The Diving Team Bitch

By Chad Slave

Published on Feb 28, 2021


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This is a Gay, Authoritarian story about how my best friend turned me into the diving team's bitch.

This is a total fictional story and is for entertainment only. Please do not take anything personal or believe this will ever happen.

Please send me feedback about my story at

The story will be continued.

As some of you may know already, I really value feedback from my fans. I am going to start another new story and would like to know if you guys want a more loving story with romance or want me to keep up the Authoritarian stories, I am custom to write. Please e-mail me with your opinion Thank You.

The Diving Teams Bitch Chapter 7

This night was going to be a long night for me, and I knew it. I just wanted this weekend over so I could go home and sleep in my own bed. I then seen Tristan pull his paints down and he got his dick out and just shoved it right inside me. Then Tristan said.

"Must be fucking nice to have a fag slut like this on your team. I see now why you guys do not lose. You have this fag to dump your seed in before each match."

he then kept fucking me and he got very brutal while fucking me he would slam his dick all the way in balls deep and as I screamed in pain he said.

"Yeah, bitch scream for me. Let me know how much pain you are in bitch, that is right my dick is a weapon, and you are the fucking target. Yeah, scream bitch let me know how big I am. Oh fuck I am about to breed your pussy fag, you ready to have my baby's swimming inside you bitch? Fuck yeah here it comes slut. Take that cum you filthy faggot. That's right bitch I'm impregnating your pussy."

after he finished Cumming up inside me, he pulled out and went onto the bed and shoved his big dick down my throat and held my head tight balls deep into him. I started to gag big time. He just held my head there as I non stopped gagged on his dick and I he him say to the guys watching him do this to me.

"You guys know why the sound of a fag gagging on my dick is the best sound in the world to me?"

Everyone said no and kept asking why as I was still gagging like crazy. Tristan said.

"Because the fag is choosing my cock over air. The fag loves my cock."

Everyone busted up laughing and finally he let go of my head and I was gasping for air because I could not breath for almost a minute. After he was finished, he pushed my head hard down to the bed and said.

"I'm done with this faggot now. I'm sure everyone else here wants a turn with it anyways."

The party started around 8pm and lasted until 3am. So, I was getting fucked at both ends. My ass and my mouth for 7 hours straight. One dick came out another went in. They not only came inside me, but they also shot their loads on my back, and on my face, and all over my hair. I was covered in cum and my insides was filled with cum at both ends.

Right before everyone left Leo untied me and walked me though the party nude and with the collar lock on me by the leash. Everyone laughed and commented how good I looked covered in cum. Then I was put in the bathtub. Everyone already knew what Leo had planned for me, but I was now going to find out. Everyone came upstairs and formed a line outside the bathroom and Leo then pulled his dick out and started to piss in my face and on my body. After he was done, he yelled out.

"OK guys let us clean the fag up. Start pissing on it."

Everyone did just that and started to piss on my face and body. I was once again humiliated big time. After everyone was done pissing on me and everyone left. I found out that Justin and Phillip were staying the night. I then had to go to the guest room and take all the blankets and sheets off the bed and put them in the washer to clean them. And I then had to put new bedding on the bed for them to sleep in.

They then turned on only the cold water as I was in there and they said.

"Sower off bitch we need you clean before we go to bed."

So, I did as they said and washed my body in freezing cold water. I was shivering as I washed myself and they all three just stood there watching me wash my body and telling me where I missed and to scrub harder.

I was finally finished with my ice-cold shower and got out to air dry and Leo then said.

"Cum dump you will be staying with Justin and Phillip tonight in the guest room. Have fun guys."

Justin then got naked and laid on the bed and told me.

"Come here cum dump and lick on my dick to make me hard, I don't want you to suck it just lick my shaft."

I went over and did just that. I licked his shaft and he started to get hard. He then said.

"Lick those balls also cum dump."

I put my face to his balls and started to lick them as he moaned in pleasure and his dick then got rock hard. Justin then said.

"OK cum dump, get on top of me and ride my dick good just like the good slut you are."

I got up and put my legs around Justin's Legs and moved into position. This was the first time I have ever rode a dick. Normally it was just put in me as I was lying down. So, it felt even more strange than before. I slowly put the tip of his dick in my hole and sitting like this mad it hurt more going in, so I tried to go terribly slow when Justin put his hands on my hips and shoved my body down real fast to shove it all the way in.

It hurt so much, and I yelled out loud.

"Oh, my fucking good it hurts way too much please let me up I can't take it."

Justin the replied.

"Do you really think I care if it hurts you fag? You are doing this for my pleasure not yours. I am the Alpha and you are the slut, now ride that cock good or do I have to beat you to make you ride that cock. Either way is fine with me if you ride my fucking dick bitch. Its time you did the work and not just lay there cum dump."

I then started to ride his dick thinking back when I had some girls ride mine and what I liked. If just did that I hoped that Justin would be happy and not want to beat the shit out of me. Si I started to move my hips back and forth and remembered I use to tell girls to act like they were playing with a hula hoop and move their bodies like that.

So, I did that for Justin, and I could tell looking down at Justin he was loving every second of it. Justin then said as I rode his dick.

"Fuck cum dump, you really know how to ride a dick. Why the fuck did you complain about it when you sat down on my big dick? I can tell you are loving me inside your pussy cum dump. Ride that dick good bitch. Keep that up and I may just let you ride my dick all night long bitch."

Oh my god I really did not want to ride his dick all night long and really hoped he would not make me. I kept riding his dick like a bitch in heat. When he told me to speed up, I did and when he told me to slow down, I also did that.

Justin finally started to cum up inside me and when he was finished, I went to get up and Justin yelled at me saying.

"Did I tell you that you could get up bitch? NO, I did now so keep that pussy on my dick slut."

After about 15 minutes of me sitting there on Justin's dick I heard Phillip say.

"Ok dude it is my turn to have the bitch ride my dick."

To be honest I had forgot Phillip was even in the room. He just sat back in a chair quietly watching me ride Justin's dick like a bitch in heat. The Justin said.

"Ok cum dump get off my dick, I know you love my dick and don't want to get up, but Phillip needs a turn on your pussy, and I know you love his dick also Bitch."

I then got up and felt his long dick slide out of my ass as I stood up. I was then ordered to suck his dick clean before Phillip sat down for me to ride his dick. Once Phillip got into place I went to sit down on his dick and even though he is bigger than Justin. His dick slid right in and I sat right now. It still hurt but his dick went in a lot easier considering I was just riding Justin's dick.

I then started to move my hips again for Phillip and ride his dick good also. Phillip just moaned and kept saying over and over, that feels fucking great keep riding that dick slut.

I rode Phillip for a good 30 minutes until he was about to cum up inside me when he stopped me from moving and said.

"Stay still cum dump. I want to enjoy this longer. Don't move so I won't cum yet."

I did not move again until he said I could. And rode his dick another 15 minutes and then he came inside me like a geyser, he grabbed my hips and held my body down ad he pushed his hips up to make sure all of him was inside me and his balls was pressed hard on my ass as he said.

"Oh yeah take that cum you filthy slut. Take that baby batter deep inside of your gut's slut. Oh, fuck yeah move them hips as I shoot this jizz far up inside that pussy."

After he was done, I was still moving my body because I was not sure what he wanted me to do and Phillip then said.

"Ok cum dump I know you love my dick, but you can stop now and just sit there and feel my dick pulse inside that pussy as it impregnates you."

I was not understanding why they started to say they was impregnating me when they knew I could not get pregnant but found out later they were saying that to humiliate me and act as if I was a girl they were fucking and shooting their cum inside of me.

I sat there for a good 15 minutes and now it was 5am in the morning and they wanted to go to sleep. I was told to get up and suck Philips dick clean also. As I pulled my body up, I felt his dick slid out of me also but this time I had to go a little higher because Phillip was longer than Justin. I then went between Phillips legs and sucked on his dick until he felt it was clean enough.

I had to lay between then with my head at crotch level to them on the bed. I laid there looking at both of their dicks as they feel asleep. I also feel right to sleep because I was so tired. In the last 48 hours I only slept maybe 3 hours. I slept well because I was so tire and I was woken up at 11am. So I had 6 hours of good sleep and I felt much better.

Justin and Phillip woke me up by smacking their dicks across my face, so I woke up with dicks hitting me. When I opened my eyes, Justin said.

"Well, there it is, good morning cum dump. Are you ready to give us our morning blow jobs?"

I did not say a word and I went to Justin and put his rock-hard cock in my mouth and Justin then put his hands on the back of my head and shoved his dick down my throat. I stated to gag big time when Justin said.

"You need to control that gaging I don't want you to hurt yourself with what I'm about to do."

Justin then held onto my head and flipped my body around where I was on my back. He pushed his body all the way on top of me with his dick down inside my throat and his hands moved away from my head. I then felt liquid go rolling down my throat as Justin said.

"That's right fag drinks my morning piss. Take every drop down that throat of yours. You know how that say breakfast of champions fag? Well, I'm feeding you breakfast of slut's now."

Justin finally stopped pissing and went right into skull fucking me. He kept that up for a good 15 minutes and then came down my throat and said.

"And there is your desert bitch."

Phillip laughed and said.

"My turn dude."

He then took my head and did the exact same thing, but his dick went further down my throat. What amazed me was I stopped gagging as they both pissed down my throat as if my body told me to drink the piss. But once they both skull fucking me I went right back to aging on their dicks.

Once they both was done with me, they grabbed my leash and I walked behind them into the living room. Leo was already awake watching TV and said good morning to them. And then looked at me and said.

"Cum dump get over here and suck my dick."

As I started to suck his dick the other two told Leo about how they pissed down my throat. Leo laughed and told them how great that was. Phillip and Justin then said goodbye and left to go back home. Now it was only me and Leo there. After I got done sucking his dick, I was ordered to clean the entire house after the party Leo just had.

I looked around and seen solo cups everywhere, food everywhere and the house was trashed. It was now about 1pm and I just finished cleaning the living room. I had to clean everything up off the floors. I had to sweep them and mop the wood floors in the living room. I also had to dust and clean every piece of furniture. I then sprayed air freshener and the living room looked brand new. Then Leo said.

"It looks great in here now all you have to do it the kitchen the dining room, both bathrooms and the guest room and my bedroom."

Oh my god I still had 6 rooms to clean and the hallways to the rooms. Just then the front door opened as I was standing there naked and Leo sitting on the couch. It was Leo's little brother Cole. Cole was 2 years younger than us and is 15 years old.

You could tell by the look of shock on his face he did not know anything about me being Leo's slave now. Cole just asked.

"Why the hell are you naked in our living room and what is that metal thing on your dick? And why do you have a dog collar on Nash?"

Leo told me to go to my knees and sit there as he talks to his brother. Cole went over and sat on the couch with Leo to talk and kept looking at me like this. I was so humiliated. I knew I had to stop this very soon, so more people did not see me. I just did not know how I was going to do this yet. I then listen as Leo explained things to Cole.

"Well, you see Cole Nash here wanted to be my slave. He is what real men like you and me call a faggot slave object. What that means is Nash wants to live his life serving real men. He wants to clean our houses and cook us food and bring us something to drink when we are thirsty. But that's only part of it., Nash also dose sexual things for straight alphas like us."

Cole then asked.

"Why is he naked though?"

Leo said

`Well, I'm getting to that part. You see Nash is more of an object than slave. So, men like us look at him as property. Like how you own your bike. So, first thing you must know is we do not call Nash by that name anymore. I renamed him. His name is cum dump.'"

Cole asked what he meant by cum dump. Leo replied.

"well, you know when you jerk off and that white stuff comes out of you."

Cole said.

"I'm not stupid I know what cum is. I did not know you meant that kind of cum I thought you meant cum like Come here and look at this. And I did not know why you said Dump. But now I get it guys dump their cum on him."

Leo said.

"Close Cole, but guys not only dump their cum on him but also dump their cum inside him. Cum dump sucks our dicks and we get to fuck its pussy. And when I say pussy, I mean his ass. Fags like cum dump call their ass pussies for us alphas to fuck."

Cole then said he understood now and said that is why I was naked, and Leo told him that he was right, then Leo said.

"The second thing you must know is when people say him or he when talking about cum dump they should say it or It's. so, do not say why is he in our living room nude, say why is it in our living room nude."

Cole laughed and agreed to it. The last thing Leo explained was what I was wearing and the reasons I had them on. After Cole was all caught up on my new situation Leo told Cole to keep it a secret from both their and my parents, and to make sure I clean the house top to bottom and then he could play with me. Cole got excited and said he could not wait.

So now I am to clean the house I did not even live in, from a party I did not even get to enjoy, with a 15-year-old kid ordering me around telling wheat needs done, and to top it all off I was naked with a leash connected to a collar round my neck and the 15-year-old had ahold of the leash. My life has really taken a turn for the worst. Then I hear Cold order me to clean this and clean that.

After I got all the house cleaned, I went to Leo's room and cleaned his room. I got his dirty cloths and put them in the washer and made his bed, I then dusted everything in his room. And put everything in order. He has a big room, so it took a while to sweep and mop his floors. After I was done, I went to go downstairs when I heard Cole say.

"Hey, my room is over here."

I almost forgot I had to be his toy. So, we went into his room and it was destroyed. There were cloths everywhere. Games and stuff all over the floor. The floor felt a little sticky and I could tell it was dried up soda on the floor. That room was a mess and smelled bad. Cole then said.

"Get to cleaning cum dump."

I then had enough and replied.

"No, I was not asked to clean your room and this place in a mess in here. You can clean it yourself."

Cole then grabbed the leash and we walked downstairs to the living room where Leo still was. I looked around the house and the place was spotless. Cole then said.

"Leo cum dump said it didn't have to clean my room when I told it to clean it."

Leo looked at me and said.

"If Cole tells you to clean something then you better clean it. You need to show him the same respect as you do me bitch so do it."

I was about in tears again and knew this little fucker was going to make my life miserable just like his big brother Leo.

Thank you for reading my story, I hope everyone has enjoyed it.

More to come soon.

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Next: Chapter 8

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