The Druid


Published on Aug 22, 2009


Chapter 7.

When the Queen woke next morning she radiated health, power and animal sexuality. Her appetite was enormous and she breakfasted on fruits, meat and small beer, followed by a young male warrior of fourteen who willingly lost his virginity to her that morning. The Druid woke at midday, he opened his eyes slowly, saw standing on guard by his bed his own Stefan. Stefan did not hear the druid but sensed his wakeful gaze on his back. The druid reached out and touched the hip of the watchful boy. This did not startle the boy at all but brought a smile to his juvenile face which no one but the gods could see. He was not at all tired given the wild activity of the night. He had lost count early on how many women he had covered but in 9 months time he was sure that a lot of half Lenister blooded children would be born. The stock of the clan of the Queen would thus be improved. Turloch had proved himself well and no doubt there would be several little Turlochs running around in the rath next year too.

There was a buzz of excitement running around the rath and the countryside. Many people explaining how strange things happened that night. Wives giggled as they told their friends that their usually boring husbands had performed for the first time in years that holy night. Many a virgin lost her or his virginity and walked about smiling in the warm sunshine.

The Druid beaconed to Stefan to come to him and holding his outstretched hand pulled his young man towards the bed. Stefan did not need to be asked twice. He gave a little laugh and smiling fell on the neck of his beloved, covering him with kisses and touching his beautiful old and lined face. He whispered love poems into the old man's ear and played with his lips, moustache and beard. He told the druid what had happened the night before and how he had acquitted the honour of Leinster in the arms of Connaught's lady warriors. He asked the Druid if he had felt anything strange during the night and explained his 'ghostly fuck'. The Druid laughed aloud and pulling the boy towards him planted a big hairy kiss on his sweet red lips. 'What do you think?' he asked.

'I suppose you had everything to do with it dear druid of my heart, my soul and my body, master of all of me from head to toe. Nothing happens in my life now which you are not part of, from the first day I saw you to this very minute. I owe you all honour and all service and all love my Lord.' The boy blushed, he was not used to making such a long speech directly to the lined and beautiful face of his lover. He looked away from the magnetic eyes but the the man pulled his face upwards and looking deeply into his eyes said; 'Stefan, you must know by now that you are my chosen one, that you are my husband and wife my slave and my master, indeed my everything, what you do not know is that you have been my chosen one for many thousands of years and that the dance of the the universe and time has brought us physically together many times, that we have been separated broken, murdered, and even hated each other many times'.

Stefan reacted violently, 'no, Lord it is impossible that I could ever have hated you'!

The Druid replied, 'remember Stefan that hate is not the opposite of love, indifference is the opposite of love'. You hated me a thousand times because I had things to do which you could never understand. Each of us has been growing in knowledge and love for centuries. The process is not finished yet. There is much work to be done over the centuries to come. Such wonders we will see together. Things you could never even dream of, such horrors we must see that even in your worst nightmares you cannot imagine. The druid became silent and lay there stroking the hair of his beloved and sensing his disarray at his words. He let his energy flow into the body of the boy as he touched his face and lips. He placed his long fingers in the boys mouth playing with his lips, tongue and beautiful white teeth. The boy sucked his finger like a suckling calf enjoying the feeling. The moist tongue and mouth felt like the vagina of a beautiful girl and both men's bodies reacted to the sensations they were feeling.

The druid leaned his long muscular, if a little chubby, body over on one side to look the boy up and down from head to foot. The symmetry of the face the beauty of the body was breathtaking. His desire became intense as he touched the boys chest and felt his heart beating faster and faster. Kissing came softly, the passion of an aged person, slow, intense and deliberate, each movement a dance in itself as the bodies came together gently. It was an intensity that is impossible to explain but each second lasted an hour each touch went into the very soul, no movement was superfluous. The hight of passionate lovemaking attained, both men lay together as one person as one soul inhabiting two bodies. which now intertwined in silence and pure love happy for the moment and for eternity. A gold light shone on the men as if the God of the sun was honouring the sensational fire which had enveloped them, consuming them but not destroying them, making them complete, full and rounded, a tree that contained the flower and the fruit, the leaf and the bare branch. A tree which reached into the ground and into the sky. This feeling had been many times before.

The druid remembered the Iranian boy, Shahin, the falcon, who had been his servant/ lover when he was high priest in the temples of Babylon. That same plenitude he felt at this moment. The same wholeness which had nothing to do with the sexual act itself but the power which it released in two men who inhabited the same soul. This was the Holiest of things, the Creative, Divine thing which brought greatness and good into the world which was constantly under attack from the negative, hateful and destructive forces of the Evil ones. Each day the power of destruction was gaining ground sapping the souls of the people, feeding on the misery it caused, reaping the fruits of injustice, madness and anger. There were a few like the druid who kept the gates of hell closed as much as possible, but even they were stretched to the full. A moment like this when love became a majestic thing his power increased ten fold. The boy did not understand how important he was in this process, his knowledge clouded by inexperience. The druid loved this boy/man/soul/heart and body and this love opened his heart to the power of the great Spirit. Without his love the power would be gone or diminished so much that the powers of evil would triumph.

They slept united and woke in the evening to be feasted by queen Maeve and her court.

Next: Chapter 8

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