The Domination of Silver Age Superboy

By Corpusdawg88

Published on Jul 6, 2021


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These stories are fiction, any similarities in names and locations are purely coincidental. They involve intimate interactions between above the age of 18.

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Author's Note: This is a commission I have been working on, it takes place during the 50's when Superboy was the all American boy that could do no wrong. It is written in that style so might seem corny if you are unfamiliar with it.

I woke up slowly.

It was night and I had no idea where I was for a moment, and then I saw my uniform thrown about the cave and remembered.

Oh god...what had I done?

The shock of what I had allowed the chief to do to me sent a chill up spine as I remember how good it had felt. My ass spasmed from the thought and I cut it off quickly. No. That wasn't me, it was this darn pink K, it was too dangerous! I got dressed again and then shoved the boulder in front of the cave again, sealing the pink K off forever.

That stuff was poison, I had to make sure it would never be used again. I made sure the rock was wedged in there and flew off quickly, I would have to tell ma and pa I had to go to the 31st century or something to explain my absence. They'd believe me, I was Superboy...and Superboy didn't lie.

But then again Superboy didn't beg a man to be his whore...


I shook my head and took off to the farm, doing my level best to forget the last 24 hours of my life.

After explaining to ma and pa about the Legion needing me I went upstairs and fell into bed. I was too tired to even take my uniform off, I was just out of it. My body still felt sore from the pink K and my head was still a little foggy. As soon as my head hit my pillow I was asleep...far, far away from here.

Suddenly there was an explosion from above me and my eyes shot open!

"Miss me?" Kryptonite Kid asked as he fell through the new hole in my ceiling.

"You?" I called out as he crashed into me, sending us through the floor and to the floor below.

"You didn't think you were done with me did you?" He asked as he threw me across the room.

I could feel the buzz from his kryptonite form, it burned but I had beaten him before and I would do it again. He looked stronger, but no match for me He was short and stocky but muscular. His uniform barely covered anything, and from what it was not covering it was obvious he had been working out! Keeping my distance I threw one of ma's iron skillets at him as hard as I could.

He waved his hand and it went from black to glowing green instantly as he caught it, "Forgot what my powers were Super Chump?"

He crossed the distance between us and slammed the skillet up against my face, I went barreling through the kitchen wall, landing in the living room, dazed. He walked towards me slowly, the smile on his face making me burn.

"Not so tough now are you?" He asked, tossing the skillet away and shooting a brad of pure green K at me. I screamed in pain as I rolled away, grabbing the couch and putting it between the beam and me. "Hiding?" He asked, as the coach turned into solid kryptonite.

I backed away as I felt my powers start to drain, needed to get away.

"Any idea how long I've been dreaming of this?" He asked, kicking the couch aside with one move, "How much I have dreamed of this moment."

Turning towards him. Took a deep breath and said,"Keep dreaming!" As I blasted him with my super breath. The air around him froze solid, encasing him in a block of ice, the waves of green K were absorbed but the barrier and I felt my strength returning slightly.

"Nice try K Boy, but you have to get up pretty early in the morning to fool Superbo..."

The ice turned green and then exploded outwards as he flexed his way out. I felt shards of green k slice into me as I fell to my knees.

"Looks pretty early to me," he said grabbing a hunk of my hair, pulling my head up to look at him. "We aren't done yet!"

He punched down, slamming me into the ground, another, another and on the fourth punch the ground broke, and we both tumbled into my underground lab. I crawled away from him, trying to get some distance from the green K effects.

"Oh look at all this," he said smiling, "This your little lair?"

"I'll stop you..." I said, feeling some strength return, if I was going to beat him I needed to even the odds. Luckily, I had just the toy.

"Oh look! You have your own little kryptonite collection," he said, seeing the lab I used to examine the various kinds of kryptonite and their affects on me. Green, red...oh look, gold! You wanna be a normal boy?"

While was looking my collection over I grabbed the Red Solar Ray from the wall and blasted him with it. He went flying across the room, his green glow dimming as the ray ate his powers up.

"Not so tough now are you Kid?" Boasted keeping the ray on him until he was flesh colored again.

Tossing the ray aside I zoomed over to him and picked him up by his neck, "You really thought you'd come into my house and fight me?" I laughed and tossed him across the room again, he bounced off the far wall with a thud.

I zoomed over there before he landed and grabbed him again, "I am Superboy, not some two bit chump you can barge in on and take down."

"S-stop..." he cried as I tossed him again.

"What's wrong? Not going the way you thought?"

He fell to the ground and began to crawl away, I stood over him laughing, "Time to wrap this up and get you back to jail."

I picked him up and pushed him against the table, pulling his arms back so his head fell to the steel surface, he cried out as I took a beam of iron and began to twist it around his wrists, "Next time maybe you'll think twice before biting off more than..."

He moved a little and I saw him moving towards something, I moved and saw his tongue outstretched, towards the microscope...

Where the pink K was!

I dropped the iron and moved to stop him as he licked the stone, his whole body changing. His skin began to glow the pale pink and I instantly felt my head fog up and I felt a warmth move through my body.

"Oh no..." I moaned backing up...feeling the effects start to warp my brain again.

"What's wrong pal?" He asked turning around, "What's this do to you?"

As he got closer I got weaker and as I got weaker I began to feel helpless...

Which made my dick hard.

"P-please..."I begged, feeling my willpower start to drain.

"Please what?" He asked, grabbing me by my hair again and pulling me up to my feet. He paused as the bulge of my dick was super evident through my uniform. "Oh...look at this."

I tried to cover myself up as I felt the shame of being exposed moved through me...making my cock start to weep precum, "Don't..." I begged weakly.

"Oh this is so much better than I thought," he said cruelly, "Superboy is a Superfag."

"N-no..." I whined, "Not...a.."

His hand moved over my bulge, my thin uniform briefs, crap I still hadn't replaced the cup! The cloth doing nothing to blunt the feeling of him groping me, "Not a what Superfag? Come on baby...tell me what you want."

My hips were pushing forward, shoving my dick into his palm as he slowly jerked my swollen cock off, "Oh yes...please..."

He chuckled and dropped me to the floor with a thud. I couldn't fly, couldn't stop myself, the feeling of hitting the ground like a sack of potatoes turned me on as well. Oh god I needed to get away...

"This is so much better than just beating you up," he said as he reached down and pulled down his red trunks, exposing a hard, pink K cock, "Come know you want to."

My mouth was watering, just looking up at it. He was looming over me, making me feel so weak, so was turning me on so much...I screamed at myself to stop but my hands gripped the back of his ass as I slowly started to lick the shaft of his alien cock.

"Oh there it is," he said, his hand moving through my hair, pulling me deeper onto him, "Superboy working me over...this is how it should be."

I moaned around his length, hating myself for the way serving him made me so fucking hot. I had to get away from him, had to...had to...had to worship him so bad..

"Yeah you like that dick don't you?" He asked as I whimpered around him, "Get that super tongue working on my cock...listen to your better!"

Another moan as I realized he was my better! I was so weak and he was so

I cried out as my own cock began to shoot through my uniform. My body shook as I realized I had cum hands free, from just sucking him off. He saw what had happened and laughed.

"Oh look at you! This is turning you on!"

He pushed me off his dick and I fell to the ground, out of breath, "So you have a super mouth," he said, stroking his kryptonite cock slowly, "How super is your ass?"

M eyes widened as I realized what he wanted to do.

"N-no!" I begged, "Please....please not that."

"Are you fighting me?" He asked, holding a fist up.

"N-no!" I said flinching, cowering back from his power...feeling my dick start to harden again.

"You know what your problem is Superfag? You think you're a real boy, an actual person." He looked around the lab and then back at me, "Where does your dog sleep?"

I blinked, confused for a moment.

He kicked me, "Answer me!"

I printed to where Krypto's stuff was stored, the feeling of terror that moved up my spine making me so hard...

He walked over and slid the door open and began to dig through all the stuff, finally he picked something up and walked back over to me.

"See, you need too be trained," he had Krypto's collar in his hand "What say you Superfag? You wanna be my good dog?"

I backed away, horrified at the thought.

He took another step towards me, waving his pink K cock in my face, "What's wrong Superfag? Don't you want this?"

I consciously didn't but a huge part of me inside, wanted it badly. He backed me up against a wall and I felt myself trapped.

"Just admit it..." he said, softly slapping my face with his massive dick, "Just surrender and admit you want it."

My mouth opened automatically, my tongue out as I tried to lick the swollen member but he wouldn't let me.

"You want this? Huh boy you want it?"

He slapped me faster and I tried to suck it, was desperate to...god what was I doing?

"It's easy," he said taking a step back and looking down at me with a grin, "You can have it all...anytime you want.."

He tossed Krypto's collar down next to me, "Just be my pet."

I looked up at him in horror and shook my head, no way, I wasn't going to do that!"

He stood in front of me, slowly stroking his cock, "Come on wanna lick? You wanna lick it right?" He was calling to me like a dog but I didn't notice, my fogged mind could only stare at his dripping cock and the bead of precum forming in his slit.

My mouth watered just thinking about it, I crawled a step towards him and he shouted at me, "BAD DOG!" I froze, "You want to lick...put it on."

I looked down at the collar and felt tears forming in my eyes.

"Come on mine...let me own you...let me take care of you..."

His words were like acid, eating into my mind.

"Put it on...surrender..."

I reached down and picked it up, screaming at myself to stop. I was Superboy! I couldn't do this. I was a man, I wasn't an animal, I was a superhero...I couldn't give up...I should've....please no...

I looked up again and he was still stroking that magnificent cock...and as I starred at it, I felt my hands slowly put the collar around my neck.

"That's it...come on boy..."

I closed my eyes as I felt it fasten and click shut...the last of my pride dying as I looked up at him, begging him.

"Good dog," he said with a smile, "Come and get it..."

I began to stand up and he shook his head, "Doggies don't walk on two legs."

I felt my ego cry as I went back to all fours and crawled over to him, looking up at his cock.

"Good boy," he said running his fingers through my hair, "Lick."

Slowly I felt my tongue slip out and slide up his length, the humiliation making me tremble as my own cock became rock hard again. As he stroked my hair I licked his weeping cock all over, collecting every precious drop of precum...savoring the taste on my mouth as I went.

He chuckled and the stepped back, "Good boy, let's try some more tricks. Roll over."

I blinked at him, unsure if he was serious.

He swatted my head, "Roll over I said!"

I was so shocked I rolled over on the floor, doing what he said made a thrill of erotic pleasure move through me...oh god he was controlling me.

"Sit up."

Hating myself, I got to my knees, holding my hands up to my chest.

"Good" he began to stroke his cock again, "Beg."

My eyes were locked on his meat as I felt my mouth water. What was wrong with me?

"Come on boy...beg."

I tried to resist as long as I could, but I saw another drop form in his slit and I broke.

"Please...please sir..."

He took a step forward and pressed his cock against my lips, "Good boy."

I felt him slip into my mouth as the taste of his alien precum flooded my mouth, making me shiver with pleasure. He sucked him for awhile, the thought of servicing my old foe making me so horny, so submissive...

He pulled his cock from my mouth with a wet pop, "Lay down."

Slowly I laid myself down on the floor, my cock bobbing against my flat stomach as I stared up at him.

"Roll over," he commanded again, I began to to turn and when I was on my back he put a hand on my chest, "Stay!"

He knelt down and pushed my legs apart...

My eyes got wide as I realized what he was going to do.

"Good boy..." he said smiling, "Such a good Superslut...that what you are? A Superslut?"

I shook my head silently as I felt his cock press up against my hole.

"Come on...just admit it..." he said, the warmth of his pink K cockhead making my head spin, "Just beg me..."

"N-no..." I said in a whine, "I'm Superboy..."

"Superslut," he corrected me, pressing forward, "You're gonna be my Superslut from now on."

I felt my hole slowly stretch around his shaft and the pain was replaced with the rush of pink K pleasure. My head went back as I felt him force his way into me, claiming me as his whore.

"Yeah that's it...fucking you in your own house, in your own base," he mocked, as I felt him fill me up, "This is how you're gonna live, on your back...getting fucked..."

I gripped the basement floor as his cock just kept going and going into me, I bit my bottom lip from crying out in pleasure. I couldn't be liking this, I can't! I had to get away..had to...had to...

"Yeah feel that," he asked as he bottomed out into me, "That's me all in you now, you're taking my whole cock...such a good Superslut."

My ass throbbed around his massive tool as he hovered over me, my cock was leaking again all over my abs and I could feel my mind fogging out, giving into the pleasure.

"Come on boy...beg me..." he said, slowly pulling out, making me gasp in shock. My eyes flew open and I saw him staring over me, " want this so bad," he slammed into me and I saw flashes of light in front of my eyes as my cock throbbed like it was going to shoot. He pulled back again and then slammed my ass for a second time.

I grunted, feeling my willpower begin to evaporate against the heat of the pink K. He kept thrusting into me over and over, each time making me weaker and weaker...and wanting it more and more. "Feel that? You're taking my whole cock you were born to out. Superslut loves my cock..don't you boy? Come on...beg for it boy..."

I trashed my head from side to side, resisting the urge to just beg for him to fuck me harder...

"Just admit it," a voice said, I looked up and said Whitney standing behind K kid. He was naked, stroking his cock, waiting for his turn. "Just say you want it."

"Yeah look at're loving it," his friend said, his cock dripping precum.

"Admit it...and you can ride this," Chief Cushing said, his own massive cock throbbing in his hand.

"Just admit it Clark," Pete said, his dick way bigger than I thought, "Just say you're Superslut and let us fuck you."

"Say it Clark," the whole town said, watching me getting fucked.

"Who are you Clark?" K kid asked, facing me harder and harder.

I whimpered as I fought as long as I could.

"Who are you....boy?"

`SUPERSLUT!" I screamed as my cock began to shoot, "Fuck me! Please fuck Superslut...please...harder...oh god...yes...please, please...!!"

I felt K kid start to shoot in me and I moaned agin, knowing the villain was using me as a cumdump. I was Superslut, worthless, just good for he shot again and again I felt Whitney's he his friend's cum fall over me. I saw the line of cocks, waiting to use shoot in me...and I wanted it so...

"NO!" I screamed, waking up.

I laid there in my bed, covered in sweat and cum, my ass spamming from the phantom cock I had in me. Oh god I wanted it so was itchy...I needed to fill it...but no! I was Superboy, I couldn't, I shouldn't...


The word moved through my head and I sped downstairs to find a decent looking zucchini from the garden and take it back to my room. I washed it off and then put it sticking up on my bed.

"Don't do this Clark," I saw to myself, "You'e can't do this..."

But the warmth in my ass, the aching...the memory of K Kid fucking me...everyone waiting...oh cock was so hard...


I sat over the vegetable and then slowly lower myself down onto it, I can feel the tip touch my hole and I take a deep breath. My ego screams at me to stop but I ignore it as I push down...and crush it completely.

"Dang it," I curse, as I race out and grab another, set it up and try all over.


What am I doing? There is no way anything from this planet that could piece my ass? My powers would make it impossible...but the chief had done it...he'd fingered me...he'd gotten me off so good...

The pink K! The pink K weakened me...

NO! No I can't use it any more, I can't. It makes me pervert, I have to stay strong. I was Superboy, I shouldn't be thinking of having a huge, throbbing cock in me, forcing me down face first as my ass screamed from the thickness...


I was sweating again, but my ass was still burning inside. It itched, it was was starting to hurt...oh gosh I needed something in there...I needed it so bad...

"What if I just go and get some, so I can get some sleep tonight? And then never again?"

Even as I asked myself I knew I was lying, but the ache in my hole, the way the warmth throbbed...I was slowly losing my mind...I could feel it.

"One time," I told myself and was gone.

I was halfway to the lake before I realized I was still naked! I didn't gave time to turn around now, I got to the cave entrance and destroyed the boulder in one hit. I fell to my knees and began to gather up the pink K, pressing them together with my super strength, fusing them into a larger rock so I could carry more. Once I had a good sized chunk I took off again, heading towards one of my tunnels to come out under the farm.

I put the rock down and took a good look at it. It was pretty big, I began to force it together with my strength, I was weaker than normal but I could still fuse the crystals into larger chunks. It was like molding clay almost...the tingle in my hands was insane but I kept working. I pushed it here, forced it there...I made sure not to exert too much pressure or it would melt like it had before. Just enough to make it malleable but not enough to use it up. When I was done I took a step back and was shocked at what I saw.

I had molded it into a huge penis shape.

There was no denying it, it was a massive nine inch long phallic shape, with a mushroom head and all. I hadn't tried to, wasn't thinking about it, but there it was, a pink K dildo. I looked away in shame, no, no this was too far, I couldn'

What was wrong with me? I was Superboy...why was I acting like this?

My hole kept fluttering open and closed, the heat started to warm up again as I felt an itch deep inside of me.

"Superslut wants to get fucked?" I heard my K Kid ask me and a small moan escaped my lips.

"I'm a good boy," I said to no one, as I took hold of the pink K. "I'm a good boy," I said again, as I placed it down on the ground, "But I'm a good..." I said as I sat over it...the tingling warmth touching my hole...

"Sluuuutttt...."I moaned as I pushed it into me. My cock was instantly hard as I felt the pink K push past my hole and shove my walls apart. My eyes were closed and I could feel drool start to form on the corner of my mouth. I sat allot he way down, impaling myself on all nine inches of it, feeling the base press up against my quivering ass.

"Oh yesss...." I said, one hand grabbing my weeping cock, "Sooo good...." I said as my hole spasmed around the intruder.

I could feel the pink K moved through my ass and then my body, my head growing more and more fogged...until I was in a trance of pleasure that I was never going to escape from.

I pushed down but it was in as far as it would go, whimpering I rolled back onto my back and reached down, and slowly pulled it out, causing another moan to issue from my throat as I felt it slide out. My eggs were up in the air, spread like the whore I was as I pushed it back in.

"Yeah you gonna be my good boy?" Chief Cushing asked in my mind as he rose over me.

"I'm your good boy..." I whined as I began to fuck myself with the pink K.

"You wanna be our fuckdog?" K Kid asked me, and I nodded as I slammed it into me hard.

"You gonna be our Super Slut?" Whitey asked as his college friends stood over me, their cocks tearing me apart as I begged for more.

My hand was a blur as I fucked myself with the pink K, the stone cock slamming into my hole, causing all sorts of reactions to go off in my body. My raging dick was leaking kryptonian juices everywhere as I felt my hole beg for more and more...

"Fuck me...please fuck me..."I began to pant to no one. Imagining all my foes, Pete, the town, anyone, everyone...just lines and lines of cocks, waiting to fuck me. "I'm your good slut...I'll be a good slut...please..."

I felt my cock twitch and my ass clamped down on the pink K as I came.

Cum flew over my head as I felt my body explode in pleasure from the nine inches of kryptonite in me. My legs shook as I kept cumming and ass squeezing the Pink K with each shot. The stone was getting warmer and warmer with each shot of cum...until finally I felt a burning sensation and the rock melted...directly into my ass.

My eyes rolled back in my head as my tight hole absorbed the pink K into the lining of my ass, the warmth moving through my whole body, making it feel like every particle of my being was cumming. Finally, after what felt like an hour, I collapsed onto the floor, covered in sweat and ass twitching from abuse.

It was like flying, my mind was so high...the smile on my face was incredible as I felt every pore of my body singing with pleasure.

As I drifted off to sleep a thought slipped into my mind, and even though I wanted to reject it...I knew it was truth the moment it occurred.

I would need to make the next one much larger.

Next: Chapter 5

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