The Domination of Silver Age Superboy

By Corpusdawg88

Published on Jul 14, 2021


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These stories are fiction, any similarities in names and locations are purely coincidental. They involve intimate interactions between above the age of 18.

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Author's Note: This is a commission I have been working on, it takes place during the 50's when Superboy was the all American boy that could do no wrong. It is written in that style so might seem corny if you are unfamiliar with it.

Chris worked me over for the rest of the night.

Around dinner he made me take him upstairs so I could meet ma and pa. I was completely against it but every time I tried to argue he would slap my face with his baseball cock and I felt another part of me surrender. Finally I brought him and introduced him as a friend from the 31st century, it was the only thing that made sense with what he was wearing.

Ma and pa asked what the future was like and he explained that men were must more masculine and commanding than the ones in this time, the whole time giving me glances and the occasional smirk. Worse than that he wold drop his hand below the table and begin to rub my cock while I was talking to them, making me squirm in place as he got off on it.

After that we went back to the lab and he fucked me on every surface it possessed. I was fucked standing, laying down, upside down once...and each time I begged him to do it harder. It was like I couldn't say no to his cock...even though I was desperately trying to.

As morning came he made me suck him off one last time, he waned to leave me a load in my mouth as a reminder to who had broken me. He stood across the room, arms on his hips in my classic pose. His face was so angelic, save for the sneer that marred his mouth. I waited, on all fours, for him to give me his command. Finally he said one word.


Slowly I crawled to him, trying not to think about what I was doing or who was making me do it. But I was in too deep, the pink K had rewired my brain and all I knew was how to serve him and that incredible cock. I felt like crying as I felt my lips move over his boy cock and began to lick him.

"You know the best part Kal-el? The thing that makes this moment truly perfect?"

I looked p at him as I continued to suck his cock.

"With our super memory, we will never forget this. In some, small way, you will always be in your hands and knees, serving me...your moans will always echo in your ears as you beg me to shove my manhood down your throat. My taste will always linger on your tongue, no matter how far you go or what you accomplish, despite you going on and becoming Earth's champion...a part of you will always be here...begging be your master."

I closed my eyes as I sucked him, his inflated meat making my jaw sore as I worked faster and faster. Even as I fought it, I knew he was right. I wanted to be here on my knees, the pink K had changed me so much, that this is what I craved...I sucked him harder and felt his hands grip the back of my head and he moaned.

"Get ready dog..." he whimpered as he began to shoot, filling my throat with his cum. Shot after shot flooded my mouth, how he could still produce such a load was beyond me, it was greater than anything I could have imagined. When he was done, he forced me to open my mouth and show it to him, resting on my tongue before I could swallow it.

"Good boy," he said as I held my tongue out obediently. As I knelt there, his taste on my tongue he began to fade, "Remember this Kal-El, it's where you will always be."

His voice trailed off and he was gone, back to the Phantom Zone, leaving me alone. Slowly I pulled my tongue back and swallowed, feeling his cum slip past my tonsils...make me miss him already.

With him not in front of me the spell began to fade. My fogginess faded and I felt more like myself. And then came the waves of shame and horror at what I had done! I had begged a 12 year old to fuck me all night, cried like a girl each time. I looked over what was left of the pink K and growled.

Why wasn't he weakened? Why didn't it make him as loopy as me?

I stashed the crystals in my cape and took off to Professor Potter's lab, right outside of town. He Lana's uncle and a little bot crazy, but he was a genius. He had helped me make the robots I sometimes used to cover for me when Clark and Superboy needed to be seen together. If anyone could figure out what was going on it would be him.

When I knocked on the door Pete opened it, "Superboy! As always Pete was super excited to see me and threw his arms around me in a hug, "Where you been?"

He was too close to me, his scent, his warmth, I took a step back before my addled mind could make my body react.

"Hey Pete, what you doing out here?"

"Oh helping the professor with some things."

I walked in, "He down in the lab?"

He nodded as he closed the door, "Isn't he always?"

We walked downstairs where the professor was looking through a microscope.

"Hey doc," Pete said, "We have a guest."

He looked up and saw me and instantly smiled, "Superboy! What brings you here this fine morning?"

I was about to pull the pink K out of my cape when I realized Pete was still here. I paused, "Um, no offense Pete, but can I talk to the professor alone?"

He looked at me for a second to see if I was joking, when he saw I wasn't he gave me a smile and said, "Sure SB, anything for you."

He walked back upstairs, I waited for the door to close before pulling the crystals out.

"I need you to examine these."

His eyes got wide when eh saw them, "That's a new color! What does this one do?" He sad picking one up and examining it.

"That's what I need to know."

"Well what effects does it have on you right now?"

I paused, not sure how much I wanted to tell him.

"Superboy, you know you can trust me. I need to know as much as possible to ascertain what this kind of kryptonite does."

Sighing I began to explain to him the events of the past week, from Whitey to the sheriff to Bash and finally Chris. I felt horrible, but he just nodded and listened the whole time.

"So you say it makes you weaker?"

I nodded.

"But it had a different effect on the other kryptonian boy?"

"It seemed to make him madder and stronger."

He looked back at the crystal, "Well that doesn't seem right. Save red K, all kryptonite should have the same effects."

"I don't know what it is doing to me professor, but I need it to stop."

He nodded, "Let me take a look."

He took the slide out from the microscope and began to examine the crystal under it. After a few minutes he looked back at me, "Explain the physical sensations again."

"Um, I get warm, my head gets a little foggy, and I feel like my powers aren't at full strength."

He nodded, "Well, I have a theory, but I would need to see the effects myself."

It took me a second to realize what he was saying, "What? No! I can't use it again, you don't understand..."

He patted my shoulder, "Superboy, it's going to be ok. We can't find a cute for this until I can see it working."


I have an idea.

"Of course I wanna help!" Pete said eagerly, "Anything for my best bud!"

"Professor please," I begged him.

"Superboy, we need data, and that can only be collected through experimentation. You know Pete, you can trust him, right Pete?"

He nodded, "For sure Superboy, I'm your biggest fan!"

I hated this idea, but I had to find a cure for he pink K and fast.

Sighing I nodded, "Fine."

"What do I need to do?" Pete asked.

"Well we have to set a few things up," the professor said, "We will need a safe testing space, I will need a way to monitor Superboy's brain patterns..."

"Brain patterns? Wow, what's wrong SB?" Pete asked.

"I'm having...I'm having weird thoughts," I explained, all the professor had said was that we needed help testing something, we hadn't told Pete the whole truth yet.

The professor rigged up a headband and had me put it on, "This will let me monitor your thoughts and emotions during the test. That way I can gauge what the pink K is doing to you."

My forehead tingled but that was about it.

"Ok Superboy, go to the testing room, take this pink K. Get settled in and when I signal you, activate it."

Sighing. Took a chunk of the crystal and held it in my hand, this Little Rock was the cause of all my problems. Needed a cure to it so I could get back to being the real me and not this perverted version of me. I walked into the training room, it had been made with thick steel so the professors experiments could really let loose if they needed to.

I was nervous as all heck, but if this is what I had to do to get this monkey off my back, then so be it. There was a horn and I looked down at the pink K and hit it with my heat vision. The warmth returned, making my whole body seem bendy for a moment. My head was foggy and I felt a small smile come to my face.

I hated that this felt so freaking good.

A few seconds later Pete walked in, his face was flushed and I could hear his heartbeat from here, it was racing. "Hey Superboy," he said nervously, it's just me.

I giggled a little and then stopped myself, "I know Pete."

He nodded and walked towards me, "So...the professor told me to do some things..."

"I know Pete!" I snapped, I had no time for his hijinks now.

" I can just..." he held his hands out and touched my chest.

I tried not to shudder, "What are you doing Pete?"

"He told me..." he said, staring intently at my form, "He told me I could do anything I wanted."

I grabbed his wrists, "Why are you touching me?"

He seemed shocked and tried to pull his hands back, I held him for a second and he snapped, "Let go!"

My hands opened as my head became fogged.

He paused, not sure if I was joking or not. Slowly he reached out again, grabbing my nipples through my uniform.

"Pete don't..." I tried to brush his hands aside but they wouldn't move. They clamped tightee and I let out a hiss, "Ohhh...Pete..."

"What's wrong SB?" he said, moving his hands down the front of my chest, "That feel good?"

"Pete..." I said, feeling lightheaded, "Stop..."

"Why? Why should I?" his fingers traced over the ridges of my abs and my eyelids fluttered.

"It's not...right..."I said, my voice sounding like it was from very far away.

His hands went lower, moving over the front of my trunks, "You sure?"

He groped my junk and I gasped as my eyes flew open. I reached down to stop him but he pushed my hands away like they were nothing.

"What's wrong SB? It's not like we all don't know about it, we've all seen it when you fly around...showing off."

He was rubbing me now hard, and my cock was hardening under his touch, my head was on fire and my thoughts were so fuzzy, "" I protested, and tried again to move his hands off of me, but he was stronger than me!

"I say yes," he said, cupping the outline of my raging cock, "You think I don't see you out there? Flirting with every girl, giving them all your attention? You think I don't want some? You think maybe I want you to pay attention to me?"

I was swaying, his words becoming sharper as his hands rubbed me harder, I was moaning now, not sure of what was going on.

"I think you wanted this, I think you crave it..." he said, moving closer, his hands all over me now. Squeezing my hard ass, moving up the small of my back, "You're supposed to be my best why aren't you more friendly?"

"I'm...I'm sorry,..." I slurred as he pressed hos mouth against mine and kissed me.

I felt shocked as his tongue assaulted my mouth, it was so aggressive, so forceful, I felt a part of me click and I began to kiss him back. It was obvious who was in control, I was the girl here and it was turning me on! He pushed me back against the wall and pressed up next to me, I could feel his hardness rubbing against mine.

"You know how long I wanted Superboy all to myself?" he asked, his fingers plucking at my hard nipples again.

"Pete..." I whined, hating how weak I sounded.

"So now you will be my sidekick..."

I weakly tried to push him off me, "Pete, I'm not..."

"Aren't you?" he raged, making my cock swell in response, "The Professor told me you've been a bad boy, and I couldn't believe it..."

"Pete..." I said worried.

"Shut up!" He barked, and I felt a thrill move through me, "He told me all about the things you did, all the guys you spread your legs for. How could you?"

I felt shame race through my body as Pete walked up to me.

"How could you with them and not me?"

I looked up shocked and he put a hand on each shoulder and pushed me down, "My turn Superbitch."

I tried to fight him, but my strength was gone again, and slowly my knees buckled, "Pete..." I tried to beg.

"Shut up!" He snapped and my mouth shut instantly, "I'm done listening to you listen to me. You got it?"

I felt a shiver pass through me as I nodded, my cock began to swell.

"For years I've been your biggest fan," he said, undoing his belt, "I've worshiped you, slaved over you..." he opened his pants and a thick, uncut cock fell out of his slacks, "Now it's your turn to be my biggest fan."

My eyes got wide looking at his cock.

"I told you I was your biggest fan," he sneered and pushed my face into his cock.

I moaned as I began to lick Pete's donkey dick. Oh god the pink K was doing it again! Pete was younger than me, he idolized me...and here I was on my knees sucking his cock! I moaned as I he got harder n my mouth, filling it up completely, stuffing me full.

"Yeah take it Superboy, prove to me you can suck dick better than Lana."

I looked up at him and he grinned, "Yeah your precious Lana loves my meat...all the girls do. While you're flying around with your tight uniform and muscles, I am down here getting them off with what my daddy gave me. You like it SB? You like my cock?"

I nodded and moaned around his massive tool, it was insane, how did I not know Pete was this big? I had glanced in gym before but nothing gave me any indication he was almost as big as me, massive for a human! I held it's base with both my hands and licked up and down his shaft, covering it with my spit and love, grunting each time I tasted his precum.

"Look at you, finally where you belong," his hands were combing through my hair, he was pulling my head into him like I was some dippy girl he was using to get off. "You know how long I've wanted this? To put you in your place? You think you're so mighty and so're just a slut Clark, a fucking slut like al the others. And today I'm gonna prove it."

His words were like gunshots, each one making me wince inside as I felt my ego and self worth shrink more and more. He sounded so mad, so in charge. My cock was rock hard in my uniform, I was loving body was shaking it liked this so much. I could hear myself internally sob as I milked his horse dick for every drop of ball nectar I could.

He pushed me off his dick, throwing me easily back onto my ass with a shove. Oh god with the pink K he was so much stronger than me! This was insane! Pete was a small fry, younger, weaker...and here he was tossing me around. Just that fact made me shiver as he glared down at me.

"I knew it," he said, nudging my hard dick with his shoe, "You love this...don't you?"

I nodded, even while I was screaming at myself to stop. I had to get up, get away from here. How could I ever face Pete again? He would never see Clark Kent or Superboy, he's just see the whore he used and then tossed away. "i can't believe I ever idolized you, I thought you were a hero, and here you are,m rutting against my foot like a damn cat in heat. SB isn't for Superboy anymore, it's for Superbitch.

The name made me quiver as he degraded me.

"Who would have known, my best pal...a fairy. You should have told me CK," he had a hand on the base of his cock, it stood out from this small frame like a weapon, my eyes were transfixed it was so big, "I could have taken care of you, made sure you got everything you needed. I would have taken care of a pet."

The words made me whole body stiffen and he smiled when he saw it.

"Yeah that's what you want right? You want someone to take care of you...ol' Pete can do that."

He began to wave his dick around and whistle, "Come on boy...fetch...come fetch the bone."

I began to move towards him and he stopped me, "Like a a superdog."

Hearing myself cry I began to crawl to hi on all fours, I couldn't believe I was demanding my uniform like this. I could feel my own stiff rod brushing up against my pants, making me want to cum that much more. If one of my foes saw me like this, groveling for a younger boy's cock, this weakling even among other kid's, and I was begging...oh god what was this stuff doing to me!

Once I got there he patted my head, "Such a good boy..."

And there it was, the tingle that went through my body when someone called me that.

I groaned as I licked his balls, rolling the plum sized orbs in my mouth. I heard him whimper as he watched Superboy suck his nuts like a cheap whore. How had I come to this? Pete Ross was younger, smaller, weaker, he was just lesser than me in every way, but here I was, suckling at his balls like a newborn calf. My mind screamed at me to get off my knees, to stand up and stop this, but I couldn't. My legs wouldn't respond, my mouth wasn't under my control. I was a pervert, a god damned pervert, begging Pete to use me, to treat me like the slut I was...

Again he pushed me off him, my mouth open, tongue out, I looked up at him with hungry eyes, silently begging like a dog...

"I'd say strip, but I like you in the uniform," he said with a grin, "But let's loose the trunks huh?"

Under his gaz I slowly pulled my red trunks off, feeling so exposed. He held his hand out and I tossed them to him.

"Leave the rest on, no one wants to fuck Clark Kent, I want Superboy's ass...good thing I brought this."

He pulled out a blade, "It's an electron knife, can cut nearly anything, even your supersuit. Lay on your back."

New fear bubbled up in me, he was going to fuck me in the uniform? My family crest? I couldn't, I can't...I shook my head as he walked towards me, his grin went to a scowl, "I said fucking lay down, now!"

His words cut through my fear, and I laid back on the floor, whimpering like a beaten puppy the whole time, "Please Pete...please...let me take it in the uniform."

He nodded as he knelt down "Oh yeah, in the uniform. You're' gonna remember this, every time you put this on, every time you fly around, showing off for the girls, you're gonna remember my cock, slamming into your're gonna smell me on're gonna lick it at night cause you miss me so your legs."

I slowly spread my legs, tears forming in my eyes.

He kicked them open and put the blade to my crotch, "Don't more slut, or you might end up being Supergirl after all."

I heard the material tear and the cold breeze of the room hit my nuts and I cried out. Oh god, each inch he cut was another part of Superboy, ruined, turned into a Superslut. I let cutting until my hard cock flopped out and my ass was exposed.

"Look at this," he said, grabbing my cock, "Look at how turned on you are! Fucking whore..."

"Please Pete, I'm sorry...."

"Save it," he said, dropping the knife, "All I want to hear from you is more sir."

He pushed my thighs apart and knelt down, and I felt his tongue lick around my hole.

"Ohhh...." I moaned, "Please Pete...don't do this..."

He slapped my ass cheek hard and I yelped, his tongue licked around my hole, tickling it, teasing it, causing my body to shudder in response. Finally he grabbed each cheek and pried them part, and pushed his tongue into me. I felt his warmth violate my ass and my head fell back to the floor.

I could feel my legs part voluntarily as I pushed back onto his mouth, oh god it felt so good...his tongue, licking up inside me, raping me, stretching hands tangled in his hair as I pushed him further into me..I wanted more...needed more...

"Oh god more sir!" I cried out, and another piece of me died.

Holding my cheeks apart, he began to really go to down on my hole. I could hear him humming as he bit and nibbled, my once was raw as I begged him for more, my legs up like a fucking blond cheerleader getting eaten out under the stands. The thought of me, under the bleachers at a game while Pete ate me out, hundreds of people above us cheering as I moaned...

What was wrong with me?

My head thrashed back and forth as he coated my ass with his spit, I was ready to do anything he said at this point, my body was just humming with excitement, begging to serve him...

When he pulled up I looked down and actually let out a cry, my eyes wide with shock that he might stop.

"Man you got a nice pussy SB, I could eat your cunt out all day."

How's words were so derogatory, but they made me happy, made me didn't have a pussy...I wasn't a girl...I wasn't...

"You ready to get fucked Superboy?" He asked, rising up between my legs, "You ready to feel what this feels like up close?"

His cock was in his head, and he was waving that hunk of meat...showing off this thick cock and swollen head. God he as younger than me...but his cock...oh god that cock....

"Tell me to fuck you Superboy," he said slowly stroking it, "Beg me to shove my cock in you."

My mouth clamped shut, I couldn't I wouldn't! Not in uniform, not with Pete. I had to stop, I had to find control again. This was too far, too much...I was Superboy, I was Kal-El....get up!!

"I'm waiting," he said, slapping his cock against my thigh, the weight making my body shiver.

"Please..." my mouth messed, barely above a whisper.

"What?" He asked.

"P-please..." my voice was shaking.

He held a hand up to his ear, "Can't hear you Superboy..."

He slapped my thigh again and I could hear the wet smack from his precum and my resolve crumbled.

"Please Pete...please fuck me...shove your horse cock into me...take my hole..."

He chuckled, "You mean you pussy..."

"My pussy...please fuck my..."

He pushed into me and I gaped, feeling my hole stretch wide, the sensation was intense.

"Oh god!" I cried out as I felt him pulverize my hole, he didn't pause, he didn't wait, I was his whore and he wanted to fuck me. I had no choice, I was just his cum receptacle now, the last son of Krypton, begging for a human boy's load. What had this pink K done to my brain?

"Where you going?" he snapped as I tried tp pull away from his thrusts. I felt my briefs fall over my head and he pulled them back, forcing me back onto his cock, "Come on horsey...settle down and get on that cock...come on..."

He taunted me as he kept yanking my head back with my briefs, his insane rod splitting me open one thrust at at time. He he fucked me my resistance began to fade, he stopped pulling at my briefs, and I felt myself push back onto him.

"Yeah come on girl...back up onto that dick...ou know you want it."

I slammed back and felt him bottom out into me, "You feel that Superboy? You got my whole cock up in you feel that? You're my whore...I'm your fucking man now."

He was stretching me so hurt but at the same time it felt hard cock was hanging out my uniform, precum dropping from my tip as I felt my ass begin to adjust to his size...and my brain start to melt under his words.

"`I was president of your fan club!"he said pulling back and slamming into me, "I cheered in the streets for you," another slam, "I thought we were best friends..." Another slam and I head myself whimper with each impact, "But I find out you're a fucking slut? You're walking around town letting anyone fuck you? What do you have to say for yourself Superboy?"

"I'm sorry! Oh god Pete I'm so sorry..." I whined.

"I thought you were my girl!" His cock punched into me again.

"I am! I'm your girl Pete...please...I'm your girl..."

"Then stop." SLAM. "CRAWLING." SLAM. "AWAY!"

He hit me again let out and I actually actually let out a mournful wail as I felt my ass just collapse under his huge boycock. Something in my brain snapped, I stopped crawling away, the screams in my head silenced...I laid there, face down, ass up, with Pete Ross fucking me like a bitch...

And I stopped fighting it.

I relaxed my hole and grunted as he began to rabbit fuck me with no mercy. At first I just laid there drool spilling out of my mouth as he just fucked into me like I was a hole to be used. But as it went on, I found my strength, and began to push up with my arms. I slowly went to all fours, the impact hitting me from a whole other angle, making lashes of light flare in front of me.

"Oh...oh..." I began to cry out, as I braced myself to his thrusts.

"Yeah there you go," eye taunted me, "that's my superwhore...come on me you want to be fucked."

I locked my arms and pushed back into his thrust, our hips slapped and I felt his cock just burst my ass walls apart, a small squeak escaping my mouth.

"Uhoh," he laughed. "I found someone's clit..."

He pulled back and hit me again, my whole head short circuited as I let out another yelp, as my cock began to liberally drip precum onto the floor.

"Oh girl is into it now...aren't you slut? You like daddy's cock?"

My mind broke again as I pushed back onto him, "Oh yeah...fuck me...fuck me..." I began to chant.

"Yeah push back, fuck yourself on that fuckstick!" Pete screamed.

I rocked back and forth on all fours, slamming myself back onto his huge dick, relishing the way my ass screamed when he forced his giant cock down my cunt.

"More..more...oh god..." I rambled, not even sure where I was anymore.

"Come on baby," he said, still not helping me fuck, "Show me how much of a dog you are..."

I kept fucking myself, faster and harder...I felt him slap my ass and order me to speak.

And I began to bark like a dog as I got fucked.

"Come on superdog...speak....louder, louder!!"

"RUFF! RUFF!!" I cried out as his cock destroyed my hole, I didn't care about anything anymore. I was humiliating myself on this kid's cock, not just nay kid, Pete Ross, my sidekick, my facing lackey! I was debasing myself on him like I was just some random bitch who needed to get off. Some cracked out whore, begging for a ride.

"Come on superdog....harder..." he said, yanking my cape back, pulling me into his thrusts.

I felt the air get knocked up of my lungs as he began to fuck me again, using my cape as a leash he would pulled me back onto his cock as he thrust forward with all his might. My eyes were rolled up in my head as I let one needy whine after another, begging him to use me, fuck me, breed me...

Treat me like the whore I was.

"Gonna shoot in you Superboy, gonna plant my seed up into your cunt...gonna make you my girl."

"The thought, of letting little Pete Ross shoot up in my ass...oh god...that was too much!


"You gonna be my superwhore?"


I felt his cock begin to throb in my ass and I lost it.

My own cock erupted under me, spraying the floor with enough cum to fill a swimming pool. Pete;s donkey dick flooded my tiny ass quickly, streams of hot cum dripping down my thighs as he kept fucking e with wet squelches. Oh god...she had bred me, I had let him fuck me in my uniform...

I pushed back harder and harder, wanting, needing every drop of cum Pete could give me...begging for more like the slut I had become.

My head hit the floor, and then nothing.

I woke up lying on an examination table, there was sheet over my naked body, only the professor was there.

"Welcome back," he said with a smile, "Here, you must be thirsty."

He handed me a glass of water, which I gulped down instantly, "Thank you," I said, my voice sounding ragged and hoarse.

"You were screaming a lot," he said, putting the glass away, "Might want to give your throat some time."

I felt my face grow red as all of my screaming and begging came back to me. I looked up at the professor and croaked, "Please tell me you got something."

He nodded, "I did. Thought I don't know if you're going to like it."

I sat up and felt my head spin a little, I steadied myself and wrapped the sheet around my body, "What is it?"

"Well I was scanning your during your ordeal...and I collected some interesting data. I also studied the pink K in detail, and I have come to some conclusions."

"What is it, what is it dong to me professor?"

He paused, and then sighed, "Nothing, the pink K is not affecting you at all."

I blinked twice, in shock.

"It is a very weak form of kryptonite, it is barely giving off any energy readings at all. At most, it is emitting a radiation that is lowering your inhibitions, much like alcohol does with humans. But that's about all it can do, you said this other kyrptonian boy, that he got angry when he was exposed to it?"

I nodded.

"And was he already mad at you to start?"

"Another nod."

"Well then see, that is it. All it can do is weaken your willpower some, but it can't create anything or generate a behavior. The truth is Superboy, all of those things, you want. Deep down in side of you, that is what you crave. All the pink K did was lower your inhibitions and allowed them to take hold."

" powers! I got weak around it."

"Yes but you also said this other boy, he was hitting you as hard as he could correct?" I nodded. "And he was also a full blooded kryptonian?" Another nod. "Well there is your answer as well, you are psychosomatically making yourself weaker because you wish to be dominated, but powers like your invulnerability, you can't turn those off. If your powers were actually being weakened, he would have left a mark or a bruise. I didn't see one on your whole body."

I sat there, feeling like my life was falling apart around me.

"This can't be right! I don't wanna be like this professor! I can't! I'm Superboy."

He sighed, "I can prove it to you. Pete, come back in please."

Pete walked back in, a smug smile on his face.

"You ready?" The professor asked him.

He nodded and the professor reached up and turned on a light.

"This is a pink K ray," he said, as the light hit me and I began to tingle, "A thousand times stronger than the crystals you've been exposed to."

"What! NO!" I cried out as I felt my powers begin to lessen, Pete walked over to me, unzipping his pants.

"Knees, now." He barked.

And I felt my legs crumble beneath me, not even a chance to fight it now.

He whipped out his soft cock, and my eyes got huge looking at it. My mouth began to water and I felt my own start to harden.

Out of control I leaned forward to suck it, and he stopped me with one hand "Nu-uh, not your mouth."

I turned around and presented my ass to him, he grinned and moved behind me, holding my quivering hole still. Oh god he was going to fuck me in front of the professor! Why did he turn this ray on, I tried to fight but Pete slipped the briefs around my head again as he pushed into me.

"Oh yeah...there's that pussy."

"Peettteee...." I moaned as I felt him fill me up, my ass fluttering around his girth.

"Oh yeah, come on while I'm fucking you!"

"I can't!" I cried out, my head fogging from the feeling of him slamming into me.

"I said fly you slut!" he slapped me on the ass and I jumped, and tried to...his hand came down again and again and I closed my eyes and focused...

I was barely hovering above the ground as Pete railed me.

"Higher!" he ordered.

"I can't!" I cried, the ray makes me so weak..."

The professor moved over to the ray, "No it doesn't Superboy, because it isn't pink K."

He turned it off and undid a light bulb, "It is simple a rose colored bulb, there was never any pink K ray."

Pete pumped into me and I felt a moan escape my lips as I realized, he was telling the truth.

"Fly superslut! Fly!"

In shock, I flew Pete around the lab as he rode me like a horse, his cock making my own dick leak with excitement. As I followed his orders I realized, everything the professor had said was true, it was all in my mind.

It had all been.

And this is who I was inside.

Closing my eyes, I just let Pete have his way with me, feeling my mind fog out with lust.

Next: Chapter 8

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