The Encounter

By JP Aradon

Published on May 25, 2024


This story is about adult men having gay sex with humans and aliens. If you like this type of fiction, please donate to

The Encounter By Jaradon

Trooper Mike Rosario was tired of spending another night guarding the lake. People had reported seeing strange lights hovering over the water. Captain Nelson had assigned the young officer to make sure no trespassers would drown trying to witness the phenomenon. The people who had seen the lights thought they were UFOs.

"They were probably high " Captain Nelson blamed everything on drugs.

Trooper Rosario stepped out of his vehicle to stretch his legs.

"I don't think any aliens are dropping tonight " he thought looking up at the star filled night sky.

Trooper Rosario was not afraid of aliens. The twenty-eight -year-old Latino had other things on his mind. Rosario was horny.

"Now you are sexy one "Trooper Rosario looked at the images of naked internet models on his phone.

"I love those lips around my cock" Rosario thought imagining one the Internet models sucking on his eight-inch uncut dick. He opened his fly took out cock and began to stroke it.

"Yeah, baby lick it good."

Trooper Rosario remembered a man who was checking him out at a rest stop. The man was forty years old he was dressed in a business suit and was on his way back home from working in the city. The man could not keep his eyes off Rosario's dick as they pissed into the urinal. Gay men were always staring at him turned on by the uniform or his body. Rosario was, five'10' 200 lbs. of muscle. Rosario had nothing against gay men, but he only liked having sex with women.

"Suck my dick! "Rosario imagined a woman keeling before him worshipping his cock.

The trooper did not notice the tall figure standing behind him until he felt a hand his shoulder.

"What the fuck!" Rosario turned around and came to face with the six-foot tall alien.

The trooper reached for his revolver, but he froze.

The alien stared into the human's eyes.

Rosario dropped the weapon.

The humanoid looking alien caressed Rosasrio's face.

Rosario shut his eyes, but it was too late the alien had invaded his mind.

The alien placed its hand over the trooper 's head.

Rosario could feel a force probing his brain.

"Hey buddy"

Rosario opened his eyes and saw the man from the rest stop bathroom.

"You are not supposed to be here sir."

"I followed you "

"This area is off limits to the public."

The man looked around

"Its fine officer there is nobody here but us."

"You should leave sir."

"Let's have some fun first "the man looked at Rosario's cock.

"I'm not gay sir."

" Come on its better than jerking off."

The man knelt in front of the trooper.

"You need this "

Rosario hade never let another man suck his cock but there was something about this man he trusted.

"This is just between us " Rosario said

"Sure buddy "

The man pulled down the troopers' pants.

"Nice cock "

Rosario felt the man's tongue licking the head of dick.


The man started to suck on the trooper's hard shaft.

"That feels so good" Rosario thought.

The man could not get enough of the trooper's cock.

"You are going to make me cum."

The man stopped pleasuring Rosario

"You want to suck me?"

The man opened his fly and took out his eight inch dick

"I can tell you are curious."

Rosario knelt in front of the man and put the cock in his mouth.

"Loving it man."

Rosario felt the man's hand on the back of his head.

"Take it deep bud."

The man was fucking the trooper's mouth.

"So good so good"

Rosario felt the hard cock rubbing against the back of his throat

"Ready for my load trooper"

The man ejaculated into Rosario's mouth coating it with the warm creamy substance.

"Good right?"

Rosario wiped his lips.

"Yeah it was "

The man kissed Roasario on he lips .

"No kising"

The trooper pushed the man away.

"Come on Mike you want me to fuck you?"

Rosario stared at the man's face wich had begun to change.

"This can't be happening "

Rosario snapped out of the trance. He was on an examination table inside a spaceship.

"How did I get here" Rosario wanted to move but an invisible force was holding him down.

Rosario was horrified to see small gray aliens placing a suction tube over his erect cock.

"Get off me "

The tall alien appeared holding a dildo shaped instrument.

"You'll like this Mike" the alien sounded human'

"How do you know my name!'

Rosario felt his legs lifted as if they were in a stirrup.

"We know all about you Mike "

The alien placed the device near the human's but hole.

"Sleep Mike sleep"

Mike opened his eyes, and he was back in high school. He saw the members of the football team beating a younger student.

"Nerds eat shit!" the football jocks chanted as they ganged on a skinny boy with glasses.

"Give those back to me "the boy pleaded

"Make us do it nerd! `

The boy was crying he looked so helpless.

"Enough guys! `

The football players stopped recognizing the voice of their team captain.

"We are just having some fun Rosario"

Rosario took the books from the jocks and handed it to the boy.

"Sorry about that"

The boy stared into Rosario's eyes .

"Thank you" "

"If they bother you again let me know"

The boy wiped his tear and smiled

Rosario wanted to hold the boy in his arms and keep him safe.

"Whats you name? Rosario asked

But before the boy could answer Rosario hear a voice in his head

"Wake up Mike"

Trooper Rosario woke up inside his vehicle.

The sun had begun to rise over the lake.

Trooper Rosario felt disoriented. He drove away from the area as fast as he could and did not stop until he reached his apartment.

"Not coming in today I don't feel well" he had told his headquarters. He had vomited as soon as he got into the bathroom. Rosario stripped off his clothes and stepped into the hot water.

"It was all a dream "he kept telling himself about the previous night.

"Sleep I need sleep" he kept telling himself as he got into the bed and pull the covers of his head but instead of sleep he began to dream.

Rosario was back at the lake. He looked up and saw the ship hovering over heard bathing the scene in bright colors that kept changing.

"Beautiful "he thought.

Rosario realized he was naked. He could feel the light on his body it was sending vibrations which were giving him sexual pleasure.

"This is not real" he thought.

Rosario felt the presence of someone behind him. Hands touched his nipples. Rosario was getting arouse by the touch. His dick was hard. The hands massaged his hard on. Rosario did not want the man to stop. He felt the hands jerking him off.

"Oh yes "

Rosario felt the man's cock penetrating his ass.

"Fuck me harder" Rosario pleaded.

The man fucking the trooper knew what he was doing he was driving Rosario mad with pleasure.

`Love it "Rosario moaned. He wanted to see the face of the man. Rosario turned and saw it was the alien.

Rosario woke up from his nightmare. He felt his chest and realized he had ejaculated all over himself. Rosario had not had a wet dream since he was teenager.

Rosario wiped the cum off with a towel. Rosario had slept with women all his adult life the thought of having sex with men had never entered his mind until now.

"There is no way I've gone gay" Rosario he looked at the porn images he had saved on his phone. The big breasted women who had always made him horny; but his dick remained limp.

"What the fuck" Rosario was about to throw his phone across the room when he received text message from Pete Novak who was his best friend on the force.

"Hey bud how you feel."

Rosario read the message.

"Better should be back tomorrow."

"Good let me know if you need anything "

"Thanks bro" Rosario texted back.

Rosario and Novak had been friends since high school. They had been teammates on the football team. Novak had convinced him to go into law enforcement. Novak was married but they spent their free time together either watching sports or going on fishing trips.

"We got to that again soon" Rosario thought as he looked a photo of Novak grinning as he proudly held up a fish he had caught.

Rosario had never thought about Novak in sexual way but now his eyes focused on his friend's body, the hairy chest, the strong arms, the bulge in his tight shorts.

"You are sexy fuck bud."

Rosario began to imagine what it would be like to have sex with his fellow officer and his cock got hard.


©2024 Jaradonfiction

Comments and suggestions welcomed.

Next: Chapter 2

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