The Druid


Published on Aug 25, 2009


The oak forests grew more dense as they progressed, the canopy of leaves and branches layered overhead blocked the strong sunlight. The forest floor carpeted with bluebells where the sun did managed to break through. The vision of dark and shaded greens inter spaced with flashes of majestic and vibrant colours was very stimulating to the druid who was very open to all sensory stimulation. The birds made a symphony of song and the wild animals moved about in security and without fear.

The tall staff of the druid tapped the forest floor and spread the 'moon energy' which it had stored in great perfusion the night of the full moon in the palace of Queen Maeve. All nature vibrated to the silent sound of this vector of power. It acted as a energy balance within the forest but only in the areas where this was necessary. Nature usually balanced itself but here in the darkest part of the forest something had unbalanced the equilibrium in areas, the spots, like holes, which became filled in with the passage of the energy rich druid and his staff. Flowers and plants grew again in these barren spots. The lines of ants and other insects no longer turned around these area but marched straight across the repaired areas of forest floor.

Stefan did not notice this as he led the way and therefore did not see the transformation taking place. The walking was at an easy pace and they would certainly reach a clearing and the rath of Connor Og by early evening. This chief was a subject to queen Maeve and would make them welcome on their arrival. Stefan heard a noise in the undergrowth to the left of the path and gripped the hilt of his sword a little tighter. His eyes followed the sound and he noticed that the animal or person was walking parallel to the path at about a hundred feet into the forest. He did not say anything as he did not wish to frighten his master.

The druid of course was and had been aware for sometime, having expected this happening since leaving the clearing outside the rath of the Queen. He was quietly confident of his powers but no one not even he could be certain of anything in this life except the eventual death of the body he inhabited. In the forest each step of the intruder sucked the life out of the ground, killing the insects and plants where his foot fell. The Druid felt this too as he put back the energy into the spots in question, too late of course for the dead who moved on to the next stage of their own journeys through life. The constant drain on his energy was painful but he was used to it. He looked straight ahead, ignoring the watcher and placing his thoughts in the vision of his lover moving his beautiful body in front of him. He notice the shine on his hair and the broad shoulders tapering down to his fine waist girdled by his bronze and leather belt and the kilted brat swaying as his beautiful hips moved. His strong calf muscles moving in rhythm as he moved through the forest. His shield was strung over his shoulder and he carried his spear in his right hand.

In a very swift movement which caught the Druid by surprise Stefan turned very quickly, hefted the spear in his right hand and threw it towards the source of the strange noise. The shaft of the spear turned on itself as it rushed towards the bushes. The speed of the projectile and the accuracy of the shot was astounding. His shaft touched something which made a ghostly screech. And thrashed about. Stefan rushed towards the spot before the druid could stop him. This was folly indeed, 'fools rush in where angels fear to tread' Stefan thrashed through the undergrowth, sword in hand and shield protecting his flank. He disappeared into the dark forest in the direction of the spear. The druid hear a shout, struggling sounds and then silence. He moved wearily towards the spot where Stefan disappeared. He. walked gingerly, listening to the cracking of the branches under his feet and holding his staff in front of him. He reached a spot where the undergrowth was flattened and there to his horror found the shield and sword of his beloved Stefan. His heart missed a beat as he noticed blood covering the dead grasses and flowers of the forest floor. He felt a huge surge of energy leave his body as the area sucked up his positive energy. The blood trail led westwards and he followed it. He moved slowly through the forest, loosing energy with every step as the barren places were renewed by his lunar energy. He knew this was a trap and he knew he was in mortal danger but he did not care a jot. His only preoccupation being his beloved boy and his safety.

In the darkness, surrounded by burning brands, Stefan awoke to find that he was chained to the celling of an huge cavern. His head ached and he felt blood trickle down his face and fall on his naked body from his nose. Some one or something had thrown a bucked of freezing cold water over him and it trickled down his body making a cold pool in which his feet barely touched. His naked body reflecting in the pool in the flickering lights. He felt movement, shadows, spirits like creatures moving about just outside his vision. He was so frightened, he felt alone, lost and stupid for being captured and leaving his beloved druid alone without protection. He was being watched, he was being grossly insulted in resounding voices now, voices who called him a whore, a bitch hot boy with the desires of a bitch in heat. He felt the jet of cum on his chest and his back, on his legs and even on his face. Whoever it was, was covering him in strong smelling liquid hot cum, there were many of them because as he struggled the cum came faster and stronger as if being induced by his efforts to free himself. The boy cried and felt humiliated, he had never felt this before even when he had been initiated into the cohort of the red branch Knights and had been made the woman of the troop. This was different, it was evil and he felt abused and dirty. He fell into a stupor slumping down and feeling his weight dragging on the chains which attached his wrists. There was blood flowing from the wrists down his arms mixing with the hot cum and flowing downwards towards the pool of water under his feet. He pissed himself unable to control his bladder, the piss mingling with the mess of cum and blood gathering at his feet. He felt the crack of a whip touch his flesh and sting his back then his backside and his legs, more blood, more pain, more humiliation, more taunts as he was called a little cum pig and a useless piece of shit. He closed his eyes and tried to think of his lover, he brought the image of the Druid into his mind and ignored the men or monsters who taunted him. Then he felt the worst thing imaginable a pair of claws seemed to be pulling his cheeks apart and stuffing a rod into his arse hole. It was not a pleasant thing like when he made love and gave himself to his beloved but a rough unbearably hot solid rod which tore into his entrails and pushed into the extremes of pain and humiliation. He passed out again and again had a bucket of ice cold water thrown in his face.

The Druid moved more quickly fearing the worst, he could sense the pain of Stefan , knew he was injured and wished to save him. He knew that a body could only take so much and would be irreparably lost to evil and the love of pain if he did not reach him soon. He stopped dead in his tracks, He planted his staff in the ground heavily so that the shaft went into the ground like a hot knife into butter. He drew all his concentration together and became still and silent as he looked towards the sun light which caught his upturned face. He knew this was a trap to capture him and that the boy was being tortured in order to have him make a fatal mistake.

The Druid sent a message to his lover. 'Stefan, Stefan', he cried. 'Be still, the struggle and humiliation you are suffering is giving power over you to these monsters who have captured you, the more you struggle and the more you feel humiliated the stronger they become, they are eating your vital energy, be quiet, think of me with your whole mind and I shall find you very soon.'

In the cavern, Stefan heard the message of his master and ceased to struggle and concentrated on the image of his beloved. There was a short silence as the tormentors regrouped and then redoubled their actions. Now the cum was coming faster and thicker than before but Stefan was not feeling it, he no longer felt the sting of the whips which continued to cover his body with welts and bring blood to the surface. He became a spirit liberated from pain whose only reason was to contemplate the eyes of his beloved Druid.

In the forest the druid resumed the search, moving steadily towards a cave in the hillside which stood in front of him.

Next: Chapter 10

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