The Diving Team Bitch

By Chad Slave

Published on Apr 11, 2021


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This is a Gay, Authoritarian story about how my best friend turned me into the diving team's bitch.

This is a total fictional story and is for entertainment only. Please do not take anything personal or believe this will ever happen.

Please send me feedback about my story at The story will be continued.

The Diving Teams Bitch Chapter 11

The next morning, I woke up to Leo and Justin and Phillip taking me out of the cage and shoving their dicks down my throat to take there morning piss and making me drink it. After they was done Leo slapped me hard across the face and said.

"What do you say cum dump? You better fucking thank us for your breakfast."

I looked up at all three of them standing over me with there dicks hanging out right above my head and I said.

"Thank you, master's, for my breakfast today. I loved drinking your morning piss for my breakfast Master's."

They all three laughed at me and walked away to get dressed. Leo then gave me a pair of shorts and a shirt to wear and told me we were leaving for a little while. Leo then connected a leash to the collar around my neck and we left the house.

Justin drove and took us to this apartment complex. I had no clue where we were and what we was doing here. I figured I was being whored out once again, but I was wrong this time. Everyone got out of the car and we walked to this apartment where Justin knocked on the door.

This guy answered the door and had us come in real fast. Justin then told us that was his brother and he explained he told him all about there fag slave. And that was me. They guy walked around me and picked up the back of my shirt and looked at my back and body and smiled as he said.

"Yeah, I can work with this. Bring the fag over here."

I found out that Justin's brothers name was Jaxen. He is 25 years old. He is 5-foot 11-inches tall and has brown straight hair that was a little long. His hair was just below his eyes and he had to always push his hair aside. He weighed 190 pound and was muscular. He was an attractive guy but was on the rough looking side.

I was then grabbed by Leo, Justin and Phillip and stripped naked once again. This time they put me on a table on my stomach and tied my hands to each leg of the table and did the same to my ankles. I could not move an inch with my bare body stripped down to the table and these four guys looking over me.

Then Leo took the ball gag and put it in my mouth so I could not talk or make loud noise. Then I heard a humming noise and Jaxen say.

"So, boys where do you want the tattoo at?"

Oh, sit I thought to myself. They are giving me a tattoo. I then heard Leo tell Jaxen to give me a tramp stamp. I knew that was on my lower back right above my waist. I felt Jaxen put his hands on my back and then the needle goes into my skin. I was now crying not only because it did hurt but I never wanted a tattoo anyways.

I am now being forced to get a tattoo and I had no clue of what it was going to be. The tattoo took a couple hours. I could not even ask for a break because of the ball gag in my mouth. I could feel the tattoo going all the way down to the crack of my ass. After Jaxen finished the tattoo, everyone kept saying how good it looked and how great of a job he did.

I was finally let up off the table and they took me to a full-length mirror to show me the tattoo on my back. It was in bold letters and much bigger than I thought it was. It filled my back from one side to the other that said CUM DUMP with a bold arrow that pointed to the crack of my ass to show guys to dump there cum inside of me.

Then I heard Jaxen tell them that he still needed paid for the tattoos and Leo grabbed me and told me to suck on his dick. I just got to my knees and looked up at Jaxen as he unzipped his paints and pulled out his cock. I knew by now what I had to do so I said.

"Please Sir may I suck your big manly dick Sir? Please I need to feel your cock throb in my fag mouth. I want to make you feel so good like a real man like you should."

Everyone laughed and Jaxen said.

"Damn you guys really have this fag trained good. Yes, faggot you can suck my cock and swallow every drop of my cum down that slutty throat of yours."

I was so humiliated, but I now was getting use to be humiliated and in a strange way it was not getting to me anymore like it use to. I am now starting to accept my new life. I do not know if it was the new tattoo on me or the fact that my family has totally disowned me, or even that I was now kept as a slave full time living in a cage. It could also be the fact that I have had more dick inside of me now than every single person in our grade all put together.

I then put my lips around Jaxen dick and started to suck his cock. He just stood there moaning and smiling as I sucked his dick. I realized I was now looking up at Jaxen as I was sucking his dick to make sure he was enjoying what I was doing for him.

I then thought to myself that I was really turning into a true faggot. Here I was sucking this guy's dick and looking up to make sure he was enjoying what I was doing and what I need to do to make sure he was enjoying it.

Jaxen finally started to cum in my mouth as he moaned louder, and he filled my mouth up with his cum. His cum tasted extremely sweet and not bitter and I liked the taste of his cum. I just kept sucking his dick to try to get more of his sweet cum out of that cock. I genuinely wanted to eat this guy's cum. I cannot believe I was enjoying myself as I sucked his dick.

I was then thinking to myself what if Leo Justin and Phillip cum is just as sweet and I never noticed it because I did not want too before. I then thought to myself that now I must try to figure out the taste of their cum.

After I was finished, I thanked Jaxen for letting me suck his dick off and feeding me his cum. Jaxen just smiled and said.

"Any time faggot, you suck a great dick. I'm sure with a little more practice you can be a professional cock sucker."

After that we all left and all three of them kept telling me how good my tattoo was. The rest of the night was me laying on the edge of the bed with my ass on the side as they all took turns fucking me and telling me that they were depositing there cum inside the cum dump hole.

I did not pay to much attention to it and just laid there as they all fucked me and shoot there cum inside of me. It was now getting late, and Justin and Phillip left, and it was just me and Leo there. Leo then locked me in the cage and went to bed.

It was a little hot in the room, so Leo opened his window to let some fresh air in and laid down on the top of the cover's nude. I could see his naked body laying there as the streetlight came through the window and on his body.

I just looked at his body thinking how nice of a body he did have. I have never noticed before this, but he was a truly sexy guy. His body was in great shape and he looked so sexy in the light like that. I then seen his soft long dick laying on top of his leg and thought to myself how lucky he was to have such a big dick with such a great body like that.

I then noticed that I was there in a cage looking at my former best friends, and now my master's body and enjoying looking at him and judging how sexy he is. Was I starting to become a true fag now? Then I started to have that feeling I use to get when I see a girl I really liked. But this time I was feeling it for Leo.

I then started to think maybe it is because I just got this tattoo on me permanently marking me as a fag. Whatever the reason is I knew I was starting to have feelings for Leo, and I did not understand them. I stayed awake all night long just looking and admiring Leo's body.

The next morning Leo woke up and came over to the cage and put his hard dick though the bars of the cage and said.

"Ok faggot get those fucking lips around my dick and drink my morning piss you worthless piece of shit."

I did not even care how he was talking to me I just put my mouth around the head of his dick as he started to piss in my mouth. I kept drinking until he was finished, and I did not spill a drop of his piss. Leo then looked down at me and said.

"Your getting good at that bitch. You did not spill any of it. Maybe you are learning after all."

He then let me out of the cage and I stayed on all four looking up at Leo and I said.

"Master Leo may I please tell you something?"

Leo then slapped my face as hard as he can and said.

"You can talk when I say you can talk. I guess you have not learned as well as I thought you did."

I then did not say another work. Leo took me to the shower and had me wash his body off. I washed every inch of his body and looking at his body thinking how great he was. I then went to my knees right there in the shower and looked up at Leo and said.

"Please Master may I suck your wonderful sexy cock? Please I need to feel a real man in my mouth and please you as a real man like yourself deserves to be pleased."

Leo busted up laughing and said.

"Damn fag I did not even tell you this time to suck my dick. Of course, you can suck my manhood bitch."

I then went to his dick and kissed the head of his dick and said out loud.

"Thank you for letting me suck your magnificent cock Master."

Leo just laughed as I put his dick into my mouth and started to suck his dick with meaning. I wanted to suck his cum out and taste it and see if his cum was as sweet as Jaxen. Leo just put his back to the wall as I sucked his dick and Leo said.

"Damn fag you really want that dick today. Fuck yeah suck that meat bitch. Make me feel good. Fuck I can tell you have really gotten into it today."

Leo finally came into my mouth and I tasted it. It was not as sweet as Jaxen and it tasted a little salty. But I still liked it. I swallowed ever drop and when he was done, I looked up at Leo and said.

"Thank you master for letting me suck your dick. Your cum taste so good and I can't wait until I get to suck on your dick again master."

Leo smiled and I finished cleaning his body off and then drying him off after we got out of the shower. Leo and I went back into his room and he sat on the edge of his bed as I was on all fours on the floor looking up at him. Leo then said.

"Well fag since you are being such a good slave this morning, I'm going to let you tell me what you wanted to say this morning."

I then got excited and looked up at Leo and said.

"Master I just want to tell you that I now know I am a fag. I love dick. I especially love your dick. I stayed awake all night long admiring your body. I love every single inch of you. I believe I have fallen in love with you Master."

Leo looked down at me smiling and replied.

"Well, I am glad you finally got it though your thick skull that you're a fag cum dump. I am also happy that you have fallen in love with me. A slave needs to love its master. But you also need to understand I am not a fag. I am straight. And I will never love you. I just enjoy using you for my pleasure. And you will continue to be used by me and whoever else wants to use your pathetic ass."

I just agreed and Leo then told me to dress him and get my clothes on that we were going out. I did as he said, and I put some nice clothes on Leo, and he looked so sexy. I on the other hand had to wear skintight pink latex shorts and a skintight pink latex shirt.

I have never seen them before, and this was the first time I had to wear them. Leo told me he went shopping for new cloths for me, but I never expected this. I also had my pink collar on so I was in pink from head to toe.

We got into the car and Leo drove us to our high school. I did not understand why because we was out of school until next week. We got out of the car and we went to the pool area where we have practice. Once we got into the locker room, I seen all of our team mates there and they all busted up laughing at me dressed in skin tight pink cloths. Leo then looked at me and said.

`Ok cum dump. Get on all fours."

I did as he said, and Leo then pulled up the shirt to show everyone the new tattoo I got. They all cheered and laughed and said how it was perfect for me. Then they each formed a line behind me and pulled my shorts down and started to fuck my ass.

This is the part I hatted. I had to get fucked by the entire diving team and now Leo had me beg each one of them to fuck me. Over and over, I said.

"Please fuck my pussy and deposit your cum in the cum dump. Breed that pussy Sir Please."

They all laughed as I begged them all to fuck me. It lasted for hours as each one of them fucked me and came inside of me. I also had to thank them for Cumming inside of me and beg them to clean their dicks with my mouth after they was done.

Once I took all 16 of my teammates cum inside of me Leo pulled my paints up and pulled my shirt down. But Leo did not fuck me, and the other teammates noticed and when they asked him why he didn't fuck my he replied.

"I can fuck this bitch any time I want to. The slut now lives with me and I keep it in a cage in my bedroom. Its parents disowned it and now I own it full time. I never have to jerk off or get blue balls ever again. The cum dump takes care of my dick 24 hours a day and 7 days a week now."

They all was shocked to hear that and started to ask all kinds of questions like how did my parents find out and what all happened. Leo was all to happy to tell them all the story how my own brother fucked me and his college friends when we was on vacation.

Leo also told them how his dad fucked me and allowed him to own me. He even told them that just this morning I told Leo that I was in love with him and how he told me he was straight and all I was good for was being used as a sex toy. Leo then told me to tell everyone how I felt about him, and everyone looked at me as I said.

"I am in love with my Master. He is my world. I will do anything for Master Leo. I want to be owned and controlled by him anywhere and at any time."

They all busted up laughing and calling me names like faggot, and slut, I even heard someone call me a pathetic sex toy loser. I did hate this part of being Leo slave. I just wanted everyone to stop calling me names and leave me alone. But I knew better and that they would not stop. Hell if I was them I would have done the same.

Leo then grabbed my leash and we headed back to the car. Once we got to the car Leo said.

"I am so proud of you cum dump. For doing such a good job today I have a reward for you."

I did not get excited about a reward because I knew in the past that means that I get to get fucked or suck off someone. That or drink his piss or something else I have been doing anyways daily. Then we pulled up to this dinner so Leo could get something to eat.

We walked in and sat down. Leo let me sit at the table with him. I was embarrassed and humiliated sitting there in skintight hot pink latex clothing and a hot pink collar. Everyone was looking at me. Then this guy came up to us and he was our waiter. Leo then said.

"Ok I will have the bacon burger with fries and a coke. And cum dump here will have a glass of water and a cheeseburger with fries."

The guy had a smirk on his face, and I could tell he was trying not to laugh when Leo called me cum dump. Then after the guy left Leo looked at me and said.

"Don't worry cum dump. I am not going to do anything to your food this time. It is your reward for being such a good slave. You keep this up and I can be nicer to you. If I know you will obey every word, I say you can expect rewards from now on. If you ever get out of line, I will be forced to go back to the way I was until you learn once again your place in this world now."

I was happy to hear him tell me that he was going to be nice to me if I show him how obedient I can be. The food finally came, and I did not touch it at all and just looked at it. Leo seen me sitting there and said.

"Why are you not eating cum dump? Is it not good enough for you? Am I going to have to start being mean to you once again?"

I just looked at him and asked for permission to speak. He of course said yes, and I told him.

"No Master I love my meal. I am so happy for my meal. I am just waiting for you to give me permission to be allowed to start eating my meal Master."

Leo looked at me with the biggest smile on his face and replied.

"Very good cum dump. I am so happy to hear you say that. I never even thought about that. Your right though. You should wait until I give you permission to eat the meals, I give you. Just for that you get another reward later tonight. I am so proud of you cum dump. And yes, you may start to eat."

In a strange way it made me feel so good to hear Leo talk to me like that. Probably because it was the first time in the past three months, I was treated nice. I then picked up my burger and started to eat. It tasted so good. I have been eating food, but all my food had cum or piss all over it. I also loved drinking water.

I knew if I kept this up, I would be able to be treated better and eat better. I was so happy in that moment I did not even care about everyone looking at me dressed like I was in the hot pink outfit. I was just so happy to eat hot food. Everything I have eaten was cold and leftovers from Leo eating.

We finished out meals and we got up to leave and Leo never once offered me to anyone there. I was so happy he did not, and it felt almost normal. We left and went back to Leo's house. Once in his room I stripped naked and got on all fours without being told to. I could tell I was making Leo happy.

Leo then told me to undress him and remove all his cloths. After I did that, he laid up on his bed and told me to go between his legs and just lick on his dick. I put my head between his legs and started to lick on his dick as if I were licking an ice cream cone.

Leo then told me I could lay down and lick on his dick as he played his Xbox games. I did that for hours. Leo would get hard, and I was told to suck his dick. I would suck on him until he came down my throat and then go back to licking on his dick.

Leo finally turned off his game and looked at me and said.

"Ok cum dump. For your next reward, you do not have to sleep in your cage. You can sleep in the bed with me and put your lips up to my balls. I am going to let you sleep between my legs. In the morning I want you to wake me up with a blow job. If you do a good job waking me up, I will take you somewhere special tomorrow."

I was just excited I did not have to sleep in that damn cage, and I could sleep on a soft bed finally.

Thank you for reading my story, I hope everyone has enjoyed it.

More to come soon.

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Next: Chapter 12

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