away that nothing could top this as a sexual turn-on for he slowly entered me deeper and deeper I loved that filled-up feeling....the sensations got more and more wonderful and I couldn't stop moving my head back and forth concentrating on how fabulous it felt to have him inside me. His humping over and over on my prostrate area almost made me scream with pleasure. I put my hand in my mouth and blew spit around it.....what a feeling. Previously I'd thought nothing could feel better than oral sex, but this did.

Two hours after Dally fucked me I returned the favor and the sexual arousal of being inside the boy I loved was like an out-of-body experience. So many new and out of this world wonderful sensations had me constantly humming...not just my voice, but my entire body was humming. It was the most intimate thing I've ever done or could ever imagine doing. I loved it, but for getting me hot and getting me to cum off with a long, hard stream of spunk nothing compares to being fucked by Dally. He truly fills me up and I love to hear him gulping with the sexual pleasure he feels from fucking his Danny boy... God Almighty, but I'll bet Dally and me could bore the socks off half of Provincetown talking about how hot each of us is for the other.....I know, it can get a bit yucky to have to listen to us two go on and on about how fabulous we are ...OK, maybe a bit sickening too. But there it is. Danny loves Dally and Dally love there!

We drove from Massachusetts on a long, round about way to Chicago, Illinois. That's Dally's home town but he had no intention of seeing his mother. He wouldn't go into any details, but I think she was on drugs and had neglected Dally when he was real young. When he got into his teens his mother would have her "boyfriends" stay over night and sometimes they slapped Dally around. I don't know what happened to his father. We were in Chicago because Dally knew of a guy who, for a thousand dollars would set you up with a drivers license, social security card, a Visa card and a Passport. Dally found the guy the second night we were there and two hours later Dally and me had ID.

We needed it because we were headed to Canada. Weeks ago Dally finally got around to counting the money we stole from the Ranch. It wasn't thiry thousand was one hundred and ninteen thousand dollars. A pack of $100 bills is one and a half inches thick and equals ten thousand dollars. We had eyes as big as a toddler on Christmas morning when we were counting that god damn money. We were going "YIPPEEE" and laughing like two ten year olds. And that was $119,000.00 total after we'd bought the Volkswagen and after we had been spending money on the road for six weeks. So the original total was a lot higher. We wondered who the Sheriff had stolen the money from.

Dally and I talked for hours and hours and here's what we came up with. Get ID paper and go to Canada. Canada because there was a culinary school there that Dally wants to go to. He wants to be a chef. Dally likes to cook and he thinks it's a good idea to work at something you like to do. When he told me that I said, "Duh! Ya think?" He gave me the cutest smile. As for me.... I liked what our Key West friend, Dylan, described. He has a barber salon for males only....and it's located right on a college campus. I liked the idea of cutting young, cute guys hair for my profession. Dally said, "I'm first" and I replied, "I said young, CUTE guys, Dally." Dally said, "Oh, Duh!"...

We did some research and there is a barber college within a reasonable distance of Dally's culinary school so that's where we went. We have a very nice apartment in Toronto and the American dollar is very strong in Canada so it seems like everything is cheap...inexpensive. Also, Toronto is a city of diversity and Dally and me like to hold hands walking places..... as far as we can tell, nobody cares.....

Well, life can be very hard but this much I can tell you:

Let's say you find yourself in a nightmare scenario deep, deep in the depths of Hell and you want to get up out of there....up, up, up to a sort of normal life....and then you still want to get up, up, up higher and higher all the way to your idea of utopia.

Well, that's a long, long journey that can't be made alone...

But, let's say you have a boyfriend who is maybe even beautiful... and you fall in love with him and that love for your boyfriend gets as hot as the surface of the sun and you can't get enougfh of the way he taste or sounds or feels or looks and you can't ever get enough hugs and your sex gets as hot as your love.....

AND, your boyfriend feels the exact same way about you... well, yeah... then you can make that long, long journey.

Dally and me did it....

The End

fiction by........Donny

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