The Domination of a Trooper

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 6, 2022


Adam and butch had breakfast with Dan and steve the morning that they were leaving to get home and start packing. After their meal, steve took butch for a walk to show him more of the town. "Head down, hands," he would say if they were approaching a DOM. "Sometimes it's hard to tell. You'll learn, and right now, no-one is going to make a stink if you don't show respect, but they won't forget and it's NOT good to start on the wrong foot. You may never recover." butch was silent for a few minutes and then he said "You guys take this really seriously, don't you? I mean, I guess I always thought of this as sort of a mix of reality and fantasy, but it's ALL real for you." steve took a deep breath. "I think I heard Master Adam tell Sir that you submitted twice." "I did. I tried to get away once, and he came back and got me." "Does that sound like fantasy to you, butch? "He laughed a little. "You know, in the days when Sir and I moved here, all of the subs referred to each other as brother,' and I was just thinking that you'd get a nickname like b squared' because you'd be brother butch." Now he sighed. "I miss some of the old traditions we had as we evolve'. Back then, a couple like brad and Martin would not have been allowed to stay. brad is just a lot of trouble to the community. He's already tried to escape three times. " "And Martin always brings him back?" "The town always brings him back. See, one of the things you'll have to do once you move here, is take an oath of submission in the town square. I did. And then, things are REALLY real. There'll be some classes you'll be asked' to go to in order to learn our philosophy on Domination and submission. brad took that oath AND he went to the classes but..." he sighed. "You'll have your hands full with the security detail. brad can be persuasive." "Why do you let them stay?" steve laughed before he answered. "Well, Martin has a LOT of contacts and a LOT of money. Not as much as Will, but more than anyone else. And, from what I hear, brad gives a superb blow job and he's a great bottom for the DOMS who like younger guys." "So, fidelity isn't a thing?" "For subs it is, unless their Masters loan them out. It's not a thing for Masters. Some of them are monogamous, but most aren't. They don't take a different sub every night, but they have favorites and there's some swapping." butch paused. "Were you eager to come here, steve?" "Now THAT's a tale, butch. See, I was but, at the last minute, I changed my mind. It was New Year's, and I got cold feet." "So, what happened?" "Well, as Sir reminded me, I had submitted to him. When I resisted, he chloroformed me, and I spent most of our trip up here tied up and gagged in the trunk of his car. I pretty much lived in one of the cells in our basement for the first week. Then... no other way to put it. I wanted Sir so badly, I begged him to accept me. After that, it took some time to get used to, but after my public acceptance of my role, things got much better." Then he looked at butch: "I know your background. It was all in your application, and Sir shared the information about you with me. Trust me, butch, if there were ever a man who was a born sub and who will do well here, it's you. And really, what choice do you have? Do you think Master Adam is going to let you have the chance to escape again?" butch thought about that conversation after they had gotten into the car that took them to the Rochester airport. This time, only butch wore a blindfold. As he and Adam went to their plane gate, Dan shook both of their hands. "Adam, let me know when you're planning to arrive. We'll have a little welcoming party, and then we'll schedule your vow taking so that you can settle in. sub butch, we'll also make sure that you meet the volunteer security force. I'll have to do some talking because there are 8 of them, and I think they're all DOMS, so there's going to have to be a delicate balance here. We have to make sure no one thinks he's taking orders from a sub." "You know, I'm perfectly happy not doing it," he said and then when he got the glare from Adam knew he had misspoken. "Apologies Sir Dan. Your sub told me that there would be classes in learning what's appropriate behavior for subs in Otokouomo. I clearly need them." "INDEED, you do," Adam spoke, a bit harshly. "All subs are constantly in need of training, Adam," Dan said, smiling. "I cannot tell you how many times I have had to remind steve of his place." Adam smiled. "Maybe you and I can train our boys together." Now Dan smiled. "You really like steve, don't you?" Adam's reply was "If he weren't taken and I had the energy for a harem, I'd grab him as fast as I could." "Ha ha. I think he knows that too. I think that after I took him, he realized how desirable he was. I try to keep him in line." Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx On the plane, Adam turned to butch: "don't ever embarrass me like that in front of another DOM again. It makes me look like I haven't trained you properly. You didn't even address him as Sir." "You're right, Master. I embarrassed you. I'll do my best not to do it again." "No, you WON'T do it again. Just keep in mind all the ways I know how to keep you in line. That cage could stay on you for as long as I like. Or it could come out for milking and then locked back on right away. And that's just the beginning. Trust me, butch boy, you have no idea how many ways I have of making sure you know you didn't behave properly." "Yes Sir," was all butch could answer. Adam took butch's hand and put it on his crotch. "Reprimanding you makes me HOT. However late we are when we get home, I'm going to need some relief. Jason was out with his latest boyfriend when they got in, and Adam took butch's right forearm. "Into the bedroom. On your back. I'm gonna eat you like you're dessert." butch felt his cock bang against the cage. Adam ate his ass every now and then, and it always pushed butch over the edge. It was true bliss to him, and he wished Adam did it more often. Adam came into the room and stripped. Then he jumped on top of butch, and went first for his neck, which he licked and nibbled before going to butch's ear. "Nice and salty. Just the way I like you sub boy. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR." Adam nibbled a little harder and he rubbed his scruff against butch's neck. "Hey, I just realized, you're not going back to work. I CAN give you the hickey I've always been threatening you with." butch got a yelp out before he began to feel totally overpowered by what Adam was doing to him. He hoped that Adam would get to his ass and start eating him before he came. Then he felt his topman slipping down to the bottom of the bed. He opened butch's jeans as he did, got them off, and lifted his legs into the air. "You've been whetting my appetite since breakfast you fucking hot assed bitch." The tongue that had been wreaking so much havoc on butch's neck and ear now found his "rose bud," and began tonguing it. He started gently, and then got rougher. His scruff rubbed butch's ass as his tongue began digging in. "ROLL OVER FUCK TOY. I'm gonna want to get REAL deep." "OH GOD YES SIR," butch was panting as he did as he was told. Adam shoved butch's ass cheeks apart, and he got deeper than he ever had. It was hard to keep track of time so butch had no idea how long Adam tongued him before he felt his cock plunge into his asshole. "Every night and then some, butch boy. Every fucking night. " "MMMMM" is what butch answered, as he shoved his ass up so that Adam could get deeper. He felt the jizz begin to fill him, and the next morning, the combination of his own hard on, his sore, red neck, and his sore ass, made butch glad he was not going to work.

"I'll miss ya buddy. I'll have to get you up to visit sometime." It was moving day. Most of what Adam had decided they were taking was in the moving van already. That would go up separately, and he and butch would be traveling the same way they had the first time. "Feeling is mutual stud. The good old days of hunting for boys, sharing stories. We're getting old. " "Ha ha. Daddy land here we come." Jason looked at butch. "I'd tell you to take good care of my buddy, but I know you will, butch. You know, I never thought he'd go after someone who ran away from him but... I have to say I understand. " "Thank you, Sir Jason. I appreciate that. And I promise I'll be the best man I can for Sir Adam." It pained butch to call Jason "Sir," but it wasn't worth it to start off on the wrong foot with Adam. "Ok, you boys are gonna miss your plane, and I have to go and start abusing Andy. Get going." Adam clapped butch on the back of his neck. "You excited stud?" "I am Sir. A little scared, and more than a little nervous, but excited, yes. " "Last night was the final time we'll fuck in that old bed. It's a new place now. All kinds of renovations to the bedroom too. Wait until you see the retractable chains. No more need for you to cramp when you're holding your legs in the air. Lots more too. Incidentally, I told Dan about our system with shirt color. Turns out he does the same thing with steve, only he uses different colors. Great minds think alike I guess." "I guess Sir. Can I ask you a question?" "Well, you just did, but go ahead." "Sir, are you going to sleep with steve when we get to Otokouomo?" "Yes, if Dan lets me. And if Dan wants to sleep with you, he will too. I'm not gonna let you sleep with Will, or even with Martin -- but Martin's so smitten with that asshole brad, that won't be an issue. So far, the only guy up there I'd let bed you is Dan, but... we'll see." Adam was very careful about not asking butch if that was ok with him. It didn't matter. butch belonged to him. He'd have to get more used to that than he already had. A car met them at Rochester, and on the way to their new house, butch had to put on the blindfolds again. He lost track of the various turns they took, in part because Adam was massaging his crotch: he had kept butch locked up for the whole week before they left, and butch desperately wanted to cum. Adam had promised to let him have release after they were in the house. And before long, he felt Adam taking the blindfold off. They were there. Dan had sent two helpers to bring the bags they had in the car with them: they brought enough for a week, so that they could live at least minimally until the moving truck arrived. "I'm going to leave you two to get settled before dinner. This is one of those big celebrations. You won't remember many names, but you'll remember some. You're sitting with steve and I. OH, before I forget, steve and I put together a housewarming gift for you. We both thought about what our favorite toys are and put together a starter kit. "He laughed. "Think of it as the otokouomo starter kit." "Our own toy box. WOW. And an insight into two of my favorite people. HEY, where is steve by the way?" Dan smiled. "He's making himself look pretty at home. He wanted to make sure the second half of your housewarming gift was ready." When they got to their new home, Adam stopped. "Not gonna do the carry over the threshold thing, but... get your hands behind your back, bottom boy." "Yes sir," butch answered, and found himself getting even harder as the cuffs locked. He got yet harder when Adam hoisted him up, fireman's carry style, over his shoulder, and with his hand firmly on butch's ass, brought him into the house. "Didn't you say you were hard as a rock?" Adam asked bruce. "Yes sir."

"Well let's take care of that. Let me see if there's anything in the toybox." He dug around and found a small vibrator which was just the right size for cock stimulation. "Off with the pants butchie. Get those hands by the side. Time to get you milked. " Then Adam milked his sub in a way he hadn't done before: He pinned down butch's wrists, and instead of using his hand, ran his knee, back and forth, over butch's balls and cock. It was a different sensation for butch, and the lack of steady friction kept him edged for a while. "Are you gonna fuck me Sir?" he moaned as he got closer and closer to climax. "What do YOU think, stud muffin. You think YOU'RE the only one who's hard." "OH SHIT SIR I'm.... I'm. AUYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Adam had a big wide grin as butch began to shoot. He took some of it and rubbed it all over butch's lips. "The first orgasm in the new house. And now... the first fuck." He pushed butch's knees up and found his hole. butch could hear his zipper go down and then he felt the familiar cockhead piercing him. Adam made a joke: "we should have people come in to make sure the sheets are bloody. So that they know you were a virgin before me, and now, I was the first one in." "Well, that's all true, Sir." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx A week later, at the same place where steve had made a public submission to Dan, butch did the same for Adam. He was shirtless and in the tight jeans he always wore to do housework. His hands were bound behind him, and he was on his knees at Adam's side. "You may speak, sub." Adam had his hands on his hips. "I belong to you Sir Adam. I am your property, and I affirm that I submit to you in all things. You are my Master. I am honored that you chose me, and may I never be guilty of doing anything to question your authority, or to make you ashamed that you have chosen me." There was applause from the crowd -about 300 -- and then butch bowed his head. Adam had taken his usual slave collar off him earlier, and now, he replaced it with one that was interlaced gold and silver. This one locked, and Adam was the only one who had the key. He pulled bruce to his feet, and then Adam spoke. "I claim butch randles as my property. My submissive. No man may have him in any way without my express permission. He is MINE. ONLY MINE." He shoved his tongue down butch's throat in front of the assembly. Many of the subs at the square received the hardest fucking they had received in a long time that night. Among them were butch and steve. It will not surprise anyone that the first task butch had as the head of security, was to track down brad after another escape attempt. He fought hard, even spitting at butch, who didn't report the incident because he knew what would happen. Someone else DID see it however and DID report it. The punishment was a public humiliation: at the very same town square, brad was placed in an old-fashioned set of stocks locking his head and hands. He was naked. There was a paddle at the side of his cock, which was of course locked, and one at the level of his ass. For 8 hours, anyone who wished to, could administer up to five whacks an hour. Some returned for more. For butch, the punishment seemed rather harsh, but he was learning the rules of the community, and this was "how it was." Adam and butch became really good friends with Dan and steve. They had dinner together frequently, usually at the local restaurants but sometimes at each other's houses. One evening, when the four of them were eating at Dan's home, Dan and steve excused themselves for a few minutes. They had grins on their faces. After about fifteen minutes, Dan came back without steve, and he sat down. "So, some little birdy told me it was your birthday, Adam." Adam blushed and he looked at butch. "You'll pay for this." "Well, you may want to rethink that. Let's go get your present." The three of them got up and Dan led them into the main playroom in the house. steve was sitting in the middle of the room, bound and gagged. Adam felt his cock stiffen, and it stiffened more when Dan said "I'm gonna take butch back to your place, Adam. Take as much time as you like. I'll be back in the morning if you don't come home before that. I'm taking butch back home and... heh heh. I get a gift too." "You sure, bud?" Adam asked. "One hundred percent." Tomorrow, I'll tell you about another idea I have. I think it's hot. He turned to butch. "Ok to take him home, Master Adam." "Be my guest." When he heard the door close, he advanced on steve. "So, butch tells me you told him you have very. Sensitive. Shoulders. And that you learned from Master Dan's work that you could get ridiculously horny if he pressed your shoulder blades right... here." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" steve began to moan as Dan's thumbs found "the spot" on both shoulders. Dan had taken the cage off his cock in case Adam wanted to play with it, and he began to drip. He dripped even more when Adam began licking his ear and slipped his hand down his shirt. "You're so fucking hot, steve. I want to see you and butch have a go at each other. Would you like that?" "mmhmmmmmm!!!!" was steve's reply. He thought butch was a real fox, and probably could be convinced to top. "But right now, it's my turn." Adam's hand descended down to steve's crotch. He whispered "uncaged. GOOD. I had a feeling and butch isn't caged tonight either. Up." He pulled steve out of the chair and led him to the platform at the side of the room. He unbound steve's wrists and then immediately restrained him with the stirrups on the platform. He pulled away the tape and whispered a second time. "Open up handsome." "Yes sir". Adam could tell that steve had a lot of experience with taking tongue. It didn't surprise him. Whatever they did sexually, he got the feeling that Dan and steve were very much in love. Dan had told him the story of how he had seen steve for the first time and had made up his mind "I'm going to have that one," and was relentless about getting him. Now, as steve slurped on Adam's tongue, teased it with his own, and got him hotter and hotter, he wanted steve, very very badly. And he wondered what Dan was doing with butch. But not for long. His focus turned to getting his dick into steve's ass. First though, he fingered steve. Dan had told him that fingering drove steve nuts, and it did. He moaned and squirmed and begged, and Adam just grinned. "I'll take you when I want to, fuck toy" he growled, getting a weak "yes sir," back. He wanted him now. Since he had arrived in Otokouomo, Adam seemed to be aroused, constantly. His dick wasn't getting tired, and he plunged it into steve. "I'm not gonna be done with one turn at that ass, handsome. Just know that." "Hope not, Sir," steve gasped. He had gotten fucked occasionally by other DOMS in town, but this...THIS felt different. Dan had used a phrase a few times: "auxiliary husband." He had used it to talk about something he thought steve needed when he went on business trips. "Yeah, Sir Adam would do just fine for that," he thought as the foreign cock plunged into him. It felt good. "DEEPER SIR. DEEPER" steve moaned. Adam realized that he said something like this because he felt comfortable enough with Dan to ask for his needs to get met. He wondered how long it would take butch to get there. "Gonna unload in you pretty boy. Gonna unload in you... NOW!" Adam made the first of what would be three deposits in steve's ass. Then he fell on the sub's mouth and Frenched him hard. He had to take a breath, and maybe take a "little blue pill." He saw steve's cock rigid in the air. "You get off when I'm done, sub." "Yes sir," came the answer. steve knew the rules. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "The new collar makes you look even hotter." Dan put his hand on butch's ass and squeezed his left cheek. butch pushed back. "I hope I don't disappoint you Sir," he said, and Dan responded "Master Adam told me you're lippy. I guess we're gonna need to use a gag." He pulled a bandana out of his pocket and wrapped it around butch's mouth, cleave gag fashion. "On your belly fucker. Right after you strip down." Dan wasn't fooling around. He had wanted something like this since he had seen butch's picture in the application package. Now, he had it. "I could be his auxiliary husband," he thought, and made a mental note to discuss this with Adam. He then pushed butch's cheeks apart, spat into his hole and took him, HARD: harder than Adam usually did. butch was still wearing his glasses, and the force of the fuck knocked them off his face and onto the floor. "SO GOOD TO FEEL A DIFFERENT ASS" Dan yelled to no one in particular. Gagged, butch couldn't ask if he could push back, so he just did. "GOOD BOY. SOMEONE TRAINED YOU WELL." Dan pushed butch down on the bed and ordered him to do it again. When butch did, he pushed him down again. "A cross of a hard fuck and push-ups, huh slave butch? A good combination." butch agreed. He hoped Master Dan would tell Sir what he had done. Adam continued the game for about ten thrusts, before he held butch down by the back of his neck and shot into him as he called butch the hottest fucking bitch he had seen since steve. Dan became aware of something wet underneath them. "DID YOU JUST CUM WITHOUT PERMISSION BUTCH? "The sub knew he was in trouble. All he could do was shake his head yes. "I'm gonna have to make sure Master Adam knows you did that. Now, you better not do it again. "He took off the gag. "You promise? Because if you don't, I'll call your Master and find out where your cage is. I KNOW he'll let me lock it. " "I promise Sir. I apologize. It's just... steve told me how good you were in bed and, well, he didn't exaggerate." Dan smiled. This foursome was gonna be hot.

So that's where we're gonna end this tale folks. All you need to know is that the next morning everyone returned to his own home and Dan and Adam agreed they had to do it again "real soon." They also talked about the "auxiliary husband" idea, and when one of them had to go on a business trip, his sub stayed with the others. And it was on one of Dan's business trips that Adam had steve and butch make out with each other. It was so hot that he had them do it again, when Dan came back. And it became part of their regular parlor games when they got together.

Hope you folks enjoyed the revisit to our former Trooper. Maybe we'll visit in again in the future, but for now I'm returning to some other stories. Stay safe readers, and keep horny!

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