The Domination of a Trooper

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 28, 2022


Butch's reintegration to the life he had before his escape attempt was much easier than he thought it would be. Jason and Adam had altered the internal computer records of butch's department to make it appear that he had been assigned to an undercover force, and that was why his supervisor had not been told anything. The records indicated that the investigation was now "closed," and information would not be forthcoming. All butch had to do was apologize to his supervisor and explain that he really hadn't been given any choice in the matter. His supervisor wasn't happy with what had happened, and on the one hand was reluctant to bring butch back on staff, but on the other hand, felt he couldn't do anything. Also, butch was one of his better investigators and he couldn't really afford to lose him. So butch started working again. The only "incident" was one he kept quiet from everybody. The same guy who had slapped the "BOTTOM" sticker across butch's computer walked by one day and muttered: "first undercover and now under Adam." Yes, butch knew that everyone knew about his relationship, he was just uncomfortable with it being discussed in public. And that relationship was beginning to take a decidedly different turn, because the recapture had made Adam much more certain of two things: he wanted to dominate butch completely, and that butch had now accepted his role as Adam's sub. They'd both be important for the subsequent move he had planned, but that was off in the future. For now, he had to "put the thumbscrews down" as he put it, on butch's domination. He created a list of chores for butch: some for every day, which he needed to get done or suffer a punishment. This was in addition to the sex Adam expected every day. He had a schedule for that, too, and he would let butch know, in the morning, what was expected of him that night. He let butch know by the color of the shirt he would choose for butch to wear to work. A pink one, for example, meant that tit clamps were going to be used. A lavender one meant an evening that butch was going to hate: it would center on tickling. Adam's favorites were when he had butch wear a white shirt and a necktie: that meant before he left, butch had to "hide" something in the house, and Adam would torture the information out of him as the captured spy. Those roleplays made Adam harder than anything else did, but he had another way of fucking butch that was even harder. And butch would sweat all day when he'd get dressed in a blue and white striped shirt. That meant that Adam was going to use something Jason had given him for his birthday. On one level, it could be called a dick on a stick, but it was more sophisticated than that. The "fucking machine" had different speeds, and different sized attachments. Adam would tie butch down, spread eagled, and use the machine. That was, however, AFTER 5-10 minutes of paddle torture to butch's balls. The time would vary. It didn't end until butch started crying. The one that butch liked best, which surprised him, was something Adam added to their sex life: body worship. When the light green shirt came out, that meant butch would spend the evening washing Adam's pits with his tongue, and then doing the same thing to his whole body. There would be boot licking, and foot massages, and anything else that Master Adam wanted as part of the worship. Sometimes the body worship didn't include boot licking, because Adam didn't want the boot filth to touch his cock, and he was always very clear about when he wanted butch's lips around his dick. One of the reasons butch liked body worship so much is that when Adam was ready he would carry butch to bed, lay him down, and then kiss him, from eyes all the way down, and on those nights, he would edge butch, sometimes for as long as an hour, before he'd let him shoot. Then he'd fuck him. And again, it was hard. REALLY hard.

One Saturday, butch was surprised to find his harness out and a pair of old jeans. Adam hadn't said anything about a leather club visit. "Sir, I don't want to do the wrong thing you want this on me?" "Damn right I do butch. " His eyes gleamed. "We're gonna have some people over tonight and I want you looking your best." butch liked the feel of leather on his torso, which Adam had shaved the night before, together with the rest of his body. Before guests came over, he tied butch's hands in front of him, put on his slave collar, and his arm band. As the guests arrived, butch thought "I know most of these people. They're all DOMS. No subs tonight." butch wasn't surprised that Adam made him sit at his feet that night, or that he played with butch's nipples in front of everyone. Adam had done that to him at the club before. He was surprised when he heard Adam say "You're gonna clean each set of boots, stud bottom. As well as you clean mine. Better get to work because.. this party is just beginning." butch was scared: there were maybe 8 or 9 DOMS there. If they were each going to decide if he did an adequate job.. he could be in trouble. "Before you start, slave boi, get out of your jeans. I want EVERYONE to see my boi's goods. And let's see who's boots make you the hardest." butch got up to go to the bedroom and Adam stopped him. "No. Get undressed HERE. Right now." He saw that Adam had a wand in his hand: the redwood one: the one that hurt the most. "I forgot to tell you butch boi. Each of my friends is gonna get the chance to wail on your ass while you're cleaning him up. So a job that's good, and fast, will benefit you." He smiled. He knew how uncomfortable he was making butch. He was... humiliating him, which was exactly what he wanted to happen. "Please don't let me throw up," butch tossed up a silent prayer. He knew there was no getting out of this and crawled over to the first man's boots. He began licking and as he did, he felt the firm, rhythmic tap of the wand on his butt. It didn't hurt, but it let him know who was in charge. He tried to breathe: he had done this for Sir Adam before, and even for Jason, but never for this many people. And as he did it, he felt his cock expanding. "HO HO. HE IS A BITCH ADAM. LOOK AT THAT." "Yeah, and if he drips, he'll clean it tomorrow. He's gonna clean what you guys miss with too." butch didn't have any idea what they were talking about: all he knew was that the first guy had now put his second boot in front of him. "Not bad. He doesn't do a bad job at all, Adam." "He's out of practice. But he'll get better. Won't you butch." butch shook his head and muttered "yes sir" as he licked the second pair of boots. When he muttered his answer, the taste of the boot became more pronounced, and he had to stop: his gorge was rising, and the last thing he needed to do was throw up. The second guy was firmer with the wand. "Maybe I should've used the paddle but... I like the sound of the wood. And the threat that it may go into his ass." "You've got one of those fuck machines don't you Adam?" one guy asked. "I do. Haven't used it much." "Maybe ... tonight?" Adam smiled. "Maybe, but after you guys are gone. NEXT" And so it went. Some of the DOMS were gentler, and others hit harder. One pressed his thumb to butch's hole when Adam was getting more drinks, but that was all that happened except for the boot cleaning. "GOOD BOY BUTCH. GOOD BOY. OVER HERE." Adam pointed to a spot on the sofa next to him. He began scratching behind butch's ear as he pulled on his collar. "You do what your DOM says, don't you butch?" "Yes sir. I know my place." Adam's voice dropped. "Your place is going to be on the floor right now, babe. On your back. Looking up. Time for an anointing. " He looked at his guests. "Anyone wanna play?" No one said no and, within five minutes, butch was spread out on the floor, with some heavy weights holding down his wrists and ankles. He could see the guests and Adam forming a circle around him. "Whoever cums first buys the booze tonight. Last guy gets to pick the next sub." "Yeah. It's a shame we'll only get one crack at this beauty. FUCKING HOT. I woulda loved to have him strip a Trooper uniform, Adam." "Take what you get. The rest is for me." butch understood that a circle jerk was about to happen, but he didn't understand the other stuff. Was this related to otokouomo? "FUCK HE'S HOT." one of the guys muttered and got a chorus of "mmmhmmms" back. butch could see Adam directly over his head. It was clear that Adam was saving butch's mouth for himself. Then the first splash hit butch: right at the nipples. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" he head a second guy yell, and now his crotch was covered. The sudden hit of the liquid gave him a jolt too. Then a third. And a fourth. His ankles and wrists were secured, but he began to push his ass up: butch couldn't help it- the circle jerk was getting to him. When he felt Adam's cum hit his face and his lips, it was too much. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOH" he moaned and then, without any contact, butch started cumming. His jizz joined the jizz from the DOMS. "I think we can forgive that guys, don't you?" Adam joked. "Hell no. I think a REAL spanking is in order." "YEAH YEAH. GET YOUR GOOD PADDLE ADAM" came the cry as the final three guys climaxed. Adam gave butch a look. "Can't argue with a room of DOMs sub boi." He came back and ordered butch on all fours. "NO GUYS. His ass is mine. I'll administer the spanking." "Please let it be gentle. Please let it be gentle, butch kept on pleading under his breath, knowing from the first WHACK that it wouldn't be. "I'm not crying in front of them. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not...." butch fought until Adam had completed 25 serious whacks to his butt. "Ok guys. No fucking machine but..." butch felt a dildo going into his ass. "Keep him nice and opened for when I want him again."

The party ended about twenty minutes after butch's spanking. He was exhausted. The dildo was still in his ass when Adam, now in an empty house, pulled him over for cuddling. "A sub's life isn't easy butch. But this is what you got. Can't have my cock tonight. I'm empty. But you're getting this. Or the fucking machine." "What... whatever Sir wants." "AH. Now THAT'S a good answer. I KNEW you'd come around eventually boy. You're turning into an exemplary sub. Now I think we'd best get you to bed. You've got some serious cleaning to do tomorrow, and tomorrow..." an evil look went across his face. "Lavender shirt day." butch stiffened when he heard those words, and he continued to be anxious as they went to bed. Adam recognized what was happening by the tension in butch's muscles and pulled him closer, and tighter. He ran his evening scruff around butch's ear, before he whispered. "You hate being tickled, don't you boy?" butch gulped and answered "yes sir." "I know you do. But I LOVE seeing you suffer and struggle. And I get what I want." His hand played with butch's nipple. "You've been a good boy since you came back. Don't backslide. Remember what you are. Sub slave." "Sub slave." butch though he'd never get used to those words. Now, he anticipated them. He had fought hard, and he lost. Adam was his conqueror. He fell asleep dreaming about the two of them in the past, with Adam leading in a horse with a bound butch riding on it. A captured warrior, about to be turned into a slave.

Gym at 7a.m. During his period of escape, butch hadn't been working out, and Adam felt that while he was still in superb shape, he needed more toning. butch had missed the gym and was glad to go back. That morning was a bit unusual because Adam almost always drove butch to the gym and picked him up. It made butch feel owned, which was exactly what Adam wanted. Today, though, he was going to let butch drive. "You're not gonna try anything anymore stud. You and I both know it. " He grinned. "For all you know, I have someone following you, and someone waiting at the gym to keep an eye on you. And...." He made sure butch had a lock pendant on. "Guys may ask questions, but they get referred to me." "Yes sir. I understand." butch was in his gym clothes. He saw Adam lick his lips. "Bend over." Sighing, butch did. He felt Adam grinding his crotch against his ass. "Lavender Saturday. DAMN is it gonna be hot." He had something planned. He just wasn't telling butch. And much as butch hated being tickled, the thought of what came at the end: the penetration by Adam's thick cock, kept him motivated through the whole workout.

When butch came back home, he saw the faded jeans and the lavender shirt out on the bed. And a silver thong. That was one he hadn't seen before. That meant Adam had done some shopping and he wondered: what else did his DOM have up his sleeve. "Wash that sweat off you stud. Then we'll have some late morning fun. Sleeves rolled for this." butch gave Adam a pleading look and just got a cold stare. "Yes sir." He washed and changed. The clothing fit snugly, the way that Adam liked him to look. butch was so lost in thought as to what else would happen besides the tickling, he didn't see either the roll of black duct tape, or .... what did they call those things - the big vibrator that looked like a cock? "HITACHI!" The thought came to butch just as he felt Adam snake his arm through butch's arm, and then did it with the second arm, pinning butch's arms behind him. His mouth covered his ear. "Got to come up with a new name for what I have planned. A combo of edging, and tickling." He opened the second button on butch's shirt and slipped his hand in. He began running his finger back and forth on butch's nipple. He whispered "One of the DOMS wondered why I haven't pierced you. If I do stud... it's gonna be on your cock. None of this tit piercing for me. A Prince Albert for Princess butch, ha ha. Get in position." butch noticed that Adam had replaced the wrist restraints with old silk neckties. He tied them tight: butch could move, but not much. He didn't use ankle restraints because he had the stocks: he locked butch's feet in them and then, chuckling, he pulled butch's sneakers off, and ran a finger up and down each sole. butch reacted by giggling immediately. "OH, you're ready for some serious tickling today. That's gonna be great butch. " He walked to the headboard, picked up the tape and ripped off a nice sized piece. "I thought about wrapping it around your head but.. this is gonna look much hotter." He gagged butch with the tape and then he stood back, taking photos with his phone.

"GOD, you look so hot butch. I should just stop this and fuck you to begin. That sound good?" butch moaned. What did this man do to arouse him so much? He HATED being tickled but he was hard as an iron rod. Giggles started escaping from the side of the tape as Adam went back to gently teasing his feet. There wasn't much butch could do, but he squirmed and he squirmed mightily. "I see a nice bulge there, don't I butch? Hmmmm." Adam picked up the hitachi and he ran it slowly, up and down butch's shaft. Now, the laughs became moans. butch couldn't remember if Adam ever used something like this on him. It was so intense that he must not have. The strokes along his shaft were wickedly intense, but when Adam held it still on the head of his cock, butch thought he was gonna break through all the restraints from his squirming. "Nope, butchy. Nope. You're gonna be right there. Right there.. " butch could hear Adam's deep breaths as he opened butch's shirt. "Totally exposed. So I can do something like, oh, I don't know, but on a velcro glove and run it up and down your sides. "HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHPPPPH" was butch's answer before the suppressed giggles started again. Adam was only using one hand to tickle him: he was holding the hitachi in his other hand, and running it up and down butch's straining cock, and alongside the inner parts of his thighs. "Wonder what this would feel like on your feet, stud?" "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGG!!!!" butch was shaking his head frantically and Adam laughed. "Well, now you KNOW I have to try it." butch was curling his toes inside his socks. He was in AGONY. "Next time, I'll take your socks off stud. OH, you might go through the ceiling." butch agreed, especially since now, with the hitachi on his feet, Adam was running his hand over butch's jeans, making him even hornier. "Let's give our electric friend a little rest." Adam turned off the hitachi and he slid onto the bed next to Adam. He took off the glove and he began using just the tips of his nails to work over butch's sides, before he buried his fingers in his captive's pits. butch was trying to escape the fingers, and Adam just dug in deeper, before he whispered "you are just SO FUCKING HOT, BUTCH. You'd never be this hot as a topman. You were MEANT to be a sub." "mmmmmmmmmmmmph" butch whined. He didn't think so but, with Adam, that was without a doubt. He felt the button on his jeans open under Adam's fingers, and then Adam sliding the jeans down to expose butch's crotch. "Great thing about the hitachi is, it'll stay in place inside that thong butch. And LOOK. I do believe I see wet spots. " Adam turned the hitachi to its lowest setting and then slid it inside the thong. It stayed motionless, as he began playing with brice's nipples, and scruffing his neck. He continued that for about ten minutes. Then... he got up, and took off the hitachi. He slide down the thong, and butch's rigid cock shot out. Adam whispered into butch's ear as he began edging him by hand. "Having a sub with such an exceptional package is priceless. butch moaned. Adam knew what parts of his shaft were more sensitive than others, and they were getting a workout, just like his cock head. Adam would flatten his palm and slide it very, VERY lightly across it, and butch's moans got louder. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" a cry of pain came out of butch as the tape got pulled off his mouth. He saw the smile on Adam's face before he used his free hand to outline butch's lips. butch's mouth opened immediately, begging for SOMETHING to go in. Adam tightened his grip on butch's cock. "See how you're so totally under control, stud? Any questions?" "No Sir. No. MMMMMMMMMMMPH." He was shut up again as Adam's tongue slid into his mouth. Adam was on top of him now, and his knee was doing what his hand had been doing a few minutes before. "I wanted to fuck you in front of those guys SO BADLY. Public fucking. The ultimate humiliation. No doubt after that who does what." "Please sir. No." Adam smiled and dug his knee in further. "NO is forbidden when I say I'm gonna do something to you butch. You don't get a vote. " He kissed butch's forehead and his nose, before he slid down and began kissing the rest of his torso. "I'm still thinking of that Prince Albert. Got to think about it. Now though, nothing to think about. Let's get these stocks out of the way." When he moved the stocks, Adam grabbed the hitachi again. He lay it right on top of butch's cock as he got undressed. "Your moans are SO SEXY butch. SO FUCKING SEXY. I bet a tape of them could turn on most guys. Especially if you mutter 'fuck me' every now and then. " He stripped his own clothes. "You better hold back until I'm done stud. Having you shoot last night was embarrassing. Showed I had a lack of control over you. If it happens again." He lowered his voice. "We visit chastity city." He pulled away the hitachi and grabbed butch's ankles. "I shoulda eaten more breakfast. I'm awfully hungry. Time for a snack." He shoved butch's legs in the air roughly and dug his tongue into butch's ass. "MMMMM. You still have some gym sweat in there. Nice and salty. " All butch could do was moan as the masterful tongue that Adam had got deeper. "WHAT THE HELL DOES HE DO TO ME?" butch's brain was screaming. "WHY THE HELL CAN'T I RESIST?" He felt the tongue pull out and he knew what was next. Adam had him so well lubricated that his dick slid in easily. He looked at butch. "fuck toi." he said in a low voice, as butch began to whine from the strong physical stimulation he was getting. "Know what I forgot to do? We'll do it later. I saw this video: 'how to tie up your sub's cock. GREAT video. GREAT demo. Maybe later. For now.... TAKE IT YOU FUCKING SLUT." "Slut" was a trigger word for butch. He was anything but; however, he looked when he thought Adam didn't see him and there were nights when one guy or another would slip into his consciousness as he fell asleep. Never Jason. And they all were "variations" on Adam: sometimes with beards, sometimes with moustaches, sometimes heavier than Adam, sometimes more wiry, but always Adam. He even had one where Adam had hair as white as his own. "My silver sub," is how Adam referred to butch. Right now, his silver sub was his SORE sub as Adam continued to pound him. Tickling always made Adam much more aggressive in bed, and today it was exceptional. butch couldn't know Adam was thinking about how their lives were going to change very soon. The thought of being in a place where butch was clearly and unequivocally a sub 24/7, was so hot, so exciting. No worries about what was happening at work: he exploded, filling butch with his jizz. He slid to the side. "You wanna cum, don't ya butchy?" "Yes sir." "Well... He slid his hand onto butch's shaft. "You're gonna be tied in the bondage chair this afternoon. How long depends on how long you can hold it. I'll drop a minute from the two hours I have planned, for every minute you hold back." He began sliding. butch spent an hour and 55 minutes in the chair that afternoon. That was when Adam started telling him about the planned move.

Next: Chapter 15

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