The Dryad

By reece .

Published on Mar 13, 2012


All the usual disclaimers apply here. This is my work and it can only be distributed by me.

I would just like to thank every single person that has messaged me and please if you haven't I would love to hear from you. Also this chapter is dedicated to Charlie, with a big thank you.

The Dryad part 3.

Bone of stone, Flesh of vine, Skin of bark, Mind of soul.

The relationship between me and my mother severely deteriorated after the death of my father. I over heard her once explaining to a friend that every time she saw me she aw my father and so she didn't want to look at me anymore. She loved my father to bits and she would of happily of traded places with him. He was hit by a young driver as he was crossing the road, the guy in the car came around the corner too fast and my dad didn't have a chance to move out of the way. After his death everything changed and the only thing that didn't change was the school that I went to. However my home changed, my mum changed, I changed but most specifically I lost my gran, the last connection to my dad and I lost her. I always loved her and always will just like I always loved my dad and always will.

I once again arose in the softest sheets I had ever felt to a knock at my door which was ever so annoying. I am a god of a forest; I at least deserve a lie in. Not that I was letting the power go to my head or anything. I was tired due to reading all through the night before, studying my hand book as it were. I learnt a lot about my abilities and why they came out and the emotions behind them. My abilities will naturally progress like any other aspect of nature, I will grow as any plant or animal does. My powers are fully accessed by my subconscious tapping into the deep rooted core of magic when adrenaline pumps around my body and when that is tapped it just flows with pure thought but otherwise when I use my abilities out of a neutral state it will require great focus. I also learnt about my passive, automatic abilities. I obviously have an instant connection with nature on a spiritual level and everything has a spirit which ties in greatly to the Native American religion, I also act as a walking super fertilizer as I will make any plant in a small radius grow at a faster rate and also, I have the sight of nature where I see the truth. My grandma was awesome might I add because I now know a host of insults to throw at werewolves.

So returning to the imminent annoyance of a knock on the door I got up out of bed and merely, for a moment thought of dressing myself but I thought against it. It was my bloody forest after all. I got up and walked out of my bedroom and walked by the sleeping Jasper and Vixen and opened the door to find a hulking man with a business suit on his body and a look of surprise on his face, with an aura of a wolf surrounding him, a wolf that far exceeded the size of Nick's or Mark's.

"Hello, I'm here to make an offer on the oil reserves that lie under your house" he said trying to gain his composure again "me and the lady who used to live here were speaking about it before she passed, she said you would honour her dying wish by selling the land to me and donating the money to the local animal rescue centre" he said in a very formal tone although admittedly it was hard for me to hear what he said completely as I could hear the constant whispers of the forest calling him a liar but I knew that already as his eyes kept flicking to his right. You look to the left when you are recalling information and you look to the right when you're trying to think of something to say. It was how my dad always used to catch me out.

"Well I'm sorry" I said to him looking down at the ground and focusing my energy on the untapped potential that lay in the soil, feeling my spiritual aura flowing out and touching the blades of grass and slipping down the lades and down the roots until I found the soil and calling on some blueberry seeds to the location I nurtured them and poured my life energy into them. He was saying something to me and I could vaguely make out `are you ok?' through the haze but everything else was silent and he was surprised by this as I saw him looking bewildered and spinning around in my peripheral vision. I continued to bring this bush to life and I could feel everything looking at me, whether they had eyes or not, as this stupid changeling spun around like an immature schoolgirl. The bush sprouted and started growing the cells rapidly growing and multiplying and the leaves rapidly forming and the fruits bursting out of newly formed pods and there it stood in all its glory, my first creation, my blueberry bush. I might as well eat out for breakfast as I already had a strawberry bush and now a blueberry bush in my front garden.

"Funnily enough I don't think my grandma really wanted to sell this house and funnily enough I don't sense an oil reserve underneath us, Halfling" I spoke with venom in my voice as I was slowly getting more and more pissed off with werewolves. His face looked towards the blueberry bush and then registered my words. He then had a moment of recognition and took it upon himself to try and kill me.

"You're the bastard who hurt my boys" he screamed at me, his hands curling around my neck, tugging on my life force. Dryads cant die, not properly anyways, the only true death we suffer is from long life yet the mans hands around my neck was enough of an adrenal rush to make my body glow blue and acting purely on thought the stream started flowing faster than ever turning it into a fast flowing river.

"Oh that's it you make the river run faster" he said to me hearing the river roaring just under 30 feet away "god you are pathetic, your grandmother would be ashamed" he laughed in my face, in my face.

"No ... I'm just giving ... it a ... detour!" I managed to croak out as I focused on the stream and felt each and every water molecule and particle of soil flow by me roaring with the rage I couldn't express. I felt in as a piece of ribbon in my hands and stopped it from moving behind the house and moved it around my house. I opened my eyes to see the newly formed river gushing past me though mid and rejoining the river proper on the other side, much like a temporary ox bow lake. The man had stopped to marvel at this and his marvel suddenly grew to fear as he realized that the space between him and the levitating, fast moving river was advancing on him. Closer and closer it got to him as he stood there. He threw me at it and I stopped inside it and stared at him. I felt the water molecules move around me and the touch of the water spirits as they passed by me. To me, sitting in the river, it was like a still body of water but to him it was a river of destruction one that was gonna sweep him out of here. The river was nearly upon him and he had no where to go no matter how hard he pressed his back into the wall and all the while I stared at him in the middle of the river. Looking around I noticed I wasn't the only one, every creature was staring at him, eyes or not. Finally the river got him and he was sucked in and he went flying off, stuck under water, fighting for air in his panic and was out of sight before he knew it. I returned the River to the way it was and watched as the pale blue light faded from my skin.

I had no messages on my phone from my mum. It had been two nights since I had been away and she still hadn't noticed. After the incident with the lovely father of the three lovely bastards I came in for a nap and decided to focus on moving water. I was staring at the water once again feeling the molecules and imagining every drop fighting gravity and moving upwards, feeling my aura send out blue sparks to the water, jolting it upwards, letting my energy flow out of me and to encompass it and move it. After I had managed to make it hover in the air I started to move it so that Vixen and Jasper could have a drink of it. It was quite an amazing sight to watch a fox drink from a floating ball of water. It was like a bit of string from me to the water something that would help me control it.

After that I decided to go running through the forest as I needed to clear my head. This was all so new to me and it was still a lot to take in.

`Do you want me to come with you' Vixen thought to me. I could hear in her voice the worry that she was feeling and I knew that the feelings of anxiety was rolling off me in waves.

"No I'll be alright on my own besides I'll have a whole forest watching me" I said smiling back at her and even though she could smell the truth she seemed to back off just for the time being.

I exited the house and decided that I would just set off in the direction behind the house .I walked quickly through the stream and carried on through the forest, jumping over logs and avoiding trees. I ran for a while and sometimes a few of the rabbits from the day before ran with me in silence but just there for company until they tired and stopped or until they ran off in a different direction. I was out for about a half an hour before I saw a light filled clearing ahead of me and figuring I must have gone full circle and arrived back at the cottage, I approached the clearing. Except there was no cottage in the clearing their was merely the softest grass I had ever felt beneath my feet, so soft I wanted to roll around on the floor in it, feeling every fibre of this soft grass caress each inch of my body. I absolutely adored running freely naked through the forest. It was the single most liberating thing I have ever done, even more liberating than ripping the skin of the triplets to pieces.

As I was about to roll around in the grass I noticed my Bear next to the tree line. As I approached him I noticed that it wasn't my Bear it was in fact a bare bear with the aura of my Bear, lying over there. Here I stood staring at my Bear who was actually a bare bear who had the aura of my Bear – a Werebear. My Bear was a Werebear and was lying over there, bare.

He was fine as well. Long muscular legs coated in dark curls of hair, strong and taut stomach with a perfect V leading down to his generously sized dick. He had large biceps which led to big hand with long fingers and the same dark curly hairs all over his chest and arms. Along one arm he had a tribal tattoo of a bear yet the bottom half of the bear was a swirl of fire, fire that wrapped around his bicep. His face was perfect. Stubble, large head, square jaw, wide nose, medium ears, jet black short hair and eyes like sapphires.

As soon as I noticed that he was staring back at me and his dick was rising at the same rate mine was I wanted to jump him but with the hungry look in his eyes scaring the shit out of me I ran ... right into a tree. Then I came out the other side three miles away on the edge of the clearing and before me stood my home. I ran inside before I could even register the teleportation and sat down on the sofa.

Replaying it in my mind I felt everything. The initial spark of fear was all I needed to access the core of my power, I felt myself condensing and merging my water molecules with the wood, the atoms held together by my subconscious will, I felt those atoms move through the massive connection of roots through to the tree on the edge and felt the water of my body being pushed out of the tree and my atoms reforming and remaking what once was. I saw it all, my DNA the very essence of the body.

I sat down and after highlighting the song `Never let me go' by Florence and the Machine on my phone I started to read the chapter on body building. It was something to do with capturing a spirit and placing it inside a body constructed of the elements. The body form would then be fused and the spirit would shape it properly.

After I finished that chapter and reviewed on how difficult it was I decided to go to bed for a while. As I crawled under the sheets I called for Vixen and Jasper and settled down for a few hours.

I awoke to what I thought was a creak but must have been nothing because I didn't hear anything. Yet it wasn't hearing that I needed. As I was looking down my bed for Vixen and Jasper I noticed a silhouette. A silhouette of a big man. Before I could even scream he had pounced on me and it was only as my skin started to glow grey that I noticed that it was my Bare Bear. I calmed down but only momentarily as I focused on the arm that was under me. Focusing on the carbon molecules of my body and rearranging them into a diamond layer of my skin. As sexy as this guy was and as horny as I was and as horny as he was I wasn't having him on top, I am no ones bitch. So, laying both my arms down and applying pressure copying earthquakes and focusing on the power of the earth I pushed upwards and watched as he went flying up. I heard the thud as he hit the ceiling and the other thud as he hit the bed.

Coming down from my power trip I went and checked on. As I was placing my fingers on his nick looking for a pulse he sprung up and grabbed my arm, pulling me down. I wasn't scared anymore an I just stared into his sapphire eyes.

"I'm James" he said in a rough, husky voice. "I'm your Bear" he said with a smirk on his face and the smirk only got bigger as my face turned crimson.

"I'm Riley" I replied to him, sure that he already knew my name but it was nice to be formally introduced. "I know that this may seem a bit forward but can I kiss you?" I said to him feeling an instant connection to him a connection that was not only due to our respective natures but it was, well it was chemistry.

"Of cour-" was all he managed to get out before I roughly pushed my lips against his until he stopped me and quickly explained his reasons " I want this to be slow and passionate" a concept which was unfortunately alien to me after so long.

"Teach me" I said to him, not commanding but pleading. I truly didn't know how to be slow and passionate and loved. I just thought it would be like this always. Nick had always explained that he was nicer than most and that guys like me would always be controlled by guys like him and I just accepted it, so afraid of fighting it or more specifically him.

"Just follow me" he said back to me. He placed his lips son mine softly and opened his mouth ever so slightly, licking my lips with his tongue. So I copied and opened my mouth a little and swiped my tongue over his lower lip. He put his hand on my waist and pulled me into him. Our naked bodies pressed together our hardons pressed together and as I moved to grab his like I thought I should he stopped me. "Not tonight" he spoke in that same voice that sent shivers down my spine, that voice that raised my hairs more than the rush of controlling nature.

He stopped and pulled away and before I could ask where he was going he climbed under the covers and stared at me until I joined him. When we were both under he kissed me in the same way as before and pulling my head onto his chest, I fell asleep to the hypnotic metronome of his heartbeat. For the first time in over ten years I felt truly loved by another human being.

I awoke in the morning to find my Bare Bear making me an omelette. An omelette which he promptly served on the table with salt, pepper, knife, fork, glass of orange juice and a rose.

"Thank you" I said to him with genuine gratitude in my voice a gratitude I hadn't felt leave my lips in a very long time. "So I was thinking about going to town and getting some supplies, maybe a TV or a radio or something to modernise the place a little" I suggested to him.

"Yeah alright I can go and get the TV and you get the shopping" he suggested back which sounded like a fair deal, the big strong guy with the TV and the smaller weak guy with the few items of shopping. "I know I guy who can get it a bit cheaper and I could get a few bonuses with it for free" he continued. As I reached for my wallet that was sitting on the table next to the sofa he stopped me "Don't worry I'll get this besides you can call it a house warming gift" he said with a smile on his face.

When we arrived in town I instantly hated it. I felt so drained in this place and I couldn't even feel the spirits of the stones as it was all asphalt and the building were just made of ground up rock particles. James had gone to go get the TV and I had started walking in the direction of the supermarket. As I got there I quickly got the necessary items like eggs, milk, butter, bread and some toiletries and then paid and left anxious to get home. As I was walking the dead streets I saw James carrying a TV and saw him place it on the ground as he waited for me. Then I felt it. The feel of eight hands grabbing and pulling. The stabbing of knives the tearing of teeth. I heard James' footsteps and I heard the gushing of my blood. I heard Mark spit on me and his dad kick me, I felt Nick stomp on my dick and I felt my soul slip away from my body as the youngest, Chris, slit my throat. I watched them pour me with petrol and light the match. I even felt the flames. However I was a ghost and all I could do was watch James burst into tears as he saw my burned mutilated body. A body that burnt to ash and blew away in the wind.

Hi to all of you that read the bottom bits I will hopefully get the next one out by this weekend and please keep sending me those e-mails I really do love it when I receive them and I am sorry this chapter is a bit short but Ill hopefully make the next one a bit bigger.


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