The Domination of a Trooper

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 31, 2022


Butch hadn't been on a plane for more than ten years. He didn't fly during his escape attempt because airline tickets were too easy to trace, and he just hadn't traveled much before that. Relatively speaking, the flight to Rochester was a short one: only 2 hours. They were in a 2 seat row: butch at the window seat, and Adam on the aisle. "So you can't try anything on the flight, stud puppy," Adam had joked. He knew that one of butch's not so secret fantasies was airline pilots. Not flight attendants, regardless of how burly they were: pilots. He had caught butch checking out a few of them as they had made their way to the gate. Adam enjoyed putting butch in his old trooper uniforms (he had packed one for this weekend in case the reviewing committee wanted to see what their potential new security chief would look like in a uniform similar to one he'd be wearing on the job), but didn't really have any "feel" for wearing one. He knew that butch's birthday was coming up, and he began to think about getting a pilot uniform to wear for butch's birthday fuck. It was under consideration. "You're hard buddy. You must be thinking about the pilot," Adam joked as he reached over and groped butch. He had done that a few times on the flight, checking around to make sure no crew was watching - ultimately though, who cared? He was groping butch because he had been concerned about getting through security if he locked butch in a chastity cage. He didn't bring one either, but he was sure that they would have a "toy shop" at Otokouomo where he could get one for the weekend. butch moaned just a bit when Adam groped him. He still had very little idea of where they were going. Adam had explained that it was a male only, D/s community, gated and admission by invitation. The population was kept at around 2000. There had always been a waiting list and lately, as some of the older community members had passed on, there were empty properties. There were ten openings and, according to what Adam told him, there had been 500 plus applications. Adam's application had gotten through the financial check, and the "character" check (Adam HAD told butch that one of the points in their favor had been butch's prior experience as a state trooper. The community wanted to have an "in house" security patrol, but they didn't want to hire outsiders and hard as it was to believe, there were no police officers or other men involved in law enforcement in the community).

The plane began its descent into Rochester. Adam's contacts had told him that after landing in Rochester, they would be met by representatives from the community and then driven to Otokouomo. That drive would take about 90 minutes .("It's considerably longer in the winter" he had been told "which is why most residents hunker down once it starts snowing"), and they would both have to be blindfolded for the last hour to keep the location private. Adam would be given directions on how to get to and from the community if they were approved. He was the DOM. The community took the approach that subs would rarely, if ever, have any need to leave without their DOMS, so they were not given instruction.

He had dressed butch in thin khakis that favored his ass, and a blue button down shirt that was opened at the throat, so that everyone could see butch's collar. Adam was in a white shirt, a blazer, slacks and a rep necktie. He had been told that Dan, the head of the community counsel, had a thing for well dressed men. He would be meeting them: he and steve, his sub. Over the course of the next few days, Adam would be spending most of his time with Dan and other DOMS in the community, while butch would be guided by steve and some of the other subs.

It was just about 8pm when they landed. "C'mon stud. We gotta go get our luggage and meet Dan and steve." "Yes sir," butch answered, stifling a yawn. When Adam was nervous he got hornier than usual, and he had been VERY horny the night before, and all day. butch hadn't gotten much sleep, because first Adam wanted his cock sucked and then about four hours later, he woke butch told him to "roll over man cunt," and then he had fucked him. Then, at about 4 in the morning he was horny again. butch was surprised that he could sit for the whole plane trip given how sore his ass was.

It hadn't been a very large plane or a lot of people, so their luggage - one bag each - arrived very quickly. Then they heard a voice. "Welcome to Rochester, Adam. I hope you have a good visit." It had to be Dan. They had both seen the photos and had done a facetime interview. steve, the bottom and sub, was taller and almost thin, with blond hair going to gray. butch remembered that during the facetime interview he had spoken of his Scandinavian background and wondered if butch had a similar background, since they shared some physical characteristics. The main difference was that steve had the look of a middle distance runner, which made sense since he ran half, mile and 3 mile races. butch was a little more solid, mostly from the workouts Adam had required once he had submitted. Dan was a little shorter than steve, but you could tell that he had the muscles. His shirt looked like it had been custom made (it had been) for his big arms. He had a dark beard, dark eyes and a big strong handshake. "Thank you. It's good to finally meet you in person." Adam spoke directly to Dan. One of the things he had been told when he started considering the community was that roles were considered important, and were strictly enforced. As the DOM, Adam could interact with his own sub, and with other DOMS. He needed permission to interact with another man's sub. The same was true for the subs. "Hi. I'm steve. It's good to finally meet you butch," steve fell behind Adam and Dan and walked with butch. He had his hands behind his back. butch saw that he had on a collar too, and he saw a ring on steve's right hand. "I think you'll enjoy meeting some of the other subs," he dropped his voice "and a chance to say something other than 'yes sir' for a few days." butch laughed at that. "I get to say 'what would you like for dinner tomorrow sir,' and 'Sir, may I have your gym clothes for the wash please?' " Now steve laughed. "Well, if Master Adam wants to continue that way, it is of course his choice, but otokouomo employs many of the local residents. They come in, do the work like that, and leave. We've had our housekeeper and valet for years." "How long have you been here, if I can ask?" "Well, I've been here for about ten years. Master Dan lived here for about four years before that, as a single DOM. Then..." he laughed. "Well, the story of how I got here will be told this weekend. Let me just say it was NOT anything like yours, and I did NOT come here willingly." "Are you being held against your will?" butch dropped his voice. "Ha ha. Not at all. It took me a while to get used to things but now I love it here. You might say I'm bonded to Master Dan, but again, we'll talk about bonding during your visit." Soon, they were at their car: it wasn't a stretch limo, but it was plenty large for four people. "Ok boys. I'm gonna have to ask you to mask up. Even you Adam. If you're thirsty, I'll be more than happy to assist with a beverage. steve always needs a seven up or something like that on these trips, so don't be shy. steve, do you want one now?" "Yes sir. Thank you Sir." He popped open the drink and took a sip before he settled into putting on his mask. "I never thought I'd be wearing a blindfold again," Adam joked. "Well, hopefully, this will be the last time you need to, Adam," Dan answered. "I really liked your application and so did a couple of other counsel members. I'm hopeful this is just a 'meet and greet' and we'll say yes, and you'll say yes, Adam." butch noticed how his name didn't come up. Adam had explained to him more than a few times that as far as anyone in the D/s community was concerned, butch was Adam's property. Any rights Adam wanted to give him were up to Adam, but butch had to understand that by submitting, he had placed all of those decisions in Adam's hands.

butch was deep into his "sub head space" when he heard Dan announce "well, here we are. Once we get through the gates, the blindfolds can come off." He gave them the "all clear" in about five minutes, and they both looked around. It was early evening and the light was beginning to fade but there were still plenty of people out and about. "Oh my... GOD" slipped out of butch's mouth. He saw couples and it was clear who had what role. Some of the men were shirtless, and he saw the tell tale right nipple ring on the subs, and they almost always had a collar too. Some were led around by the DOMS, via a leash through the collar. Generally they looked down, while their Masters and DOMS greeted Dan. "HEEEEEEEEEEEY DAN. Newbies?" one guy asked. "Yup. This is Adam and his sub butch is with him too." "Lower your head butch. Lower your head," steve whispered to him frantically. "Well, well. Nice looking pair. How ya doing? I'm Paul. I think my sub is going to be on your committee so I'll be curious what happens." He grunted. "Nice looking sub too. Sorta reminds me of you steve." He grinned and Dan spoke. "Pauuuuuuuuuuuuuuul. I told you. steve is off limits. " "Well ya never know, maybe... " He got closer to butch. "DAYUM you're hot. I'd like to slap some clamps on those nips and drag YOU around town for a bit." butch didn't look up but he answered "Thank you Sir." "HO HO. Master Adam you got a well trained boy there. Impressive. The newbies usually say something smart assed or just don't answer." "Yeah, butch is well trained. Took a while but he knows his place." Somehow, hearing Adam talk about him like that, almost like he was a well trained pet, was making butch happy. He was making his Master happy! "Geez, is my tail wagging?" he thought, and then followed that up with "well, no, but my cock is." And it was. Seeing the men and hearing Adam speak about him was getting butch aroused. He imagined Adam was too. Maybe he'd have them skip dinner and...." No such luck. Dan and steve led them to a small hotel where they'd be staying for the night. "This used to be the town brothel but when we closed it down, we thought we HAD to use it for something. So we host guests here, if the weather keeps the staffs for the houses stuck, stuff like that. But we have the King suite arranged for you. Why don't you just drop your stuff, if you want to freshen up, we can wait." He looked at his watch, and leered. "We have time for you fellas to freshen up, but NOT to get reacquainted after the flight if you know what I mean. Our reservation is in 45 minutes." He smiled some more. "I'll postpone the morning meetings by an hour. I understand how you must feel." He looked at steve. "When I needed to go to NYC unexpectedly earlier this year, I came off that flight feeling luck a moose in rut. Poor steve. I think I fucked him six times in the next two days." "seven Sir," steve said, and there was laughter. "And four blow jobs." "I think I like this place," Adam said. "butch baby, let's get prettied up."

"I was very close to having butch wear his trooper uniform tonight, but we'll keep that for another time." "Now THAT would have been hot," Dan smiled. "Bring law and order to the restaurant. Chris Meloni too" "Do you think you could get him to move here?" Adam said what butch was thinking, but he didn't have permission to speak at that moment. "From your mouth to God's ear. We've never had a celebrity interested but... you never know. Hey," Dan said. "Know what? It's a special evening, with people who may very well become good friends. Adam, do you think we should give the subs permission to speak?" "Sounds good to me. It's unusual to not have butch chattering around. He likes being gagged and baits me." steve smiled. "You like being gagged? Cause I do too." Now butch was embarrassed. "I like some of them. I hate the dental spreader one, and I really don't care for the penis shape. I'd rather have the real thing in my mouth. I like cloth, tape, and hands. I LOVE it when Sir hand gags me." Dan reached under the table and squeezed steve's cock. It was caged, but Dan knew when steve was getting aroused. "If I can ask, Adam, do you lock up butch?" "Sometimes. I didn't for the trip because of airline security. But I think I saw a toy store on the way to the hotel and I'll pick one up tomorrow." "You may find some stuff in there you haven't seen before. " steve began rolling his eyes. Dan looked at him. "DO YOU WANT THE THIRTEEN INCHER, PRETTY BOY?" Then he turned back to Adam. "That trip to NY? It was for a meeting with this erotic designer: guy named Ivan. Making some pretty interesting shit. I'm seeing how it goes over up here. Check the stuff out. Proprietor is a guy named Rudy but, well.. Rudy likes cross dressing, so you should call him Ruby. Ask about the tickling corset if you like tickling that handsome stud." butch blushed when Dan called him handsome. Maybe it was the trip, maybe it was the men, maybe it was the wine he was drinking but... he kept on looking at Dan wondering what he was like as a top. Could he ask steve that? What he didn't know was that steve was sizing up Adam the same way. He and Dan didn't "party" often, but he enjoyed it when there was a new guy's cock in his ass or mouth. Dan really liked watching too. He knew that Dan was considering a small party for their last night here: a "party" that would involve one of his favorite "change partner" games. As he was thinking about that, steve felt a foot run up his leg. He looked up and saw Adam smiling. He didn't retract his leg.

"So, you guys..." Dan signaled for the check. "We all have accounts at the restaurant and we settle up at the end of the month. But that's the minutiae you don't need now. I'm gonna send you back to your hotel and we'll reconvene tomorrow. And..." he paused. "This is completely up to you. If you're interested, I was thinking of having a little 'couples exchange party' tomorrow night. Just us four and another couple - you'll meet them tomorrow too. "That sound like an invitation not to be turned down." Adam looked at steve and smiled. "Thank you. We can get the details from you tomorrow. And I promise... butch WILL wear his trooper uniform for you." "HOT!" steve blurted out, and reddened right away. His complexion was very pale, and Adam and Dan had a good laugh. The only one who wasn't laughing was butch, because Adam had said "I think butch has forgotten how to put his dick in anything but the cage."

butch was still angry when they got back to the hotel. "THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR. TALKING ABOUT MY DICK THAT WAY." Adam just laughed. "Oh get over it bottom, it's the fucking truth. Now get undressed. Lay on your belly." "FUCK YOU. Maybe I don't wanna get fucked tonight." "DAMN. I LOVE taking your ass when you're feisty. Get on that belly of yours. And hope I don't lead you around town on a leash tomorrow." "YOU DON'T THINK I CAN TOP ANYMORE? YOU'LL SEE" And then butch did something as stupid as he did the first time he threw a punch at Adam. He wound up with his arms pinned behind him, pressed against the wall, while Adam nibbled at his ear. "You're forgetting your place again butch." He pushed butch's arms up until he screamed in pain. "Where's your place. WHERE'S YOUR PLACE SUB BOI" "NNNNNGGGGG. Underneath you sir. Taking your cock." "DAMN RIGHT. You think you're gonna fuck steve? Let me tell you what's gonna happen. I'M gonna fuck steve. And Dan is gonna fuck you. And he and I are gonna compare notes afterward. And if we get approved, I'm gonna fuck steve again, and Dan is gonna fuck you again. And so is anyone else I decide gets your ass. ARE WE CLEAR?" "Yes sir," "NOW GET YOUR FUCKING CLOTHES OFF AND GET IN POSITION YOU CUNT" "On all fours, or flat Sir?" "Flat. I get in further that way." Adam pushed butch's ass cheeks apart and spat into the hole. Then he put one, then two fingers into butch, because he knew butch hated the feeling. He pulled them out and repeated it. He repeated it four times before butch heard him unzip his pants and felt his DOM's cockhead at his ass. "THIS is gonna hurt you way more than me, boy. But you deserve it." Adam SLAMMED his cock into butch's ass. Then he didn't move. He just kept it there, throbbing. He heard the moans coming out of butch and whispered. "Who's your Master? " butch gasped "You are Sir." Adam pushed harder. "DAMN RIGHT. WHO FUCKS WHOM?" "You fuck me Sir. You fuck whomever you want. I don't fuck. I get fucked." "Heh heh. Don't forget that stud. You're gonna drive a lot of guys crazy when they see you in uniform. DON'T get any ideas. " "No Sir. Never. I promise." Adam started pounding butch. He knew of course that he couldn't control any ideas butch had, but if he found him trying to flirt with another sub, there was going to be trouble. Yes, the thought of butch and steve going at each other was appealing, but that was a few steps down the line. He'd have to negotiate that with Dan. "It'd be hot though," he thought. He had a feeling that any inkling of topping had never existed in steve, and he knew that butch DID think about it occasionally. As he fucked butch he mused. "I wonder who else we'll meet tomorrow. Hopefully someone hot." "NNNNNNNNNNNG Yes sir," butch moaned before he squeezed his glutes and drained Adam. Adam fell on top of him. "Don't ever forget stud. You're my number one. I captured you, I recaptured you, I broke you and I broke you again. Lotsa bottoms out there, but you're the one for me." He rubbed the back of butch's neck until butch was making his "purring" noises. He fell asleep and Adam covered him up before he got into the strange bed with him. "Gonna be an interesting day tomorrow. And tomorrow night. For sure."

Next: Chapter 17

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