The Domination of a Trooper

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 18, 2022


butch had begun to have doubts about what he had done the after he had submitted to Adam. As Adam began outlining what he expected of butch, butch realized that he hadn't thought this out. He assumed that he would get a "boy's night out," because in the fiction he had read about D/s, that was frequently the case. When he mentioned this to Adam, he had just laughed.

"You must be kidding. You want the chance to sleep with women AGAIN? Didn't we just go through this?" "Well, not necessarily women Sir but..."

"NO. Absolutely not. If I so much as catch you LOOKING at a woman with that 'look' you get in your eye when you're horny, you'll be in big trouble. " That was the start. butch hated the humiliation: when they went out, Adam made him wear a heavy metal slave collar. He hated the BDSM bars Adam took him to, mostly because there were people there, he knew from his time as a trooper, and they were all Top men. When he got the promotion to investigations and didn't have to wear a uniform, Adam chose what he wore: every single day. He even chose butch's weekend attire. butch loved the gym, and he was permitted to go, but he had to change gyms, to one where Adam knew the staff so that someone he knew could "keep an eye on my bitch," as he told them. butch heard it too. He began to think "I'm NOT your bitch" until he realized: he was. He didn't hate all of his new life. Interestingly, the parts he loved the best were the ones you might have expected him to hate. He LOVED being taken control of by Adam. It didn't matter how. Sometimes Adam would take butch from behind, in a bearhug or an arm bar and gnaw at his neck and ears until butch begged to get fucked. Or, he'd tie him up in a chair, or against the wall where he had installed a pair of wrist shackles and an eye hook which could be used to stretch butch out. He even liked it when Adam put him in the humbler. Any position always made butch hard, but the one that made him hardest was when Adam stretched him out on the bed, tied at all four corners, and then played with him. He liked that almost as much as "the nipple game." When butch DID sleep with women, he always insisted that they play with his tits. Adam did too, and NO ONE had ever driven him as crazy as Adam did. There was "something" about his nipple torture that was on another level, as far as butch was concerned. And he loved playing his role: butch enjoyed taking care of the house, polishing boots and then surprising Adam. He tried something once that turned into a regular event. butch had walked by, and Adam was sitting slouched on the sofa, with his legs spread. butch stopped and smiled. "Sir, I could be wrong, but it looks like that cock of yours needs tending to. Should I take care of it?" butch remembered how Adam smiled and sat up "Well, what're you waiting for, butchie boy? Get that mouth on my piece. NOW." butch LOVED sucking cock. It was very hard to put a finger on what it was that made him decide submission wasn't for him. In broad terms, he loved submitting in private, but he hated people knowing any details about his relationship with Adam. Everyone knew they were a couple, but butch assumed that's all they knew. He assumed that until the day he came to work and found a large sticker across his computer screen. It was clearly a sticker from a piece of "do it yourself" assembly furniture. It was one word, in big black letters: "BOTTOM."

That was the day butch decided he had to get out of this relationship, and he knew the only way he was going to get out of the relationship, was by getting away, period. He had learned a lot in his time in the Investigations unit, such as how little people actually need to change identities, and how easily it was to secure things like cash, a social security card, etc, once that new identity was created. Little by little, "Butch Randles" became "Nick Cavendish," and little by little, he began to accumulate the things he would need. No one wondered about his "ongoing investigation" of "Nick Cavendish," because butch did the rest of his job. Then, one day, after a bad night's sleep (and an incredibly good, deep, anal fuck) he decided it was time. He waited until his usual quitting time, so he wouldn't raise any questions. He texted Adam, as he was supposed to: "on my way, Sir," went out to his car, and started driving in another direction.

He sold the car to a used car lot about 3 hours from home and bought another one with cash from a second lot. And he kept going. He began to feel safe when he was three states away. His cell phone continued to ping with angrier and angrier messages from Adam, until butch stopped alongside a river and tossed the phone. He'd get a new one once he "put down roots." His credit card applications under "Nick Cavendish" had been approved, and all he needed to secure was an address. Then he'd be fine.

Roger McNeill was a professional bounty hunter, and a successful one. He had a long list of satisfied clients, and a "recovery rate" of over 80%. That was unheard of in the field. Jason had met him one night at a bar when they were both after the same muscular gymnastics type. Neither one of them took the stud home, but they went out for drinks afterward and a friendship began. That's how Jason, and eventually Adam, learned about Roger. Roger was a big man: about 6'2" and 200 pounds of muscle. He had no trouble finding dates, or tricks, but the amount of time he had for any fun was limited because of his line of work. That is, until he developed a "sideline that he had told Jason about. Jason had met Roger after butch had run away and he thought he was the right man for Adam, who was constantly angry about butch's escape. Adam called him . "Hey, I heard you're a bounty hunter and you're gay." "Well, yes, right on both counts. To whom am I speaking?" "Oh, my bad. "Adam gave Roger his name. "How can I help you, Adam?" "Well, here's the story. If it makes you uncomfortable, let me know and I'll keep looking, ok? " Adam then filled him in on how he had met butch when butch was a state trooper, how he had begun topping him, and eventually got his submission. butch had been his sub, and Adam sometimes turned him out to his roommate Jason for a little fun. That had all started about 21/2 years ago. Then, butch got a promotion, and gave up the road for an office job. He was an investigator and, apparently, he had learned a LOT about disguising identities because... Jason hadn't been able to help him find the guy. He wanted him back. In Adam's words, butch was "the best fucking sub I ever had, and I spent a shitload of time training him. He surrendered. He's my property."

Roger paused. "Well, I understand you're upset Adam, but I think I need to explain what a bounty hunter does. Essentially, if butch didn't commit a crime, there's nothing I can do. For me to bring him in would amount to, well... kidnaping, and I can't do that." "DAMN. That bitch is gonna wind up in someone else's cellar. I fucking know it." The wheels inside Roger's head were turning. "Look, like I say, I can't bring him in. That's just a no no. BUT... if you'd like to hire me to FIND him, to let you know where he is and then to, perhaps, 'grease the wheels' of getting him back, that is something I CAN do. " "So, you'll find him, lead me to him, and then it's on me to get him back." "Pretty much." "This is interesting. It'll be fun to see his face when I find him. How much do you charge?" "Well, my expenses for sure. And to be honest, I've not done a private investigation like this before, so I have no number to give you. Let's put it this way. 5k a week. I'll give you regular reports on where I am, with an estimate of how much longer I'll need. If I don't bring you to him, you pay my expenses but everything else is on me." "I can live with that!" Adam said, gleefully. When can you start?" "As soon as you give me all the information you can about.... let's talk about 'target butch' " They did, and Roger got to work. He gave his somewhat discouraging report to Adam a week later.

"This is really challenging, Adam" Roger was talking to his client. "A really thorough and professional job. As far as official records go, Butch Randles doesn't exist." "FUCK." Adam was exasperated. "How the hell could that be?" They knew that butch had gone to work that day and people had seen him leave. They had even traced butch's old car, but that's as far as they had gotten. "Adam, unless he did something like off himself, which I doubt, I suspect he created a new identity for himself. Do you think that's possible?" "Possible? Yeah, I guess so. He used to talk about how his new job involved tracking down people who worked under aliases, had hidden bank accounts and yadda yadda." "So maybe he did that in reverse for himself?" "If he did it, he did it all from work, Roger. Yeah, he used the computer at home, but you've seen the files. I would check every time he used the home computer. Nothing there." "Hmmm. I wonder. If I could access the network he used at work. You have any contacts?" "JASON! GET YOUR FAKE ALPHA ASS IN HERE." Well, Jason did not have access to that network, but he knew some people who did. They were people who knew butch. One of them was, in fact, the guy who had put the "BOTTOM" sticker on his computer. He gave the information to Adam, who forwarded it on to Roger. Once he had it, Roger got to work. And then one night he called Adam." "Adam, I think we should look at this stuff together. I found a lot. And I think I know how to find him. But I'd like us to be face to face." "That could work. Where is he?" "I'll give you the state." It was closer to where Roger was located than Adam was. Adam was on the next plane and, by Sunday night, he was sitting next to Roger, thinking "you know, if not butch, this guy would make a good sub." (Roger kept all sexual information about himself other than his being gay private). "Ok, let's start going through this. Your sub has been a VERY busy boy." Roger pulled up the files. "Seems that Butch Randles is now Nick Cavendish." "HUH? Ha ha Well, I never heard that name before." "Not a family name. I traced the genealogy, TOTALLY made up. Now here's the information you want: he's working as a freelancer, which gives him the chance to change all of his traceable stuff whenever he wants, and he's siphoning money from a government account. It's huge, and the money he's taking is always small sums, so it's not worth tracing. But the most important thing, Adam: here's his address. "HOLY FUCK." Adam saw the photographs of butch walking in and out of the building. He thought "GOD he's HOT" but said "That FUCKING BASTARD. He's coming home on the next plane." "Not so fast Adam. I know that's what you want to do, but I don't recommend it. Too easy to trace, too hard to pull off. Here's what I suggest: let's rent you a car. Tie him in the trunk if you want, or the backseat, or sit him up front, however you want. Drive back, "It's a long drive, Roger." "I know. And I have the addresses of two motels where you'd have no trouble spending the night. They're both run by gay guys who are into this scene. I've checked them out. They're fine." He saw Adam smile. "Let's go recover my property." It was actually a very simple plan: they would wait until they saw butch leave his place. Then, Roger would break in. Breaking in was easy. They'd find a place for Adam to hide, and when butch came back, he'd grab him. When they got to the apartment, they found a hallway closet, just large enough for Adam to get into. They turned on the stereo system so that they could hide any noise Adam made. Roger waited in the car. He texted Adam: "on his way up" when butch came back. Adam held his breath as butch came in. "HUH? I don't remember turning on the stereo" butch was talking to himself as he walked toward the machine. That's when Adam grabbed him. "YOU'RE COMING HOME BOY." He tightened the grip "WHAT? FUCK. LET ME GO ADAM. WE'RE DONE." He squirmed but made no progress and Adam laughed. "We are far from done, bitch. In fact, I think it's fair to say we're starting all over again." "HELP" butch yelled, but the stereo was on too loud. No one would hear him. Adam skillfully pulled butch's arms behind him and bound his wrists. "I'll gag you if I have to, butch, but believe me, you won't be happy" "No gag. Please. I know. You got me." butch had stopped struggling. And he couldn't believe he had a hard on. "I'm wondering. Should we spend the night here, or hit the road? Hmmmm." I think we'll hit the road. "I can't believe you found me," was all butch could mutter. In the car, Roger smiled. "Pleased to meet you butch, or Nick or whomever you are. I'm Rog. I'd shake your hand but I see... you're a little.." "He's a bit tied up now," Adam joked." People stopped to look, and Roger flashed a fake badge. Adam shoved butch into the back seat and got in with him. "I have missed you butch baby. And I am gonna express my disappointment in you all night." The car took off. They'd be driving to the car Adam had rented, and then they'd drive to the motel he recommended for an overnight stay.

You won't find "Candy's B&B" in any of the guidebooks. And "B&B" does not stand for "bed and breakfast." It stands for "bondage and more bondage". "Candy" was not his real name, but he used it because who could forget meeting a 250 plus pound, bald man, who's name was "Candy," and who kept the four rooms of the B&B stocked with tootsie rolls. Four rooms: actually five if you counted the basement. Each of Candy's rooms was equipped with the toys that his guests could be expected to be interested in using: ropes, dildos, vibrators, chains, shaving equipment, etc. The basement contained the more "esoteric" equipment which you could rent, for a fee, just like renting an adult film at a standard hotel or motel. Usually, his guests were couples who were looking for a quick getaway for a weekend, a day, or a few days. When Roger called him he was, at first, dubious. "I'm not taking any responsibility if this isn't on the up and up, Roger." "I understand. And I wouldn't have taken the case if I didn't see proof that my client was absolutely telling the truth. He's on the up and up. And I think you'll like "nick," or "butch," whatever name Adam is going to use on him besides "cunt." Former trooper, head of white/silver hair, rugged, wiry. Candy began to laugh. "Hell, I may decide to keep him for myself." "Now don't do that Candy. I'll keep an eye out for someone for you. You know I always do." "This is true Rog. And that last boy you sent. OH MAN was he sweet! A shame that his company transferred him." "If that's what you like Candy, I'll keep my eyes open. And thanks for taking this gig."

Candy was standing at the door of the B&B when they drove up. He saw Adam step out and thought "nice looing guy. Who'd run from him?" He heard him ordering butch. "STOP RESISTING. YOU'RE GETTING UP AND COMING INSIDE. NOW MOVE." He saw the pull on butch's arm, and saw this older preppy, bound and scared. Adam dragged him to the door. "Hi Sir. You must be Candy. I'm Adam." Candy held out a big meaty hand. "Nice to meet you. " He looked over butch. "So, Rog tells me he used to be a state trooper? That goes far in my book." "Yup. From law enforcement to law enforcement. The only enforcing that's gonna go on is from me." Candy looked at butch. butch tried to escape his gaze, but he couldn't. "I got one question for you butch. It's a yes or no. Did you submit to this man? Did you surrender and agree to be his sex slave?" butch hesitate and then shook his head yes. "All I needed to know. Let's go. Roger picked our Master suite for you. Just for the night, Adam?" "Just for the night. We got a LONG trip to take tomorrow, but I think we're gonna like it here. " He squeezed butch's arm. "A little oasis for when we wanna get away , huh gumdrop?" "mmmmmmmmmmph" butch growled. "Ok, let's get registration taken care of. Just so you know, the doors get locked at 1, and it's an electronic lock." He smiled at butch. "I heard you have a predeliction for escape attempts. Not gonna happen stud. Believe me." "I guess this is farewell for now, Adam. I'll have the car rental service drop off a vehicle very early tomorrow." He looked over butch. "Looks like nick is gonna need a change of clothes." Adam guffawed. "I'd love to bring him back naked but... let's not take the chance. Something easy. t shirt, jeans, jock strap. Nothing fancy. I'll take care of that back home. " He shook Roger's hand. "Thank you for making this happen." "LET'S GO NICK. " Adam pushed butch forward. "Nick. Rhymes with dick. NAH. Butch is better. Sounds more like bitch."

"We're gonna keep it simple butch. Just get all your clothes off. NOW." butch had been untied by Adam, and he was massaging his wrists from the long trip. "What're you gonna do to me?" he asked, and got a smack across his ass. "WHAT DID YOU FORGET BOTTOM?" "What're you gonna do to me, Sir?" butch winced from the smack. He hadn't been spanked for months. It also sent a shiver through his cock. "Whaddya THINK I'm gonna do to you, fucktoi? I'm gonna take what's mine. And that starts with your ass. NOW STRIP" "Yes sir" butch was beginning to shake a little. On the one hand, he had gone running from Adam and Jason. On the other hand, he couldn't deny the hard on he had as he thought about having Adam's cock again. He stood there, naked, waiting for Adam's next command. Adam walked around in front of butch, and ran his finger up and down butch's thick coat of chest hair. "Looks like job number 1 when we get home: turn the beast into a boy." He grabbed butch's dick and squeezed. "Then, we gotta make sure that someone doesn't keep on forgetting his place. On the bottom, and taking orders. The way a SUB SLAVE does."

Then Adam stopped. "But I guess you don't consider yourself a sub anymore do you butch?" butch didn't answer. "Because if you don't, then we'll have to start sub training all over again. For now, let's see if you've forgotten how to bottom. Face up. Spread out. " Then he grinned. "And tie your wrist to the bed. TIGHT. I'll do the other one. " After he had secured butch tightly, Adam began toying with his cock. butch began to moan. He knew that there was no chance he was going to get release until they got back. Adam's enormously fat, bright pink cock, dripping already, made that clear. "I have missed this butt hole, butch boi, and I'm gonna start making up for that absence right now...." The first thrust evoked a scream from butch that would've disturbed neighbors anywhere else. In this establishment, however, Candy just smiled and reached for his own cock. "We need more that look like that," he thought, and unzipped his pants. In the guest room, Adam was sliding his dick, lubed only by his own pre-cum, up butch's ass. "Once a bitch, ALWAYS a bitch. butch the bitch. Heheh. Let's get you a fucking t shirt." There was no question: he wanted to shoot into butch, but he also wanted him sore, and hurting. He wanted butch to remember: surrender is absolute surrender. He reached up to butch's nipples and began squeezing them. "DAMN. Gonna have to get you pierced again too fucker. Locked, pierced, and collared. Gonna look pretty around the house, that's for shit sure." Adam hadn't used any of the "amenities" in the suite, and he reached for clamps. He put them on butch's nipples and pulled. The screams got Candy even harder, as Adam pushed up butch's legs. "Good thing you're not taller, studbottom. We'd damage the overhead lamp." He pushed in further. He was gritting his teeth when he said. "Rest assured, butch. If you try another escape, I WILL find you again, and then... you won't need the lock anymore if you understand what I mean." "I do Sir. " Then butch began moaning. He could feel Adam getting harder and harder. Most of Adam's brain was directed to making sure that butch felt what he was doing to him. A small portion was thinking about how they now had to erase all records of butch's new identity, and revive his old one. "YEAH. slaveboi butch randle.... LIVES. AND TAKES COCK. " He shot into butch and, for the first time in months, butch felt the force of a full on fuck from Adam. Adam slapped his hard on. "Gonna go get ice." "Oh shit," butch thought. He knew the ice was for HIS hard on. A naked Adam went to the ice maker and came back with a cup of it. He began applying ice cubes to butch's cock and balls. "FUCK ! FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK" butch was in agony. When his cock had come down to Adam's satisfaction, Adam untied him, but grabbed his wrists. He tied them together and then secured them to the headboard. "You're not even TOUCHING yourself accidentally tonight fucktoi. Or on the way home. And after you get home.... you'd best be ready for a week on your back and belly, being the Bank of Adam's jizz." butch fell asleep that night thinking of that promise. He couldn't help himself. He was getting hard.

Next: Chapter 13

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