The Druid


Published on Aug 10, 2009


The summer sun slanted down through the green valley. The Druid priest was dressed in the traditional belted, white linen, long shirt which reached to his feet. His strong legs strode through the long grasses and summer flowers in the clearing. He held his great staff with one hand as he moved. The gnarled wand was the symbol of his position and known to all those he passed. There were few people on this path and soon the sun would be setting into the western sea leaving the countryside in total darkness before the moon and stars came out to light up the night sky. By his side walked a beautiful young man of noble birth carrying his spear which he used like the staff of the older man. He also wore the knee length white linen robe as well as the kilted brat which was bound at the waist and throw over his shoulder, his leather belt was covered in bronze and enamelled figures. By his side hung a sword of bronze finely worked and nestling in its leather scabbard. On his back was slung a great shield rounded and worked in leather and bronze. It shone in the evening light as he moved forward leading the older man on the path towards the rath (fort) of the prince of Connaught. they would not reach the great hall of the prince until morning. The boy warrior looked over his fine strong shoulders revealing a beautiful face, tanned and framed by long hair which shone in the light. He smiled as he looked at his master revealing his white teeth and his red lips. He was more beautiful than all the boys of the kingdom and had asked the king to be made the protector of the priest.

He opened his mouth and respectfully asked the great man if he would be allowed to run forward and prepare a fitting shelter for them for the on coming night. The priest smiled back and just nodded his consent. The boy warrior turned and breaking into a run moved his magnificent body with the ease of a falcon flying in the wind. His muscles straining under his linen garb. The priest looked at his protector as he moved gracefully forward jumping over the roots of trees and fallen branches. He disappeared into the dense forest and the priest felt a pang of loss as his eyes searched the beautiful form in the growing darkness. By the time the sun had given its last rays to the valley the priest arrived at a clearing by the great river, the water rushing down and over the rocks moving swiftly and gathering in dark pools. He looked around a fire had been made and the great brat (blanked) which the warrior boy wore kilted over his linen shirt was placed on the ground covering a load of cut bracken to make a bed for the night. By the waters edge lay the linen shirt and buckled sword. The shield was placed by the head of the bed and the spear stood upwards holding branches which had been cut to make a roof for the bed. The boy was nowhere to be seen. The great druid was worried, his eyes searched for the beautiful boy.

Suddenly some swans rose up into the air making a great flapping sound with their wings as they slapped the dark waters...The startled man turned around and as he did the boy emerged from the pool like a jumping salmon. His hair streamed water down his beautiful back and his manly chest rushing past his nipples and down his stomach muscles towards the dark hair of his beautiful sex.

The priest looked and felt the stirring of his heart as he watched the boy hold up in his outstretched hands two speckled trout who jiggled in his hands. He looked longingly as the boy strode from the river pool his strong legs all muscle and hair. He dropped the fish at the old man's feet unconscious of the the effect his naked body was having on the man. He knelt down and moved swiftly to pray and thank the river gods for the food they had provided and gutted the fish with his knife. His broad shoulders moving in the dying light The boy warrior placed the fish by the fire and watched them cook while he hugged his knees and shivered slightly in front of the fire. River water ran down his long hair and dripped from his sex and balls making a little pool which reflected the light of the fire. The Druid watched the boy and noticed the curve of his shoulders and the strong arms hugging his knees. He took his cape and draped it over the boys shoulders . The boy looked up and with a smile that said 'I LOVE YOU' and looked deeply into the older man's eyes.

The man touched his shoulders and shuddered with a pleasure he had not felt for years as the strong body responded to his touch. They sat together in front of the fire ate the fish looking at each other and examining each other in detail. The light reflected in the eyes of the boy. His pupils were so dilated that it seemed that his eyes were black as night. He looked at the older man's white grey beard and long hair and felt a sensation in his limbs an aching to touch the man's face.

He blushed and looked away into the fire. The druid stood and moved towards the bed the boy had lovingly prepared and taking his clothing off stood naked in the firelight. His body was solid but the years had slackened his muscles and he had a rounded belly which hung down over his stout sex and bull like testicles. He was magnificent his strong legs and chest sporting grey tufts of hair which was practically invisible against his white skin. His nipples stood out in the coldness of the night. His shoulders were very large and his arms were those of a warrior Druid not a soft priest. The man moved towards the bed turning his back to reveal a large muscular back with shoulder blades which moved beautifully under his white skin. The curve of his back bone and the sight of his rounded backside set the boys heart on fire. The druid moved slowly like a great bear and the power of his body was matched only by the power of his soul which shone through his skin in the light of the rising moon.

The man sat on the bed of bracken and beaconed the boy to come over telling him that they should keep each other warm that night. He said "Lord Druid, I am wet and would be a great discomfort to you and interrupt your rest." But the druid insisted and the boy stood letting the brat fall from his shoulders and revealing his whole beautiful body and the sex which was beginning to harden in the gaze of the man. He moved towards the bed and knelt by the druid who held up his hands to receive the long fingered hands of his protector. The boy moved his body close to the man he had been with for three days as they went from the Palace of Leinster to the Palace of Connaught. He had loved him from the first day he saw the powerful druid move solidly across the great hall with his staff in his strong hands and his powerful body. He had followed him about discretely over the months he was training with the kings troupes. One night of a full moon he watched from the shadows as the great druid removed his clothing and strode into the shallow lake which was his special holy place. It was here that he connected with the other world seeking the reflection in the full moon. He watched as he held up his long strong white arms and invoked the Moon goddess. He was fascinated and excited as this ceremony was only to be seen by the initiated priests of Dannan. The Druid felt the eyes of the boy on him but did not turn round. His body reflected in the dark pool as his sex became erect and he thrust it in the direction of the Moon Goddess. He made a great cry and ejaculated profusely gathering the seed in a bronze cup. This cup contained a mixture of herbs and other substances which the druid mixed with his sperm. Turning his back to the full moon he started to cover his face and chest with the mixture. The boy looked on as he saw the head and the chest of his desired one started to disappear before his eyes. The boy panicked, unable now to see the man he desired his heart sank. It was then that he bolted and ran to his quarters where he slept as best he could until the dawn. He was please in the morning to find his Druid restored and wondered if he had dreamed the scene. That morning he remembered the form and beauty of his man and held his sex as it grew and eventually exploded with pleasure. He slept each night thinking of the white skinned priest with his long beard and long silver white hair and the effect on him was electric. Each night he has spilt his seed on the forest floor wishing it was in the mouth of the beautiful man he had grown to love.

He had a new sensation now he wished the man to take him like a woman he wished to be full of his powerful body to feel his whole self full and completed by this man who was so close to him now. He moved his body closer to the man pushing his backside into the druids groin to feel the powerful manhood of the priest solidly expanding and stretching his scrotum to revel bulls balls dangling underneath. He was shuddering with a pleasure he had never felt before. It was so great that he trembled like a fawn. He was so nervous he was afraid that it would end soon. The druid spoke soft words in his ear and gently touched his face . He caressed the boy pulling his face closer to his and kissing his red oh so red lips.

The boys breath and heartbeat was as though he was in battle, he had served the king as a squire in the red branch knights for two years and had been a battle veteran. He had never felt like this during battle it was much more intense much more vivid, although it was now dark and the fire had died down the colours before the boys eyes were mesmerising. He felt the druid thrust forward with his powerful body and he put his hand down taking the man cock in his grip pulling it towards his hole which was wet with desire and opening to invite his lord to enter into union with him.

He whispered YES 'SHA A DHINE UASAL' yes my lord' as he felt the rounded top of the druids cock part the pink flesh around his hole and burrow deeply into his warm place.

ECSTASY, Paradise, heaven, he was shuddering with pleasure. His body had a will of its own he controlled nothing except the intense desire to have the man cock so deeply in his hole that he could squeeze his cheeks together and try to pull it even further into the place where desire becomes reality....

He bucked his rounded bottom and moved his body to get closer to his man his lover his master his pleasure giver. He cried out his name frightening the sleeping birds who flew up into the sky.

He was now at the peak of his pleasure, the older man moved his naked body slowly but with enormous force pushing pushing pushing deeply into his boys hole.. It was the best thing that he had ever felt in his life This was pleasure on a grand scale. He would never let this moment leave his mind or his soul. He was this man's body slave for life and waned nothing else in the world.

He looked over his shoulder to see the gleaming smiling eyes of the man who had made his life complete. He had been a champion at the royal game had all the ladies of the court at his beck and call but nothing could compare to this..

The druid gave out a great cry and said the boys name STEFAN STEFAN STEFAN, which means winged angel, he exploded into the boy entrails nearly making the boy feel as if he had been torn into two half's and that the druids cum would flood out of his mouth his cock was so far inside of him...

The boy exploded at the same time flooding the blanket as though it was the river which flowed nearby. He had played boys games in the great hall and had been handled by the prostitutes who hung around the barracks of the knights but nothing was like this.....


Next: Chapter 2

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